Pittsburgh District - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com › southhillschurchofthenazarene... ·...

P R O M O T E R Pittsburgh District Church of the Nazarene 177 North Road, Butler PA 16001 District Office Phone: (724) 287-5867 District Office e-mail: [email protected] District Website: www.pghnazarene.org David L. Marker, Editor - [email protected] June 2015 Rev. J Bret Metcalfe District Superintendent “The mission of the Church of the Nazarene is to make Christlike disciples in the nations.” That is the mission statement the Church of the Nazarene has adopted because that is what Jesus calls us to do in Matthew 28:18-20. Have you ever stopped and thought about what Jesus commands? Or even stopped and thought about the mission statement? How do you “make” a disciple? For the most part, no one can make another person do anything that person does not want to do. So, what in the world are we saying? In the original Greek, the word “make” is not there as a specific word. It was added to the English to help the readers understand what Jesus was saying. The reality of what Jesus was saying is, “Go and be a disciple so that others will want to be a disciple. At that point you can teach them what you have learned from Me and I will give you everything you need to accomplish what I am asking.” Jesus never expected His followers to make someone do something, He wanted them to live Christ centered lives in everything they did so that other people would want this radical lifestyle. Live Christ and others will want Him. This is a message for all who choose to follow Christ. This message is not predicated on a certain denomination, but on followers of Christ. This is a message for all. The second part of the mission statement deals with “nations.” While it is easy to think of places outside the United States, the word here means any group of people. This could be where you work, where you shop, your family, your friends, or any other group. The Great Commission was not commanded for someone else, it was commanded of you. Are you “making Christlike disciples in your nation?” We are here to help you in your pursuit of following the Great Commission. For District Assembly, we want to give you an opportunity to learn how you can be more effective in your context. I know, when some of you hear the words “District Assembly” the first thing that comes to mind is “boring” or “business” or something that may not seem very enticing. This year, we are going to make District Assembly more like a time of worship and learning. Friday night, June 26 at 6:00 PM starts us off with our ordination service. This is a great time of rejoicing and participating in the ordaining of God called leaders. (continued on Page 5) Table of Contents Page 1 - DS’s Message Page 2 - Joint Conventions, 9 Water Wells and 100th NMI Convention Page 3 - NMI Convention, NPH Materials, Menu and a Thank You Page 4 - Pray for Nepal, District Assembly and FC Motorcycle Run Page 5 - Prime Timers’ Trips and Family Camp VBS and more DS Page 6 - Lay Retreat and Children’s Quizzing Page 7 - Children’s Talent Results Page 8 - Kidz Camp Information Page 9 - Family Camp Evangelists Page 10 - Music and Teen Evangelists Page 11 - 2016 Work & Witness Trip Page 12 - District Events, Family Camp Motorcycle Run and District Allocations

Transcript of Pittsburgh District - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com › southhillschurchofthenazarene... ·...

Page 1: Pittsburgh District - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com › southhillschurchofthenazarene... · 2015-05-29 · In the afternoon, there should be a wonderful time of worship with









Pittsburgh DistrictChurch of the Nazarene

177 North Road, Butler PA 16001District Office Phone: (724) 287-5867

District Office e-mail: [email protected] Website: www.pghnazarene.org

David L. Marker , Editor - [email protected]

June 2015

Rev. J Bret MetcalfeDistrict Superintendent

“The mission of the Church of the Nazarene is to make Christlikedisciples in the nations.” That is the mission statement the Church ofthe Nazarene has adopted because that is what Jesus calls us to do inMatthew 28:18-20. Have you ever stopped and thought about whatJesus commands? Or even stopped and thought about the missionstatement? How do you “make” a disciple? For the most part, no onecan make another person do anything that person does not want to do.So, what in the world are we saying? In the original Greek, the word“make” is not there as a specific word. It was added to the English tohelp the readers understand what Jesus was saying. The reality of whatJesus was saying is, “Go and be a disciple so that others will want to bea disciple. At that point you can teach them what you have learned from

Me and I will give you everything you need to accomplish what I am asking.” Jesus neverexpected His followers to make someone do something, He wanted them to live Christ centeredlives in everything they did so that other people would want this radical lifestyle. Live Christand others will want Him. This is a message for all who choose to follow Christ. Thismessage is not predicated on a certain denomination, but on followers of Christ. This is amessage for all.

