Pleshey parish news - 2015 - 04

PLESHEY PARISH NEWS April 2015 40p where sold


Pleshey Parish News - parish magazine from the village of Pleshey, Essex.

Transcript of Pleshey parish news - 2015 - 04

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April 2015

40p where sold

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Vicar: Revd. Sheila Coughtrey 237 576 or 237 251 Churchwardens: Liz Eccles-Williams 237 237

Richard Clarke 231 559

Messy Church: Lynne Zwink 231 256

Bell Tower Captains: Paul Reekie and Toby Carpenter

Thursday 2nd April Maundy Thursday

6.30 pm. Simple Supper in the Evelyn Underhill Room at the Retreat

House, in aid of the Bishop’s Lent Appeal

8 pm. Eucharist of the Last Supper and Watch in the Garden until 10 pm, in the Retreat House Chapel

Friday 3rd April Good Friday

2 pm. The Last Hour at the Cross

Sunday 5th April Easter Day 8 am. Holy Communion (1662)

10 am. Service of Light and Easter Eucharist

Sunday 12th April Second Sunday of Easter

10 am. Sung Eucharist

Sunday 19th April Third Sunday of Easter 10 am. Sung Eucharist (Traditional)

11:15 am Annual Parochial Church Meeting. Following the

morning service we will meet in church to elect Churchwardens and

Church Council members. This is an opportunity to hear about what has been happening during the past year. Everyone is welcome to


Sunday 26th April Fourth Sunday of Easter

10 am. Sung Eucharist

Do you need a prayer?

Each week we pray for local, national and worldwide events, and for

other needs. If you would like a special prayer for someone you know,

yourself or special events, please contact the Vicar or a Churchwarden.

Services at Holy Trinity Church, April 2015

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Editor and Essex Chronicle Local Correspondent: Mary Horsnell, “Skylarks” (the bungalow behind the Church),

Bury Road, Pleshey, CM3 1HB. tel: 237 283

Sub-Editor: Daniel Kenning, 8 Woolmers Mead, tel. 237 446

e-mail: [email protected]

Treasurer and subscriptions:

Ian Jarrett, 14 Woolmers Mead, CM3 1HH. tel. 237 432

Deadline! All copy must be delivered to the Editor or Sub-Editor no later than the 17th of the month prior to publication. Pleshey Parish News ensures that as far as possible information in the magazine is

correct. Nothing anonymous is published. We cannot accept responsibility for

material from third parties, nor do we endorse any advertised product or service.

Back issues may be obtained from the Church or from the Editor.

Brought to you by our steadfast distribution team: Debbie Grant, Mary Horsnell, Peter Horsnell, Anne Manning, Linda Murrell, Robin

North, Pat Reekie, Jean Sorrell, Ian Tubby, Lynne Zwink.

Cover: Continuing our theme “Pleshey people about their work and play”, here is

the Fours Team from the Pleshey Carpet Bowls Club. See page 8.

From the archive: The Air Ambulance came to rescue a young neighbour,

Dominic, after he was knocked off his bicycle. Luckily he was fine. Circa 2006-2007.



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A Thought from the Vicar

Two caterpillars enjoying a chat in the spring sunshine when a butterfly flitted past. One remarked: "You'll never get me up in one of those things!"

The message of Easter seems as unlikely to many as becoming a butterfly seems to a caterpillar. Yet there is in all of us a longing to "fly" beyond the limitations of this life, a universal hope that there is more to life than we can see. The idea of life continuing after death in a completely fulfilled and perfect way is very attractive. But it does sound too good to be true, the sort of forlorn hope we would make up to make life bearable. There is so much suffering and wrong in the world, it does raise big questions. Questions that I'm sure we have all struggled with!

There are no easy answers. Life can be cruel and most unfair. And regardless of what we believe, nothing can alter the reality of pain and suffering. If this universal hope for life beyond this world has any substance then it depends on there being a God who loves us, and who has done something to make that hope possible. I have found in the Easter story, the faith to trust in such a God, even when I can't understand. The claim is that an innocent man dies a cruel death on a cross. This man, Jesus Christ, claimed to be the Son of God. What we are saying is that God Himself enters our world of suffering and experiences the worst horrors of human life... and death. The Creator steps into human history and ends up hanging on a cross planted in the earth He created. What an unexpected picture of God! And why does He do this? Because He loves us!

