Polish scholarship offer for...

Polish scholarship offer for Indonesians

Transcript of Polish scholarship offer for...

Polish scholarship offer for


Poland offers a range of

scholarships for students and

researchers willing to expand their

knowledge and continue education

in one of the biggest EU countries.

Despite long academic traditions,

Polish offer guarantees the highest

level of education with an

experience adjusted to the needs

of the labour market. Moreover,

the costs for education and living

are relatively lower than in other

European countries. This makes

Polish higher education great value

for money.


A funding programme addressed to incoming researchers who

may apply for 12-24-month fellowships in host institutions in


Applicant: incoming researcher – a doctoral researcher with a

PhD degree or at least four years of full-time equivalent

research experience who at the time of recruitment by the

host organisation has not resided or carried out their main

activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of their host

organisation for more than 12 months in the 3 years

immediately prior to the reference date.

Researcher receives:

� Salary: 4050€ gross/month (full time contract)

�Mobility allowance: 300€ gross/month

� Family allowance: 300€ gross/month

�Research grant

�Opportunity to participate in research and non-research

training organized by National Science Centre

Call announcement – 15th of September 2015

Call deadline – 15th of December 2015

Results – June 2016


Erasmus+ provides support to higher education institutions that wish

to implement joint programmes individual students, researchers and

university staff who wish to spend a study / research / teaching period

in Europe and any organization active in the field of higher education

that wishes to develop projects aimed at enhancing the

attractiveness, profile, visibility and image of European higher

education worldwide. Most of foreign students receiving scholarships

in Poland participate in Erasmus programme.

For more information concerning Erasmus+ programme feel invited

for a presentation made by European Union at 4 PM.

Scholarships of Bureau for Academic Recognition

and International Exchange

Bureau for Academic Recognition and

International Exchange (BUWiWM) is

a state institution reporting to the

minister responsible for higher

education. The Bureau is the contact

point for the EU directives of general

system of recognition of professional


The Bureau, as the Polish ENIC/NARIC

Centre, co-operates closely with the


Department of International Exchange at BUWiWM

coordinates and organizes recruitment of foreign students

for scholarships and internships in The Republic of Poland.

BUWiWM cooperates with polish and foreign diplomatic

missions in fields of recruitment to polish high schools,

universities and centers for vocational education.

It also works as a centre cumulating scholarship offers

dedicated to students and researches who are not holding

polish citizenship.

The National Centre for Research Development

The National Centre for Research Development financially

supports selected scientific projects made by various institutions

based in Poland. Person (regardless the nationality) interested in

obtaining grants is required to be employed (or have a guarantee

of employment) at Polish institutions or companies during the

project realization.

European Academy of Diplomacy

European Academy of Diplomacy

Warsaw is the first non-governmental,

non-for-profit diplomatic academy in

Europe, with a mission of shaping,

sharpening and inspiring a new

generation of enlightened

international leaders. The academy

offers many workshops and other

programmes at graduate, post-

graduate and executive levels.

School of Diplomatic Skills - The School of Fundamental Diplomatic

Skills and School of Advanced Diplomatic Skills are two weeklong

summer courses designed for university students, recent graduates and

young professionals who recognize the value and necessity of soft skills

expected by employers and recruiters from diplomatic and international

business sectors.

Social Media for Public Diplomacy Workshop is an intensive two-day

program designed to improve professional capabilities to develop and

implement successful social media campaigns. Through a balanced

series of discussions, workshops, and on-line training sessions it

provides master level insight and knowledge necessary to develop

strategies and tactics to enhance the ability to efficiently communicate

and influence the public opinions using social media outlets.

The Academy of Young Diplomats is a diplomatic program which

prepares students and young graduates for work in fields such as the

Polish Foreign Service, Polish Civil Service, European institutions and

international organizations. In every single edition best participants gain

scholarships founded by Casimir Pulaski Foundation.

European Diplomacy Workshop: Eastern Partnership bases on

workshops from experts in the fields of EU Foreign Policy (Eastern

Partnership and European Neighborhood Policy), and hands-on skills

training in International Negotiations, Public Speaking, Strategic

Planning and Leadership, the European Diplomacy Workshop is

designed for emerging political and social leaders, public servants and

non-governmental representatives who are eager to learn how to

influence the changing context of their country.