The second part of the mission statement deals with “nations.” While it is easy to thinkof places outside the United States, the word here meansany group of people. This could be where you work, whereyou shop, your family, your friends, or any other group.The Great Commission was not commanded for someoneelse, it was commanded of you. Are you “making Christlikedisciples in your nation?”

We are here to help you in your pursuit of followingthe Great Commission. For District Assembly, we want togive you an opportunity to learn how you can be moreeffective in your context. I know, when some of you hearthe words “District Assembly” the first thing that comes tomind is “boring” or “business” or something that may notseem very enticing. This year, we are going to make DistrictAssembly more like a time of worship and learning. Fridaynight, June 26 at 6:00 PM starts us off with our ordinationservice. This is a great time of rejoicing and participatingin the ordaining of God called leaders.

(continued on Page 5)

Table of ContentsPage 1 - DS’s MessagePage 2 - Joint Conventions, 9 Water Wells and 100th NMI ConventionPage 3 - NMI Convention, NPH Materials, Menu and a Thank YouPage 4 - Pray for Nepal, District Assembly and FC Motorcycle RunPage 5 - Prime Timers’ Trips and Family Camp VBS and more DSPage 6 - Lay Retreat and Children’s QuizzingPage 7 - Children’s Talent ResultsPage 8 - Kidz Camp InformationPage 9 - Family Camp EvangelistsPage 10 - Music and Teen EvangelistsPage 11 - 2016 Work & Witness TripPage 12 - District Events, Family Camp Motorcycle Run and District Allocations

Page 2: Pittsburgh District - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com › southhillschurchofthenazarene... · 2015-05-29 · In the afternoon, there should be a wonderful time of worship with

Sandy GreenleeNMI Pr esident

Page 2 - NMI / NYI / SDMI Conventions, 9 Water Wells and 100th NMI Convention

NMI, NYI and SDMIJoint Conventions

100 days and now less before the first NMI, NYI and SDMIConvention, joining together to have a ball. The theme, “Let’s Have aBall”.

Yes, all 3 conventions together. Pleasejoin with us in prayer for this huge task.We are working hard to make it a fun dayand a celebration. Registration for NMI will begin at 9:00 AM or come earlier.We need to start at 9:30 AM on time. Pastors will be dismissed so they cango to the NYI convention to vote. Lunch will be served at a reasonable price.In the afternoon, there should be a wonderful time of worship with the teensand speakers. Robert Prescott from Cuba, Tim Whetstone from Point Loma,

and Sanjay and his family from India all are scheduled. The ENC group will lead music. There will beall kinds of breakout sessions in the afternoon. Pray, pray, pray.

If you are not busy, try to visit one of these services.* Pray about the elections for new members on the council. If you get a letter, please pray

about seeing what you could do for missions.* Remember to look for your end of year reports from NMI Secretary Brent Herren. Please

help us get our reports done on time.Thanks for letting us serve you, the Pittsburgh District, Sandy Greenlee



100 year project. You can takea special offering, VBS

project, or Children’s project.They cost $1648 for each well.We need each church to helpus reach our goal. What is

clean water worth? More thanwe ever can give. Please helpus reach our goal and help the people in India

have clean water.Make checks payable to the Pittsburgh District

COTN and submit it to Debbie Shutak,428 Great Belt Road, Butler PA 16002.

100th AnniversaryNMI Convention

June 20, 2015Registration at 9:00 am

with Service starting at 9:30.Needed: Former NMI Presidents and

Missionary addressesSend them to Sandy Greenlee

89 Market Street, Albion PA 16401 [email protected]

Page 3: Pittsburgh District - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com › southhillschurchofthenazarene... · 2015-05-29 · In the afternoon, there should be a wonderful time of worship with

100th Anniversary NMI

Convention and Celebration

Starts at 9:30

Voting at 9:00 - 11:00

Let’s Have a Ball - 100 balls to be givenaway at convention. Come and see. This year’sMissionary Convention looks a little different butbetter. All business and reports will be printedin our 100th Anniversary Book. The businesswill be taken care of faster and more time forour speakers.

