Policy Brief - Gender Equality and Poverty Reduction Series : Gender and Employment Guarantee...

PolicyBrief 02 ISSUE APRIL 2010 EMPLOYMENT GUARANTEE POLICIES Gender Equality and Poverty Reduction I. Introduction  The recent financial and economic crisis has called into question man y of the bel ief s about mar ket economics that held sway fo r more than two de ca des, wi th a new consensus emerging that markets alone cannot deliver economic stabi lity . Gov ernments and their partn ers , incl udin g inte rnat iona l fina ncia l inst itutions, are re- evaluating stabilization poli cies and fina ncial sector deregulation. 1  The sear ch for new idea s and mor e effe ctive practices is also opening up space for considering how to rea ch key dev elop ment obje ctives—i nclu ding the Millennium Deve lopment Goal s (MDGs). 2 Mob ili zat ion of do mestic resources and ex pan sio n of fis cal space 3 —alongs ide internat ional develop ment resour ces— has always been a high priority for developing nations. Labour is another key domestic resource that remains underutilized. Under-employed , unemploy ed, and often for ced into inactivi ty, its contributions to human and economic development have yet to be realized. Public works and employme nt guarant ee progr ammes present a significant opportunity to mobilize this underutilized resource. In doing so, these programmes can equitably and efficiently create jobs and income and can bridge deve lopme nt gaps . In response to ballooning unemployment following the financial and economic crisis, some countries are already implementing such programmes. At the most basic level, these progr ammes are govern ment-fund ed initiatives offering minimum-wage jobs to those who are ready and willing to work, but otherwise unable to secure employ- ment in the pri vat e sec to r. In the se instances, the state act s as ‘the employer of last resort’ , providing the security of a wo rk ent itlement whe n allelse fai ls. Howeve r , a sho rtag e of pay ing work is a pro ble m both dur ing and aft er cri sis ; lar ge segments of the world’s population, particularly women, were unable to find jobs even before the recent global economic upheaval.  This Policy Brief discusses the importance of addressi ng issues of gender equality and employment guarantee polici es , tar get ing UNDP country off ices and their national partn ers (e. g., national , reg ional and local gov ernm ent s and par lia ments,aca demia, med ia, civ il soc iet y and the pri vat e sect or). It aims to stimulate and inf orm cou ntry- level discu ssions with a view towa rds deve loping local ly-ada pted gend er- responsive job creation initiati ves , and, as an adv oca cy too l wit h a vie w towards incre asi ng awareness of ho w ge nder equali ty canbepromotedwithin go vernment emp loy men t initia tiv es fr om the loc al to internationa l lev els . 1

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