
Sheldon Naylor Poems Eye of Ra The Sun is an eye, It never blinks, It watches and waits, Staring at you, Glaring glaring, Watching your every move, Never stopping until the end of the day. Reflection Mirrors reflect you, Allowing you to see yourself, Which is something most, Never ever want to see, Because, Most have a thought of the vision they will see, But the mirror reflects differently. Discovery An Endless Hunger, A Never Ending Story, An Eternal Journey, A Bottomless Joy, all describe the ambitions of man, Our Power of Conquest, Our Free Thought, To the works of art, To the wonders of the mind, to the leaps of intellect, Let us all sacrifice, Blood, sweat and tears, Let us join together, AS ONE, Slave and Free, Man and Woman, To search for the New World,

Transcript of Poems

Sheldon NaylorPoems

Eye of Ra

The Sun is an eye,It never blinks,It watches and waits,Staring at you,Glaring glaring,Watching your every move,Never stopping until the end of the day.


Mirrors reflect you,Allowing you to see yourself,Which is something most,Never ever want to see,Because,Most have a thought of the vision they will see,But the mirror reflects differently.

DiscoveryAn Endless Hunger,A Never Ending Story,An Eternal Journey,A Bottomless Joy,all describe the ambitions of man,Our Power of Conquest,Our Free Thought,To the works of art,To the wonders of the mind,to the leaps of intellect,Let us all sacrifice,Blood, sweat and tears,Let us join together,AS ONE,Slave and Free,Man and Woman,To search for the New World,of our choosing,To find the next beautiful discovery,Let us build the Engines of OUR DESTINY,HUMANITY UNITE,THE Universe IS there for the taking.

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 Dreams a journey,To our darkest desires,They show our passions.


The blindness of anger,The cruelty of hate,Vision burning,People running,Passion turned dark,It always leaves its mark,A powerful emotion,Causes quite a commotion,A wildfire in your heart,A war in your soul.


Darkness in your soul,A pressure around your heart,A suffering like no other,NO hope,Only the abyss,NO help,Only cruel laughter,The beat of your heart your only companion,The silence a constant reminder,You can feel the hate fester,Your only comfort in the writing of others,A silent brotherhood,Never to meet,Except in the end,Never to touch, never to hold,All always alone.

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 Hate A poison of the soul,As blazing as the sun,As freezing as the Arctic,Like a drug,Burns you up,Nothing left,Only the hate,About what is Forgotten.

No HopeFalling,Falling,Drowning in Despair,No Breath,Light gone,Tears dried up,Heart turned to stone,A soul forgotten,No color or taste,Crushed by Life,Freed in Death,Falling,Falling,Shadows surround,Sadness abounds,All turns to dust,Dreams have rust,Hope lies dying,I lay crying.

  Love  To love is to be given wings,To be completely free,Rising above the sludge of the world,A Heaven on Earth,Paradise in Hell,To love and be loved,Is to have achieved,A new plane of existence,To live in a golden city in the sky,To dance with the stars in the sea of night,It’s a meeting with the gods,A never ending passion,You’re constantly in awe,

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Love is a wonder like no other.Masks

 Everyone wears a mask,Most more than one,The lover,The player,The fool,The genius,Mother, brother, sister, father,We all wear so many masks,Do we know who we really are?When we take them off,Will we find?Nothing more than a hole,A blank darkness filled with shadows,Or will we find a Truth hidden within ourselves,Are we only a Mask away from true Reality?Let us take off our Masks and look in a mirror,Look upon your soul,Without its disguise,Free yourself,Of the fear,Look and Let the truth be freed.


A conjurer,A wizard,He calls out sounds,From string and brass,He summons the winds,And weaves it all together,Into a tapestry,Uses them as colors,And paints a masterpiece,He reaches the souls of men,An communicates in the language,Understood by all, A sorcerer,He spells out the,Knowledge of the Heart.

Dedicated to Daniel Loundenback.

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A simple line,Across the skin,From which,Like crimson tears,The Life falls from my wrist,Taking the pain away,Letting the red river flow,Carrying my suffering,May my agony depart,Let this cruel life come apart.


Within your soul,Lies a darkness,A hole filled with shadows,A Pressure surrounding,A Chill encompassing,Cruelty unimaginable,Hate never ending,Black fog around your heart,Despair all around,It is the abyss within us all,A prison for our nightmares,A Hell for our demons,To look inside,Is to see,The Face of Insanity.


The single sound,Within a tapestry,Filled with beauty,That crashes against,The senses,It burns into your mind,It shreds your sanity,One sound, One color,

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Ruins forever,A beautiful symphony.


The thrill of the hunt,Stalking, Creeping,Planning,The hate in your heart,A burning unending,The chill around you,The ultimate taboo,To end another’s life,To stop their breathing,And make the heart end its beating,Cruel realization,They never dream anymore,Or cry, eat, laugh and scream,Their silent now,So quiet now,Just a cooling body on the floor,Their blood draining,Painting their final portrait,This ending is so sweet it make me want to weep,No time for that,This hate I have, Is still burning.

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There mine,My Dreams and Thoughts,My Heart and Feelings,Mine,Not Yours,Stop touching and messing,Stop! Stop! Stop! ,You’re Raping my Soul,What is Mine is mine,Not Yours,Who are You,To say what mine is yours,I am not your slave,Your toy,Stop touching My things,Please God,Stop Raping my Soul,I can’t take it anymore,This attack on my heart,My mind,This Rape of My soul,Oh God answer my prayers,Please make this Pain stop,What is Mine is mine not Yours.

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A Question

Hello sir,You,Yes you,Give me,But a moment,Of your precious,Valuable time,To pose a question,A thought I had,It Demands an answer,Because I am different,Does that make me less,Then you than her,Do My feelings count,Do my thoughts and opinions,Even matter,Was I born without a Soul? ,Who are you to treat me this way? ,Who Screwed up Society,If I shouldn’t exist,Neither should You,But back to the question,Does Difference,Really Matter.

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My Love

My love,An Amazon,A Goddess,A kind hearted mistress,To compare her smile to the sun,Is to do an injustice,Her eyes so blue,The oceans and seas,Are made green with jealously,Her laughter is ambrosia,To the ears,Without her I am nothing,Less than the dirt I walk on,With her I am a god,Greater than the highest mountain,Her sweet soul,A symphony in heaven,Her smell,Always as sweet as a rose,To make Her cry,Is to have the whole world die,My love,My Goddess,Please come back to me.

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The Funny Man

Ha, Ha, Ha,You silly,Foolish little man,You think you understand,Your Eyes do not see,Your Ears do not hear,Blind and Deaf,Flailing around,An awkward,Tiny troll,Your Empathy,Is imagined,Your Sympathy,A lie,Laughing cruelly,At misunderstandings,You foolish little man,With no grasp,On Reality.

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Silence, I miss you

Bang! Crash! Shriek! ,Talking,Shouting,Yelling,We are all polluting this world,Useless sound,Horrible noise,Use your Ears,Close your Mouth,Be silent,No moving,Lay down,Open your ears,Listen to the world,Let the quiet enter you,Mother earth is old and wise,Take a moment,And Realize,Her Knowledge,Is waiting,Silently,Patently,Open your mind and ears,Stop with your mouth,And her knowledge is yours.

