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PLST Online Reference Materials


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Table of Contents Evolution of fixed base operations 1 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) Conversion 2 Country Registration Prefixes 3 International Phonetic Alphabet 7 Aviation Terms and Acronyms 8 Measurement Conversion Table 29 Interior Cleaning Checklist 31 Operational Best Practices (OBP) – 50/10 Rule 32 Operational Best Practices (OBP) – Securing Aircraft 34 Operational Best Practices (OBP) – Chocking of Aircraft in Hangars 36 Operational Best Practices (OBP) – Safety Cones/Flags 37 Walk Around Inspection 39 FOD Facts 41 Service Request Form 42 Spill Response Kit 43 Light Signals & Ground Vehicle Operations 44 Aircraft Support Vehicle Driving Safety 45 Understanding Ramp Hand Signals (booklet) 46 Anti-Icing Additive Injector Guidance from Manufacturers 73 Helicopter Safety 79 Jet Fuel Conversion Chart 80 Automatic Fuel Shut-off and Pre-check Systems 83 Fuel Vent Systems 84 Tow Tracking Log 85 Tow Inspection Record 86 Towing Walk-Around Inspection 87 Operational Best Practices (OBP) – Safety Whistle 89 Fragile Aircraft Components 91 Towing Safety 92 Typical Towing Sequence 94 Enhanced Fuel Farm\Fuel Storage Facility Security Measures & Fuel Vehicle Access Procedures 97 Reclaim Tanks 99 Quick Turn 101 Aviation Phraseology 102 Aviation Alphabet 104 Hands-on Fire Extinguisher Training Record 105



FBOs are businesses that began during the barnstorming days of aviation. Barnstormers flew around the country, and because there were few airports at that time, pilots relied on mobile ground vehicles to follow them across the country and support their needs for fuel, maintenance and parts.

Because of the inefficiency of this process, and as the number of aircraft and airports began to grow, it was recognized that the provision of essential services could be more effectively deployed at fixed airport locations – thus the acronym Fixed Base Operation, or FBO, was born.

As the importance of the aircraft’s role in society became more prominent, so did the role of the FBO. It became obvious that the FBO would play the central role as a service industry for aircraft and the people flying in them. Over the years, the aviation public would come to depend upon the FBO and its ability to provide a spectrum of essential and specialized services.

As the number of airports grew and flourished across the country, so too, did the number of FBOs, each providing a range of products and services to meet the demands of their customers. Today, modern FBOs depend upon trained and skilled people for the provision of services to aircr aft, the passengers that they carry and the pilots and support personnel who operate them


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(UTC)CONVERSION Atlantic Standard add 4 hours

Eastern Daylight add 4 hours

Eastern Standard add 5 hours

Central Daylight add 5 hours

Central Standard add 6 hours

Mountain Daylight add 6 hours

Mountain Standard add 7 hours

Pacific Daylight add 7 hours

Pacific Standard add 8 hours

British Columbia Daylight add 7 hours

British Columbia Standard add 8 hours

Alaska Daylight add 8 hours

Alaska Standard add 9 hours

Hawaii Standard add 10 hours


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Country Prefix Country Prefix Afghanistan YA Algeria 7T Angola D2 Anguilla VP-A Antigua & Barbuda V2 Argentina LQ,LV Armenia EK Aruba P4 Australia VH Austria OE Azerbaijan 4K Bahamas C6 Bahrain A9C Bangladesh S2 Barbados 8P Belarus EW Belgium OO Belize V3 Benin TY Bermuda VP-B Bhutan A5 Bolivia CP Bosnia-Herzegovina T9 Botswana A2 Brazil PP,PR,PT,PU Brunei V8 Bulgaria LZ Burkina Faso XT Burundi 9U Cambodia XU Cameroon TJ Canada C,CF Cape Verde D4 Cayman Islands VP-C Central African Republic TL Chad TT

Chile CC China – (including Hong Kong SAR & Macao SAR) B

Colombia HJ,HK Congo TN Cook Islands E5 Costa Rica TI Côte d’Ivoire TU Croatia 9A Cuba CU Cyprus 5B Czech Republic OK Dem P eople’s Republic Korea P Dem Republic of Congo 9Q Denmark OY


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Country Prefix Country Prefix Djibouti J2 Dominica J7 Dominican Republic HI Ecuador HC Egypt SU El Salvador YS Equatorial Guinea 3C Eritrea E3 Estonia ES Ethiopia ET Falkland Islands VP-F Fiji DQ Finland OH France F Gabon TR Gambia C5 Georgia 4L Germany D Ghana 9G Gibraltar VP-G Greece SX Grenada J3 Guatemala TG Guinea 3X Guinea Bissau J5 Guyana 8R Haiti HH Honduras HR Hungary HA Iceland TF India VT Indonesia PK Iran (Islamic Republic of) EP Iraq YI Ireland EI Isle of Man M Israel 4X Italy I Jamaica 6Y Japan JA Jordan JY Kazakhstan UN Kenya 5Y Kuwait 9K

Kyrgyzstan EX Lao People’s Democratic Republic RDPL

Latvia YL Lebanon OD Lesotho 7P Liberia A8 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 5A Liechtenstein HB Lithuania LY Luxembourg LX Madagascar 5R Malawi 7Q Malaysia 9M Maldives 8Q Mali TZ Malta 9H Marshall Islands V7 Mauritania 5T Mauritius 3B Mexico XA,XB,XC


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Country Prefix Country Prefix Micronesia (Federated States of) V6 Monaco 3A

Mongolia JU Montenegro 4O Montserrat VP-M Morocco CN Mozambique C9 Myanmar XY,XZ Namibia V5 Nauru C2 Nepal 9N Netherlands PH Netherlands Antilles PJ New Zealand ZK,ZL,ZM Nicaragua YN Niger 5U Nigeria 5N Norway LN Oman A40 Pakistan AP Palau T8 Panama HP Papua New Guinea P2 Paraguay ZP Peru OB Philippines RP Poland SP Portugal CR,CS Qatar A7 Republic of Korea HL Republic of Moldova ER Romania YR Russian Federation RA Rwanda 9XR Samoa 5W San Marino T7 Sao Tome & Principe S9 Saudi Arabia HZ Senegal 6V,6W Serbia YU Seychelles S7 Sierra Leone 9L Singapore 9V Slovakia OM Slovenia S5 Solomon Islands H4 Somalia 6O South Africa ZS,ZT,ZU Spain EC Sri Lanka 4R St. Helena - Ascension VQ-H St. Kitts & Nevis V4

St. Lucia J6 St. Vincent and the Grenadines J8

Sudan ST Surinam PZ Swaziland 3D Sweden SE Switzerland HB Syrian Arab Republic YK Tajikistan EY Tanzania 5H

Thailand HS The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Z3


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Country Prefix Country Prefix Togo 5V Tonga A3 Trinidad & Tobago 9Y Tunisia TS Turkey TC Turkmenistan EZ Turks & Caicos Islands VQ-T Uganda 5X Ukraine UR United Arab Emirates A6 United Kingdom G United Republic of Tanzania 5H United States of America N Uruguay CX Uzbekistan UK Vanuatu YJ Venezuela YV Viet Nam VN Virgin Islands VP-L Yemen 7O Zambia 9J Zimbabwe Z


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International Phonetic


For reasons of safety and standardization around the world, all aviation radio communications must be clear and accurate.

To achieve this, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has adopted English as the official international language of aviation and, has established the International Phonetic Alphabet, to be used in radio transmissions.

Because several letters sound alike, such as B, C and D, you must learn the appropriate phonetic alphabet code to differentiate between the various letters. Under the phonetic alphabet B, C, and D would be pronounced Bravo, Charlie and Delta.


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A & P Mechanic: see Aircraft & Powerplant Mechanic

Abeam: An aircraft is ʺabeamʺ a fix, point, or object when that fix, point, or object is approximately 90 degrees to the right or left of the aircraft track. Abeam indicates a general position rather than a precise point.

ABO: See Aviators Breathing Oxygen

Abort: To terminate a preplanned aircraft maneuver; i.e., an aborted takeoff.

Above Ground Fuel Storage Facility: A Fuel Storage Facility (system) whereby the fuel storage tanks are located above ground level.

Above Ground Level: The height of an aircraft above ground level; also known as absolute altitude. May be determined by subtracting the elevation of the ground from the flight altitude above mean sea level.

ʺAcknowledgeʺ: Let me know that you have received and understood my message.

Acrobatic Flight: An intentional maneuver involving an abrupt change in an aircraftʹs altitude, an abnormal attitude, abnormal acceleration not necessary for normal flight.

ʺAdvise Intentionsʺ: Tell me what you plan to do.

Advisory: Advice and information provided by a facility to assist pilots in the safe conduct of flight and aircraft movement.

AD: see Airworthiness Directive.

AD Oil: see Ashless Dispersant Oil . Advisory Frequency: The appropriate frequency to be used for airport advisory service.

Advisory Service: Advice and information provided by a facility to assist pilots in the safe conduct of flight and aircraft movement.

Aerial Refueling: A procedure used by the military to transfer fuel from one aircraft to another during flight.

Aeronautical Chart: A map used in air navigation containing all or part of the following: Topographical features, hazards and

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obstructions, navigation aids, navigation routes, designated airspace, and airports. Commonly used aeronautical charts are: 1. Sectional Charts: Designed for visual navigation of slow or medium speed aircraft. 2. VFR Terminal Area Charts: Depict Class B airspace that provides for control or segregation of all the aircraft within the Class B airspace. 3. World Aeronautical Charts (WAC): Provide a standard series of aeronautical charts covering land areas of the world at a size and scale convenient for navigation by moderate speed aircraft. 4. En Route Low Altitude Charts: Provide aeronautical information for en route instrument navigation (IFR) in the low altitude stratum. 5. En Route High Altitude Charts: Provide aeronautical information for En route instrument navigation (IFR) in the high altitude stratum.

AFD: see Airport Facility Directory

ʺAffirmativeʺ: Yes.

Aft: Toward the rear of the aircraft.

AGL: see Above Ground Level.

Aileron: A primary flight control surface mounted on the trailing edge of the airplane wing, near the tip.

Air Brake: Any device primarily used to increase the drag of an aircraft.

Air Carrier Operations: Arrivals and departures of air carriers certificated in accordance with FAR Part 121 and 127.

Aircraft & Powerplant Mechanic: An aviation mechanic who is licensed by the FAA and holds combined ratings of Airframe (A) and Powerplant (P). The A&P Mechanic services, repairs, and overhauls aircraft and aircraft engines to insure airworthiness.

Air Route Traffic Control Center: A facility established to provide air traffic control service to aircraft operating on an IFR flight plan within controlled airspace and principally during the en route phase of flight. When equipment capabilities and controller workload permit, certain advisory services may be provided to VFR aircraft.

Air Taxi Operator: An air carrier certificated in accordance with FAR Part 135 and authorized to provide, on demand, public


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transportation of persons and property by aircraft. Generally operates small aircraft ʺfor hireʺ for specific trips.

Air Traffic: Aircraft operating in the air or on an airport surface, exclusive of loading ramps and parking areas.

Air Traffic Control: A service operated by appropriate authority to promote the safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic.

Aircraft: A machine that can derive support from the atmosphere from the reaction of the air other than the reaction of the air against the earthʹs surface.

Aircraft Classes: For the purposes of Wake Turbulence Separation Minima, ATC classifies aircraft as Heavy, Large, and Small as follows: (1) Heavy - Aircraft capable of takeoff weights of 300,000 pounds (136,078 kg) or more whether or not they are operating at this weight during a particular phase of flight. (2) Large - Aircraft of more than 12,500 pounds (5,670 kg), maximum certificated takeoff weight, up to 300,00 (136,078 kg) pounds. (3) Small - Aircraft of 12,500 pounds (5,670 kg) or less maximum certificated takeoff weight.

Aircraft Dispatch: The control and management of aircraft operations including; aircraft scheduling, weight and balance computation, route of flight planning, and weather data gathering.

Aircraft Operations: The airborne movement of aircraft in controlled or uncontrolled airport terminal areas, and counts at en route fixes or other points where aircraft movements can be counted. There are two types of operations: local and itinerant. (1) LOCAL OPERATIONS are performed by aircraft that: (a) operate in the local traffic pattern or within sight of the airport; (b) are known to be departing for or arriving from flights in local practice areas located within a 20-mile radius of the airport; execute simulated instrument approaches or low passes at the airport. (2) ITINERANT OPERATIONS are all aircraft operations other than local operations.

Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting: Airport Fire Fighters specializing in aircraft fire and rescue techniques.

Airfoil: Any surface, such as an aircraft wing or helicopter Rotor, designed to obtain a useful reaction, such as lift, from air passing over it.

Airframe: The structure of an aircraft that does not include the powerplant. This would include the wings, fuselage, and tail

Airmanʹs Meteorological Information: In-flight weather advisories issued only to amend the area forecast concerning weather phenomena which are of operational interest to all

aircraft and potentially hazardous to aircraft having limited capability because of lack of equipment, instrumentation, or pilot qualifications. Airmets cover moderate icing, moderate turbulence, sustained winds of 30 or more at the surface, widespread areas of ceilings less than 1,000 feet and\or visibility less than 3 miles, and extensive mountain obscurement.

AIRMET: see Airmanʹs Meteorological Information

Airplane: An engine driven fixed wing aircraft that is heavier than the air, and is supported in flight by the dynamic reaction of the air against its wings.

Airport: An area on land or water that is used or intended to be used for the landing and takeoff of aircraft and includes its buildings and facilities, if any.

Airport Advisory Service: A service provided by flight service stations at airports not served by a control tower. This service provides information to arriving and departing aircraft concerning wind direction/speed, favored runway, altimeter setting, pertinent known traffic/field conditions, airport taxi routes, traffic patterns, and authorized instrument approach procedures.

Airport Elevation: The highest point of an airportʹs usable runways measured in feet from mean sea level.

Airport Facility Directory: A publication designed as a pilotʹs operational manual containing all airports, seaplane bases, and heliports open to the public including communications data, navigational facilities, and certain special notices and procedures.

Air Operations Area: The area used or intended to be used for the landing, takeoff or surface maneuvering of aircraft.

Airport Rotating Beacon: A visual navaid operated at many airports. At civil airports, alternating white and green flashes indicate the location of the airport. At military airports, the beacons flash alternately white and green but a re differentiated from civil beacons by dual-peaked (two quick) white flashes between the green flashes.

Airport Surveillance Radar: Approach control radar used to detect and display an aircraftʹs position in the terminal area. ASR provides range and azimuth information but does not provide elevation data.

Airport Traffic Control Tower: See Tower

Airspeed: The speed of an aircraft relative to its surrounding air mass. The unqualified term ʺairspeedʺ means one of the following: 1. Indicated Airspeed – The speed shown on the aircraft airspeed indicator. This is the speed used in pilot/controller

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communications; it is referred to under the general term ʺairspeed.ʺ 2. True Airspeed - The airspeed of an aircraft relative to undisturbed air. Used primarily in flight planning and the enroute portion of flight. When used in pilot/controller communications, it is referred to as ʺtrue airspeedʺ and not shortened to ʺairspeed.ʺ This is the ʺIndicated Airspeedʺ corrected for error due to air density (temperature and altitude).

Airstart Unit (Ground): A mobile unit housing a turbine engine or other device used to generate high pressure air to rotate the turbine engine blades and start larger aircraft.

Airworthiness Certificate: A certificate issued by the Federal Aviation Administration to aircraft that meet the minimum standards for airworthiness as specified in the appropriate part of the Federal Aviation Regulations.

Airworthiness Directive: During the life of an aircraft, the manufacturer will sometimes find defects in the aircraft that make it unsafe for flight. When this occurs, the FAA issues what is called an AD. ADʹs require the aircraft owner/operator to replace or repair the defect before the aircraft can continue to be operated.

All‐Cargo Carrier: An air carrier certificated in accordance with FAR Part 121to provide scheduled air freight, express, and mail transportation over specified routes, as well as to conduct nonscheduled operations that may include passengers.

Alternate Airport: An airport at which an aircraft may land if a landing at the intended airport becomes inadvisable.

Altimeter: An instrument for measuring height above a reference datum. Specifically an instrument, similar to an aneroid barometer, that utilizes the change of atmospheric pressure with altitude to indicate the approximate elevation above a given point or plane used as a reference.

Altimeter Setting: The barometric pressure reading used to adjust a pressure altimeter for variations in existing atmospheric pressure. This setting is calibrated based upon a standard altimeter setting of (29.92ʺHg.)

Altitude: The height of a level, point, or object measured in feet above ground level (agl) or from mean sea level (msl). 1. MSL- Altitude expressed in feet measured from mean sea level. 2. AGL - expressed in feet measured above ground level. 3. Indicated - The altitude as shown by a pressure altimeter uncorrected for instrument error or variation from standard atmospheric conditions.

Ambient temperature: The air temperature surrounding a specific area.

American Petroleum Institute: A national society that has developed standards for aviation fuel, and aviation fuel handling equipment and procedures. (

American Society for Testing and Materials:

Amperage: A value that expresses current; a measure of the rate of electrical flow. For example; fuel flow is measured in gallons per minute. The ʺgallonʺ is the quantity, and the ʺgallons per minuteʺ is the rate of flow. Using this example, ampere is the rate of flow.

Anti‐Collision Light: A high intensity, flashing or condenser discharge light or group of lights mounted on an aircraft to allow it to be seen more easily.

Anti‐icing: Measures used to prevent ice formation on aircraft.

AOA: see Airport Operations Area

API: see American Petroleum Institute

API Degrees: Units for fuel density measurement.

API Gravity: A specific test method for determining the density of fuel. It is an arbitrary scale expressing the gravity or density of liquid petroleum products. The measuring scale is calibrated in terms of degrees API. It may be calculated in terms of the following formula: ºAPI = (141.5 ÷ Specific Gravity @ 60ºF) - 131.5

Approach: The segment of an airplane flight just preceding, and in preparation for, a landing.

Apron: A defined area, outdoors and normally paved, on an airport or heliport intended to accommodate aircraft purposes of loading or unloading passengers or cargo, refueling, defueling, servicing, parking, securing, or maintenance. With regard to seaplanes, a ramp may be used for access to or from the water.

APU: see Auxiliary Power Unit

ARTCC: see Air Route Traffic Control Center

ARFF: see Aircraft Rescue and FireFighting

Ashless Dispersant Oil: A form of mineral oil used as a lubricant for aircraft reciprocating engines, which contains additives that keep the contaminants, that form in the oil, dispersed throughout the oil so that they will not join together and clog the oil filters.

ASTM: see American Society for Testing and Materials.

ATC: see Air Traffic Control

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ATIS: see Automatic Terminal Information Service

Attitude: The relationship of an aircraft and a fixed reference; normally used with respect to the horizon of the earth.