Poznan University of Technology

Poznan University of Technology

offers scholarships for students

and a wide range of internships

thanks to cooperation with a

number of worldwide enterprises

from the technology sector.

Indonesian students currently


Agricultural University of Cracow

Agricultural University of Cracow

provides potential graduates and

undergraduates in scholarships to

Indonesian students. The

university also organizes extra

English and Polish language

courses for those who decide to

choose the study programme in

Polish and may offer free


Cracow University of Economics

Cracow University of Economics

is one of the leading

universities of economics in

Poland offering studies at

bachelor, masters and PhD

levels in various fields of

science. Indonesian students

currently enrolled.

University of Information Technology and

Management in Rzeszow

University of Information

Technology and Management in

Rzeszow offers a wide range of

undergraduate and postgraduate

courses for foreigners from all

over the world. University also

supports foreign students by

scholarships depending on their

academic achievements.

Warsaw University of Technology

Warsaw University of

Technology the most

renowned technology

institute in Poland and

one of the largest in

Central Europe takes

part in Erasmus Mundus

Partnership Asia-Europe


Indonesian students

currently enrolled.

Visit to Indonesia

May 2015


2• Source:http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Poland_in_European_Union.svg#/media/File:Poland_in_European_Union.svg



• Republic of Poland• 9th biggest country in Europe (of 46)• 71th biggest country in the world• 38,5 mln inhabitants• Capital city: Warsaw• Official language: Polish

Famous Polish people


• Nicolaus Copernicus - Renaissance astronomer who formulated a model of the universethat placed Earth at its centre

• Maria Skłodowska-Curie – physicist and chemist, Nobel Prize Laureate (research on radioactivity),the first woman to win the Nobel prize and to win it twice

• John Paul II – Pope, Catholic Saint, patron of the youth and families

• Lech Wałęsa – politician,first democratic president of Poland, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

Source of pictures: www.wikipedia.com



• The capital of Poland• The biggest city in Poland• Political, cultural and educational centre of the country• Motto: Semper invicta (Ever invincible)

Source of pictures: www.wikipedia.com

WUT Main Building




January 4, 1826 - the Preparatory School for the Institute of Technology

June 8, 1898 - Tsar Nikolaus II Institute of Technology

November 15, 1915 - Warsaw Universityof Technology (with Polish as thelanguage of instruction)





• WUT – one of the largest universities of technology in Poland.

• WUT is ranked No. ONE in Poland among 21 universities of technology.

• WUT is ranked No. FOUR among all 467 public and private HEIs in Poland.

• According to the last survey of the largestenterprises in Poland, more than 10%of their CEO’s and Presidentsare graduates of WUT!

• The graduates of WUT are the most wantedby Polish employers – far ahead beforeother Polish universities.


20 Faculties

• Faculty of Architecture

• Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering

• Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering

• Faculty of Chemistry

• Faculty of Civil Engineering

• Faculty of Electrical Engineering

• Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology

• Faculty of Environmental Engineering

• Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography

• Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science

• Faculty of Mechatronics

• Faculty of Physics

• Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering

• Faculty of Production Engineering

• Faculty of Transport

• Faculty of Materials Science and Technology

• Faculty of Management

• Faculty of Administration and SocialSciences

• Faculty of Civil EngineeringMechanics and Petrochemistry (Płock)

• College of Economics and Social Sciences (Płock)


International Business School

Established as a cooperation of four partners :• London Business School (UK)• HEC – School of Management Paris (France)• NHH Norwegian School of Economics

and Business Administration (Norway)• Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)

Postgraduate Master’s programs in Business Administra tion(approx. 250 students annually):� Executive MBA� International MBA� Advanced Management Training in Pharmacoeconomics,

HTA, Pharma Marketing and Law� Academy of Leadership Psychology� Family Business Academy


Other important units

Research Centres:

• Centre of Advanced Materials and Technologies (CEZAMAT)

• Centre of Preclinical Research and Technology (CePT)

• Research Centre for Energy & Environmental Engineering

• Research Centre for Functional Materials

• Research Centre for Aviation and Aerospace

• Research Centre for Defence and Security

Supportive Units:

• Centre for Advanced Studies

• Centre for Distance Learning (B.Sc., M.Sc. and Post-diploma studies)

• Foreign Language Centre

• Centre for Physical Education & Sports

• Centre for International Cooperation



• Approx. 70 % - State Budget (Ministry of Science and Higher Education)

• Approx. 30 % - Other sources:• International projects,• University revenues,• Industry.