Then an even more unexpected thing happened. The first Easter morning, Jesus rose from the tomb, alive forever more. Jesus redeems the suffering and muddle of life, and even death itself. That is what gives us real hope!

The truth of the Christian Gospel hangs on this one extraordinary claim, as St Paul reminds us:

“if Christ was not raised, then our Gospel is null and void, and so is your faith.”

1 Corinthians 15:14

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We make a big thing of Christmas, but we find the mysterious and disturbing events of Good Friday and Easter less attractive. This is a pity, because here, I believe, is where we can find real hope in the face of the mystery that is life and death. We can trust Jesus' promise:

"Because I live, you too will live." (John 14:19)

For many today, this story seems too much to ask, it’s impossible, just as a caterpillar would see the idea of becoming a butterfly. But, if it is true, then we can have a firm hope that the mystery we call life can have a happy ending, and all our hopes and dreams can turn out to be true.

All good wishes Sheila

The design for the proposed Wall-hanging is prepared, so the next step is to work out how to produce it. I welcome any willing stitching volunteers to meet and discuss the way forward!

I have booked the Evelyn Underhill Room for Thursday 16th April 2015 at 10am.

Please let me know if you are able to come, or not but would still like to be involved. Coffee will be provided!

Joan Clarke (01245 231559 / [email protected])

Magna Carta Wall Hanging

Magna Carta Update!

Launch - Thanks to all who came on 20th March. We will approach volunteers shortly; if no-one has contacted you please contact Kate if you can help during the medieval weekend ([email protected]).

Bunting - Thanks to all who took a kit to make bunting. Please deliver the bunting to the Leather Bottle before 30th April. If you have changed your mind, please return the kit to the Leather Bottle ASAP.

Parking - The police will put cones on The Street for the whole weekend 9th-10th May. If you have to park there, please phone Kate (237 549).

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Jenny’s Jottings

Well, it will soon be the good old hot cross bun time…. Again

I have the same old moans every year, that they are in the shops all year round and they are not as big as they were years ago. I can remember going down to Biggs the bakers in Great Waltham, or Amos’s in Little Waltham, and they were mega!

The hot cross bun has quite a history. The cross on them goes back to medieval times, it is a visible sign the buns have been blessed and have the power to ward off evil spirits helping with the longevity of the bun and stopping it from going stale and mouldy quickly. The custom grew in the 1600s. These special spiced buns known as “good Friday

Buns” were to be marked with a cross and to be eaten for breakfast. That sounds nice, could be nice with a dob of honey on them… yummy!

Around 1730 they were being sold in the streets for a penny or two. Small ones for a penny.. Hence the rhyme “one a penny, two a penny, hot cross buns”.

One well known tradition surrounding the buns is still in practice today. Taking place in in the “Widow's Son” public house in Bromley by Bow in the early 1900s a widow lived where the pub is now, was expecting her sailor son back home for Easter and placed a bun aside for his arrival. He never returned but she placed a bun out every year. This is continued each year in the pub which is on the site of the widow’s home, and successive landlords have kept the tradition going. So you can go and have a pint in the pub and admire the buns in various states of decay. Each year a sailor is invited to place a fresh bun to the collection.

The village is looking pretty with all the bulbs abloom, and there are lovely carpets of snowdrops in the Retreat House grounds.


Spring appears in whispers and hushed tones As the bellowing winter blows away Drowsy flowers come to attention Waking from their sleep and yawning with heads turned upwards Towards the maestro called the sun I watch with anticipation… as the concert begins

Enjoy the springtime! Jenny

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We were less creative and more physical at March’s Messy Church. With our Lent and Temptations theme we offered an obstacle race which was really popular and became very competitive. We had stone noughts and crosses, and towering, wobbly and eventually crashing Jenga! On the calmer creative tables there was painting of Jesus in the desert, arranging the prettiest flower displays for mummy, and making and baking delicious rock buns in time for tea, which actually proved fairly physical with all the rubbing in that needed to be done! No food processors available at Messy Church! But a happy time had by all and we all went home exhausted!

