Plan for partial reopening of NHSG Junior School from 1st June … · 2020-06-25 · 1 Plan and...

1 Plan and protocols for the reopening of NHSG Junior School to Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 Pupils from 2nd June 2020 Updated to include arrangements for other year groups returning from 22 nd June 2020 Purpose The purpose of this document is to set out in detail the plans, measures and protocols that the School has put in place to enable it to re-open safely to pupils in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 during week commencing 1 st June 2020 and for years 2 to 5 returning after 22 nd June 2020. General In determining this plan, the school has taken account of the following government guidance: - Opening schools for more children and young people initial planning framework for schools in England - Coronavirus (COVID-19) implementing protective measures in education and childcare settings - Actions for education and childcare settings to prepare for wider opening from 1 June 2020 - Planning guide for primary schools - Planning for Early Years and Childcare settings In addition, the school has risk assessed the activities that will be carried out on the school site after re-opening and put in place measures to mitigate the risks identified through that process. The school has also consulted with both Staff and Parents and sought, where possible, to adapt plans and arrangements to address matters identified via both of those routes of consultation. Recognising the need for people to take care of their own health and safety, the School reminds all staff and pupils (via their parents) that they must also follow the government’s 'Stay Alert and Safe (Social Distancing) guidance' when they are not in school.

Transcript of Plan for partial reopening of NHSG Junior School from 1st June … · 2020-06-25 · 1 Plan and...

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Plan and protocols for the reopening of NHSG Junior School to Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 Pupils from 2nd June 2020

Updated to include arrangements for other year groups returning from 22nd June 2020

Purpose The purpose of this document is to set out in detail the plans, measures and protocols that the School has put in place to enable it to re-open safely to pupils in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 during week commencing 1st June 2020 and for years 2 to 5 returning after 22nd June 2020.

General In determining this plan, the school has taken account of the following government guidance:

- Opening schools for more children and young people initial planning framework for

schools in England - Coronavirus (COVID-19) implementing protective measures in education and childcare

settings - Actions for education and childcare settings to prepare for wider opening from 1 June

2020 - Planning guide for primary schools - Planning for Early Years and Childcare settings

In addition, the school has risk assessed the activities that will be carried out on the school site after re-opening and put in place measures to mitigate the risks identified through that process.

The school has also consulted with both Staff and Parents and sought, where possible, to adapt plans and arrangements to address matters identified via both of those routes of consultation. Recognising the need for people to take care of their own health and safety, the School reminds all staff and pupils (via their parents) that they must also follow the government’s 'Stay Alert and Safe (Social Distancing) guidance' when they are not in school.

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Table of Contents Purpose ................................................................................................................................................... 1 

General .................................................................................................................................................... 1 

Contents .................................................................................................................................................. 2 

Detail ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 

1.  Access arrangements .................................................................................................................. 4 

1.1.  Site ...................................................................................................................................... 4 

1.2.  Building ............................................................................................................................... 5 

2.  Timings ...................................................................................................................................... 12 

2.1.  Start and end of the day ................................................................................................... 12 

2.2.  Breaks and lunchtimes ...................................................................................................... 14 

3.  People ....................................................................................................................................... 15 

3.1.  Pupils ................................................................................................................................. 15 

3.1.1.  Who will attend School from 22nd June ........................................................................ 15 

3.1.2.  Who should not attend school? .................................................................................... 15 

3.2.  Staff ................................................................................................................................... 16 

3.3.  Others ............................................................................................................................... 17 

4.  Spaces ....................................................................................................................................... 17 

4.1.  Reception area .................................................................................................................. 17 

4.2.  Classrooms ........................................................................................................................ 18 

4.3.  Toilets ................................................................................................................................ 18 

4.4.  Corridors and staircases .................................................................................................... 19 

4.5.  Staffrooms ......................................................................................................................... 19 

4.6.  Medical facilities ............................................................................................................... 19 

4.7.  Other spaces ..................................................................................................................... 20 

5.  Protocols ................................................................................................................................... 20 

5.1.  Hand washing and hand sanitisation ................................................................................ 20 

5.2.  Genera and respiratory l hygiene ..................................................................................... 21 

5.3.  Pupil movements .............................................................................................................. 21 

5.4.  Arrangements for dining and refreshments ..................................................................... 21 

5.4.1.  Pupils ............................................................................................................................. 21 

5.4.2.  Staff ............................................................................................................................... 22 

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5.5.  Clothing ............................................................................................................................. 22 

5.6.  Cleaning ............................................................................................................................. 22 

5.7.  First Aid ............................................................................................................................. 23 

5.7.1.  General first aid provision ............................................................................................. 23 

5.7.2.  EYFS first aid provision .................................................................................................. 24 

5.7.3.  Pupils exhibiting symptoms .......................................................................................... 24 

5.7.4.  Staff exhibiting symptoms ............................................................................................ 24 

5.7.5.  Actions in the event of a confirmed case of Covid‐19 in school ................................... 24 

5.7.6.  Government test and trace system .............................................................................. 25 

5.8.  Health and Safety .............................................................................................................. 25 

