Planning, applying and evaluating complex sports massage ... · Planning, applying and evaluating...

Learner name: Learner number: Y/601/4192 VRQ UV50389 Planning, applying and evaluating complex sports massage / soft tissue methods

Transcript of Planning, applying and evaluating complex sports massage ... · Planning, applying and evaluating...

Page 1: Planning, applying and evaluating complex sports massage ... · Planning, applying and evaluating complex sports massage/soft tissue methods The aim of this unit is to provide you

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Planning, applying and evaluating complex sports massage / soft tissue methods

Page 2: Planning, applying and evaluating complex sports massage ... · Planning, applying and evaluating complex sports massage/soft tissue methods The aim of this unit is to provide you

By signing this statement of unit achievement you are confirming that all learning outcomes, assessment criteria and range statements have been achieved under specified conditions and that the evidence gathered is authentic.

This statement of unit achievement table must be completed prior to claiming certification.

Unit code Date achieved Learner signature Assessor initials

IV signature (if sampled)

Assessor name Assessor signature Assessors initials

Assessor number (optional)

Assessor tracking table

Statement of unit achievement

All assessors using this Record of Assessment book must complete this table. This is required for verification purposes.

VTCT is the specialist awarding body for the Hairdressing, Beauty Therapy, Complementary Therapy, Hospitality and Catering and Sport and Active Leisure sectors, with over 45 years of experience.

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Page 3: Planning, applying and evaluating complex sports massage ... · Planning, applying and evaluating complex sports massage/soft tissue methods The aim of this unit is to provide you

UV50389Planning, applying and evaluating complex sports massage/soft tissue methods The aim of this unit is to provide you with the knowledge, understanding and practical skills required to prepare, apply and evaluate a range of complex massage/soft tissue methods that prevent and manage injury.


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Credit value



External paper(s)






Page 5: Planning, applying and evaluating complex sports massage ... · Planning, applying and evaluating complex sports massage/soft tissue methods The aim of this unit is to provide you

On completion of this unit you will:

Learning outcomes

Planning, applying and evaluating complex sports massage/soft tissue methods

1. Be able to work within agreed standards of practice

2. Be able to prepare for complex sports massage/soft tissue methods

3. Be able to assess clients for complex sports massage/soft tissue methods

4. Be able to devise complex sports massage/soft tissue strategies for clients

5. Be able to apply complex sports massage/soft tissue methods

6. Be able to evaluate the effectiveness of complex sports massage/soft tissue methods

7. Be able to produce, maintain and store client records

Assessed observations should not be carried out on the same day for the same learning outcome. There should be sufficient time between assessments for reflection and personal development. You need to meet the same standard on a regular and consistent basis. Separating the assessments by a period of at least two weeks is recommended as competence must be demonstrated on a consistent and regular basis.

4. Range All ranges must be practically demonstrated or other forms of evidence produced to show they have been covered.

5. Knowledge outcomes There must be evidence that you possess all the knowledge and understanding listed in the Knowledge section of this unit. In most cases this can be done by professional discussion and/or oral questioning. Other methods, such as projects, assignments and/or reflective accounts may also be used.

6. Tutor/Assessor guidance You will be guided by your tutor/assessor on how to achieve learning outcomes and cover ranges in this unit. All outcomes and ranges must be achieved.

7. External paper There is no external paper requirement for this unit.

UV50389 3

Evidence requirements

1. Environment Evidence for this unit may be gathered within the workplace or realistic working environment (RWE).

2. Simulation Simulation is not allowed in this unit.

3. Observation outcomes Competent performance of Observation outcomes must be demonstrated on at least two occasions. Assessor observations, witness testimonies and products of work are likely to be the most appropriate sources of performance evidence. Professional discussion may be used as supplementary evidence for those criteria that do not naturally occur.

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Achieving observation outcomes Achieving range

Achieving observations and range


Your assessor will observe your performance of practical tasks. The minimum number of competent observations required is indicated in the Evidence requirements section of this unit.

Criteria may not always naturally occur during a practical observation. In such instances you will be asked questions to demonstrate your competence in this area. Your assessor will document the criteria that have been achieved through professional discussion and/or oral questioning. This evidence will be recorded by your assessor in written form or by other appropriate means.

Your assessor will sign off a learning outcome when all criteria have been competently achieved.

