Plan for First Photo Shoot

PLAN FOR PHOTO SHOOT Cover and double page spread

Transcript of Plan for First Photo Shoot

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PLAN FOR PHOTO SHOOTCover and double page spread

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PLANNING STAGESI feel that it is important to plan a photo shoot for my cover and double page spread as they are two very important images within my music magazine and therefore all elements of them need to be thought about in order to make them successful. This includes the styling of the model, the location and the mise-en-scene of the photograph.I have put together the different stages of planning that I have done in rough in this PowerPoint so that it is easier to understand and refer back to.

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DETAILS OF THE SHOOT Date – 27th January 2016 Time: 3pm onwards Location – Titus Salt School (MS01) Models required – Chelsey Denton Others required – Emily Capon

Drinks and snacks will be provided at the shoot for Chelsey and Emily to eat and drink at their leisure.

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LOCATIONFrom researching music magazines of a similar genre to the one I am creating, I have found that almost all cover photos and photos on double page spreads are taken studio-style. Therefore, this appears to be a convention and so I want to recreate this effect by taking my photos studio-style as well. I have booked out the media studies editing suite where all of the lighting equipment, camera equipment and blue screen is located because this means that I will have access to all of the equipment I need, and there are also black-out blinds in that room so I will be able to control the amount of natural light in my photographs. Furthermore, this is a good place for me to meet with Chelsey and Emily because they will already be in school after the school day, and they know where the room is located so they can make their own way there themselves.

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EMILY CAPONI want to style my model, Chelsey Denton, in a particular way to create the impression that she is an 80s-style glam pop star. For this, I am going to use makeup, hair styling and specific outfits. However, makeup isn’t something that I am confident using to create the dramatic look that I intend to on Chelsey, and so I have asked for Emily’s help in creating this look as she is more experienced and naturally talented in this field than I am. She has agreed to help me and so I have provided her with details of the shoot. In addition to these details, I have provided her with images of the kind of look I would like her to create with the makeup so that she knows exactly what she is doing, and so I can achieve the look I want to.

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“Hi Emily!On Wednesday 27th January, please arrive in the Media Studies classroom at 3pm to commence Chelsey’s styling. I will need you to do her makeup in a particular fashion because my magazine is going to be a glam pop magazine with influences from the 80s, as this is a time when glam pop and glam rock was extremely popular, and makeup is a really important factor in achieving the look I want to because it can be so dramatic. I would like Chelsey to have dark, dramatic smoky eyes like on this photograph:

It is important that the eye makeup is bold so that the camera can pick it up well and so that it draws my audience’s gaze to Chelsey’s eyes. I can provide you with my Urban Decay Naked Smoky palette, L’Oreal liquid eyeliner and Mac mascara to create this look, as well as the Real Techniques Precision Eye Kit for makeup brushes, but feel free to bring any of your own makeup or brushes that you feel would be suitable.

 I would also like Chelsey to have a bold lip colour like in this photograph, for very similar reasons to the smoky eye:

I have a few lip colours that may be appropriate that I shall bring along to the shoot, including Mac’s Rebel lipstick, Mac’s Russian Red lipstick and Mac’s Viva Glam lipstick with matching lip liners, and also a bright red lipstick with pink tones from Kiko, again with a matching lip liner. Please also bring any lip colours that you have that you feel may be appropriate and we can test them out.

For the rest of Chelsey’s face, I would like you to touch up her foundation and concealer to cover any slight ‘imperfections’ which may show up in my shots and distract from the image. I would also like her to wear bronzer and highlighter in order to contour her face and make her even more ‘beautiful’. I would like the highlighter to be strong so that it shines well in the lights which I will have set up. She will also need her eyebrows filled in.

In terms of hair, Chelsey will be wearing her hair down first and so I will need it backcombing to make it even bigger and bolder than it already is. However, I will be able to do this. Chelsey will then be putting her hair up into a tight bun but she has expressed that she would prefer to do this herself, so you don’t need to worry about hair styling.Thank you very much! See you Wednesday.”

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CHELSEY’S STYLING Hair – I have asked Chelsey to arrive at the shoot with her hair down in its natural, curly style, even

though I am going to need her hair up for some of the photographs. This is because if Chelsey wears her hair up first, the natural curls will get somewhat squished, making the hairstyle appear more flat and as though the shoot was unplanned, which is not what I wanted. Therefore, I will take all the shots I need of Chelsey with her hair down before asking her to put it up into a tight bun on the top of her head, with all of her hair scraped back. I will demonstrate what I mean to Chelsey using my hair and help her in any way she needs to do her own, or I will do it for her if she doesn’t feel confident doing it herself. I will need to have hairspray and black hair slides to hand to achieve this hairstyle because I can’t have any sections of hair hanging down which could distract from the photograph.

Makeup – I will need to bring makeup wipes to the shoot so that I can take off Chelsey’s makeup from the day so that Emily can take anything off that she needs to in order to achieve the style I have asked her to. I will bring all of the makeup I mentioned in the information I gave to Emily, but I have also asked Chelsey to bring her own makeup so that the foundation and concealer used will match her skin tone, as mine and Emily’s won’t.

Clothing – As I am creating an 80s-style look, I will need Chelsey to wear 80s-style clothing. So, I have asked Chelsey to bring along her fur coat, a selection of jump suits (including a bright red one and a floral patterned one), black jeans, a black turtle-neck top, a striped turtle-neck top, a beaded top, and a plain black and plain white top for the close-up photographs. As I am friends with Chelsey, I know what clothing she owns which allowed me to ask her to bring these specific items along with her. I chose to have Chelsey in her own clothing as I know it will fit her, making the photographs appear more professional, and she will also be more comfortable wearing her own clothing than something I provide. I have also asked Chelsey to bring a pair of flat shoes so she is comfortable when I take the close-up shots for my cover, and also a pair of nude heels for the full shots which will match every outfit she brings.

Accessories – I am going to attempt to track down some bracelets and bangles for the shoot as from my research I have found that accessories are a big part of the cover photo as the model’s hands are usually touching their face somehow or are more visible in the shot, making them a part of the mise-en-scene. I am also going to ask Chelsey to paint her fingernails in a bold colour such as red before the shoot because I intend for her hands to be a prominent part of the cover photo shot. I’ve asked her to do it before-hand because it takes a while for nail varnish to dry so it will save time.

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SHOTS CoverFor my cover I am going to take close-up and potentially extreme-close-up shots because through research I have found that most music magazines use this type of shot for their cover photo because it is bold and effective. I have decided that I am going to base Chelsey’s body positioning on the photograph of Grace Jones on the right. Although this is more of a lifestyle magazine than a music magazine, it still fits the conventions of music magazines which I have discovered through research, and it is genuinely from the 80s. Furthermore, Grace Jones is an 80s glam pop star and this is how she is portrayed. I will not copy it exactly; I will modify it to suit Chelsey’s styling and face shape on the day.

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SHOTS Double page spreadFor my double page spread, I am going to take full shots of Chelsey because this appears to be what is done most commonly on double page spreads in pop magazines, particularly when the article is an interview. I will get Chelsey to change her outfit and hairstyle for these shots to differentiate between the cover photo and show the audience a different side to her.