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A Road

A man alone,Walks down a road,Each step an experience,Every yard a memory,He knows not where he goes,One step,Two,His endless journey continues,He travels through pain and loss,To see,Forests of wonder,Seas of majesty,Mountains that reach to the heavens,Gems that sparkle like the night sky,Loneliness and suffering,The price he pays,To be in the presences of physical beauty,What was he thinking!? ,You can only find true beauty,In the little caricatures of God called humans,Only in love and laughter,Friends and Family can you,Find the only pure, True happiness.

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Drip Drop

Drip…Drip,Drip, Drip, Drop,Sanity worn away,Drip, Drop,Like Sand under,Rain,Drop, Drip, Drip,This incessant noise,This,Drop, Dripping,Drip, Drop, Drop, Drip,Burrowing into my mind,Losing my Grip,What is real? ,Who is there? ,WHERE am I? ,Up,Down,The directions have lost all their meaning,Dropping, Dripping,Drip, Drip, Drop,Drop, Drip,Blob! ,I’m Drowning,In this sea,This sea of Insanity,Drip… Drip…,Drop.

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Do you hear!?

Shhh! , Can’t you hear? ,That noise,That,Tick, Tick, Tock,It’s a very persistent sound,Listen,Be still,This ticking,I have notices,Never quite stops,It’s behind every wall,In every heart,Cloistered in everyone’s mind,That ticking, tock,What is it? ,My friend,You ask the silliest questions,Why what else makes,Tick, tock,But a clock,Oh its meaning,Be more precise,It’s Life,Life my friend,Is the clock,That is only wound once,So listen carefully to each tick,Each tock,We only get so few.

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Salt in the Wound

Your words hurt,Your actions Cruel,My heart,Has fallen,To the ground,You Step and Stop,All over,The feelings within,My love,Is returned,With Apathy,I am Kind,And patient,What is stopping? ,You,From Loving,Me.

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Spirits of,Summer and Winter,Night and Day,Half truths,And Wholes,Not one lie,But,Beguiling,Misleading,Cruel to our thoughts,Inhuman intellect,They,Do not share,Our,Morals or Standards,Deals and Bargains,An Instinct,No gifts,Freely given,Always a price to pay,A baby,A soul,Webs of gold,Lay waiting,To trap and ensnare,Spirits of the Hunt,Goblins, Pixies,Fairies,They have already captured,Our Imagination.

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A Blessing,Or Curse,Wonders,Horrors,All conjured,From the deep recesses,Of Man’s Psyche,Devices of torture,Beautiful sculptures,Strange creatures,All dreamed up,To do anything,We must,First have a thought,An idea,Flying in the Heavens,Touching the Moon,Murder,Slaughter,Slavery,Poetry,All started,With a,Spark of creativity,The Curse,The Blessing,Of Imagining.

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My Shadow

A constant Companion,Dark Reflection of my soul,Cursed to never see the light,Yet the closer I get,The greater it grows,My fears,And hates,Cruel Actions,My Regrets,Torments,All feed it,The Shadow in the soul,A Beast,Dragon,Chimera,My Greatest of Nightmares,An Evil Twin,A Reflection,In a Black mirror,All my Agonies,The Lies that I,Tell to Myself,Mysteries to my mind,But not an Enemy,Just a Constant Reminder,Of all my failures.

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Cut the arteries,Start the Cruel Flow,Gets the Heart Beating,With that Sick feeling,Hunt Your Enemies,Slash and Hack,Cut and Stab,Wash Your Hands,In Crimson Flood,No Lies,Only Cries,Truth lays bare,In the Eyes of the Dying Man,Brutal,Let the Animal,Swim Through,The Red River,Black Hate,Share the Agony,Torment,Shred the Veins,Dance in the blood red rain.

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Instinct,Higher thoughts,A mystery,Find the prey,Something weak,Naïve,Hunt it,Bite it,Tear its Flesh,Blood runs down your throat,Sustenance found,A Cruel Reward,Simplicity,At its best,An Animals life,Piss, Shit, Eat.Mate, Only yourself to worry about,No thoughts of others,No thoughts at all,Only cruel instinct,That is written in the genes,Am I describing? ,You,Or Humanity?

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Visions of My Misery

I have Visions,Thoughts,Imaginings,My hands around your throat,A knife in your back,Thumbs in the Eyes,Your heart in my hand,Still beating,Bump! Bump! ,Bump! Bump! ,Your cooling corpse,Laying on the ground,Your eyes open in terror,As I take a bite,Blood runs down my throat,Your words are like splinters,And arrows in my soul,Your works,Cause,My heart,My hate,To grow blacker each day,My anger,Rage,To get stronger,And stronger,You only see a smile,A fool,

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You laugh,I am,Dying a little more,Every hour,We will see,Who laughs and who cries,My Visions and Thoughts,Look sweeter every hour,Of ever day,Maybe I should,Put you out, Of,My Misery.


I am an Imperfect,Man,A weak being,Swayed by pleasures,Of this Earthly world,I will,Feast on my Flesh,Swallow my Heart,Sacrifice my Soul, To Myself,Flames of Trial,Pain of Experience,Unimaginable Torment,These are the Sufferings,The Journey,I must travel,To cast off my Humanity,And gain Immortality,Rising to the side,Of Legends and Angels,A Newborn God.

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Dream Crusher

Violator,Cruel Molester,Reaching into,My Mind,Ripping out My,Childhood Dreams,Laughing all the way,Soul Stealer,Dream Crusher,Heart Breaker,I am a Shadow,A Mockery,Of my former self,Have you no,Empathy,You have, Destroyed,My meaning for life,I am already dead,My heart still beats,But I am a puppet,Without the strings,Please why can’t this torment end?Leave me to the Chill of Death,My purpose has been ripped to shreds.

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Beautiful Dancing,Pretty,Wonderful colors,Red,Orange,Yellow,Dancing to music,Only the Elements can hear,Burn,Immolate,Nothing escape you,Burning,Everything,You touch,Not Cruel,Just Indifferent,Amazing,Untamable,Passionate Flame,Stroke me in your loving embrace,Burn me up to,Ashes and Ashes,Let me breathe in your,Black Smokey Death.

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Silence,Deathly quiet,Black Skies,Dark Clouds,Whirling Wind,The Twisted Skies,Reach down,And touch,The Earth,Terror,In your heart,Howling in,Your ears,This Natural Disaster,This Act of God,Realize how small you are,Just Another,Piece of debris,Caught up,In this Cruel Storm.

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Escaping Dreams

A child with no companions,Alone,Aloof,Free,Nothing to chain him down,Friends come from Inside,Anthropomorphic Turquoise Lions,Rainbow seagulls,Creatures of Unknown description,Created by this lonely mind,Time,Goes, By,The boy grows into a man,The Acid of Solitude,Eats at the last bit of his sanity,His friends,Turn into Nightmares,Demon with bloody horns,Soldiers with burnt faces,Clowns with Cruel smiles,Escape into reality,Who is he?

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He is me,Or is he you,Maybe this is just a,Bent,Crooked,Reality,Just a shared Dream.


