mm m mm " """"^ m WINtERVILLE DEPARTflEN i This Ht-pM-tment is in charge ot F. C. Xye who is authorized to represent The Eastern Ketlector in VVinterville and vicinity. t 1 ~*" Rubber bvots, rubber shoes. Now is the time to purchase rubber COBtal and heavy work' your Box Body Carts while they Bhoes a specblty. llaarringtonj are cheap, lhe A. G. Cox Man- Baiber&Co. " juiscturing Co., havo plenty of Miss Novella Bun'irg went to them on hand. Call and see them. Ayden Friday evening. Beautiful souvenir cards at We can fu: pish you all kinds Harrington. Barber & Co. of moulding! and turned wood Mrs J. K. Cooper left yeeter- work for buifiiflps on short no- day evening to spend a lew days tice, Carolina Milling & Mfg. HOG ISLAND. 11 New Tobacco Market. A new tobacco market will be } established at Snow Hill, the | county seat of Greene county, I Eastern North Carolina. Two j warehouses, two leaf houses, storage houses, etc., are being 1 built, and the market will be in Ifull bunt next season Snow Hiil i* located in what is known Th. story of IU N.-.r.j -.t >/sr*u»iy j a~ the finest bright tobacco sec- To.d in NMMO. N. f. ti->r. in the world, and as the Directly acrow the harbor from. , nsi .-ket will be in charge of men the ei v of Nassau, V i'.. i. ere is „, fexp€r i encei backed by an uii island called lb>;; utland. <»i lfirili side of tliaAslaad U>*arc Comoany- in Ayden '"Bliss ' seed irisl. potatoes HI Mis.- Laia Chapman came in (Harrington, Barber A Co. fror>i Stokes 'as; night ' Oliver PI >ws" at A W. A- >rc The season is now aimo.~t atj&Co. hand whew most of the farm- rs win likely need carts ami wsg ens. Til wins Co. K.C. N citizen ..; made r.n address on i.t Everette school A. G Cox Manuiact- houst Sat riay. are ^^iil making their I M uidin^s, and all '/ nds well kwwnfar Heel carts ai.il fmii lin maieiial for buildings v.: nschoap Calaud bee us prepared 01. quick notice. Can. befoi ' y ., buy we can came Una Milling and Mfg. Co. ;,• -.....;.., ( i . " ,.• . . ir i. oats and feed «; :•'.- ii I rewi t went >n tho rd the pecan tbeco is a lin.- bsthuig lnwrh, which i> Btteh used in the tourist Mason in the winter. » The fee for bathing ii 23 centi and includes eaiin^ nil tiie fruit ii.-. Hie bather may wish. The fra.'i i> peeled ;ind put on long (ticks, which is considered the real way i > have it. Tiniv in no limit. 5o< . '; liappens ! i -i there is a «t• -. .'• ut .. ci rtaia experience, abundance of capital, ve predict a >r Miant future for Snow Hill. Winston Tobacco Journal. Old Time Fiddlers. GQV. R. B..GLENN Of North Carolina,,says About COWAN'S PNEUMONIA CURE The Great External Remedy For C«fki. CMi. Co.,, Tk.o.1 lid CW>1 Troihlt! '1 make it a ru'e never to recom- mend medicines until I have my- self t: ied them, ax there are a giext man/ in lhe land that are perfect .- :.n" . . but having tried your Cure for Colds, sore throat and other in- flammatory troubles, I have no hes- itation in cordially recommendintf it to the public, for I th-nk it blea in,; to the people— eapecixllv the children. 1 have kno» n of its being used for PNEUMONIA and throat troub.es with marvellous effect. It is with pleasure th.it I give you this lesti- monial. /nvtime in the world that I can aay a word foi jour Company, I wil! do so without hesitation or re- serve." For Sale by All Druggists, $J.00, 50c and 25c. to ;,i. kind io WintervJle Pro- Is. ; "••' tv i lorning, d ice C.-. •> .r.y nert door to post- i rbua lie; arestilljjc- ofhee. Prompt attention giv.n i( , ;. .: want a nice np-to Cheap cash sale on heav; date runai i h jejry you had wintei sho : : . We must have K ,, ive him an cariv call space for iur spring stock. r >x', ;. i " .• :- Me s ... Kangaroo priced vl, . '. r . 1.7 > for I 25. tfens » ar j i ut - ; j ar .:• here. All heavy shoes riced 1.50 for i.i'- ., .. ii s'., .. c. shoes pr:c< ii 2.00 I 50 :en . ; heavy 1 0 . I. : ':• ,' . 111 . -2 76 rhese nu ., ' i. ...... .. .; IVhicbsid .. [lie Mi .... ... Bpent : . .; ;. irr r.i » teeir hosts o .... i, —• i.. » .v > i Cui nt-d to i i. \ i[ h i ::sMondaym >n f;. . i - can be secured fl ii- .' •.' . ..' : ti . .:. ii. ; .. . .. b . J \ -. . . . G; - : til : rivile,. vhi< Ii is s fa- •.. i .• in Nassau. At ii a l i> n ol ever> . men v. ill fry la i II you th : iry- -that is, if j m - •; long i . [:i a bt . •• ti tares : rc like'y I sat it ut |i .• tiro . Mr. I '" a. ('he. i ith tv >> other Btow I-, foi s the ] ii Iru si tlown iu M . an, lold il lir.-l io a , lupto of An i.' ... v taking it. .• to (lie i lei n i r in boal So. '.'. ••'.'• I i ; .., i ... !•:" i:i' ii ki-il, : (•' iting i iroi w ' i ;er. "Th it' : i-i ud. Vou can go [l<] ' ;':• i,i rl I'll :.!! •' .:'..'... :'.• ii . . . : •• . , ! ' .\. ho :• - ti:o pi.-.. h n mint. I '; '.y » Grtenvflk wiUJhaveanold time . •'" ti' convention oti March i under thavlirection >'Mr. Ola P. All the old tin" fiddlers sin anjo pickers vfll be it-vitad and at ; ' !' convention will l»§ some* : 'g immense. Thme who can trie to take part in it should ml their names to Mr. Forbes- riie b^natorial deadlock in the \ t'l-.'ky legislature hat baeni oken by th- - - election of former j , rnor William Bradley, ... ,1 !•.<! 1 itlibut i'... -. Ii .. hi .. a lj.itr.ci : . . ! Nc Use to Die. 1 iiAve tn-ind nut il :»t there Is no tc ilie Of unjt l-ou'il* ::.A long ad i i: '-:ir. get Hr i\' :. n New Dlso -j ,\ " -nyiMrs. J. Wh'ta, of Hush-" i ro, Pa. "I would * o be .t ivo today ' : .' : [ wi'•. •••: u I ledicine. Il j . - ,a up a cough quckir Hun any-1 ng : ... and e Iu n di i •-• ev n j Id r : ,• ..n ,..; ou •' il •• o e e.'i." mo-t re ial to i edy : . e ughii j .i o .' ". lag : ;> 'ft iiu, i . i. I . Ii , r ene t, is .•-•:.I i d guiraii-1 i It Wo-i II •.; '-. .-:,; ,i )•. Til .. but Ifc . NOTICE TO VI 1' .'•'- -O Pi V .: oa •; rrj roturm a hi: i : n w ipre he alt« tl.. x i. '. i.is mother last ir>g. M . ii .-. ...-i/. heavy lubbec boou i-. r.i: >. il. 11 of dry KOOQS and pricj 8.76 iur 3 2'< Harrington nci.. i just in. liui-i;.:...io- ii irbei oL t.'o. fri ... ... I n . n, ." . 'you ' : \ .'.• ' i old Pin" kno ir.o ol i. >• i-... ... V lien i' two A eri : r-.i^- j'kvl uji I io ri po ladder 11 the Bteem T'S ' I; t'^»y met the purser, i who was 1 iai ng ub mt. "I've been d^wn here » lot," ho if yon want t- to lift to be j.istj ;.:.!, ' ', B .' i' Til. ! >' ' Daisy" corn plante Wm. Crjrrcil, who for tnt pait distributes ih*» fertilizer ani sc ..!.-vo.o -.^d been doing a <plac tithi con any distance (ii- IT ics.iui fc ismess i:i Kitut^n, s»red Think id ui- labor gav h;- recently moved tohis farm I by this tVoRdei'fol machine. 1 nt i. :.. ic.ni' ruuiid at Harrington Bai ijurJ .: t . is »f ^li kinds fresh' ber cir Co. from th? saedinen- -i W, Ange] Oar line of new sprirg panto ft Co. just opened. A W. Ange ami 1 ,. r.,. ,.-::!i Ash Wednes-ICo. day, March -i'.:-., and-'continuing; See our new line of ladies an,! through Len£ there will be ser-1gentstdress shoes. A. »V. Ange vie-:-, at the Episcopal church land Co. evei y V. cdnerdav and Pridsy! Rev T. H- King filied his reg- eveii'n'r at rit*3 o'clock. Every-j ular appointment Sunday mom- bodyujcordiajy invited.to attend jing and night ac the Baptist j Nassau was a 'conch,' which ia the these servicesJvhich will consist; church. Lodr;e congregations Nassau name for an inhabitantof of evening prayer and five mto* attended both services. He " l ° kbnid °f New Providence. was telling alxmt the placa it I've in-, IT been in M : niv.g oil i!:'.t i-lund. I Tin." : -..' it's LI iat. And you can i get all '.'.. fraiJ you want, too,' i! ro'vn ii -.:'i the prim of the lath. All you can eat for a qoar- tor. "TI ty I 'I a .-!<>:v alwjt the' ;'. r. Oi ii iy a fellow v.i ni over I ; . 'v ai J : ::' i thirty orange : . By and by maybe hi- conscience i both 'rod : . and ho ?.;:•[ to the ' old fellow who runs tha place: "'Guess I'::: eating too much, eh ?' •• '0!i. n i,' says the old chap. "P'raps i!::if- hi ii the island ir"i its name vUv.< one of you fellows came along.'" On board the boat whan it left GcadFor Everybody. I Mr. Korntan Ii.C u i. , ii •, rominent i.i-iii ti-ei,, in the Delbert Bull mg, San' l'sr.iisco, says: " I fully er.dors till i.. i r {.a been suiii of Ii: c iric. ii t- r- as, lUhteno.icmo. Itisyoodfor every-j ion. , It corrects stomiicfa, Imr sriJi rey i eorden in u ; w t and rffl-l ni i., ,..ii.ir .i u L'UiJ .HI tlui >.*- .. ir. Eketrin I'liin ii ilm best I I gmejieinoev«r od-.vara ding*, :.. t*a 1'iiiii.er; ao nb.noi r itilier it is u quallud Mc at J u, Wootons drug •OIC, If you ureto oioby inches, you ..ant to be tail. Best,Hca!ci la the World. Rev. P. Starbird, of Fast Raymond, Maine, says: 'I have used Buoklen'a Ai-.iiea Salve for seviriu years, on my Io-darmy wound, and other i.ittir.ate | sor<S. and lino it tho bo.-t h -a'er in the worn.'. I use it too with great success in rny veterinary business. Price 5c. at J. L. Wooten's drug store. utcs talks. I preached on the first temptation Ho 0110 nijriit anil suddenly turned to one A new line of dry goods and of Christ St the morning service, Lftho Americans and said: notions expected this week, and on the second one at night. ••ho you r mlicr thai island Come and sde* them. A. VV I We handle the castings for the'with the lighthouse and the wreck AP--<-M> following plows, ••Atlas," "Ciri. J; 1 - •* tho . ,! . 1 ["• entrance F Well, A.G CoxaiMF.C. Nye con-iChampion." -'Hsmpton Boy." K^-tL *•*****> ducted scrvicis atHopewcll Sun- Syracuse," Chattanooga" and j "0 0 ahead. Tell as the story of day afterno in. The time -s almost at srno in. hand when ..•'- ; y will need such imple; lent :is cotton planters an'i guanco sowers. So plaee "Chill" Harrington Barber &. Co NOTICE. W. H. Smith h.33 purchasrd yo".r t r early with rhe A. G. I tHe interest of A. D. Cox in the Cc> Manufi itunngCo for these goods sad then you. wii' be sure td get; iur supply in ample time. M;-s. Guy Taylor, of Ayden, is Carolina Milling & Manufactur- ing Co. and will conduct the bus- iness at tho sane place- All work promptly looked after Mr. Banding a few days here with i Cox will still contiuue with the mfeirives. Fresh seed peanuts of different kinds a. A. W. Ange ft Co. Poultry vire of all heights at Barring) I arl -r ii Co. Uri B ibbitt, principal of tl > ' Pia tical Business College, w a : ere Tuesday in the ir.ti rest of 1 . institution. The A < : . \i' .- Co, are row ex; lot ol poultry Fence, v.. .. I be glau to havo our i'i i d and' cust imera to come i before they buy We can quote prices that will talk. Plow tddleaare still go- Ing. A. '•'. Ofr, Manufaccurin^- Co. I Missel C' ra Carroll and Lela Bosch ipenl Sunday with MittSP Kate sndLala Cnanmaa- Seel oats aj Harrington iJar- ber 6i Co. m Rev. T. H. !ng accompanied byJ. !'• Cox went out to the Everett school house Sunday af- ternoon and ijtaaehed. Company. The Little Thir,;-.;. Little things are not to be |g. nnrca because they are trifling The ner »fa tooth will make the \\ ry be.,. ,i ople give way tn the strongest language. Grains of sand, i.."ii. h they be, com- pose this greal and grand eartl of ours, it is the savin;; of pen- nil B that make you rich. Little things in youth accumulate jmo character in oM age, and form your eternal destiny. It is the close observation ol little things that is the secret of your BUC- cess in all the pursuits of life. Knowledge is only the accumuhv- Kion of imall facts. The science of printing owes its origin to the rude impressions carved on the bark of a beech tree, - Durham Sun. For Sale—A lot of fina Jumbo peanuts, hand picked, especially for seed at $1 per bushel Also a lot of the Improved King Cot- ton seed (1200 pounds in seed makes affive hundred pound bile) f the man who ate i ; . r cu - and then was told maybe that's how tho island got its name," siid the Amer- ican. "Oh, thai ' .' <" in';, it,"' said t'." com b, v. ith a Briti Ii pi rsist- tnco : io i i details, "Well, what i.- it?" adted tho American. "Why, this chap went over there and stayed all afternoon and ate more ii::i!', fort) oranges, probably forty-two, .a lea so 1 have heard, and vihen lie wos going tn go lie sighed i,i. I . i the uroprii tor: V...;'. I In Iji Pvo had my money's worth. But I don't beliovo you have.' " 'Oh, ni T mind,' said tho o'.il fell . ,-': . islfor fslaitd.' ••'I i ni ' i , what i m liciin!. is it?" i! indi.! the com Ii in i "".!•.! ion. "NT^iw <• •' ." admitted one of 1l !' .' ' Ai .'.'.:; . , i , Fretting about tomorrow's many troubles never drives them orT. The Lucky Quartet. Is tl;.' ore yi.u pay cut fur a box of l'r. King's Now Lilt. Pills. Ttiey bring >''•"• the health that's more i.rec- ii.uh iHun jiwel.-'. Ir 1 thm. for head- ict.i', bi.ii-usnecs, constipstSon anil nm- uria If ihey diiappcini M U the inirp will li chcorfully refunded at J. L. rl 0'ite i'i- drug store. .;. jt j .•: Wc LTC now riv.'sjr.., t : t SuctcHpttos list The E.istri'. .\.f .'. •• to make it comply •\ i;!; t'i.- la . '.! '' . '' :>ment Post- nfl.xc Depsrtmtnl w5iich ,o.s into effect April i^t. Under dies iaw no weekly ncw^spex.can be sent to .''xribers who do not renew withfn I? n i •' hs after the date to wiiich t'ltir subscriptfOd is paid. To send it longer without payment will require a t-CtrA st.-.mp on each paper. Therefore we ask eve y subscriber to The Easter.i Reiieco.- <vtio owes for one year cr longer to sen:', i rimittance at once so we c.v.i ':^\> your rame on our list. The publisher can have no choice in this, but will h.-.vc to comply with the law. We hope every subscriber wil! attend to this promptly is wc had rather not drop a single name from cur list. But bear ia mind that The Eastern Reflector cannot be mailed after April 1st. to any person who owes for one year or longer. m m m P m M m m auL.jamar/r.'iTamgn-^aAi.-,.-..;.-. »..-„;ni ADVERTISE SBB r-WWOTTRJVSl the ' ingti ,i i tl > ... 11 :.— .. 1 D. J. WaiCHAKD, Eflilor and Owner VOL. No. XXV N WITH \Xm COMMISSIONERS. BUSINT-SS TRJWSAaED AT MARCH MEETING. rSfWSS of County Claims UT I* SUM Mttters Jnrtrs Drawa for April Court, fhebut vl of county comr.ii.- - nrfesior rt iiietinn^iilarmoiitV. lys iskmon the 2nd, with_sJI the members pwsent. Onit s were drawn on the tnasuri apjrresaun^ as follows: Pau- fl78-26; county horns 1215.51; bridges 158912; court hor ?39 87; eoinmisssoners S3 •; attorn . '->; isfl|MVf, ffltpert Truth In Prelerence to Fiction. GMENVUXF., PITT COUNTV. NOaTB CAROUNA. FRIDAY. MARCH 13, 1908 Ons Dollar Pel Tear NUMBER 11 CHANGE THE BRIDGL Of Pitt WHAT THL C1TY ALDERMEN DIB. To the Ommisii county: Now that it is a fact tntt an iron bridge is to be „hced across Tar river at Greenv ill •, and that a contract has bean made to be- jii.ntheconstruttioi 'l'his bndiie at an early tlato. v. uld it not be wise to place it at the foot of Evans street? When you con- sich r every phase •>' the propos:- lion it is scon m> > do this and it will prove ; itrtat nla ring to every'ody en th. North side of she river as srctl ss the town of Greenville. To tear up the (Id bridKO and compel all trine, to cross the ! river on a flit means: 1st. Dan- 2nd. Inc "> anlssie*. 3rd. REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE BOARD. ELDER BARNHILL'S HOUSE BIRNED POISONED FODDER FOUND NEAR STABLE. , ffcd $10; genor I roads $27.98; jury tickets $11.W; index $48; ws^st*' of deeds $29. (S; court cost 130.20; i gBI , i 2 nd. Ine»n enience (undries $12.06; county s^ 14 ^^! Great loss of tin , and time is $23847: Ohicod roads $2:).5<;i m oney. Thiswiim summe-t up Contentnt*roads$8L42; i;rt " en ;lin dollars can easily be figured vilii roads$819.90; Swift Creek| JBto the lhousa) -.r)s. From 'be old bridge the Allan- •*'"'[ tic Coa-t Line runs parallel with ' i ih pjWn road for owr a mile From eight to lan trains com* . *04 The road near T. W.C.Moore's petit'.: td for at February m in^. wi soldered laid out. Two p .titions were preaented for roadbin Chicod township, one from the end of the fJirfn road Cross Chicod crevic to the Green-1 vvtm When a farm.