Plantopia: Communication Speculative Vision

IxD Studio Project : Plantopia Bill Davis, Kelly Green, Kathleen Moynihan, Sarah White, and Lisa Woods, CCA MFA Design, April 2012

Transcript of Plantopia: Communication Speculative Vision

Page 1: Plantopia: Communication Speculative Vision

IxD Studio Project :

PlantopiaBill Davis, Kelly Green, Kathleen Moynihan, Sarah White, and Lisa Woods, CCA MFA Design, April 2012

Page 2: Plantopia: Communication Speculative Vision

Storyboard for PlantopiaPlantopia is a speculative future world. Plantopia is neither utopian nor dystopian—it’s our flawed world, but with some major differences.

The year is 2112, one hundred years after humanity was forced by a global pandemic to alter its genetic makeup in order to survive. Plantopians are part human and part plant.

To bring this vision to life, our team created a biography for the scientist who saved humanity, a couple of product commercials, two news stories, and a living room installation filled with cultural artifacts from Plantopia.

Our professors and classmates were asked to pretend they were cryogenically unfrozen humans from 2012. We ushered them into a Plantopian home and let them experience and ask about Plantopia.

Page 3: Plantopia: Communication Speculative Vision

“ Have you found that most of the hydrators out there on the market just don’t work for you?

Then you MUST try the Mystic hydrator.

You just add it to water and generously spray it onto your foliage.

You’ll see and feel results immediately. Because you spray it on directly, it absorbs quickly, so you can hydrate anywhere, anytime!”

“�Our�emerald�city�needs�your�help�finding�a man that police say robbed a Phil’s NutrieNts late Tuesday evening.

A store employee reported opening a locked case�filled�with�a�valuable�nitrogen�concentrate.

According to witnesses, the suspect pushed the employee out of the way, grabbed a large�box�of�super�nutrients,�and�fled�the�store into the forest...”

“ That’s why you should use FuNgiclear. ‘Cause there’s no way you should let a bunch of fungi get in your way.

Maybe you think Fungiclear is only for the hardcore fungfaces. But it’s also just right for sprouts like you.

It’s totally easy. It’s like 1, 2, 3 done. So you don’t have to worry about it anymore.


“ Today we gather in a spirit of celebration and gratitude to remember the humanity the brilliance, the triumph of dr. JeFFrey MaNdelbauM Patel. Born to humble botanists Sophie and Everett Patel in Downer’s Grove, Illinois in 1972, it was clear from an early age in which branch of the sciences Dr.�Patel�would�flourish.

In May of 2012, what was initially thought to an outbreak of the SARS virus in a VA hospital in Chicago was within 72 hours spread to New York, San Francisco, Tokyo...”


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