5.8.1.  Fire evacuation procedures .......................................................................................... 25 

5.8.2.  PPE ................................................................................................................................ 25 

5.8.3.  Other Health and Safety considerations ....................................................................... 26 

6.  Teaching and learning ............................................................................................................... 26 

6.1.  Arrangements for pupils ................................................................................................... 26 

6.1.1.  Nursery .......................................................................................................................... 26 

6.1.2.  Reception ...................................................................................................................... 26 

6.1.3.  Year 1 ............................................................................................................................ 26 

6.1.4.  Year 2 ............................................................................................................................ 27 

6.1.5.  Years 3 and 4 ................................................................................................................. 27 

6.1.6.  Year 5 ............................................................................................................................ 27 

6.1.7.  Year 6 ............................................................................................................................ 27 

6.1.8.  PE................................................................................................................................... 27 

6.1.9.  Modern Foreign Languages .......................................................................................... 28 

6.1.10.  Music Lessons ............................................................................................................... 28 

6.2.  Arrangements for staff ...................................................................................................... 28 

7.  Pastoral ..................................................................................................................................... 29 

8.  Co‐curricular .............................................................................................................................. 29 

9.  Supervision ................................................................................................................................ 29 

9.1.  General .............................................................................................................................. 29 

9.2.  Early years ......................................................................................................................... 29 

10.  Safeguarding ......................................................................................................................... 29 

11.  Other considerations ............................................................................................................ 29 


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1. Access arrangements  1.1. Site To maximise the safety of pedestrians on site and the certainty of pedestrian traffic flows to multiple building entry points, no cars (other than those displaying a valid disability badge and, by prior arrangement) will be permitted on the school site.

A member of school staff will hold the list of registered vehicles of drivers with a disability authorised, in advance, to access the school site and will turn away all vehicles not listed attempting to access the site from Sandyford Road.

A member of school staff will control the flow of pedestrian traffic entering the site at the pedestrian gate to ensure that overall numbers on site are safe and that social distancing is maintained. This staff member will also operate the vehicle gate to allow access and egress as necessary to authorised vehicles displaying a disabled badge.

2m social distancing markings will be marked on the pavement at the pedestrian gate to enable parents and children to queue safely at the entrance to the school site.

Site signage and pavement markings will direct pedestrians to the appropriate entrances for each year group and then out of the site in a continuous, one way, clockwise loop around the back of the school to avoid contraflows of pedestrian traffic.

Pupils in Year 6, children of key workers, children of parents with disabilities and late arrivals will arrive to the front of the building and exit via the new pedestrian lane that has been marked on the exit road.

Entry and exit points for each year group are shown on the below plan:

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1.2. Building Access within the school buildings will be provided for each pupil group as follows:

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In the morning, the children in Nursery, Reception and Years 1, 5 and 6 will be dropped off at the allocated entrances for their year group between 8.30am -9.00am. A member of staff will be at each door to greet them. Year 6 children will be dropped off at the top of the access ramp to the Pupil Entrance and will make their own way down to the doors. The immediate approaches to the 5 separate entrances will be marked out at 2 metre intervals. Parents of children in Nursery, Reception and Year 1 will be asked to queue and wait for the member of staff to call each child into school. At the end of the day the girls will be picked up at the same allocated entrances for each group as shown above and the route out is the reverse of the route in. Year 6 pupils will await collection at the start and end of each day in their separate bubbles in designated areas of the Main Hall as shown below. Year 5 will await collection at the start and end of each day in their separate bubbles in the Mirrored Room, Conference Room and Princess Staircase as shown in the Year 5 route diagram above. Staff will supervise pupils moving around the school in groups, ensuring that 2m distancing is maintained and reminding pupils to move cautiously and to stay alert while moving around

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the school to ensure that they try to avoid pinch-points and situations that might bring them within 2m of another person.

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All staff will enter the school buildings via the main Junior School Reception entrance and will follow the below routes only when moving around the school:

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2. Timings 

2.1. Start and end of the day As per 1.2 above, pupils in Nursery, Reception and Years 1, 5 and 6 can be dropped-off between 8:30 and 9:00 in the mornings. Years 2, 3 and 4 will be dropped-off between 9:10 and 9:30 in the mornings. Girls in years 2 to 4 who have a sibling in either Nursery, Reception, Year 1, Year 5 or Year 6 should be dropped off at the Pupil Entrance immediately after dropping off her sister at the relevant entrance where she will be supervised in the ASC room nearest the Pupil Entrance until 9:10 when she will join her bubble as they begin to arrive. Home times will be staggered in the following way:

Nursery 14:45 – 15:15 Reception 15:00 – 15:30 Year 1 15:15 – 15:45 Years 2, 3 & 4 14:30 – 15:00 Years 5 & 6 15.45 – 16:15