-r wants to vOleand Washington road near| Mn d to town he has to send a Beur creek; the Other from 'ii<-'| care ful hand on account of it. bend in road near W- H. Gallo-I His wifc an d his children have way's.to the Wash Har-h« wadd to 8tay at home because of it uunn arK iin the run of a year the north ovcrtbjsrosd daily Mghtening Ivor weandcausing them to ran awey. Thisi- a constant dan- 1 Stre-t Pavio?, Sidewalks, Water Tf.ps, and Other Matters. Tin 1 ^oafd of aid;.men met in regulur monthly session Thurs- day nkl t. ail the members beii g present. C. S Porbea having been . leeted to fi'l the vacancy in i fiftu ward, was in attendanci The water and light commit- tee report^ that the plant had been thoroughly inspected and no ex', naions are needed at pres- ent The nlterer has bean over- hauled and affords sufficient water for the needs of the town. The cemetery COnunittae re- commended a revision of prices of unsold Iota in the old prrt of the cemetery! on'l asked for the appointment of s special com- mittee t" assist the standing cemetery committee in lnsp<» ing the premises and arranging the seal.-- of prices. Aldermen .wen..' ihnsnn and R J- Forbes Loss Folly Covered by Insurance- Mr. Barnhill Away From Home. Bethel N. C. Hare* 9-The dwellir« of Elder T. H Barr.hi',1. boot 4 miles tiom Bttbe'. was strove.! by are Sunday niarht Bdec Barnbiil was not ar. homo at the urn-i, having gone ,o Tyrrell county U> r-rach Sat- urdsv, leavius Uawifi ardnath THE SAME OLD CRY. Aboal Prohibition '.Discriminating Against tn« Coactry People- h.- * ell worn chestnut about 1 the pr hibiUon bill discriminating againrt the country people and in favor of tne town people is beim- bandi d around amonr' the igno- nm "nd in seme quarters is bavii g its effect. We bav*« neard of i-v ra! people in the vicinity who declare thsy THE TEACHERS' IMBffiG SCIWL TRUSTEES HOL? PMST KECIOha AND 0RGA1OZL Pleased With Location Set K :.\ /-.r:h."- tccls CompcJ-rs. : r r1 . Slat-; Super' < nl ' '. Y- Joyherand sev ril i-w- tees of the fc 'ern n«lira Teachers' Trv\: % Sc io '.' •' re here vesterd iy aii 1 * izmg, Inspecti: i the ferrlng with They discovei d cook | (,rthomasvlllewhodec ar arc goingto vote against probi , bition because th? bill (tives nch hearing arc! il el 'men 'he privilege of buying ing their pl^rs. ai 'liauor scd denying It "' W* other steps as w-. re .: v^n All anybody with half e«<aryin prtpar tense need to do is to get a copy Ining wr-rk on i - of the bil' and read it for them- buildings fo.- i selves to seethe falsity of this statement Every drug store statement, cvwr '-' Ji ^7, "'"„,. - licensed to saUBquorfbr medical T. Tiirhngton. ol er at home. the fire near the flu: in the roomab al '- 1 o'clock; and tl in'* it caught from the flue. Moat ol Che house bold goods were sko burned, hut these ;:r.d the build- ing were fully insured. A man who came here this morning from Mr. BamhuTi neighborbocd, eaidsome foddei with Paris gn en on it had been found just back of bil s '"-'' and ' I dlike mm h ': :; partofi ; ' : ; t^ll occupied by "^^^''thJ sheriff a jmainlyin thcte m, »• ! thai it must ha ; \ an ri- LCh I ,iC -:d Tho.?" hare bes ! Su] i areex-G '•. T. J. Jar : Smi- Mjooeesisirequired tokeepalsapt C W. Wi .'if - S2K every sale and the Neck; MkJ. 'L F| k* ui ,, I1H sof the powons to whom ton. andMr. i i. On the sites are made, which record jKintton. Scm-d the shall be subset atail times to | w , redeta.r.cd fr. v, txl ! the inspection oi the s^licit-.r 1 : .'. : : : I' did at the mouth of tne road There was also a petition for a road from the old Plank road ut the Tyson place to tho new road leading from the Startonsburg road to the oldPiank road. J. S. lloss tendered hit were appointed. Several property owners on Dickinson avenue appeared and through R W. King and T. E. Hooker present id a paper sign ed by ail tut l'orr of the pioper- ty owners on the avanue agree ' z On i ,-, topoisun'.;' '- otherytacecffictiscfthei unty, the PCh ool aM i -.; Ing ;.er :. 1. v d; .d T en- :, of es Il re. nt or ns Th, IT is no clji as to who : tl,..'|:, : '••, "ii the foddfr. Furtker Partii dan cf the Fire at His Horn. Elder T. H. Barnhill, whose home mar Bethel was burned miii;. ,i>...v^ ..... the mayor and no'.:co > - - " - ;' i with V. the city or town in w»:ith : ,r, v u lice ci o: Men ». Buchi .:..• ». side of the river is deprived of more than the difference in the cost of changing the bridge as above suggested. Driving is one of the principle pleasures of th* town of Green >* "•• •- -, - , , gnnaaf night was in town toosy ing to giva enough property fo. had $500- insur thestreettobe m-.de a prop*JMJ m ^ and $150 on width in case of paving that gj^ whfch dld not more route from Five Points to the » depots. Alderman Bowen was apt im- ed a committee to pure „..,.,........ ri'sig-jviilo. The AC L. road running coup ]j ng to connect the ' nation as constable of Carolina| p . ira u e l with the public road .< ;«,„ «»| M w d re as spot in the bill is a corceii'i* n' ,„ a!<t( ] by it0 tru t**s to da- made to the farmers who rais.l rtl tn0 grounds. This rrnans apples and grapes. We wouldUv at t he grounds are going -• ba have been delighted if that cow-1 b hird ,i 10?0 0 f „o ether in.-'.iti- ardly clause had b.-en eliminated, jtion In beauty. he city or town IDWCIOI .. •. Mr , u us,..,...: . . icented and registered pharsr a-' y orl: , r .„ 0 f -i. -, •i.-ts, bUKiness Is located, i nd i dl| 8Ca p t . r ., of the coodry. wa i i rther persona." The only week I to l \] fQ y: , this featur . and w . .•._.!.- kin la a nnrcesfion'„,„.,,. ,i i M . ti-o trustees to I nation as iwww" ipuauii «.. - -- , township, which was accepted- ; prives those wno would drive 01 R A Smith was elected con-i tne pleasure of usini; the excei- stable to fill a vacancy in Farm- lellt roa ds on the north *ide of •„ x. *;„ .i ;,„.- TaUino- all tllisinto the river. Taking all this into consideration, it is economy to put the bridge at the foot of Evans street. This bridge is a permanency, it is for the conven- coupling t ' v«>«~-»« fire engine with tne hydrants ti— p h;d c cover hi3 loss. Two 1„,,. :i washstand and a gun . ,:.. all that was saved from the buying- Mr. Barnhill ateo told us that 'ois t. am were all sick from cat- permanency, it is for tne conven- theeast side of Fitt street II ience and profit of everybody. thc town will construct the therefore it should be moved 8tree t crossings. Aldermen Carr _...«.. (mm rhprrailroad. „„J i? i Pnrhp« were anDointed away from the railroad. Citizen tho Have your asinbet dressed at at $1 per bushel. inn Milling 4 Mfg. Co. 3 2 4tw. W H.Harrington. ,:'• ' Died. Mrs- Noah Forces died al 7 o'clock Sui day evening, at bar homt about four miles from towr. She leaves a husband and <'• I children. Three of the ii tt, r Mrs Nora Jolly and Messrs. KI and Hebcr Forbes, live in Green villa The-DainijDesserJ rHEPABED INSTTANTLY. Simply Add boil- ing wattr, cool n.d serve. 10, per pucknati ut llgrocw*. 7 llxvuri. Kt-lu.e all .ub.cnulr*. ville township. Some additions were made t) the pauper list, and some cor- rections and exemptions ma«'e to tax list. The following were drawn as jurors for the April term of Su perior court: First week-J S Warren, Thad Lewis. HBWhitford. TLTur- nage, J B Garriss. J R Tugwell, David McLawhorn, J R Dozier,. % RR Cotton, E C King, Josephus Pr08nunme for Meadiif of Saturday, (ox, J A Teel. E B Garrisa, VV, March 14( 1908. J Evans, R I May, P H Kittrell. . Devo tional cxer- O-E Warren, J A rorest. R G ' ^, v# D . W . Arnold. Chapman, A M Moseley, J B Nel-1 J- ftf minu , es- Fon, Richard Weathenngton, H R Bullock, J D Williams, Charles in/ the poisoned fodder tl it needed in case of fire, C V.York submitted a prop- ^-~ - ^ ft;ill by to!ne osition from owners of pr .petti ^ .^ t|) p!)ison t h. m. E" agreeing to lay uranol.thic side- ^ wflJ ^ « m rewan ; walks fr u m Davis street, IU« JJ Informa ticn showing tlv Greenville Heights down tb> "* north side of Fouith screes to* 1 theeast side of Pitt street if There are several prominent building architects of wide r< \ U- latfon competing for the ci nt i ct l»!ai:'. Ptc. Ti '-" » : •> ie Pin TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. R 0UUVAH>| " *-* *• ' _ McLawhorn, J. T. Bundy, R J Moore, J T Nelson, .1 W Bumey, J A Adams, Joseph Tripp, W r" Hart, W C Joyner, J R Pippen, Cortez Barnhill. R L Little. Second week-J H Browning. R L Jovncr, B E Moye, S J Nobles, Joyner Wingate, L 10:G5- *. «, - 11. English «rtd why it should be taught in the public schools.— Supt. E. M. Rollins. -11:20. Illustrative lessons m spelling and reading, based or, Ward's method.-Miss Bessie Harding- 11:40. Address-Mr. R. D. W. Connor, Sec. N. C Historical and P. J. Forbes were appointed to take charge of the matter and make necessary contract for the work. A resolution was adopted pro- viding that previous to rf/ing any street of the town suK.tient taps water be made to supply ad- jacent property owners for do- mestic purposes, to cost of the of the taps to bepaid by abutting property owner when it is put in u-e. Alderman Carr was apt minted a committee to consult w.'.h E. A. Kline In regard to clear- ing up the old public graveyard, belonging to the town, lying BUSINESS LOCALS. The best drink of coffee- Gold Medal-at S. M Schultz- £000 fine cabbage plants tcr sale. D D. Hasketfc. 3 5 ltdw For Side -Female calf, Jersey and Deeron- D- D. Haskott. for the very people whose favor is sought by it will vote sgalnst the bill anyhow, and It will oe ,„,.„„. carried by real prohibitionists |f or building plans, <>tc. wno are opposed to wine andl,,.... r„ E. H::ige, of U ! cider as well as to whiskey. We p. Leiiner, Stanley Fii are ashamed toconfess that, if iSl •,,„.. 0 f Wilmington; li W. we are corretfUy informed, thereUimpson, oi New Bern; « t. lU considerable opposition to the Mitchell, of Norfolk! Hih ;• 'bill in Davidson among the coun-jLi n thicum. cl Durham; Cnanes I try people on the ground wo have j jj.Mik- of Ghailotl t. mentioned. However, wo aw Tuesday evening Sup i, J-^ncr glad to say that blithe counties an dthe visiting tiusUt-a wu-a in the State are not as ignor ant I entertained at supper^ »y ex- as Davidson—In face s»e know of I GOT. and Mw. '. , . •'- ••'•'" ;,t no other county quite ?o low in j t | 19 j r home o>.\ Fifth srr« »T. the scale of intelligence; I ut even From 9 to lltl.o tiu-r. here with all our ignorance ws must hope that there is virtue enough in the county to save it from the shame of giving a ma- th* visiting architects were ex- tended theeourtesies of Carolina Ciuband spent the time im».-t ; i helnnt'inirto tnetow'i, I.M"B , , , . „„ Reade'street between Fourth and boyhood days- Everything i'i the way of feed !lt F. V. John.-tin a. 89 4td2tw It is the talk of the town. The o'd fiddltrs' convention on the 10th. lr,! ltw ' Hay of all kinds at F. V.John. i n*s near A C. L. depot. S !) 4ul 2CW. The old fiddlers' convention will take you Lack io grandpa's ltd ItW pleasantly in thc club room enjoyment of thc guests wasi greatly Increased b\ Nobles, Joyner Wingate b ", Socict , Raleigh. N. C Chapman, W G Little, C S Carr, »«"* m * Schoo i discipline. W B Williams, J R Newton. H S l - W ii William", o iv JTI«-"V—. Tyson, C H Forbes,* N R Corey, G A Clapp. R J Lewis. A P Tur- nage, A J Flanagan. C H Rogers. SSUAU- ssi iIBS—mi n m nik-wa Uaiid izer Is known wherever Cotton is grown and Fer- tilizers used, as the greatest producer of large yields. See that the trade mark is on every bag—it guarantees .against imitations and insures you are getting the genuine Royster goods. fi.fi ROYSTER GUANO COMPANY NORFOLK, VIRGINIA ' W I ' Delegates to District Conference. The District Conference of the Washington, district, M. E. Church South will meet at Auro- ra May 6th. The following are delegates from Jarvis Memorial church; G. 8. Prichard. Wiley 1 Brown, L. H. Penu.^r and J. U Little. Alternates; Jas. Brown, J, W, Higgs. D. D. Overton and James Long. At the quarterly conference held in Jarvis Memorial church Sunday night. L H. Pender was ' elected Sunday school superin- tendent to succeed Geo. S. Prich- ard, resigned. \The si irt waist sale to be held by the Ladies Aid Society ot the Baptist church, will tike place Friday and Fatuiday, 13th and 14th. "d " w -Supt. Julian B. Martin. 12:20 Discussions on miscella- neous topics. Announcements by Supt. W. H. Ragsdale. 12:30. Adjournment. DEATH OF MRS. R0BB1NS. Shelmerdine. N. C. Mar. 10, '08. Mrs Catherine Robbins died at her home in Shelmerdine Feb. 26th. 1908 in her seventieth year of age. She is survived by MJ Fifth streets. The different officers made re- port of collections for thc past month. Accounts were allowed and paid amounting to 51,641.60. Oyster Boal ouuk. Birco Pittmnn's gasoline boat j, at the bottom of the river at Old Sparta with a load of oysters in the shall »ubmerged. The boat wss returning from Washington where the bivalves were oDtaimd. At old Sparta the boat sprung « le»h and be- a jfcSA/ss *HSs deep ~* * Remains were taken to her old eomttjd^ home near Rocky Mount,^ G « org •"*££ it .-Tar.oro interment. We deeply sympa- tryina Jo thize with the bereaved family, Southerner. and JS that our Heavenly For Rent-5 room house n MhelwU comfort lad blesslsouth Greenville. Apply » eSiflhemasHealcnecando. Jjh»Oj*. re, tal agent. Ay- Lowest prices on cotton seed meal and hulls at F V. John- slon's, pto r-e ID. / 3 9 4td 2tw I have limited quantity of seed corn, will produce 60 to 120 bushels per acr.'. for sale. 35 ltdw I) P- haskott. joritv in favor of liquor- We must meet this old falsehood that appeals to the passion ar.dpn ju dice of ignorant country peopW tim! show them that if there was ever any '•discrimination" iu the Watts and tlw Ward law against them the prohiblticu bill wipes it out by making the sale of liquor illegal everywhsre, In town ns well as in country. Intelligent farmers can he of irr.mese ser- vice in this campaign by making <ome sacrifice of time, and visit placed xt $100,000. ing those dark places where the The boari had not di c.d« wiley demagogue loves toplyhisjanarchitec n vocal B »los cni rmingly rendered duMof" ignorant country people I by Mi's. Travis E. Hool or. Tl...-iri. .-.. r l i his morning inth iflico . C in ty Supwrn- tendci.i V.. II. K, dak'and or- gamz-dby cltctii: J.'Y. Joyner, president; C. W. Wi'.sin, sre a- tary; R. 2 Cobb, tn BU er; T. J. Jarvis, J. Y Joyntr sidY- T. Ormond, executivec mmitteo. Xhe bond of the tn surer was , upon : :.d- k You certainly had better be paying your taxes for last year. Subscribe lor the Reflector- COX'S HILL ITEMS. Cox's Mill, N. C. March i>. L.H- Bouse, of Chocowinity- spent Saturday and Sunday with friends here. Miss Lillie Corey visited Miss Bessie Mooro Sunday. Miss Mittio Wilson, of Pacto- lus, is spending li.isweeit with Miss Bessie Moore. J. If, Cox went to Kinston last week. Ed. Moore and Oscar Lvar.s went to Grei.-r.vihe Saturday. This fine weather has got the farmers to hustling. L, F Everette and Griffin Rouse went to Washington Saturday. There will be preaching at Black Jack nest Saturday and Sunday. infamous trade and expose his sophistries and his falsehood. W e are striking the snake this time wherever we find mm, and in- stead of driving liquor into the towns and cities as the Watts law did, we propose to drive it dean oat the Sato -Charity and Children. journmenl fordii . r, butt spec- ted reach;-. dtcieion tl.iauf.cr- noon Tntt ueU.esa-ed lighted w.th the h e.iii.n eekctid for t.-o school and think it ideal. Meriiai »f Sch=el ScperfatsiiaMls, Theciacod school eupcrinton- .-.,...... oi'towns oa of the Wil- mington & Weidi n branch ol the old ;i mi '• t in!.>• in Gwenviilfl i March 20th and What Lhe La v Says. The Reflector has been ssked ; to print the law in regard to ;i ...,.,_„, ... seine and net ftshing on Tnr| 2lnt ihe purpose of the meet- river, for the information of all: ing is ut ai-.l helpfulnesaand ad- interested. The law (Uevisal of vanccmo nt of the cause of edu- 1906) reads; ., Ication. Such a meeting ought If anv person f/om tho> 15th. torcau ltln much dayoi'Feb to tho 10th day of| ^ood and will May" of every year, from 12 o'clock meridian ef Saturday un- til sunrise Monday morning of each week shall rlsh any seme, set net, drift net or any other net of any name or kmd whatev- er in the waters of Pamhco or Tar rivers and tributaries, ex- cept bow or skim nets, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. no doubt do so. We have for sale some nice hand made cypress and pine shingles at Also wme mca field peas at $2.50 r»d1Mn Of tho little dron pea. it U which is the best pea Know li « 1 r. "•! p, Griton , , . ,, 3 6 Ctdw G. A. Johnson & Bro. I r^D \**- POOR PRINT I >• 1 1 i^M