The Range section indicates what must be covered. Ranges should be practically demonstrated as part of an observation. Where this is not possible other forms of evidence may be produced. All ranges must be covered.

Your assessor will document the portfolio reference once a range has been competently achieved.


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Outcome 1


You can:

Observation 1 2 OptionalDate achieved

Criteria questioned orally

Portfolio reference

Assessor initials

Learner signature

*May be assessed by supplementary evidence.

Be able to work within agreed standards of practice

a. Apply professional standards of personal hygiene, dress and appearance

b. Ensure there is adequate public liability and professional indemnity insurance

c. Carry out equipment checks to ensure cleanliness and hygiene and that current health and safety requirements are met

d. Carry out risk assessments of equipment and treatment areas

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Outcome 2

You can:

Be able to prepare for complex sports massage/soft tissue methods

*May be assessed by supplementary evidence.

a. Follow approved guidelines for the presence of a chaperone, where necessary*

b. Prepare treatment areas and equipment to ensure comfort and dignity for clients

c. Prepare materials appropriate for planned massage/soft tissue methods

d. Demonstrate the correct procedures to obtain informed consent

e. Prepare client records as legally required


Observation 1 2 OptionalDate achieved

Criteria questioned orally

Portfolio reference

Assessor initials

Learner signature

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Outcome 3

You can:

*May be assessed by supplementary evidence.

Be able to assess clients for complex sports massage/soft tissue methods

a. Carry out subjective assessments of clients

b. Carry out objective assessments of clients

c. Gather information relevant to the cautions and contra-indications to massage/soft tissue methods, responding appropriately

UV50389 7

Observation 1 2 OptionalDate achieved

Criteria questioned orally

Portfolio reference

Assessor initials

Learner signature

Page 10: Planning, applying and evaluating complex sports massage ... · Planning, applying and evaluating complex sports massage/soft tissue methods The aim of this unit is to provide you

Outcome 4

You can:

Be able to devise complex sports massage/soft tissue strategies for clients

*May be assessed by supplementary evidence.

a. Devise combined massage and soft tissue strategies appropriate to client’s needs, their context and within your scope of practice

b. Present aims and objectives of agreed massage/soft tissue methods with clients

c. Present the nature, purpose and process of massage/soft tissue methods to clients with justification

d. Ensure clients understand the nature and purpose of the equipment to be used

e. Present suitable objective and subjective markers to measure the effects of massage/soft tissue methods with justification


Observation 1 2 OptionalDate achieved

Criteria questioned orally

Portfolio reference

Assessor initials

Learner signature

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Outcome 5

You can:

*May be assessed by supplementary evidence.

Be able to apply complex sports massage/soft tissue methods

a. Demonstrate correct positioning of self and clients throughout the massage/soft tissue method

b. Prepare relevant body areas with due respect to clients’ dignity and informed consent

c. Apply massage/soft tissue methods correctly and consistently to meet the presentation and needs of clients

d. Adapt working practices to the area in which you are working

e. Demonstrate how to take account of the cautions and contra-indications to massage/soft tissue methods

f. Record and respond appropriately to visual and oral feedback during the delivery of massage/soft tissue methods

g. Provide clients with appropriate materials and assistance to remove the massage/soft tissue medium

h. Respond appropriately to pre-existing conditions and disease processes

i. Assess and manage risk throughout treatment

UV50389 9

Observation 1 2 OptionalDate achieved

Criteria questioned orally

Portfolio reference

Assessor initials

Learner signature

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Outcome 6

You can:

Be able to evaluate the effectiveness of complex sports massage/soft tissue methods

*May be assessed by supplementary evidence.

a. Reassess clients, identifying any adverse reactions

b. Gain feedback on the effects of massage/soft tissue methods from clients

c. Analyse client feedback against the aims and objectives of massage/soft tissue strategies

d. Provide appropriate advice and opportunities for client questions and/or feedback


Observation 1 2 OptionalDate achieved

Criteria questioned orally

Portfolio reference

Assessor initials

Learner signature

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Outcome 7

You can:

*May be assessed by supplementary evidence.