No Messy Church in April as the first Wednesday falls in the Easter holidays,

so see you next time on: Wednesday 6th May 4-6pm in the Village Hall

And now for some happy pix by Ron Nash

Lent & Temptations at Messy Church

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Come and try the new SNUG CAFÉ, under new management c/o The Post Office, High Easter All locally-sourced food: home cooked breakfasts, lunches and afternoon teas Open 7 days a week. 9-4pm Mon-Fri, 10-4 Sat-Sun Jo Le Huquet, new proprietor

On 8th February Pleshey entered a team of four players into the Essex County Bowls Fours Championship. I am pleased to report that Pleshey progressed through the competition to reach the final. The final match against Rayne was drawn after seven ends and a deciding end had to be played, the result of which Rayne won by one shot. A fantastic result by Pleshey, who became the Essex runners up, considering the club has only nine members and 55 teams entered the competition. The attached photograph shows the presentation of trophies to the four players, from left to right John Sibley, Dorothy Mead, Ivy Stock and Trevor Hornby.

Friendlies played this month are as follows: Pleshey v Broomfield: home game drawn. Pleshey v Ford End: away game drawn. Pleshey v Stebbing: away game lost 3-4

May I remind readers that we are looking for new players, any age, no experience necessary and all equipment is supplied free of charge, just come along on Thursday evening at 8pm and join us, you will be most welcome.


Pleshey Carpet Bowls Club

CONGRATULATIONS to María José, Daniel, Clara and Adam, on the birth of a lovely baby girl on 18th March. May she have a long and happy life in Pleshey!

CONGRATULATIONS to Ali and Stuart, on the arrival of Oliver on 22nd March 2015. May he have a long and happy life in Pleshey!

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Pleshey Circle

The March meeting was combined with a trip to the Horse and Groom, Roxwell Road, for lunch. Twenty three members were able to attend and there was, as always, lots of catching up to do by members, which resulted in a very lively atmosphere. Unfortunately Violet and Francis Brinkley were unable to attend as Violet was on crutches, having damaged her knee, and also Daphne, who was still in hospital. Before lunch was served Jane Smith, Chairperson, handed out birthday cards for Pat Reekie and Mary Horsnell, both of whom celebrate their birthdays in March. There was also a special card and bouquet of flowers for Ann and Fred Manning, who celebrate their Golden Wedding anniversary in March.

It was then time to settle down for lunch to be served and we waited in anticipation as our chosen meal was served, all of which were delicious. This was followed by, as always, scrummy puds. The service was excellent and it all went very smoothly.

Ron then discussed a trip to the Odeon cinema at Braintree and it was agreed to pre-book the film The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel which was showing next week.

The next meeting will be in the village hall at 2pm on Monday, 13th April when the Fire Brigade will be giving a talk on Safety in the Home.

Carol Sugg

I was invited by our City Councillor, Nicolette Chambers, to the Mayor’s Community Evening, at Hylands House on Friday 13th March, on behalf of Pleshey Ladies. Kathy Collison kindly joined me as my guest. We were greeted with a champagne cocktail followed by a delicious hot and cold buffet, wine and music. It was a thoroughly enjoyable evening at a wonderful location and I was honoured to be invited.

After the success of our New Year’s meal at the Leather Bottle we are hoping to do the same thing in April – final date to be confirmed. Please let me know if you would like to come, everyone is very welcome.