Transcript of POOR PRINT -...

mm m mm " """"^


WINtERVILLE DEPARTflEN i This Ht-pM-tment is in charge ot F. C. Xye who is authorized to represent The Eastern

Ketlector in VVinterville and vicinity.

t1 ~*" Rubber bvots, rubber shoes. Now is the time to purchase

rubber COBtal and heavy work' your Box Body Carts while they Bhoes a specblty. llaarringtonj are cheap, lhe A. G. Cox Man- Baiber&Co. " juiscturing Co., havo plenty of

Miss Novella Bun'irg went to them on hand. Call and see them. Ayden Friday evening. Beautiful souvenir cards at

We can fu: pish you all kinds Harrington. Barber & Co. of moulding! and turned wood Mrs J. K. Cooper left yeeter- work for buifiiflps on short no- day evening to spend a lew days tice, Carolina Milling & Mfg.


11 New Tobacco Market. A new tobacco market will be

} established at Snow Hill, the | county seat of Greene county, I Eastern North Carolina. Two j warehouses, two leaf houses, storage houses, etc., are being

1 built, and the market will be in Ifull bunt next season Snow Hiil i* located in what is known

Th. story of IU N.-.r.j -.t >/sr*uiy j a~ the finest bright tobacco sec- To.d in NMMO. N. f. ti->r. in the world, and as the

Directly acrow the harbor from. ,nsi.-ket will be in charge of men the ei v of Nassau, V i'.. i. ere is , fexpriencei backed by an uii island called lb>;; utland. *arc

Comoany- in Ayden

'"Bliss ' seed irisl. potatoes HI Mis.- Laia Chapman came in (Harrington, Barber A Co.

fror>i Stokes 'as; night ' Oliver PI >ws" at A W. A- >rc The season is now aimo.~t atj&Co.

hand whew most of the farm- rs win likely need carts ami wsg ens. Til wins Co.

K.C. N citizen ..;

made r.n address on i.t Everette school

A. G Cox Manuiact- houst Sat riay. are ^^iil making their I M uidin^s, and all '/ nds

well kwwnfar Heel carts ai.il fmii lin maieiial for buildings v.: nschoap Calaud bee us prepared 01. quick notice. Can. befoi ' y ., buy we can came Una Milling and Mfg. Co. ;, -.....;.., ( i . " ,. . . ir i. oats and feed ;

:'.- ii I rewi t went

>n tho rd the

pecan tbeco is a lin.- bsthuig lnwrh, which i> Btteh used in the tourist Mason in the winter.

The fee for bathing ii 23 centi and includes eaiin^ nil tiie fruit ii.-. Hie bather may wish. The fra.'i i> peeled ;ind put on long (ticks, which is considered the real way i > have it. Tiniv in no limit.

5o< . '; liappens !i -i there is a t-. .' ut .. ci rtaia

experience, abundance of capital, ve predict a >r Miant future for Snow Hill.

Winston Tobacco Journal.

Old Time Fiddlers.

GQV. R. B..GLENN Of North Carolina,,says About


The Great External Remedy

For Cfki. CMi. Co.,, Tk.o.1 lid CW>1 Troihlt!

'1 make it a ru'e never to recom- mend medicines until I have my- self t: ied them, ax there are a giext man/ in lhe land that are perfect .-:.n" .. but having tried your Cure for Colds, sore throat and other in- flammatory troubles, I have no hes- itation in cordially recommendintf

it to the public, for I th-nk it blea in,; to the people eapecixllv the children. 1 have kno n of its being used for PNEUMONIA and throat troub.es with marvellous effect. It is with pleasure th.it I give you this lesti- monial. /nvtime in the world that I can aay a word foi jour Company, I wil! do so without hesitation or re- serve."

For Sale by All Druggists, $J.00, 50c and 25c.

to ;,i. kind io WintervJle Pro- Is. ; "' tv i lorning, d ice C.-. > .r.y nert door to post-

i rbua lie; arestilljjc- ofhee. Prompt attention giv.n i( , ;. .: want a nice np-to Cheap cash sale on heav; date runai i h jejry you had wintei sho ::. We must have K ,, ive him an cariv call space for iur spring stock.

r >x', ;. i ". :- Me s ... Kangaroo priced vl, . '. r . 1.7 > for I 25. tfens ar

j i ut-; j ar .: here. All heavy shoes riced 1.50 for i.i'- ., .. ii s'., .. c. shoes pr:c< ii 2.00 I 50 :en .; heavy 1 0

. I. :':,'. 111

. -2 76 rhese nu ., ' i.

...... .. .; IVhicbsid .. [lie Mi .... ... Bpent : .

.; ;. irr r.i teeir hosts o .... i, i.. .v > i Cui nt-d to i i.

\ i[ h i ::sMondaym >n

f;. . i - can be secured fl ii- .' .' . ..' : ti . .:. ii. ; .. . .. b . J

\ -. . . . G; -

: til : rivile,. vhi< Ii is s fa- .. i . in Nassau. At ii a l i> n ol ever> . men v. ill fry la i II you th : iry- -that is, if j m - ;long i . [:i a bt . ti tares

: rc like'y I sat it ut |i . tiro .

Mr. I '" a. ('he. i ith tv >> other Btow I-, foi s the ] ii Iru si tlown iu M . an, lold il lir.-l io a ,lupto of An i.' ... v taking it. . to (lie i lei n i r in boal So. '.'.

'.' I i ; .., i ... !:" i:i' ii ki-il, : (' iting i iroi w ' i ;er. "Th it' : i-i ud. Vou can go

[l'Mr. Ola P. All the old tin" fiddlers sin an jo pickers vfll be it-vitad

and at ; ' !' convention will l some* : 'g immense. Thme who can trie to take part in it should

ml their names to Mr. Forbes-

riie b^natorial deadlock in the \ t'l-.'ky legislature hat baeni

oken by th--- election of former j , rnor William Bradley,

... ,1 !.

'you ' :\ .'. ' i old Pin" kno ir.o ol i. > i-... ...

V lien i' two A eri : r-.i^- j'kvl uji I io ri po ladder 11 the Bteem T'S ' I; t'^y met the purser, i who was 1 iai ng ub mt.

"I've been d^wn here lot," ho

if yon want t- to lift

to be j.istj

;.:.!, ' ',

B .'i' Til. !>' ' Daisy" corn plante Wm. Crjrrcil, who for tnt pait distributes ih* fertilizer ani

sc ..!.-vo.o -.^d been doing a ment Post- nfl.xc Depsrtmtnl w5iich ,o.s into effect

April i^t. Under dies iaw no weekly

ncw^spex.can be sent to .''xribers who

do not renew withfn I? n i 'hs after the date to wiiich t'ltir subscriptfOd is paid.

To send it longer without payment will

require a t-CtrA st.-.mp on each paper.

Therefore we ask eve y subscriber to

The Easter.i Reiieco.- your rame on our

list. The publisher can have no choice in

this, but will h.-.vc to comply with the


We hope every subscriber wil! attend to

this promptly is wc had rather not drop a

single name from cur list. But bear ia

mind that The Eastern Reflector cannot

be mailed after April 1st. to any person

who owes for one year or longer.


m m P m


m m

auL.jamar/r.'iTamgn-^aAi.-,.-..;.-. ..-;ni


the ' ingti ,i i

tl > ... 11 :. ..


D. J. WaiCHAKD, Eflilor and Owner




rSfWSS of County Claims UT I* SUM Mttters Jnrtrs Drawa for

April Court,

fhebut vl of county comr.ii.- - nrfesior rt iiietinn^iilarmoiitV.

lys iskmon the 2nd, with_sJI the members pwsent.

Onit s were drawn on the tnasuri apjrresaun^ as follows: Pau- fl78-26; county horns 1215.51; bridges 158912; court hor ?39 87; eoinmisssoners S3 ; attorn . '->; isfl|MVf, ffltpert

Truth In Prelerence to Fiction.


Ons Dollar Pel Tear



Of Pitt


To the Ommisii county: Now that it is a fact tntt an

iron bridge is to be hced across Tar river at Greenv ill , and that a contract has bean made to be- jii.ntheconstruttioi 'l'his bndiie at an early tlato. v. uld it not be wise to place it at the foot of Evans street? When you con- sich r every phase >' the propos:- lion it is scon m> > do this and it will prove ; itrtat nla ring to every'ody en th. North side of she river as srctl ss the town of Greenville.

