Poetry in celebration of women · I promise to love you. I promise to listen. — NISHA MOODLEY...

an invitation to intimacy Poetry in celebration of women

Transcript of Poetry in celebration of women · I promise to love you. I promise to listen. — NISHA MOODLEY...

  • an invitation to intimacy

    Poetry in celebration of women

  • for you,my sister

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014

  • Dear Sister,

    Several years ago, I heard a quote by the Dalai Lama: “The world will be saved

    by the western woman.” At the time, I was running a growing business, where I

    supported women in finding freedom from emotional eating. I was one of those

    western women, trying to save the world.

    But I was on the brink of divorce, and had just missed my grandmother’s funeral

    and the wedding of one of my best friends becaus I was “too busy” to get away.

    I was a workaholic, using work to avoid my feelings, working 24/7 to help

    women find freedom. Ironic. Deeply embarrassed, I was also hiding my pain

    from the women in my life. I swam in a deep sea of confusion that I was

    desperate to conceal and “figure out” on my own. My shame kept me from

    sharing, which kept me trapped in my circumstances.

    One day, the sea swelled to a tidal wave, and I realized that the women who

    were going to “save the world” were those who, as Gandhi said, were “being the


    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014

  • So here, I share with you. This book is dedicated to you, my Sister, and to the

    belief that the world will be set free by women who are free, and sisterhood is


    I offer these whisperings of my heart, in devotion to your freedom.

    Thank you for reading these words. It means more to me than you know. If they

    touch you in some way, please leave a comment here. Sisterhood is the best

    space to support a woman’s freedom and I look forward to being in sisterhood

    with you. Thank you.


    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • Ode to the girl that is meDear Sweet Child,

    Thank you for bearing the pain of

    a family that wasn’t always united.

    Thank you for loving your body in a

    world that says your body is wrong.

    Thank you for holding visions of magic

    that have inspired those who love you.

    Thank you for feeling the feelings

    that felt too big to understand.

    Thank you for wanting good things

    for the earth and her people.

    My Dear Sweet Child,

    I am sorry for forgetting about you.

    For treating you harshly.

    For being impatient with you.

    For not listening.

    My Dear Sweet Child,

    Thank you for living on inside of me.

    I promise to take care of you.

    I promise to love you.

    I promise to listen.

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • This is your spotlight speaking.

    I invite you to step boldly into me.

    I invite you to bask in my light;

    You reflected back to you.

    I invite you to fall hard

    and make mistakes

    and be imperfect and messy;

    I invite you to be bold.

    I invite you to put one foot

    ahead of the next and move.

    Even if you can’t see two steps ahead,

    I invite you to take the next one.

    I invite you to your greatness.

    Even if you think it doesn’t exist,

    I invite you to see it in others’ eyes.

    The world needs you so very much.

    Do not deny them you.

    Do not allow one more day to pass

    without living your light into the world.

    There is no one else that can do it.

    It’s not their job, it’s yours.

    Do it.


    Step. Up.

    Step. Up.

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • BE your being,

    Your core, your essence- what was there all along.

    In the beginning before the rest came into form, your light, your energy,

    Your energetic thumbprint,

    Your color, your shape, your texture, your movement,

    Your song

    Your light.

    Your BE-ing-ness

    What came before the doing-

    The BE.

    The you behind the YOU

    Your witness

    Your all seeing eye

    Your timeless BE-ing

    Your stillness,

    Your deep pool of being-ness,

    Your effortless-ness,

    Your flow

    The you that lights up the room with no words.

    The you that simply by BEing transforms, heals, empowers and delights

    The YOU behind all the masks,

    What is left when you stop trying to BE and simply BE.

    The BE-ING in you.

    Your Presence is a Gift-

    Who are you called to BE?


    — E L A Y N E K A L I L A D O U G H T Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • I want to be pressed up close to a heartbeat

    like a bird who is no longer injured but stays for the healing.

    dancing in the sunlight in my mind

    memories of a future I once lived

    sweet, shallow breaths so as not to disturb the dream.

    don’t wake me. the sun is warm on my cheeks

    remembering when those who passed were here forever.

    ice cream soothing sad tears

    and now love.

    biting and washing over me. like a wool blanket.

    scratchy, but once you sleep peacefully you only feel the warmth

    And now love

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • and the beauty came in so many forms

    she didn’t know where to look

    mesmerized by the treasure she could only see with her heart

    it was there.

    and the love was so boundless she couldn’t find the end

    and then the beginning was wrapped somewhere around her

    like a wave that washed over her but when she stood and looked for it,

    it was hiding in the ocean.

    tricky waves.

