Plus Two March 2015 Chemistry

No. of i)Iint,.d Pages : 16 t\4-15- llli ii,i i ritli,i;,;,ilii,ii, iilXi il il r$eq eroml Register Number PART - ITI 4683 GpTLb:3 Loerofl J Time Allou,ed : 3 Hours l Ger$ uSl u: er: / CHEMI STRY ,a6b o -o +.rCcl'ou9 lrm.&fr jlr- \elrion-, ffiff,kafvfl ge la[.cemt 6 Lo ngs Log L-r G L.., ainaoir : 1 50 lNlaximum Marks : 150 €i6D 6irggl er!i) an n& s lgg Lir eflLrns rg9ernd) L6ir6fipn 61 6in Lr p (io €iI +fl r rir$gB Glsn&eneq Lir. .9 deLr r$eF el geop L,!l g Lr r9eir .+ao9& gaisrsnenflLrr nenrfiu6 LL6nqur nE.6 Clprlierliboe16. $oLi etderg sgLrq eoLodeoerr Lor@Cro crlggtorplqgn ruairu@$p Gerain@ L-ir. Lr Lrr.rsdr 6r6o[6)rp0 g 6 ueir6ei Lr u r 6 Lr Ogpeq Li. Check fie questjoD paper for {airness of pli.ting- 1f there is any lack of fairness, inform the Hali Supervisor irnmediately. Use Black or Blue ink to $)1iie and to draw.liagrams. Ggroeru rau $r$$el L,lrLi oreoq$g, eLodnrn@E6D6n 6r(9glo. Ilraw diagrams and wr-ite equatjons wheteveL necessaty, e{dlol6!)r : (1) tnsh'uciions : (1) igdull : Note gdlLrq , Nofe : 1. g1g GLondl At+3 ts L6l6in6iirD&e GgeoerLrr@Ll oeuri,-lneiirsafleiir GLoneusofleiir crainerofl&oos : (et) s (+)1 (o) 2 (r) 4 The number of rnoles of electtons required to discharge one mole of Al+3 is : (,) 3 (b) I (c) 2 (2) LrOSI - I/ PART - I s{6o6nggt or5)otrnrislggrilqLb etrleoruraflrisqLir. ef unom ofleoreou:.9 Ggn$Glg@$g erqg5ls. Answer all the questions. Choose and w-rite answer (2) (,) (ii) (i) (ii) 30x1=30 Gr) 4 | $q5Lrqs / Tuln over ffi,ffimfso!ai.60mil



Transcript of Plus Two March 2015 Chemistry

  • No. of i)Iint,.d Pages : 16


    llli ii,i i ritli,i;,;,ilii,ii, iilXi il il

    r$eq eromlRegister Number

    PART - ITI


    GpTLb:3 Loerofl JTime Allou,ed : 3 Hours l

    Ger$ uSl u: er: / CHEMI STRY,a6b o

    -o +.rCcl'ou9 lrm.&fr jlr- \elrion-,ffiff,kafvfl ge la[.cemt 6 Lo ngs Log L-r G L.., ainaoir : 1 50

    lNlaximum Marks : 150

    i6D 6irggl er!i) an n& s lgg Lir eflLrns rg9ernd) L6ir6fipn 61 6in Lr p (io iI+fl r rir$gB Glsn&eneq Lir. .9 deLr r$eF el geop L,!l g Lr r9eir .+ao9&gaisrsnenflLrr nenrfiu6 LL6nqur nE.6 Clprlierliboe16.$oLi etderg sgLrq eoLodeoerr Lor@Cro crlggtorplqgn ruairu@$pGerain@ L-ir. Lr Lrr.rsdr 6r6o[6)rp0 g 6 ueir6ei Lr u r 6 Lr Ogpeq Li.Check fie questjoD paper for {airness of pli.ting- 1f there is any lack offairness, inform the Hali Supervisor irnmediately.Use Black or Blue ink to $)1iie and to draw.liagrams.