To tear up the (Id bridKO and compel all trine, to cross the

! river on a flit means: 1st. Dan- 2nd. Inc "> anlssie*. 3rd.




, ffcd

$10; genor I roads $27.98; jury tickets $11.W; index $48; ws^st*' of deeds $29. (S; court cost 130.20; igBI,i 2nd. Inen enience (undries $12.06; county s^14^^! Great loss of tin , and time is $23847: Ohicod roads $2:).5 "* ' north side of Fouith screes to*1

theeast side of Pitt street if

There are several prominent building architects of wide r< \ U- latfon competing for the ci nt i ct

l!ai:'. Ptc. Ti '-" : >



R 0UUVAH>| " *-* * ' _

McLawhorn, J. T. Bundy, R J Moore, J T Nelson, .1 W Bumey, J A Adams, Joseph Tripp, W r" Hart, W C Joyner, J R Pippen, Cortez Barnhill. R L Little.

Second week-J H Browning. R L Jovncr, B E Moye, S J Nobles, Joyner Wingate, L

10:G5- *. , - 11. English rtd why it should

be taught in the public schools. Supt. E. M. Rollins. -11:20. Illustrative lessons m

spelling and reading, based or, Ward's method.-Miss Bessie Harding-

11:40. Address-Mr. R. D. W. Connor, Sec. N. C Historical

and P. J. Forbes were appointed to take charge of the matter and make necessary contract for the work.

A resolution was adopted pro- viding that previous to rf/ing any street of the town suK.tient taps water be made to supply ad- jacent property owners for do- mestic purposes, to cost of the of the taps to bepaid by abutting property owner when it is put in u-e.

Alderman Carr was apt minted a committee to consult w.'.h E. A. Kline In regard to clear- ing up the old public graveyard, belonging to the town, lying o


The best drink of coffee- Gold Medal-at S. M Schultz-

000 fine cabbage plants tcr sale. D D. Hasketfc. 3 5 ltdw

For Side -Female calf, Jersey and Deeron- D- D. Haskott.

for the very people whose favor is sought by it will vote sgalnst the bill anyhow, and It will oe ,,.. carried by real prohibitionists |for building plans, tc. wno are opposed to wine andl,,.... r E. H::ige, of U ! cider as well as to whiskey. We p. Leiiner, Stanley Fii are ashamed toconfess that, if iSl,,.. 0f Wilmington; li W. we are corretfUy informed, thereUimpson, oi New Bern; t.

lU considerable opposition to the Mitchell, of Norfolk! Hih ; 'bill in Davidson among the coun-jLinthicum. cl Durham; Cnanes I try people on the ground wo have j jj.Mik- of Ghailotl t. mentioned. However, wo aw Tuesday evening Sup i, J-^ncr glad to say that blithe counties andthe visiting tiusUt-a wu-a in the State are not as ignor ant I entertained at supper^ y ex- as DavidsonIn face se know of I GOT. and Mw. '.,. '- ''" ;,t

no other county quite ?o low in j t|19jr home o>.\ Fifth srr T. the scale of intelligence; I ut even From 9 to lltl.o tiu-r. here with all our ignorance ws must hope that there is virtue enough in the county to save it from the shame of giving a ma-

th* visiting architects were ex- tended theeourtesies of Carolina Ciuband spent the time im.-t

; i

helnnt'inirto tnetow'i, I.M"B " , , , . Reade'street between Fourth and boyhood days-

Everything i'i the way of feed !lt F. V. John.-tin a. 89 4td2tw

It is the talk of the town. The o'd fiddltrs' convention on the 10th. lr,! ltw'

Hay of all kinds at F. V.John. i n*s near A C. L. depot.

S !) 4ul 2CW. The old fiddlers' convention

will take you Lack io grandpa's ltd ItW

pleasantly in thc club room enjoyment of thc guests wasi greatly Increased b\

Nobles, Joyner Wingate b ",Socict, Raleigh. N. C Chapman, W G Little, C S Carr, "* m* Schooi discipline. W B Williams, J R Newton. H S l - W ii William", o iv JTI-"V. Tyson, C H Forbes,* N R Corey, G A Clapp. R J Lewis. A P Tur- nage, A J Flanagan. C H Rogers.

SSUAU- ssi iIBSmi n m nik-wa

Uaiid izer Is known wherever Cotton is grown and Fer- tilizers used, as the greatest producer of large yields.

See that the trade mark is on every bagit guarantees .against imitations and insures you are getting the genuine Royster goods.




I '

Delegates to District Conference.

The District Conference of the Washington, district, M. E. Church South will meet at Auro- ra May 6th. The following are delegates from Jarvis Memorial church; G. 8. Prichard. Wiley1

Brown, L. H. Penu.^r and J. U Little. Alternates; Jas. Brown, J, W, Higgs. D. D. Overton and James Long.

At the quarterly conference held in Jarvis Memorial church Sunday night. L H. Pender was

' elected Sunday school superin- tendent to succeed Geo. S. Prich- ard, resigned. \

The si irt waist sale to be held by the Ladies Aid Society ot the Baptist church, will tike place Friday and Fatuiday, 13th and 14th. "d "w

-Supt. Julian B. Martin. 12:20 Discussions on miscella-

neous topics. Announcements by Supt. W.

H. Ragsdale. 12:30. Adjournment.


Shelmerdine. N. C. Mar. 10, '08. Mrs Catherine Robbins died at

her home in Shelmerdine Feb. 26th. 1908 in her seventieth year of age. She is survived by MJ

Fifth streets. The different officers made re-

port of collections for thc past month.

Accounts were allowed and paid amounting to 51,641.60.

Oyster Boal ouuk.

Birco Pittmnn's gasoline boat j, at the bottom of the river at Old Sparta with a load of oysters in the shall ubmerged.

The boat wss returning from Washington where the bivalves were oDtaimd. At old Sparta the boat sprung leh and be-

a jfcSA/ss *HSsdeep ~* * Remains were taken to her old eomttjd^ home near Rocky Mount,^ Gorg"* it.-Tar.oro interment. We deeply sympa- tryina Jo thize with the bereaved family, Southerner. and JS that our Heavenly For Rent-5 room house n MhelwU comfort lad blesslsouth Greenville. Apply eSiflhemasHealcnecando. JjhOj*. re, tal agent. Ay-

Lowest prices on cotton seed meal and hulls at F V. John- slon's, pto r-e ID. / 3 9 4td 2tw

I have limited quantity of seed corn, will produce 60 to 120 bushels per acr.'. for sale. 35 ltdw I) P- haskott.

joritv in favor of liquor- We must meet this old falsehood that appeals to the passion ar.dpn ju dice of ignorant country peopW tim! show them that if there was ever any 'discrimination" iu the Watts and tlw Ward law against them the prohiblticu bill wipes it out by making the sale of liquor illegal everywhsre, In town ns well as in country. Intelligent farmers can he of irr.mese ser- vice in this campaign by making


Greenville's Department Store A RIVAL OF WHISTLER?

Tha Ru Wo


; &

What Want


Alwavs bringssatish.ctionto the- buyer, and

being able to Hipp y your wants is equally

gratifying to the seller. This is the condi-

llon al

-.. :: vliie's Bppartmsnt Store. Wc hs e iust what; u want. The ;jix:ds are

richt. -vl prices ar - right

' .-".. Was N--T Mcr?. Compete

B Attempted Iml- Utian of tha Paatola.

One evening there v..i- a eomiv- ial gathering: of men from man; difTcivTit nations Mated about a ta- ble in an open court of the Banai Grunwuld, a well known Ven.: .., restaurant. The conversation, 1 be- lieve, was in English, and the sub- Ject of Whistler a pastels was

rought up by one of his enthusi- astic American admirers. A Kus- sian named Wolko'T was flippant and depreciating, ridiculing them as works of ert, jeerlngly saving that he was willing to bei that ha could make half a dosen naatakf as good as Whistler's, and, if they wcrei mixed with his. nobody conld tell | thom apart. The American waa I turprised at thia attitude and re-! marked:

"I'll l>et a champagne dinner for all present thai v 'i can't."

"All right, I'll lake your bet and w] .; 1 BOY,

' ll!il!IW""JTOP*aww^^ s-

Tl ie Think iLrm

ftener one gives exneiae to'

the at roil j i r bacon < \ m i I a book on a certain could no) find it IK

THE BAN Report of the Condition of ._

EENVILIE at Greenville and more flexible itl frenchman aaid oncef. ' ---

!iat whenever ha wantedl*^~ State of North Carolina,at the close of business Feb. 14th. 1908. ain anbioel and . .

RESOURCES. I * LIABILITIES. anbjccl and. wrote one.,

There i- a tremcndooi lea that. 1* meant thai each of ua ran find out as much about any* thing we wiah to bo informed upon as .my otlier human being in the world if we will only determine to do to. Wo can achieve and oonquor anything another can if we make up our minds to the performance. > it and make the determination th. law of our life. Success has it laws, the beau principle of which is, "Give your best to get the beat.'' A writer on mental forces say-, "Think BUCCeaa and you win suc- cess."

n 'n i Loana and discounts Over drafts secured

an! unsecured 2,061.17 Ail other stocks, bonds

and Mortgages 2,400.00 Ranking house 4,200.00 Fur and Fix't. 3,872.32 8.072 ?2 Dun from Banks and

Bankers Cash items Gold ccin fcnw r coin, including

all minor coin cur- rency

National bank notes and other U. S. notes 9, .R1.C0

63.755.20 4.006.95



Applied Externally. iTi'iai While slaying in the north of

England a commercial traveler con- prove :.' I toy, ! at 1 will make oiil . ul ii must be ' tinted a town cold, which oblige) on>- co:

jgre 1 '. : 1 m" : him to remain in bod. Hit It id- pc-i :::ci td " tier's pat- lady, n sympathetic widow, was mi I

U I- I i :'. 1 . .:'.'

"1 will roe to thai at i arrangi c 6". n voa in see tn -.

231,228 66

25,00 00 25,000.00

13G SriOMaJcapitai stocj. Surplus ;'und Undivided profits, less

current expenses and taxes paid 17.144.80

That .cnilicalM Dca. 2ri;'>: re, which - '. II ...M ! eside him, rema


ble h Mli'a-


. apartment i tilled with goods

he needs ci the family, the home, the

. the ofiiee.

ss goods, trimmings,

!, Just ROW is the


i imsun sea-

All this ' i Wh e .'. r. who \ inwuen . the r > - m ''' ''

I! - in : uest. i :: ' '' : tiuiro

,. : i II hifi 1

..,'1 .

;: cold!"

the pali for the e il of his Russian nest, came lo inquire I.o the patic lie rcee I l.im chat dngh and ysj i " *ia.1, "s < ) u'vo cjlen thowi I I . Thi c , -'"' i'li pi ki i: up (he empt; hepinni I on lav oca ,.r,K care-! porri e fully, almo.-t (cetnonic sly, and! ' !' a | niltic '" cxelaii I placed then ' ire him upon a J the invalid. "I'veI've got it on char::... r> 1 u an easel. Thit j my clu !" London A ustvers. was I he i"- ' v ... | o exl ibited


\ :7 -. .,

pas: r . 5 Enss."! . I for fix

T pi' toe in |

"L '

t fiio Ferret, hi South Gn ' -' . ' riih which at 3 o'i l ck thi

. t.ttci).....' ;:: .;.. cS.

levies, Igin s, stc.

/" .-, ::i file's partment Store


it'jwum ' IT.-*.. -. rnmitiwiiininiI mI II .

Report of the Condition ci

^reenvil e Banking Trust Come


In the State of North Carolina at the close ol bushiest Feb.

i .

not i i P ' ; n ci . : v;luc!. Vi"; . !: : T .

T! " : : let him si i mllis r,*o lie man- ,. witi i WhisRv.s- ccmttcr>- ti in .': ' ! 1 ' "'":. : .': s' ..ill p e ' \Thi :. :' i v. pastel boxe . lie i sleeti d all he wanted or thon?l I ho need '. for the easy t.i k of making a Whistler paste! and i tcr ' ' exceptional accommo- dation returned to his \."rk. saying he would be ready for ii:e jury iu I a week.

How or by whom the ?is jurors were .-' 'Cted 1 >' i not In r, hut I rememl that two ?f rangers, an A'.'-tr'"" end n Dutchman, were among ihei . Spain waa n present- ed by "!:'rii-i Ri . En .-',.n.i by Hen- !. ..' . '. A.. ' .'.i " ca by Frank Ii k BJ d r -cii. By t! - i G ''':.:' DI w I lie wager. The jury m * : n hou on the Ti-v.i cot far from the Te I oa Mimi

If; vest in a good one n. [f there

be woi th ano .


ci & nXi

to Invest ?


RESO'JRCES, Loans and di-eounts 127.451.22 Overdrafts secured

and unsecured 5,152.49 All other Stocks bonds

and mortgages 1.000 00 Ban'.-.ne hoNfle Fur.

andFixturers 4,401.12 Du^ from Banks and

Barkers Cert iteona' Silver coin, inclu-Jing all

minor coin currency National ov:!v notes


: accepted the wager was not there. WnTyolI was at home, sick in bed.

! Whistler was in the darkest and Capital stock 25,000.00 farthest corner, with his hack to Surplus fund 16 000*001 e comPony a,lJ "'"' P!lstcls on a

Undivided profits, less lonf *St.*"iS? Sl8?^ JvW"SF . K ' , leach exhibit from Whistlers hands : !' !' and place it on a high backed chair.

88.160.77 7,218.1'?!

taxes piid. Tiocctr tntstaDm, 23.394.54 Urpoins MS. tochk. 119 943.19

Due to banks and i Bankers

560.12 j Cashier'? checks out- standing & ether i.'. S. notes


I. C :'.' C rr, Ca shle* - ! the above-nara'd bank, do solemnly jwear that the aoove statement is true to the best of my knowledge ai,u '''l:0- C. S. CARS nBki' '' 'i- & Campbell Pi- uakts combined, 'i'iiere

','low :.- en a partial number of Green- ai IKi ': Campbell Pianos, and

x-ctive piano buy r is r< I rred 11 the following list:

/i ViAx^Xt BDiLEri Ki-Ak is apt to blow out it the boiler is of poor quality or the plumb- ing has been improperly done.

i. G. Moye, .1. !? Maye, Dr. E A Moye, Dr. 11 Laugh-

i . :..;, J ! I ten. H. liedbee, H. CUT,

|H. L. '.v.vai-J, j W. B. Wilson, r.V H J-OBg, JO. L. Joyner, IChas Skinner,

-. :iub, Greenviile Graded

_ School (2) Greet i'lo Opera



ami b

Subscribed'and sworn to before mo, this 28$h day of Fib. 1908.

ANDREW J. MOORE, Notary Public.

C S. C4RR, Cashier Cbrrcct- Attest:


latently received with .!.:- and fhoi'i- ol "Take i; away!' N it tor one momenl was there the least doubt or a dissenting voice.Ou< BochiT in Century.

Report of the Condition of


BETHEL, N. CAROLINA In the Si of North Carolina, at the close of business. Feb.Hth. J90S.

Lai: Rour.d for Taiss.

. I will make the last visit over Directors '.hecour'ty to collect taxes due

for the year 1907 t the following times and places:


y.. ^CES.

