PM Course File - Sivaji

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  • 8/16/2019 PM Course File - Sivaji


    Pharmaceutical Management


    III B Pharm – I Semester


  • 8/16/2019 PM Course File - Sivaji


    ! B(# $% '$N!#N!

    S+N$+ 'ontent Page No+

    1 Co2r$e *b@ective$ & *2tcome$

    , )yllab2$

    3 ect2re Plan

    - !nit wi$e co2r$e =aterial (A$ per given format#

    !nit8I- %eatures of Business $rganisations . Ne/ #conomic #n0ironment*

    !nit8II- Manufacturing Management

    !nit8III- or2 Stu y

    !nit8I4- $rganisation of Distri4ution an Mar2eting

    !nit84- Pharma In ustry

    !nit84I- Insurance an Pharma

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    1. Course Objectives & Outcomes

    1.1. Course ObjectivesThe ob@ective$ of the co2r$e are-

    !nder$tand the ba$ic concept$ in commerce, trade and ind2$try. 0e will be eation$.

    2nder$tand the nat2re and p2rpo$e of different type$ of organi$ation$ (commercial,vol2ntary, p2blic $ector and $o on#To develop an 2nder$tanding of prod2ction and operation$ management.To e

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    0elp )t2dent$ to 2nder$tand the concept of prod2ctivity, or7 )t2dy, =ethod )t2dyand or7 )ampling.Enable )t2dent$ to 2nder$tand the concept$ of E*D and other inventory controltechniF2e$.Enable )t2dent$ to 2nder$tand D2ality )tandard$ ,I)* +''', )i< )igma etc. and

    D2ality control Total D2ality =anagement, and comp2te control chart$

    0elp )t2dent$ to learn the *verview of Prod2ction and *peration$ =anagement.;amiliari>e )t2dent$ with Prod2ction planning and control in different prod2ction$y$tem$.0elp )t2dent$ to 2nder$tand the concept of prod2ctivity, or7 )t2dy, =ethod )t2dyand or7 )ampling.Enable )t2dent$ to 2nder$tand the concept$ of E*D and other inventory controltechniF2e$.Enable )t2dent$ to 2nder$tand D2ality )tandard$ ,I)* +''', )i< )igma etc. and

    D2ality control Total D2ality =anagement, and comp2te control chart$

    0elp $t2dent$ to learn the overview of =ar7eting =anagement.6evelop$ a $o2nd 7nowledge of conventional mar7eting idea$, and of the theorie$ onwhich the$e theorie$ are ba$ed.6evelop$ practice$ in defining and wor7ing o2t integrated mar7eting andcomm2nication $trategie$.The $t2dent$ can able to act a2tonomo2$ly in planning, implementing and reflecting at a

    profe$$ional level, on the development and 2$e of mar7eting $trategie$ to addre$$

    organi>ational problem$.A$ a grad2ate of thi$ program yo2 will have learned how to do the following-Interpret the reF2irement$ for te$ting of raw material$, in8proce$$ $ample$, and fini$hed

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    Apply $tati$tical modeling techniF2e$ in 2nderwriting.6i$c2$$ how F2oted premi2m i$ developed.6i$c2$$ the 2nderwriting operation$ in in$2rance companie$.

    2. Syllabus

    "NI! – I%eatures of Business $rgani;ations . Ne/ #conomic #n0ironment* Characteri$tic feat2re$ of 32$ine$$,;eat2re$ and eval2ation of )ole Proprietor$hip, Partner$hip, Joint )toc7 Company, P2blic Enterpri$e$ and their type$, Changing 32$ine$$ Environment in Po$t8 iberali>ation $cenario

    "NI! < II

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    3. Lecture Plan



    Unit Number Topic

    I Characteri$tic feat2re$ of 32$ine$$I ;eat2re$ and eval2ation of )ole Proprietor$hip

    : I ;eat2re$ and eval2ation of Partner$hip

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    : I4 =ar7eting =i</ I4 =ar7eting )trategie$ 3a$ed *n Prod2ct ife Cycle9 I4 Channel$ of di$trib2tion

    I4 ;actor$ infl2encing channel$ of 6i$trib2tion1 I4 )ale$ *rgani>ation and )ale$ promotion

    4 Hrowth of pharma Ind2$try in India+ 4 C2rrent $tat2$ and it$ role in b2ilding national economy and national

    health:' 4 )tr2ct2re of pharma ind2$try in india: 4 )tr2ct2re of pharma ind2$try in india

    : 4P)!$ in Pharma Ind2$try %Progre$$ in the

    :: 4 man2fact2re of ba$ic dr2g$, $ynthetic and dr2g$ of vegetable origin:/ 4 E

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    . Unit!"ise course material

    .1. Unit # $ !