    Ggroeru rau $r$$el L,lrLi oreoq$g, eLodnrn@E6D6n 6r(9glo.Ilraw diagrams and wr-ite equatjons wheteveL necessaty,

    e{dlol6!)r : (1)

    tnsh'uciions : (1)

    igdull :Note

    gdlLrq ,

    Nofe :

    1. g1g GLondl At+3 ts L6l6in6iirD&e GgeoerLrr@Ll oeuri,-lneiirsafleiir GLoneusofleiircrainerofl&oos :

    (et) s (+)1 (o) 2 (r) 4The number of rnoles of electtons required to discharge one mole of Al+3 is :(,) 3 (b) I (c) 2


    LrOSI - I/ PART - I

    s{6o6nggt or5)otrnrislggrilqLb etrleoruraflrisqLir.ef unom ofleoreou:.9 Ggn$Glg@$g erqg5ls.Answer all the questions.Choose and w-rite answer




    Gr) 4| $q5Lrqs / Tuln overffi,ffimfso!ai.60mil

  • 4683

    z. Cgaair,olrIiJ6 6rr o 6sul6, o6in a', 1156 snpCuo s-5

    1n r.,hich of the follor.'ing processes, the process is ah^'aYs non - feasible ?

    (sr) ,\H > o, as > o(gr)

    ^H>0,^s0,AS>C(c) AH > 0,4S < 0

    (a) the Fehling/s solutior(c) the Schiff's test

    (er) .+9rra6 erdleuib($) r-!lggrrqflJ, elLf euLb

    (.* ) p- Gl r drGe rg u9 G enndr(@) Cl r oine reu q eo po Q(a) p benzoquinone(c) bcnzaldehyde

    (+)AH0(Fr,) AH < 0, AS < 0

    (b) aH0(d) AH

  • 3 46837. une oro 6rdlLrgl 6$/i6ainl6r$fleir e'pLori eeogeci

    (.g ) Or"l*G $airLonseir (:g) EromG $riLoeroeir(0) tstr.*G eunqdeoir (n,) gg $ainLo6 Lo$gurn g19 $nLoLhAn emulsion is a colloidal solution of :(a) tu.o solids (b) two liquids(c) two gases (d) one solid and one liquid

    8. Lll 6iT orlgeremeufflei @bi eraflp neor 6oeopu-9eu G)upnrieneen,rrlgor nri 6er $ do

  • 4683 4

    11. 600 K Garur Seoor-L9ail $lsgb Llleircr 19 Lb gigL-lq$pran orrq eLopaoereflooonu9dr K. -ullair +leog :4NH3G)+5O2G) + 4NO(.) + 6H2O(.)(et) (mo1 dm 3) I (+) (mol dm-3) (g) (mo1 dm 3)10 (m) (mol dm 3) elor the homogeneous gas reaction at 600 K 4NH3(5)+5O21.1 = 4NO1-1 + 6H2OG),the equilibrium.onstant K. has the unit :(a) (mol dm 3) r (b) (mol 6--:; 161 lmot dlrr 3)10 (d) (mol dm-r)-e

    12. +6+6D6irG 6ggiisLb rlgeurer]gt(et) 5f eralrirlnertlein Sqrreo LoeogiuG)

  • 515. L960rn6D6! Zn - gn(yL6iJr snLrtrifl erra.ri6gLbGrngt :(.9) ClLleherd,q6opD@ (+) Clrohsnu96 sdleurjr(@) 6lrng166l6ir


    (m) CLreir$eirWhen phenol is distilled with Zn dusi, it gives:(a) benzaldchyde (b) benzoJc acid(c) toluene (d) benzene

