poor progress of labour

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology · Bureau of Medicine and Surgery · 2000 Slide 1 POOR PROGRESS OF LABOUR Dr.M.Thirukumar Consultant obstetrician and Gynaecologist Teaching Hospital Batticaloa

Transcript of poor progress of labour

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Dr.M.ThirukumarConsultant obstetrician and GynaecologistTeaching Hospital Batticaloa

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What is the importance?

• 1/3 of caesarean section, mainly in nulliparous –due to poor progress of labour.

• Uncommon in multiparous- only in 2%

• The rates of dystocia differs among practitioners mainly due to difference in labour management.

• Success in decreasing the incidence of dystocia among nulliparous will have impact on overall rate of caesareans birth

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Labour• Regular, frequent uterine

contraction which leads to progressive cervical effacement and dilatation

to culminate progressive descend of fetus to have vaginal delivery.

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Progress of Labour

• Effacement (thinning)• Dilatation (opening)• Descent (progress through the

birth canal)• Delivery of the baby and


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The Labour Curve

• First stage - A: latent phase; B + C + D: active phase; B: acceleration; C: maximum slope of dilation; D: deceleration; E: second stage.Adapted from: Friedman. Labor: Clinical evaluation and management, 2nd ed, Appleton, New York 1978.

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Definition of the first stage

• Latent first stage of labour – when

-there are painful contractions, and

-there is some cervical change, including cervical effacement and dilatation up to 4 cm.

• Established first stage of labour – when:

regular painful contractions, and

progressive cervical dilatation from 4 cm.

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Disorders of labour

• 3 major disorders

1)prolonged latent phase

2)primary dysfunctional labour

3)secondary arrest

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Latent Phase Labour• <4 cm dilated• Contractions may or may

not be painful• Dilate very slowly• Can talk or laugh through

contractions• May last days or longer• May be treated with

sedation, hydration, ambulation or rest.

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• During latent phase changes occurs in

-collagen content of the cervix

-ground substance of the cervix

-hydration state of the cervix

so remodelling effacement of the cervix occur

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• Duration of latent phase

• Primi -20 hours(average-8.6 hours)

• Multi -14 hours(average 5.3 hours)

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Management of latent phase

• Reassurance

• Pain relief

• Mobilisation

• Augmentation with oxytocin increases

-caesarean rates by 10 fold

-3 fold increase in law apgar score

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Active Phase Labour

• At least 4 cm dilated• Regular, frequent, usually

painful contractions• Dilate at least 1.2-1.5 cm/hr• Are not comfortable with

talking or laughing during their contractions

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Duration of the first stage

• varies between women,

• first labours last on average 8 hours and are unlikely to last over 18 hours.

• Second and subsequent labours last on average 5 hours and are unlikely to last over 12 hours.

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Definition of delay in the established first stage

• needs to take into consideration all aspects of progress in labour and should include:

• cervical dilatation of less than 2 cm in 4 hours for first labours

• cervical dilatation of less than 2 cm in 4 hours or a slowing in the progress of labour for second or subsequent labours

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• descent and rotation of the fetal head

• changes in the strength, duration and frequency of uterine contractions.

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Primary dysfunctional labour

• Poor progress in active phase of labour(up to 7 cm dilation of the cervix)

• Affects 26% of nullipara

8% of multipara

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Causes of dystocia

• 1)inefficient uterine activity is a significant factor. Due to

-induction of labour

-inadequate stimulation of contraction

-failure of uterine response to stimulation

• 2) relative disproportion due to deflexion of the fetal head-OPP,asynclitism,inaduate cephalic flexion

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• 3) Cephalo pelvic dispropotion

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Possible outcome of primary dysfunctional labour

• It leads to-obstructed labour

- infection

- uterine rupture


• 70% of nullipara and 80% of multipara will respond to oxytocin

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Secondary arrest

• Cessation of cervical dilation following a normal period of active phase dilatation.

i.e after 7 cm of cervical dilation

• Affects 6% of nulliparae and 2 % of multiparae

• CPD is more likely to be associated with it

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Assessment in secondary arrest

• 1) fetal size-fundal height >40 cm in this stage is due to large baby

• 2)degree of engagement(fifth palpable)

• 3)position of the presenting part

• 4)signs of obstruction

• 5)any pelvic mass

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• 6)descent of presenting part with contraction

• 7)contraction frequency

• 8)fetal well being

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• SO assess following before any intervention

1)EFW-fundal height > 40 cm at this stage is large baby

2)Degree of engagement

3)Position of the presenting part

4)Evidence of obstruction

5)Any pelvic mass

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Engagement• entrance of the largest diameter of the

presenting part into the true pelvis.