Wendy Driscoll

Pleshey Ladies

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Farming around Pleshey

Rainfall for February : 36 ml

“February filldyke black or white” is the old saying for what to expect from February’s weather. This last February just shows how wide of the mark the old saying can be. Black for rain, white for snow and we had little of either. With drying winds and some night frosts the soil is now ideal for sowing the spring crops. I was asked recently why there seem to be more fields left ploughed or cultivated but not drilled over this last winter. Not so long ago these fields would have been planted with potatoes and sugar beet but with the decline in both of these markets there are only a few specialist growers of these crops left in the area. A lot of farmers took to growing just wheat (monoculture) without growing any break crops which give the land a rest from wheat. If a break crop was drilled it was often oil seed rape which is mostly drilled in the autumn. Now the EU masters have decreed that across the country each farm must grow at least four distinctive different crops in order for the farmer to continue to receive his or her acreage payment( for this read “subsidy” but we are not a subsidised industry according to our lords and master and the N.F.U…. ) Now nothing hurts a farmer more than the threat of not receiving this payment so that is why several fields are waiting to be cultivated and drilled possibly with oats, beans, peas, linseed or barley. The effect of this meddling will no doubt bring the market for these crops to its knees if there is a half decent summer and the yields are average or good. The benefits of all this ? at least the countryside will look more varied, some of the crops need less pesticide and the pigeons will be well fed for the summer as well as the winter !

We have just finished planting around two hundred and fifty trees on the farm. Some of these are in new positions but many of them are replacements for ones which have died through not getting a good enough root establishment to enable them to take up sufficient water in the summer. We can water some trees but to water several hundred is just not feasible so they have to establish themselves unaided . The largest replanting though is for those trees destroyed by the fallow and the muntjac deer. On one of my recent late winter walks I came across three herds of fallow deer with at least two to three dozen in number in each plus a few twos and threes scattered about. So while walking for an hour or so I had seen at least one hundred fallow deer in less than a square

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Parish Watch Initiative

mile. Some years ago when I started planting trees and hedgerows I was at a meeting where one speaker was a representative from the Ministry of Agriculture who was trying to encourage farmers to plant more trees. At the end of his talk he asked us what help the Ministry could give us and we all agreed that help with fencing against deer would be the single most cost effective way of ensuring good tree establishment. He nodded sagely and said he would look into it. Nothing was ever heard on the subject again and that was when deer numbers were about a third of what they are today. Perhaps the men from the Ministry hope we will spend some of our acreage payment on deer protection and then they can claim they are already contributing to the beauty of the countryside. Bet they haven’t thought of that one !

Clive Matthews March 2015

Parish Watch is a new online system that sends information about crimes in Great Waltham and Pleshey by email to people who have asked to receive it . The information is gleaned from the Police, Neighbourhood Watch, Trading Standards, but most importantly from the local community.

When crime occurs in one village there is often crime in another. Parish Watch allows the collation of information, helping to track criminals and assist the police.

Parish Watch was established in Great Waltham as a non-commercial enterprise to benefit local communities, and is not an alternative to reporting to the Police or to Neighbourhood watch.

If we are able, through collating information, to give the police more intelligence it may assist them to protect our properties, even with a diminished physical presence.

Parish Watch is supported by Essex Police, Pleshey Parish Council, Great Waltham Parish Council and Great Waltham Neighbourhood Watch.

No e-mail address will be passed on to third parties, nor will it be available to other subscribers to Parish Watch. Please support this new scheme. Register by e-mail to [email protected].

More information is available from Pleshey Parish Council

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Hundred Parishes Society

When the steering group was working towards what became the Hundred Parishes Society, we took inspiration from the Chiltern Society. This charitable organisation has aims very similar to our own in respect of the Chilterns, on the far side of Hertfordshire. 2015 marks that society’s 50th anniversary. Their excellent quarterly magazine illustrates how far they have come in the last half century. With 7,000 members and 400 volunteers, the Chiltern Society is the focal point for many activities in the Chilterns – leading regular walks and cycle rides, maintaining nature reserves, installing footpath gates and information boards, contributing to planning policy and much more. Whilst the Chiltern Society continues to show us the way, we will not run out of ideas for pursuing our own charitable aims here in the Hundred Parishes.