I don’t,Know how to rhyme,I don’t,Really Reason,Speak My Mind,Let my feelings,Out with words,Set to a beat,This Cruel World,Spits on Me,Looks down on me,I hold me head high,I don’t Rhyme,But I write,My poetry.

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Sapphire Blue,I look deep into you,Windows to the soul,Mirrors of the heart,The need of lust,Twinkle of amusement,Sorrow of tears,Looking at me,I can see,Thoughts and Feelings,Beautiful Gems,Seas of Emotion,Loving Eyes,You look at the world,And see beauty,And when you look at me,My breath is taken away,My love grows,Passion ignites,Your Eyes, Express everything.

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One and Only

It Burns,In,Muscle,Skin,And Bone,A Fever,That can’t be cured,A Virus,That isn’t a disease,You have infected me,This Passion,A wildfire,This Love,As deep as the sea,If I could I would cut out my heart,As a gift to you,You’ve already,Captured,My attention,Imagination,And essence,Flowers and Candies,Movies and Dances,Immaterial,

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I gift you my soul,The world,And all its armies,Could not keep me from you,You’re my Sheath,A relief,In this,Cold,Hateful,Hell like Reality,My Angel and Love,I would make a Temple for you,You are my Goddess,My One and Only.

 The Mind The space of our minds,Dancing Memories,Twisting Emotions,Dark Thoughts,Bright Inspiration,Flashing Neurons,Connections made,Skills learned,Numbers, letters, equations,Riddles, songs, stories,All swirl around out of control,In the wild place called,Our Brain,The control center,So disorganized,Cluttered with useless wasteful things,An endless expanse,Each Mind,Is an,Individual Galaxy.

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 Hate/Love Hate...Love...,Mirror images,Reflections,Connected,One begets,The other,Both strong,Fueled by passion,Hot...Cold...,Deep...Shallow...,A Lover Scorned,Your worse tragedy,A captured slave,Greatest triumph,Illogical,Foolish,Puzzles with no corners,Rule our minds,Extremes of Emotion,Yet touching in,Ways like,No other.

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 The Tango with Truth A Waltz,A Tango,The dancers puppets,Twirling on their strings,Filled with obliviousness,Their veins are filled in lies,Stomachs with ignorance,The strings so thin,The dancers can't even see,But so strong,Every move is out of their control,Amazing,Hypnotizing,This Ballet,Filled with Emotion,Rage,Lust,Despair,Spirals and Lines,Order...Chaos...,The Laughter forced,From the party goers blood stained lips,But my eyes,See,My Soul,Compels me,

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I've spiked the punch with,Truth,And I know,That once the people see the strings,The true party can begin.

Deep Fall Lalalala,I sing to the monkeys,Swinging from cloud to cloud,I dance with,The rose red breeze,Oh these,Pretty delusions,Wonderful illusions,Sounds,Ghostly,Ghastly,Of Sorrow and Woe,I’m deep in my mind,A storm tossed sea,Surfing along on my,Dark hidden lusts,Buried agony,Reaching out,Touching a,Shred of Decency,I watch it crumble,Away,Just,Dust in the wind,No final farewell,I have to go,Now,

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And make an offering,To,The Cruel Gaze,Of Society’s Sanity.

Eternal Gray  Oh,Ah,A bright shining light,An example,A guide in our darkest nights,But beware the brighter the light,The hotter it burns,It’s Cruel Reality,Don’t be caught too long in its,Revealing Rays,All your sins lay bare,To the wise judges,That never lived your life,But are old and rich,Filled with Experience,Oh,Ah,That bright light,It burns at my skin,I peel it away,And unveil,Something dark and bubbling,The Either of the Abyss,The Acceptance of the Dark,I flee the uncaring light,And run into the all-covering Night,Cover me in your cool embrace,Sooth my burns,

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My criminal passions,Smother me,Like a mother would her child,Oh,Ah,Light shines,Its Rays stab,Like Spears of Unjust Judgments,Ripping out my heart,Without my permission,Is it any wonder?That I ran,Into the Loving Blackness,And didn’t see how it was no kinder,Only subtler,I sprinted out of the hateful light,Into the hungry dark,Waiting to feast on my pure innocence,Its tentacles’ pulled on me,My eyes witness horrors,Terrors,I am a lifeless shell,With no recourse,My body has no soul,No sanctums,No sanctuaries,Or holy places,Only another torture chamber,Another waking Nightmare,That never ends,My tears are all dried up,My Heart withers more and more,With every tick of the cursed clock,Hoping for Oblivion,My veins grow colder each day,I live in a world of,Eternal Gray.

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 Uncaring Gaze The fire rages,Burns,Sparks fly,On this funeral pyre,The smoke,Drifting in the breeze,Shifting,Curling,Shapes,Form,Memories,The Stench permeates the air,With it goes the hate and lies,A King,A Star,A Physical God,Worshiped,A Judge of this world,But in death,Cold,Still,Like a million others,The ashes and bone,Not some gold,Or divine gift,Just worthless trash,Everyone is the same,Before the,Bone Bleached Reaper,With the,

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Chilling, Dark,Uncaring Gaze.

The Chorus of the World

I look at the world,And see,The Chorus of Ignorance,Singing to me,With eyes closed,And stapled shut,Ears stuffed,Forever deaf,Blind,Their mouths open wide,Screaming,Obscenities,Hateful lies,Chanting their Litanies,Filled with Fear,And Dark Despair,Their words like,Poisoned Swords,Reach out and cut,Their fellow man’s heart,They Rage at difference,The strange,And Unexplainable,They despise the Mysteries,The Muses,Just Plain Prostitutes,Under their stupid reproachful gaze,In their closed minds,They are the masters of their dirty universe,

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Where everything is known and everyone is the same,This Black Satanic Choir,Never stops,It only grows stronger,And stronger never ending,Open their eyes,Make them see,Give them an ounce,Of sympathy,Oh God,And maybe this,Dark,Cold World,Won’t seem so much,Like a,Immortal tragedy.

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 Ouch! I love you,I care about you,I comfort you,I swallow my weakness for you,And my anger,My love and goddess,I  dont ask for carnal pleasures,Only for you to,Care and love,Me the same,As I write,I am confused,Distraught,You claim to be my friend,But then you say you dont want,to care,What the Hell,What is a friend,But someone who cares,I am so confused,Injured,Why cant you just care,Open your heart and let me in,Am I really unworthy of you?

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A Kind Peaceful Man,

Good Soul,

Wonderful Friendship,

Endless Trust,

Gone forever,

Torn away,

Shredded into base molecules,

Just Dust in the wind,

The face that I trusted,

Turned Red with Rage,

Your hand rose against me,

An assault upon my person,

As I was falling,

To the Floor,

Could you hear my heart break,

My trust shatter,

My mind snap,

Did you see the fear in my eyes,

As I look up from the hard ground,



And Sorrow,

Was all I could feel,

Not a rational thought entered my mind,

But I stand in defiance,

I’m trapped in this cage,

For now,

But soon I’ll be free,

And you’ll only see me in your memories.