• In relation to the head, the fetus is said to be engaged when it reaches the midpelvis or at a zero (0) station.

• Once engaged, fetus does not go back up. Prior to engagement occurring, the fetus is said to be "floating" or ballottable.

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Position of the presenting part


• Junction of 3 suture lines is posterior fontanel

• Junction of 4 suture lines-anterior fontanel

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Occiput transverse positions 

Occiput anterior positions 

Fetal position

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Degree of flexion/Attitude

• If only posterior fontanel is felt-it is well flexed fetal head. Here the cervix is regularly dilated

• If only anterior fontanel is felt-It is deflexed head(face /mento vertex presentation)

• If both fontanels are felt .-it is partially deflexed head. Here the cervix is also irregularly dilated

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Types of attitude

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Complete flexion-

• (a) normal attitude in cephalic presentation. "chin is on his chest." This allows the smallest cephalic diameter to enter the pelvis, which gives the fewest mechanical problems with descent and delivery.

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Moderate flexion

• (b) - head is only partially flexed or not flexed. It gives the appearance of a military person at attention. A larger diameter of the head would be coming through the passageway.

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Poor flexion or marked extension

• . it is extended or bent backwards. This would be called a brow presentation. It is difficult to deliver because the widest diameter of the head enters the pelvis first. This type of cephalic presentation may require a C/Section if the attitude cannot be changed.

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Hyperextended• . In reference to the cephalic position, the

fetus head is extended all the way back. This allows a face or chin to present first in the pelvis. If there is adequate room in the pelvis, the fetus may be delivered vaginally.

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• One parietal bone presents at a higher plane than other ,with the head in the transeverse position as it enters the pelvis.

• Anterior asynclitism –physiological

• Posterior asynclitism is unfavourable and may indicate dispropotion

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Management of poor progress in labour

• Decide whether it is safe to continue the labour

• If obstruction of labour / fetal distress-need operative delivery

• decide whether expectant policy is appropriate

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Management of poor progress in labour

(1)One to one care

- it decreases the likelihood of medication for pain relief, instrumental delivery,C/S,

APGAR <7in 5 minutes

-encourage to adopt whatever the position comfortable-sitting, reclining,lateral semi recumbent position

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(2) Maternal hydration and pain relief

-40 % of nulliparous will respond to normal saline infusion

-edidural or narcotics

(3) Mobilization

(4) Amniotomy –if not done earlier

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• If delay in the established first stage of labour is suspected, amniotomy should be considered for all women with intact membranes.

• perform a vaginal examination 2 h .and if progress is less than 1 cm a diagnosis of delay is made.

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• When delay in the established first stage of labour is confirmed the use of oxytocin should be considered

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5) Oxytocin for augmentation

-evaluate clinical situation i.e exclude obstructed labour and fetal distress .also consider maternal wishes in decision making.

-for poor progress due to inefficient/ in coordinate uterus contraction.

-60-80% of patients will respond to oxytocin by improving cervical dilation.

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• perform a vaginal examination 4 hours after commencing oxytocin in established labour. If there is less than 2 cm progress after 4 hours of oxytocin, further obstetric review is required to consider caesarean section. If there is 2 cm or more progress, vaginal examinations should be advised 4-hourly.

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• Titrate every 30 minutes till 4 contraction for 10 min with each last 40 seconds.

• Moniter continuously –CTG

• If augmentation exceeds 8 hours duration it is unlikely to result in successful vaginal delivery

• 8% of muliparae and 22% of nulliparae -fail to respond to oxytocin

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Ways to reduce the poor progress of labour

• Correct diagnosis of labour.(Pay attention on effacement of the cervix)

• Good midwifery care in labour room.

• Sustaining the morale of the woman and her partner

• Maintain hydration well

• Provide adequate analgesia

• maintain the partogram

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