    .1.1. "nit $4=ecti0es*

    After reading thi$ !nit, yo2 $ho2ld be able to 2nder$tand-

    . !nder$tand the ba$ic concept$ in commerce, trade and ind2$try. 0e will be eation$

    .1.2. "nit $utcomes*

    1. 6e$cribe the different way$ in which organi>ation$ may be $tr2ct2red

    2. 6e$cribe the main department$ or f2nction$ of a b2$ine$$ organi>ation

    Characteri$tic feat2re$ of 32$ine$$, ;eat2re$ and eval2ation of )ole Proprietor$hip, Partner$hip, Joint )toc7Company, P2blic Enterpri$e$ and their type$, Changing 32$ine$$ Environment in Po$t8 iberali>ation $cenario.

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    Lecture no. Topic %et o'olo(y )uic* re+erenceCharacteri$tic feat2re$ of32$ine$$

    Chal7& 3oard Arya$ri =E;A ,pageno8

    ;eat2re$ and eval2ation of)ole Proprietor$hip

    Chal7& 3oard Arya$ri =E;A ,pageno8

    : ;eat2re$ and eval2ation ofPartner$hip

    Chal7& 3oard Arya$ri =E;A, pageno8

    / ;eat2re$ and eval2ation ofJoint )toc7 Company

    Chal7& 3oard Arya$ri =E;A page

    no89 ;eat2re$ and eval2ation of

    P2blic Enterpri$e$Chal7& 3oard Arya$ri =E;A, page


    P2blic Enterpri$e$ and their type$

    Chal7& 3oard Arya$ri =E;A ,pageno8

    1 P2blic Enterpri$e$ and their type$

    Chal7& 3oard Arya$ri =E;A ,pageno8

    Changing 32$ine$$Environment in Po$t8

    iberali$ation $cenario

    Chal7& 3oard Arya$ri =E;A, pageno8

    .1. . Teac in( %aterial , Teac in( -i's as per above lecture plan.

    .1. .1. Lecture!1! 'haracteristic features of Business

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    • Lo2 want to be only owner (It mean$ yo2 what to be $ole trader# or • Lo2 want to ta7e $ome more profe$$ional$ a$ co8owner$ along with yo2 (If mean$ yo2

    what to from partner$hip with other$ a$ partner$# or • Lo2 want to be a global player by mobili>ing large re$o2rce$ acro$$ the co2ntry world• Lo2 want to bring all li7e8minded people to $hare the benefit$ of the common enterpri$e

    (Lo2 want to promote a @oint $toc7 company# or • Lo2 want to involve government in the IT b2$ine$$ (here yo2 want to $2gge$t government

    to promote a p2blic enterpri$eM#

    To decide thi$, it i$ nece$$ary to 7now how to eval2ate each of the$e alternative$.

    %actors affecting the choice of form of 4usiness organi;ation

    3efore we choo$e a partic2lar form of b2$ine$$ organi>ation, let 2$ $t2dy what factor$ affect $2cha choiceK The following are the factor$ affecting the choice of a b2$ine$$ organi>ation-

    1+ #asy to start an easy to close* The form of b2$ine$$ organi>ation $ho2ld be $2ch that it

    $ho2ld be ea$y to clo$e. There $ho2ld not be ha$$le$ or long proced2re$ in the proce$$ of $etting 2p b2$ine$$ or clo$ing the $ame.

    ,+ Di0ision of la4our* There $ho2ld be po$$ibility to divide the wor7 among the available

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    8+ 'ontinuity* The b2$ine$$ $ho2ld contin2e forever and ever irre$pective of the2ncertaintie$ in f2t2re.

    9+ ?uic2 ecisionation, which permit$yo2 to ta7e deci$ion$ F2ic7ly and promptly. 6elay in deci$ion$ may invalidate therelevance of the deci$ion$.

    1:+ Personal contact /ith customer* =o$t of the time$, c2$tomer$ give 2$ cl2e$ to improve b2$ine$$. )o choo$e $2ch a form, which 7eep$ yo2 clo$e to the c2$tomer$.

