Players Handbook - Penrith District Cricket ·...

Penrith Cricket Club Inc. Players Handbook 1 of 14 19/9/17 Players Handbook

Transcript of Players Handbook - Penrith District Cricket ·...

Page 1: Players Handbook - Penrith District Cricket · Players Handbook 3 of 14 19/9/17 1. Introduction The purpose of this handbook is

Penrith Cricket Club Inc.

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Players Handbook

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Contents ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 1

1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................ 3

2. Link to Sydney Cricket Association ............................................................................................................................. 3

3. Commitment to the Club ............................................................................................................................................ 3

4. Communication ........................................................................................................................................................... 3

5. Goals ............................................................................................................................................................................ 4

6. Training ........................................................................................................................................................................ 4

7. Match Preparation ...................................................................................................................................................... 6

8. Injury and Prevention ................................................................................................................................................. 7

9. Match Days .................................................................................................................................................................. 7

10. Selections ............................................................................................................................................................... 8

11. Annual Fees ............................................................................................................................................................ 9

12. Respect for Club Property .................................................................................................................................... 10

13. Behavioural Expectations .................................................................................................................................... 10

15. Role of the Team Captain .................................................................................................................................... 14

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1. Introduction The purpose of this handbook is to make available the policies and expectations of the club to all players and members. The Code of Conduct is a guide for the behaviour of members and outlines the club’s expectations; these are in addition to the code of conduct as specified by Cricket NSW and the Sydney Cricket Association. This and other policy documents can be found on the club web site.

2. Link to Sydney Cricket Association The SCA’s stated aspiration is “To prepare and deliver cricketers with the capacity to play first-class cricket while ensuring players at all levels have access to enjoyable and satisfying Grade Cricket experiences”. The Penrith Cricket Club strongly support the stated aspiration which acts as a guide to the club’s philosophy to provide development opportunities for players to reach their potential and develop a positive culture and environment so that players can enjoy their cricket.

3. Commitment to the Club It is expected that every player is totally committed to the club for it to be successful. Playing for teams in the local competition should be secondary to a commitment to Penrith Cricket Club (PCC) and as such players must always prioritise playing in a PCC team unless they are injured or have work or study commitments. Commitment means not just turning up for training once a week and for the games on the weekend, it also means that players will involve themselves in the life of the club.

The committee are elected to guide and manage the club, they cannot do everything, nor should they be expected to. Club members are required to assist with other aspects of running the club with a specific focus on cricket matters; for example, putting the covers out and bringing them in, setting the nets up for each training session and assisting at tea breaks.

On match days the facilities at Howell Oval are available after the game has finished for members and players to get together and socialise with fellow team members, as well as inviting visiting players for refreshments. The committee encourages all players to attend Howell Oval post matches to socialise and support the club. We are very fortunate to have a wonderful facility that is comfortable and modern.

4. Communication It is important for the club to have your contact details and for you to check them, if a change of home address or phone number has occurred then it is the responsibility of the player to notify the Club Secretary as a matter of priority.

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5. Goals

Every individual and team should set themselves goals for the season. These goals need to be achievable and measurable in some way; if you wish to discuss your personal goals please see any of the club coaches who will be more than happy to help you. The overriding goal of the club reflects the stated aim of the Sydney Cricket Association which is:

“To prepare and deliver cricketers with the capacity to play first-class cricket while ensuring players at all levels have access to enjoyable and satisfying Grade Cricket experiences”

The following list contains goals the committee and coaches have set down for the club. These goals work in unison with the overriding goal stated above. We all need to work hard to reach the goals set. A lot of hard work and a strong commitment to the club, your teammates and the supporters of the Penrith Cricket Club will achieve this.

The goals for this club are: - For every player at the Penrith Cricket Club to enjoy their cricket in a friendly


To achieve the best possible result with the playing personnel we have

To achieve the highest possible fitness level

For every player to have a feeling of belonging and value at the Penrith Cricket Club

The Selection Committee and Management Committee to be always approachable and fair at all times to all players

To be judged at the end of the year as a player / team who gave their best every time they represented the Penrith Cricket Club

To achieve personal best as individuals and as a team It is in the interests of every player to review these goals on a regular basis and even list their own personal goals. A good suggestion for players is to set their own goals each season and display them where they can be regularly reviewed as a self-checking process.