    The love

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • delicate


    like a body of water that can be impressed upon in an instant,

    but calmly holds the truth deep within

    the water’s self-healing mechanism is perfect

    the balance of it’s surface is wisdom in it’s most subtle form

    the water tells you all of life if you listen


    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • And at times the journey felt treacherous

    And there were thorns in her skin

    And her shoes were full of holes

    And she knew

    That if she abandoned her journey

    She would never arrive

    And she knew that even in the darkness of this trail

    The light was guiding the way

    And everything was beautiful

    Her journey

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • dancing with her eyes closed felt good,

    the sweat from her forehead reaching her lips

    salty smile

    wet hair

    her breath aligned with the beat

    so did her heart

    and she was in love.

    she was in love with every lover she’d ever had, and not

    she was in love with her problems

    she was in love with her curves

    and she offered the Universe something she never had before.


    and the vulnerability…

    oh, the vulnerability.

    her love shone.

    Her love shone

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • and she blossomed in the summer

    some said late, but the dew on her leaves said she was right on time.

    and the ground had to break to let her through

    and some said it would hurt her delicate form

    but the light inside of her was so bright,

    there was no pain.

    and there was love.

    the sweetest love she had ever known.

    and her petals bowed in it’s presence

    and she became more vivid as the love flooded her roots with life

    and she was so eternally grateful.

    and with each morning’s sun, she knew she was alive.

    In bloom

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • her heart was a wanderer

    and her mind, intoxicated, went along for the adventure

    her heart told juicy stories

    like a campfire that dances without you telling it to

    her mind listened

    and her dreams and fantasies and realities wove together

    like the wool on momma’s loom

    bumpy and imperfect and perfect


    and she loved her dreams

    they were windows into other dimensions of existence

    that others tried to close shutters on

    and she wanted to let the light in

    and she was curious

    and she was happy to be this child-eyed woman in a world of adults

    this was freedom

    her ambition was like a pair of dress-up shoes

    too big maybe, yes, but glamorous and perfect all the same.

    Her heart

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • and my children called me to come to them,

    be out of their way,

    and for a moment i wanted to run to them!

    my love for them boundless, unstoppable.

    and then i paused.

    and i realized that i am with them now.

    and i spoke,

    “hush now, my dear ones, i am here.

    now is for me to prepare your home.

    for where would you sleep? our time is near”

    and as i listened, they became present.

    and the fear of not having our time dissipated.

    and the sound of our impatience silenced.

    and we got to be in love now.

    My children

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • gentle heart

    rest quietly now

    you are afraid, feeling alone

    no breadcrumbs to find your way home

    so rest now, be still in this space

    home is now, here

    i know, my dear.

    it’s tender, but…

    everything is still moving in this stillness

    slow down and you will find your way



    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • the cut on my hand bled forever,

    reminding me that i was alive.

    and every attempt to close it,

    clean it up, hide it

    was futile

    and only left the wound more open.

    obvious, painful.

    so now i admire it

    looking all ugly and beautiful

    and i can just be with it

    and watch the healing

    Precious metaphor

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • on the brink of my future

    calling me

    and even the pinkie toe seizes up when asked to move.

    so this is how it’s going to be?

    the heart at odds with feet.

    now, i’m no puppet master

    but i know that the marionettes that are led by their chest

    look more human than the ones led by their feet.

    and maybe this is just my romantic musing,

    but i swear i can tell the difference!

    and if the Universe is in charge

    and we’re all just players in the show…

    i want to be the marionette that dances from the heart.

    Being human

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • It’s May now:

    the month of Lily of the Valley blooming in our yard,

    her sweet fragrance of it reminding me of home,

    of the love of my Grandmother and Mother,

    of the stories of plant magic.


    month of my birth

    month of Spring’s blossoming

    month of love.

    And I find myself wanting to run away

    and settle down at once.

    wanting to look into your still eyes

    as you swim in my gaze

    wanting to see something in there that

    tells me not to go,

    because somewhere in me I need that.

    Maybe because May brings me another year,

    or maybe because I imitate Spring,

    I cry and want to grow.

    I want to have the things I’ve been pretending to have

    and celebrate in the joy of having it.

    I want to fall in love with your falling in love with me.

    I want to shine and feel you basking in my glow,

    bowing at my feet.

    It’s May

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014

  • I want to surrender to you and see mercy in your


    I want to die with you and be born again.

    I want to spin the magic of creation in our favor.

    It’s May, again.

    I want this one to grow something new with you.

    I want to tend it and watch it flourish.

