Point Of Hope - Issue #27 - March 2016



Point Of Hope Magazine is a publication of Enduring Hope Ministries

Transcript of Point Of Hope - Issue #27 - March 2016

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MARCH 2016



K eys

TO Learning



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Carole Shirley

Deb Sompel

Jamie Clawson

Mary Beth Pecora

Pastor Chuck Hamby

Rev. Melissa Pearce

Shelly Hess

William L. Glaze, Dr.

Contributing Writers

Barbara Watts

Copy Editor

Rev. Melissa D. Pearce


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Point of Hope is published by Enduring Hope Ministries, a non-profit organization, Murrysville, PA © USA 2014 Enduring Hope Ministries, all rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited by federal law. Point of Hope has no subscription price and is supported through the contributions of our supporters. All gifts to this ministry are tax-deductible (in countries where this applies)

For more information: please call 724-519-7554 or visit www.enduringhopeministries.com






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Point of Hope is a publication dedicated to encouraging and equipping people of all ages with the Word of God.

Our Goal is to provide readers with life applicable articles that will edify and strengthen their personal walks.

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14IN NEED OF PATIENCEHow to learn patience w ithout losing your... patience.

MELISSA'S HEARTGod is about to accelerate things within your life. Hold fast to Him.


Three keys in learning to receive and extend grace as a

way of l ife.


Learning from Abram's life on what it means to be called by

God to bless.

28TRUE LEADERSHIPHow does one define true leadership? Is it about position and power ?

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?A downward spiral ? wondering and wandering with God."

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it t ing before the Lord this morning, I kept hearing Him say, ?Acceleration! Acceleration!? I pressed into God a litt le

longer; as I was unsure what direction He was taking me. I heard Him say, ?The time has come for my people to rightfully step into what I have ordained for them. Many have been held back by the enemy and his lies, but the time is now for Me to fulfill My plans for My Kingdom.?

Immediately, my mind went to this Scripture in Isaiah, ??Shall I bring to the time of birth, and not cause delivery?? says the Lord. ?Shall I who cause delivery shut up the womb?? says your God? (NKJV ? Isaiah 66:9). As I sat in His Presence, I understood God is preparing His people for what is about to come. There are promises many of you have been waiting upon, and this is their season of fulf il lment. God does not birth a vision without it coming to fruit ion. When God releases a revelation, He watches over it to see it fulf il led.

I believe God desires to release abounding hope to all of you! Many have been waiting for God to act, but, in actuality, God is waiting for you to take your rightful position in Him. Many of you listen to the lies of the enemy causing you to displace your expectation in the One True Living God. You have become complacent, reluctant and fearful to act.

Today is your new day! God is releasing a stream of hope into your spirit so you take your

rightful position with Him. This is the year for you and God to build your expectation and reputation back in (or on) Him. Webster?s Dictionary defines expectation as a belief that something will happen or is likely to happen.[i]

However, many have allowed your belief systems to become tainted with doubt. Doubt causes us to become uncertain of God and who we are in Him. Doubt causes us to lose confidence. Doubt quenches any forward motion in the Spirit.

Missing God?s TimingHas God ever released something to you and, with excitement, you took immediate action? However, God?s revelation was not for now but later. God was preparing you for what is to come. Missing God?s timing can be a foothold the enemy uses against us, causing us to second guess and question. If we are not careful, we end up in a downward spiral ? wondering and wandering with God. Wondering if we ever heard His voice. Wondering if we know His voice. And the wondering turns to wandering. The more we perceive ourselves in a negative light, the more we pull further and further away from God. This wandering impacts our God-given responsibil it ies; in the end, impacting His Kingdom. When we are in a season of wandering, we listen to the voice of Satan insisting we are defeated, implying we have


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missed our opportunity with God. And we cycle further and further away from our callings and inheritance!

STOP! Do not take Satan?s bait any longer! Bait is anything that hooks us into captivity. We listen to the lies of the enemy, giving them more credence than the Word of God and what He actually says and feels about us. The more we believe these lies, the more we become complacent, reluctant and even fearful to act for God. Yet, I have learned even in our failures, God uses everything to teach, mold and transform us. He uses all things for good to those who love Him (NKJV ? Romans 8:28). So, if you miss God?s timing on a matter, ask Him to reveal what needs to be addressed? Don?t allow the enemy to hold you captive any longer. Don?t keep wondering and wandering away from God. The Father?s love and His plan for you are far greater than you can imagine! Perhaps, as God gets you ready for the revelation He birthed within you, He is also orchestrating others to participate in His Kingdom plan with you!