Sheldon NaylorPoems

The Visage of Death

Looking into the visage of,


I Realize,

I’ve seen faces like it before,

Its cold empty eyes,

Remind me of Cruel Despair,

Its hollow nose,

Of Deep Loneliness,

Its empty ears,

Of Dark Ignorance,

But then I looked again,

And Saw,

Behind the Glamour,

And Façade,

Death is fair,



It comes to everyone,

And with it peace,

Final rest,

Who am I to deny it?

Sheldon NaylorPoems

An Angels Visage

Gently I lay you down,Your Angel like face,So peaceful in sleep,Your perfect nose,Rose Red Lips,Elfish Ears,Your Hair,An Astounding Halo,I brush my lips against yours,A Farewell kiss,My tears fall upon your cheek,My sobs fill,This stone cold air,Your eyes,That where always filled,With love and laughter,Remain Closed,Your chest,Still does not rise,Never again will I hear your soothing words,Your heart remains still,It hasn’t beat,In what feels like an eternity,You left me,Your soul has risen,And gone on a wonderful journey,I take some small comfort,In that fact,But I am left here,On this desolate world,My emotions are scattered all around,

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My up is down,You left not by your choice,But the Fates decree,I bury your body,Leaving your shell on this earth to its well deserved rest,Farewell,Wait for me at Heaven’s Gates.

Who Said the Game of Life was Fair

Life’s blood,Soul’s breath,Shivering terror,Confining darkness,Defining sorrow,Is said that Life isn’t fair,It’s true,That is no lie,The only thing humans get an equal amount of,Is Death,In the end everyone dies,All of us will one day have our blood run dry,Loved ones will cry,And our weary bodies will be laid to their rest,So will you search for the only fair thing?Death, Or will you instead,Stand against the Fates,Learn the rules of the Great Game,Manipulate them,Violate them,Break them,Cheat for all you are worth,Because if the Universe won’t play fair,Why should we.

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Feel…Feel…,The beat….The beat….,Pound,Pound,Let the Rhythm take control,The Bass,The Sound,Cries…Twisting Bodies,Waves of light,Smoke of Passion,Bam…Bam,BOOM,BUMP,Grinding against the sweating crowd,Mind Gone,Instinct Rules this kingdom,The beat…Feel… Feel,Let Emotion go,Run wild,Shake,Whirl,This is it,THE DROP,BAM,BOOOOM,Let it fill you,Shivering with need,Animals with the beat,Slaves to the Sound,AAH…,OOH…,

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The Pleasure,Bones shaking,Muscles aching,Tongues dancing,Skin overwhelmed with feeling,…yes…Yes…YES!!!The pounding,This rhyming sound,Veins filled with fire,Ears,Feel the beat,Overtaking my soul,My Mind,Dancing,The Party Keeps Going,The Beat…The Feeling,RAVE!RAVE!RAVE!Pound…Pound,Feel…Feel,The climb,The build,New songs,THE NEXT DROP!Don’t Ever Stop.

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Blood on the Wall

Splatter,Red drops on the wall,Crimson tears,This house mourns,Its lost innocence,That has died this night,Murdered by this crime,That has taken place in its walls,A hateful fist was raised,An angry man,Broke a sacred cardinal law,Striking,His child,His wife,Their precious life fluid,So pure,Flies through the shocked and silent air,The angry man,With this cruel act,Is a man no longer,Beast,Demon,Monster,A man is protector and provider,A castle for his child,Comfort for his wife,Standing against all threats,But a man that has turned on,His greatest treasure and gift,Is worth no pity,No love,

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He has betrayed his God given duty,He has stolen a child’s,Safety and happiness,Raped their very innocence,He has betrayed a wife’s,Love and trust,And utterly destroyed sacred vows,How can he look at the blood on the wall?How can he look at his child’s tear streaked face?Or his wife bruised and broken skin?These are the proof of his shame,How can he find the will to live?Knowing that his soul is black as pitch,And even the devils and demons of hell look upon him in disgust,He is a worthless thing,Disgusting and vile,Not a man,But a Monster.

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Hearts Be Free Prepare to get real,Guys are stupid,Girls are emotional,I don’t understand,Where this bigotry sprang from,We are all unique souls,Different in so many ways,But we put these labels and ideas,And group people together,Guys are tired of being called dumb and unkind,And tired of having to hide our emotions,Or risk being called Gay,Girls shouldn’t have to half kill themselves to look pretty,Their angels just the way they are,Girls should be able to live out their fantasies of true love,The Society has twisted and perverted our inner selves,It tries to pour us into little pre-made molds,Well I say NO!!I break free,I will cry when I want,I will sing along to any song,Dress how I feel,And express my soul,Come join me,Don’t let society’s taboos get you down,Don’t be imprisoned by the POWERS THAT BE!Let your heart be free.

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  Plastic Perfection  The Media's lies,Hollywood’s deceptions,Poisoning the minds ofOf People everywhere,The manipulation of lightThe imperfections covered withClouds of trickery,Actors turned from normal humansTo Gods and Goddess of Skin Deep Beauty and LiesThrough the Magic of The Silver Screen,This Magic has Cursed this landInfected our mindsMade us perform unnatural rituals,Starvation dietsWorkout addictionsMoney spent on thousands of miracle drugs,Men and Women enslaved to the Search of Physical Perfection,Their confidence destroyedSelf-Images ruinedTheir natural beauty never enoughPuppets to the Machine,And when all else failsThey turn to doctors not worthy of the nameThe do not heal they only provide the drugContinuing the curseMaking our Society Worse,The butchers of the boneAnd sick molders of the flesh,They Make people beautifulBut its only skin deep

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They have already ruined the soul,They have cast aside Gods giftsAnd have Achieved Plastic Perfection,A mockery of beautyAn Insult to Nature.

Before I Go

One HeartbeatA Single BreathThese are all I have leftWounded… I lay here dying My life violently cut shortDo I waste my last few moments on foolish thingsCursing GodScreaming out in pain and rage NO!!!NO!!!I will hold on just a bit longerI have failed in the most important aspect of lifeI am filled with regretI lay on this cold groundThis asphalt and concrete my death bedMy bloody and ruined body a piece of horrific art created by Death’s cruel specterI hear the sound of running feet and words of encouragementBut I know my time has come I feel my life flowingMy soul is departingBut I cling and grasp to this cruel and twisted bodyI demand to stay in this cold uncaring landI have one more task before I go I turn and with the strength only the dead and dying know grab onto my only hopeLooking into the eyes of the paramedic a rich brownI am gifted with a sight few every see A human unselfish and loving But I push that asideI take my blood covered and shattered hand and force him to look at me Understand me

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I thrust a picture into his handsHe looks on in confusion and worry I can fill the pull of DeathI smile and say “Tell her I loved her everyday and I’m sorry for everything!”With my task completeMy heart comes to a final stop My soul rises from my body And I begin a new journey.

Soul Mates

I loveThe shining SunReflecting off your beautiful hair,I love The OceanBut it does not compare to your eyes,I love The DayThe better to see your angelic smile,I loveMusicThrough it I can grasp your passions,I love ArtIn it I get a glimpse of your majestic soul,I love The ticking ClockEach second with you is an eternal joy,I loveMemoriesFilled with you,I loveYouBecause you complete me.