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • And so long I have forgotten pleasure;

    forgotten that she guides me

    informs me

    teaches and serves me;

    forgotten that she allows me

    to surrender and receive

    to open up

    bear down and release.

    And the sweet drippy ecstasy

    of her offering brings tears,


    birth and death



    and good-byes.

    So on this eve of my 31st,

    I invite her to whisper to me.

    Yell if I am distracted.

    Caressing me til I melt,



    …that she, as I, have the

    right to exist.

    On the eve of my 31st

    — N I S H A M O O D L E YS H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • There are things that never changed,

    No matter how tall and distant I got.

    The Readers Digests tucked neatly away

    The tea in the teapot with sugar cubes in a bowl

    The Christmas candles plugged in at the window, year after year

    The softness of your skin

    The love in your eyes

    I never fully imagined what the world would feel like without you in it.

    Just as I was often shocked that you, in your simple practicality, could be a

    part of this haphazard world.

    And when you left there was a small sigh of relief in me,

    for you going to meet Grandpa and take care of him in that way you do…

    that way that leaves you feeling necessary. Busy and so loved.

    But that small sigh was overshadowed by the wail in my heart.

    The pounding of my being that I did not know how to exist in this world

    without you.

    I never had to.

    On the rocking chair, my chest against yours, I knew I couldn’t.

    And for the tears I saw so few times, and only for us, I knew you couldn’t


    We wanted to keep you. We had decided we would.


    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014

  • “At least 5 more years”. “At least long enough to hold my babies”.

    That last part still pains me.

    In the natural order of things, we would have been together all these years.

    I would have fed you cottage cheese and fruit salad under the patio umbrella.

    I would have rubbed your back until we both fell asleep.

    I would have sung you songs of blackbirds and pies.

    But I live here. In this place that makes less sense to my island heart


    In this place that throws gasoline on my dreams, rather than gently bringing

    kindling to lay at my feet.

    It is harsh, hurried and cutting here — nothing like you.

    Grammy, I called on you last night in my darkness.

    You found me and your hair was the brown of 1983.

    Your eyes shone with the sparkle that left with Uncle Bill.

    You held the cold cloth of surrender to my forehead.

    Grammy, thank you..

    — N I S H A M O O D L E YS H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • I cried the day you were born.

    Not because I would never be the ‘only child’ again (but I wouldn’t)

    Not because I fell and hurt my knee (but I did)

    Not because you weren’t a girl (but you aren’t)

    Not because you were the cutest baby in the whole world (but you were)

    I cried the day you were born

    Because I fell in love with you.

    And I knew, even then, that I would never be the same again.

    Little Brother

    — N I S H A M O O D L E YS H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • this house is built of hearts and stones and long brown hair

    and all of it is woven together, painstakingly, brilliantly

    and the walls are delicate, cracked and lovely

    this is my home for you

    this is my gift

    this is everything I have to give

    and even more that I never meant to have

    it’s all for you, my dear

    with love

    and I have betrayed you and my heart

    boxes of hand drawn love notes cast aside

    dust-covered and waiting for spring

    when the sunlight streams through bedroom windows

    and shutters open

    and storm windows go up

    and everything is new again

    the time when the inside and outside become one

    and my heart sings bird songs

    and I delight in hands in warm soapy water

    and the feeling of knees on wet hardwood

    and everything is new again

    I built this home for you my dear

    and I made many mistakes

    but there is beauty in these imperfections

    and I feel still the love that shone through my eyes

    and the haphazard, childlike heart that set the first stone

    This is our home

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • some say it’s a fault.

    wielded well, it’s my power

    that I can bend, stretch;

    cry and rage in a moment

    love, breathe, make space next


    yes, it has been my most unfortunate mask

    the one who shows the wrong feeling

    the one who shapeshifts

    the one who tricks

    and also, the deepest of strengths

    she who will slay and slaughter

    she who will clean the blood

    she who loves


    i am elastic

    I am elastic

    — N I S H A M O O D L E YS H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • Poetry and Prose arm wrestle some mornings.

    Poetry is more refined,

    of course, and has a smug self-assurance that

    makes Prose uneasy, self-conscious.

    Poetry despises arm wrestling.

    Prose is ballsy.

    No mincing words or fussing with the flower arrangement.

    Prose just drops those suckers in and halfheartedly hopes they live.

    Prose despises Poetry’s pomp.

    It’s often unclear who wins.

    Sometimes there’s a draw and no one gets the paper.

    And even now, as muscles weaken and fists waver,

    Poetry is certain he’s won.