We encourage everyone to check our website’s What’s On page from time to time. It is regularly updated and currently includes more than a hundred specific activities up to the end of 2015. We show only events that are consistent with our aims to increase knowledge, enjoyment and conservation of our area’s heritage and countryside. You can select What’s On from the menu at

If you would like an interesting day out, our website includes route descriptions for twenty walks that start and finish at railway stations, whilst our parish introductions give ample food for thought that we hope may tempt you to explore somewhere nearby that perhaps you don’t yet know very well. The Hundred Parishes area is full of interest.

Ken McDonald Secretary

Pat Bruce

died peacefully at home on Friday 20th March, with husband Ian, and Kate and James their children, at her side. She was a valuable part of the community and will be missed, especially at Holy Trinity Church, where her funeral will take place on Friday 10th April at 3:30pm.

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Events at the Leather Bottle

Spring Beer festival 28th - 29th March Burger and a Pint £8.50 12.30-3.30 BBQ £5.00-£6.50 Sun 12.00-4.30 Live Music: with Pete George Sat 4.30-6.30 and with A Stone Alone Sun 3.00-5.00

Restaurant as normal. Saturday Evening 6.00-9.00

Good Friday from 12:00 3rd April

Beer Tent, Specials Menu, in Marquee and restaurant from 12:00

Easter Saturday 4th April Monster Burger Challenge; details in pub 1.30

Pete George Live 7.00-9.30

Easter Sunday 5th April The Resurrection Shuffle: 7 mile Race/Run/Walk 10.30-12.00 Organised by Yan & Howard - there is an entry fee; ask for details.

BBQ from (Chef's Discretion) 1.00

Easter Monday 6th April Easter Egg Hunt boys and girls - Easter Egg prize 11.30 - 12.30 Restaurant open as normal - option to eat in the Marquee

Live Music to finish the weekend 1.30-4.30

Magna Carta Celebration - Outside Bar 9th - 10th May

Two outside bars and delicious medieval food at the castle.

Now taking bookings for our third taster evening - 30th May

Please phone 237 291 or call in to talk to Sharon for more details.

April Birthdays

2nd Victoria Barfield

9th Diane Wilks

17th Jeremy Oates

Rod Hawkes

18th Hannah Parradine

Davina Parradine

20th Jane Jee

21st Debbie Manning

23rd Francis Brinkley

24th Anita Brinkley

25th Barry Bentley

28th María José de la Peña

29th John Polhill

People celebrating their birthday this month….

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Great Waltham C of E Primary School

The shortest of our six half-terms at only 5 weeks but we have been as busy as usual.......

KS2 spent a very worthwhile day at the Chelmsford Museum as part of their local area study. They saw how Chelmsford has changed over the years. They studied maps and lots of interactive displays. A good day and brilliant weather for a picnic outside too. The KS2 children also enjoyed an exciting morning with a theatre company acting out A Mid-Summer Night’s Dream; the children loved wearing costumes and acting out their roles.

Y2 will have their Infant Music Festival at Christ Church on the 17th March and a second performance just to the Great Waltham Parents on Friday 27th March. They have been rehearsing hard.

We enjoyed the Big Schools’ Bird Watch; children had to be quiet to spot birds in and around the school grounds. There is a beautiful display in the main corridor af all children’s efforts. Class 1/2 made some brilliant seed hangers for the birds – they have so many to choose from now!

The children in KS1 and KS2 have experienced new tests as part of the new curriculum to help teachers monitor their progress. Hermione Clout and George Gill represented the school in an Essex Schools mountain bike competition, held at Hadleigh Park, the Olympic venue from 2012 – they had a fantastic time racing and improving their cycling skills.

The school football team are having a tough run of games, losing 0-7 to Cathedral, 2-8 to Boreham and 0-3 to Trinity Road. They have three more games in the next few weeks to register their first league win.

We celebrated Red Nose Day with children styling their hair and painting their faces. Our Easter Service is at the church on Thursday 26th March at 2pm and we wish everyone a happy and safe Easter break.

On Friday 27 March at 14:30 we have a cake sale for Farleigh Hospice in memory of Sam Gentry who so sadly passed away in February. Members of the community are invited to come into school for a drink and a cake.