    1 6. \'VlO r ndo$$!s rer grpd;reoLo r nel Loe nlerri)(et) qGqrrirod;r,sdr (-?,) sLb (gum)(@) er9lar6,g afl (rl) G6n19Lrq GerLrqscirT1-Le p ncipal emulsiiying agent fol W/O emulsioll is :(a) proteins (b) gum(c) lamp black (d) s].ntheii. soaps

    17. Ludlur rlnqEoeir .-- 6r6DdLti[6i[ prLLai6Dp Clufpoironeu.

    (er) eiSlsLi (+) g-p".t(S) U*#.,b (n) l6lsrigeopcqNoble gases have


    electlon affinity.(a) High (b) l.owG) Zero (d) Ve1y low

    18. XeFa -a;n 6)r+ar6 :(.:r) pnoiriqd (e.,) oaingadl (@) oenegirLb (,-r) L!lqL6@lh-. shape of XeF, is :(a) tetrahedral (b) octahedral (c) square pianar (d) pyramidal

    19. dieirrpeor sLhGiaeir gurf[io Lrueiru@ro LG6Dn5.i5o6o6: :(.9) .'"("l!irGlr gGqrLn (q;) GorainoorLi(@) eop&G1nb (+-) ciuGr cireocuL'fhe allo!'used in the manufacture of resistance wir-es is:(a) Ferro - chrome (b) Br.onze(r:) Nichrome (d) Stejlite

    468 3



    tr i $19nqo / rurn ov,.r'

  • (a) Sucrose(c) Maltose

    21. bcc Lrqs$$en(.e) 1

    4683 6

    20. l!16ir6!(D6.J6.rei.l !$lei er$ ueDu u q ei iiseorl?(s) +riGrretu (q) G+elgllGernotur(@) LonalGrneiu ( r.r. ) qnLrL9Gornoiu\ rhich one oI the following is a polysaccha de ?

    (b) Cellulose(d) Ralfnrose

    ei' sr6Dg a,rqgtcirorr Gl Lor$p etgt&aafl ein ora.iT6difl&6os :(er) 2 ($) 3 (ff) 4

    (d) 4The total number of atoms per unit cell of bcc is :(u) 1 (b) 2 (.) 3

    22. er +,l6DLDLrq LDDglLb &pgLlDLb gduorlfleir ereiirrGIlnL!1 Lon!pLb g:eopGur0.228 JK 1 L-DE9 Lb +0.260 JK-r ereo{ld grairrpdldr eroirL Gryrrll Lor$pLb

    (s) -o.o313 lK 1 (+) +0.0313 IK 1

    (g) +0.877 JK 1 (n) 0.877 IK-rThe change in entropy Ior a system and surrounding are 0.228 fK 1 and+ 0.260 JK 1 lespectively. Then entropy change of the universe is :(u) 0.03:13 JK-1G) + 0.877 JK 1

    (b) + 0.0313 IK 1(d) 0.877 lK 1

    23. Glr nrflrndaSlafl eir Cleueb:(er ) gerf1+Getrrieos(4) 496;6lg2eoeo Gp661 eoar$pglLb erS$gr Cleclglpglti)(S) oeorirlneir Lon$pLir, gcr $peir eoLo u.)$g] b C1 r no"

    The function of feridoxin ls :(a) photosynthesis(b) siorage and hanspolt of oxygen(. J c., h-orr rJn-i(d) sensitiser

  • oaTI ( NH/..lrH' t,)l - \ Le.o-onJrli \.-.(a) Methylamine (b) Ethytamnre(c) Dimethylamine (d) Nitro methane

    25. e,-r rq eili)erriE 6 r n1g roofl 6ir Lr u r6irlr 0 6rgl(et) Mno, (g) ceo, (6) N:o. ( r-r,) Fero.

    is used in gas lamp mate al.(a) Mno. (b) Ceo2 (c) Nro. (d) Fe2o326. cr)pll-[Aoi

    .e.]gl6tlE5r6ir Grri gq$$oh o$lrq(.$) 0.s29 x 10 10 cm(m) 0.529 x 10 12 cn.r

    'fhe value oI Bolt radius for hldrogen atom is :(a) 0.529 x 10 6 cm(c) 0.529 x 10 t'cm