Children of Key workers will follow the same routine as they have during the lockdown period. School will be open between 08:00 and 18:00. All key worker children arriving before 08:30 should arrive at Junior School Main Reception; after 08:30 key workers’ children in Nursery, Reception and Years 1, 5 and 6 should arrive at the relevant entrance for their year group; except on days when their year group are in school, key workers’ children in Years 2 to Year 4 arriving after 08:30 should also arrive at Junior School Main Reception. Parents of siblings should arrive in the afternoon to collect their daughters at the collection time for their eldest daughter’s year group. If this time is within the overlap period for the younger daughter, the younger daughter will remain with her group and should be collected from the relevant door for that year group. If the pick-up time for the younger daughter is not within the overlap period for the older daughter, the younger daughter should be collected from the Junior School Main Reception entrance after collecting the older daughter and following the one way route around the school grounds. To minimise flows of people around the school during the day, we ask all parents to endeavour to arrive promptly at both drop-off and pick-up times. We recognise that delays can happen for all sorts of reasons, however, so, late arrivals will be admitted at Junior School Main Reception. We also ask that parents do not dwell on the school site for any longer than is necessary for drop-off and collection and that they vacate the site quickly using the approved routes after doing so.

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2.2. Breaks and lunchtimes 

Class Zone Supervision Morning break Lunch break Afternoon break N:1 N:2

A Mrs Bowman Mrs Dobson

10:10 – 10:25

11:30 – 12:30 (11:30 – 11:50 dining room)

14:15 – 14:30

R:1 R:2

B Mrs Harvey Mrs Lindsay

10:10 – 10:25

11:30 – 12:30 (12:00 – 12:20 dining room)

14:15 – 14:30

1:1 1:2

A Mrs Harvey Mrs Lindsay

10:30 - 10:45

12:30 – 13:30 (12:40 – 13:00 class room)

14:40 – 15:00

J:1** J:2 J:3

D Mr Harland Miss Whitling

10:30 - 10:45

12:30 – 13:30*


5:1 5:2 5:3

E Mrs Bowman 10:30 - 10:45

12:30 – 13:30 12:30 – 1:00 dining room

14:40 – 15:00

6:1 6:2 6:3

B Mrs Dobson 10:30 – 10:45

12:30 – 13:30 (13:10 – 13:30 dining room)

14:40 – 15:00

KW C Mrs Goodwill Mrs Hill

10:50 – 11:10

12:30 – 13:30 Eat conference room if wet

15:10 onwards

* On days when the weather is not suitable for the girls to eat outside, girls in years 2-4 will take lunch in their classrooms ** J represents the year group, 2-4, to be in school on certain, specified days

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3. People 

3.1. Pupils  3.1.1. Who will attend School from 22nd June 

Dates in school Full cohort Potentially returning to


Number of groups

Group sizes

Nursery Every day 22 20 2 10:10 Reception Every day 19 16 2 7:9 Year 1 Every day 23 18 2 10:8 Year 2 Tuesday 23rd June

Wednesday 1st July 27 TBC 3 9:9:9

Year 3 Friday 26th June Thursday 2nd July

32 TBC 3 11:11:10

Year 4 Monday 29th June Friday 3rd July

33 TBC 3 11:11:11

Year 5 Every day 42 30 3 15:15:12 Year 6 Every day 36 33 3 11:11:11

The above information is based on responses to parent surveys conducted during May and June 2020 and the relative sizes of the classrooms available. Pupils allocated to individual bubbles are listed at Appendix 2. 3.1.2. Who should not attend school? 

Staff and pupils who are 'extremely clinically vulnerable' should continue to shield and are not expected to attend school. Staff and pupils who live in a household with someone who is 'extremely clinically vulnerable' should only attend school if stringent social distancing can be adhered to and the pupil is able to understand and follow those instructions. 'Clinically vulnerable' pupils should follow medical advice regarding whether or not they should come to school. 'Clinically vulnerable' members of staff should work from home where possible. or be offered the safest available on-site roles, staying 2 metres away from others wherever possible. Members of staff and pupils who live with someone who is clinically vulnerable (but not extremely clinically vulnerable), including those who are pregnant, can attend school. 'Members of staff who do not fall into the ‘clinically vulnerable’ or ‘extremely clinically vulnerable’ categories, but who have some additional degree of vulnerability, as a result of

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other factors, should discuss their particular concerns with their line manager and, where possible, be offered roles where they can stay 2 metres away from others. Staff and pupils: If they or anyone in their household is exhibiting symptoms of Covid-19, however mild, they must not come to school, and they must follow the Government’s 'Stay at home guidance for household with possible coronavirus infection' and apply for a Covid-19 test. If a negative test is returned, then isolation is no longer required. This applies to contractors and those delivering to the school. If they are notified that they have been in contact with a case (via app, online or phone-based contact tracing), they must follow advice regarding isolation/testing. If staff exhibit symptoms, they should get tested as soon as possible. Staff and pupils in school will be eligible for testing if they become ill with coronavirus symptoms, as will members of their households. A positive test will ensure rapid action to protect their classmates and staff in their setting. 3.2. Staff 