Be able to produce, maintain and store client records

a. Explain massage/soft tissue methods used and the details that should be recorded

b. Produce records of massage/soft tissue sessions in the accepted format

c. Demonstrate the safe and secure storage of records according to legal requirements

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Observation 1 2 OptionalDate achieved

Criteria questioned orally

Portfolio reference

Assessor initials

Learner signature

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*You must practically demonstrate that you have:

Collected all subjective information Portfolio reference

Personal details

History of presenting symptoms

Past medical history/previous injuries

Client reasons for seeking treatment

Sporting profile/training regimen

Lifestyle and diet

Carried out all objective assessments Portfolio reference

Observations (posture)

Observations (gait)


Range of movement (active and passive)

Leg length

Muscle length

Muscle strength

Special tests

Joint integrity tests

Sensation tests

Neurological weakness


It is strongly recommended that all range items are practically demonstrated. Where this is not possible, other forms of evidence may be produced to demonstrate competence.


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*You must practically demonstrate that you have:

Worked with all client groups Portfolio reference



Pre-adolescent (9-12 years)

Adolescent (13-19, in puberty)


Specific populations (pregnant women, older adults, people with disabilities, elite athletes)

Applied all complex sports massage/soft tissue methods Portfolio reference

Connective tissue massage

Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation

Myofascial techniques

Neuromuscular techniques

Soft tissue release

Positional release/strain-counterstrain techniques

Worked in all environments Portfolio reference

Massage room

In situ at sporting event

It is strongly recommended that all range items are practically demonstrated. Where this is not possible, other forms of evidence may be produced to demonstrate competence.

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*You must practically demonstrate that you have:

Covered all contexts Portfolio reference

Injury management

Injury prevention

Problem solving (non-injury presentation)

Pre-existing conditions

Worked with all presentations Portfolio reference


Changes in muscle tone

Changes in joint range of movement

Pathological changes


Pre-existing conditions

It is strongly recommended that all range items are practically demonstrated. Where this is not possible, other forms of evidence may be produced to demonstrate competence.


Page 17: Planning, applying and evaluating complex sports massage ... · Planning, applying and evaluating complex sports massage/soft tissue methods The aim of this unit is to provide you

Achieving knowledge outcomes

Developing knowledge

You will be guided by your tutor and assessor on the evidence that needs to be produced. Your knowledge and understanding will be assessed using the assessment methods listed below*:

• Projects• Observed work• Witness statements• Audio-visual media • Evidence of prior learning or attainment• Written questions• Oral questions• Assignments• Case studies• Professional discussion

Where applicable your assessor will integrate knowledge outcomes into practical observations through professional discussion and/or oral questioning.

When a criterion has been orally questioned and achieved, your assessor will record this evidence in written form or by other appropriate means. There is no need for you to produce additional evidence as this criterion has already been achieved.

Some knowledge and understanding outcomes may require you to show that you know and understand how to do something. If you have practical evidence from your own work that meets knowledge criteria, then there is no requirement for you to be questioned again on the same topic.

*This is not an exhaustive list.

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Outcome 1

Be able to work within agreed standards of practice

You can: Portfolio reference

e. Clarify the accepted standards of practice

f. Describe how to conform to protocols for all forms of communication

g. Explain the importance of cleanliness and hygiene, dress and appearance, and the standards to be applied

h. Clarify relevant and current health and safety legislation


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Outcome 2

Be able to prepare for complex sports massage/soft tissue methods

You can: Portfolio reference

f. Explain the importance of having a suitable chaperone present when working with children and vulnerable adults

g. Explain the importance of maintaining the dignity and comfort of clients throughout the massage/soft tissue process

h. Explain the correct materials to use for a range of massage/soft tissue methods

i. Explain the importance of obtaining informed consent prior to assessments and application of massage/soft tissue methods

j. Explain the importance of working within the boundaries of informed consent and maintaining confidentiality

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Outcome 3

Be able to assess clients for complex sports massage/soft tissue methods

You can: Portfolio reference

d. Explain the importance of accurate client assessments and record keeping

e. Explain how to carry out subjective and objective assessments of clients

f. Critically evaluate the range of assessment methods used to gather information

g. Explain the importance of obtaining information on the possible cautions and contra-indications to massage/soft tissue methods before commencing any treatments

h. Analyse the cautions and contra-indications to massage/soft tissue methods

i. Explain the importance of recognising clients presenting with pre-existing conditions and problems