    Rupert Murdoch has already called the match and

    everyone’s assumed that Poetry came out on top.

    But Prose, the underdog of underdogs, the oft-dreaded truth-seeker,

    has something to say. And he’s ready to play dirty if he has to.

    This is going to be a long morning.

    The match

    — N I S H A M O O D L E YS H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • Every time I hear your voice, I melt.

    My heart quickens pace, eager to race my body.

    But quickly, everyone pulls out the white flags.

    …and we melt…

    You own me.

    Oh, you own me.

    And my rebellious feminist rebels,

    but her mouth is gagged and she’s on her knees,

    because being more requires less than I once thought.

    There is already enough in these walls.

    There’s nothing more to prove. To show.

    Yes, oh yes, make no mistake…

    I could live in your eyes for a lifetime.

    I could live in your eyes for a lifetime

    — N I S H A M O O D L E YS H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • Think less, feel more, my dear.

    This world is more wondrous than your mind can bear;

    more gorgeous and painful and excruciatingly delightful

    than your sweet and brilliant mind can comprehend.

    I lay my body down. I lay it down for you.

    Swim in this vast ocean, get lost.

    Throw your compass overboard

    and forget how you got here

    and swim.

    Swim your fucking heart out,

    sideways and wrong

    like a rabid creature,

    bloodthirsty and hungry for an antidote.

    Hungry for love.

    Hungry to live.

    And you will see, my dear,

    that this body is full of the Universe.

    That all you seek to know is nothing

    and everything to discover is here.

    Meet me here,

    and teach me how to use your compass.

    Think less, feel more

    — N I S H A M O O D L E YS H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • I want to sing, to shout, to cry;

    to let every breath drip heavy and dewy,

    full of my joys and sorrows.

    But I must. Be. Patient.

    Patient with my heart.

    Patient with my people.

    Patient, even, with my tethers.

    I want to sing, to shout, to cry.

    But I must. Be. Patient.

    Excruciating patience

    — N I S H A M O O D L E YS H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • Love is dripping off of me.

    The soundtrack is on replay,

    and still,

    every song feels exciting and new.

    You are brilliant.

    I look at you from this distance

    and I fall to my knees.

    There is awe here.

    I am grateful.

    And loving the woman I am discovering.

    Where my life once held chaos,

    waters are calm.

    Still. And so very alive.

    This love is dripping off of me.

    And it’s thrilling, my dear.

    Love is dripping off of me

    — N I S H A M O O D L E YS H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • The waves lift me to my sky

    So the sun may soak me in.

    We dance.

    And I wonder, where have I been?

    When did I forget that we co-create?

    And the moon is my mother

    And my sister

    And I came for this moment.

    Now I may face the waves

    My womb illuminating the journey

    Each stroke a declaration of freedom.

    Each wave carrying me home.

    Learning to swim

    — N I S H A M O O D L E YS H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • My bones ache with your pain

    The love and hurt so deep that

    Only the ocean and all its tears

    can comprehend.

    The raging fire is only quelled by

    this sea of sadness.

    A well of love gone wrong.

    And now after the storm’s passed

    I am left again with spring

    And the blossoms in my heart are

    at once confusing and comforting.

    This love has no end.

    It refuses to die.

    I just want to love you.

    I just want to love you.

    I just want you to know.

    And I will try to be more like my

    teacher, the wind.

    The one who lingers only when it

    has a job to fulfill,

    and leaves when leaves have all turned.

    No need to stay and stir.

    I love you

    and you will see it in the whispers

    of my undying love for me.

    My bones ache for you

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • The moment of my truth

    is here.

    She never disappeared.

    Instead, I played a game

    of hide and seek,

    only to find that

    there is no end to it.

    So, exhausted and full

    I step forth into the light

    and allow myself to be found

    by her.

    The moment of my truth

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • I might talk tough

    but my heart aches

    Trying to stay afloat

    as I drown in this pain

    Soothing tears with


    of being in love,

    only to wake alone,

    down here.

    Biting my tears back

    Begging. Praying.

    My glass heart

    like the plate now.

    Left out, forgotten

    on wrong flames.

    Nothing to mend it back

    to before the fire.

    Even in repair,

    the damage is done.

    Fighting the light at the

    end, for fear of what may

    be revealed.

    Rather remember walking

    alone in low tide with grandpa;

    Watching grandmas hair grey

    in the sunlight;

    Days when dad looked young;

    Moments when you saw love

    in my eyes.

    Now there is too much pain








    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • How does one rectify in their soul

    the distance between family and

    daily life?