Lon^ and di Overdrafts nurcd Fun itut di Fix. Due I ron Banks and

Bankers Cash items Gold coin Silv- r c in, including

all minor-coir. cur. Nation,i hank notes,

otlterU.fi. notes



24,560.42|Capital stock 5,600.00 1,892.05 Surplus fund 3,000 00 1.2SS 80S Undivided profit:-, less

current expenses and nxes paid 880. y;*.

Time certificates of Dtp. 2,853.04 Deposits sub. to chk. 29,617.68



41,951 66

C. D. Smiths' Store, Beaver Dam township, Tuesdav Mar. 10.

Bell X Roads. Belvoir town- shin. Tuesday March 10.

Stokes, Carolina township. Saturday March 14.

Grifton, Swift Creek township. Saturday March 14.

All who f:-.i' to pay will be ad vertised and cost added to their taxes. Pay promptly and save cost and trouble. 12 Ira L. \V. Tucker, Sheriff.

There will be no such if


We guarantee, both the quality of all materials and articles and the thoroughne s of our work. We expect every first order for our services to win us many others. We so- licit a trial wder as a test ot our ability to%o vour plumb- ing promptly, thoroughly and reasonably. .

C. A Dicken?

Hotel Greenville J. W. BIGHT, Prop.

I wish to inform the public thtt my 1. .; i-^ now raady for reu w a d table toardera, buidicir entirely re- mouol1 d, tiioroufljhly renovated, "ele - tiic lights, lujt and cold baths, tran iont rocma, idea! home for ladies, and traveling men. liuilding opposite Ci un house and jiolite servants. I No. 7. (.'all en 1 see for yourself.

Yo rs to Serve.

F. 'anies, 1). 3 Whichard, Robert Greene, Wiley Brown, James Brown, VV. M. Pugh, C. v.. \ines,

... .:. . ..1.

H A Whjb, S. T. White, W. [I. Whi e, E. B. Higgs, (. E Bradldv, A H. Chritcbcr, D. l. Overton, A. ' \/: 'J.-'-, VV. r" Borch, ' v.'. A! .. ,. f . (' D. Smith, r. f. d., Ivy Smith, r. !. i P : ..' '. '. :..

IM> L'yson, r. f, s, du ties, salaries, vacations, promo, tions, etc., address Secretary, Board of Civil Service Exam-

W. H. WOOLARD, Cashier.



M. O. BLOUNT, T,. lio.nu 01 ^ivu aervic Directors 'iocrs> Post-Office, City-

' \

noaltc Pbone

J. W. Hight Pre.

Samuel M. Short Pormotly I. v ttiuPAiON, ILI .

VETERINARY SURGEON Office next to Peed's Sale an,.

Exchange Stables. Phone No. :i Grccnviik, N. c.

For Your Sunday Dinner, try the (ollowins: dolifrhtfu! desert:

!- .11-1 English Walnut meats. l-'t doz. Hg.*, eut uu fine, 1 Wc. |m.-f:i'c JELIX)-0, any flavoi I. isolve the -I :.M l.-M |n a i,int r-f l>:.j|-

ingwattr. When cool and just com moncing to thicken ttir in the figs anc nuts. Herved with Whipped cream. SSi'S'SP!. The walnuta, liKs nr,. JKLLO-O can be bought at any good grocery. TMl makes enough detert for a large family and is very cconom- icr.l.

Box2tjl G. G. FINEMAIJ. Factory Representative


iTO7-'iiiv rssr g agtataawgwtatatjjiapjgpi

Get The best for Comfort ^oyal! and Borden Felt flat- trcsses and a 3.piece Bern- stein Iron Bed have no equal.

T A FT S O Y D JlVva

CHICKENS Chickens, Turkeys, Geese and Ducks for sale at Rainbow Stables, in front of market House. #


Ladies and Gentlemen's Tailor. Greenville, N. c.

Pre laing, Alterlnjr, Repairlna:, Dyeing, Scouring, chemical

and Dry cleaning. S itisfaetion or no charges.

l: (ear of Edmonds and Fleming Barber Shop-

S^iis Wc are doing all kinda of Jewelry

Repairing. Why not have youra done hire'.' You get

Good Serviceat Reasonable Price ThiB also applies to my entire atock

of Jewelry. A corrmlete line to make elaetiopa from. Ifyou will aend me voi>r order for anythuig you majuoeed 1 v:1!! do my beat to pleaae vou by rivinjr you the best gooda for the money.

C. F. BRADLEY, Jeweler 309 Evant St.3 Doort from P. O.

-E. .iJA^Z.Ts.-f^mtmi-za?ztT-

New Shoe Shop On February 1st I will open a Shoe Shop in the building on 5th street opposite Hotel Bertha. Shoes made to or- der and all kinds of repair work. Save your orders and work for me.


How Many Bricks Have You Sent

Away? That sounds like a funny question, addressed to every cit-

iien of this town and oonummilv, but it's nail)' a serions one. Listen: There is now JneC completed a magnificent build-

ing of red briek exterior and concrete interior right in the boeiness heart of one of the biggest of American citiee. It occupies a whole block and colls itself in a larjre letteted eogn "The Largest Monelitliic Rrilding In the WorlcR" It has manv floors, with about a hundred aareiyof floor apace. Tbte entrances are of solid marble. Tlic floors are lieauttfoJJj tiled. Altogether it is accredit to the big city in which it stands. Oh, ifs a Jim Dandy!

Noe, how many bricks have you sent to the city to go into this big build- ing? Honest, how many?

Of the hundreds of thousands of bricks put into the walls of this building the city where it stands has contributed not a single red brick. Coun- try people, the people of 6mall towns and ci'ics far away from the big ir-i'- trciiolis, have font in the bricks for the construc- tion of this splendid edi- fice.

You may have font in a few hody of bricks your- teU without knowing ii-

listen: This magnifi- cent structure, which or- naments a city you prob- ably never will see your- self, is built "f bricks bought with the- dollars of people \i\ ii,: in towns jus! like our.-towns that woo! I like to iave Bon DC\. I :- '.< I>t ''' i then ' no and th< i contributed to the ci y be ' b'l g !UJ ! n hod of bricks for this bur, be.;:a- ! .:.; .T.I :. "larifcst in the world" of its kind. Thia building waa put up, through the kind donations of their unknown country consult, by a firm that ran a : U stone i:i that city a fevyeaaa age.

P.-.i! this firm conceived i!-' ento idea 01 Laving thou- sands of strangers contribute bricks to build its fine, large, new itote.

And the building is a Mail Order Store. Bee?


Ddd of


Every dollar nice, befty

Contact In the Early Daya Steam Fire Enginea.

In what arc sometimes called the halcyon days of the volunteer fire department* of New York there was a prejudice against the U6C of steam power on fire engines. The New York firemen still believed in the work of ready bauds and proved their sincerity by challenging an Ohio inventor of a steam fire engine named Latta to a public trial of strength and excellence in the city hall park. The challenge was ac- cepted, and* the engine reached New York on Feb. P, 155. On the next day in the city tall park in the presence of 20,000 spectators the trial ef skill took place. At the re- quest of the common council the Exempt engine company entered the lists with hand engine No. 42, the old "hay wagon," and proceeded to compete with the Latta steam en- gine.

A'match wns applied to the kin- dling wood in the Ohio steam en- gine, which in eight and a half min- utes began to pump and discharge water through two large suctions. The "hoy wagon" led off by throw- ing a stream of water toward Iicck- miin street through a one and one- eight Ii inch nozzle, tlio steam en- gine following with a stream in the same direction through a one and five-eighths inch triangular nozzle. When measured, taie stream of the former was found to ha 1S!> feet long and that of the latter 189 feot. Again the competing engines play- ed. At a distance of nboijt 800 feet a parly of small boys Brood in the F'roet "tauntingly demanding to lie dn chctl. The" Cinci mati en -:"" uhsuttt ffally endeavored lo grati- fy them, but when the Sew York- engine In gan to play they Bed W the n'd t of a drenching ' in hunati was beat'

An It Ancient Economist Who Said Would Ruin B-Jcincct.

The first atageeoach seen in Eng- land was about tile yea* 1553, and another 120 years pasted before stagecoaches began to run. They were not received with much favor. In 1GT3 a treatise was published in London by "A Lover of His Countrv and Well Wisher to the Prosperity Both of the King and Kingdoms," in which were used many elaborate arguments and vio- lent tirades against them.


S M SCKULTZ Wholesale and retail Crocer

and Furniture Dealer. Cash paid for Hides-, Fur. Cotton Seed Oil Barrells, Turkeys, Eggs, etc Bedsteads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Baby Carriages, Go Carts. Parlor suits Tables. Lounges, Safes, P. Lorilard and Cail & Ax Snuff, High Life Tobaccj, Key

iWest Chercots. Henry Gtorne Cigars Canned Cherries, Peach-

-Tueee coaches and caravans," .es, Apples, Pine Apples, Syrup, said the writer, "ar one of the Jelly. Meat Flour bit jar Cffee.

Soap. Lye Magic Food, Matches,

DWCT hath by fifteen

r\v,Vi Then a third trial - ii the ;if of- tho cii

i ' hose waa li pipes . '' upwe I

',. I .: id lb aid th

: pola.Pi ' ii ;' Ire* to 'i-*r fer a las!

-. I :.- :-.. : ': '... -.-.. I I : '. :. ' inute

thi wo li pmni ivir.aii - !' lit. Th n, amid nbnrn id i

ar one greatest mischiefs thai hath hap- pened of late years to the kingdom, mischievous to the public, destruc- tive to trade and prejudicial to lands."

He laments the decay of good horsemanship, which would foMow if everybody rode to 1 .ei.lou. in a coach. He calculates tbot a coach from York, Chester or Exeter would have forty horses on the journey to the capital and earry eighteen passengers a week. In the whole year it would carry about 1,872. Suppose there were return- ing passengers. There would be OHG, and for these forty horses would be sttfflcient, but if people traveled in the good old fashioned way then r.t least. 500 horses would ho required for the work. The use of so many horses would give em- ployment to many who were by the .-.. % ::.'i thro' .1 out of ffork, such :> cloth workers, drapers, tai- lors, saddlers, tanners, currier-'. shot makers, spurrier.-, lovbi ors and fel':i.''.T-. The inns would nlo suffer, tor the stagecoach stops only at a few. Ii.it when .: nth uu a trav- elc ' i Iioi i .-!. o ii ipante !. as they u uaily were, by t > i h Gre n llle F S I v ... - I. Mi.l '' \ endi I K. BI.I . Ie Ri . i.

i >-jn

1 . 1 -I

. IS

l 50



,; (10


'. ; H.I

i ::

. 9 11 9 29



E: Ru


Ni rfoll ... .... i Cli IOWI Gn Fi ' ' -' . Wi ' Raily M '/. HI W Knl I Wi lo Kalei h


10 ,

8 27 - I

I -

lay No. IS

E . Sn lay P. M.


It. iS. L. BUNCH, T M Norfolk, Va.

H. C. HUDGINS, G Norfolk, Va.

.. .:



i'. 9 la

101 I lo to

Noil" Es. Sund

i'. M.

I ' . .. . : :: I :. 15

1215 ' I I .. |i l - '

y in

Hclpina Him CJt.

Lord S.. a n >ti .^ ;-3

oftheordinarvkind with rid-II iculous ease. He knows better II than waste his time "ii massi\ :!!';; lar-pi'ootti .'- like Iiose in

V: r : . (I'-o;:5. 1 rai kinds. C

I i. 0 i "r

:. rdl rn

Headquarter; '.' all kinds of Feed. The National

Dd.n K It only the safety ol your

cash wen: involved it would I be well worth having an M-jaanBtaBtwaajaSB count there. IJut there are I have on

I many other advantages. An) Good Double

Clos3 to the Market ^

:: 'r.!'j'i-~^r:': Ll'Z'.': ".'^.J.JiatBl

ban ; for sale one Ar.-.rr: th* oravayerd. | manv ether advantages. An I Good Double Ffijrr. l Planer,

ancumte record oi 3,;r pay-! Matcher and Moldt r, IResaw Ma-

only i -

. :

. I

he li I


incuts is one. The cheek on j chine and !ot i h :chln- ,i: thoughtless spending isai oth-jery. I will sell on i a y I i ms.

W. B. Hi OK. ion. 1 i 1 d t willi so


d ..

end win '' ' ly wa the : they

u '


i il at i -. . : '

. i i


: , noil ' I Ilia 'd and ol !:

. .

I . - .


. :- 'i '.-


er; mid nt Ihel mkwill

y i-

. ua- ' .-

r : i him Ul :-

the ' !

reieal many others.

....... .

- Cobt ros k NORFOLK. VA,

Co ton B , .iv. ':: ]

ks, i itton. 'and Provisions

PRIVATE '" " R E ; '.- : -

.-.- - i IS).

ess- y. h Dp ! ':'.-

Edmond S .

. i,


pULLEY & BOVVER Home of Women's Fashions, Greenville N. C

Tail Spelts Ox.

,\ ! idv waa one ! i I "tcbing her little .siirl how to spell. She ui .1 a pictorial primer, and over each word was tho accompanying illustration. Polly gliblv spelled "o-x, ox," and "b-o'-x,l^;.\-,''nnil the mothor thought she was making "very rapiil prog- rcss," perhaps even too rapid. So she put lar hand over ttlO picture and then askod:

"Polly, "hat Joes o-x spelt?" "Ox," answered Tolly nimbly. "How do you know that it spoilt

ar" "Seed his tail!" she responded.

|-1 i i

tvclve. -

i" a ii f" iu ..- n i

; i.

The In . Tin man .

: i

.!. bill 1

' ;! red ' i ! \! in : trnl and pa id into l!io station. A si range -. o tho one i id< i com 'rsal o .c J the boy win ho 1 nil 1't answered tho big men. "D-d-d'; vnntcr tee no !'-- gel i ta-f i-face punched?" stan in i tlie boy. "D-d-dut big g-g-guy'd link 1 was mo-mo-moek- ing him." v rgonaut.

Hia Way Out.

"Ifow did your hu.shand cet out of the building after he had located the gas leak ?" asked tlie reporter.

"As nearly as he could remember it afterward," said tiie woman, "lie went out throagh t& voof."Obi- just above the base of tho note, due

FiTty Kinds of Hcacreche. "Thoro aro more than fii'iy kinds

of hoadachct," said a physician, 'ami tnffcrort from the more com- mon forms may cure themselves ac- cord ingly. The more frequent forms arc a dull pail', across the forehead, due to dyipcptla; a pain i" the back of the head, due to the liver; a bursting ]iain in both temples, due to malnutrition; an ache on the top of the head, as though a weight pressed on the skull, due to over- work; nn ache between tho brows

to mi- i

eoiiuii 'more nea'.r, ore ' : in r. m re co vcnienl

plai o . ad li -. \. tt.i r i :.:. T n in|! you for pasl patronagi i I wish- in . ii libf ral co itinui no of sea ,1 urn at ever, youra t.i sorve.

FRANK HOPKINS. Phone 01 Ladies and Gent tailor lo.i Fourth , st. opuoaite Marble yard.

Rob ert ipe

L icated in . >incss sec- tiunof th .' irs

one pre- I barber- .,,-! 'I'

- plaei is p. [

anl ' ;

. ..

. .

. '. :: zors il. iVc

...... I

Horn oi .-. . ing Tie and ags.

Correeoondenc* and shipment* BOI Clt- '

cago Tribune, to eye ttrain."Fur Newt.