Personally speaking, in times past, when I tried to push something to happen, it is because I am working on my own agenda. Pushing our own agendas (or motives) is rooted in insecurity. We do not trust God?s abilit ies or His timing. Ask yourself , is there anything you are trying to make happen? Who?s agenda are you following ? yours or Gods? What are your motives for doing what you are doing?

The Poverty Spiri t There are others impacted by lack. Lack is always rooted in a spirit of poverty. Satan uses your current circumstances and makes you believe what has been will always be. The poverty spirit makes you believe God does not care and has left

you alone to f igure things out on your own. The poverty spirit will immobilize you to do nothing, when God created you in Him to do great exploits. Ephesians 2:10: ?For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.?

God is taking back what is contaminated. This is the year you rightfully take your position in Him,

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"God is about to accelerate things within your life. Hold fast to Him."

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so you can accomplish the greatest feats in your life. This is the year God does the impossible, unexplainable and incomprehensible! Build your hope in the Lord. This is the year for 1 Corinthians 2:9 to manifest within your life: ?But as it is written: ?Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.?? The very things the enemy says will never happen (or can never happen) will manifest in your life. God is going to use you to bring it to pass!

AccelerateThis year your walk with God will be dif ferent because you are placing your expectation and reputation in (and on) Him. You will not walk in defeat, but trust God to bring forth in His timing the resources needed to accomplish in (and through) you the very tasks He prepared in advance for you to do. You will no longer question your abilit ies, because you realize it has to do with Him working in (and through) your life.

God is about to accelerate things within your life. Hold fast to Him. I promise He won?t disappoint you. It will be a journey you have never experienced! Your greatest dreams are about to become a reality!

Let go of things of the past; trust God to use your mistakes for your good and His glory. Ask God to forgive you for fall ing into the enemy?s deceptive schemes. Then ask Him to make you bold and stouthearted for Him!

Enjoy the journey! It?s going to be a ride like you have never taken before! In Him,Rev. Melissa Pearce__________[i]http:/ /www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/expectation

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e must learn to receive and extend grace as our way of l ife, if we want to be more like Christ, Who is ?full of grace.?

Grace is from the Greek word charis and carries

the idea of favor as well as grace. One dictionary.com definit ion says grace is favor shown in granting a delay or temporary immunity. If you ever pay a bil l, you know there is a due date. If the bil l is not paid by then, a late fee or penalty is incurred. The time between when the bill is due and when the penalty can be applied is known as the ?grace period.? 

Using that analogy, let?s look at what God says about sin: ?the wages of sin is death? ? (ESV ? Romans 6:23a) The cost of our sin is death. God also says: ?all have sinned?? (ESV ? Romans 3:23a)

Upon birth, we all deserve to die. The duration of our l ives on earth is our ?grace period? given by God to each of us until the penalty for our sin is required. For those of us ?in Christ,? the day we trust in His atoning death and surrender our lives to Christ is when our debt is paid in full. Payment is made within the grace period, so the penalty of death will never be applied to us! Therefore, ??by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God? (ESV ? Ephesians 2:8).

Growing in Grace Requires Humility.

There are three keys in learning to receive and extend grace as a way of l ife so we can be more like Christ. Each one requires humility:

1) We must acknowledge our sinful nature Being will ing to assess your own heart condition before a holy God requires humility. A great way


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True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less ? C.S. Lewis


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to know your heart is through reading Scripture. This not only reveals God?s nature but also reveals our natural inclination to sin. Have you prayerfully asked God to reveal your sin to you?  Humility is necessary to say, ?God, I know I am a sinner. Please show me the areas of my life that may be out of alignment with how You would like me to be living or thinking.? God will honor your humble heart by granting you His grace. ??Therefore it says, ?God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble?? (ESV ? James 4:6). Once we assess our own sin, we will more easily extend grace to others. When we extend grace to others, we demonstrate the character of God: ?By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another? (ESV- John 13:35). Love is an extension of grace. 

2) We must confess our sin:It requires humility to confess sin, especially being specif ic in our confession, which is what God desires.