    How do we achieve a feeling of completeness

    when so far from those who take up the

    largest real estate of our heart?

    Who do children run to when grandmothers are gone?

    And most of all, do I want these answers?

    The island in my soul

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • I watched you while you slept this morning.

    I watched you wrestle with your thoughts,

    trying to make peace with things at odds.

    I watched while you revealed your darkest anxieties.

    And in those grimaces, I saw your heart,

    and we were together.

    Sleeping awake

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • I remember the taste of love

    dripping from your brow

    back arched

    hopelessly entranced.

    And the flavor lingers in memories,


    casting mesmerizing eyes,

    offering unattached invitation

    for more delicious surrender.

    And my mind is at odds.

    Wanting to do the accounting,

    ensuring that all is first fair,

    that no bodies betray hearts.

    But my body knows.

    She brought her grandmother wisdom,

    her satchel of tears and magic,

    her light.

    And she tells me with gentle force,

    “Follow me, my darling.

    I will lead you back to love”

    On love, lust, trust

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • There was never a time that

    I didn’t make it. I always did.

    It’s amazing what it takes for a

    heart to break.


    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • Finally.

    To have my gaze met and kept.

    The contours of my face lavished with curiosity.

    My ribs squeezed, compressed then freed.

    To be felt.

    And it challenges my mind and shuts me up.

    It finds all of my hidden rigidity and rips its clothes off.

    It allows fantasy to breathe and die in an instant.

    It tastes good.

    And I am reminded of the woman I am.

    And this time I will stay in here.

    I will remain fiercely loyal to she who breathes life.

    I will honor those who honor me.

    And I will enjoy.

    I will swim in a sea of appreciation

    And I will enjoy.


    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • Building bridges

    For my heart to travel

    Stronger now

    Willing to battle

    Like Arjuna on the field

    Some may be sacrificed

    Fear not that I will die

    Peace is mine

    This heart will win this time

    One line at a time

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • War torn hearts

    Beating for a new start

    Breath unaware of things sacred

    Painful blend of gluttony & scarcity

    Scared to replace fragile things

    Keep the china packed in boxes now

    Craving tea with spoons of sunlight

    Beating hearts and sweaty sheets

    Where does my content heart belong?

    War torn hearts

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • To lay with my love and say goodbye

    past expiration

    and still too soon

    My heart breaks and bleeds

    like rains of Spring

    unrelenting outpour

    messy and necessary

    And I wonder why struggle feels better

    easier to explain and make sense of

    a band-aid to rip off

    And all of these cobwebs must go

    feeling my knees already on damp hardwood

    watching myself cry at first buds,

    alone and so missing my love

    And yet, today,

    he is right here in front of me

    and already gone

    Still too soon

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • I rode Charlie’s Horse last night

    I told a lie

    And danced around it for a while

    And then the door opened

    I thought I was invisible

    Charlie didn’t tell me it was like this

    I kissed the pain and cried

    Some pity for me


    Oh but oh

    I would suffer alone

    But the love was still there


    I rode Charlie’s Horse last night

    This morning, the ache in my muscles felt good

    Yes, I was still alive

    I rode Charlie’s Horse

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • When you flew home

    The nest was filled with all the best things.

    I made it that way for you.

    There was no right way to talk to you.

    The eggshells broke beneath my feet,

    much as I tried to tread softly.

    Yes, I feel owned.

    Owned by my circumstances.

    Owned by my choices.

    Owned by your well of sorrows.

    And in this bed, with spines eye-to-eye,

    this nest feels so alone.

    And I wonder where to fly to find home.

    When you flew home

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • And the salty tears of brokenhearted women everywhere flowed through me

    And I wanted to throw my limp body at his feet

    And I wanted to throw it at the wind

    And I felt so lost

    I’ve never felt so lost.

    And my grip was too tight

    And yet too loose to hang on

    And why can’t I find the air

    And why do I feel broken

    And why do I love his body beside mine

    And why does it melt me to see his face

    And why do I want him by my side so much

    And why does this hurt so much


    Salty tears

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • My mother wrote me a letter on a white peony today.

    She told me to close my eyes and feel her.

    That her twill suit and soft skin would come to me.

    That her blue eyes and wet cheeks would soothe me.

    That her voice would heal me.

    That her body would catch me.

    She told me that my family lived here.

    That they curled in my hair and listened for me.

    That my home was on my back.

    But I still felt homeless.


    Far and lost.

    And I keep wondering in my darkest places why I am not there?

    When these years will never return.

    When, one day, there will be no soft mother.

    Only now, sharp clouds between us.

