POOR! Coffee – problems due to worldwide overproduction Sugar/Sugarcane – for rum, not enough...


Transcript of POOR! Coffee – problems due to worldwide overproduction Sugar/Sugarcane – for rum, not enough...

Page 1: POOR! Coffee – problems due to worldwide overproduction Sugar/Sugarcane – for rum, not enough flatlands and rain Local consumption: rice, corn, yams,
Page 2: POOR! Coffee – problems due to worldwide overproduction Sugar/Sugarcane – for rum, not enough flatlands and rain Local consumption: rice, corn, yams,


Coffee – problems due to worldwide overproduction

Sugar/Sugarcane – for rum, not enough flatlands and rain

Local consumption: rice, corn, yams, vegetables, fruits, mangoes

Manufacturing: shrunk since the 1970’s due to political instability and international trade embargo

Baseballs – manufacture the most baseballs

Foodstuffs, beverages, household goods, building materials are for domestic consumption

Cigarettes, detergents, bath soap – top three goods manufactured

Page 3: POOR! Coffee – problems due to worldwide overproduction Sugar/Sugarcane – for rum, not enough flatlands and rain Local consumption: rice, corn, yams,


Page 4: POOR! Coffee – problems due to worldwide overproduction Sugar/Sugarcane – for rum, not enough flatlands and rain Local consumption: rice, corn, yams,

Mining – ferronickel, bauxite, ore

Sugar – most advanced farming techniques & 4th largest producer

Coffee, cocoa beans, & tobacco – first produced by Taino Indians


Others - Rice, corn, sorghum, plantains, beans, tubers, bananas, peanuts, guavas, tamarind, passion fruit, coconuts, tomatoes, carrots, lettuce, cabbage, scallions, coriander, onions, and garlic

Nontraditional exports - ornamental plants, winter vegetables, citrus and tropical fruits, spices, nuts

Livestock – beef and poultry

Latifundios (large landholders), Minifundios (small landholders), Campesinos (very small landholders), tarea = 0.15 acres

Page 5: POOR! Coffee – problems due to worldwide overproduction Sugar/Sugarcane – for rum, not enough flatlands and rain Local consumption: rice, corn, yams,

Sugar – main crop that declined after Soviet Union fell

Nickel – 2nd largest export


Tobacco – famous for cigars


Others: rice, citrus fruits, bananas, pineapples, potatoes, tomatoes, sweet potatoes


*Must use animal power instead of Soviet built farm machines for lack of spare parts.

Page 6: POOR! Coffee – problems due to worldwide overproduction Sugar/Sugarcane – for rum, not enough flatlands and rain Local consumption: rice, corn, yams,

Timber to agriculture and fishing

Sugar biggest export

Bananas, oranges, pomelos, grapefruit, cacao, seafood


Industry is agriculture based: flour milling, production of citrus concentrate, animal feed

Local consumption: rice, kidney beans, beef, pork, chicken, milk, eggs, corn, beer, cigarettes, soft drinks, furniture, construction material

Fishing: shrimp, lobster tails, conch. Fishermen work in cooperatives = make more money than working for a company. Going to farming fish because the sea has seen a decline in the number of exportable fish due to over fishing.

Sugarcane: cutting sugarcane is one of the worst jobs in the world, since the cane fields are full of snakes and rats, and the leaves on the cane are razor sharp

Page 7: POOR! Coffee – problems due to worldwide overproduction Sugar/Sugarcane – for rum, not enough flatlands and rain Local consumption: rice, corn, yams,

Agricultural reform in 1960’s

Plantations of bananas & cacao, rice paddies, fruit orchards, sugarcane fields, and cattle ranches prosper inland.

Largest Exporter of Bananas

Fishing is an important industry for towns and villages along the Pacific coast.

Oil discovery 1970’s – has devastated the native peoples of the Amazon area

Domestic consumption – Farmers work their own small plots growing cassava, peanuts, bananas, plantains, coffee, cacao, cotton, and corn.