Best regards. Alex Burden (Head teacher)

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Ford End School

This is my first opportunity to write to you all in 2015. This has been a very short term, but there has been plenty going on.

Back in January the Molly Men visited us on Plough Monday. There we all were; pupils, staff and Molly Men on a cold January morning, with faces blacked up, dancing round the playground. As one member of staff said, “You couldn’t make this up, could you?” It was quite an experience and great fun for all. It is so important for the children to have the opportunity to get out of the classroom and experience something different. It certainly brought one of our rural English customs to life.

We also had a visit from the HRS band. The children were very excited and loved the drums in particular, which several had the chance to try out. The children were also treated to a special concert in Ford End church. It was a wonderful chance to hear the refurbished organ. The organ is such an amazing instrument, but one that the children rarely hear. Thank you to Sheila Bearman both for the idea and for doing all the organising.

Many of our year 5 and 6 children have been able to get out into the sunshine and take their Bikeability level 2. Hopefully it will help keep them safe in future. Of course our location, with the quiet roads off Pleshey Road, is ideal for this.

We do actually find time for a huge amount of hard work as well. I have been particularly impressed this term with some of the writing produced by pupils in all classes. Classes 2 and 3 have been learning how to code using Scratch on the computers and class 3 has already produced some amazing original programs. Year 2 and all of class 2 have been working very hard on learning the songs for the Infant Music Festival. It sounds wonderful floating down the corridor. I’ll tell you about how the performance went next time. Class 1 have been rearranging their classroom and have some stimulating new resources for reading and play. It never ceases to amaze me how much and how quickly the youngest children learn.

Happy Easter. Hazel Arnill (Head teacher)

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It’s hard to believe we are already preparing for the Open Day again. It was great to see so many from the village last year and we would love to welcome you again this time. A noticeable difference you will see is the new Orangery and disabled facilities. We are pleased to confirm that The Bishop of Chelmsford will be here to officially open the new facilities.

Once again we will have a variety of stalls, hopefully including some for the children and, most importantly, good weather again. Please put the date in your diary and we look forward to seeing you.

Stewart McCredie, General Manager

Pleshey Retreat House

Retreat House Open Day

4th May 2015

The House, Chapel and Grounds are open from 10:00am until 4:00pm

Sponsored by ‘Friends of Pleshey’

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Pleshey Magna Carta Programme for 2015

Medieval Weekend Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th May On the Motte and Bailey of Pleshey Castle Tickets now available – see page 20.

Pleshey’s LiberTeas

Sunday 14th June Holy Trinity Churchyard - Celebrate the 800th Anniversary of Magna Carta with tea and homemade cakes! Also medieval games, ringing of the church bells at 3 o’clock and lighting of a beacon in the evening.

Magna Carta Wall Hanging

Join the Sewing Bee To create a commemorative wall hanging to be hung in the Lady Chapel in Holy Trinity. Phone Joan Clarke for more information on 231559.

Art Workshops

Children’s & Teens Art Workshops in the summer holidays A special time for Pleshey’s youngsters to create their own Magna Carta artwork. Dates and more details in next month’s Pleshey Parish News.

March of the Rebel Barons

Walks to and from the Rebel Baron Stronghold of Little Dunmow Summer and autumn dates to be arranged. One-day walk from Pleshey to Little Dunmow with picnic and another from Little Dunmow to Pleshey with lunch at Leather Bottle. More information nearer the date.

Medieval Extravaganza

Saturday 14th November Village Hall - medieval reprise of the famous Pleshey Extravaganza! For one night only! Skilfully crafted by local comedians using ancient well-worn classically hand-tooled jokes, and with supper.

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Pleshey Celebrations

Magna Carta - Medieval WeekendSaturday 9th and Sunday 10th May

Pleshey CastleTo commemorate 800 years since the sealing of Magna Carta and the involvement of Pleshey’s very own rebel baron, Geoffrey de Mandeville, Earl of Essex and Lord of Pleshey Castle, Pleshey is staging two spectacular days full of history.

+ Re-enactments and living history performed by Historia Normannis.

+ Demonstrations of battle training and combat, courtly crafts, fashion, leather and metal work.