    11+ %le@i4ility* In time$ of ro2gh weather, there $ho2ld be eno2gh fle

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    • 0e ha$ 2nlimited liability which implie$ that hi$ liability e

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    Disa 0antages

    The following are the di$advantage$ of $ole trader form-

    1. "nlimite lia4ility* The liability of the $ole trader i$ 2nlimited. It mean$ that the $oletrader ha$ to bring hi$ per$onal property to clear off the loan$ of hi$ b2$ine$$. ;rom thelegal point of view, he i$ not different from hi$ b2$ine$$.

    2. (imite amounts of capital* The re$o2rce$ a $ole trader can mobili>e cannot be verylarge and hence thi$ nat2rally $et$ a limit for the $cale of operation$.

    3. No i0ision of la4our* All the wor7 related to different f2nction$ $2ch a$ mar7eting, prod2ction, finance, labo2r and $o on ha$ to be ta7en care of by the $ole trader him$elf.There i$ nobody el$e to ta7e hi$ b2rden. ;amily member$ and relative$ cannot $how a$m2ch intere$t a$ the trader ta7e$.

    4. "ncertainty* There i$ no contin2ity in the d2ration of the b2$ine$$. *n the death,in$anity of in$olvency the b2$ine$$ may be come to an end.

    5. Ina eAuate for gro/th an e@pansion* Thi$ from i$ $2itable for only $mall $i>e, one8man8$how type of organi>ation$. Thi$ may not really wor7 o2t for growing andeation$.

    6. (ac2 of speciali;ation* The $ervice$ of $peciali$t$ $2ch a$ acco2ntant$, mar7etre$earcher$, con$2ltant$ and $o on, are not within the reach of mo$t of the $ole trader$.

    7. More competition* 3eca2$e it i$ ea$y to $et 2p a $mall b2$ine$$, there i$ a high degree of competition among the $mall b2$ine$$men and a few who are good in ta7ing care of c2$tomer reF2irement$ along can $ervice.

    8 (o/ 4argaining po/er* The $ole trader i$ the in the receiving end in term$ of loan$ or

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    Partner$hip i$ an improved from of $ole trader in certain re$pect$. here there are li7e8minded per$on$ with re$o2rce$, they can come together to do the b2$ine$$ and $hare the profit$ lo$$e$ of

    the b2$ine$$ in an agreed ratio. Per$on$ who have entered into $2ch an agreement areindivid2ally called partner$G and collectively called firmG. The relation$hip among partner$ i$called a partner$hip.

    Indian Partner$hip Act, +: define$ partner$hip a$ the relation$hip between two or more per$on$who agree to $hare the profit$ of the b2$ine$$ carried on by all or any one of them acting for all.


    . Relationship* Partner$hip i$ a relation$hip among per$on$. It i$ relation$hip re$2lting o2t

    of an agreement.. !/o or more persons* There $ho2ld be two or more n2mber of per$on$.:. !here shoul 4e a 4usiness - 32$ine$$ $ho2ld be cond2cted./. greement* Per$on$ $ho2ld agree to $hare the profit$ lo$$e$ of the b2$ine$$9. 'arrie on 4y all or any one of them acting for all* The b2$ine$$ can be carried on by

    all or any one of the per$on$ acting for all. Thi$ mean$ that the b2$ine$$ can be carried on by one per$on who i$ the agent for all other per$on$. Every partner i$ both an agent and a

    principal. Agent for other partner$ and principal for him$elf. All the partner$ are agent$and the partner$hipG i$ their principal.

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    Partnership Dee

    The written agreement among the partner$ i$ called the partner$hip deedG. It contain$ the term$and condition$ governing the wor7ing of partner$hip. The following are content$ of the

    partner$hip deed.

    . ame$ and addre$$e$ of the firm and partner$

    . at2re of the b2$ine$$ propo$ed:. 62ration/. Amo2nt of capital of the partner$hip and the ratio for contrib2tion by each of the partner$.9. Their profit $haring ration (thi$ i$ 2$ed for $haring lo$$e$ al$o#

    . Bate of intere$t charged on capital contrib2ted, loan$ ta7en from the partner$hip and theamo2nt$ drawn, if any, by the partner$ from their re$pective capital balance$.

    1. The amo2nt of $alary or commi$$ion payable to any partner . Proced2re to val2e good will of the firm at the time of admi$$ion of a new partner,

    retirement of death of a partner +. Allocation of re$pon$ibilitie$ of the partner$ in the firm

    '. Proced2re for di$$ol2tion of the firm. ame of the arbitrator to whom the di$p2te$, if any, can be referred to for $ettlement.. )pecial right$, obligation$ and liabilitie$ of partner$($#, if any.

