Place Survey: Partnership Activities

Place Survey: Partnership Activities Calderdale Forward Board 21st October 2009


Place Survey: Partnership Activities. Calderdale Forward Board 21st October 2009. Reduce the amount of preventable ill-health across the population as a whole. Improve the quality of our environment and promote respect for Calderdale’s heritage. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Place Survey: Partnership Activities

Place Survey: Partnership Activities

Calderdale Forward Board 21st October 2009

Reduce the amount of preventable ill-health across the population as a whole

Current Activity What does this address?

Impact for Residents

Significant consultation undertaken by NHS Calderdale with local people on a range of difficult issues, such as ‘Patients’ views count’, eg local people in Brighouse were asked to choose their preferred site for the development of a new integrated health centre

Influencing decisions; Satisfaction with Calderdale as a place to live; Satisfaction with NHS

Better facilities for patients and the opportunity to bring care closer to home.More people feel they can influence local decisions

Transforming Community Services encompasses: all health services that are or could safely and effectively be provided outside hospital; all adult social care services; all children’s and young people’s services. The opportunity has been taken to turn this into a joint commissioning agenda

Satisfaction with Calderdale as a place to live; Value for money

Diverse provider sector providing more choice for residents and service users

Improve the quality of our environment and promote respect for Calderdale’s heritage

Activity What does this address?

Impact for residents

As part of Belt-Up campaign Community Safety partners ran a ‘Yellow Ribbon Day’ in Park ward to promote seat belt wearing

Being safe and feeling safe in the local area; Civic participation

3,000 seat belt wearing pledges made within the community and a 24% increase in seat belt wearing

Investment in Shibden Park and Shibden Estate, Also substantial investment in the library infrastructure including King Cross, Brighouse and Shelf.

Satisfaction with Calderdale as a place to live; Local public services making the area cleaner and greener

New and improved facilities. Significant improvements to the quality of public cultural facilities in key locations

Improve the quality of our environment and promote respect for Calderdale’s heritage

Activity What does this address?

Impact for residents

Victoria Theatre - a rolling programme of improvements for theatre which has developed the cultural and industrial standing and reputation of the venue and is showing increased attendance figures.

Satisfaction with Calderdale as a place to live.

Significant improvements to the quality of public cultural facilities; increased opportunities for viewing cultural activities

Halifax and Upper Calder Valley Renaissance programmes – consultation programmes

Influencing decisions; Feelings of safety; Satisfaction with local area

Civic pride and sense of local ownership and sense of community

Improve the quality of our environment and promote respect for Calderdale’s heritage

Activity What does this address?

Impact for Residents

Redevelopment of the Town Centre including Broad Street, Piece Hall, the Shay, and Eureka

Satisfaction with Calderdale as a place to live; satisfaction with the Council

New and improved facilities and improved local economic prospects

Calderdale Council – consultation on Halifax Central Library and archives. 15,000 people engaged/petitioning for our modern heritage.

Influencing decisions; Satisfaction with the Council

Council consideration of the majority views of local people with regard to the existing facilities

Prosper as a place as a place where people can feel safe and are encouraged to get involved in shaping their future

Current Activity What does this address?

Impact for residents

Neighbourhood Policing has achieved greater public engagement, with shift patterns reflecting local need and Police and Community Together (PACT) meetings and a Policing Pledge for all communities

Perceptions of anti-social behaviour and how it is dealt with; Influencing decisions;

Influencing local policing priorities.

Putting a greater “safety assurance presence on the streets through the “street family” and developing shared resources and plans

Feeling Safe; Perceptions of anti-social behaviour and how it is dealt with;

Through Neighbourhood Police & CPSOs. Street Angels, Wardens and Ambassadors tackling underage drinking and ASB

Prosper as a place as a place where people can feel safe and are encouraged to get involved in shaping their future

Current Activity What does this address?

Impact for residents

Area Forums – established in September 2008 and covering 4 areas of the Borough

Influencing decisions, satisfaction with Calderdale as a place to live and with the Council

1,000 local residents attended the meetings and the 90% of completed evaluation forms showed that they felt the meetings were informative

Calderdale partners have supported the establishment of groups and networks to help communities get on better together, such as Interfaith Council, Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Network, Disability Partnership and Calderdale Equality Forum.

Influencing decisions; People from different backgrounds get on well together; Civic participation/volunteering

Support for communities of interest. More people feeling that people from different backgrounds get on well together.

Prosper as a place as a place where people can feel safe and are encouraged to get involved in shaping their future

Current Activity What does this address?

Impact for residents

Council and NHS Calderdale have used MOSAIC profiling to establish preferred communication channels for citizen’s surveys, targeting existing and potential leisure services users

Satisfaction with Calderdale as a place to live; Feeling informed about and satisfied with local public services;

More effective delivery on customer preferences and expectations .

“Things Do Change” resource pack for young people with the aim of understanding and preventing violent extremism

People from different communities get on well together; Being safe and feeling safe in the local area

Encourages tolerance and community cohesion. More people feeling that people from different backgrounds get on well together

Prosper as a place as a place where people can feel safe and are encouraged to get involved in shaping their future

Current Activity What does this address?

