Place of Meeting March 2014

Place of Meeting Tomorrow’s leaders? Nope, today’s. Toronto United Mennonite Church March 2014 Hope for the future comes easy at TUMC these days when you observe the burst of creative energy and positive leadership flowing from our younger generations, ranging from a spaghetti supper produced and served with wit and whiskers by the senior youth, to confident leading and musicianship from the junior youth at a Feb. 23 service, and the many gifts offered by the 20s- 30s group in the service they led together on Feb. 16. More inside.


Newsletter of Toronto United Mennonite Church

Transcript of Place of Meeting March 2014

Page 1: Place of Meeting March 2014

Place of Meeting


Toronto United Mennonite Church March 2014

Hope for the future comes easy at TUMC these days when you observe the burst of creative

energy and positive leadership flowing from our younger generations, ranging from a spaghetti

supper produced and served with wit and whiskers by the senior youth, to confident leading and

musicianship from the junior youth at a Feb. 23 service, and the many gifts offered by the 20s-

30s group in the service they led together on Feb. 16. More inside.

Page 2: Place of Meeting March 2014

Place of Meetingis the meaning of the Huron word

“toronton,” from which our city

gets its name. Fittingly, it can also

mean “plenty” or


Place of Meeting is also the

monthly newsletter of Toronto

United Mennonite Church. May

you find plenty here to enjoy and

ponder. Opinions expressed are

those of the writers and not

necessarily of the congregation

as a whole.

Contributions of all kinds are enthusiastically received, throughthe mail folder in the lobby or at

[email protected]

Next deadline April 1, 2014

Have you discovered the all-colour online version of Place of

Meeting, complete with liveweblinks? Check this month’s

issue out here:


You can also request an emailsubscription to the colour versionin PDF form or a monthly link tothe current online issue. Please

send a request [email protected]

Editor: Doreen Martens

Scene around TUMC

Place of Meeting page 2

Church decorating is not for the faint of heart! Bill DeFehr engages in

some precarious work in the niche. So cuddly: Baby Mathias, held in

Bea’s arms, held in Ariane’s arms. Zachary, in his Team Canada shirt, ex-

ults at church shortly after the big gold medal game, with mom Elizabeth.

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On Feb. 3, Edward Bergen gave a review of the book Worrying About Evo-

lution by Owen Gingerich, Professor Emeritus of Astronomy and the His-

tory of Science at Harvard University, and senior astronomer emeritus at

the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. The book (edited by Carl Helrich) is

based on the three lectures Gingerich gave at the Eleventh Annual Goshen Confer-

ence on Religion and Science.

This book presents concerns Gingerich has concerning evolutionary theory and

traditional Christian beliefs.

The first lecture dealt with changes resulting from the general acceptance of the

Darwinist position on evolution and its mechanism of natural selection. These are:

(1) replacement of a static worldview by an evolving world, (2) demonstrating the

implausibility of creationism, (3) the refutation of cosmic teleology, (4) the aboli-

tion of absolute anthropocentrism, and (5) the replacements of the design argu-

ment by materialistic natural selection. It is the last point that has been of concern to

Gingerich; in other contexts he has raised the question of whether he, as a scientist,

dare believe in design.

In the second lecture, Gingerich asks if there is anything special about humans in con-

trast to other animals. He contrasts two position, the first articulated by Pope John Paul

II, who in 1996 was willing to take evolution seriously. The Pope recognized a human

kinship to other animals, but held out for a significant human transition to a spiritual


In contrast Gingerich referred to Nancey Murphy, who has rejected dualism for a purely

physicalist position, contending that the concept of the soul is unnecessary. For Murphy,

what makes us important to God is the important question; NOT what makes us differ-

ent from other animals.

The third lecture did not have a central theme; instead it dealt with three separate issues:

I) Scriptural literalism: Gingerich traced the problem from the Middle Ages (when the

church allowed metaphorical readings of Scripture) to the 16th century (when Protes-

tants took more literal interpretations of Scripture), the Roman Catholic Church, in reac-

tion, also became more literal in its interpretation of Scripture, and on to modern times

where the issue is still in ferment.

II) Humans and the Soul: Gingerich reviewed how the time of ensoulment has changed

in Church history; ending with the modern Catholic position that it occurs at conception.