Speakers:Bob Prescott Tim and Danielle Whetstone

Bob serves as Specialized Assignmentmissionary on the Mesoamerica Region. Hecoordinates the travel and teams to Cuba. Bob’stheme is “Cuba … Who’s in Charge?” in themorning and in the afternoon he will be sharing“Cuba Para Christo” - picture and W&Winformation.

Tim is an ordained minister and serves asUniversity Chaplain and Director of ChaplaincyMinistries at Point Loma Nazarene University.Together they have also served in various ministryand pastoral positions as well as a missionaries inItaly, Singapore and as Disaster ResponseCoordinators in Alabama with NazareneCompassionate Ministries. Tim also served as thePittsburgh NMI President while church planting inthe South Hills 2011 - 2013. Tim Whetstone andhis wife will be sharing about “Bridging the gap”between the teens and the adults.

Sanjay and family from India will be sharingabout life in India. In the afternoon, ENC musicgroup will be leading the worship and a corporateprayer time.

Nazarene Publishing MaterialsThe Nazarene Pub House has our new NMI

materials available for you to look at and order atconvention. The whole set with the Leader’s guideis $99.99. That includes adult, youth and children.The Mission Books are $52.50 for the adults, andthe Youth is $26.25 and the Childrens set is $36.99.The Adult CD’s are $55.99. You will only beordering it, not receiving it at Convention.

Work and Witness Thank you!

April 27, 2015To the Pittsburgh District NMI:

I want to begin this message by expressingmy gratitude for the $500 scholarship that wasprovided for me as a pastor going on his first everinternational work and witness trip. I would nothave been able to go on this past year’s work andwitness trip without that scholarship. I appreciategreatly your investment in pastors to go on thesetrips each year. Thank you.

Rev. Michael L. RexroadCoraopolis Church of the Nazarene

Convention Lunch Menu

Serving in the Dining HallMain Dishes:

India - Chicken and Rice, Cuba - Rice and Beans

America’s Homemade PizzaSalad Bar

Apple and Cherry PieSeating in the Multi-purpose Building

Tickets sold at Convention

Voting for NMI ConventionStar ting at 9:00 in the Tabernacle.Ballot

information in the 100-year anniversary book.The anniversary book will serve as your packet

NMI Convention, NPH Materials, Lunch Menu and a Thank You - Page 3

Page 4: Pittsburgh District - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com › southhillschurchofthenazarene... · 2015-05-29 · In the afternoon, there should be a wonderful time of worship with

Pray for NepalWhen a 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck

Nepal on April 25, it was a Saturday. In Nepal, that’sthe day when Christians gather to worship. Thatmeant that most churches were full when the groundbegan to violently shake beneath their feet.Prakash, the pastor of the Nazarene church outsideKathmandu, said that because everyone in his familywas at the church with him, there were no casualtiesin his family.

“I was preaching when the earth started toshake,” Prakash said. “I told the congregation tostay still and remain where they are, as we weremeeting on the third floor. I told them not to gooutside because to do that they would have had togo through the lower floors and on the top they weresafer.”

On May 1, the disaster response team beganserving in the Sindhupalchock district, one of thehardest hit areas, about 30 kilometers east of thecapital city, Kathmandu. The team is providing aidto a community of about 1,000 people where theUnited Nations estimates 64 percent of homes weredestroyed in the quake.

The Church of the Nazarene has more than300 churches and church plants and 8,000 membersin Nepal. Their focus following the earthquake willbe to meet the needs of their neighbors, both throughshort-term emergency aid and longer-termcommunity development efforts - all in the nameof Christ

How to help - Pray for grieving families, prayfor vulnerable children and families, pray for thoseresponding to the disaster, and pray for our churchleaders and members in Nepal.

To send a prayer or message ofencouragement, visit ncm.org/nepal

District AssemblyFriday, June 26, 2015

6:00 pm

District Assembly

Ordination service

Saturday, June 27, 2015

9:00 am

District Assembly continues

Sunday, June 28, 2015

10:30 am

District Unity Service

Page 4 - Pray for Nepal, District Assembly Schedule and Family Camp Motorcycle Run

Have motorcycle will ride …Saturday, August 1, 2015 is the 13th Annual

Camp Run - started by a couple of guys wanting toride together while raising some extra funds forFamily Camp. Many riders have come and goneand some even returned. The Lord has greatlyblessed us as we have twisted throttles for Him.