Impact for Residents

Council consultation on proposals for new swimming pools for Brighouse and Sowerby Bridge with hundreds of ideas and comments received

Influencing decisions; Satisfaction with Calderdale as a place to live

Changes to the design of pools and facilities and an increase in people who feel they can influence local decisions

The ‘Going Local’ engagement programme has been established including multi-agency quarterly ward-based Forums for each of the Council’s seventeen electoral wards.

Influencing decisions; Satisfaction with Calderdale as a place to live: Belonging to a neighbourhood

Greater accountability of public agencies to residents. Increases in the number of people who feel they can influence decisions

Ensure that people stay in control of their lives and play a full and active role in society

Current Activity What does this address?

Impact for Residents

Partnerships for Older People Project (POPPS) – 6 projects to improve health and well-being of people over 50

Satisfaction with Calderdale as a place to live; Ability to influence decisions; Older people able to get the services and support they need to live at home

3500 people used a POPPS service or attended an activity over 2 years. Positive impacts on outcomes for older people

Ensure that people stay in control of their lives and play a full and active role in society

Current Activity What does this address?

Impact for residents

Actions taken to reduce waiting times for adaptations.

Satisfaction with Calderdale as a place to live; Older people are able to get the services and support they need to live at home; Value for money.

More efficient processing of grants.Assistance given to help people relocate rather than adapt - 23 households helped to move last year

Tackling benefits performance - introduction of E claims – online application form; Fast track claims

Satisfaction with Calderdale as a place to live; Older peopleget the services and support they need to live at home; Value for money

Time taken to deal with a customer has dropped by 31%.

Flourish as a place where every child and young person thrives and is happy

Current Activity What does this address?

Impact for Residents

Consultation and direct involvement with young people led to a new “Foyer” providing accommodation, employment and training for young people opening at Ryburn House in Halifax in January 2009

Perceptions around childrens’ behaviour;Fear of crime and asb.

Stable and safe environment for vulnerable young people

A wide range of processes for engaging with children and young people developed by partners in the Childrens’ Trust including the Youth Parliament and Youth Area Forums. The Youth 4 U Young Inspectors pilot launches on 11th Nov and runs until March 2011. Young Inspectors will inspect a service and report back on how they think that service can be improved

Civic participation; Perceptions around childrens’ behaviour.

Addresses identified priorities for young people such as safety on public transport and in public places

Flourish as a place where every child and young person thrives and is happy

Current Activity What does this address?

Partners provide interventions schemes and diversionary activities across the Borough eg Midnight League and Summer University; Extended Schools

Perceptions of anti-social behaviour; activities for young people

Improved activities for teenagers.An increase in the numbers of people who feel their concerns on ASB are listened to.3151 young people participating in activities provided by the Youth Service

Safeguarding Calderdale’s future and fostering economic prosperity for all

Activity What does this address?

Impact for residents

Calderdale Council’s Economic Taskforce has allocated from an Economic Fighting Fund to a range of projects to support the economy, eg commissions to the CAB and financial advice agencies and an allocation to the Shop Local campaign.

Satisfaction with Calderdale as a place to live; Satisfaction with the Council

Support and advice for residents and local businesses during the downturn

Business Link and Calderdale Council have provided business support, including the “Growing Calderdale” brand offering businesses, workforce development planning; job creation bursaries; vacancy service; property searches; economic intelligence; rural gateway and signposting.

Satisfaction with Calderdale as a place to live; Satisfaction with the Council

Creating new or safeguarding existing employment – 12 companies likely to win business from Meet the Buyer event;40 attended training session

Safeguarding Calderdale’s future and fostering economic prosperity for all

Activity What does this address?

Impact for residents

Calderdale partners have contributed to a successful bid to the Future Jobs Fund supported by £89,000 from the Economic Task Force.

Satisfaction with Calderdale as a place to live

162 additional jobs with a cross section of local social enterprises, charities, public bodies, and private sector partners.

Launch of 5 new Foundation degrees to enable local access to Higher Education

Satisfaction with Calderdale as a place to live

Local access to higher level skills, raises aspirations and improves employment prospects

Safeguarding Calderdale’s future and fostering economic prosperity for all

Activity What does this address?

Impact for residents

Calderdale partners have contributed to a successful bid to the Future Jobs Fund supported by £89,000 from the Economic Task Force.

Satisfaction with Calderdale as a place to live

162 additional jobs with a cross section of local social enterprises, charities, public bodies, and private sector partners.

Launch of 5 new Foundation degrees to enable local access to Higher Education

Satisfaction with Calderdale as a place to live

Local access to higher level skills, raises aspirations and improves employment prospects

Work to ensure that the differences in health, quality of life and economic prosperity between different communities within Calderdale be reduced

Current Activity What does this address?

Impact for Residents

Work by the Council and Pennine Housing on the Dudley’s Estate in North Halifax

Satisfaction with Calderdale as a place to live; Belonging to a neighbourhood

200 properties renewed through a mixture of demolition, improvement and new building

Neighbourhood Management Initiatives in areas of high deprivation

Many Place Survey issues are addressed including: being able to influence decisions: satisfaction with public services; feelings of safety,

Positive feelings on a number of issues underpinned by more effective community engagement, and more responsive service delivery