He then points out some of the problems associated with this position: the stance against

the harvesting of stem cells, the existence of spontaneous abortions, the intended abor-

tion of unwanted fetuses, and the existence of identical twins.

III) The existence of life elsewhere in the universe: Gingerich discussed discussed the

probable rarity of intelligent life elsewhere, and the

arguments between atheists and theists on the implications of the well known fact that

our universe is a very finely tuned universe.

Following the book review, there was good discussion on issues raised in the lectures.

Place of Meeting March 2014 page 3

Heritage Club: Worrying About Evolution

Owen Gingerich speaks at

Goshen College in 2011.

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The next several weeks will feature two more Soup and Sophia

discussions to help us with discernment of vision. Discernment

of vision for our congregation requires participation from every-


March 2: TUMC has invited Anne Woolger from Matthew House (a

refugee house). We will learn more about the Human Trafficking chal-

lenges the city of Toronto faces and both the need for involvement as

well as some of the challenges that might await us should we proceed

with the proposed transitional housing project.

March 16: The Visioning Committee will present answers to the many

questions that have come forward as well as introduce a more fleshed

out program and financial plan for the project.

The discussion so far

If you missed the Soup & Sophia held on Feb. 16, here’s a summary of

the discussion, questions and reflections spoken around the tables:

1. The proposal is that we house immigrant victims/

survivors of human trafficking. What do you affirm or

feel drawn to about this proposal?

• Opportunity to assist people in grave danger and with support from

gov’t rather than opposition.

• Important issue to work on from missional point of view

• In line with our historical work with refugees and partners

• Like the strong connection with NLC

• Passion/leadership of key people who have dedicated energy. We trust

and affirm them

• Trust the work of the space task forces

• We’re good at building buildings/institutions (programs not so much)

• Sense of threads coming together – lots of points/indicators and part-

ners (NLC)

• It’s a very ‘Jesussy’ thing to do; compassion

• Committed group of ‘champions’ within the congregation

• “worst case scenario” is that we end up with a multi-unit residential

space that could see many uses so effort is not ‘wasted’.

• Glad to see the vision taking shape, becoming clearer, more informa-


• Takes us out of our comfort zone – recognize that there will be diffi-

cult stories to listen to

• Problem is not only ‘out there’ but also ‘right here’, engaging a global

Place of Meeting page 4

Visioning discussions continueAn update on the Human Trafficking refuge proposal

Future steps:

Your role

What can you do to be part of

the discernment of our most

faithful step forward with re-

gard to the emerging vision?

• Plan to attend the upcoming

Soup and Sophia discussions.

• Continue to pray for wisdom

and guidance.

• Consider committing to meet to

pray with at least one other per-

son at least once each week for

the next two months as the dis-

cussion continues. Where two

or three are gathered….

• Continue to bring us your ques-


• Do your own research based

on the information already pro-

vided and on your own as you

feel led.

Page 5: Place of Meeting March 2014

issue at a local level

• Increasing discussion on topic in public

• Extension of refugee work project will help TUMC stretch as organization

• Ministry would be on site – not away

• We can meet need in a wide ranging way and help practically

What do you resist? • Are these legal immigrants? Ties with with terrorism?

• Is it too limited? Is it just to provide housing? Is it big enough?

• How does it engage congregation beyond bricks and mortar?

• Concern that it be ‘delegated’ to only a limited number of people

• Will we just be funding an NLC program?

• Is this the best way for us to be involved?

• Careful we aren’t taking steps just to make us feel good

• Challenges with people living right in out building eg. Lazarus Rising never

really happened at TUMC (despite efforts)

• Would project detract from other work?

• Gov’t demands might go against our ideals eg. If residents legal situation

varies from our ideals; punishment, abortion

• Possible safety issues vis-à-vis traffickers

• Logistical eg. Insurance

• Will interaction be possible due to stage of residents (at variance with our


• Can we or NLC get funding?

What are your suggestions?• Work with people who have been determined to be a good fit with our vision

• Keep up the good work – ongoing intentionality to keep congregation in-

formed and engaged

• To more clearly understand who clients are

What questions do you still have?• Is the nature of the indentureship of clientele one that implements Canadian

Law? Can gov’t help us?

• How would TUMC relate to government?

• What is our role in advocacy?•

What is the time scope for this project? Can these goals be set?

• How will we evaluate our success?