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Dark Necessity

Drum…Drum…Drum!!!Hearts pounding Filled with TerrorLegs racingFear chasingScreams of AgonyThat high pitched whistle Deaths LaughterThe smell of rotten flesh Pestilence sweet perfumeNaked children feasting upon their dead parents’ flesh Famines Twisted FantasyThe Dead and DyingIn piles In heapsIn ditchesMoaning…Groaning!!!Praying for releaseVictims of Man’s ambition and crueltyPaint and clayTo Wars horrifying artistic visionBut a cruel necessity,To stop Madmen’sDark Insanity.

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Thousands of blindfolded foolsTheir fingers jammed deep into their earsRed blood runs down from themBlack bile spews from their mouths That never shutIgnorance and HateAll wear the same suitTheir ties tight and properTheir dark leather briefcases filled with PrejudicesThey point their fingers and laughThey throw rocks and stab Firing their gunsMaking and Following twisted laws At each other At the Other Blind as batsDeaf as rocksNever stopping Always Judging Their minds chained Souls restrainedThey hold the key But first they have to learn to hear and ListenThen they have to look and SeeThey are you and me Every day that goes by without our minds open Is a day that is spent in the DarkPull out the fingers take off the blindfoldStop spewing hate

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Reach out with your hand Learn to participateIn healing a heart Saving a soulSew your lips shut Until only kindness flowsListen and SeeOpen up your God given MindFree your heart Release your soulAnd always try to UnderstandThe Other.

Dedicated to Dakota Puckett.My greatest friend

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A Confession My heart was brokenShattered like glassMy loyalty looked down onMy feelings treated like a toyThat was my reactionMy heart was woundedBut let me explainLet me show you how I have opened my eyesWhen I saidI Love YouI meant itI still mean itI was seriousYou where dealing withPast NightmaresI was blind to your problemsI apologizeBut I see them nowI am here for you Now and ForeverI screwed upI fell shortI can’t stop my feelingsI’ve tried to move onBut my heart aches for youMy skin cries for your touchThis is me sayingI’m sorryThis is me professing myEternal LoveI may never have you

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In my armsMaybe it won’t be me who is your castleMaybe your lips will only remain a sweet memoryBut I canDreamHopeAnd prayYou’re beautiful beyond all measureMy greatest regret is not supporting you when you where in needMy eternal sorrow is being less than what you neededThese words spew from my heartNo LiesOnly the bold TruthMy heart is on displayThis is aMaybe goodbyeYou captured my eyeYou hold captive my heartMay you find the Man of your dreamsMay you live a perfect life   Your happinessYour wellbeingComplete meFills me with the greatest of joysI will never stop my love for youI will always welcome you into myHomeFamilyAnd soulYour secrets will be guarded by the Dragon of my heartYour soul will find comfort with the Lion of my soulNot being the man you could love cuts me upBut keeping you from happiness would utterly destroy meThis is my love songMy heartfelt apologyI failed you so many timesThis is my soul’s poetryTake it as you willMy arms and mind are openMy heart is welcomingI am your friend through thick and thinNeither Hell nor Heaven would keep me from youMy heartFeelingsThoughts lay out inBlack and White

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For your eyesI prayFor your UnderstandingAnd your happinessYour smile brightens my lifeYour laugh is angel songYour kisses where as balm from angelsYour touches soothed my soulI pray that I could take the pain and darknessFrom you and take it all on meYou sufferingTears me to pieces let me share your burdenLet me lighten your loadI love youYou have my trustI’ve awakenedI’ve opened my eyesI am so sorryA thousand tortures would be better to withstand then seeing one tear on your cheek that I causedAnd better I that I should have never lived than keep you from happinessI love youI speak from my soulMy heart is poundingThis is not artThis is a confession.

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Storm Clouds

The raging sky Cracking sanity The storm The insanityA dark cloud Surrounding youLashing outWords carried by your anger filled windStrike out like Thor’s hate filled lighting Charging into my spaceDestroying my peaceMy carefully cultivated kindness torn asunderGentle drifting white cloudsPushed aside Eaten up by your black rageI try to smell the beautiful rose You rip and sunderReaching out Trying to helpNever worksHands reached out in peaceReturn bloody stumpsI haven’t seen an end to your stressful stormNever do you lay down your hammer of judgmentAlways rushing to and froI give up I can’t help you anymore Mercy has been bled outI can only shelter myself Protect what little happiness I have less

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One day this tiny white cloud Will drift out from under your giant stormAnd be Free and Happy.

Ironic Laughter

The Universe The WorldThis RealityIt’s all a testOr a jokeWe are just rats in a mazeLions in a cageWe all get poked and prodded An Experiment Of lifeAll our hope and dreams Have no meaningAnd zero worthAll of us are puppets We all dance to our stringsSadness and PainJoy and Love Ruling our life Running this showNothing really matters We are just Flesh machinesFloating on a Rock Through empty space And yet I can’t help But believe I have a soulI may be a puppet and just a machine Or maybe an experiment trap behind a glass cageBut I think and knowI look and seeI listen and hear

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I eat and tasteI touch and feelI sniff and smellI am who I amPurpose is not a gift given at birthMy friends It is a prize fought for One man’s trash is another’s treasureWell my treasure is My Heart and SoulGo ahead live In fearWallow in sorrow I give hope to my hopelessness I make my own meaning I create my own worthI will live a real lifeCut the stringsWalk a new path.

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JoinedHot emotionLight heart thumpingRacing JumpingJoy filled soulBright happiness Slowly gained trust A glance here A giggle thereTwo hearts Tentatively touchPounding with fear and excitementHope and AnticipationOne builds up courage Asks the question The other barely believing Says yesJoy explodesLike firecrackers The glow on their facesReflects the happiness of their souls They bind themselves together With ancient ritual Sacred wordsIn front of witnesses The two hearts become one Separate no longer Alone never again They are now I Two pieces of a puzzle Connected

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Trusted LovedWhole When two lovers join They become something more The world may destroy and ruin But the two that are one Will push through Because they Have achieve Heart filled Perfection.


Gray dressSoulless stepsHearts hidden Feelings buriedThe culture controlledPeople march to the Hypnotic BeatThe Machine called SocietyEach person a cog Each soul an engineEasily replacedThe Monochromatic MassesFaceless MasksA thousand blank staresAll dance on the Puppeteer stringsAll sway to the Pipers tuneTo dare to step freeTo sing your heart’s songCutting the stringsA horrible crimeBreaking the pattern Fighting the current To dress as you pleaseLetting your imagination flow freeYou are their nightmare A demonA pestThe mindless drones will swarmYou are a free mind A crime to their foolish blind eyes

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They will beat, tear and rageAgainst You But take strength You are FreeYou are aliveYou can smell the flowers And listen to the bird songYour eyes are open Your heart is aflutter A slave no longer Dance along to your hearts song.

