CITY OF FIRCREST PLANNING COMMISSION A G E N D A May 22, 2019 City Hall 6:00 p.m. 115 Ramsdell Street 1) Roll Call 2) Approval of the May 7, 2019 Minutes 3) Citizen Comments (For Items Not on the Agenda) 4) Public Hearing a) Case No. 19-06 Peterson CUP for Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit Staff Report Public Comments Close Public Hearing Commission Discussion Action 5) Unfinished Business a) None 6) New Business a) None 7) Adjournment


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May 22, 2019 City Hall

6:00 p.m. 115 Ramsdell Street

1) Roll Call

2) Approval of the May 7, 2019 Minutes

3) Citizen Comments (For Items Not on the Agenda)

4) Public Hearing

a) Case No. 19-06 Peterson CUP for Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit

• Staff Report

• Public Comments

• Close Public Hearing

• Commission Discussion

• Action

5) Unfinished Business

a) None

6) New Business

a) None

7) Adjournment

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May 7, 2019 Fircrest City Hall 6:00 PM 115 Ramsdell Street CALL TO ORDER Chair Karen Patjens called the regular meeting of the Fircrest Planning Commission to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Commissioners Kathy L. McVay, Cameron McGinnis, Karen Patjens, Sarah Hamel, and Karissa Carpenter were present. Absent: None. Staff present: Planning and Building Administrator Angelie Stahlnecker, Principal Planner Jeff Boers, and Permit Technician Jayne Westman. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes for the meeting of March 27, 2019 were presented for approval. Moved by McVay and seconded by Hamel to approve the minutes as amended. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. CITIZEN COMMENTS None. PUBLIC HEARING Case No. 19-02 – Fircrest Community Center Pool and Community Center Patjens opened the public hearing for Case No. 19-02 at 6:01 p.m. Principal Planner Jeff Boers presented the staff report detailing the preliminary site plan review for the new community center, outdoor pools, and bathhouse to replace recreation facilities. ARC Architect Emily Wheeler presented a PowerPoint presentation detailing the scope and history of the project. Patjens invited public comments. Mary Carr, 144 Amherst Street, stated she has concerns with safety and sanitation of the pool and bathhouse with regard to the layout of the facilities. She stated the importance of complying with WAC and Department of Health standards.

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ARC Architect Emily Wheeler addressed Ms. Carr’s concerns and as it pertains to the layout of the pool and bathhouse as well as addressed the concern with complying with outside agencies requirements. Patjens closed the public hearing at 6:33 p.m. Discussion included:

• The height of the proposed community center is less than the current height of the current community center.

• Clarification on what changes can be made to the approved final site plan. • The proper disposing of potentially contaminated soil.

Moved by McVay and seconded by Hamel to approve the preliminary site plan for the construction of a new community center, outdoor pools, and bathhouse to replace existing recreation facilities at Fircrest Park. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS None. MISCELLANOUS: Staff reported that there will be a meeting scheduled May 22, 2019.

ADJOURNMENT Moved by Hamel and seconded by Carpenter to adjourn the meeting at 6:39 p.m. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously.

Karen Patjens, Planning Commission Chair

Angelie Stahlnecker, Planning/Building

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CASE # 19-06 Conditional Use Permit

APPLICANT/OWNER: Elisa Peterson 611 Ramsdell Street

Fircrest WA 98466

PROPOSAL: Convert a 475 square foot garage into a detached accessory dwelling unit

LOCATION: 611 Ramsdell Street PARCEL ID: Assessor Parcel Number 7160203040

PARCEL SIZE: 8,250 square feet ZONING CLASSIFICATION: Residential-6 (R-6) PLAN DESIGNATION: Low Density Residential (LDR) ADJACENT ZONING: Residential-6 (R-6)

ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: Not Applicable - Project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to WAC 197-11-800(2)(e) and (6)(e).