You are invited to ride with us. Only a coupleof things are required: motorcycle … rider …passenger optional. We ask that each rider donateto our Camp Fund. If you are not able to, weunderstand. It is of greater value to the Kingdomthat you are here and riding!

You are encouraged to ask your local church,to support you in this event. We are anticipatingthe day when we report to Camp Meeting that wehave raised $5000.00. This could be that year.

Remember – Saturday, August 1, 2015Meet 12:00 - East end of tabernacle at DistrictCampground, Kickstands up by 12:30 pm, 100-150miles with lunch stop, Lunch in Punxsutawney, PA

COME and BRING A FRIENDRide, fellowship, share Jesus. Contact Mike [email protected] or 724-454-9950

Page 5: Pittsburgh District - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com › southhillschurchofthenazarene... · 2015-05-29 · In the afternoon, there should be a wonderful time of worship with

Prime Timers’ Trips, Family Camp VBS and Ds continued - Page 5

(continued from Page 1)

When you arrive Saturday morning, June 27 at 9:00 AM, you will find tables and chairs set up. Wewill start the day with worship and Dr. Warrick will be bringing a challenging message about our role asChrist followers in the Church of the Nazarene on the Pittsburgh District and beyond. There will be somereports (very minimal) and then we will have a few select pastors give reports about what God has beendoing through them as they have sought to “make Christlike disciples in their nation.” After each report,there will be a time of learning from each other in a directed type of learning event. We will eat togetherand before we all leave, we will have communion together. I am praying that this assembly will be thestart of a new direction for the district. One that helps us become more unified and therefore able to meetthe needs of the lost and see God’s kingdom grow.

Co-laboring with you, J Bret

Rev. David SmithSDMI Chair

SDMI Treasurer:Ron Schaeffer141 Tressler Drive

Confluence, Pa 15424Phone: 814-395-5168

e-mail: [email protected]

Sunday SchoolDiscipleship Ministries


Find Us Faithful

[email protected]

Home/Office: #814-437-2586

Cell: #724-388-8928


TRAVEL?Plans are for two special events. The

first will be during Family Camp on July 29or 30 (choose your day) at the Moraine StatePark. Plans are for a pontoon boat ride with abox lunch on Lake Arthur featuring a naturecruise.

The second event is for anotherLancaster trip with one bus to Sight & Soundto see “Joseph”. This will be a two-day –October 16 and 17 – trip to Kitchen KettleVillage, a family-style restaurant, Sight &Sound, and, on the second day, a tour ofHershey Chocolate. Registration forms andmore information will be available in June.Check out the PRIME TIME table duringconventions.

Family Camp ~ Join VacationBible School’s Kingdom Rock at thisyear’s Family Camp. Children 3 through12 can participate in morning VBSrotations (Music & Memory, BibleLesson, and Games) and Scienceexperiments under the pavilion. We offeradditional activities for children andfamilies in the afternoon such as a familybasketball tournament (no cost) and thefamily edition of the Amazing Race. Theevening services highlight our Kid’sEvangelists, the Devine Family, who willbring to life God’s word. Don’t miss out!It’s a great time to be with your familyand friends.

Page 6: Pittsburgh District - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com › southhillschurchofthenazarene... · 2015-05-29 · In the afternoon, there should be a wonderful time of worship with

Page 6 - District Lay Retreat and Children’s Bible Quizzing

District Lay RetreatAs the SDMI council, we feel that it is

important for the lay people to get together andbuild relationships, worship together and berefreshed and renewed in Christ. George Tutoris the District Lay Retreat Director and hasscheduled a lay retreat for the district. We wantto encourage you to plan on going. This retreatis at the Laurelville Mennonite Church Center.It is a quite place where you can go and justrelax and spend time with your spouse andothers. You can visit the website atwww.laurelville.org to see pictures and learnmore about the retreat center. This is the sameplace and speaker that the ministers and spousesuse for their retreat.Below is the information for the retreat:

Date(s): September 25-27, 2015Location: Laurelville Mennonite

Church Center941 Laurelville LaneMt. Pleasant, PA 15666

Speaker: Rev. H. L. and Leta Hendrix.Rev. H. L. has been a pastor, professor, and ahospital chaplain. Originally from Oklahomaand he has a way of looking at the Christianlife in a down to earth way. He has stories ofvictories and heartbreak.They are easy tolove and enjoy.