Group Base Teaching staff Teaching Assistants

Nominated support/cover

N:1 Potter Mrs Kaya/ Mrs Vine

Mrs Perrin Mrs Wilde

Mrs Bowman Mrs Dobson N:2 Rowling

R:1 Hughes Mrs McElrue Mrs Harvey Mrs Lindsay R:2 Bawden Mrs Strettle -Brown

1:1 Magorian Mr Franks/ Mrs Riley

Mrs Barnes Mrs Park

Mrs Harvey Mrs Lindsay 1:2 Alcott

2:1 McCracken Mrs Barnett Mr Franks

Mrs Barnes Mr Harland Miss Whitling 2:2 Darling

2:3 Davison 3:1 McCracken Mrs Dunn

Mr Bosworth Mrs Barnes Mr Harland

Miss Whitling 3:2 Darling 3:3 Davison 4:1 McCracken Mrs Aarvold

Mrs Donaldson Mrs Barnes Mr Harland

Miss Whitling 4:2 Darling 4:3 Davison 5:1 Stoppard Mrs Neri

Mrs Young Mrs Freeman

Mrs Bowman 5:2 Cookson 5:3 Ibbotson 6:1 Wilkinson Ms Johnson

Mrs Abbott Ms Victoria Mrs Dobson

6:2 Barrett-Browning 6:3 Grey-Thompson KW:1 ASC1 Mrs Goodwill

Mrs Hill


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Mrs Wilson will be in school on Tuesdays and Miss Watson will be in school on Tuesdays and Thursdays to deliver socially distant PE lessons.

Caretaking and cleaning staff will also be in attendance to maintain increased cleaning requirements throughout each day. 3.3. Others Parents To assist in ensuring that safe pedestrian routes are followed around the school site, parents will only be admitted on foot and following the clockwise, one-way route markings around the site. Parents are asked to arrive promptly at the appropriate drop-off and pick-up times for their daughters and to vacate the site quickly after dropping off and picking up. Deliveries With the exception of cleaning supplies, all orders will be placed for delivery to the Senior School and transported to Junior School by the caretaking team. Cleaning supplies will be delivered to the staff car park entrance and brought into the site by the caretaking team. Contractors Non-essential contractors will not be admitted to the site during the hours that pupils and staff are in attendance. In cases of emergency repairs, areas where contractors need to work will be suitably segregated from pupils and staff and cleaned by the cleaning team before being returned to use by staff and pupils. 4. Spaces Signage has been installed in prominent positions all around school reminding staff and pupils of the importance of regular handwashing, keeping a safe distance from everyone else, staying within your teaching group / 'bubble', not coming into school if you have symptoms of Covid-19, however mild. 4.1. Reception area Shared pens have been removed, staff will need to use their own pen to sign in or out of school. Visitors (including parents) will be required to use the intercom system to announce their arrival and will not be admitted inside school buildings.

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Deliveries will be directed to the Senior School campus at Tankerville Terrace or to the staff gate at the rear of the site. Delivery personnel will not be admitted within areas occupied by pupils.

Having taken the above measures in relation to elimination of visitors (other than pupils and staff) to the school reception desk, it is not considered necessary to erect a physical screen at the Reception desk. The situation will be kept under review and reconsidered if necessary. An alternative seating position, set further back from the counter, is available in the Reception area and this would be considered as the next alternative before considering erecting a screen.

4.2. Classrooms 

Classrooms will be arranged and positioned to keep in line with social distancing by trying to keep 2 metres apart. Surplus items have been removed from all classrooms that will be in use. In particular, soft furnishings, soft toys, malleable items and hard items that are difficult to sanitise have been removed from all classrooms in use. Other, more easily sanitised items, have been reduced to a minimum. Classrooms and other spaces that are not in use have been clearly marked as such. Good natural ventilation in the rooms will be encouraged by opening the windows and keeping doors open. Outside learning within the school grounds will be employed as much as is possible and practical. Each classroom has been furnished with its own Classroom Hygiene Box containing a range of cleaning and hygiene products approved for use in schools. This will be managed by the classroom teacher and kept out of reach of pupils. The contents of Hygiene Boxes will be checked and replenished nightly by members of the Cleaning and/or Facilities Team. The ‘teacher area’ has been marked in each classroom with brightly coloured tape and pupils have been instructed that they should not enter the marked teacher area. 4.3. Toilets Toilets will be allocated and clearly marked with signage for each group of children and will be checked and cleaned regularly. Separate toilets are available for staff. Female staff toilets on the ground floor near the staffroom stairs and the disabled toilet on the second floor. Male staff should use the toilet at the back of the hall. Specific cleaning schedules for each set of toilets in use have also been developed and will be monitored daily by the Cleaning Supervisor and members of the Facilities Team.

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Paper towels have been provided in place of and should be used in preference to hand driers which have been disconnected. Lidded bins have been provided in each designated toilet area to deposit used hand towels. 4.4. Corridors and staircases Only certain corridors and staircases will be in use, with clear signage indicating approved routes around school for staff and pupils. Specific cleaning schedules for each corridor and staircase in use have also been developed and will be monitored daily by the Cleaning Supervisor and members of the Facilities Team. Tensa barriers will be deployed in certain locations to signify corridors that are not in use. In other locations, yellow tape on the floor will signify a barrier that pupils should only cross with the express permission of a member of staff. 4.5. Staffrooms 

The Junior School staff room will be available to staff to use during their scheduled break and lunch times and a designated route for staff to access the staff room is provided at 1.2.