6. Training Training is a mandatory requirement for all players. If a player is unable to attend a regular training session they should advise their team captain or coach/manager prior to the training session.

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Repeated non-attendance will be referred to the selection committee and could result in a demotion in team selection for the player or non-selection. All personal equipment including kit bags must be placed inside the fence of the playing field on training days and not in the dressing rooms. This is to avoid excessive wear to the grass in front of the AWAY change rooms and to avoid any issues of player’s equipment going missing. Conduct of training Men’s training days Setup for training will begin at Howell Oval at 3.30pm each Tuesday and Thursday. The timing for training will be 5.00pm – 7.00pm (in daylight saving periods) and it is expected that all players will be in attendance during those times.

Women’s training days

Training will be 5.30pm – 7.30pm on Wednesday’s. It is expected that all players will be in attendance during the training time. How often? All players (men’s and women’s) are expected to attend training at least one session a week. A roll of attendance will be kept by the men’s Practice Captain and women’s coaches, and this information will be available to the selectors. There will be times when players will not be able to attend training, in that case it is the individual’s responsibility to let the Club know in advance. Players who need to leave training early must notify the Club Coach or the Practice Captain before leaving as a courtesy. It is critical that all players make the effort to attend training and when at training to put in the required effort. What if it is wet?

In the event of wet weather training will be conducted in the Indoor Centre. Objectives of Training

The main aim of training is to constantly improve playing skills and fitness

Identifying individual playing weaknesses in skills and trying to improve them.

The coaching staff are employed to advise players in terms of how to improve skills. There are many experienced players in the club who can also help the coaching staff.

Training should be intense and of high quality. Premier cricket offers marvellous opportunities to play against the great players in the modern game and to move into first class cricket if players are prepared to practise well.

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Injured Players A program will be set up for injured players as the need arises. Injured players could also be called upon to help out with training exercises depending on the injury. A club physio will usually be available for assistance on the Tuesday training session.

All injuries, however minor they may seem, must be reported to your team captain. The selection committee as a whole will have the final say on player availability regarding injuries. Training Gear All players are required to bring jogging shoes as well as spikes to every training session. It is expected that all players wear the club training attire at training. On Arrival Men’s - On arrival at training, each player should report to the Practice Captain who will record names and allocate net time. The Club Coach and the staff (after daylight saving commences) will have a pre-practice routine for all players to complete before commencing net activities. Women’s - On arrival at training, each player should report to the coaching staff who will record their attendance. The coaches will advise players as to the program for that training session. The Practice Captains – Men’s The Practice Captain/s are responsible for the recording of a roll of players attending the training session. All players should respect the instructions of a Practice Captain (please remember they are volunteers) as to allocation of nets for batting and bowling and when called on to bat or bowl. This is a simple courtesy to ensure the smooth running of practice for everyone's benefit (the Code of Conduct requires it).

7. Match Preparation Nutrition

Cricketers should realise that they are in many respects endurance athletes; it is very important to have a good diet and maintain adequate fluid and energy levels so that they can compete at their best for a longer time. Training to improve fitness and stamina is essential; so too is knowing what foods and fluids will help individuals and in turn teams.


Fluid intake is especially important in the days prior to a match. Drink plenty of water or juices and drinks low in sugar to replenish your fluid levels. It is best to avoid alcohol before a game as it dehydrates you.

During the Game

At every opportunity, replace lost fluids with water and juices and energy with carbohydrate foods. Avoid fatty and fried foods.

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Remember - fluid provides our bodies with the medium to sweat - it cools our bodies and allows us to operate normally. Keep fluid and carbohydrate supplies up as you are waiting to do your thing, and at the end of a long innings or bowling stint, you just might be grateful for helping your body help you. After the Game

Try to allow your body the recovery it needs after competing. Fluid and energy replacement is essential; it will allow you to resume your weekly routine or work, school, university, practice and socialising more effectively. Beer or wine is not generally considered a suitable drink for fluid replacement !