    7 4683

    o24. CF , \Ll. -4,H1 E- r Gs LDLb \ " dn gl6T.T,S afiTlTA)

    (sl ) ClLDSoorl6dn


    27. 6!-rooou Gei Loralsorllel ereGeirLoLh lgGTnenodt gGcrrr6o[0 Genponor6gLLLILrlg]?(er) Cuc1, (g)Hgcl, (g) zncl, (n) CoHuClwhich of fie follor,,ing conrpounds will not give positive chromyt tcst ?(a) CuCl" (b) HgCl2 (c) ZnCl, (d) C.,l l5ci

    28. r,prflerr g66lgeir sgl :(c;t) L6lg orlleoen er9rflud[iogt (g)

    "5ld@ 6euiLrLrrtg(g) +d6gc6irpgr6 geineoLo (n) LD,b.o.q g;eineoouleoruglOxygen atom of eiher is :(a) vely reactivc (b) replaceable(c) oxidisjng (d) conrparatively inert

    ($) an rGlLo$$ er n LS etr

    (r) 0.529 x 10 8 cm(O) 0.529 x1o 6 cm

    (4) erg$ondeir(n ) eoprGln r6$Gpoir

    (b) 0.529 x l0 ro cm(d) 0.529 x 10 1? cm

    [ $lgLrqs / l'urn ovet

  • 4683


    (er) Su6;o gppe ( ",) 1gaop$prre glpen

    (S) pare! gppeb (r.r,) dlenn6,tg qpp6nThe ercess enelg-v which a molecule must possess to become active is known as:

    (a) Kinetic energv (b) Threshold energy(c) Poiential energy (d) Activation energy

    30. e(E ELDC6o6D orll or en u9 eu, Ang Lo$uq Gprigfleou.r 6lrpf)6rLQeir,rQ eirer ger omor ! fl el erflu neog ergt ?

    (n) Kp: K.:0For an equilibrium reaction, Ang value is positjve, which of ihe following is corre.l ?(a) Ko=K. (b) Kr > Kc (c) Kp < Kc (d) Kp=Kc:0

    u(gSl - IIl PARr-rI

    gflnq : (i) oGgglrb u$leoon$gl o9

  • 9 46E333. grtr6086;T $eor GeirLorieoir areiirp irdu ereinen? gr6upd6in g19 punrflLrq

    Gr6op6nur p.J6.

    What are inter halogen compounds ? Give one preparation.

    34. H:Po" gO (!Dri;sn[$g]6! elLdeuri. eoeinrn@eqgreir $gr-!1H:POa is tliplotic. Justify with equations.

    35. @er r$)eoo paflL-oraom "9o.eomo1ri Ge[Loo]s6o6rr zgorrrigorg Oeir?Why do d-block elements Iorm complexes ?

    36. dlelorn l6)lpeil ereirpneu 6r6i,l6ir? glgt oolornp p@risLrr@6lpg?trVhat is spitting of silver ? How can it be plevented ?

    37. ;opDLrAa\ gewr@ 6leu:ou$gleiror =;tdl6!ll!r6i a6$eop er19po.

    Wriie the pdnciple behind the llydrogen bon1b.

    38. s6rirr6dornq eralarng rlgotngdlpgt?How are glasses formed ?

    39. ercinuGynr9l creinpneu ereiiren? .9g6ir g)l6))g56o6n &,S1.h hat , .r.rop, ' Writ . rr\ u r:r

    | $1quqo / Tum over'

  • 4683 1040. aJenr6rslu.rfl 6in p$gor$eop o1195]s.

    State Le-chatlier's pdnciple.