Teaching activities




Teaching activities Research Other

University staff

Total: 4 767 employees• Academic staff: 2 148 persons (45%)• Non-academic staff: 2 619 persons (55%)

(including: lab-technicians, supporting staff, library staff, administration, etc.)


Professors & Associate Professors


Assistant Professors, Doctors




Professors & Associate Professors Assistant Professors, Doctors Lecturers Other


Total number of students 36 955• Full time students 26 251• Extramural students 7 884• PhD students 1 248• Post-diploma students 1 572Annual recruitment approx. 8 000






Full-time PhD Extramural Post-diploma

Fields of studies (programmes in Polish)

• Administration• Architecture and Urban Development• Automatics and Robotics• Aviation and Space Technology• Biomedical Engineering

• Biotechnology• Chemical and Process Engineering• Chemical Technology• Civil Engineering

• Construction• Economics

• Electrical and Hybrid Vehicles Engineering

• Electrical Technology

• Electronics

• Environmental Engineering

• Environment Protection

• Geodesy and Cartography

• Information Technology

• Management and Production Engineering

• Management

• Materials Engineering

• Mathematics

• Mechanics and Machines Construction

• Mechatronics

• National Security

• Papermaking Technology and Typography

• Photonics

• Power Engineering

• Space Management

• Technical Physics

• Technical-IT Education

• Telecommunications

• Transport16

Studies in English


Studies in English are being currently offered at 11 Facult ies:

• Architecture – M.Sc.• Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering – B.Sc.• Chemistry – M.Sc., EM M.Sc.• Civil Engineering – B.Sc. & M.Sc.• Electronics and Information Technology – B.Sc. & M.Sc.• Electrical Engineering – B.Sc. & M.Sc.• Environmental Engineering – B.Sc. & M.Sc.• Management – M.Sc.• Mathematics and Information Science – B.Sc. & M.Sc.• Mechatronics – B.Sc. & M.Sc., EM M.Sc.• Power and Aeronautical Engineering – B.Sc. & M.Sc., EM M.Sc.• Production Engineering – M.Sc. • Physics – M.Sc.

Studies in English – B.Sc.

• Aerospace Engineering• Civil Engineering • Computer Science• Electrical Engineering• Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Engineering • Environmental Engineering• Mechatronics• Telecommunications• Power Engineering


Studies in English – M.Sc.

• Aerospace Engineering• Architecture and Urban Planning• Biotechnology• Civil Engineering• Computer Science• Electrical Engineering• Electrical and Computer Engineering• Environment Protection Engineering • Global Production Engineering and Management• Management of Sustainable Enterprise• Mechatronics• Nuclear Power Engineering• Photonics• Power Engineering• Robotics• Telecommunications


Foundation year

• Foundation Year is a programme for all candidates for B.Sc. studies at Warsaw University of Technology (WUT).

• Addressed to students who would like to study at undergraduate level at WUT, but atthe moment do not have sufficient knowledge of subjects such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, etc. And those who would like to enhance their Academic Englishproficiency.

• Designed to improve the students’ skills and create a solid base in the above-mentioned subjects. It will help students to continue their studies at a undergraduate programme, pass all exams on time and obtain a B.SC. diploma with a good grade.

• Candidates who decide to participate in the Foundation Year will receive a conditional acceptance letter onto the chosen B.SC. programme for academic year 2016/2017. After the successful completion of the Foundation Year and submitting all the required formal documents, students will begin studies at the selected Faculty.

• All students of the Foundation Year will receive student IDs, which will give them the same rights as the remaining WUT students. Successful candidates will receive Certificates of Completion at the end of the programme.