    White peony

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • I wanted a sip.

    I was parched.

    But my greedy mouth drowned my already wounded heart.

    And the drink left me heady.

    And I didn’t care that I was dry inside.

    At least the thirst was gone!

    But the dehydration was uncomfortable to see.

    So I pretended.

    I carried a cup everywhere.

    Of course it was always full.

    But I knew that my well concealed cup was empty.

    And I left you there, thirsty.

    And the cup I used to feed you with


    I wanted a sip

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • And there was no beginning

    And there was no end

    The love circled round

    And round

    And wrapped me up in his arms

    And the curves of his face reminded me of a past we once shared

    And our grandmothers conspired for this moment

    And the love was like wow

    And his kiss had my knees tremble under the incredible strength of his love

    And everyone knew I was prone to fantasy

    So I learned to love it

    And own it

    And trust it, even

    And my children called me here

    And whispered in my ear to be present

    And to not get in their way.

    And I don’t know why I’m here

    but I know they are my teachers

    So I listen

    And this man

    He found the bird in my heart

    And she sings!

    And yes, she sings for him.


    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • Opening






    Why ask why


    And begin

    And let it out


    And offer

    And bow


    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • And then the time came

    And she fell in love with what was in front of her all along

    And the connection was full and deep

    And she felt her hips again

    And she breathed like new

    And it was all feathers and sequins

    And it was the season’s first beets

    And she wanted to laugh hard

    And she swam in eyes again

    And the love was so strong it overwhelmed

    And she did it in her own time

    And she knew she didn’t arrive

    She just opened the door

    And she was ready.

    And then the time came

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • Under your body, I melt.

    I quake.

    I breathe.

    And each of my breaths

    intertwines with yours.

    And although we feel one,

    I know we are three.

    And your artistry,

    your gifts,

    are yours.

    And I want for you to

    breathe life into your ideas,

    to realize them.

    I want you to be as

    expansive as you are.

    And when you tire,

    when you need solace,

    come home.

    I will be here,

    happily waiting for you,

    my love.

    Come home

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • When poetry falls out of my body, I listen

    And as the words form,

    I am overcome

    and delighted.

    And you do this to me.

    But mostly I do it to myself.

    Or, should I say, I allow it.

    And when I do,

    it’s like an exhale after holding my breath,

    only I did not know it was bated until it escaped,

    It’s like a bowl of greens after pastries,

    a glass of water in the morning sun,

    lying with you after weeks apart.

    You bring me peace

    and poetry

    when I allow it.

    Welcome, my sweet love.

    I’ll keep the door open for you.

    When I allow it

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • I will build you a nest.

    It will be the most intimate, safe and sturdy nest you’ve ever felt.

    It will be your home.


    Imagine a place where my breast falls gently beneath your weary head;

    where hearts gets melted into the world’s finest chocolate

    that we may drink by the fire at the end of long days.

    Imagine a nest so powerful that its branches rage against intruders,

    yet so gentle that you would never know it from the stillness inside.

    Imagine a home where your biggest ambitions grow wings

    so they may soar long after we’re gone from this earth.

    And when you tire of seeing and conquering the challenges of the world,

    come home to me, my love.

    Your nest is already all ready.

    I will build you a nest

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • You always hold my hand.

    And my hand, in your hand, hears your heart.

    When you’re anxious, the tiny repetitive

    squeezes tell me to smile softly upon you.

    When you’re excited, your hand is stiff and

    electric. My chest buzzes with yours.

    When you’re soft, your hand melts into mine,

    feeling for the tiniest moment as if mine

    is the stronger one.

    Your hand gives me the most incredible

    feeling of solidity, safety and strength.

    You would kill men and break branches

    to save me. With that hand. I know this.

    You always hold my hand.

    I always hold your heart.

    You always hold my hand

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • I used to loathe her.

    Her desire to make up stories,

    when the truth felt too harsh.

    Her desire to play with the girls,

    who didn’t want to play.

    Her desire to have harmony,

    when her family felt broken.

    Her desire to feel whole,

    when she felt wholly hollow.

    Her desire to eat more,

    when her body felt stuffed.

    Her desire to fit in,

    when she was too brown and white.

    Her desire to escape,

    when staying felt too much.

    Her desire to buy,

    when the accounts were drained.

    I loathed her desire for things

    she thought she couldn’t have.

    I never loathed her.

    I used to loathe her

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • unfolding, unfolding, into me.