    41. 6r6rtlur LofgLb dlisar,rom erlleilemooir ereirgnei eroiron?\{hat are simple and complex reactions ?

    a2. (gg6a ereos e9aoomu.lldn crgleoon Gers orfla5lu9ein o$)uq 1.54x10-3sec leroflel160 treIr r$el.l oneu$eop [email protected] rate constart of a order reaction is 1.54x10 3sec-l_ Calculate its halJ lifeperiod.

    43. ellllar6n Geue or!fl 6r6inp1161 6r6ir6n? gr 6r@ggl6srL@ p6s.What is catalysis ? Give an example.

    44. goiuorirdraon $ri'$pel o$$aou a",pt.State Ostwald's dilution law.

    45. fleinerLdl& eldlor$pa;r Z lnDojir E jmLoLrqseo6n orr@a.

    Give the structures of Z and E forms of cinnamic acid.

    45. qlLrGreir 2 qgdr LofpLo Z GlLo$$en qqLrGrair-2-gel +5duer!eopGergL-l@$glLb @6 Gar:$udu G+ngeoerearcn p19o.Give two.hemical tests to distingrish propan - 2 - o1 and 2-meth],lpropan - 2 - ol.

    47. Clueineoedl qdogonel, Oararei GlLo&affluLb qGqneo Loqa5lg$gt 6r6iralrr0l0Llpuu@dpgl?Hor .. L,en-vl r.ol,o ol,r

    'neofio. r.l .' rt . ,",.. i,,- or.,-l-a" :

  • 11 4683

    a8. Cllndeireiu erglatanenr er19go.Wr-ite Perkins reaction.

    49. 6)rd,6DLd gc6nn6orlo, eurrieot@ @er!fleir elatLoLtrolr 6r(9916.C]jve the structures of lactyl chlo de and la.iide.

    s0. c6lJicoNH2 . #+ , -ffi, v

    -$- z. x,y rDpp6 z er6tuJ6r$6opoainrfl.

    c6IT.coNH2 #f * -#-, , --.,,aa!: + z rdentif,x, y a,d z.

    51. L6r6rq I rrgtsn! I neiirseir ereirpnel ereiirem? gri o@$g]riofu@ gqp.l{rhat are food preservatives ? Cive aD example.

    u6EEl - rrr / pART-rrr

    gfluq : ger6errg Girflaia i6$g1Lil EeoprigrroLb S11 e{iemnri,aaoen Gpipclp@pgoGpgrLb olqg o$errnrioqSrig erlleoruafi. 7x5=35

    Note : Answer any seven ques&nrs choosinsht least two questions fuom ea.h section

    L9lflo] - { /sECTroN_A

    52. 206D6&,g gri-Lll urieb G)sneireoaeout elieirrilgo.Explain the postulatcs of Molc1:uler orbiral theor.y.

    53. gtue6 lg6i,r p trgtorlcrl1g$g; ero! er ng Lt:l fl $Gl g@ri;sLr rr@dlpg1 ?

    Hor,v is Eiold exh.acted fr-om its ore ?




    | $qqLrqo / 1\rrn over

  • 4683 72

    54. 6 p&a 6i .fl6in d e6n 6- d. 4."Write the uses oI Lanthanides.

    55. pEB er6irrgtoqlrdr +leoeorq Lcnpflu6 LoSgr6 +1u:eri u npel Lorlfluraroeoener9)cnriga.Explain coordination and ionisatioi isomedsm ra,ith examples.

    LSlflq -AlSECTIoN-B

    56. a-+a6r' : " 6i f r' 5) d, eao . 94.Cive the charactedstics of lree energ,v.

    57. PC15 6enpqri e$eoemrig Kc LDlrgrn Ka Lonf)dloqgrisnanr +roeirllr'@seoenor 6er!1 d,oo,1 Li .

    De ve lhe expressions K. and K, for dccomposition of PC15.

    58. 49 o,ds elE6i6d Srir Sl ill -6, .&"'6-cr, bW te the characteristics of first order reaction.