• How do we prevent further victimization – even in our ministry?

• Might this involve migrant workers employed by Mennonite farmers around


• Are indigenous women part of this? What %?

• Can we meet all the needs of residents? Who will meet these needs?

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An update on the Human Trafficking refuge proposal

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2. Let’s talk about the type of housing proposed – Long-term transitional

housing. What do you affirm or are drawn to about this proposal?

• Dormitory style accommodation is flexible – could be used in variety of ways in future.

• We seem to have found the right ‘fit’ in terms of scale, partners, congregation and move-

ment of God’s spirit, who we were and are.

• Long-term gives space for relationship building – a community of care – also allows for

possibility of connection/integration with congregation

• Not a ‘quick-fix’ feeling. Like the holistic element.

• Wise choice (as emergency, safe, secure housing not a good fit)

• Seems realistic and possible – doable with our current plan (member of STF)

• Matches resources/skills of New Life Centre

• Long-term transitional is perfect for our goals for our building

• Allows for more interaction

• May fill need not met elsewhere

• Less work than 6 Lark

• Residents more stable and easier to work with

What do you resist?• Communal living has its challenges

• Fewer people implies fewer issues will be raised for us to consider

• Can we stay on top of developments and avoid long term ‘residential school’ issue?

• What is the lever of supervision to be provided?

What are your suggestions?We need to work on our vocabulary, language, terminology

Avoid saying “them” or “these people”, instead “guests, residents, new neighbours, clients


What questions do you still have?How committed long-term are we to this?

How would our guests relate to each other?

Will it possibly accommodate children?

Will it possibly accommodate pets?

Who will be lodged here? Men? Women?

What housing is best for client?

Are neighbours on board? Eg. Mustard Seed – Sisters of St. Joe

What are other agencies doing? Eg. S.A.

Does long-term mean different things for recent immigrants (less than 6 months) vs. longer

term for Cdn.?

Would we be involved in this if we were not looking at building bigger?

Are we talking to that agencies who are doing this?

Will there be a live-in case worker?

Do we need to decide who is eligible ahead of time?

Who will determine/choose who comes here?

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An update on the Human Trafficking refuge proposal

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An update on the Human Trafficking refuge proposal

3. Organizationally, there is still much work to do, but partnerships with FCJ

(Faithful Companions of Jesus,) New Life Centre, and MCC are possible and peo-

ple from TUMC could have multiple levels of engagement. What do you suggest

would be an ideal organizational arrangement?

• Organizationally, we might seek support from other organizations

• Look up Friends of Jesus (ask Michele R.), lay brothers, in our neighbourhood working with people on

the margins

• We need another organization to run it day-to-day. NLC seems perfect/ideally situated

• Q: Where will this fit in within TUMC’s structure? Eg Mission & Service? Some new


• Learn from those doing it.

• NLC has advantages as partner

• Need separate organization from TUMC to ensure accountability

• Need coverage 24/7

• Need organization with trafficking experience for ongoing support to us

What kind of engagement by people from TUMC do you envision or

desire?• Based on residents’ comfort levels, get a feel for what extent they want to be involved with us.

• Congregation members who are interested could seek to do some training in Human • Trafficking and

Victim/Survivor care should the opportunity for further involvement present itself.

• TUMC as a whole could seek to do some general training

• TUMC’s role is ambiguous. How might survivors relate to men in the congregation should they choose

to join our community?

• Could TUMC have direct services beyond donations: Childcare? Mentorship? Friendship? Etc?

• Various forms of welcoming:

- Can we work together eg. Church work days – involve multiple partners, reach out to neighbours

- Mentoring program

- Would be good to hear/swap stories

- Encourage ongoing partnership/relationship – mutual sharing

• It’s not about us – it’s what the client needs

• TUMC could provide non-professional support

What kind of engagement would best suit our call to be part of God’s mission in

the world? • Friendship – shouldn’t proactively seek to be professional resource

• Volunteer – building relationships; activism to help bridge into community

• Hospitality – ministry of radical welcoming of the stranger – literally have them in our home. Welcom-

ing them as part of the family here – without expectations, nevertheless knowing that “the stranger” to

whom we show hospitality always brings gifts we can’t anticipate.

• Too broad a question. Begin with humility.