    I yield to you, unfold myself,

    becoming your invitation.

    unfolding, unfolding, into you.

    you rule me, bow to me,

    contain and set me free.

    unfolding, unfolding, into us.

    unfolding, unfolding

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • If I could be with you right now, forever, today,

    I would build you a home made of wood

    and warmth.

    I would stoke the fire and make bone broth soup.

    Wipe your head with my apron. Kiss you.

    I would invite you to bathe when I see your brow furrow.

    Wash your worries into a basin of love. Hold you.

    We’d adventure and live and love and play,

    If I could be with you right now, forever, today.

    Right now, forever, today

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • there’s a song in her heart that she wants him to hear,

    but every time he comes near he’s too far away.

    she whispers it through pleading glances,

    but as her mouth opens the song disappears,


    held hostage by fears.

    her song says something like

    baby I love you

    will you be mine for all

    of the time we have left?

    but sometimes she can’t even hear her own song;

    losing the words before they fall out,

    stumbling through her expression

    in an attempt to be right.


    good enough.

    there’s a song in her heart that she wants him to hear;

    a song that is more beautiful than he has ever heard

    if only he had the ears

    and she had the voice.

    There’s a song in her heart

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • I want to play with you.

    I want to laugh in the sunshine

    while jumping off curbs and steps,

    bouncing into your embrace,

    smiling into a kiss.

    I want to play with you.

    I want to feed you chocolate

    as it melts between my fingertips,

    watch you close your eyes and savor,

    loving this precious moment.

    I want to play with you.

    I want to listen to stand-up

    while we drive to our weekend


    laughing deep belly laughs,

    happy to be in love with my best friend.

    I want to play with you.

    I want to lie beneath you

    as you kiss my neck and breasts,

    offering myself to you always,

    opening to you.

    I want to play with you

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014

  • — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    I want to play with you.

    I want a simple night at home

    with dinner and a movie,

    my body at home next to yours,

    in love.

    I want to play with you.

    Always, in every way.

    I want to play with you.

    Loving you like you’ve

    always wanted to be loved.

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • Dear Lover,

    In your gaze, I expand,

    opening to the love

    of the universe.

    In your gaze, I inhale

    more deeply,


    more fully.

    In your gaze, I rise

    to be the woman

    you see.

    In your gaze, I give

    every drop

    of my joy.

    In your gaze, I recognize

    the woman

    I am.

    In your gaze,

    I see me.

    For my beloved

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • My heart,

    my heart,



    Thank you.

    I love you.

    Thank you.

    My heart

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • In the cracks I am falling through your words.

    In the cracks I am the hardness of your bicep where my head rests, has

    always known.

    In the cracks I am inside your endless disregard of my zenith of awakening.

    In the cracks I am the quiet kiss that the beep affirms, that plays with my

    pleasure – insatiable

    for your notice.

    In the cracks I am your spirit lover, the one who impinged your feelings…the

    ones that my

    wings would soon set free.

    In the cracks -your cracks-I am fucked-up, hands together over the place

    that holds breath

    my breath- and I want my reflection back.

    In the cracks I am your one time longing, feather falling, the one that swims

    through pulsing

    white rocks filling space of emptiness.

    In the cracks I am young art, folded in wrapped scarves. Draping my belly

    from sight.

    In the cracks I am the opening of my secrecy, my floating eyes, the clench

    of a pelvis searching

    for breath.

    In the cracks I am slipping in each, in each, in each.

    In the cracks I am falling through words.


    — H A N N A H M A R C O T T I

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • “What is it?” the boy wondered curiously. “Is it some kind of lioness?”

    The man replied unable to take his eyes off her, “That, my boy, is a wild poetess on the


    “Should we catch her and put her in a cage so she’ll never leave us?”

    “Oh no, son. That would be our own suicide.”

    The man and the boy watched the wild poetess in awe for she kept changing before their

    eyes… each time a stunning revelation, discovering her beauty as if for the very first time.

    “There are many wild poetesses, my son, and they have been caged far too long, but I’ve


    rumors they are on the loose in droves once again.”

    “Oh goodie! Can we get more of whatever sets them free and plant fields of it so this never

    happens again? Please, dad, we have to!”

    “Just take notice of how each one loves to be loved. Then simply love her and she’ll free


    “Oh. I’ll need training in that.” said the boy.

    The man sighed and smiled proudly, squeezing the boy close and feeling hopeful again.

    Wild poetess on the loose

    — S T A C E Y M O R G E N S T E R N

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • The sages say longing

    is the most sacred emotion.

    It is the soul’s desire

    to be reunited

    with its true state,


    I lay in my bed, every night

    experiencing the sacred. Consumed

    by this peculiar desire

    to be obliterated, licked

    head to toe by its

    blue flame.