I remember, as a newer Christian, I would say, ?Forgive me for my sins? or maybe, ?Please forgive me, God, for gossiping.? However, it requires a greater level of humility to say, ?Please forgive me for gossiping this

morning about my neighbor?s inability to complete projects that she starts but does not f inish.? Interestingly, when I am specif ic, God often shows me my desperate need for grace. For instance, I remember the load of laundry that I put in two days ago ? one of several projects that I started and did not f inish. When I began to pray specif ically, it brought a greater revelation of the depths of my sin nature. This process helped me receive God?s grace. He promises, ?If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness? (ESV ? 1 John 1:9). You can rest assured that you are forgiven with ?no payment due,? if you confess your sin to Him. When I am full of God?s grace, I am more able to freely give what I freely received ? grace to others. I am reminded of this important principle:

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 ?Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ?Let me take the speck out of your eye,? when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye? (ESV ? Matthew 7:3-5). It?s important to note that extending grace does not mean we never address sin in another?s life. It means we are very aware of our sin, so we are more capable and better equipped to address sin in another?s life with grace and love.

3) We must repent of our sins:Repentance is l iterally turning away from our sinful ways. When, through the grace of God, I repent, I position myself to grow in grace, love and maturity in the Lord. Confession is admitting to the sin; repenting is not committing the sin again. We will never be ?sinless,? but through God?s grace we can ?sin less!? ?No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God?s seed abides in him, and he cannot keep on sinning because he has been born of God? (ESV ? 1 John 3:9).

Growing in grace ? becoming more Christ-l ike ? requires humility. And the fruit of our will ingness to humble ourselves to grow in grace will be joy from the Greek chara, derived from the word charis ? the Greek word for grace.  This is important to note, as it tells us categorically that

chara (joy) is produced by the charis (grace) of God. Joy is not an emotion like happiness based on circumstances that come and go. Rather, true joy is divine in origin (Sparkling Gems: From The Greek, pps. 528-529) and a result of God?s grace.

Jesus encourages us to learn from Him when He says, ?Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls? (NIV ? Matthew 11:29).  When we humble ourselves, we grow in grace, experience joy and f ind rest for our souls! 

We are given a ministry from God to testify to the gospel of the grace of God. ?But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God? (ESV ? Acts 20:24). 

Does your life ref lect the gospel ofthe grace of God?

Growing in Grace,~Jamie Clawson

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businessman was scheduled to f ly to a very important corporate meeting. When he arrived at the airport, he discovered his f l ight was cancelled,

and an airl ine representative was trying to get people booked on another f l ight. When the man found out that all seats on the next f l ight were full, he approached the representative and said, ?I must be booked on that flight, and I must be in first class!? The representative responded, ?Sir, we are working hard to get everyone scheduled on another flight.? The businessman decided to exercise his authority and asked the lady, ?Do you know who I am?? She calmly picked up the microphone and said over the loud speaker, ?We have a passenger here at the gate who does not know who he is. If there is anyone here who can help him find his identity, please come to Gate 19.? Clearly, this businessman needed patience.



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For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of god, ye might receive the promise (Hebrews 10:36, KJV)

BY: Dr. Will iam L. Glaze


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? ? ? ? The writer of Hebrews, addressing readers going through dif f icult t imes, tells them they need patience. Patience comes from the Greek word hupomeno ? a compound word containing hupo (under) and meno (to abide). When these two words are combined, it means to abide or stand up underneath a heavy load. The businessman at the airport was under a heavy load, but his patience (hupomeno) was giving out. Like this man, many of us are in need of patience. It has been humorously said, ?The only people who have a lot of patience are doctors.?


? ? ? ? There are several ways we grow in patience. First, we can take advantage of l ife?s trials. None of us look forward to going through hardships, but they are unavoidable. When standing beneath clouds of adversity, we should look for the silver l ining ? the opportunity to strengthen our faith and character. In his letter to the Romans, Paul writes, ?? we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience? (Romans 5:3). The end result of trials

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint?

(Isaiah 40:31, KJV).

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and tribulations is patience. James, writ ing to the twelve tribes scattered abroad, says, ?My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience? (James 1:2-3). James confirms Paul?s statement that trials work patience. Life?s trials, if handled properly, can be a great strengthening agent for our faith and character.