Page 8: POOR! Coffee – problems due to worldwide overproduction Sugar/Sugarcane – for rum, not enough flatlands and rain Local consumption: rice, corn, yams,



Lumber and forest products

Oil and oil exploration

Cooperative farms or small plots for farmers growing cotton, citrus fruits, oranges, corn, rice and vegetables

Fishing – anchovy which is ground to form fish meal and is one of Peru’s bigger exports

Page 9: POOR! Coffee – problems due to worldwide overproduction Sugar/Sugarcane – for rum, not enough flatlands and rain Local consumption: rice, corn, yams,

Tin has been the mainstay of the economy for the most of the 20th century but in the 1980’s the tin market collapsed

Lowlands are rich in oil, gas, iron, gold, and timber and are suitable for agriculture

East-facing slope of the Andes produces: forest goods, feathers and medicinal plants. Coca (the leaves produce the drug cocaine today) which is strictly controlled. Coca is considered to be a sacred plant. Native Americans chew the mildly narcotic leaves to stave off cold and hunger and use specially selected leaves for magic and divination.

Oil and gas were discovered and are now the most important source of income.

Page 10: POOR! Coffee – problems due to worldwide overproduction Sugar/Sugarcane – for rum, not enough flatlands and rain Local consumption: rice, corn, yams,

Crops include: Cotton, sugarcane, soybeans, corn, wheat, tobacco, and fruit: 45% of the population is involved in agriculture; timber is cleared to make way for more farmland

Cattle ranches

Cereals and Milk products - Mennonites produce

Wine production is a growing business.

Farmers produce vegetables and many different types of fruit, including grapes.

Page 11: POOR! Coffee – problems due to worldwide overproduction Sugar/Sugarcane – for rum, not enough flatlands and rain Local consumption: rice, corn, yams,


Pampas – became the center of the international beef trade, quality beef cattle and sheep, also an area of growing crops

Sunflower seeds and logging are important on the northern border plains

Mining – iron ore, uranium


Page 12: POOR! Coffee – problems due to worldwide overproduction Sugar/Sugarcane – for rum, not enough flatlands and rain Local consumption: rice, corn, yams,

Atacama Desert – source of wealth for many years at its heart is the world’s largest open-pit copper mine, Chuquicamata, which employs about eleven thousand miners *by Chilean standards these miners live well because of their importance in the work force enabling them to command good wages and benefits

Sulfur mines in the highlands

Fruit and almonds are replacing older crops in the central valley region

Wines – Chile is the largest exporter of wine in Latin America

Trees – many different trees in parts of the country were the basis for a successful timber and furniture trade

Page 13: POOR! Coffee – problems due to worldwide overproduction Sugar/Sugarcane – for rum, not enough flatlands and rain Local consumption: rice, corn, yams,

Agriculture is not the main economic sector

Manufacturing is the main economic sector– oil industry (began 1970’s): products include farm machinery, chemicals, clothing, iron & steel, processed foods, petroleum, beer, rubber, wood pulp, paper, automobiles, railway cars: with available cheap skilled labor, Mexico is industrializing at a rapid pace

Mining: Silver – world’s leading producer

Petroleum – one of the world’s leading producers: some of the largest oil reserves in the Western Hemisphere (the size of Saudi Arabia’s): a billion barrels each year (operated by government)

Tourism – “the industry without chimneys” 20 million visitors annually

Page 14: POOR! Coffee – problems due to worldwide overproduction Sugar/Sugarcane – for rum, not enough flatlands and rain Local consumption: rice, corn, yams,

Sugar – decline due to labor shortages

Coffee – decline due to hurricanes and competition from US

Tobacco, Pineapples, Coconuts

Poultry – increasing in production

Rice – Failed Attempt

*Labor shortages and using land in different ways

Coffee – primary export and source of income

Cacao & Indigo but Cotton was affected by Civil War and economic conditions

Sugar & Shrimp (farming) – 3rd & 4th largest exports

Soya, Cucumbers, Sesame - recent

Tropical flowers and ornamental plants

Page 15: POOR! Coffee – problems due to worldwide overproduction Sugar/Sugarcane – for rum, not enough flatlands and rain Local consumption: rice, corn, yams,

Bananas - #1 export Coffee - #2 export


Cotton, tobacco, pineapples, sugarcane, vegetable, shrimp

Forestry – from mahogany to pine

Mining – gold, silver, lead, zinc, cadmium (richest in CA)