• Shouldn’t primarily seek to be professional resource

• Music therapy ie. Natural connections

• Level of engagement should be clear to residents

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An update on the Human Trafficking refuge proposal

4. Funding. There are opportunities for outside funding. Do you have ideas or

expertise in this area? Please list.

• Donations of furniture from the broader Mennonite community

• Crowdfunding (Kickstarter)

• Small fundraisers: Spaghetti Dinners, Clothing Swap etc.

• Justice Organizations (International Justice Mission)

• Good to know NLC has experience with grants and connections

• MCEC, NSCU, Mennonite Foundation

• Diem has some – please talk to her

• Wallenstein Foundation

• Mennonite Foundation Grant Fund

• MB Conference

Do you have concerns in this area, and what are they?• What obligations might be attached to gov’t funding?

• Traditionally we have been very cautious. If this is our project we should be able to fund it.

• If using multiple sources of funding, need to avoid confusion, conflicts of purpose

• Need to match funding provided to need ie – long term, avoid minor funding

What questions do you still have?• Will this be another arms-length program to which we don’t actually have much connection eg. SCOC,

Lazarus Rising, refugee sponsorship?

• Are we going to connect the decision with funding? We need to make modest assumptions with the funding.

• Is rent an option, ie tenants paying some rent?

• Beaches church an option?

On Jan. 19, Pastor Marilyn began her sermon with an anecdote about a nightmare she’d had – maybe common to

ministers – about being called on to preach before a large crowd without preparation and making a terrible muddle of

things. At one point, she’d wondered in her dream, should she just give up and make muffins? Strangely, at the end of

the service, what should appear but ... fresh muffins! Queue the Twilight Zone music.

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On the evening of Sunday, March 2, there will be another opportunity

for TUMCers to participate in a Taizé-style service of prayer and

song, led by Associate Pastor Michele Rizoli. All, of course, are wel-

come to join in on what Michele hopes will become a regular part of

our worship and spiritual practice at TUMC. For the benefit of those

who have yet to experience this special contemplative style of worship

and aren’t sure what it’s about, here is a piece Michele wrote a few

years back.

As someone who loves talking and sharing ideas, I was never

much drawn to spiritual practices that included meditation and

silence. That is, until I experienced Taizé prayer. It consists of

creating a quietly relaxed environment, singing simple, repetitive

chants that lead to silent reflection. The chants are often in Latin or

other languages, which creates a sense of universality, freeing the

singer from needing to understand the words or worry about the musi-

cal structure (i.e. how many times it will be repeated).

What I discovered in Taizé is that silence can often be more eloquent

as prayer than many words, especially when undertaken with a wor-

shiping community and cushioned in beautiful singing.

Taizé is an ecumenical Christian community of brothers started almost

50 years ago in France. Although the roots are from the Reformed tra-

dition, the Taizé community is inspired by monastic traditions and

guided by the values of the Beatitudes: joy, simplicity, and mercy. One

of their main thrusts has been to work toward reconciliation among

Christian traditions. Their founder, Brother Roger, believed that for the

Church to be a leaven of community and peace in the broader human

family Christians had to be visibly reconciled among themselves. Pope

John Paul II became one of the supporters of this community that now

blends many aspects of different Christian traditions. (For example, it

borrows the use of icons from the Orthodox traditions.)

The community has always practised hospitality: in the beginning,

during the Second World War, by caring for orphans and Jewish

refugees. Later in the ’60s the community drew hundreds of young

people, and today they have a ministry to young adults that attracts

thousands every year. Brother Emile, a Canadian, believes that young

people are tired of the institutional church and afraid of being

preached at. When they come to Taizé they encounter beauty and

“beauty casts out fear,” allowing the Spirit to speak to them.

The musical beauty Brother Emile refers to is one of the aspects that

most appeals to me. Surprisingly, the lack of sermon and overt wor-

ship leading are also a refreshing change from my usual style of

worship. The music works as well for folks who are into four-part

singing and those who just want to sing a melody or just listen quietly.

There are also opportunities for many different instruments to play.

To learn more about Taizé, see

Place of Meeting March 2014 page 9

What’s Taizé?