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Outcome 4

Be able to devise complex sports massage/soft tissue strategies for clients

You can: Portfolio reference

f. Explain the indications for massage/soft tissue methods

g. Justify the importance of explaining the aims and objectives of massage/soft tissue methods to clients

h. Explain why it is important for clients to understand the nature and purpose of massage/soft tissue methods and the equipment used

i. Outline situations when the massage/soft tissue medium should be removed

j. Explain the content of massage/soft tissue mediums in relation to allergic reaction and contra-indications

k. Explain the possible adverse reactions to massage/soft tissue methods and their identification

l. Critically evaluate objective and subjective markers to measure the effects of massage/soft tissue methods

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Outcome 5

Be able to apply complex sports massage/soft tissue methods

You can: Portfolio reference

j. Explain the importance of ensuring clients and practitioners are correctly positioned

k. Explain the preparation of body areas for a range of massage/soft tissue methods

l. Explain how a range of massage/soft tissue methods can be applied in relation to technique

m. Explain the application of massage/soft tissue methods to a range of conditions/situations


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Outcome 6

Be able to evaluate the effectiveness of complex sports massage/soft tissue methods

You can: Portfolio reference

e. Clarify the importance of accurate client reassessment

f. Critically evaluate methods used for obtaining feedback from clients on the effects of massage/soft tissue methods

g. Explain why it is important to provide opportunities for further feedback

h. Explain the importance of evaluating the effectiveness of massage/soft tissue methods

i. Critically evaluate the objective and subjective markers used to measure the effects of massage/soft tissue methods

j. Critically evaluate the overall short and long-term effectiveness of massage/soft tissue strategies applied, suggesting improvements

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Outcome 7

Be able to produce, maintain and store client records

You can: Portfolio reference

d. Explain the importance of accurate and confidential record keeping and storing records safely

e. Explain the importance and process of referral to relevant professionals when necessary

f. Produce reports/letters of referral for relevant health-care professionals

g. Explain the importance of following the directions of health-care professionals

h. Explain the legal requirements for the storage of information on clients and the systems used

i. Clarify when client records must be destroyed as legally required


Page 25: Planning, applying and evaluating complex sports massage ... · Planning, applying and evaluating complex sports massage/soft tissue methods The aim of this unit is to provide you

Outcome 1: Be able to work within agreed standards of practice

Unit content

This section provides guidance on the recommended knowledge and skills required to enable you to achieve each of the learning outcomes in this unit. Your tutor/assessor will ensure you have the opportunity to cover all of the unit content.

UV50389 23

Accepted standards of practice: Roles and responsibilities of the sports massage practitioner, boundaries, limitations of the practitioner, professional associations (Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT), Sports Massage Association (SMA), others).

How to conform to protocol for all forms of communication: Abide by relevant codes of ethics and practice, adhere to legislation/rules/regulations of working environment.

Importance of professional standards: Maximise treatment benefits, prevention of cross-infection, gives the client confidence in the practitioner, repeated business, potential for increased business, gain respect/trust/rapport, reputation, public confidence in the profession.

Professional standards: Personal hygiene, dress, appearance, attitude.

Insurance: Types and requirements, professional liability, public liability, personal injury, income protection, clinic and equipment, travel and car, claiming on insurance, dealing with claims against the sports massage practitioner.

Health and safety: Current legislation, legal responsibilities for health and safety (clinic, at events, on field of play), data protection legislation, employer’s liability (compulsory) legislation, first aid legislation, accident recording and reporting, evacuation procedures, maintenance (equipment, building), manual handling (control of substances hazardous to health

(COSHH), reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations (RIDDOR)).

Equipment checks: Couch (height, stability, position), visual checks of working area/resources, check for wear and tear, faults, cleanliness, possibility of contamination, check all necessary resources are available for clinic/event (covers, towels, mediums, cleansing resources).

Risk assessments: Components of risk assessment form, risk assessment process, managing risks, countermeasures and recommendations, assess risk of environment to ensure safety of practitioner, risk factors (space, environment, weather, obstacles, cross-infection, heat, noise, light, privacy, ventilation), hygiene (equipment and personal), assess risk in clinic/sporting locations/on the field of play, emergency plans, liaise in advance with event organisation/organisers (emergency procedures, first aid protocol), ensure work is within scope of practice.

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Outcome 2: Be able to prepare for complex sports massage/soft tissue methods


Child protection and vulnerable adults: Child protection legislation, safeguarding children and vulnerable adults, principles to observe in relation to legislation, suitable chaperones, role of chaperones, importance of using chaperones, possible consequences of not having a chaperone present, protection for client and practitioner.