    IND $% P R!N#RS

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    0owever, the third partie$ $ho2ld prove they entered into contract with the firm in the belief that he i$ the partner of the firm. )2ch a per$on i$ called partner by holding o2t.

    . Minor Partner* =inor ha$ a $pecial $tat2$ in the partner$hip. A minor can be admittedfor the benefit$ of the firm. A minor i$ entitled to hi$ $hare of profit$ of the firm. Theliability of a minor partner i$ limited to the e

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    ece$$ary change$ can be initiated ba$ed on the merit$ of the propo$al$ from thec2$tomer$.

    . ?uic2 ecisions an prompt action* If there i$ con$en$2$ among partner$, it i$ eno2ghto implement any deci$ion and initiate prompt action. )ometime$, it may more time for the partner$ on $trategic i$$2e$ to reach con$en$2$.

    1. !he positi0e impact of unlimite lia4ility* Every partner i$ alway$ alert abo2t hi$impending danger of 2nlimited liability. 0ence he trie$ to do hi$ be$t to bring profit$ for the partner$hip firm by ma7ing good 2$e of all hi$ contact$.

    Disa 0antages*

    The following are the di$advantage$ of partner$hip-

    1. %ormation of partnership is ifficult* *nly li7e8minded per$on$ can $tart a partner$hip.It i$ $arca$tically $aid,G it i$ ea$y to find a life partner, b2t not a b2$ine$$ partnerG.

    2. (ia4ility* The partner$ have @oint and $everal liabilitie$ be$ide 2nlimited liability. Jointand $everal liability p2t$ additional b2rden on the partner$, which mean$ that even theper$onal propertie$ of the partner or partner$ can be attached Even when all b2t one

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    T e vi'eo lin*/ttp/,,stu',aca'emy,lesson,(eneral!partners ip!'e+inition!a'vanta(es!

    e0amples. tml

    .1. . . Lecture! ! %eatures an e0aluation of Coint Stoc2 'ompany

    C$IN! S!$' '$MP N)

    The @oint $toc7 company emerge$ from the limitation$ of partner$hip $2ch a$ @oint and $everalliability, 2nlimited liability, limited re$o2rce$ and 2ncertain d2ration and $o on. ormally, to ta7e

    part in a b2$ine$$, it may need large money and we cannot foretell the fate of b2$ine$$. It i$ notliterally po$$ible to get into b2$ine$$ with little money. Again$t thi$ bac7gro2nd, it i$ intere$tingto $t2dy the f2nctioning of a @oint $toc7 company. The main principle of the @oint $toc7 companyfrom i$ to provide opport2nity to ta7e part in b2$ine$$ with a low inve$tment a$ po$$ible $ayB$. '''. Joint )toc7 Company ha$ been a boon for inve$tor$ with moderate f2nd$ to inve$t.

    The word companyG ha$ a atin origin, com mean$ come togetherG, pany mean$ breadG, @oint$toc7 company mean$, people come together to earn their livelihood by inve$ting in the $toc7 of company @ointly.

    'ompany Define

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    claim can $2e it. A $hareholder i$ not liable for the act$ of the company. )imilarly, the$hareholder$ cannot bind the company by their act$.

    :. Voluntary association of persons - The Company i$ an a$$ociation of vol2ntarya$$ociation of per$on$ who want to carry on b2$ine$$ for profit. To carry on b2$ine$$,they need capital. )o they inve$t in the $hare capital of the company.

    /. (imite (ia4ility - The $hareholder$ have limited liability i.e., liability limited to the faceval2e of the $hare$ held by him. In other word$, the liability of a $hareholder i$ re$trictedto the e

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    ;ormation of Joint )toc7 company

    There are two $tage$ in the formation of a @oint $toc7 company. They are-

    (a# To obtain Certificate$ of Incorporation(b# To obtain certificate of commencement of 32$ine$$

    'ertificate of Incorporation - The certificate of Incorporation i$ @2$t li7e a date of birthGcertificate. It certifie$ that a company with $2ch and $2ch a name i$ born on a partic2lar day.

    'ertificate of commencement of Business - A private company need not obtain the certificate of commencement of b2$ine$$. It can $tart it$ commercial operation$ immediately after obtainingthe certificate of Incorporation.

    The per$on$ who conceive the idea of $tarting a company and who organi>e the nece$$ary initialre$o2rce$ are called promoter$. The vi$ion of the promoter$ form$ the bac7bone for the companyin the f2t2re to rec7on with.