SHOE REPAIRER Shop in Winslow'n Stables on

Fourth Street. All WOTR fiono promptly and satisfactorily




Office in National Rank Building

FARMS FOR SALE. Especially adapted to cotton,

tobacco and corn- Good dwell- ings. Apply to

F. C- Harding. 29dwtf


Dresbach & Clark Civil Engineers and Surveyors

i Ireei villa North Carolina. Railroad, Municipal and land surveying a specialty. Office on Third street near pottofllce.

BRFAD! BREAD! Mr-. Maggie Wliitky at the Wm.

Britt house, on (ireone street, bake a fresh broad every day. Orders deliv- ered anywhere in town and


OR R. L. CARR Dentist.






w^rnm wmp TP "^ ^mwrn^mm ^^^^I^P .



Entered as seccr.d elM I matter Jan. 4. 1907 at the postoffice at Greenville. N

C un(kr Actof Congress of March 3. 1879

(Ttutb ia Qxtitxtntt U jfatioir


l'oor old I'mle Joe! We won-

der how it inukes liim feel to fee

the Republicans of liis nuti\e

State all lining up for Taft.

Let thein turn loose all tin

money they want to in North

Carolina, The folks can find tw

tor it.


The ground hog's next appear-

ance will he next Sunday. If he

is to do anything rash with the

weather in the meantime he

must be in a hurry about it.

The recent extra session of the

legislature passed a bill institu-

ting the office of auditor tor

tiuilford county. Under author-

ity of the act the commissioners

of that county at their last meet-

iug elected a man to fill the office

and fixed his salary at , year. If that auditor does all

'that the lav says he shall do he

will certainly earn his salary.

Here is what the bill fays:

"See. ->. It shall be the duty or the auditor of Gilford county to make .Kit one copy of the taxi list of each township ai a per- manent copy and to deliver the!'

bridge across Tar river is soon to

IK' built, and the commir-sinners

of Pitt and Lenoir will also

jointly build a bridge at Grifton.

Then Greenville is getting

ready for steet paving and that

work will be started .soon. The

Cabinet Veneer Oo. is pushing

right ahead on its plant, and

ither enterprises are not far be-


Of course with all this work

going on public enterprises, in-

dividuals will catch the spirit

and go in for building 'and im-

proving. The Reflector has et

the figure at not less than a

"That big anti-prohibition State

convention with three delegates

present maybe a good indication

of the anti-prohibition vote.

The Gannon lioom

seem to make as much noise

around Republican primaries as

it does from the speaker's stand

in congress.

Mark this right down: The

percentage of Greenville'.-

growth for the next live yearn its

going to be larger than any town

in North Carolina.

Raleigh has thrown up the

sponge and decided she can t

build, Greensboro is making

promises to build, while Char-

lotte has already built. The

committee should see which one

is able to deliver the goods.

March Huh means much to

(iroenvillo. That day a delega-

tion of her representative busi-

ness men ap|>ear before a con-

gressional cimitnittoe in \\ asb-

inptonCity presenting the claims

of the Uiw n for a public build-

ing. The same day the l*>ard of

trustees of the Eastern Carolina

Teachers' Training Si-hool meet

here to arrange for work to be-

gin on the buildings for the


F.vcn now you cannot get

houses in Greenville as fast as

people want to occupy them.

This raises the hiquiry as to w hut

million dollars nmnent copy and to aonver m . original copy to tl^iiiJ collector spent here this year in impn

of said county, a:u1 t. I '' ' /' all duties rsipiired i>j *< rtion

geventj -'' '-'> > ":,i' ';lV'~ , . , !, luian i ui" "" ' " ;'.:'. '' r-

ton-.d .' : ' i. ut ii all. ' ' ' '"''' tjuin ' M' uud o .- p..i ' ' -!-";" ,' - US j- .' deli - I '

nit::! i.i new I uildings

Wi'il - h prospect ev, ry-

I I- . !' ! quit g ttlii . ... iva to reap the benefil ei

-,; .: thing I > ngs ii-i ir.g.

According to recent statistics,

it will not take many more in-

laiherings for the Raleigh Re-

publican club to claim as many

members as there are voters in

the city.

S;, .her Cannon stands but tit-

le show I'C r the presidency, and

Ji present sess ssion v, ill finisli

up . - re en in congress there


Farmville, N. C March 10. 1908 Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Thomas and

their little boy, Scott, who have been with us since last August, left for their home in Rocky Mount -aturday. Mr. Thomas was the American Tobacco Co's. buyer on the Farmville manteL

Luther Y. Thomas, who has been with Monk. Davis & Com- pany, left last Friday lor his home in Virginia. ^

C. E. Allen, the clever auc- tioneer, who has been with Monk Davis & Go,, left for his home yesterday.

W. E. Goolsby went to Rich- mond yesterday.

A. M. Moseley, of Greenville, was in our town yesterday.

Dr. and Mrs. G. E- Weeks,

will I. i igti of relief


in many






the aem j.. i

I ml: ... :

A ll


. .. the !:ix|

it oi ill ri i ll rU'ii'C IWI' i -

. i i'i t.i ip . ' .

., . : I :

unit'. ;

' i

We I .'i ' "'" i ' he hurrj 'p >il it.'

. .. , 'MHII is promising

, ile t hariotte has

eu.ll Uiii.

XI . gov xies for it, ami tin > sent i'. over the State as an t x-

pression of the great anti-prohi-

bition convention. Possibly Mr.

Neill and Mr. Btabbs would have

URti il to '; ;;.

the condition will be a few years hence when the demand for j who went to Leggett's last Fri

day, returned yesterday. The Wepublicans of Farmville

lowsnhip, so it is said, held primary here last Saturday.

S. C- Wooten went to Fountain this morning.

houses rill he even greater thai

now. It is hard to tell, but The

Reflector believes that the best

and safest thing for every new

comer to Greenville to do, is to

buy a lot and build a house on it

as early as possible after getting

here. There is * good building

and lean association here to lend

a helping hand to this end.

I Qnsdl Remedies in Japa?.

borne >y has'discovered that c Japanese suffer as m n'

from quack medii inea as we Ann i-ici us and the English. In the Journal of the Asiatic So- ciety i '' Japan, says a London



makes tl h . limp til


. I I '

my C.


. the sale of quack mod _ ,. of ,,, lund of the n , .,

,;.. J 'J. .


Grimesland, N. C, March 6. V7 E Proctor and wife spent

Sund-'V night in Winterv^lle. T. 1' fioUMay and W- B. Wil-

(n-n -vent t>(' wenvllleTuesday. fV hail a nice tirr? :i- the

oy>t.;.- niwr last Friday night i: u ." sapper wn the end

,,i . ^r are waa :- votun," enn- . or the most popular girl,

ard !*' Mamie Stanly took the kc The cake broui bt WS.20.

rec '' -"was

...; -.v ii i

. killed.

. II up the ides

: large au.li loriuni

ii: . . : Tor .

to esamiii I ' twja- a hlhang (iimral Stoessel because year tin ke,s all justices ,.. th pei-n i id wayori - said county. . ...;: a. r- !;..i. izei! ii Ii ;''" "" ' ' " '' ficatioi "- > ' " ', ' , til ; againbl . ' """: \ ' " ["I open a set of accov.nl I: - in raincame just in time which shall he shown the total

,.,. mil U" HUH tie streets mil el I he month!; i :- '' ' ' "' commis icu a of all the >1K< ] oi; < Ii ml I -i *ti ea see them in bad sai I cornty in ain-xr ; '"' ;' " pli| it. i ::.:: . Ill I ' "

_' '. I;:iu v v '.;;

lUty i |i .si he '*/

i '\. i from ih "Ot '

;,. | ;, (jo - lii froiii

oiiils to ;" briil;! '"i"1 ti-

ll about that snggi sJon.

Those three delegates to the

nti-prohibition State conven-

; .Salisbury may send out | lection fr location,

an "; ircss" ! . ' sounds liki > Jnnd it. It will be M '

ory of the frog pond in

... fjog was mi king all

11 i se,

ii!--. nville :s ' id to Kavc ' tn! sof th" E istern Can II

loa in I- Training si hool ' '

i,' i.. The.v (' IK n toarru - oi , irk o ' ;.in on ll" bull

inj: .:.:' hei new i wry stop:

[to get l! - ; II i sturti d. Aft i

. .! !;- en\ ille and noting tin enthusiasm of our people for the

. ho il, the trustees can see that

the State board made a wise se-

icinei . . mil if effe I bj i orga lira- l.,i: of :!'!" .s rather th in :

glu p.. A moi g the tl lugs are ' iin healing i>;i'-." "p '-

Ii II : pills," "-.. j il!. " "In i.li .... .

VA iZ. Prcctor ;.' try B !' . m, [ .. i ii it eu . :V]. ri ig I tals! The Il . c tin iiin it. . :; the int ' ..,.., by fire last year was ap-

ivnf the ciiuntrv Dcanle eit'i i nrnvimntplv ana-fcurth the value

Reprentntive Morton, of New-

Hanover county, called' a state onvention of anti-prohibitionists

to meet in Salisbury, and when

he got there he found just two

more beside himselfJ. D. Me-

N. ill, of Fayettevillw, undHarrv

b'n .: ,:. i Ik heard, we ln-

lieve ii' he sen! inient "i the p -

;,;,. ould be had it would ' .. they favon d the new emi J ,...,- : he river f >m

. if E' t -"I i;' ' I'i it won

a lit to cr

Kvai > :- : I it tnigl ' . . j hhigruu. A

-.,:>imp II ant hing to con I I ;that ii' a new site was tajyu for the n w bridge it ftrould not

be n cessary ti> t'-ar down the

old bridge and opcraliV a ferry

while the new bridge is being

built. This would make a big


ty of tin i luntry pi iple eii:. .-. j,rt1x:matt':y ons-fcurth the value did not know them, or misrep- i ot'the Cotton crop, of the year fesented.tluin for a pirrpose. before, approximately one-hr" i;. ., a favor of prohibition, its value.-Charlotte Observer.


i hut ty and Child

.\elll, or r ayeiu-4 uiw, uiii ".i stubbs, of WTHIamston. Whatl Hon. B. J. Justiee,.speaker of

a mighty conyeiition that was'.

.lust look at what Is ahead for

Greenville and Pitt county, and

see if you ought not feel good at

the prospects. In a very short then what?

while work is going to begin on

the buildings for the Eastern

Carolina Teachers' . Training

School, and that school is going

to be a help to all of Eastern

North Carolina. Then the steel

If the South Carolina dispen-

sary commission fails to do what

Federal Judge I'ritchard says,

We actually heard a man talk

ing about street cars in Green-

ville. Better watch this town!

Nothing is impossible if the folks

take the notion.

The commissioners of Wilson

county have been imitating

President Roosevelt in the mat-

ter of tossing a coin to decide

the disposition of patronage. The

chairman of the board took a dol-

lar out of his pocket and told the

editors of the two papers there

to choose heads or tails to see

which should have the I contract

for publishing the county state-


. i

the House of Representative In

the last General Assembly, and

whose name has been mentioned

as a candidate for Attorney Gen-

era] of the State, has written to

a close personal friend that he

will not be a candidate for that

office and in a strong letter gives

his reasons for reaching that de-

cision. They are people all over

the State who wanted to support

Mi. Justice for the office, and

they regret that he will not be

a candidate for it.

Banki .-" i' HH ' I in \v : ling! i ,;- tui 113 night,

or Tayl "of '! e, jug on ''he Rllbjl .i ol

| up ati ..' i; i ;'''"! -,s

ng that the love of gold and .,, powi r, ii di troyed all the great nations of the ancient 'world, is g< fctin 5:. lirm hold on ii,i:- nation. He expressed the opinion that if the "United States were transplanted to heaven the bankers would have the golden paw nient dug up in three hours and be charging in- terest on the gold, and that a revenue tax would be placed on.

KhO harps of the angels to protect American industries." New-

Bern Sun.

Nodes SoT.-.x Payers.

All parties who owe taxes for the year 1907 urc requested to pay same before the I->tn day or March. Positively ail who do not pay by that date will ba served with noticesand cost add- i.d. L. W. Tucker,'Soeriff mar 9 d ot w it.


Notice to Creditors. Having qualified as Administrator of

E S. Dixon, deceased, late of Pitt county, North CaroHna, this is to noti- fy all persons having claims against the estate of said den seed to exhibit them to the undersigned properly proven within twelve months from this dite, date, or this notice will be pleaded in bar .f their recovery

All persons Indebted to aaid eatats will please make immediate payment.

This the 6th dav of March IM8. W. H. DIXON, Administrator.

Edwards, N. C F. 0. JAMES, Attorney.

6 8 ltdStW

Groceries And Provisions

Cotton Bagging and

. i' - vs on nand

1. }3 Fresh Goods kept con-

stantly In stock. Country Produce Bought and Sold

D. W. Hardee, GREENVILLE N C NorthC arollna


Oakley, M 0. Murch 10, 1998

Wii several times we have been thrown iD the wast, basket but we come again. Oakley has been on a rest. [When aid you get in the waste basket?-Ed.]

C. H. Ross and family, of Vir- ginia are spending a few days ia this section with friends-

We regret to state that Mrs. Bettie Beleber is bat little better.

S- Be'chcr, of Charleston, spent two days here the past weeic at

his old home. Mack '.I.iwley and family, of

Goldsboro, were here last week. Fr;vn- War en and family have

moved t" ltocky Mount. Charlie Moore, of Whicl-.ard,

was a ca...;r here Saturday. Farmers are pushing farm

work in this section. Miss Willie Everett, the ac-

complished and worthy teacher of the Piney Green school, gave a basket party Friday night, which was "largely attended from both Pitt and Mardn counties. The baskets were prcttyV the girlR were all smiles, and the young men wore Pitt's and Mar tin's host specimen of manhood. The -"'" th^r irwny "*

THE AYPEN_PEPARTMENT This department is in charge ot J. M. Blow who is authorized to represent The Eastern

Reilector in Aydtn and vicinity

$> mtfioriaed tajecf rr DAttt uif! BABTKRS tti-HUOdOE we tak. t ripHoM t-a writing receipts' fo- we in arr?.ift VVebavea ,j M wtio receive thwr mail s i!- ..fn.--. Cvealso Uke or.h EliFi.7, swent'j n.L -a ftpm 1.00 to &50, you Mrs /E. Books and chud

* K. v. , wi, .-:: , v.o.uro one and .. . * h t not die out lr- dollars _ '.'..., ,,.-.Ot rise Ayden is much canal . - I .;....::;, when w get it waters otPamllcj^und he indispensible to our Atianticocean at Btaufort. On farmerfriaBdB. Keepitagitoted March 2nd, no Introduced a bill ffl v/e t it ftnd it wiil never providing for a Burvey^&oking; ))e ^ of regret. to the eat; blishment or a I :-n loot; j R Smkh Cj_ & Djxon waOT channel from the respective | " t) Q ffiet ol ...^ BeaBoned mouths of the following rivers-^ emptying Into the Pamlico and Albemarlc sounds:

Neuse river to Kinston; Vrent

river to Trenton; Roanokeriver to Weldon; Pasmiotank river to Elizabeth City; Chowan river to Winter.: Pamlico river '..Wash-1

ington. Fha purpose of calling the at-

tention of the Chamber cf Com- merce to this matter is to impress the necessity of insisting that the Pamlico river is opened up as far as Greenville and farther if possible. It is not known that it is practical to establish a ten foot water way as high up as Greenville, but this is a golden opportunity to get an [accurate survey made of the river and determine what depths can be obtained as high up as our city. The Chamber of Commerce should take this matter np im- mediately with Senator Simmons as he can and no doubt will if properly brought to his attention, amend his bill to include Tar


It's surprising how little money a man can get along on when his family needs it all.

o?.!t lumber 2 1-2 inches thick. Mrs, David Manning died at

her home near here Bunda/. Sh had been sick for several months She leaves a husband.