Auto‐Ignition Temperature: The temperature at which a mixture of flammable vapor and air will ignite from contact with a hot surface such as a muffler, exhaust pipe, turbine engine, brake pads, etc. without a flame or spark. For jet fuel, the temperature is approximately 475ºF (246ºC) and for Avgas it is approximately 840ºF (449ºC). These are relatively low temperatures when one considers the exhaust pipe of a common engine is normally about 950ºF(510Cº) when the engine is running, and it takes some turbine engines 20-25 minutes from the time the fan blades stop rotating after shut-down to the time the blades have cooled below 475ºF (246ºC).

Automatic Shutoff (aircraft): Fuel level sensing devices within the aircraftʹs various tanks that automatically close the valve to the individual tank thus stopping the flow of fuel when a tank has reached its maximum or predetermined level.

Automatic Terminal Information Service: The continuous broadcast of recorded non-control information in selected terminal areas. Its purpose is to improve controller effectiveness and to relieve frequency congestion by automating the repetitive transmission of essential by routine information; e.g., ʺLos Angeles information Alpha. One-three- zero Coordinated Universal Time. Weather, measured ceiling two thousand overcast, visibility three, haze, smoke, temperature seven-one, dew point five-seven, wind two-five-zero at five, altimeter two niner, niner six. ILS Runway Two-five Left approach in use, Runway Two-five Right closed -- advise you have Alpha.ʺ

Auxiliary Fuel Tanks: Those fuel tanks that are designated as the secondary supply of fuel for the engines, and are utilized for extended range flight operations.

Auxiliary Power Unit: A self contained power unit on an aircraft providing electrical/pneumatic power to aircraft systems during ground operations.

AVGAS: see Aviation Gasoline

Aviation Gasoline (AVGAS): A gasoline manufactured specifically for use as aviation fuel in reciprocating engines. Must not be contaminated with ordinary motor gasoline nor motor gasoline used in its place. As an example, AVGAS 100/130 normally contains less than 4.0 ml/gal of tetraethyl lead and is colored green. AVGAS 100LL is a low lead AVGAS 100 that contains less than 2.0 ml/gal of tetraethyl lead and is colored blue. AVGAS is considered a Flammable, Class IB (NFPA 30). These products are manufactured to meet Specification ASTM D910, UK Def Stan 91-90 and/or other local government or airline specifications.

Aviation Safety Reporting Program: A voluntary reporting program that invites pilots, controllers, maintenance people, and others directly involved in aviation to contribute to the FAAʹs efforts to promote safety by reporting actual or potential safety discrepancies or deficiencies. NASA handles receipt, processing, and analysis of raw data under its Aviation Safety Reporting System.

Aviators Breathing Oxygen: Oxygen containing 99.5% pure oxygen, and not more than .005 milligrams of water per liter.

Balanced Fuel Loading: The loading of fuel on board an aircraft in a manner so that the fuel is equally distributed to both the left and right wings or in such a way as to assure a proper aircraft center of gravity and balance.

Beacon: A light, or group of lights, or electronic source that emits a distinctive signal used for the determination of bearings, courses, or location.

Below Ground Fuel Storage Facility: A Fuel Storage Facility (system) whereby all fuel storage tanks are located below ground level.

Below Minimums: Weather conditions below the minimum prescribed by regulation for the particular action involved; e.g., landing minimums, takeoff minimums.

Biplane: An airplane with two main supporting surfaces (wings) placed one above the other.

Blast Fence: A barrier that is used to divert or dissipate jet or propeller blast.

Bleed Air: Compressed air from the engine compressor directed into the cabin pressurization system, or to drive others services.

Blind Spot: An area from which radio transmissions and/or radar echoes cannot be received. The term is also used to describe portions of the airport not visible from the control tower.

Block To Block Time: The period between the time the aircraft first commences to move with the intention of flight to the time it finally comes to a stop after the flight.

Blue Ice: Lavatory system water that has leaked out of the aircraft and freezes when the aircraft is airborne at cold temperatures. This ice may break off and cause possible damage to the aircraft and engines in addition to people and personnel on the ground.

Bonding: A method of ensuring that the same electrical potential exists between separate units (i.e., aircraft/refueler; filter/bucket; transport truck/receiving facility; etc.) by connecting the units with conductive wire or cable.


Bonding Plug: A single plug connected to the end of a conductive wire or cable that may be connected to an over wing nozzle and/or a single point nozzle and is inserted into a designated area near the refueling filler prior to nozzle insertion/connection.

Bottom Loading: The loading of fuel into an aircraft refueler tank through a coupler connection on the lower portion of the refueler tank. The refill process utilizes pressure to move the fuel into the tank.

Braking Action: A report of conditions on the airport movement area providing a pilot with a degree/quality of braking that might be expected. Braking action is reported in terms of good, fair, poor and nil.

Braking Action Advisories: When tower controllers have received runway braking action reports which include the terms ʺpoorʺ or ʺnilʺ, or whenever weather conditions are conducive to deteriorating or rapidly changing runway braking conditions, the tower will include on the ATIS broadcast the statement, ʺBraking action advisories are in effect.ʺ During the time braking action advisories are in effect, ATC will issue the latest braking action report for the runway in use to each arriving and departing aircraft.

British Standards Institution: A British national society responsible for establishing standards for products and equipment.

British Thermal Unit: Refers to the quantity of heat required to raise by 1ºF, the temperature of water at its maximum density (39.2ºF).

BSI: see British Standards Institution.

BTU: see British Thermal Unit.

Bulkhead (aircraft): A structural division of the compartments within the fuselage designed to strengthen the aircraft and act as a wall.

Business Transportation: Any use of an aircraft, not for compensation or hire, by an individual for transportation required by the business in which the individual is engaged. Cabin (aircraft): The component or section within the fuselage utilized for the carriage of passengers.

Call Sign: Letters, numbers or words used for aircraft identification purposes.

Canard: Small wings located forward of the main wings. Acting like a horizontal stabilizer, it provides longitudinal stability and may control the pitch attitude of the aircraft.

Canopy: A transparent enclosure, similar in shape to that of a clamshell, covering the cockpit which protects the pilots from the wind while also offering improved visibility.

CAT: see Clear Air Turbulence

Cathodic Protection: An electrical or electro-chemical method of protecting pipelines, storage tanks, and other fixed equipment from external corrosion.

Ceiling: The height above the earthʹs surface of the lowest layer of clouds or obscuring phenomena that is reported as ʺbrokenʺ, ʺovercastʺ or ʺobscurationʺ, and not classified as ʺthinʺ or partial.

Centerline: A real or imaginary line down the middle of the runway.

Centerline Thrust: The thrust produced by a twin engine aircraft that has its engines arranged ʺin-lineʺ (front and back) along the center axis of the aircraft. An example would be the Cessna-337, ̋ Skymaster.ʺ

Certificate Management Offices: Certificate Management Offices specialize in the certification, surveillance and inspection of major air carriers and Flight Safety International’s part 142 Training Centers..

CH: see Compass Heading

Chock: A triangular block of metal, rubber or wood placed in front of and behind the tires of an aircraft to keep the aircraft from rolling. Clay Filter: see filter types.

Clear Air Turbulence: Turbulence encountered in air where no clouds are present. This term is commonly applied to high level turbulence associated with wind shear. CAT is often encountered in the vicinity of the jet stream.

Clear and bright: A condition in which the fuel contains no visible water drops or particulates, and is free of haze or cloudiness.

Climb‐Out: That portion of flight operation between takeoff and the initial cruising altitude.

Closed Runway: A runway that is unusable for aircraft operations. (Only the airport management/military operations office can close a runway.)

CMO: see Certificate Management Offices

Coalescence: The property of a filter cartridge to bring together very fine droplets of free and entrained water to form large droplets which are heavy enough to fall to the bottom of the filter separator vessel.


Coalescer Element: A device that removes solid particles and coalesces free or entrained water from fuel and is the first stage cartridge in the filter separator vessel. It is upstream of the separator cartridge.

Cockpit: see Flight Deck

Cockpit Voice Recorder: A tape recording system fitted to an aircraft which records voice communication between the flight crew.

Combustible: Refers to any liquid with a Flash Point above 140ºF (60ºC).

Commercial Air Carriers: An air carrier certificated in accordance with FAR Part 121or 127 to conduct scheduled or charter services as a secondary operation.

Commuter Air Carrier: An air carrier certificated in accordance with FAR Part 135 or 121 that operates aircraft with a maximum of 60 seats, and that provides at least five scheduled round trips per week between two or more points, or that carries mail.

Commuter/Air Taxi Operations: Arrivals and Departures of air carriers certificated in accordance with FAR Part 135.

Compass Heading: Heading flown by reference to the magnetic compass. Magnetic heading corrected for compass deviation is compass heading.

Composite Structure: A type of aircraft structure made of plastic resins reinforced with strong, lightweight filaments.

Compressor Section (Jet Engine): The rotor blade section of a turbine engine which acts as a compressor to pump air into the ʺburnerʺ, or ignition, section of the powerplants.

Concourse (passenger): The passenger waiting area set apart from the main terminal where aircraft are parked for passenger loading and unloading.

Conductive Hose‐ Type C: Fuel delivery hose which is manufactured utilizing conductive material to dissipate the static electrical charge created by fuel flowing through the hose.

Conductivity: The ability to dissipate static electricity. ʺContactʺ: 1. Establish communication with (followed by the name of the facility and, if appropriate, the frequency to be used.) 2. A flight condition wherein the pilot ascertains the attitude of his aircraft and navigates by visual reference to the surface.

Contaminants: Substances either foreign or native that may be present in fuel that detracts from its performance.

Contrail: A cloud-like streamer frequently observed behind aircraft flying in clear, cold, humid air caused by the addition to the atmosphere of water vapor from engine exhaust gases.

Controlled Airport: An airport with an operating tower.

Controller: A person authorized to provide air traffic control services.

Control Lock (external): see Rudder Lock

Control Wheel: The pilotʹs mechanism or ʺsteering wheelʺ utilized to control aileron and elevator control movement.

Convective Sigmet: A weather advisory concerning convective weather significant to the safety of all aircraft.

Coordinated Universal Time: Time corrected for the seasonal variations in the earthʹs rotation about the sun. Coordinated Universal Time is the same as Greenwich Mean Time.

Co‐Pilot: A licensed pilot serving in any piloting capacity other than pilot-in-command.

ʺCorrectionʺ: An error has been made in the transmission and the correct version follows.

Cowl Flaps: Movable flaps located at the exit of the cowling that houses an air-cooled aircraft engine. Opening or closing the cowl flaps controls the amount of air flowing through the cowling, and this in turn controls the amount of heat removed from the engine cylinders.

Cowling: The removable cover that encloses the aircraft engine.

Customer Service Specialist: An employee of an FBO whose primary objective is to provide safe, professional, efficient and courteous service to their customers. Responsibilities include answering the telephone, handling air-to-ground radio communications, making hotel and rental car reservations, and handling requests for fuel, oil, oxygen, catering and other related ground services.

Deadman Control: Hand held control used during single point pressure refueling operations to immediately stop the flow of fuel at any time.

Defense Energy Support Center: U. S. Governmental agency responsible for the procurement of aviation fuels and services for government aircraft utilizing civilian airports.

Defueling: Refers to the removal of fuel from an aircraft – regardless of the reason or quantity.

Deicing: The removal of snow, ice and frost by a singular or combined process of mechanical, chemical or thermal means.


Deice Fluid: Specialized chemical fluid designed and utilized to remove and/or inhibit the formation of snow and ice from aircraft and control surfaces. There are a number of fluid types with varying viscosities and each is designed to meet the particular needs of the aircraft and the weather conditions. Some types may be mixed with water and heated prior to application while others may simply be applied in their original state.

Deicing Boots (aircraft): Rubber devices found on the leading edges of wings and tail surfaces, as well as the inner portions of propellers. They are designed to inflate and break up ice which has formed over the ʺbootsʺ during flight. The boots have a number of small tubes which run lengthwise and are inflated from engine bleed air.

Density: The amount of mass (weight) in a unit volume of a material.

Department of Transportation: The United States regulatory government agency which oversees, promotes, coordinates, and develops research for the nations transportation industry that includes the Federal Highway, Railroad and Aviation Administrations.

DESC: see Defense Energy Support Center

Differential Pressure: The difference in pressure readings (PSI) taken on the inlet and outlet sides of a filter vessel. Also, referred to as Delta P or written as P.

Direct Reading Differential Pressure Gauge: A pressure gauge that senses the pressure on the inlet and outlet sides of a filter vessel and automatically displays the difference in the two pressures.

Direct User Access Terminal Systems: An automated pilot self- briefing and flight plan filing system. For pilots with access to a computer, modem, and touch tone telephone, the system provides direct access to a national weather data base and the ability to file flight plans without contact with a flight service station.

Dispatch: see Aircraft Dispatch.

Displaced Threshold: A threshold that is located at a point on the runway other than the designated beginning of the runway.

Dissolved Water: Water that is in solution in the fuel. This water is not free water and cannot be removed by conventional means. Distance Measuring Equipment: Equipment (airborne and ground) used to measure, in nautical miles, the slant-range distance of an aircraft from the DME navigational aid.

DME: see Distance Measuring Equipment

Dome Covers: The top opening(s) on a refueler or transport truck that provide(s) access to the interior of the tank. Dome covers are intended to be used for visual inspection of the tank and verification of fuel type and product level.

DOT: see Department of Transportation

Down Burst: A strong down draft which induces an outburst of damaging winds on or near the ground. Damaging winds, either straight or curved, are highly divergent. The sizes of down bursts vary from one-half mile or less to more than 10 miles. An intense down burst often causes widespread damage. Damaging winds, lasting five to 30 minutes, could reach speeds as high as 120 knots.

Down Wash (helicopter): The air that is forced in an accelerated and downward motion as a result from the operation of the main rotor blades.

Drag: The rearward acting force which resists the forward movement of the airplane through the air. Drag acts parallel to and in the same direction as the relative wind.

Draw Bar Pull: The pulling strength or towing capacity of a tow vehicle (tug) rated in pounds.

Drain Tubes: Clear plastic tubing that runs from the roll over rails down the front of a refueler tank, or the piping that extends down through the ladder at the rear of the tank.

DUATS: see Direct User Access Terminal Systems.

Dust Cap (Nozzle): A plastic or metal cap designed to cover over wing and single point nozzles in an effort to prevent an accumulation of dust, water and other contaminants from entering the nozzle area.

EFAS: see En Route Flight Advisory Service

Effluent: The stream of fluid at the outlet of a filter, filter separator, or any other piece of equipment.

EI: see Energy Institute

Elevator: A movable, horizontal control surface hinged to the rear of the tail section. Used for the pitch (up and down) control of the aircraft.

ELT: see Emergency Locator Transmitter

Emergency Locator Transmitter: A radio transmitter attached to the aircraft structure which operates from its own power source on 121.5 MHZ and 243.0 MHZ. It aids in locating downed aircraft by radiating a downward sweeping audio tone, two to four times a second. It is designed to function without human action after an accident.

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Emergency Shut‐Off: a safety device to stop product (fuel) flow, via rapid valve closure or pump shut-down.

Empennage: The tail section of an airplane including all fixed and moveable surfaces.

Empty Weight: The weight of the basic airplane, the structure, powerplant, fixed equipment, all fixed ballast and unusable fuel, undrainable oil, and hydraulic fluid.

Energy Institute: The Energy Institute serves society with independence, professionalism and a wealth of expertise in energy matters, creating a home for energy professionals and a scientific and technical reservoir for industry.

Engine Inlets (Intake): The forward portion of the engine cowling or nacelle which takes in air for engine combustion.

Enroute Flight Advisory Service: This service, also known as flight watch, is designed to provide, upon pilot request, timely weather information pertaining to his type of flight, intended route of flight, and altitude.

Entrained Water: Small droplets of free water in suspension that may make fuel appear hazy.

Estimated Time En Route: The estimated flying time from departure point to destination (liftoff to touchdown.)

Estimated Time of Arrival: The time the flight is estimated to arrive at the gate (scheduled operators) or the actual runway ʺonʺ times for nonscheduled operators.

Estimated Time of Departure: The time the flight is estimated to depart at the gate (scheduled operators) or the actual runway ʺoffʺ times for nonscheduled operators.

ETA: see Estimated Time of Arrival

ETD: see Estimated Time of Departure

ETE: see Estimated Time Enroute

Exhaust Manifold: That part of the exhaust system closest to the engine. It collects gases from the engineʹs exhaust ports and passes them downstream to the muffler through a series of tubes.

ʺExpediteʺ: Used by ATC when prompt compliance is required to avoid the development of an imminent situation.

FAA: see Federal Aviation Administration.

Fairing: Additions to any structure to reduce drag.

FAR: see Federal Aviation Regulation.

FBO: see Fixed Base Operator

Feathered Propeller: A propeller whose blades have been rotated so that the leading and trailing edges are nearly parallel with the aircraft flight path to stop or minimize drag and engine rotation. This term is used to indicate shutdown of a reciprocating or turboprop engine due to malfunction.

Federal Aviation Administration: The Federal Aviation Administration is part of the Department of Transportation of the United States government. The responsibility of the FAA is to promote safety in the air. This is done by both regulation and education.

Federal Aviation Regulation: Regulations established by the Federal Aviation Administration. These regulations are the rules which govern the operation of aircraft, airways, and airmen.

Ferry Flight: A flight for the purpose of: 1. Returning an aircraft to base. 2. Delivering an aircraft from one location to another. 3. Moving an aircraft to and from a maintenance base.

Filter: A device used to remove solid contaminants from fuel.

Filter elements: A generic term given to various decontaminant media installed in various types of pressure vessels, i.e., coalescer elements, separator elements, clay bags, clay canisters, and micronic elements.

Filter Membrane Test: see Millipore Test.

Filter Separator: see Filter types.