Living in a Box

Four white wallsCeiling FloorWhite abysses Not one color You don’t even knowGreenBlue RedYellowWhat are these things?Three steps to each sideStep Step StepEmptinessSmooth wallsWhiteSlickCold airFear grows inside Wells up from your heartYour mind is empty No name Friends Life Memories All just words floating aroundWho am I!Screamed into the ceiling

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What am I! Cried into the floorSorrowThe white room The only realityKnowTime holds no meaning Falling into insanityCrawling back to sanityOver and OverMillennium passOr do they Nameless PurposelessFinally your frustration growsAnd your enlightenment Finally arrivesLike a lightning boltFrom a sky that you’ve never seenWalk up to the cold cruel wall It has been one of your tormenters for all your lifeYou stare and believe And CryI am free So you areThe wall fall away The floor crumbles away The ceiling disappearsAnd your true life finally Begins.

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Black StraightInfinite possibilitiesLimitless horizonsEndless journeysForever backwardsEternally forwardsLiving on a flat plainNever seeing what other dimensions holdUnless it connects and transformsIt becomes moreBut lessIts journey endsA new existenceA defined patternOne becomes twoSquare TrianglesThese are its new formsContained but beautifulAnd then It evolves againTwo become threeUnderstanding arisesUp and down Near and farCubes and PeoplePlants and AnimalsTraveling through a new dimensionX, Y and Z

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It has come from One to twoTwo to threeBut four controls allAn eternityIt agesAnd crumblesAn through The Gateway of Time and DeathReaches New RealmsNew DimensionsAnd again begins Its Endless Journey.God’s Gift

One day God DecidedThe Universe needed another wonderA crown jewelSomething to astoundA Creation most profoundMolding and creatingOne of his greatest masterpiecesPutting all mortals to shameThe beauty of a star’s wondrous lightCaptured and placed in two perfect eyesThe body of an angelMade from pure heavens lightThe face a wonder of its ownThe nose so cuteThe lips like Aphrodite’s kissEach smile a blessing to the worldA soul and a name Where then madeThe soul brighter and more kind than any goddessThe name a sound so sweet as to cause Men to weep in pure and perfect joyGod the Creator Himself Created this wonder This blessingAnd I A mortal poet But try to capture The Eternal BeautyThe Soul searing kindness

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The perfection In my imperfect wordsThis woman’s each word is a giftHer smile a pleasureHer touch astounding The Goddess of men’s minds Pale before her beauty Her soulWhen my eyes fell upon her My soul found joyMy mind discovered wonderHer beauty captured my imagination Her Soul captured my heartMy love is her nameThis is her poem An imperfect giftFor the perfect soul.

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A Life worth Living

Soft SilencesMother’s hugsBeautiful SunrisesA child’s laughterKisses stolenUnderSilver MoonIn Twilight gloomWonder and JoyThe sky a canvasSun and CloudsThe paintGentle musicFlowing from a windowThe creak of an Old rocking chairThe smell of Grandma’s hairFireplacesFilled with warm glowThe scent of Sugar cookies in the airMidday heatSlumbered awayCold milk Sweet nothingsChillA breezeSoft velvet on the skinBabies’ gigglesSecrets passed between friends

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Words unspokenLove knownHearts boundSoulful embracesLoving smilesA kind wordFrom a strangerTo a strangerThis Is why Life is Worth living.

Falling Insane

It started with Thoughts that were alienVoices that had no originsShadows that had no wallsPeople without facesTastes that were colorsVisions of smellsAngerHappinessEmotionsConfused Caught up in a whirlwindScreams pierced strangers’ earsCries for helpUnansweredThe men came EventuallyAfter a thousand years…Of your hellThey said they could helpWith smiles and soft wordsBut all that could be seenWhere the worms eating their eyes The demons laughing in spiteHate SadnessGlee Ecstasy The touch of the bed cloth Brings you all these things

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Your room a solitary prisonTo othersIs a dark wonderlandA twisted hellish playgroundFor the shadows of your soulThe black sludge Falls from the ceiling Eating up your flesh Your hand A stumpGhost eat at your memoriesThe Devils laugh Fills the SilenceThe walls Cry bloodSmell the brownSee the RageTaste the SorrowPills thrust down your throatLike razor blades swimming in your veinsNothing changesDoctors comeAnd goSoon all lose HopeAll the medicines have been triedTreatments all failures You are Forever trappedIn this living hellPeoples laugh rebound in your skullCracks form in your head Imps rip out your eyes to let more of yourMonsters outThe darkness dances on your tongueThe goblins laugh as the slice and boil your toes FacelessNameless Beings tear open your chest Poke Poke You’re beating heartSudden ClarityWhiteFloatingFree

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NothingRing…Ring… RING!!!!Sweat pouringDown your face A dream You smile and laughAnd cry a little Thanking everythingA splash of water A shower so sweetAll just a silly dreamThen you see shadows that have no wallsAnd hear laughter The giggles of Sadistic DevilsYour nightmares Have only just begun.

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Sorrow and Tears

A Father’s angerMother’s deathWaterfall of drinkGinBeerRumA Needle hereSnuff thereNo caresJust another lost soulA hopeless causeBitter tearsLoveless sexHateful fearsA smiling innocent childNo moreRaging against the worldLosing the battle Cursing the remorseless nightThe jagged lines upon your wristDark shadows in your eyesSalty RiversRuns down your faceRed water’Flows out your veinsLoathing DespairLiving eternal TwilightSpitting at those that can liveIn the Bright Day

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You ask how anyone Could ever loveYouA wreakCut and bruisedA broken puzzleWith half the pieces goneCrying out in despairLiving in darknessAn outcastUnworthyStrange and defiledCovered in wasteThe trash of societyWho would want you?A demon in human fleshThen a gentle handReaches down And wipes the filth awayA gentle voice caresses your ears“I can!” “I will!”Strong loving arms Wrap around you Carrying you out Of dark and hateful Hell!You fight and struggle How can you accept this pure undefiled love?“I am unworthy!”“If you really knew me you would hate me!”Lips kiss your hair A smile appears Bright as the sun“I love you!” “Nothing can change that not even the armies of hell!”You shout and screamHow can this bright light Love your overwhelming darknessBut the gentle voice never Raises into a shoutThe hands so loving Never curl into fistEventually The shadows dispelSmiles appear The missing pieces to your broken puzzle are final found

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Two hearts slowly fall in loveTogether you slowly rise Into a heaven like no other.

Ticking River

Tick OhTockAhEach tickEvery tockDiscoveryAdventureEvery secondA wonder to exploreFlowing through the River of TimeMonuments of MenArt from times gone byStrange formationsOn the banks Of this ever flowingEach ExperienceSlightly different from the last Everyone goingWith the flowUntil the final beatOf theirLife’s drumThis tick Could be Your lastTockDive deep Look all around

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In the riverWhere ever minute becomes a hourEmbrace this momentAnd every one afterSee the wonderEverywhere.

Journeys on the Sea

RockingSide… SideThe oceanLike a laughSeas filled with mysteryA clear bluePlainThe waves ShiftRollA museTo artistsA lover To sailors A motherTo the fishermenShips like dancers On an every changing stageUp DownCutting through the wavesTwirling from port to portUniverse all its ownAlien creaturesDark worldsBright beautiful monstersLegendary formationsHidden treasuresThe Ocean Demands respect

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Offers adventureBrings out the aweFrom deep in our mindsSorrows can be foundLove can be madeWonders discoveredA Cruel Mistress To allBeautiful GoddessForeverAnd More.