Dr Perkins National Herbs for sale by J 1'- am^thco

The little iuby of Mr. and Mrs, J. R. McCaskey is very sick.

Cox Cotton Planters Pad; Bands and Guano distributor^ at J R smith Co

Rev. T. H. King, of Winter- ville, filled his regular appoint- ment here last Sunday.

Our clever attorney, W. J. Hooks, left Saturday to speno. several weeks yl* his family at Kenly. He will take a special course of lectures at Wake Forest before returning to Ayden.

Bring us your cotton seed and vour small lots of scrap cotton in the seed. JU K Smith Co. &

Dixon. R. W. Smith left today for

Rocky Mount to meet his family who are on their way home from an extended trip to Florida.

Repairing neatly done on bug-

gies, carta, wagons, plows, also shoe your mules and horses. J.

R, Smith Co, &. Dixon.

Saturday was a tame affair, \, e are te'd there were five pros- . >ut h) a very large store. No ,,,',!' w anythinji about it un-

. II jver. There arc but

'.-w i:. Ii,.;., it.ii d th Collowing lie n :


Who makes a specialty of fine

n r n

il Elf! .-qjjji..." *..-.-- ' - -

WHITE. A'. J. Mayo aud Bewie James.

C ir..::.:7::). George May... a...I Annie Mob-

ilev. | Ellis Adam ind 1 aily l .. . i. . md Mary E. L i rley.

... A. Ch.t ...it a; I Ada ,41 I ,- . ( ....

": ' " , ! Flei ilng. ant visit to her Btster, i\li i.,

A. L. Sumrell, returned to her. home in Greenville Monday. ^ \jf JOSC-

Gowana Pneumonia Cure j. Ri

smith co Physician and Surgeon Misses Lillie Savage, Mary,"J

Whitehead, Letha Fair and Ga-, Office over Bans Building belle Dawson went to Conctoc


N, lie Bj rnhill, :-': '


Drj lot B, Notions, Pat?, Shoes Hits, ips, M>t- ;-:-;s, loot Cll Clo '

md Fancy ;. ie? . '. :, i >; i iiwitU/ .1 HI! I -

10-c ... qui ; tie , now g >ino at > and > c ut - | We ennn be,rjrpMd on India Linens, Liwai and all

White Gojdsi

Friday and returned yesterday. Windows, doors, blinds, locks,

hingerand butts, J. R. Smith

Co. Misses Edith and Thclma

Mumford were very pleasant callers Friday afternoon.

Lime cement, plastering hair and a full line of hardware at

J. R. Smith Co. A colored man rode a horse

belonging to Mr. Charles Smith, near here. Saturday evening and tied him to a post until he could go over town and transact some business. When he wept for his horse to go home the animal was gone and it was not until late the next afternoon that he was found tied in another part of the town. Some lascal had ridden him dur-

ing the night





Otters his professional services to the citizens ot A yden and

community. Oilice in .Lyon Building*

Residence, W. B. Alexander's house, Ayden, N. C.




Rheumatic Pains Relieved.

B. F. Crocker, Esq., now H4 years of ice and for twenty yearg Justice of the Peace at Martinaburg, Iwa, nays: "I am terribly afflicted with sciatic rheumatiBm in my left arm and right hip. I h*ve u,ed lJ}r?* ' ul of

R{SOURCES Loans ami discounts "I'StS Overdraft! iSoso Furniture and Fixture; .I'SS Hue from Banks Mid Bankers 67.188 81 Cash Items SOB no (iold Coin -08-00 Silver Coin, including minor

cum currency i,o.*o National Hank notes, other

U. S. notes .li4.iw

Total $109,018.61

LIABILITIES Capital stock $'.0 0I0.IKI Surplue tuiul 8,000,00 Undivided prolits. less cur-

rent exp. and taxe pad 3,981.45 Time Certifleatei otDepoalt 8 161.81 Depotiti nbjeet t > ebeck M.aH.2 > CasMer'l Checks outstanding 1,261.06

Total 10U.ut8.fil

ClwrnbcrUin"! Pwn Balm end it did this 24th dey of Febmiry, 1908. me Tots of good." For sele by all| J. A. MEWBORN, druggiiU and dealers in Patent Medi- cine*.

7~i R Smith Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that th, .bove sutement i. true to the beat of m, xnow^dge and belief. ^ ^

Subscribed and sworn to before me, |Correct Attest: .


Notary PubUc1 Diwctor..




Where Liquor His Been Driven Out There the Schools Flourish.

Hon. J. Y- Joyner, the State Superintendent of Public In- struction, is emphatic in declar- ing that Prohibition will be the best thing for North Carolina. In an interview with him yester- day he had the following to say.

"You have ake d lor my views on prohibition. I shall vote for it and support it most heartily. I consider a temperance a moral and civic question rather than a political one. The '-hief end of the bjsiness in which I hate been engaged during all the years of ny manhood and the chief end of the office I now fill is the el-vation of humanity to a higher plane of civil and moral life through the development of childhood by education, the pro- motion of all forces that tend to

IS NOT TO RETIRE. bxx,k into some child's hand an MRS. WALTER BARPIELD DEAD. I MASQUERADE SKATING CARNIVAL ambition and aspiration !nto some child's heart, and make it I On Monday morning, March URGE CR0WD AND MERRINENT Col. W. J. Hick, Ha, No I possible for many another child the 2nd. the spirit of Frances A. to be put regularly into the, Barfield. the beloved wife oil

~-.l. __.L-_ _. i_ \; W t ... ['...C.U -*. 1 -

AT THE RINK. Leaving the Oxford Orpknite. In the News and Observer of school: when vou vote liquor out Walter Barfield, at home in r J ... r , In the News and Observer of

of the home, ycu vote thrift into Greenville, N. C- took its flight 1f? . . \ ' "L "S*1 *" Wednesday appeared an article it: you take the burden of family jto tht God she served. Her support off the little shoulders of death was not unexpected as she many a little child in factory kad been declining very rapidly and shop and put it again where j 'lr tne last few years. It seems it belongs on the big shoulders of that age and a complication of a working man. and put that diseases was the cause of her child into th- school again where death. She was one of a large he belong;-. family, most of whom lived to be

"I believe it to be true that aged, but all have now passed drinking and drunkenness, b*- 'ontt the river except two; Mrs. cause of their deadening influ Patsy Davis and Mrs. Nancy

Barfield of Ayden. Her father's enceupon ambition and aspira tion, prid > and hope and con j name was Gardner Jones who science, and b. cause of their in-1 has been dead near fifty years, evitable tendency to thriftless-/ Aunt Frankie, as she was ness, shiftlessness, idleness and'known had many fine qualities poverty, are amone the chief and was greatly beloved by a causes of child labor and indif- n(-st 0l admiring relatives and fere nee to the education of j friends:. For many years she children, and among the chief: had been the faithful devoted obstacle* to attendance upon the 'wife of her husband, standing public schools. Believing this,' Lv him for the past 43 years,

buch elevation, the pr-Hcction 0f ifwr thc' P"*"** of childhood I Was a good housekeeper, neat in

Childhood from ell frces that IheprometioB of education, :h>.r Ivme and given to hospital- tend to degradation. Theexner-'1'''" our Isold a J ... t < /' 2-3 de- grees wctit 10 3-5 poles to a stake with pointer*, thence south 35 degrees west 6S 4-5 poles to a stake on a .itch on the east side of the path, thence north 47 .-2 degrees west 6 2-3 poles to a stake at the corner of a ditch, thence with the ditch south 36 degrees west 33 1-5 poles, thence with the ditch south 25 d grees west 16 poies to a stak?, thence south 6'J degree eatt 17 poles to a Make, thence north 30 I-2de- grees east 47 poles to a stake, on the west sie'e of the path, thence south 47 1-2 degrees east 21 l-5poestoa stake in the Hickman Patent line, thence wth said line north 3ii i-2 dei 'jr.es e.f. 1-2 poles to the :,ee;inn- inK;" as shown by map filid with the rip -t in this cause.

This the 12th day of February. 1933. J. L. FLEMING,

^ ' l-'.n.... : ,i_T


Nct'ce h t'arolir.n. )

I :.1 ounts Sutierior . In the

\ Court. Noah i'.oyd. vs. :ne una every parnc-jvrpnanagafwnerenia .1-1: naeij>i [pa. tteke along a card on which been sucbai to aid the Uttleonesf ^ d8feDdant ahovt(] n;;med

is written the name of the i;v.-| ''"- "'m his care Ba.elgh|wi ^e notice ti-:it n:i -.ction B -1 character represent 1,1 ' ' and Observer, and ci aosit tiii.s card with I do . per, then none will b

Y . ' -li.

!"mn Cobb and '.'.

,.v. . d ' : icai ' tow. V"t,il i -' ";ilV Mil:vv- "fj barro in . ispcnsancs out. '; I to meet Aunt ' ' .;.- , ; ' . 1 . -'oat is fairer

;;.::.v.;-;;:,,/...:.. -.- .:..^;;'.~r;- t^*-*** proh bition and ute Buch pernoi ti Influi .: .: i . tay p 1 see 1 ii r: itb success; nor can I easily un-

anv otl 1

FarmviOc Patfor Pounded.

Matt* tho BMt cf !'.. tvo mav ii" HO I'.iHi.-c ka tho

I worst of it. Every one b liiawcak ... , , .. . pbiut. Every 0110 luu Us faulU. x ' ',";:' represented 1 \ , . . , , ,.. , . ,

" ' ': lit" s Ruth C"i \ 'iy 1 . ir . lt ti won ai.i Ilild ' itch' r 11 1 -s; 'i ] > these. But wo . '

. Smith. ... rl - and (low 1 '! "'' '"' '::"' :l'r- " . '..: tLillian Burch, fairy uu . ZTxt.0Jen : v" :'^"'" '' lT ,-,,,. ,.'... given. We mav pat our* lalae

\. DrP "liberty; M. .,;....,..;. : ': 1 .,... ..,, , . : " mi .... ; Mif ; eho I . ', 1., bo done I tu uu I

Dfary James, folly; Miss Estell tfcoi lit of ua wore wo .1 their Priscilla. Mlg, lu,y .^^*^***^ Stab of mod can conscientiously do ota- . , ""* cl , e?day night and enroute !.-,- TU-. n;i un . *' ^.I J. r\ s

r.i the pa,. 01 age and gave. \,A:n: ^0 DM, ^tor, ^ ^ () t 0 U M tC I ^: th - , ;.i,d hi., f.-.mily aver:?| Miss Alice 1 Iradley, old lady. S

J '"i. yuiw t

. '').':'' ZBshove . ,tn ceetj in t! ? 5op rior '. \ urt .'t ?.'. a unty f r.; din rce frem the bonfls of mi rin.01 ;. and '.'crior Court of Pitt county, and having duly quali- fied as auch administrator, notice is hereby given to all persons holdini; claims againat aaid estate to pnaent them to the undet signed for payment, duly authenticated, on or before the 8th day of February, 1909, or thia notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate ore requested to make immediate settle- ment to me.

This the 8th day of February, 1908. .._,_, CADDY JAMES, Administrator of James u. Bullock,

deceased. Jarvie * Dlow, Attorneys. 2-10

WWF"w'y*" I iggmnwrmFrf wrewesr

or not

Forty years experience at Bu^gy manufacturing, and the reputation u vehicle have attained over the large territory in which they arc used, Is sufficient (juaraatcj Out our work is the best and that the interests of our eustomeM is protected.

We make tbe best Buggy on the market for the money, sell for cash or time, and protect the purchaser with this guarantee:

If any axle, spring or wheel breaks with fair ani reasonable uajje withi:i one year from date of purchase caused by imperiej' j tion in material or workmanship, and is returned lo us by tne par- chaser, we will replace the same free of 1 hargo

We also have for sale the best Wagons made by manufacturer; of long experience and fully guaranteedPiedmont and Hackney.

R, L. i>avis & Bros, at Farmville and J. R. Harvey & Co., at Grifton, arc agents for our Buggies, and all of our work sold by them is subject to our guarantee.




"W "r-*> ' ^ I ** "" |Wp^wi *n '-. .

WIN fERVILLE PEPARTflENl This Department is in cliargeot F. C. Nye who is authorized to represent The Eastern

Uetlector in VVinterville and vicinity.

Rub'.K-r boots, rubber shoes.] Now is the time to purchase Mrs. E. F. Tucker is in Baiti- rabber coats, and heavy work' your Box Body Carts while they! more this week selecting her sho^s a specialty- Haarrington | are cheap. The A. G. Cox Man-1 spring millinery goods- Bather & Co.

John Flanagan and!Kctt. Flan- agan, students of W- H- S. went to their homes near Farm vide to spend Sunday*

We can furnish >ou all kinds of mouidiogs and turned wood work for buildings on short no- tic-, Carolina .Milling & Mfg. Coropa ....

Miss Daisy Porter was called home Thursday on account of the death ol grandmother.

. ii cow almost at ha; lv, D ::..'. t ol the farmer* v\ :".... i '

flic Great E:.tt-rni, .-ear is here. A" farm euppli s -.an bo secured frcm u. Prompt attention to our customers Harrington Bar- bel- r id . .pa.iy

A moving ticture ent?rtain- m it will be fiven in the audi- tor; i v .f '-''. H. S. Saturday night March 7th at 8 o'clock by a or.' lii. fr ii Greenville They

A new line of dress shoes for them on hand. Call and see them, ladies and gontlmen just opened

Prof. G. E- Lineberry has'just Harrington. Baiber & Co been informed of his election to j There will be a temperance deliver the annual add ess befo.ej rally of all the Sunday schools in the Philomathesii'ii Literary so-'town on the fifth Sunday morn- cieiyof Wake Forest college this | ing. We expect to have some spring. Thi> is a coveted honor distinguished sp.-akers present. He has accepted and will deliver j The . ervice v> ill be at 11 o'clock, the address some time in April. 'Further announcements wiil bel^ f,-,, a week

Beautiful souvenir cards at,made. !twenty places. rlarrington. Barber & Co. i WintarvilJe Produce Co. is un- Pwajdent Winstoa. of tl * /y i-

Weareglad to welcome back j loading: a car iiiad of the prettiest cultural and Meclnr.icai Joll.-ge into our town John David Smith, hay ever delivered in Winter* iwillbpeak on ii luetnal buca- whohasJorsome time beer, in villa and at prices right too. |t.0. This corn snrr I will * business in Greenville. He will D;\ J. II. Hudson left toda\'greal educator and it ;v,s conduct abrokeage business '.leie for Railard's Cross Roads where n,arkcd enterprise on the part of undir the the name of J D. ho will locate for further prac*| the Norfolk & * , iern to sup- Smith & Co. They will be next to lice. We regret very much to piyit< ihegut ... pit-mp the post office. lose h,m- Ho had niaJt man recognise the value ol sueb an

'Bliss1'seed irisl potatoes at .friends here, ai.d we hope him opportunity.Rale ,;h cr- Char- Harrington. Barber & Co. [much success in his new field |ctt9 observe. j i

Mrs.A.G. CoxspentWednes-i Mrs. W.H.Woolard, of Bethel. .. .. .M dayatHanrabaa aithrelatives. Pit;Saturday with her many, NoUseteDie. m

'Oliver Plows" at A W. Ange ;"* beand returned borne %wmA ^ ^ ^ n, -| Q0 Saturday. [UM to die of an

G. ii. Lineberry and A. G. v,.-..t to Green' ii o Wednesdayi NOTICE morning to attend the crgan- u-_ H ;-.,,:. ;...

::oi prohioition forces t! c rrty.