Filter types: 1. Micronic Filter: Essentially composed of a vessel containing a set of filtration elements, with the purpose of removing solid particles. Micronic filters are rated for the smallest sized particles that they are designed to remove, normally varying in the range of 2 to 75 microns, with a 5 micron rating normally used. These filters are generally constructed of pleated impregnated paper and/or a combination of paper and other media, such as glass fibers. The solid contaminants are primarily removed on the inlet surface of the filter media. Furthermore, a micronic filter would normally be located upstream of either a clay filter or filter separator to remove particulate contamination prior to its entrance into either of the other types of filtration, thus improving the filter ʺlifeʺ of both the clay filter and filter separators. 2. Clay Filter: A vessel designed to use clay, either in bulk or in replaceable cartridges, which by adsorption will pick up surface active agents (surfactants), color bodies, and very fine particles in the fuel, not otherwise removable, and ensure a MSEP or WSIM rating and clarity (cleanliness) necessary for servicing

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modern aircraft. The removal by absorption of surfactants is dependent on an intimate contact of fuel and clay and on the residence time of fuel in the clay bed. Based on this factor, clay filters are normally designed for a maximum flow per cartridge of seven (7) gpm. The presence of free water in the fuel is the primary cause for a reduction in the life of clay. For this reason it is advisable that clay filters be located at points in the system where the presence of water is minimized. Further, clay filters should be located upstream of filter separators for two reasons: (1) to protect downstream filtration and water coalescing equipment from the deactivating effect of surfactants and other contaminants; and (2) to ensure the downs t ream filtration of clay granules that may have been picked up by the fuel in passing through the clay filter. 3. Filter Separator Filter: A vessel containing filter elements which will continuously remove dirt and water from aviation fuels to the extent necessary to minimize residual contamination. The fuel is passed through two stages of filtration, the first stage coalescers (upstream), being of very thick finely woven material (paper, fiber glass, etc.) which traps dirt down to the very finest particles sizes (usually nominally rated at 0.3 microns for into- plane operations) and at the same time forces the smallest droplets of suspended mater to combine into large drops. These larger drops will more readily ʺfall outʺ of the fuel and are assisted to do so at the second stage separators (downstream), which is normally made up of a fine gauze Teflon-coated metal screen. Based on the above design characteristics, filter separators are normally installed as the final filtration unit in the fuel handling system (in some cases monitor filters are used in place of filter separator filters). 4. Monitor Filter: A vessel containing filter elements which will continuously remove dirt and water from aviation fuels to the extent necessary to minimize residual contamination. The fuel is passed through one set of elements of very thick finely woven material(paper, fiber glass, etc.) which traps dirt down to the very finest particle sizes (usually nominally rated at 0.3 microns for into-plane operations) and at the same time through an absorbent material which locks in any free water. Based on the above design characteristics, monitors are normally installed as the final filtration unit prior to fuel entering an aircraft.

Fire Extinguisher: A device containing an extinguishing agent that can be expelled under pressure for the purpose of suppressing or extinguishing a fire. Extinguishers may be hand held (portable), mounted onto a cart with wheels (portable) or fixed in a specific location, i.e., hangar.

Fire Point: The lowest temperature at which a vapor-air mixture will continue to burn after it is ignited. This is generally only a few degrees above the flash point.

Firewall: Fire resistant bulkhead between the engine and the rest of the aircraft.

First Officer: The pilot who is second in command. Also may be called co-pilot.

Fixed Base Operator: An individual or firm operating at an airport and providing general aircraft services such as maintenance, storage, ground and flight instruction, fuel, charter, aircraft service, aircraft sales and other ground services.

Flame Front: The outermost edge of the chemical reaction of a fire.

Flameout: Unintended loss of combustion in turbine engines resulting in the loss of engine power.

Flammable: Refers to any liquid with a Flash Point below 140ºF (60ºC).

Flammable range: The range between the least and the greatest amounts of flammable vapor in a given quantity of air which will explode or burn when ignited by a spark or flame. It is possible, such as in a completely closed container or tank of Avgas, to have a vapor-air mixture which has too much vapor and is unable to support combustion. The combustible range for AVGAS is from approximately 2.5% to over 20% by weight.

Flap: An auxiliary wing surface at the rear portion of the wing. Its purpose is to increase angle of attack or descent without increasing airspeed, by creating drag.

Flash Point: The lowest temperature at which a liquid gives off sufficient vapors to form a flammable mixture in air. For Jet-A this is approximately 100ºF (38ºC) and for AVGAS it is approximately -50ºF (-46ºC).

Flight Attendant: A member of the flight crew who’s primary responsibility is passenger safety.

Flight Crew: Those members of the aircrew whose primary concern is the operation and navigation of the aircraft and its safety in flight.

Flight Deck: The fuselage compartment of the aircraft which houses the flight crew and various aircraft controls and instruments to be used for operating the aircraft.

Flight Engineer: A flight crew member on a large multiengine aircraft who performs non-flying duties with reference to the aircraft powerplants, systems, fuel management and ground servicing.

Flight Line: That portion of the ramp that is designated and utilized for the arrival and departure of aircraft.

Flight Plan: Specified information relating to the intended flight of an aircraft that is filed by the flight crew orally or in writing with an FSS or an ATC facility.


Flight Recorder: A general term applied to any instrument or device that records information about the performance of an aircraft in flight or about conditions encountered in flight. Flight recorders may make records of airspeed, outside air temperature, vertical acceleration, engine rpm, manifold pressure, and other pertinent variables for a given flight.

Flight Service Station: Air traffic service facilities within the National Airspace System that provide preflight pilot briefings and en route communication with IFR flights; assist lost IFR/VFR aircraft; assist aircraft having emergencies; relay ATC clearances, originate, classify, and disseminate Notices to Airmen (NOTAMʹs); broadcast aviation weather and NAS information; receive and close flight plans; monitor radio NAVAIDS; notify search and rescue units of missing VFR aircraft; and operate the national weather teletypewriter systems. In addition, at selected locations, FSSʹs take weather observations, issue airport advisories, administer airmen written examinations, and advise Customs and Immigration of transborder flights.

Flight Standards District Office: An FAA field office serving a designated geographical area and staffed with Flight Standards personnel who have the responsibility for serving the aviation industry and the general public on all matters relating to the certification and operations of general aviation aircraft.

Flight Watch: see En Route Flight Advisory Service

Floating Suction: A floating intake device used in a tank for drawing product from the upper level of the fuel.

FOD: see Foreign Object Damage

Foreign Flag Air Carrier: An air carrier other than a U.S. flag air carrier in international air transportation. ʺForeign air carrierʺ is a more inclusive term than ʺforeign flag air carrierʺ including those non-U.S. air carriers operating solely within their own domestic boundaries. In practice, the two terms are used interchangeably.

Foreign Object Damage: Damage to a gas turbine engine caused by some object being sucked into the engine while it is running.

Free Water: Water in the fuel other than dissolved water. Free water may appear in the form of droplets or haze suspended in the fuel (entrained water) and/or a water layer at the bottom of the container holding the fuel. Free water may also exist in the form of an emulsion that may be so finely dispersed as to be invisible to the naked eye.

Freezing Point: The lowest fuel temperature at which the fuel is 100% liquid (there are no crystals).

FSDO: see Flight Standards District Office

FSS: see Flight Service Station.

Fuel additives (icing inhibitors): Prevent the formation of ice resulting from water coming out of solution at low temperatures and from water condensing in fuel tank. They have also been found to be an effective barrier to micro biological growth. Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether is specified for most military fuels and is permissible in commercial turbine fuels. Caution: Since excessive or improper injection of additive may lead to filter elements being disarmed, injection should take place downstream of filter separators prior to entering aircraft.

Fuel Cabinet: An enclosed above ground unit which contains equipment enabling fuel to be dispensed into aircraft.

Fuel Dumping: Airborne release of usable fuel. This does not include the dropping of fuel tanks.

Fuel Farm: see Fuel Storage Facility (System)

Fuel Remaining: A phrase used by either pilots or controllers when relating to the fuel remaining on board until actual fuel exhaustion.

Fuel Siphoning: Unintentional release of fuel caused by overflow, puncture, loose cap, etc.

Fuel Storage Facility (System): The storage tanks, associated facilities and equipment required for the storage and dispensing of aviation fuel at an airport. This equipment would include off- load and refill hoses, deadman controls, pumps, piping, meters, filter vessels, bonding cables, etc.

Fuel Tanks: Containers that are designed and constructed as either individual units or as an integral part of the aircraft structure; i.e., fuselage, wing. There are two basic types; 1. Bladder; specialized synthetic rubber and fabric material, which are collapsible and self-sealing, and are located within the structure of the aircraft. 2. Integral; sealed areas of the aircraft structure (aluminum or composite) that do not utilize internal bladders.

Fuel Venting: see Fuel Siphoning

Fuselage: The body, or central structural component of an airplane.

Fuselage Tank: A fuel tank located within the fuselage section of the aircraft.

Galley: That part of the aircraft where food, beverages, dinnerware and utensils are stored, refrigerated, heated and prepared.

General Aviation: That portion of civil aviation excluding those classified as air carrier, regional/commuter and military.


Glass Cockpit: A cockpit in which electronic visual displays are used instead of conventional instruments.

Glide Slope: Provides vertical guidance for aircraft during approach and landing.

ʺGo Aheadʺ: Proceed with your message. Not to be used for any other purpose.

ʺGo Aroundʺ: Instructions for a pilot to abandon his approach to landing. Additional instructions may follow.

GMT: see Greenwich Mean Time

GPU: see Ground Power Unit

Gravity: It is the pulling force that tends to draw all bodies to the center of the earth.

Greenwich Mean Time: Mean solar time at the 0º meridian, the meridian that passes through the Royal Observatory in London England. Greenwich mean time (GMT) is also known as Zulu time and Universal Time.

Gross Weight: Empty weight plus useful load is the gross weight of the airplane at takeoff. When an airplane is carrying the maximum load for which it is certificated, the takeoff weight is called the maximum allowable gross weight.

Ground Power Unit: A piece of aircraft support equipment which can be connected to an aircraft on the ground to supply electrical power for system operation when the engine(s) or APU is/are not operating.

Ground Speed: The speed of an aircraft relative to the surface of the earth.

Ground Visibility: The prevailing horizontal visibility near the earthʹs surface.

Grounding: A method of ensuring that the same electrical potential exists between the ground and a unit (i.e., refueler; transport truck; fixed facility; etc.) by connecting the unit via a conductive wire or cable to a grounding rod or other device.

Hangar: A building used to store, secure and house aircraft in which maintenance services such as repair, engine overhaul and general maintenance may be performed.

Hazardous Weather Information: Summary of significant meteorological information (sigmet/WS), convective significant meteorological information (convective sigmet/WST), urgent pilot weather report (urgent pirep/UUA), center weather advisories (CWA), Airmetʹs meteorological information (airmet / WA), and any other weather such as isolated thunderstorms that

are rapidly developing and increasing in intensity, or low ceilings and visibilities that are becoming widespread which is significant and are not included in a current hazardous weather advisory. Heat of Combustion: The net heat of combustion provides knowledge of the energy content of fuel available for conversion from heat into mechanical energy. Aircraft design and operation depend upon a certain predetermined minimum amount of heat energy. A reduction in available heat energy below this specified limit is accompanied by an increase in fuel consumption with corresponding loss of range. The net heat of combustion is conveniently computed from the aniline gravity product and total sulfur content.

Helicopter: A heavier-than-air flying machine that is supported in the air by aerodynamic lift produced by an engine driven rotor.

Helicopter Main Rotors: A rotating wing-like airfoil that provides the main lift and propulsion system for a helicopter.

Helicopter Mast: The power shaft extending upward, from the helicopter engine or transmission, which provides power to the main rotor.

Helicopter Tail Rotor: A vertical spinning wing-like airfoil mounted at the rear of the tail boom which controls the yaw axis (side-to-side movement) of a helicopter.

Helipad: A small, designated area, usually with a prepared surface, on a heliport, airport, landing/takeoff area, apron/ramp, or movement area used for takeoff, landing, or parking of helicopters.

High Performance Aircraft: An aircraft that has all the following is considered high performance: 1. More that 200 horsepower 2. Retractable landing gears 3. Flaps 4. Controllable pitch propeller

Horizontal Stabilizer: The horizontal surface of an aircraft positioned either low or high on the empennage that controls the pitch (nose up or down) attitude of the aircraft.

Hot Refueling: see Rapid Refueling

Hot Start: An engine start, or attempted start, which results in the turbine temperature exceeding the specified limits. It is caused by an excessive fuel-to-air ratio.

Hover Taxi: Used to describe a helicopter or VTOL aircraft movement conducted above the surface and in ground effect at airspeeds less than approximately 20 knots. (The actual height may vary.)

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ʺHow do you Hear me?ʺ A question relating to the quality of the transmission, or to determine how well the transmission is being received.

Hydrant Cart (hydrant dispenser): A mobile unit with the same characteristics as a hydrant service vehicle, however it requires a powered vehicle to move it.

Hydrant Dispenser: see hydrant cart and hydrant service vehicle.

Hydrant Service Vehicle (hydrant dispenser): A mobile unit containing meters, filtration equipment, hoses, etc. used to connect the hydrant system to the aircraft.

Hypoxia: State of oxygen deficiency in the body sufficient to impair functions of the brain and other organs.

ICAO: see International Civil Aviation Organization . IFR: see Instrument Flight Rules

ILS: see Instrument Landing System

IMC: see Instrument Meteorological Conditions.

Inboard Fuel Tank (s): Inboard fuel tank(s) that may be located inboard of the engines or inboard of other fuel tanks.

Influent: The stream of fluid at the inlet of a filter, filter separator, or any other like-piece of equipment. This is the opposite of effluent.

Inhibitor: A substance, the presence of which, in small amounts, in a petroleum product prevents or retards undesirable chemical changes from taking place in the product, or in the condition of the equipment in which the product is used. In general, the essential function of inhibitors is to prevent or retard oxidation or corrosion.

Instructional Flying: Any use of an aircraft for the purpose of formal instruction with a flight instructor aboard.

Instrument Approach: A series of predetermined maneuvers for the orderly transfer of an aircraft under instrument flight conditions from the beginning of the initial approach to a landing, or to a point from which a landing, may be made visually.

Instrument Flight Rules: Rules governing the procedures for conducting instrument flight, a term used by pilots and controllers to indicate type of flight plan.

Instrument Landing System: A precision instrument approach system which normally consist of the following electronic components and visual aids:

1. Localizer 2. Glide slope 3. Outer Marker 4. Middle Marker 5. Approach Lights

Instrument Landing System Categories: 1. Category I (CAT I): An ILS approach procedure that provides for approach to a height above touchdown of not less than 200 feet, and with runway visual range of not less than 1,800 feet. 2. Category II (CAT II): An ILS approach procedure that provides for approach to a height above touchdown of not less than 100 feet and with runway visual range of not less than 1,200 feet. 3. Category IIIA (CAT IIIA): An ILS approach procedure that provides for approach without a decision height minimum and with runway visual range of not less than 700 feet.

Instrument Meteorological Conditions: Meteorological conditions expressed in terms of visibility, distance from cloud, and ceiling less than the minimums specified for visual meteorological conditions.

International Civil Aviation Organization: A specialized agency of the United Nations whose objective is to develop the principles and techniques of international air navigation and to foster planning and development of international civil air transport.

Interlock: A system for ensuring that a fueling vehicle cannot be driven away from an aircraft unless the hoses are disconnected and properly stowed - usually linked to the braking system of a refueler or hydrant service vehicle.

Intersecting Runways: Two or more runways that cross or meet within their lengths.

ʺI Say Againʺ: The message will be repeated.

J Spout: A specially designed fuel nozzle for jet refuelers, used to reduce the possibility of aircraft misfueling.

JATO: see Jet Assisted Takeoff

Jet Assisted Takeoff: An auxiliary rocket or jet thrust system that supplements normal engine power during takeoff.

Jet Blast: Jet engine exhaust (thrust stream turbulence.)

Jet Engine: A gas turbine producing forward thrust by accelerating exhaust gases rearward : reaction propulsion.

Jet Fuel (Jet Turbine Fuel) Types: 1. Jet-A: A narrow cut kerosene; standard commercial jet fuel in the U.S.

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2. Jet-A1: A narrow cut kerosene, like Jet-A, but has a lower freezing point. Used outside the U.S., and is the fuel of choice on long haul flights where the fuel temperature drops close to the freeze point. Usually includes a static dissipater. 3. Jet-B: A wide cut kerosene, with ʺgasoline typeʺ components present. Used widely in Canada, with static dissipater and has a very low flash point. 4. JP-4: A wide cut kerosene, like Jet-B, but with ʺallʺ the additives: corrosion inhibitor, static dissipater, anti-icing additive. Was issued in 1951 by the U.S. Military (phased out in 1995 and replaced by the higher flash point, safer JP-8). 5. JP-5: A narrow cut kerosene, like Jet-A, but with a higher flash point (140F (60C) min.). This is the fuel used by the U.S. Navy aircraft. It has corrosion inhibitor and anti-icing (di-EGME) additives, but not the static dissipater. Was issued in 1952 by the U.S. Military for use on naval aircraft. JP-5 products are manufactured to meet US Military MIL-T-5624 specification. 6. JP-8: A narrow cut kerosene, like Jet-A1, but with ʺallʺ the additives: corrosion inhibitor, static dissipater, anti-icing additive. Was issued in 1979 by the U.S. Military for use by the air force (replacing JP-4). JP-8 products are manufactured to meet US Military MILT- 83133 specification.

Jet Propulsion: A method of propulsion produced when a relatively small mass of air is given a large amount of acceleration.

Jet Stream: A migrating stream of high-speed winds present at high altitudes.

Jet Turbine Fuel: A kerosene-type jet turbine fuel with a boiling range of approximately 315º to 525ºF (175º to 273ºC), a flash point of 100ºF (38ºC) or above, and a freeze point of -53ºF (-47ºC) for JET A-1 and -40ºF (- 40ºC) for JET A. JET A is considered a Flammable Class II liquid. These products are manufactured to meet Specification ASTM D1655 or Defense Standard 91/91 and/or other local government specification.

Jetway: A moveable passenger walkway or bridge that connects the airport terminal concourse to an aircraft.

Knot (KT): A measure of speed used in aerial navigation. One Knot = 1.151 statute miles per hour.

Landing Gear Lock Pins: Metal pins that lock the landing gear in the extended position to prevent accidental gear collapse during towing operations.

Lateral Axis: Also known as the pitch axis of the aircraft. Drawn from wing tip to wing tip, an imaginary line drawn through the center of the aircraft.

Lavatory: A common term for an aircraft restroom facility. There are two lavatory system types found in general aviation aircraft; (1) portable lift-out and (2) permanently installed systems.

Leading Edge: The forward edge of an airfoil.

Leading Edge Slats: see Slat

Lift: The sum of all the aerodynamic forces acting on an aircraft at right angles to the flight path. When the aircraft is in steady level flight the lift is equal and opposite to the weight of the aircraft.

Lighted Airport: An airport where runway and obstruction lighting is available.

Light Gun: A hand held directional light signaling device which emits a brilliant narrow beam of white, green, or red light as selected by the tower controller. The color and type of light transmitted can be used to approve or disapprove anticipated pilot actions where radio communication is not available. The light gun is used for controlling traffic operating in the vicinity of the airport and on the airport movement area.

Lightning (calculating the distance): To calculate the distance to lightning activity, count the number of seconds from the lightning flash to the sound of thunder. Every five seconds of elapsed time between the flash and the sound of thunder represents a distance of one mile. Formula: Time (seconds) divided by 5 = Distance (miles)

Line Service Specialist: An employee of an FBO whose primary objective is to provide safe, efficient, professional and courteous service to their customers. They are responsible for providing a wide range of aircraft and customer support services including refueling, towing, oxygen servicing and other ground support services.

Load Adjustment: Refers to the correction of a fuel load delivered to an aircraft as part of the original operation, i.e., before fueling equipment is disconnected. All load adjustments where product removal of the aircraft is involved must be treated as a defueling operation.

Load Factor: The ratio of the total airload acting on the gross weight of the aircraft.