• In the academic year 2015/2016, all students of the Foundation Year Programme will be offered accommodation in the Universi ty dormitories for free!!


Language courses and scholarships

PREPARATORY COURSES IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE• 1-year English preparatory course• Summer English course

PREPARATORY LANGUAGE COURSES IN POLISH LANGUAGE• Intensive course preparing for University Entrance Exams• 600-hour Polish language course• Intensive course for future students (in September)• Summer Course

SCHOLARSHIPS• Some Faculties (e. g. Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering) may offer

scholarships for the best students.• Sport scholarships.


Competition-based admission

• Free-of-charge full-time studies (B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees).

• Conducted in Polish.

• Access to studies is open to non-EU citizens who do not hold Polish Charter and all candidates who undertake studies in Polish within the framework of governmental agreements between Poland and other country.

• Admission as a result of competition.

• All candidates must take the written examination on 01.07.2015

• More information available at: http://www.students.pw.edu.pl/index.php?id=13


International Students Office

ISO - a special University unit to support and coordinat e international students affairs - www.students.pw.edu.pl

• Recruitment and Registration• Legal procedures• Welcome meeting for the beginners• Accomodation of the incoming students• Adaptation services and cultural events• Extra courses in Polish language

and complementary courses in math & physics

[email protected]+ 48 22 234 5091


Accommodation – student housing

• Warsaw University of Technology offers around 5200 places in 12 dormitories in Warsaw.

• Payments vary from €85 to €175 per month. Average price is around €100 per month.

• Visit www.students.pw.edu.pl -Students Section - where you can find detailed information on students housing.


International students 2013/2014

• Regular international students ~ 921– studies in Polish (~30%)– studies in English (~70%)

• Erasmus Mundus ~ 62• LLP Erasmus (European students) ~ 311• ATHENS (short term courses) ~ 101• Other programs and bilateral exchange ~ 30

All together about ~ 1425

� Representing approximately70 nationalities


Cooperation agreements (key examples)

• Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne (France)• Delft University of Technology (Netherlands)• Centro Ricerche FIAT SCPA (Italy)• Politecnico di Milano (Italy)• ParisTech (France)• Nagoya University (Japan)• Shizuoka University (Japan)• Maryland University (USA)• University of Detroit Mercy (USA)• Nebraska Lincoln University (USA)• National University of Singapore (Singapore)• Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)• Technion, Israel Institute of Technology (Israel)• Queensland University of Technology (Australia) • Hanyang University (Rep. of Korea)• Kyungpook National University (Rep. of Korea)

All together scientific cooperation with 120+ universi ties, research institutions and high-tech industries.


European educational programmes

Erasmus Mundus Action 1 (joint studies):• EMARO – Master Program in Advanced Robotics• M.E.S.C. – Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion• OpSciTech – Optics in Science and Technology

Erasmus Mundus Action 2 (students/staff mobility):• ACTIVE – Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine• AVEMPACE I, II, III – Middle East• eASTANA – Central Asia• EWENT – Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine• INTERWEAVE – South-East Asia• HERITAGE – India • PANTHER – Australia, New Zealand

ICI – ECP • KEUDOS – Korea/UE Degree Opportunities for Students


Cooperation with Indonesia - INTERWEAVE

• INTERWEAVE is an ERASMUS MUNDUS Partnership (EMA2 strand1) project funded by the European commission, coordinated by Ecole Centrale de Nanted(France) and co-coordinated by University of Malaya (Malaysia).

• The INTERWEAVE project provides 170 scholarships to undergraduate master, doctorate, post-dostorate students and staff for mobility between Europe and Asia.

• Indonesian partners: Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember and Institut TeknologiBandung.

• More information at: http://www.interweave-ema2.eu/


Cooperation with Indonesia - INTERWEAVE

2 Indonesian students currently studying at WUT for 10 m onths: • Ms. Yuita Arum Sari, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh NopemberM. Sc. studies, Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology,• Mr. Jodi Pradipta – Institut Teknologi Bandung B.Sc. studies, Faculty of Civil Engineering.