    59. 25'C -d Zn Ag u9eiroeu$$leir e.m.f 6ri; [email protected]:0.001M LrpgLn [Ag-l:0.1M (E"dr 5 25'c -6i =1.56v)Calculale the e.m { of the Zn

    - Ag celi at 25'C r /hen IZn2+l :0.001M and IAg+ I = 0 1M

    (E."1 at 25'C:1.56V)

    flflq -ElsECl'roN-c

    60. 6d,L6r$96n n pi Lll eher oqromf atggroir rreuou np or9anorq fl 6 pS ?(gr) ozl 6onr GlgnrriLt (q;) Hr (er$o sereq) (O) PC15Ho\\ does djethy] elher react (,ith the {ollowing reatents ?(a) o2/lorg contact (b) I II in ercess (cJ PC15

  • 13 468361. +rflrrneirtengry@ m@rr@eion ggts1g gdrrnel lggeia oLlileoorugaiir arllaoerr

    or g!6oeopeou er!1orrfl .Expiain the mechanism of acctaldehy.le inr.olved crossed aldol condensaiitnl.

    62. lidrrougLb Gei Lorascir GlLldoenu.ll{i erdleu$$a516$5t oeirerrE 6rpLrr$$pgt(et ) erp$ei 6lLdnGerGu-rr(+) Gl r6i{6De6n +6i5gDr6i)($) Clrefr-te;Ilow are the follovring conpounds obtained b-.nzoic acid ?(a) Ethyl benzoate(b) Benz,vl alcohoi(c) Benzene

    63. El@irgrulir er$lfiseoorl: !!rfl 6r(ggrs. peoo Sg&s ere[),6lornqromfleeifleir ruleinurrrg ?\trite bdeflv on aniilriotics. ln what r\ray antispasmodics are helpllrl ?


    (9dnq: (i) Gon$ph gneirig a*lennriatg}ig e$eoL uefl 4x10=40(ii) 6!ll6rtr 616;11 70 {iLq oLLnulLDtTs e$eorratiiaLr r, rei Gelanr@6

    6pgrd-'cn c-9 eo nriseill ci ocggl6 t 6i,rgf e!)enraoqgsgerl eo


    -e- j p,a 'o

    Note : (i) Answer four questiolls in all.(ii) Quesiion number 70 isl.ompulsory and ansner any three irom the

    remainins qqestions.

    54. (+l) ocldrqrnei;r oeli'peieoLorisnem lne0nl garor!'ra-.r erllar rfl.(.29)

    "'.qGenneol@aefle6lgg51 "'.qGennrildn erarer rrn. [lrfl$6to@eisn r@$.ogr?(a) Explain Pauling's scale of electrone8atiYity.(bt FIou, is flrro].ine isolated from fluorides ?




    | $lqLrqs / Trr.n over'

  • 4683 t4

    65. (J}1) ICo(NHl)aClr1 No, ereinp .9]eoomq Geiio$$dn(i) IUPAC Gtuujn (1i) 6DLoLr rGcune +}uJe#l(iii) Fr6dfl (iv) e16o6iir64 Gsnor$pein r-6]draeoo(v) etaralroq arailr4dluor$eop gflrrr9@s.

    (4g) o$rflu6s srriueo sr6D pirarLi: glarpLrr!fl aflor fl

    (a) Mention the following for the complex lCo(NH.).tCI2lNO2(i) IUPAC name (ii) Cenhal metal ion(iii) l,igand (irJ Charge on the Co-ordinalion sphere(v) Co-ordinationnumber

    (b) Explain about Radio Carbon dating.

    66. (et ) etuofl LrL.rqoasafl eir 6pur9lueuqoeoen erqgSlo

    (+) 6119 *0, gtoaflein r-&eiraenoeou erorelng $)ireroru9 Ll L-l nur ?(a) Wdte the characteristics of ionic crystals.ft) How can you determine the charge o{ the soi Particles ?