Importance of maintaining dignity of the client: Build rapport/trust/enhance the effectiveness of treatment.

Prepare area/equipment to ensure comfort and dignity: Ensure privacy, appropriate draping, use of supports, maintain comfort, give reassurance, answer questions, respond to verbal/non-verbal signs, maintain warmth, only expose treatment areas.

Client positioning – comfort, dignity, accessibility, use of supports, consider practitioner working posture, appropriate position to ensure effectiveness of treatment, appropriate position to ensure effective application of techniques.

Prepare materials/working area: Plinth, bench, chair, mat, mediums, towels, supports, blankets, other materials/equipment, appropriate paperwork, set-up is appropriate to available work area, risk assessment.

Informed consent: Define ‘informed’, purpose, importance of obtaining consent (prior to assessment, prior to treatment), practitioner explains nature and purpose of sports massage (risks, alternatives and effects), opportunity to withdraw.

Boundaries of consent: Examination and treatment confined to agreed informed consent.

Procedures to obtain informed consent: Verbal, consultation, records, signature of client, signature of chaperone/guardian for children/vulnerable adults.

Prepare records: Record consent, record client personal details, medical history, treatment objectives, subjective and objective testing, record techniques, effects, contra-actions, contra-indications, records should include acceptance or refusal of chaperone (if appropriate).

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Outcome 3: Be able to assess clients for complex sports massage/soft tissue methods

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Importance of accurate client assessment: Identify aims and objectives of assessment, identify any contra-indications/cautions to massage, identify realistic outcomes, to give markers for evaluation of treatment, review of previous sports massage treatments, to form a hypothesis to guide and form the treatment plan, to comply with legislation/law.

Critically evaluate range of assessment methods: Critically evaluate subjective and objective information, range of assessment methods (subjective, objective), critically evaluate the validity/accuracy/reliability/time, equipment needed/cost (VARTEC) of assessment methods, strengths and weaknesses of subjective questions and objective assessment methods, value of using amalgamation of methods.

Subjective assessment: Body mapping/chart (type and area of symptoms, depth, quality, intensity, abnormal sensation, relationship of symptoms), behaviour of symptoms (aggravating and easing factors, severity and irritability, 24-hour behaviour, daily activities, stage of the condition), special questions (general health, drugs, steroids, anticoagulants, recent unexplained weight loss, rheumatoid arthritis, spinal cord or cauda equina symptoms, dizziness, recent x-rays), history of presenting condition (history of each symptomatic area, mechanism of injury, how and when it started, how it has changed), past medical history (relevant medical history), previous history of same condition, effect of previous treatment, social and hereditary conditions (age and gender, home and work situation, dependants and leisure activities), pain scales.

Objective assessment: Biomechanical (observations, posture, gait, functional testing, leg lengths), musculoskeletal (observations, palpation, active and passive range of movement, muscle strength, joint integrity testing, muscle length testing), neurological (observations, dermatomes, myotomes, reflexes, neurodynamic testing), indications for complex massage/soft tissue methods vs. referral to medical and/or healthcare professional.

Importance of obtaining information before commencing any sports massage: To ensure problem is within scope of practice, to ensure clients are referred accordingly, to help form treatment plan, to eliminate any possible dangers to client and practitioner, to gain informed consent, to identify any possible cautions and contra-indications.

Cautions and contra-indications: Possible dangers to client and/or practitioner, absolute contra-indications (GP consent, or no massage to be carried out), local contra-indications (avoid the area, but other areas can be treated), temporary contra-indications (may not treat this time but could in future, e.g. fever), contra-indications (acute trauma, tumour, open wounds, frostbite, acute soft tissue, circulatory disorders, fractures, bursitis, periostitis, myositis ossificans, infections, skin disorders, allergic conditions, areas of altered skin sensation), red flags (symptoms that may indicate serious pathology/disease or indicate the need for referral). N.B. this is not an exhaustive list.

Importance of recognising clients with pre-existing conditions and problems: May be outside the practitioner’s scope of practice, may pose a danger to client

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or therapist, may need to obtain GP or specialist clearance before massaging, client may be receiving treatment and massage may interfere with treatment, adjustments may be needed to the planned sports massage strategy, pre-existing conditions may be a causal factor/influence.