PROPOSAL SUMMARY: The applicant has applied to convert a 475 square foot existing garage into a detached accessory dwelling unit. A site plan, elevations, and floor plan have been included (see exhibit 2). REVIEW PROCESS: Conditional Use Permits are subject to review under FMC 22.68.002, which is reiterated, below: The planning commission may approve, approve with conditions, modify and approve with conditions, or deny, a conditional use permit. The planning commission shall grant a conditional use permit when it has determined that the criteria listed in FMC 22.68.003 are met by the proposal. The planning commission may impose specific conditions upon the use, including an increase in the standards of this title, which will enable the planning

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commission to make the required findings in FMC 22.68.003. These conditions may include, but are not limited to restrictions in hours of operations; restrictions on locations of structures and uses; structural restrictions which address safety, noise, light and glare, vibration, odor, views, aesthetics, and other impacts; and increased buffering requirements, including open space, berms, fencing and landscaping. CRITERIA FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPROVAL: FMC 22.68.003 provides the approval criteria that must be met by the proposal in order for the Commission to grant approval. Before any conditional use permit may be granted, the planning commission shall adopt written findings showing that the following criteria are met by the proposal:

(a) The proposed use will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare; injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity; or adversely affect the established character of the surrounding vicinity.

(b) The proposed use will meet or exceed all applicable development, design and performance standards and guidelines required for the specific use, location, or zoning classification.

(c) The proposed use will be consistent and compatible with the goals, objectives and policies of the comprehensive plan.

(d) All conditions necessary to lessen any impacts of the proposed use are measurable and can be monitored and enforced.

ANALYSIS: An analysis of the requested conditional use permit is provided below. Included in this analysis are the approval criteria that must be met in order for the application to be approved and the arguments presented by the applicant in favor of an affirmative finding for each criterion. Criterion (1): The proposed use will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare; injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity; or adversely affect the established character of the surrounding vicinity.

Staff Finding: The proposed use is allowed in the zoning designation and, as such, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare nor be injurious towards the surrounding properties.

Criterion (2): The proposed use will meet or exceed all applicable development, design and performance standards and guidelines required for the specific use, location, or zoning classification.

Staff Finding: The proposed use with comply with all the standards and criteria listed in FMC 22.58.012 Accessory Dwelling Units. Standards and Criteria. An ADU shall meet the following standards and criteria:

a) The design and size of the ADU conform to all applicable standards in the building,

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plumbing, electrical, mechanical, fire, health, and any other applicable codes; b) Only one ADU is being created; c) The property owner will occupy either the principal unit or the ADU as their permanent

residence; d) The detached ADU complies with the accessory building size limits and related

standards listed in FMC 22.58.003; e) The detached ADU uses the same design vocabulary as the principal unit to the extent

feasible; f) The ADU shall be connected to the utilities of the principal unit; g) The total number of occupants in both the principal unit and ADU combined will not

exceed the maximum number established by the definition of “family” in FMC 22.98.267.

h) A concomitant agreement shall be filed as a deed restriction with the Pierce County auditor to indicate the presence of the ADU, the requirement of owner-occupancy, and other standards for maintaining the unit as described above.

Criterion (3): The proposed use will be consistent and compatible with the goals, objectives and policies of the comprehensive plan.

Staff Finding: The proposed use is supported by the following Housing Element goals and policies of the Fircrest Comprehensive Plan: GOAL H1 Preserve and enhance existing residential neighborhoods. Policy H1.1 Effectively implement zoning regulations, including design standards and guidelines, to help support the stability of established residential neighborhoods. GOAL H2 Achieve a mix of housing types to meet the needs of diverse households at various income levels. Policy H2.1 Support and encourage innovative and creative responses, through the use of appropriate incentives, to meet Fircrest’s needs for housing affordability and diversity for a variety of household sizes, incomes, types and ages. Policy H2.3 Permit accessory dwelling units in conjunction with single-family structures. GOAL H4 Support opportunities for the provision of special needs housing, including group homes, assisted care facilities, nursing homes and other facilities. Policy H4.7 Encourage and support accessible design and housing strategies that provide seniors the opportunity to remain in their own neighborhood as their housing needs change.

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Criterion (4): All conditions necessary to lessen any impacts of the proposed use are measurable and can be monitored and enforced.

Staff Finding: The proposed condition of approval listed in the preliminary resolution (Exhibit 3) will ensure that all potential impacts resulting from the project are mitigated to a satisfactory level in conformance with applicable code requirements. All proposed conditions can be monitored and enforced through the administrative design review, site development permit, and building permit approval processes and subsequent site inspection process.

COMMENTS RECEIVED: None. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the planning commission accept public testimony on the proposal, consider the findings and conclusions. If after receiving public testimony and reviewing the findings and conclusions, the Planning Commission feels the applicant meets the approval criteria, staff would recommend adoption of the following motion approving the request:

I move to approve Notice of Decision/Resolution no. 19-03, a resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of Fircrest, Washington, approving a conditional use permit to convert a 475 square foot garage into a detached accessory dwelling unit.