Localizer: The component of an ILS which provides course guidance to the runway.

Local Traffic: Aircraft operating in the traffic pattern or within sight of the tower, or aircraft known to be departing or arriving from flight in local practice areas, or aircraft executing practice instrument approaches at the airport.

Locker (fuel) Tank: Fuel tanks located in the nacelle, aft of the engine.

Longitudinal Axis: Also known as the roll axis of the aircraft.

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Drawn from nose to tail, an imaginary line through the center of the aircraft.

Low Approach: An approach over an airport or runway following an instrument approach or a VFR approach, including the go-around maneuver where the pilot intentionally does not make contact with the runway.

Mach Number: The ratio of true airspeed to the speed of sound. (738 mph at msl)

Main Fuel Tank: The fuel tanks of the aircraft that are the primary source of fuel for the engine(s).

Material Safety Data Sheet: Chemical and material manufacturerʹs data that includes information regarding hazards, including handling procedures, and disposal requirements.

ʺMaydayʺ: The international radiotelephony distress signal. When repeated three times, it indicates imminent and grave danger and that immediate assistance is requested.

Mean Sea Level: The datum used for measuring altitude. It is the average height of the surface of the sea.

Microbial Growth: A living organism that requires water as a source of carbon (food) plus various trace minerals for their existence. Microbiological growths are better able to survive in kerosene, jet or heavy middle distillates, due to chemical composition of these fuels; however, gasoline and Avgas systems are not immune.

Microburst: A small down burst with outbursts of damaging winds extending 2.5 miles or less. In spite of its small horizontal scale, an intense microburst could induce wind speeds as high as 150 knots.

Micron (Micrometer): A unit of linear measurement. One micron is equal to 0.000039 inches (or 1/1000th of a millimeter) and approximately 35,400 microns equals 1 inch. For example, the average human hair is about 100 microns in diameter.

Micronic Filter: see Filter Types.

Middle Marker: A marker beacon that defines a point along the glide slope of an ILS normally located at or near the point of decision height (ILS Category I).

Millipore Fuel Test (Filter Membrane Test): A standard test in which fuel is passed through a small filter membrane housed in a plastic holder. The cleanliness of the fuel can be determined by examining the membrane.

Mineral Oil: A non-ashless dispersant oil with a mineral base. It is used primarily during the break-in period of a new or rebuilt reciprocating aircraft engine.

Minimum Fuel: Indicates that an aircraftʹs fuel supply has reached a state where, upon reaching the destination, it can accept little or no delay. This is not an emergency situation but merely indicates an emergency situation is possible should any undue delay occur.

Minimums: Weather condition requirements established for a particular operation or type of operation.

Misfueling: The accidental fueling of an aircraft or refueling vehicle tank with an improper grade, type, or contaminated product.

ʺMonitorʺ: When used in communication transfer, listen on a specific frequency and standby for instructions. Under normal circumstances, do not establish communications.

Movement Area: The runways, taxiways, and other areas of an airport/heliport that are utilized for taxiing/hover taxiing, air taxiing, takeoff, and landing of aircraft, exclusive of loading ramps and parking areas. At those airports/heliports with a tower, specific approval for entry onto the movement area must be obtained from ATC.

MSDS: see Material Safety Data Sheet

MSL: see Mean Sea Level

Multi‐engine: An aircraft having more than one engine.

Multi ‐ Viscosity Oil: An ʺall-seasonʺ reciprocating engine oil that is designed to maintain optimum engine lubrication at a wide range of operating temperatures and conditions.

ʺNʺ Number: see Tail Number

Nacelle: An enclosed compartment in an aircraft in which an engine is mounted.

NAS: see National Airspace System

National Airspace System: The common network of U.S. airspace; air navigation facilities, equipment and services, airports or landing areas; aeronautics charts; information and services; rules, regulations, and procedures; technical information, manpower and material. Included are system components shared jointly with the military.

National Fire Protection Association: (NFPA) NFPA 407: Standard for Aircraft Fuel Servicing.

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National Transportation Safety Board: An independent Federal Agency whose function in civil aviation is to investigate aviation accidents; report publicly on their cause or probable cause; and to review on appeal the suspension, revocation, or denial of operating certificates, documents, or licenses issued by the FAA administrator.

NDB: see Nondirectional Beacon

ʺNegativeʺ: ʺNo,ʺ or ʺPermission not granted,ʺ or ʺThat is not correct.ʺ

NFPA: see National Fire Protection Agency

Nondirectional Beacon: An L/MF or UHF radio beacon transmitting nondirectional signals whereby the pilot of an aircraft equipped with direction finding equipment can determine their bearing to or from the radio beacon and ʺhomeʺ on or track to or from the station.

Nose gear Collar: A collar that surrounds the nose landing gear designed to provide strength and to separate the lower portion (extension) of the gear from the top of the strut.

Nose gear Torque Link Scissors: A scissor like mechanism that connect the top portion of the nose landing gear to the bottom. Provides steering support and control to the nose wheel.

No Tail Rotor Type: Term used to describe a helicopter which does not require a tail rotor.

NOTAM: see Notice to Airmen

NOTAR: see No Tail Rotor Type.

Notice to Airmen: A notice containing information (not known sufficiently in advance to publicize by other means) concerning the establishment, condition, or change in any component (facility, service, procedure of, or hazard in the National Airspace System) the timely knowledge of which is essential to personnel concerned with flight operations.

NTSB: see National Transportation Safety Board.

Octane (rating number): Grades of gasoline, including aviation grades that are given a rating that is a numerical measure of the anti-knock properties of a specific grade of gasoline.

Open Hose Discharge Capacity: The maximum discharge volume of a given hose if opened to the atmosphere.

Outboard Fuel Tanks: Fuel tanks that are located outboard from the fuselage and/or engine.

Outer Marker: A marker beacon at or near the glide slope intercept altitude of an ILS approach. It is normally located four

to seven miles from the runway threshold on the extended centerline of the runway.

Over Wing Refueling: A method of gravity refueling which is accomplished by adding fuel to tanks individually through filler openings on the wings, or on the top or side of the fuselage (aircraft or helicopters).

Parallel Runways: Two or more runways at the same airport whose center lines are parallel. In addition to runway number, parallel runways are designated as L (left) and R (right) or, if three parallel runways exist, L (left), C (center), and R (right).

Particulate Matter: Solid contaminants (e.g., dirt, rust, scale, sand, etc.) sometimes found in fuel.

PASS: The acronym for the procedure when operating a portable fire extinguisher; P = PULL (the safety pin). A =AIM (the nozzle). S = SQUEEZE (the trigger). S = SWEEP (the base of the flame).

Personal / Pleasure Flying: Any use of an aircraft for personal purposes not associated with a business or profession, and not for hire. This includes maintenance of pilot proficiency.

Phonetic Alphabet: A list of standard words used for each letter in the alphabet. The use of a standard phonetic alphabet assures that the letters are not misunderstood during radio transmission.

Pilot Briefing: A service provided by the flight service station to assist pilots in flight planning. Briefing items may include weather information, NOTAMʹs military activities, flow control information, and other items as requested.

Pilot Weather Report: A report of meteorological phenomena encountered by aircraft in flight.

PIREP: see Pilot Weather Report Piston Engine: One of the common terms used for a reciprocating engine.

Pitch: The nose, up and down, attitude of an aircraft controlled by the horizontal stabilizer or elevator.

Pitot Tube: (pronounced pee-toe) An open ended tube mounted either on the leading edge of the wing or nose of the aircraft that is aligned with the relative wind. The impact pressure on the open pitot tube affects the pressure in the pitot chamber. Any change of pressure on the pitot chamber is transmitted through a line connected to the airspeed indicator which utilizes impact pressure for its operation.

Plexiglass: A trademark name for lightweight, transparent plastic. It is often used for aircraft windshields.


Position Lights: Aircraft lights that provide a means by which pilots can determine the general direction of movement of other aircraft during night or inclement weather operations. This lighting configuration consists of a red light on the left wingtip, a green light on the right wingtip, and a white light on the tail.

Potable Water: Drinking water which is designated for human consumption and is drawn from outlets which meet the drinking water regulations.

Powerplant: The complete installation of an aircraft engine, propeller, and all accessories needed for its proper functioning.

Pre‐check: A device used to check the operation of the automatic high level shut-off on aircraft and refuelers.

Precipitation: Any or all forms of water particles (rain, sleet, hail, or snow) that fall from the atmosphere and reach the surface.

Pressure Refueling: see Single Point Refueling.

Pressure Regulator Liquid Control: A mechanism on a refueler that regulates or controls the amount of pressure for the fuel delivery hoses.

Pressurized Fuel Tanks: A fuel tank pressurized with air to control fuel flow.

Prop Wash (blast): The air which is pushed backwards from moving propeller(s).

Propeller: A device for propelling an aircraft that has blades on an engine-driven shaft and that, when rotated, produces by its action on the air a thrust approximately perpendicular to its plane of rotation.

Propeller Arch: see Blade Radius

PSI: Pounds per square inch.

Pusher Propeller (prop): A propeller mounted on the aft side of the engine or wing that pushes the aircraft through the air.

Quick Disconnect: A type of hose coupling that can be undone quickly and easily.

Radial Engine: An older type of ʺreciprocatingʺ (piston) engine whereby the engine cylinders are positioned around a single crankshaft which is located at the center of these cylinders. A radial engine installed in an aircraft operates on aviation gasoline (AVGAS).

Radio: 1. A device used for communication.

2. Used to refer to a FSS; i.e., ʺSeattle Radioʺ is used to call Seattle FSS.

Radome: A strong, electrically transparent housing, used to enclose a radar antenna and protect it from the wind and weather.

Ramp: see Apron

Rapid Refueling: The refueling of a helicopter while an onboard engine is operating.

Reaction Area: The area of a fire in which chemical vaporization and flame production occurs.

ʺRead Backʺ: Repeat my message back to me.

Relative Wind: The direction of airflow with respect to an airfoil or an object.

Reciprocating Engine: An internal-combustion engine in which a piston or pistons moving back and forth work upon a crankshaft or other devices to create rotational movement. It is referred to as a ʺreciprocatingʺ engine because many of the internal moving parts move forward and back, or reciprocate. A reciprocating engine installed in an aircraft operates on aviation gasoline (AVGAS).

Refueler (Fueler): A mobile vehicle carrying aviation fuel in bulk for delivery to an aircraft, fitted with pumps, hoses, and filtration equipment.

Registered Active General Aviation Aircraft: A civil aircraft registered with the FAA that has been flown one or more hours during the previous calendar year. Excludes aircraft owned and operated by commercial air carriers in scheduled, non- scheduled, or charter service or aircraft in excess of 12,500 pounds maximum gross takeoff weight that are owned and operated by a commercial operator certificated by the FAA to engage in intrastate common carriage.

Relative Density: see Specific Gravity

Relaxation Time: The period of time that fuel is allowed to flow in a system, so that the electrostatic charge (i.e., generated by fuel passing through a filter) in fuel can dissipate, or ʺrelaxʺ, to a safe level.

Remain Over Night: Term indicating the aircraft and/or flight crew will terminate flight at last destination and will depart at a later date.

Residual Heat: The heat remaining after the use or burning of an object. An example would be the heat remaining in aircraft brakes after landing and taxi.

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Retrofit: To modify, improve or change an aircraft or itʹs components.

Rime Ice: The formation of a white or milky and opaque granular deposit of ice formed by the rapid freezing of supercooled water droplets as they contact an aircraft or object.

Roll: The movement of an aircraft around its longitudinal axis (nose-to-tail). Also referred to as an aerobatic aircraft maneuver.

RON: see Remain Over Night

Route: A defined path, consisting of one or more courses in a horizontal plane that aircraft traverse over the earth’s surface.

RSA: see Runway Safety Area

Rudder: The movable control surface mounted on the trailing edge of the vertical fin of an airplane. The rudder is moved by foot operated pedals in the cockpit, and movement of the rudder rotates the airplane about its vertical axis.

Rudder Lock: An external device used to secure the tail rudder while the aircraft is parked. A rudder lock is designed to prevent damage to the tail rudder and rudder cables from the wind.

Rudder Pedals: Foot pedals located in the cockpit used by the pilots to control the rudder (yaw) of the aircraft in flight and for taxiing and braking of aircraft when on the ground.

Runway: A defined rectangular area on a land airport prepared for the landing and takeoff run of aircraft along its length. Runways are normally numbered in relation to their magnetic direction, rounded off to the nearest 10 degrees; e.g., ʺRunway 08ʺ (080 degrees), ʺRunway 36ʺ (360 degrees).

Runway in Use/Active Runway/Duty Runway: Any runway or runways currently being used for takeoff or landing. When multiple runways are used, they are all considered active runways.

Runway Safety Area: A defined surface surrounding the runway prepared, or suitable, for reducing the risk of damage to airplanes in the event of an undershoot, overshoot, or excursion from the runway.

ʺSay Againʺ: Used to request a repeat of the last transmission. Usually specifies transmission or portion thereof not understood or received.

Seal: Constitutes a non-corrosive wire tie utilizing a lead disk (as a tamper proof device) bearing the impression of authorized party. Utilized as a security measure to control the unauthorized opening of a transport trucks unloading manifolds/valves.

See and Avoid: A visual procedure wherein pilots of aircraft flying in visual meteorological conditions (VMC), regardless of type of flight plan, are charged with the responsibility to observe the presence of other aircraft and to maneuver their aircraft as required to avoid the other aircraft.

Separator Element: Allows passage of fuel, but repels free water droplets and is the second stage cartridge in a filter separator vessel. It is downstream of the coalescer cartridge.

Settling Time: The time allowed for water or dirt entrained in the fuel to drop to the bottom of the storage tank.

Short Takeoff and Landing Aircraft: An aircraft which, at some weight within its approved operating weight, is capable of operating from a STOL runway in compliance with the applicable STOL characteristics, airworthiness, operations, noise, and pollution standards.

Shrouded Tail Rotor: The tail rotor of a helicopter that is enclosed by a shroud to improve safety and reduce noise.

Sigmet: A weather advisory issued concerning weather significant to the safety of all aircraft. Sigmet advisories cover severe and extreme turbulence, severe icing, and widespread dust or sand storms that reduce visibility to less than 3 miles.

Single Point Nozzle: A refueling nozzle that is connected directly to the aircraft and utilizes pressure to deliver jet fuel to the various tanks through a single connection.

Single Point Refueling: A method of filling multiple fuel tanks in an aircraft from a single fueling point or multiple fueling points from the side of the fuselage or underside of the wings by means of pressure which provides higher fuel flow rates.

Slat: A secondary control on an airplane that allows the airplane to fly at a high angle of attack without stalling.

Solid Particles: Small solid or semi-solid particles, sometimes referred to as silt or sediment, present in a fuel as a result of contamination by air-blown dust, corrosion by products, fuel instability, or protective-coating deterioration.

Specific Gravity (Relative Density): The ratio of weight of any volume of fuel at 60ºF to the weight of an equal volume of water at 60ºF.

Speed Brakes: Movable aerodynamic devices on aircraft that reduce airspeed during descent and landing.

Stabilator: A single-piece horizontal tail surface of an airplane. A stabilator serves the purposes of both the horizontal stabilizer and the elevators.

Second Officer: see Flight Engineer

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Stall: An aerodynamic condition in which the angle of attack, the angle at which the relative wind strikes the airfoil, becomes so steep the air can no longer flow smoothly over the airfoil. This disruption and breakdown of airflow causes a loss of lift.

ʺStand Byʺ: Means the controller or pilot must pause for a few seconds, usually to attend to other duties of a higher priority. Also, means to wait, as in ʺstand by for clearance.ʺ The caller should reestablish contact if a delay is lengthy. ʺStand by is not an approval or denial.ʺ

Static Electricity: An electric charge generated by fuel flowing through pipes, micro-filters, etc. Very high voltages can be generated which may cause sparks. Static dissipater additives increase the fuel conductivity thus allowing charges to be dissipated quickly.

Static Ports: Small external hole(s) located on the side of the aircraft fuselage, positioned at a 90 degree angle to the airflow, which measure atmospheric pressure and is subsequently used for both the altimeter and vertical speed indicator flight instruments.

Static Wick: A small conductive graphite rod attached to the trailing edge of an aircraft surface designed to dissipate the static electrical charge which is built up on the aircraft as it moves through the air.

STOL Aircraft: see Short Takeoff and Landing Aircraft

Stop and Go: A procedure wherein an aircraft will land, make a complete stop on the runway, and then commence a takeoff from that point.

Strut: The structure of an aircraft that provides additional strength to support the wing (wing strut). Also, found on the landing gear for strength (gear strut).

Sump: A low point in a system for collection and removal of water and solid contaminants.

Sump Fuel: The fuel removed from fixed facility tank and filter vessel sumps and mobile equipment sumps while performing routine quality control tests or maintenance on equipment.

Sump (Thief) Pump: A small pump having a suction line which extends to the low point of a tank for the purpose of drawing off water which may have accumulated.

Sump Sample: A drain sample obtained from the sump of a tank or filtration unit.

Supplemental Air Carrier: An air carrier certificated in accordance with FAR Part 121, and providing nonscheduled or supplemental carriage of passengers or cargo, or both, in air

transportation. Also referred to as nonscheduled or charter air carriers.

Surfactants: Surface Active Agents, are emulsifiers, detergents, foaming agents, etc., which will ʺdisarmʺ filter separators and render them ineffective. The presence of surfactants can be detected by visual inspection of drain samples. Observation of the interface between fuel and water will show a silvery, shiny film. Upon shaking such a sample in a clean glass bottle, particles of the film may stick to the glass in the fuel phase and may not settle out.

Synthetic Based Oil: see Turbine Oil

TAF: see Terminal Aerodrome Forecast

Tail Boom: An extension of the empennage of an aircraft that supports the control section of the tail rudder.

Tail Dragger: Aircraft having a tail wheel.

Tail Height: The maximum tail height as stated in the aircraft manufacturerʹs specifications.

Tail Number: The aircraft registration number typically located on the tail of the aircraft.

Tail Stand: A support device placed under the tail of an aircraft to prevent the aircraft from tipping on its tail during loading, refueling or maintenance operations.

Tail Wheel: A small, steerable wheel mounted at the aft end of the fuselage of an airplane equipped with a conventional landing gear. The tail wheel supports the aft end of the airplane when it is on the ground.

Tank Hatches: see Dome Covers

Taxi: The movement of an airplane under its own power on the surface of an airport. Also, it describes the surface movement of helicopter equipped with wheels.

Taxiway: A paved strip that parallels the runways. Aircraft move along the taxiways from the terminal to the end of the runway so they will not interfere with aircraft using the runway for takeoff and landing.

TCDS: see Type Certificate Data Sheet.

Terminal Area: A general term used to describe airspace in which approach control service or airport traffic control service is provided.

Terminal Aerodrome Forecast: A report established for the 5 statute mile radius around an airport utilizing the same descriptors and abbreviations as the METAR report.