Cost: $155 per person doubleoccupancy.

Meal Schedule: Saturday Breakfast,Dinner; Sunday Breakfast.

If you have any questions contact:Rev. George TutorUnion City Church of the NazareneE-mail: [email protected]

Cell: (814)590-2281


Congratulations to ALL of our PittsburghDistrict Quizzers! Many thanks to all theQuizmasters, coaches and dedicated families whomake God’s WORD a top priority. It’s a true teameffort.

This year we had 108 quizzers from 16churches participating and of those, 86 were ableto attend the District Finals on April 18.

The following churches produced quizzerswho achieved a Silver Award or better and becameeligible to participate in the Regional Quiz on June27.

Bethel Park South Hills (12)Brookville Calvary (1)

Butler First (3)Coraopolis (2)

Faith Fellowship Alliance (5)Freedom Pine Run (2)

Hermitage Gentle Shepherd (4)Kossuth Faith (1)Monongahela (1)

New Life Free Methodist (6)Philipsburg (1)

Pittsburgh Lincoln Place (2)Union City (3)

Waynesburg (5)I’m asking all our churches to PRAY for them

and support them if you can with any monetarydonation. It’s a major trip to ENC and every littlebit will help. Please send donations in ANY amountto Ron Schaffer, 141 Tressler Dr., Confluence, PA15425. Make your checks out to Pittsburgh DistictCOTN, memo: Kids Quizzing. Thank you, friendsof THE WORD!

E-mail Joanne Tutor with any quizzingrelated messages: [email protected]

Page 7: Pittsburgh District - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com › southhillschurchofthenazarene... · 2015-05-29 · In the afternoon, there should be a wonderful time of worship with

Division A 1st Place

Katelyn Powell (Oratory 1, VocalSolo, Art 1 and Art 2)

Rainbow Ringers (Instrumentalgroup)

Nate Gollmer (Oratory 2) 2nd Place

Zahrea Abrigo (Vocal Solo)Nick Gollmer (Oratory 2)Elisha Burns (Art 1)Madelyn Hurley (Art 2)

3rd PlaceHannah Edwards (Vocal Solo)Nate Gollmer (Art 1)

4th PlaceEmilee Bazzoli (Vocal Solo)Nick Gollmer (Art 1)

Division B1st Place

Kaden Burns (Instrumental Solo andArt 1)

Maggie Hoffman (Drama 2)Albert Brant (Keyboard)Lilly Talpas(Vocal Solo)Carlie Butler (Art 2)

2nd PlaceAlaunna Melek (Art 1)Izzy Talpas (Art 2)

3rd PlaceJoel Horne (Art 1)Seth Bliss (Art 2)

4th PlaceJosiah Rumburger (Art 1)Alaunna Melek (Art 2)

Division C1st Place

Hannah Horne (Keyboard,Instrumental Solo and Art 2)

Ryan Martin (Drama 1 andPhotography)

Butler (Choir)Salt & Light Sticks (Drama 2)

Madison Wakefield (Vocal Solo) Franklin (Ensemble) Butler (Puppetry) Anna Gump (Art 1) Ty Blair (Creative Writing)

2nd PlaceTy Blair (Art 1)Rachel Horne (Art 2)Gentle Shepherd (Creative Writing)Kamryn Williams (Photography)Kaia & Breonna Conerty (Ensemble)Morgan Goldie (Vocal Solo)Albion (Drama 2)Monongahela (Choir)

3rd PlaceEva & Osiah Evans (Ensemble)Gentle Shepherd (Choir)Rachel Horne (Photography)Erin Butler (Art 2)

4th PlaceJesse Tharp (Photography)Ty Blair (Art 2)Union City (Ensemble)

5th PlaceClarion (Ensemble)Aaron Speed (Art 2)

6th PlaceBarret Patterson (Art 2)

7th PlaceRylie Sobaski (Art 2)

Division D 1st Place

Seth Antonelli (Art 2)

2015 Children’sTalent Results

2015 Children’s Talent Results - Page 7

Page 8: Pittsburgh District - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com › southhillschurchofthenazarene... · 2015-05-29 · In the afternoon, there should be a wonderful time of worship with

Kidz Camp Information - PageClean Water Wells, 100th NMI Anniversary - Page 3 8

Page 9: Pittsburgh District - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com › southhillschurchofthenazarene... · 2015-05-29 · In the afternoon, there should be a wonderful time of worship with

Susie Shellenbergerloves bright colors, thesmell of brand newtennis shoes, burnt hotdogs, sock monkeysand laughing until hersides hurt. She’s fun,creative and has trav-elled to every conti-

nent in the world - yes, even Antarctica. She’s an OKCThunder basketball fan and has given the invocation atseveral of their home games.