Angelie Stahlnecker May 17, 2019

Angelie Stahlnecker, Planning & Building Administrator Date Exhibits: 1. Application 2. Site Plan and Elevations 3. Draft Resolution

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Exhibit 1: May 22, 2019 Case 19-06

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Exhibit 2: May 22, 2019 Case 19-06

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Exhibit 2: May 22, 2019 Case 19-06

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Exhibit 2: May 22, 2019 Case 19-06

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Exhibit 2: May 22, 2019 Case 19-06

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Exhibit 2: May 22, 2019 Case 19-06

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Exhibit 2: May 22, 2019 Case 19-06

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Exhibit 2: May 22, 2019 Case 19-06

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CITY OF FIRCREST PLANNING COMMISSION Notice of Decision / Resolution No. 19-03

A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF FIRCREST, WASHINGTON, APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONVERT AN EXISTING GARAGE INTO A DETACHED ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT AT 611 RAMSDELL STREET. WHEREAS, an application was made by Elisa Peterson on April 11, 2019 for a conditional use permit to convert an existing 475 square foot garage into a detached accessory dwelling unit; and WHEREAS, the application was assigned Case Number 19-06 and deemed complete on April 30, 2019; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Application/Notice of Public Hearing was issued on May 8, 2019 with a comment period of at least 14 days ending May 22, 2019 and mailed to owners of property located within 300 feet of the subject property; and WHEREAS, a notice of application and hearing was posted on the subject property on May 8, 2019; and WHEREAS, a public hearing notice was published in the Tacoma Daily Index on May 8, 2019; and WHEREAS, the subject property is designated Low Density Residential in the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the subject property is zoned Residential-6, which permits detached accessory dwelling units, subject to a conditional use permit; and WHEREAS, the Commission has held a public hearing on this application on May 22, 2019, considered public comment, and has examined pertinent maps, drawings, and documents; and WHEREAS, the Commission has made the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law:

1. The proposed use is allowed in the zoning designation and, as such, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare nor be injurious towards the surrounding properties.

Exhibit 3: May 22, 2019 Case 19-06

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2. The proposed use with comply with all the standards and criteria listed in FMC 22.58.012 Accessory Dwelling Units as well as other de

3. The proposed detached accessory dwelling unit will be consistent and

compatible with the following Comprehensive Plan policies: GOAL H1 Preserve and enhance existing residential neighborhoods. Policy H1.1 Effectively implement zoning regulations, including design standards and guidelines, to help support the stability of established residential neighborhoods. GOAL H2 Achieve a mix of housing types to meet the needs of diverse households at various income levels. Policy H2.1 Support and encourage innovative and creative responses, through the use of appropriate incentives, to meet Fircrest’s needs for housing affordability and diversity for a variety of household sizes, incomes, types and ages. Policy H2.3 Permit accessory dwelling units in conjunction with single-family structures. GOAL H4 Support opportunities for the provision of special needs housing, including group homes, assisted care facilities, nursing homes and other facilities. Policy H4.7 Encourage and support accessible design and housing strategies that provide seniors the opportunity to remain in their own neighborhood as their housing needs change

4. All proposed conditions can be monitored and enforced through the conditional

use permit and building permit approval processes and subsequent site inspection process.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Fircrest hereby approves the conditional use permit for Case 19-06 with the following condition:

1. The concomitant agreement must be signed and filed with the Pierce County Auditor, prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy.

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PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Fircrest on the 22nd day of May, 2019 by the following vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Karen Patjens, Planning Commission Chair ATTEST: Angelie Stahlnecker, Planning Administrator

Assessor's Notice per HB 2567: Affected property owners may request a change in valuation for property tax purposes notwithstanding any program of revaluation.

Information Regarding Appeals Appeals of this decision shall be governed by the provisions contained within Fircrest Municipal Code Chapter 22.10. Only parties of record have standing to appeal the Planning Commission's decision. An appeal of this decision must be filed within fourteen (14) calendar days of the date of this Notice of Decision, which is May 22, 2019. Therefore, the appeal deadline for this decision is June 5, 2019 at 5:00 PM. Appeals shall be in writing, accompanied by an appeal fee, and containing the information requested in FMC 22.10.004(A)(4). For more information, contact Angelie Stahlnecker, 115 Ramsdell Street, Fircrest WA 98466, 253-238-4125 or [email protected].