A specific cleaning schedule for the staff room has been developed and will be monitored daily by the Cleaning Supervisor and members of the Facilities Team. Staff are asked to load dirty crockery and cutlery directly into the dishwasher after use rather than leaving it for others to move from the sink. Staff should take care when choosing seating positions within the staff room to ensure that they remain 2m from other members of staff either also sitting or moving around the staff room. If the staff room is too crowded at any point, staff are able to take their packed lunch to eat either in the grounds or in either the Mirrored Room or the Conference Room if the weather is inclement. 4.6. Medical facilities 

Ground floor classroom, Sewell (not allocated to a teaching group), has been divided to form a triage area at the entrance from the EYFS corridor. Pupils who are feeling unwell should be brought here for initial assessment. Any pupil assessed as exhibiting Covid-19 symptoms will be isolated in the sectioned-off area at the other end of this room while they await collection by their parents. Collection will be via the external door in that area. Pupils assessed as not exhibiting Covid-19 symptoms but otherwise not well enough to return to their class will be taken to the pastoral room (Mrs Bowman’s office) to await collection and/or receive treatment unrelated to Covid-19 or otherwise until they are feeling well enough to return to their classroom.

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Infra-red thermometers for temperature testing of pupils who are feeling unwell will be located in Sewell and in the Pastoral Room (Val’s office). All staff and pupils will receive instruction on what to do if they are feeling unwell while in school and it is not, therefore, our intention to routinely or regularly take staff or pupil temperatures.

A supply of appropriate PPE is available in the triage area of Sewell for staff to wear if required when taking care of a pupil exhibiting symptoms of Covid-19. Instructions for donning and doffing PPE are also kept there for reference (as well as in each Classroom Hygiene Box) and bags suitable for safe disposal of used equipment are also provided.

Staff in school who have been specifically trained in donning and doffing PPE and taking temperature readings using the infra-red thermometers are:

Mrs Bowman

Mrs Cooper

Ms Charlton

Ms Williams

4.7. Other spaces The school library will remain closed.  

5. Protocols 

5.1. Hand washing and hand sanitisation  Hand sanitiser will be positioned at each point of entry to the building and pupils will be required to sanitise their hands immediately on entry into the buildings. En route to their classrooms, once inside the building, pupils will be asked to touch as little as possible and will be required to wash and dry their hands on arrival in their classroom after depositing bags and coats. After initial hand washing, Year 6 pupils will be provided with sanitising wipes to wipe down their iPads before starting work for the day. Lidded bins have been installed in all classrooms to facilitate safe disposal of used wipes and paper towels. Pupils will receive instruction from their teacher in good hand washing technique and additional signage will reinforce this. Pupils will be required to wash hands at regular intervals throughout the day and, specifically, after each time they have completed a manual handling activity (including retrieving items from bags or coat pockets), visited the toilet, before and after eating and, after returning to the classroom after activity in other locations.

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Staff supervising young children are experienced in doing so and are able to assist younger pupils with effective handwashing if required. Staff and pupils are encouraged to use a paper towel or tissue for turning off taps, opening toilet doors, etc. once they have clean hands. Although hand sanitiser has been provided at all entrances and in each classroom, pupils and staff are encouraged to bring a small supply of their own hand sanitiser (>60% alcohol), a supply of tissue and some hand moisturiser. We recommend that in order to enable handwashing to be as effective as possible, staff and pupils should not wear jewellery (bracelets or rings, other than wedding rings) and watches, fingernails should be kept short and, ideally, arms should be bare below the elbow.

5.2. General and respiratory l hygiene Pupils will receive instruction in general and respiratory hygiene from their teachers including advice about social distancing, not touching eyes and face with unwashed hands and sneezing and coughing protocols. Pupils are encouraged to bring a minimum of items to school with them each day. They will also be instructed on what they should do if they start to feel unwell during the course of a school day.

5.3. Pupil movements 

Pupils will be directed to use specified routes to and from their classrooms and other spaces that they may be required to occupy during the course of each day.

While it is recognised that it will be virtually impossible to practice 'social distancing' whilst ensuring that very young children are kept safe and well-cared for, all pupils will receive instruction from their teachers about social distancing and the need to maintain a safe distance between them and their fellow pupils and members of staff when moving around the school site, including during supervised outdoor play at break times. Where break times for multiple groups are coincident, school staff will supervise pupil traffic to and from designated break areas to ensure that social distancing requirements are maintained.

5.4. Arrangements for dining and refreshments 

5.4.1. Pupils Children will be asked to bring in a packed lunch, a healthy snack and water bottle every day as there will be no meals provided.

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Pupils will eat outside whenever weather permits or in the dining room (according the timings at 2.2 above).

Pupils will be instructed only to refill water bottles from classroom sinks under the supervision of staff and not to use any of the water fountains in school.