    67. (sr ) +6iuL arnarqeir $n$pal et9peou e$en&g(g) srrleon +ppgls(glb EMF 6gtir rdron G)pnrriarr o$er rf)(a) Elplain Ostwald's dilution law(b) Discuss the relation between free energy a.nd EMF.

  • 15

    eS. (et) $eneirdlGuruoirsdr m$gLir ru roiu qrtlGur noraeoar Gergr@$51u(4) L!)dorgLn crll eoeonenen egerfl.

    (i) HVZ erl)aoeu(ii) Lorpg areir rqrnrilgp ei er9eoen.r , Cl ogdi ia etC ". . 9.LrS.

    (a) Diffelentiate befi\,een Enantiomer and Diastereomer.(b) Explain ihe Iollowing reactions :

    (i) HVZ reaction(ii) Transesierilication(iii) Meth).I salicylaie formation

    69. (.9 ) Brf 6o6riru-r, i-ifl6a6inru l Lo!g1 Li gtergleoemru "4l deiroeocn Gerg r @$gs.

    (g) .'"Lr qriGrrduor5lcir cleoLolq ereier nE g19er9risLrr@dpgr oei;rL_er.g ellenri1q.(a) Distinguish Lret ,een Primar.y, Secondary and l'ertiary amines(1, Elucidate the sh.ucture of ftuctose.

    70. (r) C2Ha 6rdrD LLDclt&&'g orlfiurLrL]lrO Getrai]L (7\) 6rdnp GsiLoli snqrLb ao$p6lnrrn4luLb GluirLontllsGemr@teir e$eoeorqfl $g C2I1602 6r6iirp LLD6Le&101errur!rn@ 16oLur (B) ercirp GeriLo$arg pgdpS GenLoro (B) -ts 6[DDgl ruri qqGennm7$rrir Gei$g1 GlerrLrur@$p C2HrO cr6irp 6!rurLrLrrOC]6r6IITL (C) GeirLrLb rlgerndlpg (A), (B) LDpgrLb (C) g sainr$Ipg,69" .16" 6, 6r\ 6 ; g.

    (+) 12 +Lb Clgnlg$ opgLb ,t q;Lb Gtgr.rarT enn$g $orLb oeu$p Gerairemiipgefio6 (-l) .91Ltr: 6li,ps stdl6DE,gL6in er,ileoerq rflpg1 SO2 6)r u_t6i)6lGlererflGupfl (B) E 6r6tE.etp6ijr LLr6DLr

    .g(Edllrgr (B) gomg GenquLb6DLr 6nir!G.irLO Ler elilarcnq rfl $g, Gpnd GpnarLr 6enrLr r @$q 6aofldqoefld ru qrr6 r".4u G+iroLb (C) -g1 pqdlpgr (A), (B) LoOgJb,,

    -F s6bn J.g o$,e ea. er;ogc't5i 6ugl






    [ $19Lrqo / l'urn over

  • 4683 L6(6) CzHs 6rdnp Lr! 6Drie'g arnurrn$ zorru'l srflrod GeiLoLo (A), v2oj

    g:eiorfl areu u9o s n$E rei'i efleoeuq fl .6gr, C7I]6O 6i6irD 0r6Dli5-g 6)r iru r u rG

    e-eorul GedLoLb (B) -E g6dlE51. Gei'oLb (B) g dl$$ub r gl 6l6it-tlur LDeogguarl$) Glsnairi@ g@risLb Geulu, CrHrO 6rdnp Ul6D66'gl 6rn!lunlreoru GefLodr (C) -ts podlpgr (A), (B) Lopg'n (c) -g sermrfl$ger9leoorseoor eSlen&1gs

    (r-r,) etaror9leun $ir$pel opgLl 0.1M Geflellal .9er5l:q6 er dlo$$1eir aLon