Secondly, we grow in patience by waiting on the Lord. During times of dif f iculty, I have heard some respond as follows: ?It is what it is!? The one making this statement is saying, ?This is the way that it is, and I have to accept it for what it is!? Even though true, there is something that can be done in the meantime ? we can wait on the Lord! In a familiar passage, the prophet says, ?But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they

shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint? (Isaiah 40:31, KJV). Wait (in Hebrew, qavah) means to bind together (look patiently; tarry or wait and hope, expect, look eagerly). The f irst meaning refers to the individual strands of cord being woven and twisted together to make a rope. As we come before the Lord in study and prayer, the strands of our patience are intricately woven together in Him. The more we wait on Him (come into His presence), the stronger our rope becomes ? enabling our growth in patience.

PRAYER:Dear Heavenly Father, I must confess there are times in my life when I have been impatient. Please forgive me for those times when I have been annoyed, sharp, short or edgy. When I go through the trials of l ife, let me use them as a time to grow in patience. Also, help me wait on You by being stil l in Your presence. Father, there will be many occasions for me to exercise patience today. Please give me the wisdom to know when those situations arise ? and the power to exercise patience ? whether standing in an airport l ine, sitt ing in traff ic , or waiting at a doctor?s off ice.


~Dr. Will iam L. Glaze

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This year, I took the challenge of reading through the Bible in one year. I am following a guideline, and it has been an amazing beginning. As I write, I have just completed Day Four, and the Lord has been speaking to my heart. As I read, I write? as He reveals! So excited to see what God unpacks in His Word this year. I love the new truths that come as we take the time to sit and listen. I encourage you all to do the same! The call on your life will be made clearer as you submit yourself before the Lord to listen. He is always speaking; it?s the other noise around us that keeps Him in the background. Make it a point to put Him f irst ? to listen and allow the Holy Spirit to teach, encourage and even comfort you? if you are in need!

As I was reading about the call of Abraham, here?s what was highlighted:

We are all descendants of Abram, the Father of Nations. All the peoples on earth will be blessed through you!

The Lord appeared to Abram and said, ?To your offspring I will give this land?? (Genesis 12:7 ? NIV)

At the time, Abram did not have children and didn?t know his wife, Sarai, would be barren for several years! God is prophetically speaking Abram?s life (and his children?s call) into existence.

Mary Beth Pecora


The Cal l To Bless!A Year of Calling :

Devotional Study Series - Part III

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Learning From AbramLet?s learn from study Abram, the Father of Nations:

?As he (Abram) was about to enter Egypt (a land of idolatry, false gods and false religions under the control of the wicked Pharaoh. It is the home of the Israelites, God?s chosen people) he said to his wife Sarai, ?I know what a beautiful woman you are. When the Egyptians see you, they will say, ?This is his wife.? Then they will kill me but will let you live.? (Genesis 12:11-12 ? NIV)

Denying who we are in God hinders our life and call! Never alter the plan of God or l ie about your heritage ? for personal gain! Your life will be protected; you answer His call and His plan.

Don?t let anyone (or anything) steal your identity in God. Make that the f irst priority in your life. Don?t let even your career or vocation get in the way. Don?t deny His call on your life.

Your f irst, true identity is in God when He declares you are created in His image, the image of the Godhead (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). You are fearfully and wonderfully made!

I apologize if I sound as if I am preaching. I am just so passionate about helping believers understand their identity and call in God.

You don?t need to lie about who you are. You are God?s property, God?s servant, God?s valuable, gif ted one ? able to carry out His plan and call on your life. God will unfold that for you. He will not deny Himself in you.

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Lying (or pretending) gets you nowhere. Only the truth of being God?s property (servant, valuable, gif ted one) will carry you through your life and your call.

This has been mankind?s mistake since biblical days. We thought we need to ?be somebody else? to get ahead or be blessed. But l iving out this l ie (from the Father of Lies, Satan) has pushed us farther away from God and His call on our lives.

Remember who you are. God remembers ? God recalls. He recalls the calls.

Turning trust into travel??Go from your country, your people and your father?s household to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I

will make your name great,

and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you

I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.? (Genesis 12:1-3, NIV)

Do you understand the fullness of God?s word to Abram? God is turning trust into travel and invit ing him on a faith-stretching journey. God directs him into Canaan, a land of warring tribes. God?s promise includes both land and legacy. The promise of land became true before the promise of a child. Even in their many imperfections, Abraham and Sarah are listed among the heroes of the faith in Hebrews, chapter 11.