Bananas – leading export & Coffee

Shrimp (#1), anchovies, herring, lobster

Raw sugar, petroleum products, sugar cane, rice, corn, coffee, beans, tobacco, chicken, cattle, milk, eggs, and fish

Forestry & Fishing

Page 16: POOR! Coffee – problems due to worldwide overproduction Sugar/Sugarcane – for rum, not enough flatlands and rain Local consumption: rice, corn, yams,

Bananas – 2nd largest exporter (after Ecuador)

Coffee, sugar, cocoa, cotton, hemp, livestock

Nontraditional exports – flowers, ornamental plants and foliage, fish and shrimp, melons, macadamia nuts, pineapples

Domestic – beans, corn, plantains, potatoes, rice, sorghum, onions, African palms (oil), cattle, pigs, horses, mules, sheep, goats, chickens

*renowned for environmental efforts although the laws are often disregared

Page 17: POOR! Coffee – problems due to worldwide overproduction Sugar/Sugarcane – for rum, not enough flatlands and rain Local consumption: rice, corn, yams,

Traditionally the economy has been based on agriculture

Coffee – major crop, but declining due to workers being used for production in oil and minerals

Oil & Minerals – increased as an export

Emeralds – high grade and the largest producer

Coal – has the largest coal reserves in South America

Orchids – claims to be the world’s center for exporting these flowers

Domestically – textile industry, steel mills, chemical plants, and factories

Sugar plantations, sugar processing plants, cattle ranches, coffee, rice, tobacco, cotton in the Southern highlands

Timber trade, gold mining, fishing, growing basic crops of yucca, plantains, and beans in the Pacific lowlands

Page 18: POOR! Coffee – problems due to worldwide overproduction Sugar/Sugarcane – for rum, not enough flatlands and rain Local consumption: rice, corn, yams,

Agriculture production 25% of population – wine production, coffee growing and plantations, collecting nuts and palm oils, cattle ranches

Also: oranges, rice, cotton, and soybeans are grown in the area of Sao Paulo, Brazil’s largest city

Also: corn, soybeans, mines, and cattle ranches in the area of Brasilia

Industry 25% of population – factories producing everything from canned orange juice to cars to electronic equipment along the Amazon river

Service industries are where a majority of the workers are – such as in banks, or in the government or army

Mining – iron ore

Domestic consumption – cassava, sweet potatoes, corn

*Along the Amazon river rubber was the boom, but it collapsed

Page 19: POOR! Coffee – problems due to worldwide overproduction Sugar/Sugarcane – for rum, not enough flatlands and rain Local consumption: rice, corn, yams,

1970’s under direction of President Carlos Andres Perez oil and iron industries were nationalized – 1980’s everything fell because of the overproduction of oil – 1990 not yet improved

Highlands – sugarcane, bananas, cacao, cotton

Latin American immigrants – work as taxi drivers, domestic servants, and in the construction industry

Factories – produce processed foods, leather and hides, glass, chemicals, and pharmaceuticals

Domestic crops include potatoes, wheat, onions, carrots, garlic, fruit such as oranges and mangoes, mustard, orchids, dahlias, carnations

Page 20: POOR! Coffee – problems due to worldwide overproduction Sugar/Sugarcane – for rum, not enough flatlands and rain Local consumption: rice, corn, yams,

Coffee – 1st, produce more than any other country in Central America, it has a smoky, spicy flavor

Sugar – 2nd

Bananas, cardamom (one of the world’s major suppliers), cotton – 3rd

Vegetables, fruit, flowers, sugarcane, fishing

Manufacturing industries: food, tobacco, sugar processing, pharmaceuticals, rubber (tires), cement, paper, and textiles, petroleum, mining of antimony, iron ore, and lead

Cattle plantations

Domestic consumption: corn, beans, squash

Page 21: POOR! Coffee – problems due to worldwide overproduction Sugar/Sugarcane – for rum, not enough flatlands and rain Local consumption: rice, corn, yams,

Cotton and Coffee – Most important crops

Corn, beans, sugarcane, bananas – others

Rice most important crop raised for use in Nicaragua

Forestry hot in 1970’s and beginning to be profitable again

Minerals are there but the country is too poor to mine for them

Trade with other countries: shrimps, lobsters, and fish