Political science 1 vocabulary

Vocabulary (P.96)

Transcript of Political science 1 vocabulary

Page 1: Political science 1 vocabulary

Vocabulary (P.96)

Page 2: Political science 1 vocabulary

Verb: Affiliate

ELS is loosely affiliated with Queens university. ELS uses some of the same facilities.

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N/V (Ally) The US and the UK were allies in World War II.

The US and the UK formed an alliance in WWII.

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(N) Antagonist- A person who actively opposes another

(Adj) Antagonistic

(V) Antagonize

When we were younger, my brother constantly antagonized me.

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(V) Argue

(ADJ) Argumentative

My mother and I had an argument about the tattoo on my wrist.

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Verb) Collaborate

(Adj) Collaborative

Dr. Dre and Lady Gaga collaborated on BEATS.

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(N) Commandment

A general commands the army.

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(V) –Contend (2nd meaning)

(Adj) Contentious- Causing an argument:

Dokdo is one of the main islands of contentionbetween South Korea and Japan.

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(Adj/V) Corrupt

Political corruption is one of the main issues with China’s development.

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Decent (ADJ)

The US should have at least had the decency to admit that they were wrong for spying on Chancellor Angela Merkel.

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(ADJ) Depraved

Kim Jong Il is seen as a depraved leader.

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(V) discord (archaic.)

A good family who shows no signs of discord.

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The disunity of the members caused the group to split.

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(V) Dominate

(ADJ) Dominant

The red fighter dominated over his opponents.

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(ADJ) Ethical

(ADV) Ethically

Ethics vary from culture to culture.

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(ADJ) Forceful

(ADV) Forcefully

My brother forced me to eat worms when I was younger.

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(ADJ) Frictional

Friction between nations can be lessened through trade.

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ADJ- Harmonic

ADV Harmoniously

Amber is pleased when her students work together in harmony.

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ADJ – Hegemonic

The upper class constitutes the hegemonic class.

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(V) Honor

ADJ – Honorable

ADV – Honorably

Winning the Noble Peace prize is an honor.

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ADJ- Hostile

ADV Hostilely

Between 1945-1990 there was a state of political hostility between the Soviet Union and the US.

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To achieve harmony, we must make a joint effort on the issues.

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(ADJ) Mighty

(ADV) Mightily

General Patton was a mighty general.

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(ADV) Morally

Her morals won’t allow her to lie.

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V- Oppose

ADJ- Opposite

ADV – Oppositely

The was a lot of opposition to the Vietnam War.

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(ADJ) Righteous

(ADV) Righteously

We had no doubt about the righteousness of our case.

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(N/V) Rival

There was a fierce rivalry for the new job posting at Samsung.

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(V) Struggle – To make forceful or violent attempts to break free of something,

Noun- A forceful or violent effort to get free of restraint, or to overcome something.

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ADJ – Strong

ADV – Strongly

The strength of the economy is the most important factor.

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There was more uprightness in the past regime than there is at the present time.

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My only vice is smoking cigarettes.

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ADJ – Virtuous

ADV -Virtuously

In the past, women were considered virtuous if they neither drank nor smoked.

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My phone is worth $200.

(ADJ) Worthy-Deserving effort, attention or respect.