You are a descendant of Abram. He was called to bless others. So are you!

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Secure?After this, the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision:

?Do not be afraid Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.?? (Genesis 15:1 ? NIV)

Secure who you are this year. Secure in your heart and mind who you are.

You are a son (or daughter) of the Most High God. You are a child of the King (a Priest and a Princess) who has given you all authority and power in Jesus Christ. For the original call, the Covenant, the Promise of man was to be fruitful and multiply. His multiplication is upon you. He has said, ?Go and make disciples?Go be fishers of men?Go and tell.?

The multiplication command is not just about physically producing children. Whether or not you father (or mother) biological children, you can father (or mother) spiritual children. Everyone you disciple or mentor is being their spiritual mother

(or father).

Your call is irrevocable! Here?s that phrase again. It?s the third time I have used it since the beginning of the year. God will not take your calling away from you. It has been signed, sealed and delivered. Now step into it! Know to whom and what you are called. Your calling is a covenant promise!

Ask God to show you His call on your life.

Ask God to direct you to the right people or places to help direct and show you the way. (Enduring Hope Ministries is a great place to start!)

Ask God to define who you are and where you are going. He shall not deny your requests! He shall not mislead or misguide you. He is YOUR gentle Shepherd, and you are one of His sheep.

It has been declared that His sheep hear His voice:

?My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.? (John 10:27 ? NIV)

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Who You Are Are you listening? Are you listening to His voice? He knows you! He knows every insecurity, struggle and lie that is whispered in your ear about WHO YOU ARE!

He knows the big lie: ?Did God really say that?? It?s the same lie being used today to pull mankind away from God or hearing and obeying His voice, into hearing everyone else?s voice, for that false sense of security and approval we think we need from others!

Learn to know and listen to His voice. When we listen, we follow? we follow Him!

?? no one can snatch them out of my Father?s hand. I and the Father are one.? (John 10:29-30, NIV)

Follow hard after Him; He shall not disappoint you! He shall guide you! He IS your Shepherd! You are His sheep ? one of His f lock!

Women, don?t let a man tell you to be his sister, not his wife!. Your identity is in God, not in a man! Protecting him is God?s job, not yours! Even when Abe and Sarah lie, God stil l protects them! I am not advocating lying ? just pointing out God?s wide protective cover!

Don?t let anyone stif le who you are! Be free and who you are created to be. Carry out the call of who you are ? to love and serve the Lord and be a blessing.

Being Free With You, ~Mary Beth Pecora

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Shelly Hess

?For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have

done the will of god, ye might receive the promise?

(Hebrews 10:36, KJV)

?I love You, O Lord, my strength.? The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold? (Psalm 18:1-2, NASB). The study notes in my NASB Bible explain that the word love as used in verse 1, ?is not the normal word for love that often bears covenant meaning, but it is a rare verb form of a word group that expresses tender intimacy. David?s choice of words intended to express a very strong devotion, like Peter?s in John 21:15-17.?

In John 21:15-17, we read this exchange between Jesus and Peter as Jesus appears to the seven disciples after He is risen from the dead, ?So when they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, ?Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than these?? He said to Him, ?Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.? He said to him, ?Tend My lambs.? He said to him again a second time, ?Simon, son of John, do you love Me?? He said to Him, ?Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.? He said to him, ?Shepherd My sheep.? He said to him the third time, ?Do you love Me?? And he said to Him, ?Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You.? Jesus said to him, ?Tend My sheep?? (NASB).

Jesus and Peter must understand that Peter?s love for Jesus placed Jesus above all else in his

life. This doesn?t mean that Peter didn?t love other people very much, but he loved the Lord most of all. The study notes in my NAS Bible say the following about this exchange, ?The meaning of this section hinges upon the usage of two synonyms for love. In terms of interpretation, when two synonyms are placed in close proximity in context, a difference in meaning, however slight, is emphasized. When Jesus asked Peter if he loved Him, he used a word for love that signified his love for Jesus,

but not necessarily his total commitment. This was not because he was reluctant to express that greater love, but because he had been disobedient and denied the Lord in the past. He was, perhaps, now reluctant to make a claim of supreme devotion when, in the past, his life did not support such a claim??