5.4.2. Staff All staff looking after girls in classrooms will be given break and lunchtimes away from the children.

All staff will be required to bring packed lunch into school as catering will not be provided. 5.5. Clothing Pupils may wear summer or winter uniform or their own clothes as parents find easiest to ensure that freshly laundered clothes are worn on the upper body each school day. Clothing on the lower body may be worn 2-3 times between washes.

Parents are asked to avoid bringing their daughter to school by public transport wherever possible. However, where this is not possible, we also ask, that those for whom this is unavoidable, also bring a change of clothes to change into after arriving at school in the mornings. Staff have also requested to ensure that they wear freshly laundered upper body clothes each day in school and staff dress code standards have been relaxed to facilitate this. As for pupils, lower body clothing may be worn 2-3 times between washes. The relaxation is staff dress code means that staff may wear smart casual clothing that they might wear on staff study days rather than their usual term-time professional dress.

Clothes worn by a member of staff who has helped someone who became unwell with a new, continuous cough and/or a high temperature and/or anosmia should change out of their clothing as soon as possible and the clothing wrapped in a disposable plastic bag. At home, such clothing should be laundered separately from other household linen in a load not more than half the machine capacity at the maximum temperature the fabric can tolerate, and ironed or tumble dried. The bag can be disposed of in the normal household waste stream. For the above reasons, we recommend that staff do bring a change of clothes to school that they would be able to change into should such a situation arise. Staff are asked to avoid travelling to school by public transport wherever possible. However, where this is not possible, we also ask, that those for whom this is unavoidable, also bring a change of clothes to change into after arriving at school in the mornings.

5.6. Cleaning Cleaning shift patterns and specifications have been amended to increase the presence of cleaning staff on site. Cleaning check sheets (see example at Appendix 1) have been developed for each space for cleaning staff to complete during regular, all day, cleaning of

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high contact surfaces. The Cleaning Supervisor will be on duty during the middle part of each day to oversee the work of the cleaning staff and monitor adherence to the enhanced specification. Detailed cleaning specifications, check sheets and annotated site plans have been provided to the cleaning team in a site information file. The file also includes guidance on attendance at work, what to do if cleaning staff or members of their family start to exhibit symptoms or are instructed by a track and trace agent to self-isolate. Cleaners will undertake frequent and thorough cleaning and disinfection throughout the day of surfaces touched by others, such as key pads/door release buttons, door handles and push plates, handrails and bannisters, wash hand basin taps and toilet handles, light switches, interactive whiteboards, chairs and tables/desks, tea/coffee making facilities. Thorough daily cleaning of all desks, work benches, chairs, etc. in all rooms used by pupils.

Areas that have been occupied by anyone exhibiting symptoms of Covid-19 will be cleaned following the detailed guidance in 'COVID-19: cleaning in non-healthcare settings'. Waste and laundry associated with possible cases will also be handled in accordance with the guidance.

As an additional measure, the school has acquired a fogging device to administer an anti-viral disinfectant haze to all spaces periodically and/or as required to sanitise after the discovery of a known infection.

5.7. First Aid 

5.7.1. General first aid provision 

The following staff who will be on site at all times hold current general first aid certificates: Full first aid at work Emergency first aid Kathryn Cooper Val Bowman Kirsten Johnson Lesley Freeman Margaret Hill

The following staff who will be on site intermittently also hold current general first aid certificates: Full first aid at work Emergency first aid Dean Thornton Gary Burton Nicola Watson Conrad Franks Alan Younger

Staff administering first aid will, where appropriate, encourage pupils to care for their own small / superficial injuries, e.g. applying a plaster to a graze or small cut, if they are old enough and not distressed. Where it is not possible to maintain a 2m or more distance from an injured person, those administering first aid for a short time will, where time allows, wear disposable gloves and an

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apron. Full PPE (gloves, FFP2 mask, apron and visor) will be worn by staff where first aid provision requires close contact (within 2m for more than 15 minutes) of the injured person or if there is any risk of bodily fluids splashing (coughing, crying, vomiting), or where face-to-face treatment is necessary. Staff are required to wash their hands thoroughly as soon as possible after administering first aid and doffing and disposing of PPE worn whilst doing so.

5.7.2. EYFS first aid provision 

The requirement for at least one person who has a full paediatric first aid (PFA) certificate to be on the premises at all times when children are present remains in place where there are children below the age of 24 months. However, as in our case, where children are aged 2-5 within a setting, providers must use their ‘best endeavours’ to ensure one person with a full PFA certificate is on-site when children are present. Where this is not possible, we will be required to carry out a specific written risk assessment for the circumstances and to ensure that someone with a current First Aid at Work or emergency PFA certification is on site at all times children are on premises.

The following staff who will be on site, hold current paediatric first aid certificates:

Jackie Goodwill Lynn Kaya (Mon-Wed, Fri) Sue McElrue Gemma Park Moira Perrin 5.7.3. Pupils exhibiting symptoms 

Pupils developing a continuous cough or a high temperature whilst at school should be separated from other pupils whilst arrangements are made for them to go home as soon as possible - follow the detailed guidance in 'COVID 19 - Guidance for Educational Settings'.