+ Falconry,

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Pleshey Celebrations

Magna Carta - Medieval Weekend May - on the motte and bailey of

Pleshey Castle

+ Animals (including sheep-walking!)

+ Have a go archery

+ Jester Steve Klisky

+ Minstrels (with have a go instruments!)

+ Weavers

+ Wood turner

+ Beekeeper

+ Candle maker

+ Metal art

+ Medieval embroidery

+ many other entertainments.

+ Hog roasts by Great Garnetts

+ Beer Tents and amazing medieval food by The Leather Bottle

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Tickets for the Magna Carta

Medieval Weekend Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th May

on the motte and bailey of Pleshey Castle

We are only selling tickets in advance - you can buy them from:

Kate on 237549 or email [email protected]

Ticket price for each day:

Adults: £10 Children (between 5 and 18 years): £5 Family ticket (2 adults & 2 children): £25 Under Fives: free

+ Tickets available in advance only - please buy tickets in advance

+ No admittance on the day without tickets + Sorry no dogs except assistance dogs

+ The Leather Bottle, Pleshey + Cairnsworths, Little Waltham

+ Walthambury Stores, Great Waltham

+ Little Waltham Primary School + The Snug, High Easter

+ Country Shop, Leaden Roding

Tickets also available at:

These medieval-style fully functional hand-tooled leather tankards are made by the same craftsmen who came to the “Pleshey 600” festival in 1994. Great for beer, cider or mead!

Please order before from the Leather Bottle or from Kate .

One-pint tankards cost £25.00 each Half-pint tankards cost £20.00 each

Pleshey Magna Carta Tankards

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Lashes By Liz - Semi-permanent Lash Extensions Contact me to book an appointment. 07760414807 E-mail: [email protected]

07738 987 579

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01245 231277 07818 437752 Acreland Green, Pleshey, Essex, CM3 1HP

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Open seven days a week from 11 am to 11 pm

Food served every day:

Monday to Friday 12:00 - 3:00 and 6:00 -10:00 Saturday 12:00 - 3:30 and 6:00 -10:00 Sunday 12:00 - 6:00

Page 36: Pleshey parish news - 2015 - 04


Local Information

Vicar: The Rev. Sheila Coughtrey, Tel: 01245 237 576 Parish Council: Clerk: Mr. C. Robertshaw, Tel: 01245 362 182 email: [email protected]

Village Hall: Phone Annette for bookings: Tel: 01245 237 530

Tennis Courts: Phone Katherine for bookings: Tel: 01245 231 515

Lt. Waltham Surgery: Tel: 01245 360 253 Broomfield Hospital: Tel: 01245 362 000

NHS non-emergency and out of hours help: Tel: 111

Community Agent (Rural Community Council for Essex): Sally Austin, 07540 720602 , Freephone: 0800 9775858, [email protected]. Police: non-emergency number: Tel: 101 Neighbourhood Policing Team: Tel: 07817 454 525

Essex Watch Liaison Officer : Tel: 07970 599923

Printed by Copybest (Essex) Ltd, Tel 01371 856721

Thur 2nd Apr Black bin, food waste, green box, card sack

Thur 9th Apr Black + brown bins, food waste, paper + plastics sacks

Thur 16th Apr Black bin, food waste, green box, card sack

Thur 23rd Apr Black + brown bins, food waste, paper + plastics sacks

Thur 30th Apr Black bin, food waste, green box, card sack

Weekdays 07:51 09:00 13:00 16:20 Saturdays 09:40 14:00

Weekdays 12:17 15:42 17:12 Saturdays 13:22 17:04

Recycling Collections: Please put materials out for collection by 7:00 am. If you can’t remember what goes where, look here:

Departs Chelmsford Bus Station (bay 9):

Bus Times: Service 52, by Regal Busways, Tel: 01245 249001

(checked online 22-03-2015): Departs Pleshey, Woolmers Mead:

Mobile Library: 11:15 - 11:30: Thursday 2nd 16th , 30th April

at the bus stop by Woolmers Mead.