Terminal Radar Service Areas: Areas where participating pilots can receive additional radar services. The purpose of the service is to provide separation between all IFR operations and participating VFR aircraft.

Tetrahedron: A device normally located on uncontrolled airports and used as a landing direction indicator. The small end of a tetrahedron points in the direction of landing. At controlled airports, tower instructions supersede the indicator.

ʺThat Is Correctʺ: The understanding you have is right.

Threshold: The beginning of that portion of the runway usable for landing.

Thrust: The thrust produced by a propeller or jet.

Thrust Reverser: A component of a jet engine, usually mounted at the aft end, which is designed to partially reverse the thrust of the engine in order to slow the aircraft during the landing roll.

Tie‐down: The securing of an aircraft to a ramp, using fixed restraint ropes or chains.

Tip Tanks: Aircraft fuel tanks which are attached to the end, or tip, of each wing.

ʺTop Offʺ: A common refueling term referring to the filling of an aircraft tank to its maximum level.

Top Sample: A sample taken about 6 in. (15 cm.) below the surface of the fuel in a tank.

Total Operations: All arrivals and departures performed by military, general aviation, commuter/air taxi, and air carrier aircraft.

Touch and Go: An operation by an aircraft that lands and departs on a runway without stopping or exiting the runway.

Tow Bar: A device used to connect an aircraft to a tow vehicle (tug) for the movement of aircraft.

Tower: A terminal facility that uses air/ground communications, visual signaling, and other devices to provide ATC services to aircraft operating in the vicinity of an airport or on the movement area. Authorizes aircraft to land or take off at the airport controlled by the tower or to transit the Class D airspace area regardless of flight plan or weather conditions (IFR or VFR). A tower may also provide approach control services (radar or non-radar).

Traffic Pattern: The traffic flow is prescribed for aircraft landing at, taxiing on, or taking off from an airport. The components of a typical traffic pattern are; upwind leg, crosswind leg, downwind leg, base leg and final approach:

1. Upwind Leg - A flight path parallel to the landing runway in the direction of landing. 2. Crosswind Leg - A flight path at right angles to the landing runway off its upwind end. 3. Downwind Leg - A flight path parallel to the landing runway in the direction opposite to landing. The downwind leg normally extends between the crosswind leg and the base leg. 4. Base Leg - A flight path at right angles to the landing runway off its approach end. The base leg normally extends from the downwind leg to the intersection of the extended runway centerline. 5. Final Approach - A flight path in the direction of landing along the extended runway centerline. The final approach normally extends from the base leg to the runway.

Trailing Edge: The back edge of an airfoil, such as a wing, a helicopter rotor, or a propeller blade. It is the edge that passes through the air last.

Transport Truck (Tank Truck): A vehicle used to transport product (i.e., fuel) from a terminal to another terminal or airport.

Tricycle Landing Gear: A landing gear configuration that incorporates a total of three gears: two main and one nose gear.

Trim Tab: A small control tab mounted on a primary control surface. The trim tab is adjustable in flight to change the aerodynamic load on the control surface.

TRSA: see Terminal Radar Service Areas

Turbine Fuel: see Jet Fuel

Turbine Oil: A special chemical formulated synthetic based product which is designed to operate within the extreme temperatures of a turbine engine.

Turbocharger: An exhaust-gas-driven air compressor used to increase the power of a reciprocating engine.

Turbofan Engine: A jet engine with a large intake fan at the front. This design makes the engines more fuel efficient and quieter than the early pure jet engines.

Turbojet Aircraft: An aircraft having a jet engine in which the energy of the jet operates a turbine which in turn operates the air compressor.

Turboprop Aircraft: An aircraft having a jet engine in which the energy of the jet operates a turbine which drives the propeller.

Turn Limit (nose gear): The maximum allowable side-to-side limit, measured in degrees, i.e.; 90 degrees, in which the nose gear may be turned without causing damage to the collars, strut, steering mechanism, etc.

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Type Certificate Data Sheet: The official specifications of an aircraft, engine, or propeller issued by the Federal Aviation Administration.

Ultralight Vehicle: An aeronautical vehicle operated for sport or recreational purposes that do not require FAA registration, an airworthiness certificate, nor pilot certification. They are primarily single-occupant vehicles, although some two-place vehicles in certain airspace requires authorization from ATC.

Uncontrolled Airport: An airport without an operating control tower.

Undercarriage: The landing gear of an aircraft.

Underwing Refueling: see Single Point Refueling.

Unicom: A nongovernment communication facility which may provide airport information at certain airports. Locations and frequencies of unicom are shown on aeronautical charts and publications.

Unloading Control Seal: see Seal.

Unloading Manifold: A system of piping and multiple openings installed onto a transport tanker truck designed for the unloading of product (fuel).

U.S. Flag Carrier: Air carrier holding a certificate issued by the Department of Transportation, and approved by the President, authorizing the carrier to provide scheduled operations over a specified route between the United States (and/or its territories) and one or more foreign countries.

Useable Fuel: The quantity of fuel that can be consumed by the engines prior to fuel exhaustion. The amount of useable fuel on an aircraft is typically less than the total fuel onboard because fuel pumps drain fuel from a level above low areas of the tank and sump drains.

UTC: see Coordinated Universal Time.

Ventral Fin: An external component found underneath the aft end of the aircraft which is used to improve stability during flight.

Ventral Fuel Tank: A fuel tank located at the aft end of the aircraft and is usually designated as an auxiliary tank.

ʺVerifyʺ: Request confirmation of information. Vertical Axis: A straight line running vertical through the aircraft around which the aircraft rotates.

Vertical Stabilizer: The fixed vertical surface in the empennage of an airplane. The vertical stabilizer, or fin, helps produce directional stability in the airplane.

Vertical Takeoff and Landing Aircraft: Aircraft which are designed to take-off and land vertically without the need for a lengthy runway area.

VFR: see Visual Flight Rules.

VFR Conditions: Weather conditions equal to or better than the minimum for flight under VFR.

Viscosity: A fluids’ internal resistance to flow.

Visibility: The ability, as determined by atmospheric conditions and expressed in units of distance, to see and identify unlighted objects by day and lighted objects by night. Visibility is reported as statute miles, hundreds of feet or meters.

Visual Check: A field test to confirm the general acceptability of product. To be acceptable, fuel shall be of the correct color and be visually clear, bright, and free from particulate matter and undissolved water at normal ambient temperature.

Visual Flight Rules: Rules that govern the procedures for conducting flight under visual conditions. Also used in the United States to indicate weather conditions that are equal to or greater than minimum VFR requirements. In addition, it is used by pilots and controllers to indicate type of flight plan.

Visual Meteorological Conditions: Meteorological conditions expressed in terms of visibility, distance from clouds, and ceiling equal to or better than specified minima.

VMC: see Visual Meteorological Conditions.

Voltage: Sometimes also called electric or electrical tension and is the difference of electrical potential between two points of an electrical or electronic circuit, expressed in volts.

VOR: A ground-based electronic navigational aid transmitting very high frequency navigation signals, 360 degrees in azimuth, oriented from magnetic north. Used as a basis for navigation in the National Airspace System.

VTOL Aircraft: see Vertical Takeoff and Landing Aircraft.

Wake Turbulence: Phenomena resulting from the passage of an aircraft through the atmosphere. The term includes vortices, thrust stream turbulence, jet blast, jet wash, propeller wash, and rotor wash both on the ground and in the air.

Water Detection System (Water Defense System): A device which senses a predetermined level of free water in filter separator sumps, and automatically stops the flow of fuel to prevent downstream contamination.


Water Finding Paste: A special chemical paste which will change color when it comes into contact with water. It is primarily used to determine the presence of water in fuel storage tanks.

Water Methanol: An alcohol based additive which is injected into an engine to improve the engineʹs performance during takeoff.

Water Slug: A large amount of free water in a fuel line. As with any water within aviation systems, immediate action must be taken to remove the water.

Weather Advisory: In aviation weather forecast practice, an expression of hazardous weather conditions not predicated in the area forecast, as they affect the operation of air traffic and as prepared by the NWS.

Wet Wing: A wing fuel tank that utilizes the structure of the wing to hold fuel versus the use of a separate rubberized bladder or aluminum tank installed within the wing.

Wheel Pants: A common term for fixed landing gear coverings designed to reduce drag around the gear.

Wheel Wells: The area or openings located in the underside of the aircraft that house the wheels when the gear is retracted.

White Bucket Test: A common term referring to a test which verifies that fuel does not contain any visible water drops or particulates, and is free of haze or cloudiness. This is also referred to as a ʺclear and brightʺ test.

ʺWilcoʺ: I have received your message, understand it, and will comply with it.

Wind Direction: The true direction from which the wind is blowing.

Wind milling: When an engine fails during flight the movement through the air tends to keep the propeller rotating. The same effect may occur when turboprop aircraft, whose propellers are not secured, are parked on the ramp.

Wind shear: A change in wind speed and/or wind direction in a short distance resulting in a tearing or shearing effect. It can exist in a horizontal or vertical direction and occasionally in both.

Windsock: A cone shaped cloth sleeve, mounted aloft, at an airport to be used for estimating wind direction and velocity. The larger opening points into the direction of the wind.

Wing: Term applied to an airfoil designed to generate lift. Types of wings are: 1. Delta wing 2. Elliptical wing 3. High taper wing 4. Moderate taper wing 5. Pointed wing 6. Rectangular wing 7. Swept wing

Winglets: Small, nearly vertical aerodynamic surfaces mounted on the tips of the airplane wings. Winglets produce large forces even at low angles of attack, which combined with the perpendicular local flow, provide a forward thrust component.

Wingspan: The distance from one wingtip of an aircraft to the opposite wingtip.

Working Tank: The fuel storage tank being used to supply fuel to refuelers or the hydrant system.

Yaw: A flight condition of an aircraft in which the aircraft rotates about its vertical axis.

Yoke: The type of pilotʹs control column in which aileron and elevator control is achieved through the rotational movement of a control wheel.

ʺZʺ Time: see Zulu time.

Zulu Time: An expression for Greenwich mean time, or Coordinated Universal time.

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Interior Cleaning

You may also be required to vacuum aircraft


II. LAVATORIES interiors, wash galley and lavatory surfaces, 1. Pick-up all loose litter, debris and remove trash and straighten seat belts. The trash following checklist should be used when 2. Remove and replace trash performing interior cleaning. Never enter the cabin of an aircraft without the permission of the flight crew.

Aircraft Interior Cleaning Checklist

Prior to the cleaning of any aircraft,

verify that you have the proper cleaning agents and materials. Always consult the aircraft manual and any service bulletins for specific requirements and instructions.

bag/replace toilet and facial tissues as needed

3. Clean wash basin, fixtures, counter and trash disposal door

4. Clean and dry mirror 5. Clean exterior of storage

compartments 6. Clean toilet seat and exterior area 7. Clean toilet basin and flush to

verify system servicing has been completed

8. Mop or vacuum floor as applicable Follow all directions for the proper 9. Deodorize waste receptacle and

use of cleaning products and wear the appropriate clothing and protection items.

Do not enter the aircraft until after instructed to do so by the flight crew.

lavatory area

III. GALLEY 1.Pick-up all loose litter, debris and

trash Remove dirty oily work boots prior to 2. Remove and replace trash bag

entering aircraft.


3. Clean sink and fixtures (including faucets, drain and screen)

4. Clean counter and exterior storage compartments

1. Pick-up all loose litter, debris and 5. Clean coffee area, including trash from seats, seat pockets, tables, warming pad cup holders, carry-on luggage racks, 6. Vacuum carpet or clean (mop) coat compartments and floor

2.Empty ashtrays 3. Clean and vacuum seats and

align/cross seat belts (Take care

floor as needed

IV. MISCELLANEOUS never reach into seat cushions with 1. After all cleaning has been your hands as you may stick yourself.) completed, remove all trash

4. Clean surfaces of desks and tables, 2. Verify all surfaces and floors are including crevices and edges

5. Clean passenger windows, use appropriate cleaner

6. Vacuum floor areas


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Title: 50/10 Rule: Circle of Effective Date: 12/01/2007 Rev: Original No. 5 Safety


The NATA Member Company has adopted this OBP for the operation of all vehicles and equipment on the ramp.

Policy Responsibility:

Chief Executive, General Manager, Line Supervisor, Maintenance Technician (as applicable).



The NATA Member Company shall utilize the 50/10 RULE "CIRCLE OF SAFETY" for all ramp activities.

All ramp vehicles/equipment shall be required to perform a mandatory full stop fifty (50) feet from the aircraft perimeter to ensure that the vehicle braking system is fully operational. From this full stop position, the vehicle will proceed to its initial servicing position approximately ten (10) feet from the aircraft at a speed at or below 5 MPH. Once the ramp vehicle is approximately ten (10) feet from the aircraft, another full stop shall be performed.

The vehicle operator, if pulling nose first into the servicing position shall proceed at a slow speed to the final servicing position. Only hydrant carts, portable air-stair, lavatory/water vehicles, cargo loader and belt loader vehicles are permitted to position within ten (10) feet of the aircraft surfaces. All others must remain a minimum of ten (10) feet from the aircraft perimeter.

No ground service equipment will be positioned within 10 feet of an aircraft without a guide person to control the progress and communicate the clearances to the vehicle operator.

Upon arrival at the final servicing point, the operator of the vehicle will place the gear selector in the park position if automatic, or neutral if manual transmission, and set the emergency brake. Additionally, for vehicles that do not require the primary engine running, the ignition systems shall be turned off. Once outside the vehicle, the vehicle chocks will be positioned so as to prevent the ramp vehicle from rolling.

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Ramp service vehicles, when not in use, shall be parked with the engine and ignition system off, transmission in park or neutral as appropriate, parking brake on, and wheels chocked.

Once servicing is complete, the operator of the ramp vehicle/equipment will perform a walk around the vehicle to ensure all servicing equipment is properly stowed and the area behind the vehicle is clear of other vehicles, equipment or aircraft.


Eye Protection (ANSI Z87-1-2003).


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Title: Securing Aircraft Effective Date: 10/30/2007 Rev: Original No. 7

The operational best practices contained within were developed with industry experts that have many years of experience in aviation. The recommendations are meant to provide best practice guidance and each FBO must develop clear-cut guidance with procedures and training applied to their own operation, equipment and risk mitigation findings. Please develop your site-specific guidance taking into account local conditions such as ramp elevations, equipment, location and any other circumstances that would affect your best practices.


The NATA Member Company has adopted this OBP for the protection of owned and customer assets.

Policy Responsibility:

Chief Executive, General Manager, Line Supervisor (as applicable)



Unless directed by the pilot in command of the aircraft, all aircraft that arrive on the ramp shall be properly secured to prevent uncontrolled movement. Rubber chocks shall be placed so that the chock does not rest on the tire.

Aircraft Less Than or Equal To 12,500 lbs. Gross Weight: (Single and Light Twins)

Wind Less Than or Equal to 10 MPH:

• For wind conditions at or below 10 MPH and aircraft less than or equal

to 12,500 lbs., the aircraft will be chocked at the nosewheel. The chocks shall be sized and constructed of an appropriate material to prevent the aircraft from rolling over the chock or pushing the chock along the surface.

Wind Greater Than 10 MPH / Less Than or Equal to 20 MPH:

• In wind conditions/gusts greater than 10 MPH but less than 20 MPH

and aircraft less than or equal to 12,500 lbs. gross weight, the aircraft will be chocked at both mains or tied down at both wing positions. Tail dragger aircraft shall be secured at both wing positions and tail wheel position.

Wind Greater than 20 MPH:

• For wind conditions/gusts greater than 20 mph and aircraft less than or


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equal to 12,500 lbs. gross weight, the aircraft will be tied down at a minimum of three locations, each being the left and right wing and the tail section.

Aircraft Greater Than 12,500 lbs. Gross Weight: (Heavy Twins, Turbo Props, Jets)

Wind Less Than or Equal 10 MPH:

• For wind conditions at or below 10 mph and aircraft over 12,500 lbs.

gross weight, the aircraft will be chocked at the nose wheel position or either main wheel.

Wind Greater Than 10 MPH / Less Than or Equal to 20 MPH:

• For wind conditions/gusts greater than 10 MPH and aircraft over

12,500 lbs. gross weight, the aircraft will be chocked at both main wheel positions. The pilot in command of the aircraft must be notified for further instructions.

Wind Greater than 20 MPH:

• For wind conditions/gusts greater than 20 MPH and aircraft over

12,500 lbs. gross weight, the aircraft must be secured in accordance with the crew/pilots instructions and the aircraft manufacturers’ recommendations.


As applicable to Operational Best Practice adopted by Member Company.


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Title: Chocking of Aircraft in Effective Date: 12/01/2007 Rev: Original No. 9 Hangars

The operational best practices contained within were developed with industry experts that have many years of experience in aviation. The recommendations are meant to provide best practice guidance and each FBO must develop clear-cut guidance with procedures and training applied to their own operation, equipment and risk mitigation findings. Please develop your site-specific guidance taking into account local conditions such as ramp elevations, equipment, location and any other circumstances that would affect your best practices.


The NATA Member Company has adopted this OBP for the safe storage of owned or customer aircraft or assets.

Policy Responsibility:

Chief Executive, General Manager, Line Supervisor, Maintenance Technician (as applicable).



Rubber chocks shall be used to chock all aircraft that are stored in hangars to prevent the uncontrolled movement of the aircraft.

• All aircraft in hanger will be chocked at the main wheels.

• Aircraft over 12,500lbs will be chocked with 6 inch 6-8 lb rubber


• Aircraft under 12,500lbs shall be chocked with appropriately sized rubber chocks at least ½ the height of the tire.

• Aircraft with an aft center of gravity (CG) may lift over a nose chock. Consider triple chocking Citation Xs and other applicable aircraft specified by Member Company.


As applicable to Operational Best Practice adopted by Member Company.


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Title: Safety Cones/Flags Effective Date: 12/01/2007 Rev: Original No. 11


The NATA Member Company has adopted this OBP for the identification of hazardous areas as well as owned and customer aircraft assets while on the ramp.

Policy Responsibility:

Chief Executive, General Manager, Line Supervisors, Maintenance Technician (as applicable).



To ensure the positive identification of potentially hazardous areas on the aprons/ramp controlled or serviced by the company. The NATA Member Company shall require that all hazardous areas and all parked aircraft on its ramps or aprons/ramps are provided with fluorescent safety cones on each wing tip and at the tail.

1. Refuelers

• An approved safety cone must be placed approximately ten (10) feet

behind the refueler when servicing an aircraft. This will aid in protecting the rear of the refueler from other traffic as well as ensuring a walk around prior to departure.

2. Hydrant Carts • An approved safety cone or pit flag must be placed at the hydrant pit

upon connecting to the pit. Removal of the cone is allowed upon closing the hydrant pit servicing hatch.