I Dtaka n a rule novt-r io Km- niend i.Ktliciiw:s until f have my- self t icdlVm, H !h ule i, I bsve n. ne- '.'-atio in C'ld^Jly rc mme tine

:, nt pu'.iiii^for I th nk ; a bi. i. in; to in people r I i .'.iv the eMhlrrn. h ..e l-no-n of it.' eing used

C 'NEUMONIA iind loK/Ot nou.e.- w-:h arv I MM c*. It is with plaejui that I pivo you this esti-

I nisi, \nytime in the wn*"d that] c-n b-y a .ord ' -r jour C 'nipany, I vil'

pre | - doi quick notice. Can ork promptly looked after Mr. i ; Miltii-g and Mfg. Co. Cox ill still cc tiuue with tne

UUa Eda Woo ard left tins c ... ; morning to spe;iu Sunday at htr home i ear Stoke*

::i ,i .-'.*. . I ' |'-' r i-

ai.'.'.M.J T.Uto

ii. u i

' K * : lee

If 3 Otl try ii> !/

.i -;

For hi corn, oats and feed of i Gaojlor cverybcay.

Space ce..; highly recommended by th,..- who have seen their pic- Meas heavy Kari'u-^j tur, . IL75 for 1.21 .'v^e;s

r'or seed oats go to Winterville Pr :1'.:A

Clus. S Smith spent Thursday ni).;i,t ii: Kinston.

A new line of dry goods and notions ju ii. Harrington Barber & Co.

We are requested to announce tha'. the services at the Episco- pal church will be at 4:15 every Wednesday und Friday afternoon instead of 5 p. m.

Garden se Js of al! kinds fresh from the seedmen- A tV. Ange A Co.

The Vance Literary society will givi a public debate next Friday ni. , March 14th at 7.80 o'clocl . .' an most cordially

nt hay corn, oats auu *, For*lj-Alo| of fin % Jumbo' C(, M , . ail kinds go to Wmieiv.'ue Pro- pear.utf, band picked, especially ateo.ice: ,nib. i,. .it t'u'i ' *- :^ ' du le Comnans next door to post- for seed si ^i p r bushel Also Francisco, mys: u is- do. i .i U.l-i v- J.tpaii* w v ,u,*uf. ... A ITS C~* t nit ins U. is.;... .1 t.i .-iiic n'-ir-t-s office. Prompt attention giv.v a lot of the Improved King Cot- .,t ....,.,,.;,

Misses MagdfJene Cox^ an itana Lawrence w .ac.:n . - ...- >" "'. , id ton :-;e.i (1200 pounds in seed bod. It correct .-'- rwrh. liver urd

n-mak?s a fivnhundred pound balp)"i1r*.i.ii . -.'>

priced CsawUrWa's Coach Rcnedy is ' AtreeaUe and Lu'^ctive.


g :,.... no . gist cov: ' i u-- i'... i i ." rtore

.. .-. r .. . .: b.oo.1 lilier it i : ... Woct ui i i

coarse, ( hambe-lain's Cough Remedy Vaino want tu Le iaM.

If you -.re to lie by inches, you | . i .;.n :,\ c.r - ir. Chambe-la:n sCougn Remedy r-amo heavy shoes priced 1.50 .or L15 ?u.,.ri,..,>r,.,.,,_hi. ,0,,, Xl.j oroup. Women's box caii shpes priced ana the faet ttt i*-ia pleasant to take a fin* - i -ft Mon'c KBIVV 4 Oil r',: eonUins n ':'\ .cr in any way in- 2.00 tur 1..-0 .Hens tieavj -iw. ^ ^ -x a iavoriu. wMl ith

mer- "K.r


in is ;. d, Inat the South w rreater national in- flu.; le next half cen- tu.".- tin i the North." The boys arc ii , id imanda lively do- bat .... expected. ... Ii .. oi dry goods and

notion expected this week, i-'c... : id ..L' the::. A. \V Ai:, &C

2. boots for 3.00. Men's heavy | mothers. Mr. W. S. Pelham, i r. ni\ i A^-orr Tkren MIMM chant ot KirkBviUe, Iowa, aaya: 3.00 boots tor 2 to. These must mw> ^ Uven:v yCi,rs chiim,( go. A. W. Ange & Co.

L. L- Kittrell went to On ville this morning.

Men's heavy rubber boots por,,, ny ai druggiaU and'daalcn ini price 3.75 for 3 25 Harrington | patent n.edicincs. Barber & Co.

B:tt Heahr !n the World.

Rev. F. Startird. of East Raymond,: Maine, saya; 'I have usod Butklen'al Arnica t a'ive for sow rn! year.*, on my I

j old army wound, and other utttinatej

Mrs. John Smith left this1 Evelyn Will Today Begin Proceedings j off- morning to spent some time with. for Annulimtat of Marriage.

Fretting about tomorrow's l ^ many troubles never drives them


j .* .* .*

We ..it iicv. revising *'.. tcliscrtption list

Th': Es t.-:Reflector totnake it comply with th (a . '' >'\- G v-"ment Post-

c!!-cc Dep i.tw it'\ fi / s jes into effect

April J t. Undo this l.i-. no weekly

IMWtpaf r can V- il ..'.''scribers who donotrtre v-Aii'vn J2 nc;iths after the

date to which tiseJr subscription is paid.

To send it iorgir tfithoul payment will

require a (-ccuts^am; ..: each paper.

Therefore vi :;5," every subscriber to

The Eaatci MM't .1.. '.> owes for one

yea/ or Icngfr tc send J remittance at

or.eesave caa !..:r year same on our

list. The puolisljn can have no choice in

this, but will have io comply with the


We hope every subset K-.-vill attend to

this promptly aj we had rather not drop a

single name from cur list. But bear in

mind that The Eastern Reflector cannot

be mailed after April 1st. to any person

who owes for one year or longer.



relatives at Bethel. NcwYort Evelyn The Lucky Quarter.

Io t* - one vou pai on1 for a box of Dr. King's New hit., iils. Ttey|' bring yi the health th it's n ore i.rcc-: iou8than j>weir. Try th-.m tot head-: ache, bill utnes* cor-tii.In- and ma- laria. It they disappoint eu the price ]

I 7ESI1!

will by this wonderful machine. This b.;si:a"or.'lhc allegation that the Woot

dtoi pres I The query can be found at Harrington Bar L^^fjg^ wa8 inSane when the |

cheerfully refunded urug store.


Def&Co. |OBion Wi3 cntraeted. Thaw Prof. (.. E. Lineberry conduct |proposes to defend the suit. The

ed services at the Free Will Bap- rjapgg jn the case wiil be served tist church Sunday morning the absence of the pastor.-

in some time tomorrow and an early trial is expected. In the mean-

i mm a ii miii MI II '-" --


.. i-.-:s^oHasicrMti-a:'i

Our line of new spring pants tin. Lhc |w0) Dy matuaJ agree- just opened. A W. Ange and meat, will remain apart.

Luring today Col. Franklin We have established a broker Dartlott, counsel for the elder

age business in the store n^xt t" Mrs Thaw, made a statement in which he said that there was no

the Post office, car lots a special e ti almost at handity. We will have in a few daya.

wi. . : ... will need such | All orders promptly attended to truth in the -.ports that detec- J D Smith & Co [tives empkyed by Mrs. William

Wmtervi1.':. N (' in, mi .- as cotton planters a: gUi '.sowei. So plac? your orders early v. ith rhe A. G. CoxManufai. i ing( o for these

I'd tl - ycu ..ii1 be sure to get jour supply in ample time.

Fresh seed peanuts of different kinds al A. W. Angeer Co.

Poultrj .'.'-ofa'i heights at Harri-^ion, Barber & Co.

The A G. Mfg. Co. are row expecting a nice lot of poultry

Do Not Cro,.d the Se:soa. T!. Brat warm dayt of spring brirgj

. them <

Pence. Would be glad" to have post* and all kinds of mouldings our friends and customers to pMpartd on short notice at Caro come to see us before they buy | ijna Milling and Mfg Co We can quote prices that will | A new lot of fresh flour just in

Thaw had had her daughter-in Remember the debate Friday [lav under surveilance for months,

ojght Al! are cordially invited, j Miss Iris Ives, of Grifton.

spent Sunday here with her sif- ter, Miss Ethel Ivts, who is a Witb~tbemad iretoRetoul iind en- atndpnt of \V H S Joy the exbiiirating air and sunshine. I "tuaent ot v\ U ** UfilJron that hove een housed up all

bee our new lire or lames and ] wintet,:.-.. brought out and you wo der sjeutstdress shoes, A. vV. Ange and Co.

Church seat?, wir.dov/ and door frames, mantels, column

talk. Plow saddles are still go- ing. A. Q, Co>\ Manufacturing Co.

Seed oats at Harrington Bar- ber & Co.

Have ycur fyimbei dressed at

where tbef ah come lroin. The heav winter eWthing i- thrown as'de mid innry ; lied their Rannala Then ii c ilcl wave comes and people >: y that ;;ri|> i; epidem'e, Colds si thia reason u< even mure dangers than ii mid-v.int r, i.s there is irujeh more danger of weu- monia. Take Char.iberlair.a Cough I'.emedy, however and you wi 1 have nothing to fear, it always-evrca, ard we have never knowjs a cold to raault in pneumonia .,-! en it^TM used. It is Pleasant and sale to take. Chi'drcn ike it. For rale l>y all Druggists

Harrington, Barber & Co We handle the castings for the

foliowinjrplows, "Atlas," "Gill Champion," "Hampton Boy," I "Molly Fut (he Kettle On" and Syracuse," Chattanooga" and. "Get Along Down Town Cindy," "Chi'.l" \ (will bo pi -yed al the eld tiddlevi'

Harrington Earbe;- &. Co convention on the lBth. ltd ltw

- the samj n thods by conferring with Mr. Arthur in person or sending him thtir name--.

The work is not experiment ! eonfin-

Everrdoag Possible Will bi Dene continue ihe tcoarlnrrsmp Be- I ,. ,,, t .Vn.-.-i-i-n--. ar.ii ia .. i ' A u-ii 'farm. Oar very civilization de. Dutoemonatrau.dano is

iweaaLaw tns nefl. , , -r r . ,A mmm .-: copartnership between law

Steadily larrwwi'wg.

The Muiual Life In?urarce Company of New York's pa>- ments to Po ieyhoMers increase Steadily but rapidly.

Paid Best varieties of seed to plant. Better use of home made andiPoI'-vktlders Amount

commercial fertilizers More intelligent cultivation. He must use better teams and;

better implements so that he can do more work in a day. He must, keep som account of his farm work so that he can profit | t y bis mistakes.

The next problem is how to' j present these principles so that

everything I ;,e wil! take h->ld and apply them. The only really successful way sei ms to be by demonstration. In other words, we must get inside j

we' en-

During VMi . . 1303 . . 1900 . . . 1907 . . -

Increase In four years

H. Ii 3 18 Ud& w

$34,72G,54a 34 85,643,185.47 37,984,271.2!) 43.9:2,245.40

$9,282,697.06 ntley Homes,


the hell. ' "But Lhe whiskey forces have given up tho fight!" Not of a man's environment if or. your life. They are studious-1 would influence him- We

Craefectiaan Small Next Monday Night

On Mind ly ni .1 i of \ Bxt week M?'(:>'-':'.: J ' ii gressrr " J'.ihn H. Small will address the Ch;>m-

,!""' ' C< mmeree of 0 "-ville ly proclaiming that lathe strong-1 deavor to get Into the radius of on the question of water trans- holds of prohibition sentiment. | his environment ind come into portalion. Every business man and they are moving earth and direct touch with him or some of of Ihe community should hear hell where they have any chance I his neighbors. We start a little | him. of gain. They hope to woo you' demonstration with one of themi to sleep with honeyed words I to show that the average yield | Awake. Sampson Ithe Philis- lean be doublea and tripled with-i tines are upon you! {out a corresponding: increase in i

What can we do? For the; the. con of prediction. pnsent, agitate! Let every The best man to reach the av- p;eacher, preach! Let every erage farmer is a progressive prayer, pray! Let every talker, Ifarmer in whom he has confl-| ;-,,-; tall! Lev. women, who have jdence. This pi ogressive farmer is |Bnj D(,oror mokt to loose and all to gain, use


their constitutional rU


executive and bulldingcontmittee that he would not recover. That Raleign wa, also Jg and chcivc! them with.the duty he is up again, and the power of and ^wred an *trf of having the plans prepared in'speech still spared to him even dress on how the mormn; detail for a subsequent meeting j though t is imperfect, is gratity- of the board to be held on Thurs-! ing indeed. He will go back to day the 16th of April. The ex-' the hospital for two weeks and

cht! e.

Let eadh bring such moral force to l tar upon the man or men she can influence that for her sake, If not for hi-i own and his child- Mi, he will join to destroy tne

ereises in ouv schools should be I conducted. He gave some very

v. y of feel :; 9 -ltd 2tw

excellent suggestions as to how S^^TWKirarariS ^ -t^^s^^z. meeting with the architects and charged as well, went over the general outlines of the plans. The architects are to prepare these plans in detail with estimates of the cost to be sub

A Curiosity. Mr. J. F. Godley. of Ayden,

,.,,;,; brought us a vegetable curiosity

Stedtotheaxwutive^tnittoe l^kffil^JSSSSi .;.'a sprout from a collard stalk that at a met ting to be held April P^ ^ it tried t0 imltate a 14;h. As soon as the plans are pa]m ]caf being fan shaped and matured and adapted work on nhout eight inches wide at the tne b""""" '"'" commence, end.

ducted to he of the greatest ben- efit. Among the leading sug gestions were that the first fif- teen minutes should be spent so cially in the recitation rocms so that each might be put in the the most pleasant frame of mind for the days work, (2.) HeJ should have his roll book and note those who are absent so

Visitiag Preachers.

employed to superintend tho dam- onstration farms. His business is to see that the metlhds are ' thorouely understood and ap-| Flay of al plied. When n farmer has made! *to ' >r A one crop thus, at a less cost than.3 I) did 2 w. ever before, he is so elated Bt 1 Lowest prices on cottm seed

meal and hulls at P. \'. John-

The best drink of c Medal -atS. M. Sc'mltz.

2000 fin- eabbsg* plants tor sale, ii I). ::--;;..i> 8 51tdw

F.. ile If, Jersey D. D. ukett

Everything h I! V. V. Johnil r.

kinds at P. V, John* *'. L. .!'. i '

success that hs will not think of going back to his old methods His neighbers have watched him.

' They discuss the methods, until re-

The effect therefore, is not remote but immediate.