8. Injury and Prevention We ask that all players inform the club of any pre-existing medical conditions or injuries at the time of registration so we are aware of any special treatment or support that is required. Players are also required to advise their captain (men’s)/coach (women’s) of any injuries as soon as they can after a match so that selectors can be ready to make changes to teams at the selection meeting. Do not leave it until Friday night to let anyone know! The effect on the club of players withdrawing from matches because of soft tissue and muscle injuries, especially in the middle of the season, can be very disruptive. These types of injury can be rediuced with the right preparation and recovery. Consulting a physio early can also enable a player to get on the park earlier than expected. There are a few simple things to do if you are injured 1. Put ice on the injury as soon as you can and as often as you can. It will help reduce bleeding

and swelling.

2. Consult the club's physio (Alan Bourke- see below) as soon as you can.

3. Tell your captain (men’s)/coach (women’s) as soon as you can.

9. Match Days Arrival Time

All players (men’s and women’s) are to arrive at matches and on the field of play ready to commence warming up at least 1 hour prior to the scheduled start of play. This will mean you need to arrive at least 1 ½ hours before the start of play to remove the covers from the field. All players are expected to assist; your captain is not solely responsible for preparing the field for play. Dress Code

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The club polo shirt must be worn to and from grade matches.

The official club warm up gear (training uniform) must be worn when you are warming up prior to the start of the match. It is the Captain’s job to ensure all players meet this expectation.

Afternoon Tea

Men’s only - If you are playing at home then you are required to supply afternoon tea. (Except one-day matches) Wet Weather

Men’s - In the event of wet weather and you are unsure what is happening, please check your emails Friday night/Saturday morning, check Facebook, contact your captain, or contact the Club Secretary.

Women’s - please check the women’s teams Facebook group page or check with your team manager.

10. Selections Men’s Teams If a player is chosen in a different grade to the one he was last chosen in, he will be notified as soon as possible after the selectors meet by the Team Captain in the first instance or a Selector where that is not possible.

If players are unavailable for selection for any match, they should inform their Team Captain and the Club Secretary as soon as possible (preferably before the selectors meet).

Selection of Teams

The selection panel for each team will include:

- 2 Independent Selectors - The Team Captain of the team being selected. If the Captain is unavailable, he must

appoint a representative. Other input can be gained from other Captains in attendance but they will not have a vote in the final selection for the team in question. If players miss a game or regularly miss training they may be selected in a lower grade. This

does not apply to players returning from representative duty. The following will be used as a guide: If a game is missed due to work, study or family reasons (e.g. you are in a wedding party) you will likely stay in the same grade, however this is not guaranteed, replacement players may be retained depending on performances. This will be at the selection panels discretion

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If a game is missed due to holidays or for a reason not noted above, you will likely be selected in a lower grade; the captain and selectors will make the final decision

If a game is missed due to injury you will be required to prove your fitness before returning. The grade you return in will depend on the number of games missed and will be at the selection panels discretion

Women’s Teams

All players are assumed to be available for selection each week. If a player is unavailable for selection for any match, they should inform their Team Manager in the first instance (or their team Captain should they not be able to reach the Manager) as soon as possible. Preferably before selections (after training on Wednesday).

Selection of Teams

The selection panel will include: - The women’s team’s coaches & the women’s team’s captains together. An

independent person such as mentor may also be involved in this process. If players miss a game or regularly miss training they may be selected in a lower grade. The

following will be used as a guide: If a game is missed due to work, study or family reasons (e.g. you are IN a wedding party) you will likely stay in the same grade, however this is not guaranteed, replacement players may be retained depending on performances. This will be at the selectors’ discretion

If a game is missed due to holidays or for a reason not noted above, you will likely be selected in a lower grade

If a game is missed due to injury you will be required to complete a fitness test before returning. The grade you return in will depend on the number of games missed and will be at the selectors discretion

11. Annual Fees Fees are a mandatory requirement for player membership of the club. All fees are to be paid to the Treasurer without exception.

All fees must be paid by the end of round 3, or a payment plan agreed with the secretary or treasurer. If they are not paid, then the selection committee will be asked to withdraw the player/s concerned until payment is made. If you have difficulty paying your fees please ensure you speak to the club secretary or treasurer.

The playing fees for the season are set by the Management Committee annually and can be found on the club web site. The Annual fee for non-playing members can also be found on the web site.

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If a player needs to pay in instalments the Treasurer will make arrangements, all fee arrangements must be finalised prior to the first round of competition.