The City of Eternal Rain

Tears falling Onto this gray cityOldNew Slammed togetherAncient masonryModern technologyHome of ghostsSorrow and RageA blanket of gray Over the entire landA place like no otherFilled with historyMemories written on every wallIn BloodInkPaintThe ghosts of the pastThe specters of the future Living in the heart of the livingThe City There kingdomEvery step And stone covered in CenturiesThe TowerAll the horrors InsideThe screamed of the damned

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Scratch at the soulThe Bridge a wonderFilling visitors with aweLetting its children draw strength from its solidarityBig Ben Telling time for all the world Tick TockThe clouds open upThe gray city Wakes up A bright light shines downThe inhabitants look up in hopeA city of twilightLiving in the pastNot quite the present Hoping for the futureA city A dreamParadoxes all around But for all its faults And strange citizensIt will always be London!

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The Road Taken

Once you had a choiceBut it has been madeMany roads Were spread before youA decision was madeYou walk down a road Of your choosingNo one forced you You took the first stepThis is now your lifeDon’t ache for pathsYou decided againstThey are not yoursThis is your Road Path Life Make it the best If there are rocks in your wayMove themIf dirt covers the road Sweep it asideStop complainingLooking to other’s livesSaying Woes is me My past has destroyed My futureStop Desist

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You made your choicesMake the best of themLife is a one way streetBut so very beautifulEach day Filled with Colors so brightPatterns hypnotizing Sounds soothingBut looking to othersBemoaning your fateWill paint You’re beautiful Wonderful lifeIn shades of gray.

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The first foot Across the line The highest scoreOn the boardAll the practicesDrama and painLeading to this Single momentSuccessYour Heart poundingChest heavingMusclesTired and tornBut nothingCan stop This joyThat you have earnedIt wells up fromDeep in your heartYou pushed Past All the limits and boundariesDestroying anything in your wayFighting thru suffering and humiliationFor this Glorious Victory!

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One Life

One life is all you getLive itOpen your eyesRelease your senses Free your imaginationTake a momentReally…. ListenTo the songs of the worldLookAt the colorful shapes interconnecting SmellThe sweet scents of flowers and rainTasteThe crisp air and the tart lemonFeelThe smoothness of the pages turning under your fingersLife is never boringEach and every HeartbeatIs filled to The brimWith experiencesPains and PleasuresTwisted togetherBreathe Think ImagineThis WorldIs filled with

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Wonders and gloriesReach out and grabEvery single Tiny momentVictoriesTragedies SorrowJoyLive Shout out Every emotionYou’ll be tossed to the groundBrokenBatteredBleedingShatteredButAlsoBe lifted to Heights of pleasureFilled with AweAstounded by love Stunned speechless by beautyEvery sunrise is a Cause for celebrationEach nightAn adventureThe world Keeps spinningThe clocks Keep tickingHold on tightFight Thru any painOvercome each struggleNothing is freeBut Life is worth The price.

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Sorrowful Time

The sadnessLike a weightOn your heartCrushing out all your joyLosing a loved oneBeing BetrayedHaving your life forever changedSalty Rain DrippingFrom yourClouded eyesWails of the DamnedEscaped out your mouthEach breath a challengeEvery cryBrings out more painThe tragediesOf lifeTear at your soulDrowning in sorrowRaging at FateHating the worldLife goes byAnd onNever stoppingHappiness Joy All fleeing Past youOn your island

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Of solitudeRage Envelopes your heartHate Whispers nothings in your earCries Vibrate your skullCutting you off from The worldScream out the sufferingDo what comes naturally HeartsFeel what they feelBut always make room For love and laughterThe river of TimeMoves forwardLiving In the past Will Let newExciting momentsOf happinessPass you by!

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Tribute to a Goddess

The angelsSingOf your beautyPoets try to captureA hintOf the light of your soulSmilesLike sunrisesEach one A birth to Joy unboundA manLoses himselfIn your eyesThey are likeStarsShining outGemsAwe inspiringOceansSo deepAnd trueKindness flowsOut of youLike a never ending blessingBeing near you lifts up My soulA touch from you Make a new definition Of happinessTo callYou a goddess

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Is not enoughA kiss from your lipsIs worthBeautifulAmazingMy heart ExpandsEvery timeI see you Words PoemsSongsCome to my mindBut they pale before The challenge of Describing A being like you The kindest goddessThe most amazing angel.

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Dark Love

Cuts like lanesUp and downMy emotions like runaway trainsI drownCan you be My angelic saviorCalm this violent seaGrant me this favorPlease don’t betrayMy fragile heartGod don’t let us enter a frayKeep us from becoming bloody artMy soul shattersI didn’t even matter.

Sonnet for My Love

Your beauty is a treat Brighter than a starMore than skin deep To get a glimpse I would travel so farYou may be scarred But each mark is beautifulEvery gem is a little marredTo me you are wonderfulThe goddess of my loveI freely give you my heart’s keyTo get to you mountains I would moveYour presence fills me with ecstatic gleeMay Venus’s light Strengthen our love’s might.

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Angel’s Choir

The sunrise a startTo a new songThe angels begin to sing out their artIt shall last all daylong Chords are played by drops of rainThe pounding of feet sets the beatBeauty is their domainEach day is new never do they repeatOnly the arrogance of manCan ruin the perfect choirCruelty strikes down these gentle artisansNothing left but hellfireThis blood red sun setsTears of the innocent a sure bet.

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The Lonely Man

Let me tell you A sorrow filled storyOnce there was a manAnd unlike other menNot very ambitious His greatest dreamWas a familyTo call his ownA wife to Comfort And be comforted byChildrenTo jump and smileAnd call him DaddyThis was his one hopeHis biggest wishBut it was not to beAlways cast asideA good friendBut never moreTold not to give upHopes constantly crushedSo much love in his heartAll willing to be sharedLooking for his other halfConstantly Finding only despair.

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Great writers are master cooksPreparing feasts full of wisdom and loves true measureEvery sentence and word hooksA reader shows them the greatest treasurePoetry a bittersweet treatNovels symphonies of flavorArt like this an amazing featReaders would be wise to savorLike arrows of old Words pierce the mind Making the strongest men foldAnd the coldest hearts kindWords and stories are the deepest magicTo not record them so very tragic.

Black Heart

Innocents tornHopeful eyes seeing true black hateHappy hearts become forlornTis every souls’ fateSo easy to drown in tears of pityDemons laughter hears in every mindSome deal by being wittyOthers by being kindSorrow the kingGraves filled to the brimFools close their eyes never seeing a thingEvery heartbeat gives your life’s string a trimFight your painControl life’s runaway train.

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Howling to an empty skyEven Mother Moon forsaking My eyesPain screamed out into the void Of darkest nightThe stars Hateful glaresDancing in theirEndless ballet My mind Filled with memoriesLike sharp broken glassI am meChanging For Better or Worse?Curses placed on me Like butterfly kissesFilled with childhood nostalgiaRemember…Foolish seekerWords have powerDark powerLeaving hearts covered in razor marked calluses Innocence destroyed Souls eternally twistedTearing the deepest bondsTo the tiniest shreds in secondsLeaving behind Lost nomads Like me.