3. Aircraft Parking • Approved safety cones must be placed at the outboard wingtip position

of each aircraft and is recommended at the tail section of the aircraft. Cone placement must not exceed five (5) feet outboard of each wingtip and ten (10) feet from the tail.

• Aircraft parked in a row shall have safety cones placed at the wingtip position on the outermost aircraft at each end. If open parking slots exist within a row, safety cones shall be placed at the wingtip position on the end of each group of aircraft.


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• Placement of safety cones off the tail section of a parked aircraft is recommended for daytime/ night time operations.

• Operators may have more stringent requirements for cone placement. PPE:

As applicable to Operational Best Practice adopted by Member Company.


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When an aircraft lands on your ramp, you should perform a walk-around safety check of the aircraft to make sure the aircraft has no prior damage. You should always do this before you refuel or tow the aircraft.

Note: If you find any damage to the aircraft or any situation that does not look correct, check with your supervisor and the pilot. Always make sure you report it immediately prior to moving or refueling the aircraft.

Start at the left side of the nose of the aircraft (the pilots left) Check to see that the nose wheel is inflated properly Check the nose wheel strut is not flat against nose collar and look for any leaking

hydraulic fluid. If the aircraft has wheel coverings (wheel pants) check for damage or paint scrat ches

Check the cowling for damage to cowl flaps or other engine openings Check to be certain, if you will tow the aircraft, that the tow -bar will clear the propeller

when tow -bar is turned Walk along the left side of the aircraft towards the left wing looking for any damage to

the aircraft including under the fuselage Be sure all passenger entry doors are closed and secure Look for any broken or damaged antennas, pitot tubes or other small extremities of the

aircraft Walk along the front of the left wing inspecting the entire leading edge If towing and the aircraft is secured by tie-down, disconnect the tie down cables of the

left wing If towing, remove any chocks from the left main wheel(s) at this time Check for damage to the left main gear including wheel covers, struts, tire inflation and

hydraulic or brake fluid Inspect the left wing tip for damage including any static wicks, winglets and the red

position light If towing, look around the area to see that the left wing is clear of any obstructions and

that it is clear to move forward maintaining adequate clearance Move along the entire trailing edge and control surfaces of the left wing and inspect for

damage including damaged static wicks. Walk along the left side of the empennage towards the tail and look for damage

including under the aircraft Be sure all aircraft cargo/baggage doors are closed and/or secure Inspect the leading edge of the left horizontal stabilizer


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Inspect the tip of the left horizontal stabilizer Check the trailing edge of the left horizontal stabilizer including static wicks Walk along or under the horizontal stabilizer stopping at the center to inspect the tip of

the tail including static wicks and the white position light If towing the aircraft and it is secured by a tail tie-down cable, remove it at this time Check for a rudder or gust lock handle or attachment at the rear of the empennage. The

gust lock must be removed or in the disengaged position prior to towing From the rear of the aircraft, look forward and be certain that the area under the aircraft

is free from tools, jacks, wing and tail stands, carpets, or other items around the aircraft. Remove all items from under the aircraft prior to towing

Check the trailing edge of the right side of the horizontal stabilizer including static wicks Inspect the right tip of the right horizontal stabilizer Check the leading edge of the right horizontal stabilizer Move along the right side of the empennage and inspect for damage including under the

aircraft Check the trailing edge of the right wing including the control surfaces and static wicks Disconnect the right wing tie down cables if towing Remove the wheel chocks from the right main landing gear if towing Inspect the right main landing gear for damage including air strut, wheel coverings,

hydraulic and brake fluid and tire inflation Inspect the right wing tip including static wicks, winglets and the green position light Make sure that the right wing is clear of any obstructions in the direction if towing Move along the entire leading edge of the right wing and inspect for damage Check the right side of the nose of the aircraft including cowlings, pitot/static systems or

other aircraft extremities Make a final check of the area for clearance, and use a wing walker if towing Make a final check, if towing, of the tow-bar and the tow vehicle prior to moving the

aircraft If towing and the aircraft will not move easily, check with the flight crew for brake

release Tow the aircraft slowly, no faster that a person can walk, and keep the aircraft well clear

of all obstructions including vehicles and other aircraft at all times If distracted at any time during the walk-around or towing, stop and wait before



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The National Aerospace FOD Prevention, Inc. estimates the cost of FOD to the global aerospace industry at $4 billion annually. These dollars are spent largely repairing aircraft engine damage caused by the ingestion of foreign objects from runways.

Most importantly, FOD is preventable. Follow guidance below to assist with your FOD control program.

Foreign Object Damage (FOD) Control

Effective FOD control programs can greatly reduce the high cost of foreign object damage and the potential for injury and even death. Guidelines for FOD prevention include:

Training--A good prevention program has initial and recurrent training for all airport personnel to identify and eliminate FOD.

Inspection--The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires a daily inspection of airplane maneuvering areas and removal of FOD. Inspection should continue at regular intervals throughout the day.

Maintenance--This must address two primary areas: avoiding debris, and removing debris from airport pavement. Each company on the field should have a prevention program in place to prevent FOD.

Coordination--FOD control is most effective when airports and tenants coordinate FOD control efforts among themselves.


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AC TAIL #: __________________________

AC TYPE: ___________________________

DATE: _____________________________

TIME: _____________________________

DEPARTURE DATE: ________________________ DEPARTURE TIME: ______________________

ON LINE / PULL UP________________________________________________________________________________

FUEL OIL OTHER Select Fuel Type:

AVGAS Jet Fuel Jet w/ Prist

Total Gallons Left Tip Gals. Left Out -board _Gals. Left In-board Gals. Fuselage Gals. Right In-board Gals. Right Out -board Gals. Right tip Gals.

Select Oil Type Wt. AD Non-AD (Mineral)

Quantity Qts. LE Qts. RE Qts.

Tie Down Hanger Night(s) Catering Coffee Ice Papers Grooming LAV Service GPU Maintenance Avionics

Specify Maintenance service requested: _________________________________________________________________



Additional Supplies or services desired: ________________________________________________________________


Business n a me : _________________________________ Mailing address:

Crew member contact: ___________________________

Contact phone: (____) _____-________

Credit Card #________________________________Exp._______________ Check # __________________

Signature: _____________________________________ Print Name on Card ____________________________________

Additional information or instruction: _____________________________________________________________________




FORM OF PAYMENT: ∆Credit Card ∆





Page 59


Each Main Servicing Area shall be equipped with a minimum of one (1) Fuel Spill Response Cart equipped as follows:

Cart type to be specified by Company (for example: one fully functional baggage cart – painted yellow or red, with lockable side curtains and effective brakes.

The recommended contents:

(1) Fuel absorption device (2) 55-gallon hazardous chemical drums (2) Non-sparking shovels (wide pan) (5) 40-pound bags of absorbent material (5) Portable absorbent dikes (5) Sorbent pad packages (10) Barrel labels and permanent marker (2) Safety cones (2) 10 pound Purple K ABC rated fire extinguisher (1) Sump tank (4) Tyvex suits with booties (4) Rubber gloves

All spills must be reported immediately to the supervisor on duty. Local reporting to the fire department/airport operations must also be immediate. SEE CONTACT LIST BELOW.

Each employee has been trained in the use of our emergency response cart as well as fuel spill prevention, recognition, emergency notification and cleanup.

The prevention of fuel spills and the protection of our employees, customers and the environment is the responsibility of every YOUR COMPANY employee.

Our reaction and notification to the appropriate authority must be immediate and precise.





*Please use this Spill Response Kit as GUIDANCE ONLY. You must develop your Spill Kit in accordance with local, state and federal regulations.

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OPERATIONS Light Signals Air traffic controllers have a backup system for communicating with pilots if the aircraftʹs or controllerʹs radios fail. Controllers use a light gun with different colors to tell pilots or vehicle drivers what to do. If you are ever working on a runway or taxiway and your radio quits, you should turn your vehicle towards the tower, start flashing your headlights and the controller will signal you with the light gun.

This may take some time if the controllerʹs attention is directed towards another part of the airport. Alternatively, try another frequency (the tower or ʺlocal controlʺ frequency) or telephone the tower if you have access to a phone. BE PATIENT! Even a failed radio is not an excuse for proceeding without a proper clearance.

Light signals and their meanings:



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Always have your driver’s license with you when operating motor vehicles on the airport. Some airports may also issue airport vehicle driving permits or cards. These should also be carried when working on the air operations area.

Driving privileges may be revoked by airport authority personnel if you are in violation of airport driving rules and regulations.

Always make sure your vehicle is in good working order before driving it.

No vehicle shall be driven carelessly or at a speed exceeding the limit. The use of liquor or narcotics is not permitted. Use caution, some common prescription and over the counter medications may impair your ability to operate a vehicle. Check with your physician, and your supervisor, prior to operating a vehicle while using medication.

Following distances for large vehicles should be increased by four times more than is typical for an automobile. And should be increased for adverse weather conditions.

You must understand that all aircraft have the right of way. Always pass well to the rear of an aircraft to avoid the temperature and wind speed of the jet blast.

Vehicle operators must know and obey control tower signal lights.

Never enter taxiway or runway areas without receiving permission from the control tower or airport authority.

Drive defensively at all times. To drive defensively you must have knowledge of the traffic laws applicable to your airport. Your ability to operate the vehicle is also important. Always try to anticipate any mistakes others may make. Good reactions involve doing the right thing at the right time through your knowledge and ability to keep control of a large vehicle.

Five key elements of defensive driving are: 1. Keep your head up. 2. Keep your eyes moving. 3. Get the big picture. 4. Leave yourself a way out. 5. Make sure the other driver sees you.

When driving at night, visibility is decreased. This is especially true around remote areas of the airport ramp that may not be well lighted. The extremities of an aircraft can disappear in the darkness. Always verify that equipment lights are operating before moving any vehicle. Avoid pointing vehicle headlights into the eyes of pilots operating an aircraft.

Always keep the windows of your vehicle clean and clear. Verify thatwindshield wipers and defrosters are working properly. If necessary, fogging and condensation may be quickly removed by opening the side or vent windows.

Always slow down and test your brakes when approaching an aircraft. This must be accomplished to allow you to turn away from the aircraft if there is a problem.

Allow a larger turning radius for refueling vehicles.

Know the blind spots of your vehicle and never back up a refueler without a guide person to direct you.

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Page 65

Effective communication and aviation safety go hand in hand. Although modern radio communications are used throughout most of the flight, vital communications at the beginning and end of each flight are transmitted visually between the pilot and the line service specialist. Aircraft marshaling is an important safety component because it affords an extra level of safety by having a set of eyes and ears outside the aircraft. Developed by the National Air Transportation Association’s Safety 1st Program in conjunction with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), this hand signal guide is designed to provide a clear and concise description of the twenty-five internationally accepted hand signals used today.

Page 66

Ready to Guide: Start Ready to Guide: Finish

Stand facing the aircraft with feet slightly apart. With wands at your side, raise your arms outward

and upward in a large sweeping motion until you get the pilot’s attention.

Page 67

End with the wands slightly separated above your head. When the aircraft starts taxiing to you, change to the next appropriate hand signal.

Page 68

Come / Taxi Ahead: Start Come Taxi Ahead: Finish

Once the aircraft is lined up in front of you, extend your arms or wands

forward from your shoulders.

Page 69

Pull your hands or wands straight back to your shoulders and repeat this motion as long as you need the aircraft to taxi forward.

Page 70

RIGHT Turn: Start RIGHT Turn: Finish

Smoothly transition from your last signal, stretch both arms or wands straight

out at your sides.

Page 71

Hold your LEFT arm or wand straight out pointing in the direction you wish the aircraft to turn. Repeatedly move your RIGHT arm from side to side.

Page 72

LEFT Turn: Start LEFT Turn: Finish

Smoothly transition from your last signal, stretch both arms or wands straight

out at your sides.

Page 73

Hold your RIGHT arm or wand straight out pointing in the direction you wish the aircraft to turn. Repeatedly move your LEFT arm or wand side to side.

Page 74

Slow Down: Start Slow Down: Finish

Hold both elbows at your side, with forearms forward. Repeatedly move

both forearms in a downward motion.

Page 75

Repeatedly move both forearms in a downward motion.

Page 76

Indicate Affirmative: Indicate Negative:

To ACKNOWLEDGE or AGREE with a pilot request or hand signal, reply with


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To DISAGREE with a pilot request or hand signal, reply with a THUMBS DOWN

Page 78

Indicate Clearance Distance: Indicate Closing Distance:

Hold your hands or wands over your head spaced apart to represent the

amount of distance available.

Page 79

If the distance between the aircraft and the obstruction is closing, keep moving your hands or wands closer together to show the smaller distance.

Page 80

Prepare to STOP: Start STOP: Finish

Extend arms or wands away from your sides. Just prior to where the aircraft

should stop, slowly raise both arms or wands upward in a sweeping motion.

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End with your arms or wands meeting and crossing overhead at the point where the aircraft should stop.

Page 82

Emergency STOP: Start Emergency STOP: Finish

To indicate an emergency stop, QUICKLY and repeatedly sweep arms or wands from a

separated position overhead to a position where the wands are crossed above your head.

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Repeat this action several times in rapid succession until the aircraft stops.

Page 84

Chocks Installed: Start Chocks Installed: Finish

Raise both arms overhead with wands or thumbs pointed inward toward each


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End with the tips of the wands or thumbs touching above your head.

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Chocks Removed: Start Chocks Removed: Finish

Start with your wands or hands extended over your head with the

wands or thumbs pointed outward.

Page 87

End by moving your wands or hands apart.

Page 88

Set Brakes: Start Set Brakes: Finish

Raise both hands over your head with your palms facing the aircraft.

Close your fingers, making a fist with both hands.

Page 89

Release Brakes: Start Release Brakes: Finish

Start with arms raised and hands in a clenched fist position.

End by unclenching your fists, palms facing the aircraft.

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Page 90

Stop Engine: Start Stop Engine: Finish

Start by raising your right arm to a position across your left shoulder.

End by quickly pulling the wand across your neck in a slicing motion.

Page 91

Ext. Power Connected: Start Ext. Power Connected: Finish

Start by placing your left arm at a 45 degree angle with your fingers

pointing toward your head. Place your right hand away from and below your left hand.

Page 92

End by moving your right hand up behind your left hand as if you were plugging it in.

Page 93

Ext. Power Disconnect: Start Ext. Power Disconnect: Finish

When using wands, place your right wand at a 45 degree angle, pointing

toward your head. The right wand should touch the center of the left wand.

Page 94

End by quickly moving your right wand away from your left in an unplugging motion.

Page 95

Open Air Stairs: Start Open Air Stairs: Finish

Start by raising your left arm or wand up from your side at a 45 degree angle. Position

your right arm or wand against your chest, pointing along the same line as your right.

Page 96

End by sweeping your right arm downward, duplicating the opening airstair movement.

Page 97

Close Air Stairs: Start Close Air Stairs: Finish

Start with your left arm or wand up at a 45 degree angle and your right arm or

wand down at a 45 degree angle.

Page 98

End by moving your right arm or wand up across your chest towards your left arm in a sweeping motion resembling the closing of an airstair.

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Page 99

Start Engine: Start Start Engine: Finish

Start by pointing your arm or wand at engine. Raise your other arm or wand

upward and behind you.

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Rotate the raised arm or wand that is behind your head in a tight, circular motion.

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Page 101

Engine Fire: Start Engine Fire: Finish

Should an engine fire occur during start up, point toward the problem

engine with your left arm.

Page 102

Move right hand/wand in a “fanning” motion from shoulder to knee. Continue to point to problem engine with left- hand wand

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Page 103

Brake Fire: Start Brake Fire: Finish

Should a brake fire occur, quickly point to the problem landing gear with your

left wand.

Page 104

Move right hand/wand in a “fanning” motion from shoulder to knee. Continue to point to problem landing gear with left arm/wand.

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Page 105

Don’t Touch Controls: Start Don’t Touch Controls: Finish

Upon noticing an obstruction or object near a movable aircraft surface, get

the pilot’s attention because he may not be looking for signals yet.

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Then, grab one wand in the middle and hold it up over your head with the wand parallel to the ground.

Page 107

Pass Control Off: Start Pass Control Off: Finish

Start by pointing the closer arm toward the next marshaler. Raise the other arm or

wand across your chest, pointing to the other marshaler.

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End by facing away from the aircraft and face the other marshaler. Look back at the aircraft and then away again. Stand at ease after the pilot has transitioned.

Page 109

End Ground Guidance and Clear To Depart: Start

End Ground Guidance and Clear To Depart: Finish

Stand at attention and give a crisp

military salute with your right hand to the pilot.

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End by standing at ease as the aircraft departs.

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Anti-Icing Additive


Hammonds and Gammon Technical Products developed specific injector and maintenance guidance for your use. Additionally, Air BP Aviation and ChevronTexaco recommend that you refer to the MSDS and wear appropriate PPE.



1. Check additive supply daily and inspect desiccant dryer. If

dryer is more than three quarters pink, replace the element.

2. Always wear gloves and goggles when handling additive or servicing your additive system.

3. Inspect entire system monthly for leaks including all fittings on additive tank, delivery and injection lines, calibration gauges and additive pump.

4. Inspect and clean screens in Sight Flow Indicators and filters in additive lines in “Smart” systems monthly.

5. Check pump stroke adjustment setting monthly, should be about 60% and knob should be tight. Knob should not move when operating.

6. Change diaphragm annually. Follo w factory recommendations for procedures.

7. Be certain system has 25 PSI check valve on calibration output port before calibrating to atmosphere in an open container.

8. If additive supply is incorrectly installed below injector, consult Hammonds for special instructions.

9. Visually check for additive flow through Sight Flow indicator, Suction Calibration gauge or digital additive meter during each use.

10. Check calibration of any additive system every 90 days.

11. Consult Hammonds for free assistance in operating and maintaining your Hammonds additive system. 800 -582- 4334 – website

Do not guess, call the factory.


Gammon Technical Products makes three additive injectors, the Digital Viper, Viper Eclipse and Viper Stealth. Gammon Technical also has made an older design. This injector has an air-operated valve, connected by tubing, on the side of the meter register.

If you have this unit, the GTP-2276, contact Gammon Technical directly at [email protected].

The following manuals are simple operating manuals. Installation manuals are also available by going to:

What Viper do you have? Digital Viper - No display, has a simple control box with no lights or switches.

Viper Eclipse - Rectangular shaped digital display, 4-1/4" x 2- 3/8", mounted in aS/S control box with two red lights, one green light, one selector switch and one push button switch.

Viper Stealth - Square shaped display, 3-3/4" x 3- 3/4", mounted in a fiberglass control box with one red indicator light and no switches.

Viper Operation Manual


1. Verify whether or not the aircraft to be refueled needs additive injected into the fuel.

2. Verify that there is a sufficient amount additive in the

reservoir to complete the refueling operation.

3. Turn the air supply valve to the on position.

4. Turn the Inject/Test valve to INJECT.

5. The aircraft can now be refueled.

6. Watch the sight flow indicator to verify that additive is flowing.

7. When the refueling operation is complete, turn the air supply valve and the Inject/test valve each to the off position.