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Spaghetti Supper

by the Numbers

No. of years it's been happening: 10+

No. of people served: 80+

Kilograms of spaghetti used: 8.1

Litres of sauce: 26

Heads of lettuce: 12

Hours of work: 8 x 14 people

Number of youth serving: 11 TUMY plus guest

Number of tea towels: 24

Number of loads in the dishwasher: 20

Dollars raised: $933 (10% to homeless youth)

Amount of gratefulness: unmeasurable

Thank you TUMC for supporting our youth


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Spaghetti aboard the TUMC Ark

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Place of Meeting March 2014 page 11

Spaghetti aboard the TUMC Ark

A long tradition at TUMC is the

spaghetti youth fundraiser

served during the Annual

General Meeting, which took the

theme of Noah’s Ark this year,

complete with falling raindrops,

doves, animal waiters and

critters of various kinds show-

ing up at the table. Guests were

invited to enter “two by two” to

enjoy the feast. Thanks to pas-

tor Michele Rizoli for photos and


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Place of Meeting page 12

Winter games at Silver LakeTUMC youth enjoy the annual MCEC retreat

TUMC sent a big contingent to this year’s

Mennonite Church Eastern Canada youth

retreat at Silver Lake. The event has be-

come so popular, registrations were full a

week after they opened in November!

With a record cold winter and goodly

amounts of snow frosting the outdoors,

boxball was as wild and crazy as ever. In-

side the dining hall, buzzing with youthful

energy, there were times for games,

singing and spiritual reflection too, on the

theme of encountering Jesus around the

table. Thanks to Michele Rizoli for the


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Winter games at Silver Lake

Some ancient traditions were incorporated into the retreat’s reflections on meeting Jesus around the table: footwashing

as a sign of servanthood, and partaking of bread, honey and grapes. Below, lots of time for music, fun and friendship.

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Winter games at Silver Lake

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Young leaders in action

Place of Meeting November 2013 page 15

TUMC’s junior youth ably led most of the

service on Feb. 16, from worship leading

to reading scripture, conducting the con-

gregation and playing accompaniment.

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TUMC member Doug Pritchard, as many of us are aware, per-

sonally witnessed the police shooting death of Michael Eligon

on the street near his home two years ago, and subsequently

helped organize a community response, demanding that police

revamp their training and policies to ensure that such needless

and tragic deaths no longer occur when police are called to

deal with people in crisis. Unfortunately, several other cases

have occurred in the GTA in the two years since Michael Eligon

died. This reflection was published in NOW as an op-ed.

By Doug Pritchard

Iwas a witness to the killing of mental patient Michael

Eligon by Toronto police. So I was called to testify at the

coroner’s inquest into the death of Eligon and two others

who were in mental health crisis. Final submissions from par-

ties with standing at the three-month inquest concluded this

week. A jury will now make its recommendations. What will

come out of it?

Police, for their part, seem for the first time open to wearing

lapel cameras, albeit not so much to keep police in check as to

guard against possible legal action against them. Meanwhile,

serious questions on the circumstances surrounding Eligon’s

death remain unanswered.

1) In January 2012, Eligon was staying in a “safe bed” house

for people with mental illnesses. On February 1 his ability to

care for himself declined, and police took him to Toronto East

General Hospital. It was nearby, but no one knew him there. He

wanted to go to St. Joseph’s Health Centre, where he was

known and had been cared for over several years.

There was no secure unit at East General at the time or bed

available. Consequently, he was left in the emergency depart-

ment for two nights. He didn’t seem to be eating and was un-

communicative. Testimony revealed that he was moved from a

bed to a chair on the second night. He asked for a lawyer. An

hour later, he walked out of the hospital. Would better care have

prevented this?

Hospital physicians testified to giving Eligon an antipsychotic

drug and a sedative when he was admitted and described Eligon

as paranoid. His own psychiatrist of six years, however, testi-

fied that Eligon suffered from body dysmorphic disorder, a con-

dition that made him believe that he had bad body odour and a

disfigured face. And that she had only ever prescribed antide-

pressants from time to time.

Place of Meeting page 16

Police shootings: Six unanswered questions

2) Eligon took two pairs of scissors from a

nearby shop. The shopkeeper tried to retrieve

them, and a scuffle ensued. He called 911, say-

ing he had been “stabbed.” At the inquest, he

testified that he didn’t actually know whether

he had been cut deliberately or by accident as

he wrestled with Eligon to get the scissors

back. Video from the store’s security camera

that caught the altercation was somehow dam-

aged in the course of the investigation by the

Special Investigations Unit (SIU), the civilian

watchdog that probes incidents of death or seri-

ous injury involving police.