    The promoter$ have to file the following doc2ment$, along with nece$$ary fee, with a regi$trar of @oint $toc7 companie$ to obtain certificate of incorporation-

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    The regi$trar of @oint $toc7 companie$ per2$e$ and verifie$ whether all the$e doc2ment$ are inorder or not. If he i$ $ati$fied with the information f2rni$hed, he will regi$ter the doc2ment$ and

    then i$$2e a certificate of incorporation, if it i$ private company, it can $tart it$ b2$ine$$ operationimmediately after obtaining certificate of incorporation.


    The following are the advantage$ of a @oint )toc7 Company

    . Mo4ili;ation of larger resources* A @oint $toc7 company provide$ opport2nity for theinve$tor$ to inve$t, even $mall $2m$, in the capital of large companie$. The facilitie$ri$ing of larger re$o2rce$.

    . Separate legal entity* The Company ha$ $eparate legal entity. It i$ regi$tered 2nder Indian Companie$ Act, +9 .

    :. (imite lia4ility* The $hareholder ha$ limited liability in re$pect of the $hare$ held byhim. In no ca$e, doe$ hi$ liability e

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    . Gro/th an #@pansion - ith large re$o2rce$ and profe$$ional management, thecompany can earn good ret2rn$ on it$ operation$, b2ild good amo2nt of re$erve$ and

    f2rther con$ider the propo$al$ for growth and eation i$ not witho2t any di$advantage$.The following are the di$advantage$ of @oint $toc7 companie$.

    Disa 0antages

    1. %ormation of company is a long ra/n proce ure - Promoting a @oint $toc7 companyinvolve$ a long drawn proced2re. It i$ eation grow$, then2mber of level$ in organi>ation al$o increa$e$ in the name of $peciali>ation. The morethe n2mber of level$, the more i$ the delay in deci$ion8ma7ing. )ometime$, $o8called

    profe$$ional$ do not re$pond to the 2rgencie$ a$ reF2ired. It promote$ delay inadmini$tration, which i$ referred to red tape and b2rea2cracyG.

    4. (ac2 or initiati0e - In mo$t of the ca$e$, the employee$ of the company at different level$

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    Lecture! ! %eatures an e0aluation of Pu4lic #nterprises.1. . .

    P"B(I' #N!#RPRIS#S

    P2blic enterpri$e$ occ2py an important po$ition in the Indian economy. Today, p2blic enterpri$e$ provide the $2b$tance and heart of the economy. It$ inve$tment of over B$. ',''' crore i$ inheavy and ba$ic ind2$try, and infra$tr2ct2re li7e power, tran$port and comm2nication$. Theconcept of p2blic enterpri$e in Indian date$ bac7 to the era of pre8independence.

    Genesis of Pu4lic #nterprises

    In con$eF2ence to declaration of it$ goal a$ $ociali$tic pattern of $ociety in +9/, the Hovernment

    of India reali>ed that it i$ thro2gh progre$$ive e

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    • To increa$e the opport2nitie$ of gainf2l employment• To help in rai$ing the $tandard$ of living• To red2cing di$paritie$ in income and wealth (3y preventing private monopolie$ and

    c2rbing concentration of economic power and va$t ind2$trie$ in the hand$ of a $malln2mber of individ2al$#

    chie0ements of pu4lic #nterprises

    The achievement$ of p2blic enterpri$e are va$t and varied. They are-

    . )etting 2p a n2mber of p2blic enterpri$e$ in ba$ic and 7ey ind2$trie$

    . Henerating con$iderably large employment opport2nitie$ in $7illed, 2n$7illed,$2pervi$ory and managerial cadre$.:. Creating internal re$o2rce$ and contrib2ting toward$ national e

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    (a# 6epartmental 2nderta7ing(b# P2blic corporation(c# Hovernment company

    The$e are e

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    . #ffecti0e control - Control i$ li7ely to be effective beca2$e it i$ directly 2nder the=ini$try.

    . Responsi4le #@ecuti0es - ormally the admini$tration i$ entr2$ted to a $enior civil$ervant. The admini$tration will be organi>ed and effective.

    :. (ess scope for mystification of fun s - 6epartmental 2nderta7ing doe$ not draw anymoney more than i$ needed, that too $2b@ect to mini$terial $anction and other control$. )o

    chance$ for mi$82tili$ation are low./. s to Go0ernment re0enue - The reven2e of the government i$ on the ri$e when thereven2e of the departmental 2nderta7ing i$ depo$ited in the government acco2nt.

