Plastic Mission Newsletter Report 2015

5 INTERPLAST Germany e.V Mission to Sangkhlaburi April 2015


INTERPLAST Germany e.VMission to Sangkhlaburi April 2015

Transcript of Plastic Mission Newsletter Report 2015


    INTERPLAST Germany e.V

    Mission to Sangkhlaburi April 2015

  • On behalf of the patients and their families who benefited from this

    mission, we thank you sincerely for your interest and support.


    In April 2015 a team from INTERPLAST Germany e.V led by Dr Nuri Alamuti came to Sangkhlaburi on the Thai/Burmese

    border for a plastic surgery mission serving a large number of patients. Surgery included cleft lip and palate repairs and

    reconstructive surgery for burns victims. The Kwai River Christian Hospital kindly hosted the team. Local organizations

    like the American Refugee Council (ARC) and The Border Health Initiative (BHI) referred patients, many of whom were

    from deep inside Burma, and facilitated their access to surgical care from the Interplast team. Sangkhlaburi and the

    hospital itself exists in a kind of no-mans land for minorities. The patients travel far across difficult terrain to reach the

    border, and likewise the team travel over seven hours by bus from Bangkok on hilly, windy roads to reach the patients. This was the third mission within six years of the INTERPLAST Germany team to Sangkhlaburi.

    The Team: (Left to Right) Dr Nirved, Pi Tom (head nurse KRCH) Pi Sirili (OT nurse KRCH), Helen, Desiree,

    Shweta, Dr Hash, Dr Nuri Alamuti, Dr Sanjeev, KRCH Manager. With patients Mu Lay (sitting) and Kyaw Tu Win.


    Patients came from Burma, predominantly from the Mon or Karen ethnic groups, and without the generous support of the

    INTERPLAST mission these patients would have no other opportunity for surgery; geographical and financial barriers

    being insurmountable. Significant paperwork has to be completed and permission gained to allow patients to pass the

    checkpoint approximately 7km from the border and reach the hospital. This is truly an area of great need as the

    population fall between two worlds and two countries and are unable to access services in either.

    Many of the patients had been suffering for many years with severe burn contractures and significant physical disability,

    as well as stigmatizing disfigurement. Such a burden on an already marginalized group is a heavy burden on their lives.


    The first mission of the INTERPLAST Germany team in 2009 was initiated following the death of a 2 year old Burmese girl

    suffering malnutrition. The cause of her malnutrition was simply that she had a cleft palate; an easily preventable death

    with access to the right surgical care. During this third INTERPLAST mission there were several important cleft palate

    surgeries including a 4 month old baby, and a cleft repair and palate extension which, together with speech therapy, will

    allow an 8 year old boy to speak, communicate and be understood.

    Patients with disabling and disfiguring burn contractures were notable in their numbers and severity. Many large

    operations were performed by the team taking several hours and two surgeons working side by side. Most of the burns

    had been caused by spontaneously igniting kerosene or petroleum sold in glass bottles on road side stands. This is a

    common small business for families with few means but great determination to make a living. The patient below was

    carrying a bottle of kerosene under his arm when it spontaneously ignited. But with bold surgical intervention and

    extensive skin grafts, the team were able to release the contracture restoring his arm to 90 degrees.

    In addition a nine year old girl- Phyu Phyu with a disabling hand contracture and a five year old boy -Star Paw with a foot

    contracture that rendered him unable to walk without severe pain, were successfully operated on. Phyu Phyu now has a

    functional right hand and Star Paw has a new foot to walk on without pain. The surgeries quite simply transform lives by

    rebuilding function to a disabled body, and by ensuring that no child will die from malnutrition due to a cleft palate.

    INTERPLAST Germany e.V


    Mu Lay is a 10 year old girl who has been suffering for seven years with severe disability and significant deformity

    following a tragic domestic accident. Her mother seeing a container of burning kerosene instinctively threw it behind her,

    not realizing her 3 year old daughter was standing immediately there. On seeing herself in the mirror following the accident

    Mu Lay announced she wanted to die. The disfigurement has prevented her from going to school.

    The team were able to release some of the contractures in her neck and arm and Mu Lay can finally smile and looks

    forward to going to school. Additional surgery will be required in the future in order to further release her arm and hand

    contractures and improve her function and quality of life further.


    In order to make these missions possible your interest and support is invaluable. We would like to plan future missions to

    Sangkhlaburi to continue to re-build lives by restoring physical function following burns injuries and performing cleft lip and

    palate closures.

    During this missions many patients travel far; one girl had travelled over 500km for surgery. They will stay in a basic room

    behind the hospital and the team supports food for the patients and their caretakers. In addition we are trying to collect

    materials and equipment to help support some smaller new local clinics that are providing quality compassionate care to

    these minority groups. We aim to build long standing partnerships to ensure our services and resources are used most

    effectively and greatly appreciate your support. Together we can really change lives.

    INTERPLAST Germany e.V


    For further information about the missions or how to donate please contact

    [email protected]

    Or view the website Donors who wish to support this project should add: Burmese Border Project when making a donation Account no 0017 061 888 Bank: Sparkasse Rhein-Nahe

    IBAN: DE78 560501800017061888


    Sincere thanks also to Mr Karl Morsbach for making the initial introduction to the INTERPLAST Germany team in 2009,

    and initiating these successful and meaningful partnerships.

    INTERPLAST Germany e.V