12. Respect for Club Property The match balls issued for each game must be returned to the Practice Captain or coaches at

the first training session of the week, this is to ensure that there are sufficient quality balls for bowling practice.

Please use the club's equipment carefully and responsibly as it is expensive to replace

If any player causes damage to club or council property they will be required to pay to have the damage fixed

Please help to keep our premises clean by using the bins provided at the grounds and in the dressing rooms The cleaners are not contracted to clean up the dressing rooms so any cleaning required will fall onto other club members.

If you use the indoor centre, please ensure all bowling machine balls are locked away in the red chest. These balls are expensive to replace so please be mindful not to lose any

13. Behavioural Expectations

"Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. It is the ability to direct individual accomplishment toward organisational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results “. Andrew Carnegie American Industrialist

All players of the Penrith Cricket Club are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that will not reflect poorly on the club. Please remember that when you are playing, training or wearing club clothing that you are representing the club and are expected to meet behavioural expectations. As a member of the club you are expected to meet the following guidelines:

Follow the team rules as laid down by the club and reinforced by the Team Captains

Attending all training sessions where possible

Accepting the umpire's decision at all times and without dissent. The Sydney Cricket Association apply heavy penalties to anyone who is found guilty of dissent.

"Putting the team first" before yourself

Not drinking to excess the night before a game

Attending social functions when able, in particular in support of our club sponsors. You will be expected to attend the Player Nights at our sponsors premises and also support them via attendance at team dinners

Showing up on time for matches, training sessions and social functions.

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Code of Behaviour

The Penrith Cricket Club Code of Conduct complies with Rule #6 of the Constitution and Rules of the Penrith Cricket Club Inc. "Disciplining of Members" and can be found on the PCC web site. It also reflects the policy of Cricket NSW and the Sydney Cricket Association. Code of Conduct Guidelines The Code of Conduct Guidelines have been developed in conjunction with members of the Players Committee and Management Committee in order to maintain the high standard of conduct we expect as a club as well as provide clear guidelines to all people associated with the club. The Code of Conduct Guidelines will be revised annually as part of the club’s annual cycle of review and development. It is available as a PDF document to be found on the Clubs’ website. Any breach of the PCC Code of Conduct can be referred to the Committee for action by Team Captains or members of the club, this must be done in writing through the Secretary. The Judiciary Committee of the NSWCA will determine how to deal with any offence as this clubs’ discipline policy is based on justice and procedural fairness. Social Media Guidelines Social media is a key part of the club’s communication approach; it is used for a wide variety of purposes including naming of teams, promotion of sponsors, important news, functions, etc. All players and members are encouraged to contribute and share items but should be mindful most social media is in the public domain and once something is posted or sent a record will be stored. Comments via social media fall under the Code of Conduct guidelines and any comments that are abusive or detrimental to the club will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to such things as negative comments regarding opposition teams, umpires, selections, fellow club members and coaches. If you have any issues that you need support with, please speak to a committee member or one of the coaching staff.

14. Personnel Role Descriptions: Club Coach:

Pre-season: To attend all Pre-season Practices/Trials as determined by the Cricket Manager, the High Performance Coach and the Executive.

In-season: To structure Weekly Training on Wednesdays and Thursdays at Howell Oval; to be in attendance during the core hours of Training, such hours to be defined by the Executive; to liaise with the other coaches and the Practice Captain to ensure players are placed to best advantage in the nets; to attend, wherever possible, competition matches.

General: Delegate the conduct of training to personnel and to direct the work ethic of Penrith Cricket Club squad in relation to practice conduct. In conjunction with the Club Captain and

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other key personnel, to nominate suitable persons for the team roles of Manager, Scorer, and such positions to be ratified by the Club Executive.

Match Days: To be present on match day to offer assistance in the following: warm ups, individual and team plans; Captain’s duties (by delegating mundane tasks).

Selection: To be available to discuss any matters relating to team selection with the Chairman of Selectors and the Independent Selector.

End of season: Conduct an end of session evaluation with all key playing and coaching personnel.

Batting Coach:

Pre-season: To organise, in consultation with the Cricket Manager, a series of indoor batting coaching sessions to run between mid-July and mid-September (and held in conjunction with the Bowling Coaching); to attend all Pre-season Practices/Trials, dates as determined by the Cricket Manager, the Club Coach and the Executive.