    Disa 0antages

    . Decisions elaye - Control i$ centrali>ed. Thi$ re$2lt$ in lower degree of fle

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    .1. . . Lecture!

    P"B(I' '$RP$R !I$N

    0aving relea$ed that the ro2ting government admini$tration wo2ld not be able to cope 2p withthe demand of it$ b2$ine$$ enterpri$e$, the Hovernment of India, in +/ , decided to organi>e$ome of it$ enterpri$e$ a$ $tat2tory corporation$. In p2r$2ance of thi$, Ind2$trial ;inanceCorporation, Employee$G )tate In$2rance Corporation wa$ $et 2p in +/ .

    P2blic corporation i$ a right mi< of p2blic owner$hip, p2blic acco2ntability and b2$ine$$management for p2blic end$G. The p2blic corporation provide$ machinery, which i$ fleette of the central or $tate government. It

    i$ a corporate entity having perpet2al $2cce$$ion, and common $eal with power to acF2ire, hold,di$po$e off property, $2e and be $2ed by it$ nameO.

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    financial a2tonomy, It$ income and e

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    3. Bur en for the go0ernment - here the p2blic corporation ignore$ the commercial principle$ and $2ffer$ lo$$e$, it i$ b2rden$ome for the government to provide $2b$idie$ toma7e 2p the lo$$e$.

    http- $ academy le$$on corporation$8type$8advantage$8di$advantage$8e

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    The following are the feat2re$ of a government company-

    . (i2e any other registere company - It i$ incorporated a$ a regi$tered company 2nder the Indian companie$ Act. +9 . i7e any other company, the government company ha$$eparate legal e

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    9. ?uic2 ecision an prompt actions - In view of the a2tonomy, the government companyta7e deci$ion F2ic7ly and en$2re that the action$ and initiated promptly.

    . Pri0ate participation facilitate - Hovernment company i$ the only from providing$cope for private participation in the owner$hip. The facilitie$ to ta7e the be$t, nece$$aryto cond2ct the affair$ of b2$ine$$, from the private $ector and al$o from the p2blic $ector.

    Disa 0antages

    1. 'ontinue political an go0ernment interference - Hovernment $eldom leave$ thegovernment company to f2nction on it$ own. Hovernment i$ the ma@or $hareholder and itdictate$ it$ deci$ion$ to the 3oard. The 3oard of 6irector$ get$ the$e approved in thegeneral body. There were a n2mber of ca$e$ where the operational police$ wereinfl2enced by the whim$ and fancie$ of the civil $ervant$ and the mini$ter$.

    2. &igher egree of go0ernment control - The degree of government control i$ $o high that

    the government company i$ red2ced to mere ad@2nct$ to the mini$try and i$, in ma@orityof the ca$e$, not treated better than the $2bordinate organi>ation or office$ of thegovernment.

    3. #0a es constitutional responsi4ility - A government company i$ creating by e

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    )ome ma@or change$ in the Indian b2$ine$$ environment, e$pecially after ++ , made thedome$tic mar7et$ for many con$2mer and ind2$trial prod2ct$ more competitive.;or the fir$t time, $everal b2$ine$$ firm$ that were well entrenched in their mar7et$ felt the heatof competition. It wa$ now e$$ential for them to get clo$er to the c2$tomer$ to protect their mar7et$.

    =any of them, $2ch a$ *nida, 0=4, 3P and Titan who were $elling their prod2ct$ onlythro2gh agent$ and middlemen, $witched to a parallel channel of direct mar7eting by opening$everal e

  • 8/16/2019 PM Course File - Sivaji


    dilemma following the H2lf ar and the downfall of the er$twhile )oviet !nion. The co2ntryhad to ma7e a depo$it of /1 ton$ of gold to the 3an7 of England and ' ton$ to the !nion 3an7 of )wit>erland. Thi$ wa$ nece$$ary 2nder a recovery pact with the I=; or International

    =onetary ;2nd. ;2rthermore, the International =onetary ;2nd nece$$itated India to a$$2me a$eF2ence of $y$tematic economic reorgani$ation$. Con$eF2ently, the then Prime =ini$ter of theco2ntry, P 4 ara$imha Bao initiated gro2ndbrea7ing economic reform$. 0owever, theCommittee formed by ara$imha Bao did not p2t into operation a n2mber of reform$ which theInternational =onetary ;2nd loo7ed for.

