Planning booklet

Digital Graphic Narrative Planning Use this booklet to help structure your planning and collate your planning documents. Considerations: There are lots of things to consider in this project. Fill out each section in detail to show you have thought about each one. You should imagine that this is a live project, so considerations like cost, quantity and codes of practice must be thought about in that context rather than just as a college project. Costs: Now costs does not apply to me because I will not be spending any money although if I was writing the book for real and thinking about publishing my book then I would have to think about the costs of some of the things I would need for example paper pens pencil ink copyright costs as well as how much it would cost to print the amount of books I would want to publish Available resources: I will need a few resources in order to design the book I am thinking of making for example I will need a computer as well as Photoshop in order to make the pictures the internet would also help because I will need to have a look at pictures of people in order to get the people in my story looking like people if I was planning to scan a picture in then I would need a scanner but I don’t think

Transcript of Planning booklet

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Digital Graphic Narrative Planning

Use this booklet to help structure your planning and collate your planning documents.


There are lots of things to consider in this project. Fill out each section in detail to show you have thought about each one. You should imagine that this is a live project, so considerations like cost, quantity and codes of practice must be thought about in that context rather than just as a college project.

Costs:Now costs does not apply to me because I will not be spending any money although if I was writing the book for real and thinking about publishing my book then I would have to think about the costs of some of the things I would need for example paper pens pencil ink copyright costs as well as how much it would cost to print the amount of books I would want to publish

Available resources:I will need a few resources in order to design the book I am thinking of making for example I will need a computer as well as Photoshop in order to make the pictures the internet would also help because I will need to have a look at pictures of people in order to get the people in my story looking like people if I was planning to scan a picture in then I would need a scanner but I don’t think I will do thins as my drawing skills are not very good I will also need a keyboard in order to do my text for the book

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QuantityI think because the fairy tale I am making is very unknown I hope to publish a lot of these books in order to make the story much wider known throughout people most likely into the 1000s of books to reach the widest amount of people I can with the sales of my book

Audience and Target Market:My target age for my story is 8-12 year olds although it is very unlikely that kids of this age will buy their own books so I will have to aim the book at parents of the kids as well in order to help the book to sell as the book has a very gender neutral storyline I have not aimed my book at one type o gender this way I am more likely to get more sales because the parents are more likely to buy the book for both girls and boys

Quality Factors:What is going to help me make the book as good as possible well taking my time and not rushing the story as well as the art in the book will make sure that I limit mistakes but I need to b carful as working to slow will cause me to rush my work need the end of the production checking for spelling mistakes will help as well just to make sure that I have not misspelt anything as the book is made to help kids learn to read and this would not be very helpful

Codes of Practice:The codes of practice for publishing a book state that the publishing contract must be clear, the contract should be clear about ownership of the content in the book, the publisher should be aware or the authors rights, the publisher should be willing and take opportunity to explain the terms of the contract, the appropriate the publisher must give the author a proper opportunity to share the success of the finished book, the publisher must handle manuscripts promptly and keep the author informed of all progress, the publisher must not cancel a contract without a good or proper reason, if the author fails to deliver a completed book within the time contracted the publisher may be entitled to a refund, if the author has already been paid but has not taken care in the making of the book then the publisher can decide not to publish the book, if the publisher is under no obligation to publish then that can be considered illegal.

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As I am both the publisher as well as the author I will not have to consider these in the making of my book

Regulation:Any books falling under the definition of a toy will have to be compliant with the new Toy Safety Directive 2009/48/EC if sold on the European market but as my book will be made for older kids the book will not be made to be a toy

Copyright:I need to carful that I don’t copyright someone else’s work by making sure that all my work is heavily edited and is not recognisable as the art I have used to get the vague shape for my people as If I used someone eles work I would have to pay them for the rights to use that picture

Ethical Issues:some fairy tails have unsettling ends in the original tail but by using a story that doesn’t I have made sure to avoid anything that might upset children

Resources:A successful project relies on good planning. Considering all the resources you will need for a project and then assessing which you already have and which you need will help ensure you are ready to start your project.

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If there is a resource you don’t currently have, then consider how you are going to get it before you go in to production.

Resource:Do you have it? What do you need to do to get it?

 computer  yes  

 dafont  yes  

 photoshop  yes  

 Word  yes  

 internet  yes  

 Base pictures  Yes some  

 schedule  yes  

Production Schedule:Delivering your project on time is vital. In order to do this, you need a solid plan of action. This will help you divide up your work in to manageable chunks to be tackled one at a time. It will also allow you to plan which tasks need to be done in which order. It will

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also allow you to track your progress each day. If you are falling behind, you will need to modify the way you work. If you work faster than expected, you can clearly see what the next steps you need to take are.

Each session is a half day of college.

Session 1:

Find pictures what could be used for page 3 and if I get time move on toPage 3 as well as look over pages 1 and make sure that the art style follows from one page to the next check spelling as well as for gaps from rotoscoping and fix any of these mistakes



Session 2:Find pictures what could be used for page 4 and if I get time move on to Page 4 and make sure that the art style follows from one page to the next check spelling as well as for gaps from rotoscoping and fix any of these mistakes

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Session 3:

Find pictures what could be used for page 5 and if I get time move on to  Page 5 and make sure that the art style follows from one page to the next check spelling as well as for gaps from rotoscoping and fix any of these mistakes




Session 4:Find pictures what could be used for page 6 and if I get time move on to Page 6 and make sure that the art style follows from one page to the nextcheck spelling as well as for gaps from rotoscoping and fix any of these mistakes

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Session 5:

 Find pictures what could be used for page 7 and if I get time move on toPage 7 and make sure that the art style follows from one page to the nextcheck spelling as well as for gaps from rotoscoping and fix any of these mistakes




Session 6: Find pictures what could be used for page 8 and if I get time move on toPage 8 and make sure that the art style follows from one page to the nextcheck spelling as well as for gaps from rotoscoping and fix any of these mistakes

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Session 7:

 Find pictures what could be used for end page and if I get time move on toEnd Page and make sure that the art style follows from one page to the nextcheck spelling as well as for gaps from rotoscoping and fix any of these mistakes




Session 8:

 Check pages for mistakes and can also be used as a catch up space should I be ill or something happens meaning I cant come in

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Session 9:

 Check pages for mistakes and can also be used as a catch up space should I be ill or something happens meaning I cant come in




Session 10:

 Check pages for mistakes and can also be used as a catch up space should I be ill or something happens meaning I cant come in

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Health and safety:Your health and safety and that of those around you is very important. Just like in industry, an accident could prevent you from working. Whilst we don’t work in a highly dangerous environment, there are still risks. Some are short term, such as trips and spillages whilst others, such as long term damage to eyesight or back problems, may affect you much later in life.

Consider the risks based on the activities you will be undertaking during the project. Explain how you could prevent them from happening.

Ensure you reference appropriate pieces of legislation, design to protect people at work.

Health and Safety Issue How can you prevent it?

 Water near computers If I need to bring in a drink I should make sure that the liquid is no where near and form of electricity

 Wires can make a tripping hazard  Make sure that if I am going to use wires I warn people about them or make sure that the wires are out of the way


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