    I wonder how many have lain here

    like me, under peeling ceilings,

    thatched roofs, comets and

    bright stars. Centuries of longing

    like threads weaving together the palms

    of all of these empty hands.

    The saints and mystics had ecstasy.

    I am almost certain this is the same.

    Here is the impossible union.

    Baptismal waters that give birth to this

    exhilarated pain. Here among the whirling

    planets is my religion,

    all aflame.


    — L I S A F A B R E G A

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • There is a sound

    a flower makes





    new life


    split tender

    finely fierce

    she bears

    the beauty of reflection

    she cries

    does what must be done

    recedes to more

    only quiet and unknown thus far

    destined for greatness

    The beginning of self-expression

    — D A N I E L L E L A P O R T E

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • We have weathered much together.

    Painful moments,

    Unbearable pleasure,


    And I have watched you grow and change,

    adopting characteristics I love

    – a softening of the eyes & stomach –

    and a few that, as you know,

    have been harder to stomach.

    And, I love you.

    And each day I am finding new appreciation for small things…

    A fresh gray hair,

    The lines at the corner of my lips that will never leave,

    Your whispers.

    And with all of these discoveries I am reminded

    of our journey, and I feel a deepening

    adoration of this landscape.

    Dearest body of mine,

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • I am a woman.

    I love deeply and feel a lot. Sometimes I feel several emotions that seem to be at

    odds, all at the same time. Sometimes they come in waves, one clearing the path

    for the next to roll in. I am learning to feel love, for others and for myself, when I

    am feeling hurt or angry. I am even learning to love the hurt and anger.

    I keep learning how to hurt and love, and love hurt, to heal the planet. Yes, I feel

    to heal the planet…because I want a world where people know that they are

    loved for being and that they can create anything they want. And to give that, I

    have to be that. I’m willing to walk through the fire to learn, even though

    sometimes it appears to be lonelier and more challenging than watching crappy

    television and staying at a job you hate, saving the enjoyment of life for the

    weekends. Yes, that life seems more simple, but I can’t go back. Instead, I’m

    willing to walk through this fire sometimes, to experience being alive all the time,

    so I can give the gift of life.

    I am a woman. Don’t try to understand me too much, because as soon as you

    think you understand, I’ve already become new again. Instead, feel me. I am an

    ocean, and I know an ocean is a lot to feel, but when you swim in my waters you

    will see that life is rich here, and that feelings aren’t so scary after all.

    I am a woman

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • When words fall out,

    I have to stop everything and allow them

    to arrive. Nothing else must matter.

    It’s a tricky dance.

    Too much waiting and they get pissed off.

    Too much coaxing and they retreat.

    They’re fussy, words.

    They’re fussy because they’re attached

    to emotions and the emotions are tied

    to wildly bobbing ships on the ocean

    and the ocean is married to a moon

    who’s seen her share of excitement.

    The storm is intense. Violent. Who knows

    where the ships will flail next. Or perhaps

    the clouds will part and the entire watery

    landscape will flatten, leaving the ships

    suspended on glass.

    The stillness looks pleasant. Pristine.

    But it’s the storms that beckon the words.

    When words fall out

    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • These bird wings.

    Beautiful and busy and oft set in wrong directions.

    These wings have created storms to traverse,

    Seeking the thrill of dramatic flight.

    But now,

    But now,

    I soar.


    — N I S H A M O O D L E Y

    S H A R E

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014

  • With deep gratitude.

    I bow in gratitude to my teachers...

    The awe-inspiring women in my Freedom Mastermind

    Every woman I’ve coached.

    My family.

    My friends.

    My man.

    My coaches.





    Special shout-out to the contributors...

    Elayne Kalila Doughty

    Lisa Fabrega

    Danielle LaPorte

    Hannah Marcotti

    Stacey Morgenstern

    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • In honor of sisterhood

    Let’s stay connected!

    If this collection of poems has touched you in some way, please leave a

    comment here.

    If you want to explore an expansion of your freedom, I also invite you to

    download my free TAKE FLIGHT action guide here.

    Sisterhood is the best space to support a woman’s freedom, and I look

    forward to being in sisterhood with you. Thank you.

    If you enjoyed this, please share it!

    If you know women who’d enjoy this, please spread the love. You can use

    the social buttons below, or send your sisters to download the FREEDOM

    DEVOTIONAL here. Please do not forward along this copy, as it is just for you,

    my dear Sister. Thank you.



    Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014


  • Freedom Devotional | © Nisha Moodley 2014