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Viper Calibration:

1. Set the truck up to re-circulate fuel.

2. Turn the air supply valve to the on position.

3. Turn the Three-way TEST/INJECT valve to TEST.

4. Place a graduated cylinder under the test port tubing.

5. Flow fuel thru the truck until there is no air coming out of the test port.

6. Empty the graduated cylinder. Place it under the test port.

7. Flow 100 gallons of fuel thru the truck.

8. Verify that 380 ML of additive has flowed into the

graduated cylinder.

9. This should be done several times to verify the amount.

Viper Eclipse Operation Manual

Description: The Viper Eclipse additive injection system is a self-monitoring and self-adjusting additive injection system. The system was designed so the operator has to make a decision to inject additive or not to inject additive each time an aircraft is refueled. Each time the vehicle is moved, the additive injection system is reset. The vehicle now cannot pump fuel until the operator selects either additive or no additive. A dis play is provided to show the actual injection rate in parts per million and percent of additive. A second screen on the display will show gallons or Liters of fuel pumped and gallons or Liters of additive injected.


1. Verify whether or not the aircraft to be refueled needs additive injected into the fuel.

2. Verify that there is a sufficient amount of additive in the

reservoir to complete the refueling operation.

3. Use the selector switch on the control box to either select additive or no additive. This will enable the vehicle to pump fuel. The selector switch is not an OFF/ON switch for the injection system. If the wrong selection is made, the vehicle must be turned off and restarted. The only way the system can be manually turned off is to turn off the ignition switch of the vehicle. The system will automatically turn off when the vehicle is moved.

4. The aircraft can now be refueled.

5. If the system shuts down the vehicle, look at the warning lights on the control box to determine whether too much or too little additive was injected. Make a note of the parts per million of additive injected and the number of gallons/Liters of fuel pumped. If no additive was injected, verify that all of the valves installed in the additive lines and air lines are turned on, and that there is additive in the reservoir. Press the reset button to restart the system.

Calibration: If there is a problem with the calibration contact Gammon Technical.

1. Set the truck up to re-circulate fuel.

2. Select additive on the control box.

3. Turn the Three-way TEST/INJECT valve to TEST.

4. Place a graduated cylinder under the test port tubing.

5. Flow fuel thru the truck until there is no air coming out of

the test port.

6. Press the reset button on the control box. This will reset the display to 0.

7. Empty the graduated cylinder. Place it under the test port.

8. Flow 350 to 450 Liters of fuel thru the truck.

9. Compare the amount of additive in the graduated

cylinder, to the amount that is shown on the GALLONS of ADDITIVE display.

10. This should be done several times to verify the amount.

11. Turn the TEST/INJECT valve to INJECT.

Operation of the display unit: The display unit is set up so that only two screens are accessible to the operators. All of the settings in the PLC are protected by a password. This password is needed to make any changes to the program.

1. Use the selector switch on the control box to select


2. The display will turn on.

3. When ready, the display will show the percent and parts per million of additive.


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4. Press the NEXT button on the display to go to the next screen. This will show Liters of fuel and liters of additive. Press the PREV button to return to the first display.

Viper Stealth Additive Injection


1. Turn on the power. The display on the control panel should turn on.

2. Verify that the three-way inject/test valve is in the inject


3. Verify that the additive reservoir has sufficient additive. The minimum amount of additive to be injected is 1 gallon for every 1000 gallons of fuel.

4. Press the #2 button on the control panel key pad. This will

activate the additive pumps and prepare the system to start injecting additive.

5. Verify that the additive pumps are running and the display

shows fuel and additive information.

6. Start the flow of fuel.

7. When finished, turn off the power to the additive system.

If the system is not injecting the correct amount of additive, a red indicator light will be activated.

The control panel display will show the total number of gallons of additive injected, the total number of gallons of fuel loaded, the parts per million of additive injected and the percent of additive injected. This information will be stored in the memory of the display with a time and date stamp.


1. Turn on the power.

2. Press the right arrow button until you get to the password


3. Press the enter button. Enter the password and press enter.

4. Press the right arrow button until you see the calibration screen.

5. Turn the three-way test valve to test.

6. Press enter.

7. Place a graduated cylinder under the test port.

8. Press and hold the 0 button. Flow at least 600 ml into the

container. Release the 0 button.

9. Compare the ml of additive in the container to the amount shown on the dis play.

10. If the amounts are not the same, call Gammon Technical

for instructions.

11. Press the enter button to turn off the additive pumps.

12. Press the right arrow button to go to the select additive screen.

To view previous fueling information:

1. Turn on the power.

2. Press the right arrow button until you get to the password


3. Press the Enter button. Enter the password, press the Enter button.

4. Press the Up or Down button until you see the time and

date of the previous fueling.


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Please note there are containers that are in service on dispensing equipment, specifically stainless steel containers, that do not fall into the following listed categories. When handling additive, be sure to read the manufacturer’s MSDS and wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).

Quick Guide to Additive Dispensed

55 Gallon Vertical Drum Record level in height of liquid from bottom

of drum in inches with fractions in decimal form

5 Gallon Plastic Jug Record level in height of liquid from bottom

of jug in inches with fractions in decimal form

A)Starting level _________”

B) Ending Level ___________”

C) Subtract B from A = ___________”

D) C x 1.75 = ___________ gallons dispensed

(A 55-gallon drum (22.5” ID) holds about 1.75 gallons per inch of height.)

A)Starting level _________”

B) Ending Level ___________”

C) Subtract B from A = ___________”

D) C x .43 = ___________ gallons dispensed

(A 5-gallon jug (11.25” ID) holds about .43 gallons per inch of height.

Conversion chart: Fractions to Decimal

1/8" = .125" 1/4" = .25" 3/8" = .375" 1/2" = .5" 5/8" = .625" 3/4" = .75" 7/8" = .875"

For example : #1. Record starting levels in all tanks and drums. Subtract the amount remaining. #2. Record number of 5 -gallon jugs used or reused. Add this to line #1 to calculate the total gallons of additive dispensed.

#3. Compare this to the amount of additive treated fuel dispensed. The ration should be 1/1000, or .1%. Example with Numbers: A. Total amount of treated fuel sold = 23,500 gallons. B. Total amount of additive gone from inventory = 21.5 gallons. C. 21.5 /23500 x 1000 = 0.915 % volume of additive to fuel. This is too low. It should be 0.1. What could be wrong? The fueler forgot to turn on the injector, the reservoir went dry or the additive injector(s) is out of adjustment.

Remember: Additive = 1 gallon per thousand gallons


Page 116

Continued Quick Guide to Additive Dispensed

Rectangular metal tank: Record level in height of liquid from bottom of tank in inches with fractions in

decimal form. Also record tank width and length (not height).

Horizontal Cylindrical tanks:

Fill reservoir half way or specific gallons required.

A)Starting level ________” # of 5 gallon drums used B) Ending Level _________” _____ x 5 = _____ gallons additive C) Subtract B from A = _________” B) Amount of additive removed from number of gallons D) Tank inside width (subtract a little for wall thickness of treated fuel sold _________ gallons. D ___________” E) Tank inside length (subtract a little for wall thickness) E ___________” F) Multiply D _______” x E ______” = F ______” G) Divide F ” / 231 = G _______” gallons per inch H) C x G = Gallons dispensed

(A tank 12” x 16” is 192 cubic inches per inch of height. A gallon is 231 cubic inches. Such a tank is 192/231 = .83 gallons per inch. A change of 1.5 inches = 1 -1/4 gallons.)

Conversion chart: Fractions to Decimal

1/8" = .125" 1/4" = .25" 3/8" = .375" 1/2" = .5" 5/8" = .625" 3/4" = .75" 7/8" = .875"

Remember: Additive = 1 gallon per thousand gallons


Page 117

Recommended PPE for Dispensing Anti-Icing Additive Via an Aerosol Can

Neoprene or Rubber Gloves Face Shield

Recommended PPE for Transferring Anti-Icing Additive From Bulb Storage Into a Dispenser


Neoprene or Rubber Gloves Splash Resistant Half Mask Respirator with Organic Vapor Chemical Filters


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There are several safety points to remember when refueling helicopters.

Never walk behind a helicopter.

Be aware of the tail rotor, and always stay within the pilot’s field of vision.

When positioning your refueler, the vehicle must be outside the circle of blade rotation even if they are not moving.

Helicopters develop large amounts of static electricity.

Be sure the aircraft is securely bonded to the refueler prior to refueling. Allow the static to dissipate for several

minutes prior to refueling.

Keep helicopter landing areas clear and clean. Helicopter downwash will lift and move items into the air.

Hold onto your hat, it can be drawn onto the rotor or engine intakes.

Shield your eyes near a helicopter when it is landing or taking off.

When directing a helicopter, stand with your back to the wind.

Approach and leave the helicopter in a crouched manner.

Hot, or rapid refueling, the terms used for refueling while the engine is running and the rotors are turning, is extremely dangerous and is not recommended.

Always touch the refueling nozzle to the filler cap prior to opening the fuel tank.


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JET A FUEL WEIGHTS AT 6.7 POUNDS PER GAL Rounded up to nearest whole gallon

lb. gal. lb. gal. lb. gal. lb. gal. 5 1 775 116 1625 243 2475 370 10 2 800 120 1650 247 2500 374 15 3 825 124 1675 250 2525 377 20 3 850 127 1700 254 2550 381 25 4 875 131 1725 258 2575 385 50 8 900 135 1750 262 2600 389 75 12 925 139 1775 265 2625 392

100 15 950 142 1800 269 2650 396 125 19 975 146 1825 273 2675 400 150 23 1000 150 1850 277 2700 403 175 27 1025 153 1875 280 2725 407 200 30 1050 157 1900 284 2750 411 225 34 1075 161 1925 288 2775 415 250 38 1100 165 1950 292 2800 418 275 42 1125 168 1975 295 2825 422 300 45 1150 172 2000 299 2850 426 325 49 1175 176 2025 303 2875 430 350 53 1200 180 2050 306 2900 433 375 56 1225 183 2075 310 2925 437 400 60 1250 187 2100 314 2950 441 425 64 1275 191 2125 318 2975 445 450 68 1300 195 2150 321 3000 448 475 71 1325 198 2175 325 3025 452 500 75 1350 202 2200 329 3050 456 525 79 1375 206 2225 333 3075 459 550 83 1400 209 2250 336 3100 463 575 86 1425 213 2275 340 3125 467 600 90 1450 217 2300 344 3150 471 625 94 1475 221 2325 348 3175 474 650 98 1500 224 2350 351 3200 478 675 101 1525 228 2375 355 3225 482 700 105 1550 232 2400 359 3250 486 725 109 1575 236 2425 362 3275 489 750 112 1600 239 2450 366 3300 493

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JET A FUEL WEIGHTS AT 6.7 POUNDS PER GAL Rounded up to nearest whole gallon

lb. gal. lb. gal. lb. gal. lb. gal. 3325 497 4175 624 5025 750 5875 877 3350 500 4200 627 5050 754 5900 881 3375 504 4225 631 5075 758 5925 885 3400 508 4250 635 5100 762 5950 889 3425 512 4275 639 5125 765 5975 892 3450 515 4300 642 5150 769 6000 896 3475 519 4325 646 5175 773 6025 900 3500 523 4350 650 5200 777 6050 903 3525 527 4375 653 5225 780 6075 907 3550 530 4400 657 5250 784 6100 911 3575 534 4425 661 5275 788 6125 915 3600 538 4450 665 5300 792 6150 918 3625 542 4475 668 5325 795 6175 922 3650 545 4500 672 5350 799 6200 926 3675 549 4525 676 5375 803 6225 930 3700 553 4550 680 5400 806 6250 933 3725 556 4575 683 5425 810 6275 937 3750 560 4600 687 5450 814 6300 941 3775 564 4625 691 5475 818 6325 945 3800 568 4650 695 5500 821 6350 948 3825 571 4675 698 5525 825 6375 952 3850 575 4700 702 5550 829 6400 956 3875 579 4725 706 5575 833 6425 959 3900 583 4750 709 5600 836 6450 963 3925 586 4775 713 5625 840 6475 967 3950 590 4800 717 5650 844 6500 971 3975 594 4825 721 5675 848 6525 974 4000 598 4850 724 5700 851 6550 978 4025 601 4875 728 5725 855 6575 982 4050 605 4900 732 5750 859 6600 986 4075 609 4925 736 5775 862 6625 989 4100 612 4950 739 5800 866 6650 993 4125 616 4975 743 5825 870 6675 997 4150 620 5000 747 5850 874 6700 1000

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JET A FUEL WEIGHTS AT 6.7 POUNDS PER GAL Rounded up to nearest whole gallon

lb. gal. lb. gal. lb. gal. lb. gal. 6867 1025 12562 1875 18257 2725 23952 3575 7035 1050 12730 1900 18425 2750 24120 3600 7202 1075 12897 1925 18592 2775 24287 3625 7370 1100 13065 1950 18760 2800 24455 3650 7537 1125 13232 1975 18927 2825 24622 3675 7705 1150 13400 2000 19095 2850 24790 3700 7872 1175 13567 2025 19262 2875 24957 3725 8040 1200 13735 2050 19430 2900 25125 3750 8207 1225 13902 2075 19597 2925 25292 3775 8375 1250 14070 2100 19765 2950 25460 3800 8542 1275 14237 2125 19932 2975 25627 3825 8710 1300 14405 2150 20100 3000 25795 3850 8877 1325 14572 2175 20267 3025 25962 3875 9045 1350 14740 2200 20435 3050 26130 3900 9212 1375 14907 2225 20602 3075 26297 3925 9380 1400 15075 2250 20770 3100 26465 3950 9547 1425 15242 2275 20937 3125 26632 3975 9715 1450 15410 2300 21105 3150 26800 4000 9882 1475 15577 2325 21272 3175 26967 4025 10050 1500 15745 2350 21440 3200 27135 4050 10217 1525 15912 2375 21607 3225 27302 4075 10385 1550 16080 2400 21775 3250 27470 4100 10552 1575 16247 2425 21942 3275 27637 4125 10720 1600 16415 2450 22110 3300 27805 4150 10887 1625 16582 2475 22277 3325 27972 4175 11055 1650 16750 2500 22445 3350 28140 4200 11222 1675 16917 2525 22612 3375 28307 4225 11390 1700 17085 2550 22780 3400 28475 4250 11557 1725 17252 2575 22947 3425 28642 4275 11725 1750 17420 2600 23115 3450 28810 4300 11892 1775 17587 2625 23282 3475 28977 4325 12060 1800 17755 2650 23450 3500 29145 4350 12227 1825 17922 2675 23617 3525 29312 4375 12395 1850 18090 2700 23785 3550 29480 4400


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An important component of many jet aircraft single point systems is the automatic fuel shutoff. This component is designed to terminate the flow of fuel into individual tanks or the entire aircraft when full. To ensure that the system is working properly, the system features a pre -check , which enables the refueling personnel to verify proper operation of the automatic shut -off during refueling operations.

Typically, the aircraft pre-check system is operated by a button or switch located on the aircraft fueling panel, or in some cases, near the single point access. To operate the pre-check, refueling must be underway and fuel must be flowing within the normal pressure range. The pre-check switch must be activated (and in some cases held “on”) until fuel stops flowing into the aircraft.

When the fuel stops flowing, this is verification that the automatic fuel shutoff system is operating properly. Releasing the switch (or returning it to the normal fueling position) will reactivate the flow of fuel into the aircraft.

For those aircraft equipped with pre-check systems, the approved procedures must be completed at the commencement of every single point refueling operation.


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Since the basis of the single point refueling system is to deliver under pressure, the aircraft’s fuel vent system plays an important role in the operation of the aircraft’s fuel system. Essentially, the aircraft must be able to constantly vent the air that is displaced as the fuel enters the aircraft tank(s). This venting process is critical to ensure that over pressurization of the internal plumbing and tanks does not occur.

Typically, aircraft vents are located on the outboard, underside sections of the wings, near the wingtips.

When refueling certain business aircraft which utilize the single point system, you must always check the aircraft’s fuel vents immediately after commencement of refueling, to ensure that fuel system venting is occurring. Verification is easily accomplished by confirming that air is being released out of each aircraft fuel vent.

On some aircraft, prior to commencement of refueling operations, pressure within the fuel system must be released before refueling can being.

In addition, in the event that the fuel shutoff system has failed or if a shutoff valve has not closed properly, the fuel vents are also designed to route excess overboard and relieve pressure within the system once the tank(s) have reached their maximum capacity. Be prepared to shut off the flow of fuel immediately if fuel is pumped overboard. Each fuel spill, no matter how small, must be cleaned up in accordance with all local and federal guidelines. Personal protective equipment must also be utilized.


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DATE TIME Location After


TAIL N# Post-Move Inspection_

Pre-Move Inspection

Location Before Tow Tug Operator


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INSPECTION Prior to moving any aircraft you must perform a walk-around of the aircraft to determine if the aircraft is ready to move, that the area is clear of obstacles, and to be certain that there is no prior damage to the aircraft you are planning to tow.

After correct placement of the tow-bar, or attachment of the tug to the aircraft, you must perform the following walk-around safety check. Remember; never remove the wheel chocks until the aircraft is firmly attached to the tow vehicle.

Note: If you find any damage to the aircraft or any situation that does not look correct, check with your supervisor and report it immediately prior to moving the aircraft.