Outcome 3: Be able to assess clients for complex sports massage/soft tissue methods (continued)

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Outcome 4: Be able to devise complex sports massage/soft tissue strategies for clients

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Indications for complex sports massage/soft tissue methods: Part of general conditioning programme, injury prevention, maintenance, pre-event (aid pre-exercise preparation, prepare psychologically), post-event (aid post-exercise recovery), during events, post-travel, injury treatment, soft tissue dysfunction.

General indications for massage: Relaxation, anxiety reduction, stimulation, increase range of movement, increase tissue mobility/flexibility, decrease of muscle tone, enhance local circulation, remove waste products, enhance immune function, exercise recovery, inflammation management, nerve impingement, pain management, soft tissue dysfunction.

Devise complex sports massage/soft tissue strategies: Amalgamation of complex sports massage and soft tissue methods, give justification for strategy, meet aims and objectives of the treatment, meet client needs, strategy to be negotiated and agreed with client, agree short/medium /long term goals, if necessary refer/involve other healthcare professionals.

Present aims and objectives: Full information to be given to client to gain informed consent, client then knows exactly what to expect, clear up any misconceptions, ensures client is clear about possible outcomes, client is fully prepared for the treatment, ensure that client understands nature/purpose/effects/probable outcome/techniques/mediums/positions/equipment that are to be used, provide justification for chosen complex sports massage/soft tissue methods.

Removal of massage mediums: Allergic reaction, rash, potential interference of drug testing in sport, abide with rules of the sport, interference with performance, when using techniques that do not require a medium, when depth is required, when performing trigger point/neuromuscular techniques.

Properties/content of massage mediums: Types and properties (oils (vegetable, mineral, creams, lotions, gels, wax, talc), properties that may cause adverse reactions.

Adverse reactions to complex sports massage/soft tissue methods: For example rash/folliculitis/itching/redness/pain/inflammation/swelling/fever/headaches.

Markers to measure effects of complex massage/soft tissue methods: Objective and subjective markers, critically evaluate subjective and objective markers, markers (pain scales, measurements of swelling, muscle length/strength, muscle tone, measurement of an increase or decrease in the ability to perform an activity, range of movement, client feedback and appearance, satisfaction questionnaires).

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Outcome 5: Be able to apply complex sports massage/soft tissue methods


Importance of client positioning: For effective application of complex sports massage/soft tissue methods, for effective application on different body areas, for dignity and comfort of client, for practitioner to be able to maintain correct postural and manual handling techniques, practitioner access to area/client.

Correct positioning: With/without couch (bench, floor, mat, chair), working in team dressing rooms, working pitch side, working through towels/clothing, positioning (prone, supine, side lying, sitting, standing), adjust position as appropriate (maintain comfort/dignity of client, safety of practitioner, effectiveness of application).

Prepare relevant body areas for sports massage/soft tissue methods: Appropriate positioning for support, to ensure effectiveness of technique, draping, degree of exposure, exposure of massage area only, cleanse area if appropriate, use of massage medium or not.

Complex sports massage/soft tissue methods: Connective tissue massage (definition – a reflex therapy that influences cutaneovisceral autonomic reflexes), proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (including patterning movement), myofascial techniques (definition – a system of fascial work intended to release, stretch, and influence the orientation of the fascia), neuromuscular techniques (definition – the group of soft tissues techniques that effect a change in the neuroendocrine system with the aim of improving the local tension state of soft tissue), soft tissue release, positional release/strain-counterstrain techniques.

Application of complex sports massage/soft tissue methods: Working posture,

contour of hands, position of hands, correct alignment of practitioner joints, stance, depth of pressure, direction of movements, speed and rhythm of strokes in varying positions and environments, adaptation of techniques to suit client needs and in context of presenting conditions and delivery environment.

Adaptation of complex sports massage/soft tissue methods to a range of conditions/situations in which you are working: Pre-event, post-event, maintenance, post-travel, corrective, injury (stage of inflammation – acute, sub-acute, proliferation, regeneration), pre-existing conditions, disease processes, appropriate techniques to use, use of space and time, sports specific limitations and adaptations.

Working with cautions and contra-indications: Within scope of practice, dealing with pre-existing conditions and disease, recognising absolute contra-indications, working with local or temporary contra-indications, working with factors that require caution (e.g. low pain threshold, pregnancy, sub-acute injury, pre-existing conditions, disease), follow protocol for working with contra-indications and cautions.