    Narasimha Rao 'ommitteeFs Recommen ationsThe recommendation$ of the ara$imha Bao Committee were a$ follow$-

    • 3ringing in the )ec2rity Beg2lation$ (=odified# and the )E3I Act of ++ whichrendered the legitimate power to the )ec2ritie$ E

  • 8/16/2019 PM Course File - Sivaji


    &ighlights of the (PG PolicyHiven below are the $alient highlight$ of the iberali$ation, Privati$ation and Hlobali$ationPolicy in India-

    • ;oreign Technology Agreement$• ;oreign Inve$tment

    • =BTP Act, + + (Amended#

    • Ind2$trial icen$ing

    • 6ereg2lation

    • 3eginning of privati$ation

    • *pport2nitie$ for over$ea$ trade

    • )tep$ to reg2late inflation

    • Ta< reform$

    • Abolition of icen$e 8Permit Ba@

    http- b2$ine$$.map$ india8policy liberali>ation8privati>ation8globali>ation.htmlS$tha$h.Dm=2*$PC.dp2f

    .1. . Test )uestions

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    ,a :ire"tors ,b :ebenture &olders

    ," &are &olders ,d Creditors

    4. /9ne $an one *ote Prin"iple is adopted in ++++++. ,

    ,a Partners&ip 'r$s ,b Co$pan0

    ," Co-operati*e enterprises ,d Hindu #a$il0 business

    5. )&e $ana e$ent o# ; oint Hindu a$il0< business *ests in t&eeldest $e$ber o# t&e #a$il0 "alled +++++. ,

    ,a :ire"tor ,b =rand #at&er

    ," >art&a ,d Mana er

    6. Mini$u$ )(o and $a i$u$ ++++ $e$bers are per$itted in

    Pri*ate li$ited "o$pan0. ,

    ,a ?n-li$ited ,b 2 ," 5 ,d 1

    7. Mini$u$ +++ and $a i$u$ ++++ $e$bers are per$itted in

    Publi" li$ited "o$pan0. ,

  • 8/16/2019 PM Course File - Sivaji


    "o$pan0 to start its #un"tions. ,

    ,a Pri*ate ,b tatutor0

    ," Publi" ,d C&artered

    11. Co$pan0 operates in $ore t&an one Countr0 is "alled as +++++. ,

    ,a Pri*ate "o$pan0 ,b =o*ern$ent "o$pan0

    ," Multinational "o$pan0 ,d ndian "o$pan0

    12. ++++ is not reDuired to pri*ate "o$pan0 to start its #un"tions. ,

    ,a Certi'"ate o# in"orporation ,b Re istration

    ," Certi'"ate o# "o$$en"e$ent o# business ,d one

    13. ++++ partner "an en!o0 pro'ts but no liabilit0 #or losses. ,

    ,a A"ti*e ,b leepin ," Minor ,d o$inal

    14. n publi" se"tor unit

  • 8/16/2019 PM Course File - Sivaji


    Note: Answer is “C” for all the above questions

    b. ill in t&e blanFsG

    1. )&e de ree o# #reedo$ and e ibilit0 is lar e in "ase IIII, soletra!er #or$ o# or ani ation.

    2. Rate o# ta ation is IIII, low in "ase o# sole trader #or$ o#or ani ation.

    3. )&e relations&ip bet(een persons (&o a ree to s&are t&e pro'ts o#t&e business is "alled IIII, "artnershi" .

    4. )&e $ini$u$ nu$ber o# $e$bers in "ase o# partners&ip is IIII

    , two and $a i$u$ is IIIII #ten n "ase o# banFin business.5. )&e partners "olle"ti*el0 are "alled IIII #$r% .6. A IIIIIII, %inor partner "an be ad$itted #or t&e bene'ts o#

    t&e 'r$ .7. )&e s&ares o# t&e IIIIIIIII, "ubli&8. .)&e0 are ,a IIIIIIIII, obtainin' &erti$&ate of

    in&or"oration ,b IIIIIIII, obtainin' &erti$&ate of&o%%en&e%ent of business . "o$pan0 "an be trans#erred.

    . )&e $ini$u$ nu$ber o# persons in a IIIIIII, "ubli&"o$pan0 is se*en .1 .)&e #or$ation o# !oint sto"F "o$pan0 &as t(o sta es11.A !oint sto"F "o$pan0 is re istered under IIIIIIIIII

    , In!ian &o%"anies A&t( )*+, .12.9ne o# t&e ob!e"ti*es o# '*e 0ear plans isIIIIIIIIII.

