Political Agendas for Education

The Republican Education Agenda for the Twenty-First Century The Culture Wars


Politics and Publicity in Education (Assignment)

Transcript of Political Agendas for Education

Page 1: Political Agendas for Education

The Republican Education Agenda for the Twenty-First

Century The Culture Wars

Page 2: Political Agendas for Education

Celebration of American Values: McCain, Obama,

and the 2008 Election

The Republican Platform:

¡ Plea for improved education for global competitiveness

¡ Stressed protecting traditional American values

¡ Supported the English First approach

¡ Promoted patriotism & a unified American culture

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The Republican Education Agenda & the Culture Wars ¡ William Bennett- objected Multiculturalism and

the undermining of traditional American values

¡  Lynn Cheney- American values vs the threat of multiculturalism

¡  1996 Republican platform- attacked Clinton for not limiting bilingual education

¡  Bob Dole- English is a force for unity

¡  2008 Platform- English Empowers

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Standards and Tests: The Politics of Culture ¡  1990’s- development of national standards &


¡ Controversy over CA framework for teaching history

¡  Stress on “Common Culture”

¡  Politics of knowledge

¡ Attack on affirmative action & multiculturalism

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Republicans: Pro-Life, Abstinence, and Creationism

¡  Religiously oriented Republicans

¡ Moderate Republicans

¡  The Moral Majority

¡  Reagan- doubts plausibility of Darwinian ideas

¡  1996 convention: Christian Coalition & abortion opposition

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Compassionate Conservatism and George W. Bush ¡  Every public school should be

the path to upward mobility

¡  Values determine the economic & social systems

¡  Belief that government welfare programs result in perpetuating poverty

¡  Federal programs operated by faith-based groups to ensure the teaching of traditional moral values

¡  Crisis in education: Second great policy hoax

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Compassionate Conservatives & No Child Left Behind ¡  Public funding of faith-based organizations

¡  Links character education to democracy and free market economy

¡ Character education is included in drug & violence prevention programs

¡ Character education consistent with state academic core standards

¡  42 million invested in character education by 2003

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No Child Left Behind & School Prayer ¡  Compassionate Conservatives ¡  Public funding of Faith-based organizations

¡  Federal legislation identified elements of character important for American society ¡  caring, civic virtue & citizenship, justice & fairness,

respect, responsibility, trustworthiness, and giving

¡  Secular Humanism ¡  Human reason instead of God as a guide for

ethical decisions

¡  Right to Voluntary pray in schools ¡  Tried to change the first amendment to include this protection

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Pornography, Family Planning, & Traditional

Marriage ¡  NCLB includes conservative religious values

¡  promotes abstinence education ¡  bans teaching about birth control by prohibiting funds

for sex education or HIV prevention education

¡  Preserving Traditional Marriage ¡  2008 Republican Platform devoted a whole section ¡  The ‘Boy Scouts of America equal protection Act’ is

part of NCLB and allows club to use public school facilities – w/o allowing gays in club

¡  1995 Telecommunications Act ¡  concerned about pornography on www ¡  allowed censorship of cyberporn & vchips ¡  schools required to have policy on internet safety

for minors

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Evolution vs Creationism

¡  Teaching of evolution – ongoing issue for some religious-oriented Republicans ¡ Contradicts the Word of God ¡  evolution cannot be observed or replicated in a lab so there is

no evidence it actually occurred ¡ Alabama - “a controversial theory some scientists present as a

scientific explanation for the origin of living things”. ¡ Alabama - since nobody was present, any statement of life’s

origins should be considered a theory not fact ¡  Kansas - teachers should not ridicule or embarrass a student for

expressing an alternative view or belief, just explain why it is outside the domain of science, and tell them to discuss with your family

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Sarah Palin, the 2008 Election, & Pentecostalism ¡ McCain – traditional American values

and patriotism

¡  Palin – conservative religious values ¡ A symbol of hope for religious-

based Republicans ¡ Pentecostal church member ¡ Pentecostals believe in biblical

inerrancy or literal interpretation of the Bible

¡ Pentecostals believe in American exceptionalism, so very patriotic

Page 12: Political Agendas for Education

Conclusion: The Cross & the Flag ¡ Grand Republican Narrative ¡  Patriotism in schools

¡  English only

¡  Unity around traditional American Values

¡  Positive-oriented American History

¡  America’s exceptionalism – leader of free world

¡  Republican Education Agenda ¡  Protection of school prayer

¡  Choice of religious schools at public expense

¡  Teach creationism and evolutionary theory