Staff should remain alert for signs of pupils developing symptoms of Covid-19.

5.7.4. Staff exhibiting symptoms 

If a member of staff (or a Contractor) develops a continuous cough or a high temperature whilst at work on the school site, they should go home and follow self-isolation/stay at home guidance and request a Covid-19 test as soon as possible.

Members of staff who help someone who was become unwell with a new, continuous cough or a high temperature, do not need to go home unless they develop symptoms themselves. They should wash their hands thoroughly for 20 seconds after any contact with someone who is unwell.  

5.7.5. Actions in the event of a confirmed case of Covid‐19 in school 

If a pupil or member of staff develops symptoms compatible with coronavirus, they will be sent home and advised to self-isolate for 7 days. Their fellow household members should self-isolate

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for 14 days. All staff and students who are attending school will then have access to a test if they display symptoms of coronavirus. Where the pupil or member of staff tests positive, the rest of their class/group will be sent home and advised to self-isolate for 14 days. The other household members of that wider class/group do not need to self-isolate unless the child, young person or staff member they live with in that group subsequently develops symptoms. 5.7.6. Government test and trace system 

As part of the national test and trace programme, if other cases are detected within the pupil’s cohort or in the school, Public Health England’s local Health Protection Team will conduct a rapid investigation and will advise the School on the most appropriate action to take. In some cases, a larger number of pupils and staff may be asked to self-isolate at home as a precautionary measure - perhaps the whole class, year group or site. We encourage all pupils, parents and staff to adhere to any advice or request to self-isolate by a Test and Trace Agent and to notify us of their change of status as soon as this happens.  

We will continue to monitor progress and developments with regard to track and trace apps and hardware and will advise staff (and pupils) accordingly if we find that any are established which are generally regarded as safe and effective.

5.8. Health and Safety 

5.8.1. Fire evacuation procedures 

Having assessed existing fire evacuation protocols, no specific amendments are required except to maintain social distancing at the assembly point. On the first day that year 5 pupils are in school, classroom teachers will walk their pupils through an evacuation drill to ensure that all are familiar with their nearest exit route. Having practiced an unannounced evacuation following the return of Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 and observed no issues, it is not intended to hold a further unannounced evacuation.

5.8.2. PPE 

The government has advised that face coverings do not need to be worn in schools, but if staff or pupils choose to wear them, they may do so. Pupils and staff choosing to wear face coverings must refrain from touching their face covering when wearing it, and it must be washed after every use. Pupils or staff choosing to wear a face covering must also bring a dedicated zip lock bag in which to keep it when it is not being worn. This should be clearly identifiable and kept only with the individual’s personal effects.

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The School Nurse and any staff member who might need to look after pupils who fall ill with Covid-19 symptoms whilst at school will have access to and wear full PPE - disposable gloves, aprons, FFP2 respirator and face visor.

5.8.3. Other Health and Safety considerations 

Be aware of 'lone working guidance' - do not undertake tasks that need more than one person there if you are on your own, e.g. working at height.

6. Teaching and learning 

6.1. Arrangements for pupils 

All pupils will be encouraged to bring some of their own resources into school, such as pens, pencils, rulers, rubbers etc. and will be told not to share them. Equipment will be stored in a zip locked bag and named. All girls will have their own space to store their belongings and resources.

Sharing of other educational resources (books, equipment) will be avoided where possible. Girls will be given a range of equipment for their own personal use which will be stored in their own individual tray.

If an activity includes the use of computer keyboards and iPads, we will provide the opportunity for all pupils to wash their hands immediately before using the keyboard, and then again at the end of the lesson. Sanitising wipes are also included in the classroom hygiene box in each classroom to enable tablets, keyboards and mice to be sanitised before and after each use.

Any resources being returned to school following GHL should be brought into school in a labelled carrier bag.

6.1.1. Nursery 

Girls in Nursery will follow the EYFS curriculum in school. Outdoor spaces will be utilised as much as possible throughout the day. Activities will be posted on Firefly for those girls staying at home.

6.1.2. Reception 

Girls in Reception will follow the EYFS curriculum. All activities will be posted on Firefly so that girls at home can access the same activities. Outdoor spaces will be utilised as much as possible throughout the day.

6.1.3. Year 1 

Girls in Year 1 will follow a timetable posted on Firefly at school, this can also be accessed by the girls working at home. Teams sessions will continue as usual.

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6.1.4. Year 2 

Girls in Year 2 will follow a timetable posted on Firefly at school, this can also be accessed by the girls working at home. Teams sessions will continue as usual.

6.1.5. Years 3 and 4 

Girls in Year 3 and 4 will have a live Mathematics and English lesson each day. The lesson will be streamed live via Teams for girls who are at home. The rest of the curriculum will continue to be taught through Firefly both at school and at home.

