Planning Commission Public Hearing

Planning Commission Public Hearing General Plan Amendment GPA 11-01 2008-2014 Housing Element Update February 8, 2011

Transcript of Planning Commission Public Hearing

Planning Commission

Public Hearing

General Plan Amendment GPA 11-01

2008-2014 Housing Element Update

February 8, 2011

Housing Element Housing Element OverviewOverview

• Part of the General Plan

• 2008-2014 update required by state law

• Refine housing programs

• Review by HCD – “Certification”

Planning CommissionFebruary 8, 2011

Laguna Niguel 2008-2014 Housing Element Update

Importance of HCD CertificationEligibility for grant fundsLegal adequacy of the General PlanLocal control of land use decisionsNo RHNA “carryover”8-year Housing Element “shelf life”

Housing Element Housing Element OverviewOverview

Planning CommissionFebruary 8, 2011

Laguna Niguel 2008-2014 Housing Element Update

Key IssuesKey Issues

• Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA)Adequate sites to accommodate fair-share


• Housing for persons with special needsExtremely-low-income personsEmergency sheltersTransitional & supportive housingReasonable accommodation for persons with


Planning CommissionFebruary 8, 2011

Laguna Niguel 2008-2014 Housing Element Update

RHNA Income CategoriesRHNA Income CategoriesOrange County 2010

Median Income= $87,200


Affordable Rent

Affordable Price (est.)

Extremely Low (<30%) $27,850 $696 --

Very Low (31-50%) $46,450 $1,161 $175,000

Low (51-80%) $74,300 $1,857 $280,000

Moderate (81-120%)

$104,650 $2,616 $400,000

Above Mod (>120%)

$104,650+ $2,616+ $400,000+

Assumptions: Based on a family of 4, 30% of gross income for rent or PITI, 10% down payment, 5% interest, 1.25% taxes & insurance, $200 HOA dues

Planning CommissionFebruary 8, 2011

Laguna Niguel 2008-2014 Housing Element Update

RHNARHNAKey Points• Mandated by state law; prepared by SCAG & OCCOG

• Each jurisdiction must accommodate its fair share of the region’s housing need

• Housing for all economic segments in each jurisdiction

• Linked to availability of sites with appropriate zoning

• Programs to encourage new housing at all income levels

Planning CommissionFebruary 8, 2011

Laguna Niguel 2008-2014 Housing Element Update

RHNARHNA20062006--2014 2014

Very Low Low Mod

Above Mod Total

Laguna Niguel

80 64 71 140 355

Orange County

17,733 14,566 16,380 33,653 82,332

6-County SCAG Region

165,457 113,649 126,715 293,547 699,368

Source: SCAG, 7/2007

Planning CommissionFebruary 8, 2011

Laguna Niguel 2008-2014 Housing Element Update

RHNA vs. Land InventoryRHNA vs. Land Inventory

Income Category

Lower Moderate Above

Units completed 2006-2010 (Table A-3) - - 338

Approved & pending projects (Table B-1) 23 119 122

Vacant sites (Table B-2) 263 39 114

Total land inventory 286 158 574

RHNA (2006-2014) 144 71 140

Adequate Capacity? Yes Yes YesSource: City of Laguna Niguel Community Development Department, 2010

Planning CommissionFebruary 8, 2011

Laguna Niguel 2008-2014 Housing Element Update


Planning CommissionFebruary 8, 2011

Laguna Niguel 2008-2014 Housing Element Update

Vacant Housing SitesVacant Housing Sites

Planning CommissionFebruary 8, 2011

Laguna Niguel 2008-2014 Housing Element Update

Vacant Housing SitesVacant Housing Sites

Planning CommissionFebruary 8, 2011

Laguna Niguel 2008-2014 Housing Element Update

Significance of RHNASignificance of RHNA

• RHNA is not a construction quota

• Cities don’t build housing

• Inventory of sites must accommodate RHNA

Planning CommissionFebruary 8, 2011

Laguna Niguel 2008-2014 Housing Element Update

Other Key IssuesOther Key Issues

• Housing for persons with special needsEmergency sheltersTransitional & supportive housingReasonable accommodation for

persons with disabilitiesFair housing

Planning CommissionFebruary 8, 2011

Laguna Niguel 2008-2014 Housing Element Update

Emergency Shelters, Transitional & Supportive Housing (Program 2)

Allow emergency shelters in Business Park and Community Service zones

Clarify that transitional/supportive housing is a residential use

Planning CommissionFebruary 8, 2011

Laguna Niguel 2008-2014 Housing Element Update

Update Density Bonus ordinance

Assistance and incentives for affordable projects

Second units

Encourage Affordable Housing (Program 3)

Planning CommissionFebruary 8, 2011

Laguna Niguel 2008-2014 Housing Element Update

Fair Housing (Program 5)

Adopt procedures for modifications to regulations for reasonable accommodation of persons with disabilities

Support OC Fair Housing Council

Planning CommissionFebruary 8, 2011

Laguna Niguel 2008-2014 Housing Element Update

Next StepsNext Steps

• City Council review

• State HCD review

• Revisions per HCD comments

• Public hearings & Housing Element adoption

• Program implementation & monitoring

Planning CommissionFebruary 8, 2011

Laguna Niguel 2008-2014 Housing Element Update