During the season: To attend weekly training and liaise with the other coaches and the Practice Captain to ensure players are placed to best advantage in the nets.

General: To assist in the development/coaching of the Poidevin-Gray Squad; to assist in the development/coaching of The Development Squad; to assist in the development/coaching of The Panther Cubs.

Bowling Coach

Pre-season: To organise, in consultation with the Cricket Manager, a series of indoor bowling coaching sessions to run between mid-July and mid-September, dates as determined by the Cricket Manager, the Club Coach and the Executive.

During the season: To attend weekly training and conduct clinics for all bowlers on training days and visit weekend games to offer advice to captains and players.

Fielding Coach

Pre-season: To develop a fielding drill training program.

During the season: To attend Week Training on Wednesdays and Thursdays; to conduct fielding practice drills for all players on training days in conjunction with senior players and visit weekend games to offer advice to captains and players.

Green Shield Coach:

AW Green Shield: To organise, in consultation with the Cricket Manager, a series of indoor coaching sessions (pre-season, start July to end of August) for the Panther Cubs (boys of AW Green Shield age, selected by trial in March); to nominate a captain of the AW Green Shield, for ratification by the Committee; to appoint a Manager and a Scorer; to attend all AW Green Shield games, unless otherwise agreed with the Cricket Manager.

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During season: To attend Weekly Training on Wednesday and Thursday; to liaise with the Club Coach and the Practice Captain to ensure bowlers are placed to best advantage in the nets; to attend competition matches.

Selection: To be available to discuss any matters relating to team selection with the Chairman of Selectors and the Selectors.

PG’s Coach:

Finalise the squad with the Selectors prior to the commencement of the season.

Train with players at weekly training sessions.

Liaise with Cricket Manager regarding player programs and progress.

Nominate a Captain, Manager, and Scorer to be ratified by the General Committee Specialist Coaches:

Specialist coaches can be used throughout the year at the request of the Cricket Manager and if sanctioned by the Committee as part of the coaching budget.

Senior Players:

We have developed a culture over the past few years that has entrusted a degree of responsibility onto the senior players to help coach/mentor other players in the club. Where possible, and without affecting their personal preparation/practice, we should work towards maintaining this.

Practice Captain:

Conduct net sessions on training days, structuring the order of batting on those days.

Take a training day attendance record and provide the Chairman of Selectors with this information.

Collect the match balls when returned after game day and distribute them to coaching staff.

Club Social Activities There will be social and fund raising functions arranged throughout the season. These functions are a very important part of the club's life. They help to foster team and club spirit as well as help the financial operations of the club (and to keep the playing fees as low as possible!).

All players are encouraged to come back to share the good vibes and refreshments of the facilities at Howell Oval after each day's play, and at the completion of each round.

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15. Role of the Team Captain The team Captains hold very important positions within the club, they are leaders both on and off the field and are integral to the success of the club. A Captain is expected to lead and set the standard for player behaviour in keeping with the expectations of the SCA and the club. They are also crucial to the development of young players and are expected to provide players with the opportunity to develop their games in line with the Clubs development plans for individual players.

In addition to the above Captains will also be required to carry out the following:

Liaise with the Coaching Coordinator and Coaching staff regarding team training (once a week)

Organise the advice of match results as instructed by the Club Secretary.

Attendance and input at selection meetings.

Meet the umpires prior to the game and look after them during the day.

Ensure the team meets club and association standards regarding conduct and attire.

Liaise with players relating to selections on behalf of the Selection Committee.

Organise afternoon teas when required, however all players are required to contribute.

Organise the removal and laying of covers when required. Liaising with grounds staff is essential in this area.

Liaise with players and the Selection Committee relating to game performance and training attendance of players in their team.

Available to mentor players.

Club support for the Captain:

Independent Selectors can be used to support the Captain in relaying information to the players in relation to selection decisions, however the Captain is the first preference for relaying selection decisions to players

The Cricket Manager, Club President and members of the General Committee can also be used to support the Captain and liaise with players regarding any issue that may arise.

The Coaching Coordinator and Coaching Staff will hold a meeting at the beginning of the season to support the Captains by outlining their availability and direction for the season.