The inquest also heard that Eligon approached

a woman who was parking her car on the street

and “whispered” a request for her car keys.

There was a 30-second encounter. She

screamed and kicked him and he left. She

called 911. The call-taker reported this incident

to police as an “attempted car-jacking.”

Eligon then wandered through backyards on

Milverton Boulevard. He asked one home-

owner for his house keys, was refused and left.

This was transmitted to police as an “attempted

break-in.” Hearing these calls, police assumed

that this escapee was very dangerous and “on a


A woman at a vigil holds a picture of Michael

Eligon, who was shot by police in February 2012.

Photo by Rick Eglinton, Toronto Star.

Page 17: Place of Meeting March 2014

But when police found him in a backyard, wearing

only a hospital gown and socks and carrying scissors,

he seemed “confused and disoriented.” Should police

have then reviewed their initial assessment of the dan-

ger level?

3) The half a dozen officers who arrived on Milverton

formed no plan. They testified that what training they

had in de-escalation or mental health was not relevant

here, only that Eligon was now “advancing towards

them with an edged weapon.”

Virtually all of them began shouting, “Drop the

weapon,” although their training says that only one of-

ficer should engage the subject verbally. When Eligon

did not comply with this command, one officer

shouted, “Shoot him,” while another yelled, “Back up”

to the others, to create more space. What message did

Eligon hear, if any?

Why did they not try another approach? There was no

guarantee that pepper spray would be effective, police

testified. And using a baton would have meant getting

close to Eligon.

4) The officers backed up as Eligon walked toward

them. Then the least experienced officer suddenly

opened fire. He testified that Eligon had said, “One of

you is gonna die,” but of all the other officers present,

only one testified to also hearing this; he was the one

with whom the shooter left the scene in a cruiser, in di-

rect violation of the SIU-police protocol that subject

and witness officers be immediately separated to avoid

the possibility of collusion. Why was this allowed by

the superior officer on the scene, who granted permis-


5) Some officers said they were reluctant to fire their

weapons for fear of hitting another officer. Were there

too many officers on this narrow street? Officers knew

that the canine unit and a sergeant with a taser were on

their way. Could they have waited for their arrival?

This question was never satisfactorily answered.

Officers replied that they had to stop Eligon or he

might harm civilians. Yet two of the three shots fired

missed Eligon and hit a porch and a garbage can. Were

these stray bullets more dangerous than

what Eligon might have done next?

6) Will this inquest reduce the chances of such a

tragedy occurring again?

There have been several inquests into the police shoot-

ing deaths of mentally ill people. Despite these recur-

rences, police training has not substantively changed.

Perhaps the much more widely-viewed police shooting

death of Sammy Yatim last summer will change that.

There may be hope on this front. Staff for Frank Ia-

cobucci, the retired Supreme Court justice tapped back

in August by Chief Bill Blair to probe the circum-

stances surrounding the Yatim shooting, were present

in the public gallery at this inquest.

Place of Meeting March 2014 page 17

Police shootings: 6 unanswered questions

Damaris Schmucker leads children’s time, above, and

Athieng Majak sings beautifully at the Feb. 9 service.

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Place of Meeting page 18

John Epp and Christy Langschmidt

were joyfully welcomed as new

members to TUMC on Jan. 19, after

sharing their deeply reflective faith

stories, with faith partners Geoff

Wichert and Marlys Neufeldt.

The celebratory red and white cake went quickly

after the service on Feb. 9, as TUMC rejoiced

with Diana Gallego on finally attaining her

permanent residency in Canada after a long

battle to have her refugee status recognized.

Next hope: a similar resolution for her husband,

Luis. Thanks to Shauna Heide for the photo.

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Scene at TUMC

Place of Meeting March 2014 page 19

Alyson Baergen, above, leads children’s

time and Peter Haresnape preaches at a

service led by the 20s-30s group on

Feb. 16. Also on hand were the senior

youth, with a slide show and reflections

on their experiences at the Mennonite

Church Eastern Canada youth retreat at

Silver Lake.

Yes, the lobby is crowded, but where there’s a

will, there’s a way when it comes to commu-

nity building. A typical hang-out time after the

worship service on Jan. 26.