6.1.6. Year 5 

Girls in Year 5 will have a live Mathematics and English lesson each day. There will also be another live streamed lesson each day covering one of the other curriculum subjects. These lessons will be streamed live via Teams for girls who are at home. There will also be a streamed Spanish lesson. PE will be taught in school by the PE staff, girls at home will follow suggested activities via Firefly as they have been doing so far. The rest of the curriculum will continue to be taught through Firefly both at school and at home.

6.1.7. Year 6 

Girls in Year 6 will have a live Mathematics and English lesson each day. The lesson will be streamed live via Teams for girls who are at home. There will also be a streamed Spanish and Mandarin lesson. PE will be taught in school by the PE staff, girls at home will follow suggested activities via Firefly as they have been doing so far. The rest of the curriculum will continue to be taught through Firefly both at school and at home as it is working really well.

6.1.8. PE 

Nursery: Tuesday

Reception: Tuesday

Year 1: Tuesday

Year 5: Tuesday

Year 6:

Bubble 1 Tuesday

Bubble 2 Thursday

Bubble 3 Thursday

PE kits will be worn on PE days. Girls will come into school on their allocated day wearing their PE kit and will remain in kit for the whole day.

PE lessons will be on the outdoor courts wherever possible or in Marita Hall when it is not possible to hold them outdoors. When PE lessons take place in Marita Hall, adequate cross ventilation will be achieved by opening doors and windows.

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PE activities will be suitable to ensure that 2m social distancing can be maintained. Use of hand-held items in PE lessons will be kept to a minimum and supplies of sanitising wipes and cleaning materials will be on hand to clean equipment before and after use.

6.1.9. Modern Foreign Languages 

Year 5 will have Spanish lessons on Thursdays

Year 6 will be taught:

Spanish Friday

Mandarin Monday

The lessons will be streamed live to girls in school and at home simultaneously.

6.1.10. Music Lessons 

Peripatetic music lessons will continue to be streamed live to girls at home. Girls in school will have lessons in either the Mirrored Room or the Conference Room.

Pupils will use their own instruments for these lessons only and access to those instruments by other pupils and staff will be restricted.

Supplies of sanitising wipes and cleaning materials will be on hand to clean instruments before and after use.

6.2. Arrangements for staff 

Staff are advised, where possible, to keep resources for their own use (including any pens/pencils, etc) in a container, eg a zip lock bag and only use their own pens and pencils for any task.

Staff will, wherever possible, only use their own computer keyboard, mouse and/or tablet. Whenever it is necessary to use any other person’s device or peripherals, contact surfaces will be cleaned with a sanitising wipe and the staff member will wash their hands before starting to use the keyboard, and then, again, afterwards

We will ensure that all staff are given a morning and afternoon break and a lunchtime throughout the day

Wherever possible, cover will be arranged to allow staff to have PPA time during the day to plan, however, it may not always be possible to achieve this. This may particularly be the case during the first few days while we all adjust to new working practices. Where staff are required to move between classrooms or pupil bubbles during the course of a day, they are required to wash hands thoroughly before each transition.

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7. Pastoral Girls will be cared for pastorally within their Year Group bubble, with support from Ms Charlton, Ms Williams, Mrs Bowman and Mrs Cooper. Concerns will be noted on CPOMs and parents will be informed if necessary.

There will be no assemblies and information will be shared with pupils in their class bubbles.

No daycare provision (other than for children of Key Workers) will be made until further notice.

School policy will be followed in relation to all pastoral issues and safeguarding procedures invoked where appropriate.

8. Co‐curricular No co-curricular provision will be made until further notice. 9. Supervision 9.1. General There will be adequate supervision for all pupils, bearing in mind their ages and the nature of the activities undertaken. Outdoor learning will be encouraged in smaller class groups. break times and lunchtimes will be supervised by another member of staff to ensure teachers/TAs get a break/lunch. 9.2. Early years Paragraph 3.30 of the EYFS guidance states: ‘Exceptionally, and where the quality of care and safety and security of children is maintained, changes to the ratios may be made.’ The DoE considers the extent of the COVID-19 outbreak to be an exceptional temporary circumstance in which the staff to child ratios set out in the EYFS can be changed if necessary. The School is aware of its duty under the above altered guidance to remain responsible for the safety and security of our pupils and supervision ratios will be maintained at safe levels at all times. 10. Safeguarding School Policy will be adhered to. 11. Other considerations Letting and hires of school facilities will be suspended until further notice. Shared/multi-occupancy offices are not currently in use in the school. Staff who are able to work from home continue to work from home and only come into school when absolutely necessary. Meetings (internal and external) and briefings are being conducted on Microsoft Teams.

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Staff and pupils are asked to avoid travelling to school by public transport wherever possible. In cases where avoidance of public transport is not possible, please contact the school office to advise that this is the case and we will provide specific advice and guidance. School transport services (both internal via minibus and external via coach hire) have been suspended until further notice. Outdoor play equipment will not be used until further notice. Staff and pupils are reminded of the school policy that the school passenger lift is only to be used in cases of genuine need. All admissions activities, meetings, assessments, tours etc are being conducted virtually until further notice. Arrangements for leavers to safely return school property will be communicated in a separate document. Pupils returning to Junior School for the Autumn Term will not be required to return items until then.