Respond and record: Respond to client feedback (verbal, non-verbal), adverse reactions (visual and oral), change complex sports massage/soft tissue method as appropriate, change massage variable (technique, depth, pressure, speed, rhythm), practitioner observation of the effects of treatment, record the complex sports massage/soft tissue methods, note variations between planned and actual sports massage in records, record adverse reactions.

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Outcome 5: Be able to apply complex sports massage/soft tissue methods (continued)

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Removal of massage medium: Assist with removal of mediums as appropriate, provide clients with appropriate materials to remove mediums, consider in clinic or sporting context, consider consequences of not removing the medium on the sport or performance, provide materials (wipes, cleansing agents, couch roll).

Respond appropriately to pre-existing conditions and disease processes: Work within scope of practice, refer to healthcare professional, adapt treatment/techniques as necessary, research of condition and medication.

Assess and manage risk: Ongoing risk assessment as circumstances change, anticipating and effectively taking steps to avoid and manage risk, precautions to take.

Page 32: Planning, applying and evaluating complex sports massage ... · Planning, applying and evaluating complex sports massage/soft tissue methods The aim of this unit is to provide you

Outcome 6: Be able to evaluate the effectiveness of complex sports massage/soft tissue methods


Importance of accurate client reassessment: Reasons why reassessment may be necessary, evaluation of sports massage aims and objectives, adverse reactions to sports massage, outcome, evidence for practice.

Reassessment of client: Identify any adverse reactions, use subjective and objective markers, measure effectiveness.

Gain feedback: Opportunities for feedback, before/during/after sports massage and subsequent sports massage, empowerment, rapport, verbal, written, non-verbal, contradictions in message received, measured against achievement of sports massage objectives.

Feedback opportunities: Client is part of the process, empowerment, rapport, critical treatment information, before/during/after treatment and subsequent treatment, verbal, written, importance of providing opportunities.

Critically evaluate methods for obtaining feedback: Questionnaire, survey, interview, informal discussion, providing opportunities throughout treatment, verbal and written forms, critically evaluate methods.

Analysis of feedback against aims and objectives: Interpretation, strengths and weaknesses of different elements of treatment, strengths and areas for improvement, reflective practice, inform on future treatment planning.

Importance of providing opportunities for further feedback: Involve client, empowerment, build rapport.

Provide appropriate advice: Give advice within scope of practice, possible

adverse reactions, rehydration, contra-actions (headache, fever, soreness, bruising, erythema, pain, stiffness), control of inflammation (protect, rest, ice, compression, elevation – PRICE), referral to other appropriate healthcare professionals/coaches if required.

Provide opportunities for client questions and/or feedback: Encourage feedback/questions, clarification on understanding.

Importance of evaluating effectiveness of sports massage soft tissue methods: Amalgamation of feedback, during sports massage reassessment and post-sports massage assessment, achievement of aims and objectives, future improvements to sports massage strategy.

Critical evaluation of objective/subjective markers: Carry out critical evaluation of subjective/objective markers, suggest adaptations, more appropriate markers.

Range of markers: Markers, outcome measures, validity and reliability of markers, effectiveness, application, appraisal.

Critical evaluation of short/long-term effectiveness of massage/soft tissue strategies: Carry out critical evaluation, suggest adaptations/improvements.

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Outcome 7: Be able to produce, maintain and store client records

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Importance of accurate/confidential record keeping: Legal requirements, confidentiality, data protection, recording details of the sports massage and its effects, format (subjective, objective, analysis and plan (SOAP)), importance.

Producing records as legally required: Clear and accurate, in logical format, in legible writing, in permanent ink, completed within 24 hours of treatment, initialled when corrections are made, without judgmental statements, initialled and dated for each treatment, signed by practitioner on each page of records.

Importance and process of referral: Scope of practice, identification of relevant healthcare professionals, process of referral, referral letter to healthcare professional, assessment report, details of any sports massage or advice given, importance of referral.

Following healthcare professional’s advice: Professionalism, scope of practice, multi-disciplinary, optimum client care, why the advice of a healthcare professional must be followed, importance of adherence.

Storage of records: Paper and electronic records, legal requirements, company policy, data protection, when client records must be destroyed as legally required.

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