    , !is"ersal of e&ono%i& "ower .13.9ne o# needs #or a publi" enterprise is IIIIIIIIIII..

    , balan&e! re'ional !evelo"%ent .14.Publi" "orporation is also "alled IIIIIIIII, statutor-"o$pan0 or "orporation.

    15 Publi" enterprises &a*e been "riti"i ed as IIII !ra' or !rain on

  • 8/16/2019 PM Course File - Sivaji


    ". #rofits are not sub$ect to income ta% is a characteristic of a co&operative ( True or false)

    '. The most effective form of business organization for raising capital is the corporation

    (True or false). o&operatives pla an important role in manufacturing. (True or false )

    *. +egistration of partnership is compulsor (True or false )

    .1. 6evie" )uestions

    '.objective type 5uestions.$oletrader$hip


    :.@oint$toc7 company

    /.regi$tration of @oint $toc7 company

    9.memorondom of a$$ociation

    .active partner

    1.partner$hip deed

    .government company

    +.feat2re$ of departmental 2nder ta7ing

    ' p2blic company

  • 8/16/2019 PM Course File - Sivaji


    .1. S*ill 7uil'in( 80ercises,-ssi(nments

    ot applicable

  • 8/16/2019 PM Course File - Sivaji


    /. I4 3.Pharmacy I )eme$ter )2pplementary Euest LecturesB 9bot +rom in an' outsi'e o+ t ecampus<

    .6r 7.4en2gopalProf Hondar !niver$ity,Ethiopia.

    .6rT.Archana AcharyaA$$ociate prof,4IIT,d2vvada.

    6 C0 0 i i d

  • 8/16/2019 PM Course File - Sivaji


    .1.1 . -ny Lab re5uirementsD i+ so lin* it to Lab Lesson Plan .

    ot applicable

    .1.1 .6e+erence Te0t 7oo*s , "it :ournals C apters etc

    =E;A 8ABLA)BI

  • 8/16/2019 PM Course File - Sivaji


    .6e+erence te0t boo*s,"eb material etc.E

    FPlease provi'e a 'etaile' list o+ te0tboo*s an' re+erence materials relevant +or t e entiresubject. Note/ Please 'o not copy all t e lecture level re+erences. ou are re5ueste' toavoi' any re+erences " ic may only be relevant to 1 or 2 lecturesG




    Please a'' i+ you ave moreH

    ?eb!lin*s 9inclu'in( vi'eos

  • 8/16/2019 PM Course File - Sivaji


    .Jast trac* material +or 7ac*!Lo( stu'ents.

    Please include the following:

    • !uic" reference document #a ma$imum of % pages& to stud' the basic concepts

    related to the subject

    • minimum of ( uni!ue !uestion papers with ) !uestions each along with detailed

    solutions. *hese !uestion papers need +O* have comple$ !uestions. *he idea is to

    ma"e the student clear the e$am. ,ence- please include onl' basic and averagecomple$it' !uestions after stud'ing which a student can clear the e$am

    • ach student is e$pected to write each of the papers a minimum of 1/ times

    • Please include all the papers #softcopies& and solutions in this section. Please do

    +O* attach handwritten sheets at the end.

  • 8/16/2019 PM Course File - Sivaji


    4.Sample )uestion Papers "it solutions 9%inimum 3<

    • minimum of ( uni!ue !uestion papers with ) !uestions each along with detailed

    solutions. *hese !uestion papers should follow bloom0s ta$onom'. *he' should alsoinclude basic- average and comple$ !uestions so that all the students including thetoppers get benefitted b' practicing with these papers. *he basic objective is to help

    students get top mar"s so that the' can end up in merit list

  • 8/16/2019 PM Course File - Sivaji


  • 8/16/2019 PM Course File - Sivaji


    . 1@.%appin( o+ -ssi(nments , )uestion Papers "it course objectivelearnin( outcomes.


    -ssi(nment 1 -ssi(nment 2 -ssi(nment 3 -ssi(nment -ssi(nment -'' morecolumns i+ t ere are


    Please "riteObjective 1

    +rom section1

    es , No es , No es , No es , No es , No es , No

    Please "riteObjective 2

    +rom section


    es , No es , No es , No es , No es , No es , No

    So onH.

    Learnin( Outcomes

    -ssi(nment 1 -ssi(nment 2 -ssi(nment 3 -ssi(nment -ssi(nment -'' morecolumns i+

    t ere aree0traassi(nments

  • 8/16/2019 PM Course File - Sivaji


    . 7loomKs Ta0onomy c ec*list