Start at the left side of the nose of the aircraft (the pilots left) Check to see that the nose wheel is inflated properly Check the nose wheel strut is not flat against nose collar and look for any leaking hydraulic fluid. If the

aircraft has wheel coverings (wheel pants) check for damage or paint scratches Check the cowling for damage to cowl flaps or other engine openings Check to be certain that the tow-bar will clear the propeller when tow -bar is turned Walk along the left side of the aircraft towards the left wing looking for any damage to the aircraft

including under the fuselage Be sure all passenger entry doors are closed and secure Look for any broken or damaged antennas, pitot tubes or other small extremities of the aircraft Walk along the front of the left wing inspecting the entire leading edge If the aircraft is secured by tie-down, disconnect the tie down cables of the left wing Remove any chocks from the left main wheel(s) at this time Check for damage to the left main gear including wheel covers, struts, tire inflation and hydraulic or

brake fluid Inspect the left wing tip for damage including any static wicks, winglets and the red position light\ At this time look around the area to see that the left wing is clear of any obstructions and that it is clear

to move forward maintaining adequate clearance. Move along the entire trailing edge and control surfaces of the left wing and inspect for damage

including damaged static wicks. Walk along the left side of the empennage towards the tail and look for damage including under the

aircraft Be sure all aircraft cargo/baggage doors are closed and/or secure Inspect the leading edge of the left horizontal stabilizer Inspect the tip of the left horizontal stabilizer Check the trailing edge of the left horizontal stabilizer including static wicks Walk along or under the horizontal stabilizer stopping at the center to inspect the tip of the tail

including static wicks and the white position light If the aircraft is secured by a tail tie-down cable, remove it at this time Check for a rudder or gust lock handle or attachment at the rear of the empennage. The gust lock must

be removed or in the disengaged position prior to towing

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From the rear of the aircraft, look forward and be certain that the area under the aircraft is free from

tools, jacks, wing and tail stands, carpets, or other items around the aircraft. Remove all items from under the aircraft prior to the towing operation

Check the trailing edge of the right side of the horizontal stabilizer including static wicks Inspect the right tip of the right horizontal stabilizer Check the leading edge of the right horizontal stabilizer Move along the right side of the empennage and inspect for damage including under the aircraft Check the trailing edge of the right wing including the control surfaces and static wicks Disconnect the right wing tie down cables Remove the wheel chocks from the right main landing gear Inspect the right main landing gear for damage including air strut, wheel coverings, hydraulic and

brake fluid and tire inflation Inspect the right wing tip including static wicks, winglets and the green position light Make sure that the right wing is clear of any obstructions in the direction of the towing operation Move along the entire leading edge of the right wing and inspect for damage Check the right side of the nose of the aircraft including cowlings, pitot/static systems or other aircraft

extremities Make a final check of the area for clearance, and use a wing walker when necessary Make a final check of the tow-bar and the tow vehicle prior to moving the aircraft If the aircraft will not move easily, check with the flight crew for brake release Tow the aircraft slowly, no faster that a person can walk, and keep the aircraft well clear of all

obstructions including vehicles and other aircraft at all times If distracted at any time during the walk-around or towing sequence stop and wait before proceeding.


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Title: Safety Whistle Effective Date: 10/01/2007 Rev: Original No. 12


The NATA Member Company has adopted this OBP for clear and effective communication on the ramp and air operations area.

Policy Responsibility:

Chief Executive, General Manager, Line Supervisor



All employees that are required to work on an active ramp shall be provided with a durable, plastic (non metallic) whistle that will be readily available on their person at all times. The whistle will be utilized to signal an audible "stop" any time during the marshaling of aircraft on the ramp or positioning into a hangar. It will also be utilized in the same manner when acting as a guide person during vehicle movements. The whistle will be blown once loudly to signal "stop". There will be no other variations in signals used.

The use of a breakaway lanyard is required by this OBP. Failure to provide or require breakaway lanyards violates this NATA Member Company OBP. Use of a non- breakaway lanyard is discouraged as it may get caught in a piece of machinery and potentially cause bodily injury.

Note: Consider using a “Dive Whistle” which does not have a pea or ball.

Prior to hooking up to an aircraft:

The Lead or tug operator will visually inspect the tug, tow-bar and aircraft for operational integrity.

The tug operator will discuss with the tow team (wing walkers, brake rider, etc.) where the aircraft will be positioned, any potential hazards along the way (sloping ramp, weather, snow, ice, etc.) and agree on where each member of the tow team will be located. The tug operator will also ask to see each tow team member’s whistle and ask for a quick test.

Each tow team member will proceed to the assigned position with the whistle at the ready (whistle in between the lips).


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Tow operation will begin. If any hazard is noticed that will affect the

tow operation or the proximity to other structures becomes questionable, the tow team member will signal by blowing on the whistle in one hard load burst to stop the operation.

Upon hearing the whistle burst, the tug operator will stop the tug immediately and look in the direction of the sound.

The tug operator will then secure the tug (set brake, turn engine off), inspect the situation and determine the next action.

Note: The whistle burst signal can also be used any time an “ALL STOP” message is needed to signal personnel familiar with this company policy.


As applicable to Operational Best Practice adopted by Mem ber Company.


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Aircraft structures and components are designed to be very lightweight, yet strong and durable during flight operations. During towing, these same components can be very fragile. For example, wing surfaces are engineered to withstand severe forces of wind when flying, however, certain portions of the wing could actually be damaged by hand if pushed or lifted in the wrong location.

The following areas of the aircraft are very delicate. Use caution when in close proximity to these items.

Wing Tips and Tip Tanks

Winglets and Tip Sails

Static Wicks

Rudders and Tail Cones

Trim Tabs

Landing Gear Doors

Pitot Tubes and Angle of Attack Indicators Nose Cones and Radomes

De-Ice Boots


Wheel Pants

Nose Wheel Brake & Electrical Lines

Communication and Navigation Antennas

All Control Surfaces


AIRCRAFT DAMAGE It is your responsibility to take care of customer aircraft. If you accidentally damage an aircraft, no matter how slight, you must report it to your supervisor immediately. Unreported aircraft damage is not acceptable and is extremely dangerous.

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Always follow these general towing safety rules:



2. DO NOT become distracted while towing. STOP moving if someone is talking to you.

3. NEVER assume anything, get off the tug and visually check clearances whenever in doubt.

4. Turn off the ignition and set the parking brake BEFORE leaving the tug.

5. Always CHECK nose gear turning limits before towing.

6. Always choose the SAFEST and SHORTEST towing route.

7. Utilize a “WING WALKER” to assist in the prevention of accidents.

8. DO NOT tow an aircraft that has a RED MAINTENANCE tag attached to the nose gear.

9. DO NOT tow an aircraft with its parking brake “on”.

10. DO NOT tow any aircraft if there is any QUESTION in your mind concerning the tow bar, disconnection of the nose gear, turning limits, or any other aspect of the towing operation. CALL YOUR SUPERVISOR.

11. DO NOT use a tug as a LADDER.

12. DO NOT walk between tugs and towed vehicles, walk around.

13. DRIVE DEFENSIVELY, don’t assume other vehicles will stop for you.

14. DO NOT drive behind aircraft with beacon lights on or engines running.

15. DO NOT drive a tug under the wing of an aircraft.

16. When changing directions, i.e., forward to reverse or reverse to forward, always bring the unit to a COMPLETE STOP.

17. DO NOT carry passengers on a tug unless there is a seat available.

18. Keep tow vehicles CLEAN.

19. DO NOT board or jump from ground equipment when it is moving.

20. DO NOT walk or climb on aircraft.

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Page 138

Hangar Towing Safety

1. NEVER overlap any part of an aircraft over any part of another.

2. NEVER place any part of an aircraft within the propeller arc of another.

3. ALWAYS get off the tug and check clearances.

4. DOUBLE CHECK each aircraft before moving it. Is the power cord unplugged, tool boxes clear, cowlings secure, aircraft not on jacks, tires properly inflated, and is the nose gear disconnected if required.

5. Use EXTREME caution, tow SLOWLY and keep your head up!


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To familiarize you with towing safety rules and towing procedures, this segment will illustrate a typical towing operation (step-by-step) in which an aircraft is moved from the tie down area to the departure area.

Before leaving the tug parking area, complete a thorough vehicle walk-around and safety check.

Determine the best (shortest and safest) route for your towing operation. Be sure there’s adequate

space at your destination, before moving the aircraft. Test the tug’s brakes before you get close to the aircraft. Allow enough distance to turn away if

the brakes are not functioning properly. Slowly position the tug in front of the aircraft. Always tow the aircraft from the front of the tug.

From this position, your view (and control) of the aircraft are maximized. Before getting off the vehicle, turn off the engine and set the park brake.

Preparing the aircraft for towing Select the proper tow bar and attach it to the appropriate location on the nose gear.

Visually check the nose gear for any turning limit markers and manually check the turn limits of

the nose gear by moving the nose gear from side to side.

Connect the tow bar to the hitch on the vehicle and check to see that the hitch is closed securely. Avoid positioning the tug at an angle to the aircraft. You may have to reposition the tug in line with the aircraft.

Once the aircraft is securely connected to the tug, remove the chocks from the wheels of the



AIRCRAFT TURN LIMITS Each aircraft has its own wheel nose turn limit. The “turn limit” is the maximum turning angle of the nose gear. Typically, the “turn limit” is less than 45 degrees to each side.

SINGLE ENGINE AIRCRAFT PROPELLER PARANOIA Be sure that the propeller will not be in the way of the tow bar during aircraft movement. If, necessary, carefully move the propeller (opposite normal powered rotation). Always keep your body out of the propeller arc and never wrap your fingers over the blade. The blade can kick back and cause serious industry.

Page 140

Perform a thorough walk-around of the aircraft. Start at the left side of the nose (pilots left) and

work your way around the entire aircraft. If possible, look inside to confirm that the parking brake is off. Do not board an aircraft without the permission from the flight crew.

Finish the walk-around with a check of the right side of the aircraft. Remove the tie down cable

and chocks. As you approach the nose of the aircraft, double check the tow bar one last time to ensure that it is securely attached to the aircraft and the tug.

Starting the Towing Operation Start the tug, release the parking brake, and maintain pressure on the brake pedal. The tug

should not move as you put the shift lever into “reverse”. Before you begin to move, check around the aircraft (tail and wingtips) for clearance. Check behind the tug for any obstacles, aircraft, personnel or vehicles.

As you release pressure on the brake pedal, slowly and smoothly begin to move the aircraft. If it

does not move easily, the parking brake may be on. If the brakes are “on”, do not attempt the tow operation, STOP and check with your supervisor.

Once in motion you should keep your eyes moving at all times. Watch the direction you are

heading, continually checking the wing clearances and occasionally checking the nose gear. Keep your mind on what you are doing at all times. If someone or something should distract

you, stop the tug. Shut off the ignition, put the tug in neutral or park and set the parking brake before you get off the tow vehicle.

During wet or icy conditions, adjust your speed to maintain a margin of safety. Always slow your

speed down as ramp and visibility conditions deteriorate. Stay within the nose wheel turn limit, and avoid sharp turns or sudden movements.

When pulling the aircraft into position, slowly and smoothly bring the aircraft to a stop so that you

do not put any unnecessary stress on the nose gear mechanism. A sudden stop can cause the nose gear to collapse.


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There are several reasons to perform a “walk-around” prior to towing, including safety, familiarization with the aircraft, disconnecting of chains and ground equipment, a visual check of the aircraft condition (for damage), and noting of obstacles that might influence the initial direction of the towing operation.

For some aircraft, an inspection of the “rudder” or “gust” lock is essential prior to towing. “Rudder” or “gust’ locks prevent damage to the rudder during high winds, but must be removed prior to towing to avoid damage to the internal control system. On most light and medium sized general aviation aircraft, the rudder is interconnected (via cable) to the aircraft’s nose wheel and both are controlled by the rudder pedals. Damage can occur to the system if the aircraft is towed before the lock is removed.

Some aircraft are equipped with an external, fixed rudder lock located on the empennage which must be disengaged by moving the handle “aft” or “down”. On other aircraft, the lock consists of an external plate, which must be physically removed from the rudder prior to towing.

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Place the tow vehicle in neutral or park, shut off the ignition, and set the parking brake. Position the chocks to secure the aircraft. Always disconnect the tow bar from the tug first, and then from the aircraft. Secure the tow bar on the tug.

Never remove the tow bar if the aircraft has not been chocked. Numerous accidents have

occurred because an aircraft rolled into the front of the tug. This could not only damage the aircraft and the tug, you could be caught between the two vehicles and seriously injured.

Make a final walk-around of the aircraft to be certain the aircraft is the way you found it prior

to towing. Replace the rudder gust lock if the aircraft is so equipped.


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A. Definitions

Fuel Farm: A location, on or off airport property, where fuel intended for immediate or future distribution at the airport is stored.

B. Fuel Farm\Fuel Storage Facility Located Within the Air Operations Area

Each fuel farm located on the airport within the air operations area (AOA) can be designated a Security Identification Display Area (SIDA) so that they would conform to the requirements of 49 CFR §1542.205.

C. Fuel Farm\Fuel Storage Facility Located Outside the AOA

Each fuel farm/fuel storage facility located outside of the AOA or a secured area that is owned, managed, or otherwise directly controlled by the airport operator, can be identified as a SIDA that conforms to the requirements of 49 CFR § 1542.205.

D. Fuel Vehicles Entering the SIDA or Secured Area

1) At vehicle access points that provide direct access to the SIDA or secured area, each time a vehicle engaged in or designed for the distribution of any type of flammable liquid fuel (such as aviation fuel or heating oil) enters the SIDA or secured area, the airport operator may consider the following:

a. Assurance that each vehicle possesses airport approved vehicle identification.

b. Inspection of vehicles in accordance with the procedures described in paragraphs i. through iv. below:

i. The airport operator may conduct a thorough visual inspection of the undercarriage of a vehicle, for example of areas in and behind the wheels using an inspection mirror or an equivalent. If there are any anomalies that would warrant further investigation of the vehicle, a TSA-certified explosives detection canine may be used, if available, to facilitate the search for potential explosives. If a suspected unauthorized explosive, IED, or LVIED is discovered on the vehicle, the responsible authority could contact an appropriate law enforcement authority or emergency services response authority to resolve the incident.

ii. The airport operator may consider opening and visually inspecting all interior and exterior compartments.

iii. The airport operator may inspect under the vehicle hood, as well as other protected areas.

iv. The airport operator may visually inspect the entire vehicle.

2) All fuel vehicles entering a SIDA or secured area from any form designated location may be inspected in accordance with the foregoing or other similar procedures.


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E. Vehicle Operations and Passengers

At designated access points that provide access to the airport, the airport operator may verify the identity of all individuals in the vehicle.

F. Personnel Conducting Inspections: The airport operator may arrange that all individuals who conduct:

1) Identity verification and vehicle inspections have a means of communicating immediately with either the airport operator or appropriate law enforcement authority in the event of an emergency or breach of security.

2) Vehicle and vehicle occupant inspections receive appropriate training.


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How to use a reclaim tank to improve your bottom line and protect the environment

What is a reclaim tank?

A reclaim tank is used to return useable fuel drained for QC inspection, back to storage for reuse. The tank is designed to allow waste (sediment and water) to settle out to and be drained away while the clean fuel is returned to storage.

What are the savings?

1. Sell/use fuel rather than pay to have it disposed as HazMat

2. Reduce cost for disposal of waste fuel (HazMat)

3. Eliminate risk and cost to store waste fuel on site

4. Reduce the reporting fees to the Department of Environmental Quality

Reclaim Tank Savings

Sample A Sample B Sample B Number of Fuel Tanks 2 3 3 Number of Fuel Trucks 2 4 6 Gallons sumped per tank/truck 5 5 5 Total fuel sumped:

" " " "

per day 20 35 45 per month 600 1050 1350 per year 7200 12600 16200

Cost of Fuel with all taxes $3.75 $3.75 $3.75 Fuel Cost Savings Per Year $27,000.00 $47,250.00 $60,750.00

Waste Fuel Disposal Cost per Gal. $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 Savings per year $14,400.00 $25,200.00 $32,400.00

Total Savings per Year $41,400.00 $72,450.00 $93,150.00

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RECLAIM TANKS • NATA SAFETY 1ST PROFESSIONAL LINE SERVICE TRAINING • ©2008 Page 1 of 2 Information provided by Air BP Aviation Services

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How does the reclaim tank work?

If your storage tank has its own pump to unload a tanker, or to recirculate, the reclaim tank’s suction line would be connected to the suction side of the product pump. A check valve and ball valve would be installed in this line. This would allow the clean fuel to be drawn through the product pump and returned to storage.

The size of the reclaim tank should match the needs of your operation, and are available in 15, 30, or 50 gallon capacity. The reclaim tank would be anchored and bonded to the fuel system.

Installation and Operation Options

+ Use a self contained hand or electric pump to return the fuel from the reclaim tank back to the storage tank. + Install an in-line filter for fuel returned to the storage tank. + Directly connect the filter and/or tank sumps to the reclaim tank + Install a closed circuit sampler + Install a waste receiving tank

RECLAIM TANKS • NATA SAFETY 1ST PROFESSIONAL LINE SERVICE TRAINING • ©2008 Page 2 of 2 Information provided by Air BP Aviation Services

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General aviation is strong because it saves time for its customers. Flight crews expect fixed base operators (FBOs) to assist in saving valuable time by providing requested services in a timely manner. If an FBO is slow to react or displays indifferent work practices, dissatisfied flight crews will go elsewhere for assistance.

Many flight crews call ahead, by phone or radio, to prearrange needed services. A common term used is “quick turn.” The flight crew’s request might be, I would like a quick turn, please have a fuel truck standing by. Providing an efficient, well-planned quick turn will show flight crews just how experienced your line service specialists are.

Let’s examine a scenario outlining a typical quick turn:

Meet and Greet: Meet the aircraft with a “follow me” vehicle and escort or marshal the aircraft to a parking spot.

Arrival: Stop, Chock and Signal the pilot. Follow the 50/10 circle of safety best practice and position the refueler after engines are

shut down. Roll out the red carpet and verify services with the crew. Services may include fuel

requirements, coffee, ice, newspapers, ground power, ground transportation, catering or any other requested assistance.

After service is provided, turn in the paperwork to expedite customer handling at the counter.

Assistance: Help load/unload, collect the cones and pick up the red carpet. Departure: Signal the crew, pull chocks, marshal and salute

With proper training and practice, you can deliver the best experience in this industry to all the flight crews visiting your FBO. Always remember to work safely, efficiently and purposefully, and to avoid a hurried, sloppy or reckless manner.


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Acknowledge...Let me know you have received and understand this message.

Advise intentions…Tell me what you plan to do.


Confirm… My version is…is that correct?

Correction...An error has been made in the transmission and the correct version follows.

Go Ahead...State your request. (Warning: this never means “proceed”).

Hold or hold position… Stop where you are.

Hold short of… Proceed to, but hold short of a specific point.

How Do You Hear Me… Self-explanatory

I Say Again...Self-explanatory

Negative...No, or permission not granted or that is not correct.

Out...This conversation is ended and no response is expected.

Over...My transmission is ended and I expect a response from you.

Proceed...You are authorized to begin or continue moving.

Read Back...Repeat my message back to me.

Roger...I have received all of your last transmission. (It should not be used to answer a yes or no question.)

Say Again...Repeat what you have said.

Speak Slower...Self-explanatory


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Stand By...Wait…I will get back to you. (Standby is not an approval or a denial. The caller should reestablish contact if the delay is lengthy.)

That is correct...Self explanatory

Unable… I can’t do it.

Verify...Request confirmation of information.

Wilco… I have received your message, understand it and will comply.


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For reasons of safety and standardization around the world, all aviation radio communications must be clear and accurate.

To achieve this, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has adopted English as the official international language of aviation and, has established the International Phonetic Alphabet, to be used in radio transmissions.

Because several letters sound alike, such as B, C and D, you must learn the appropriate phonetic alphabet code to differentiate between the various letters. Under the phonetic alphabet B, C, and D would be pronounced Bravo, Charlie and Delta.


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Hands‐on Fire Extinguisher Training Record

Student Information: Name:



City: State: Zip: Completion of this form verifies that: (Student Name) has received hands-on training in the use of a portable fire extinguisher.

The training was completed on: / /

Trained by:



Company Name:


This completed form should be filed within the student’s training record.

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