
PLASTIC Molly Oven

Transcript of Plastic

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The beginning music used creates a magical effect suggesting that something out of the ordinary would be about to take place.

The sounding when Anna is choosing an outfit to get ready is similar to those on art programmes when looking through what people have painted and entered in. This creates the idea that choosing an outfit is an art form and something women take pride in so would do anything in order for her body to be the right shape for an outfit.

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The sound of the water dripping in the background when Anna realises she can reform her face creates tension for the audience as it is clear that she may use this ability to a large extent.

Finally, the music used during the reforming of this character is similar to sounds of women who dance in burlesque in the 60’s with small waists and long legs which suggests that, that is the body type which Anna may want to be changing into.

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The are many cut-ins to the moth which is used to forebode many ideas. This included when it flies over to the magazine of a model suggesting that this is what she will try to create on her own face now she is able to mould it.

There are many different lengths of shots however when Anna is completed her moulding and waiting to meet her date, the shot is very long to show that sometimes you may want something and believe it will make you happy but it doesn’t.

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The main shot type when looking at parts of Anna’s body are close-ups to show the audience what she looks like at the moment and is just a normal looking sized woman. The close-ups are also used during the moulding at the mirror to show exactly how much she is changing her body for the worse. The camera the pans out during the revealing of her whole body to prove to the audience that even though you think your body will look good with some changes, but actually it looks worse.

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On many occasions during the film, the camera follows the moth around the room to suggest that wherever it is going will be important for the audience to watch. One time, the moth went to a plaque stating a moral which concludes that this short film was made in order for the audience to understand that your body is the way it is for a reason and is shouldn’t be played around with.

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The bedroom is created well with props that a woman would use at her age however, the bathroom is very dull with flickering lights which creates tension as it is clear that Anna is about to play around with her body.

The weather when Anna is with her date outside is very sunny to suggest that due to her going back to her old self, she is at her prettiest and the man she is with finds her attractive the way she is.