Research Priorities

• Computer science, ICT, telecommunications

• Artificial Intelligence

• Biomedical engineering

• New material technologies (microelectronics and nanotechnologies

• Alternative and renewable energy sources (solar energy and photovoltaics)

• Energy saving and storage

• Nuclear energy

• Environmental engineering

• Transport, aviation, space research

• Chemistry, chemical technology, functional materials


European Union Framework Programmes

• 5th FP – 55 projects• 6th FP – 90 projects, 3 as Coordinator• 7th FP – 78 projects, 6 as Coordinator

Financial data for 78 contracted projects:Projects total budget – 476,34 mln EUREU funding – 304,32 mln EUR

WUT’s contribution – 21,24 mln EUREU funding – 16,79 mln EUR

• Horizon 2020 – 2 projects contracted, 3 projects – Grant Agreement preparation (1 -WUT Coordinator)


Other International ResearchProgrammes/Initiatives

• ENIAC JU - European Nanoelectronics Initiative Advisory Council Joint Undertaking

• ARTEMIS JU - Joint Undertaking on Advanced Research & Technology for

Embedded Intelligence Systems

• AAL Programme - Ambient Assisted Living

• EUREKA Programme - A Europe-wide Network for Market-Oriented Industrial R&D

and Innovation

• EUROSTARS Programme

• EDA Defence R&T Joint Investment Programme on Force Protection

• Projects funded by European Space Agency (ESA)

• ERA-NET, ERA-NET+ initiatives

• COST Programme


CEZAMAT – the Centre of Advanced Materials and Technologies

• The main goal is to conduct interdisciplinary research in fields of micro-, opto-, nano-

and bioelectronics, in addition to multifunction micro- and nanomaterials engineering

• Project co-financed by EU Operational Program for Poland „Innovative Economy”

• Project value – approx. 100 m. €

• WUT is Project Coordinator for the consortium of 9 partners

• Location in the southern campus of WUT + decentralized laboratories


CePT – the Centre of Preclinical Research and Technology

• Project of Biomedical Research Centre, co-financed by EU Operational Program for Poland „Innovative Economy”

• Estimated value – approx. 100 m. €

• Consortium of 10 partners: Warsaw Medical University, WUT, University of Warsaw and 7 research centers,

• All three levels of research (fundamental research, diagnostic and therapy)

• More than 120 research projects in the field of:- nanotechnology,- molecular biotechnology,- neurobiology,- genomics,- biomedical engineering,- pharmacology.


Cooperation with industry (key examples)

• Siemens AG (Germany & Poland) • PKN Orlen SA (Poland)• BASF (Germany)• General Electric (USA)• Pratt&Whitney (USA)• ABB Ltd (Switzerland)• Carl Zeiss (Germany)• Autodesk (USA)• Cummins Filtration (USA)• FIAT (Italy & Poland )• Telekomunikacja Polska S.A., (Poland)

& France Telecom (France)• LG Electronics (Korea & Poland)• SAMSUNG (Korea & Poland)• AREVA (France)


Students’ achievements

• Over 100 students research groups• PW-Sat – first Polish satellite developed by students, launched to the orbit in 2013.• WUT Solar Boat - an innovative project of building solar powered boat.• WUT Racing - a project of designing and building students’ F1 bolid.• Aero Design 2013 - first team in the history of the competition, WUT students took

the first three places as overall winners in each class.


Our Alumni

The famous alumni and Professors: • Ignacy Mo ścicki (Prof. Chemistry, the President of Poland 1926-39),• Jan Czochralski (Prof. Chemistry, inventor of semiconductor production

process)• Mieczysław Wolfke (Prof. Optics, precursor in the development of

holography)• Mieczysław Bekker (Prof. Mechanics, author of general idea, design and

construction of the lunar vehicles LRV for missions Apollo 15, 16 and 17

The famous Doctors Honoris Causa: • Maria Skłodowska-Curie (Nobel Prize Winner), • Ignacy Mo ścicki , • Jan Czochralski , • Antoni K. Oppenheim (Prof., Mechanics, world's leading combustion


The Association of WUT Alumni and Friends – www.saip.pw.edu.plThe North-American Association of WUT Alumni