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You Changed Me…Thank You!

A cold child trap in a hard shellSeparating myself from the beauty of the worldI never even knew I was in HellI had been a sail forever furledLike an angel of freedom you released me From the chains of my own creationYou where the only one to hear my souls silent pleaMy greatest friend you filled my heart with elationWe have been through hard timesOur fights… like fire meeting earth We have both paid for our crimesTruly our friendship is like a Phoenix’s birthLife without you would be a voidBut with you I am forever overjoyed.

Dedicated to Dakota Puckett every word of this is true. Without her I wouldn’t be who I am today and I don’t think I could make myself go on if something happened to her. I want to be there for her forever and protected her from all harm. She is my greatest friend and I can never repay her for all that she has done.

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Binds of the Heart

The strings of the heart Form the strongest of tiesTo break them fills the mouth with flavors most tartCausing the Angels to fill the sky with despairing criesTwo souls bound together by life’s trials and God’s own wordSo great is its beauty the heavens themselves do not compareBreaking something so strong would be a crime against nature utterly absurdBut in the darkest parts of our souls lies creatures of fire and airRage, Cruelty, Envy and SpiteLooking and searching for a chance to destroyDemons of our own making nothing but a constant blightA life filled with joy seen as nothing but a toyStand strong, when the demons come in the darkest nightTwo souls connected and filled with love will shine with the brightest light.

Fairy Land

There are doorways to placesFilled with wonders and strange lawsWhere trees and mountains have facesAnd even the flowers have clawsStrange ever changing landsFilled with flighty fickle racesThese realms could only be created by a mad god’s handsPray to stay out of his dark gracesThe landscape twists by every dreamThis realm is filled with untold flawsWhere even a rabbit will schemeAnd a rose has bone crushing jaws

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So step through the doorMaybe you’ll wake upon a screaming shore.

Alone in a Crowd

Being alone destroys the soulSilence can murder the mindSeparation takes its tollPeople are blindHermits on their mountains…untriedDo not feel the cruelest stingTo be surrounded by friends and having your presence deniedIgnored and casted aside to be viewed as nothing but a thingEveryone is searching for a true friendA shoulder to cry on Each soul wishes to befriendBut so many are spat uponLoneliness is at its peakWhen you are surrounded by hundreds and none wish to speak.

Thoughts of Despair

Darkest nightNot even a speck of lightDemons houndHope nowhere to be foundCan you hear the people burning? No mercy, only hate Blood and tears churning This is all men’s fate.

My Luckiest Find

Golden hair

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Ocean blue eyes Only an angel could be so fairEach moment with you is a prizeI will always be by your sideMy love for you could power a thousand starsNever will I be able to set you asideWe have our scarsBut we are closer than ever beforeTo take one step without you…Would send my heart into a hellish warEvery word of this is trueYou are one of a kindAngel… Goddess you are my life’s luckiest find.

Please Be a Dream

This has to be a nightmareOnly hell could compareWishing to be saved a waste of airThe demons inside Tearing shredding Insanity’s Gate opened widePeople’s souls dreading Blackest nightThis is heaven’s lost fightThis wasteland an eternal blightLight and DarkYin and YangEvil is having a larkAll because we left Good out to hang.

The Brightest Lights

Your eternal happiness is belowDark sorrow and black temptationKeep digging don’t stop and soon you’ll see the golden glowSlowing even a little will lead to damnation Put your faith in your CreatorNever let doubt enter your soulNothing in the universe is greaterFailure in this will burn hotter than any coalWhat is right and fair does not enter into thisBecome strong and hold on to who you areThat is the only way to achieve bliss

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In doing this your guiding light will be brighter than any starThe World is filled with hate and deathThat is what we all must fight to become heroes guarding life’s breath.

Falling Into Emotion

Logic so restraining Heart removed replaced by machineBeauty of life waning This cold reason is obsceneFall into the chaos of emotion Feel the heat of passion and rageLove and hope is like an oceanListening to the heart is the greatest advice of any sageLife is full of flavorBitter, Sweet, Bold, BlandSo many things to savorBut only one chance to make it grandSo many lives and souls chainedLet the chaos of emotion no longer be contained. Wasteland Wind filled with HowlingDemons of the DesertSpirits of the SandsSun beating downBurning all with no mercy givenWater ripped from the groundAnd sweat stolen from the skinThe Old Devils With black burnt skin and bleeding eyesLaughing At the moaning innocents Their pleas for water and shadeFalling on cruel earsThe Devils rule this burnt out land

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Sterile and lifelessWhere water is goldCruelty the currencyWhere pure stubbornness and anger The only way to surviveSome men come to this land in search for glory Others for revenge Both only find A choiceDie a ManOr Live as a Devil.


I lie to someone every second of everydayHe walks in my shoesLives in my house and eats my foodLiving in a dreamCreated by the society of my forefathersMy soul cries out against the bonds it’s inTaught since birth Never to question authority To always respect powerWell no more will I be a mindless machineI cut my strings Breaking the cageI use to be a biological cog In a societal machineNow I am my own manBut broken Every day I have to fight the disease Of self slaveryThe urge to fall back in line To retie my stringsTo become a cogThey programmed us wellEvery day is a fight against My inner Bio-machine.


Like a bolt from the blueA sunbeam in the grayest skyThe only worthy currency In the great scheme of things

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Love Island

I’m a lone wanderer Stuck on a desolate sandy islandOf my own creationSurrounded by a sea of love I look around at this sea Filled to the brim withCouples of every shape and formSwimming in love, lust and trust Every face smiling Every voice filled with laughterEvery heart filled with a unique songI’m a thirsty manStuck in a depressionOf my own designI thirst for companionshipI go down to the sea and take a drinkJump in, take a sip and ask a beautiful girlTo dance and dineAnd it’s the most satisfying waterI’ve every experiencedBut as the water goes down my throatI feel it burning So salty I just can’t stand itShe can’t or won’t understand meIs it something I did or something I believe?I just want to reach out in this dark worldAnd be met half wayI want to trustAnd be trustedI want to swim with my soul mate

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Facing hurricanes and sharksTogetherPicking each other up and being thereForeverBut it never goes my way What is wrong with me?Why does love burn so much?Why do I keep trying to reach out?I tried to swim in that beautiful seaBut it is acid to me.

Looking at Love

People look at love all wrongCan’t they see? It is not a limited supplyTo compare love to fuelIs the silliest of thingsLove is connectionsThere are strings of loveAll around you and meSome strong and reinforced by trustOthers weak and held onto for fearStrong connectionsWeak connectionsThis is the true nature of loveLove is a transmitter When one end feels happiness So too will the otherSome let distance snap the cordSome burn them with angerSome hold on only with fearOthers though bind themselves stronger and stronger together They are the ones we call soul matesNot because of fate But through effort and strainThey managed to touch each other’s souls withTheir strings of love.

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Hey how you doingA series of empty soundsI’m doing fine The most told lieThoughts of suicideHiding behind a smiling faceThat mask of happinessPeople never see it crackingLies are all that this life has nowNo one can see the frownsThe whole world has Turned away fromThis crying manSome days The sad truth Is let looseAnd still no one can see.