A few years ago, I received a word from the


It ' s Good For You

W ritten by:-Shelly Hess

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Lord through a prophet concerning when I would get married. I was so excited! Yet, there was a pang in my heart that kept crying out. I tried to ignore it, but I couldn?t. The pang was that I knew ? either I do not love the Lord as my f irst love ? or I do but am unaware of it. There have been many suitors, but no one I felt in my spirit was the right one. So, when I received the word giving a time I would marry, I was so excited! I want to be with the right person and get married! So, the last thing I want to do is delay that in any way! I felt, if I paid attention to the pang, I would delay it. However, I knew in my spirit that (for me) until I knew I loved the Lord first, I wouldn?t be satisf ied in a marriage. I want to be married and feel l ike it?s right ? not out of order. So, I prayed and asked the Lord to help me love Him most of all? to help me know that I love Him most of all!

As a result, I f ind myself in situations where I see my devotion to the Lord. Finally, I came to a place where something very dear to me ? something I counted on and thought was going to happen ? didn?t and left me totally bewildered! I felt so angry with the Lord; I feared I could not trust Him. Therefore, I held the Lord at a distance? a fairly long distance. During this time, I never felt so alone, so hopeless and hollow! After a few months, I returned to the Lord! I couldn?t stand to live like that; I couldn?t stand to live without Him.

I couldn?t handle the distance between us. Even though I felt l ike the Lord allowed me to lose the one person I didn?t want Him to let me lose, and even though I had many

unanswered questions? it didn?t matter. Even with all of that, I had to return to the Lord. Even with all of that, I couldn?t l ive without Him. I said to the Lord, ?I don?t know the answer to any of these questions. Regardless of all that, I can?t live without You. I can?t do it. I don?t want to do it.? The Lord reminded me of all the past t imes I broke up with a boyfriend. Each time, it was hard. It took a while to

get over it. Because we weren?t right for each other, I never once determined I loved the guy enough to return to him. This time, with the Lord (even with all of the unknowns) I realize I love Him enough to return to Him! I realize I cannot l ive without Him. My love for the Lord was tested in an area of l ife that is very important to me. You know what I learned? That I love the Lord most of all! That?s how it should be! It?s not just for the Lord; it?s for us, too.

It should be good for you to love your spouse and other people God has given you. Likewise, it is good for you to love Jesus. That?s how everyone (and everything) falls into the proper place in your life? and mine!

~Shelly Hess



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"And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave - just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many? (Mark 10:44 -45 NKJV).

Jesus demonstrated true leadership through his teachings but would soon display it through His actions. Jesus came into the world to serve not to be served. This is very contrary to how the Pharisees acted.

?Everything they do is done for men to see: They make their phylacteries wide and the tassels on their garments long; they love the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats in the synagogues; they love to be greeted in the marketplaces and to have men call them ?Rabbi??(NIV ? Matthew 23:5-7).

It was never to be about position or power.

Leadership is always about self less actions and service towards others.

Just as Jesus taught this lesson to the disciples, we must glean this truth for ourselves. It is never about us but others. Our attitude and actions need to be the same as Jesus?. He gave His life as a ransom for many.

Each one of us is called to be a leader. Some leaders are on the front l ines like a CEO while other leaders are behind the scenes like a stay-at-home mom. No matter what type of leader God has called you to be, He wants your leadership defined through your acts of service.

How would you define your leadership? Is it about position and power to you? Do you serve others to make you feel important? Or do you serve like Jesus?

28February 2016Point of Hope Magazine

17 Now Jesus was going up to Jerusalem. On the way, he took the Twelve aside and said to them, 18 ?We are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be delivered over to the chief priests and the teachers of the law. They will condemn him to death 19 and will hand him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and f logged and crucif ied. On the third day he will be raised to life!?

20 Then the mother of Zebedee?s sons came to Jesus with her sons and, kneeling down, asked a favor of him.21 ?What is it you want?? he asked. She said, ?Grant that one of these two sons of mine may sit at your right and the other at your left in your kingdom.? 22 ?You don?t know what you are asking,? Jesus said to them. ?Can you drink the cup I am going to drink?? ?We can,? they answered.

23 Jesus said to them, ?You will indeed drink from my cup, but to sit at my right or left is not for me to grant. These places belong to those for whom they have been prepared by my Father.?24 When the ten heard about this, they were indignant with the two brothers. 25 Jesus called them together and said, ?You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high off icials exercise authority over them. 26 Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, 27 and whoever wants to be f irst must be your slave? 28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.?

Matthew 20:17-28

True Leadership

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