Susie grew up in Bethany OK and attendedSouthern Nazarene University where she served as thefirst elected female student government president andreceived a B.A. in Communications with minors in edu-cation, English and creative writing. She received herMaster’s Degree in creative writing from the Univer-sity of Central Oklahoma.

She served as a fulltime youth pastor in ConwayAR, Longmont CO, San Antonia TX and Bethany OK.

After staff ministry, she enjoyed teaching speech,English, drama and creative writing in the public schoolsystem.

Her public school experience was interruptedwith an invitation to join Focus on the Family who hiredher to create a magazine for teen girls. Brio was launchedin March of 1990, and Susie served as editor for nearlytwo decades. During that time, she also launched a spin-off magazine for older girls called Brio & Beyond. Shealso started a book line for teens girls, began overseasmission trips for guys and girls (which still continuestoday – see the missions section on this Web site) andproduced two mother/daughter cruises.

In 2009, due to economic problems, Focus onthe Family discontinued their teen products anddismissed the youth staff. Susie, already an ordainedelder in the Church of the Nazarene, entered fulltimeevangelism while launching a new magazine for teengirls titled SUSIE Mag. She was against naming it afterherself, but the marketing team at the new publisher’sinsisted Susie greon using her name as a bridge offamiliarity for Christian teen girls wondering whathappened to Brio. Three years later, she changed thetitle to SISTERHOOD Magazine .

My name is Michael“Big Daddy” Parentiand I grew up attend-ing a church in Penn-sylvania every timethe doors were open.As a teenager, I feltconvicted that I wasliving a double life. Iacted one way inchurch and another in

school. I was just living out my parent’s religion. Some-thing needed to change.

As a teenager, tragedy struck our school. Twoclassmates lost their lives. I remember vividly thethought that they may now be in hell. It terrified me,but even worse I was gripped with guilt that I knew theway to heaven and never shared a word with them. Whatwas I doing? Was I a true follower of Jesus? If so, whydid I not say anything to anyone? At that point, I de-cided that I was going to follow God with all my heartand share the gospel as often as I can.

Not long after that, urban missionaries came toour church. It was then, as a teenager, I felt my call toministry. It was difficult for me to accept the call be-cause I had other plans. Sometime later, during a re-vival service, I longed for God to totally take over mywill. He met me in that service in a way that changedmy life. His presence was so strong and powerful. Godsanctified me and gave me His will for my life. I havenot looked back since.

In January 2002, God temporarily called me awayfrom my full-time youth ministry position to travel toPhiladelphia to assist with an urban after-school pro-gram. Little did I know that God also called my futurewife from near San Diego CA to come to the same place.Nine months later we were married. She was my firstdate, my first kiss and my first love!

We are blessed to have 4 children: Victorianna,Michael, Ellasandra and Giancarlo. We home schoolthem, and we all serve God together.

Susie continued as editor until 2014 and thenstepped away from the daily tasks to concentrate moreon fulltime speaking and writing.

Family Camp Evangelists - Page 9

Page 10: Pittsburgh District - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com › southhillschurchofthenazarene... · 2015-05-29 · In the afternoon, there should be a wonderful time of worship with

David Adams: Strengthened with a family legacyof music, David desires to serve the Lord throughsong became apparent at the early age of 19. Hissensitivity to the Holy Spirit is evident as he drawsaudiences into an authentic worship experience.David has held positions of Youth Pastor andbusiness owner. Scheduling, public relations,producing and being lead representative for thegroup are a few of his duties. David sings lead andtenor, directs worship, and drives the group fromstate to state. He is husband to Charlene and daddyto Emma, Johnny, Anna Mae and Luke.

Charlene Adams: She is known for her prolificsongwriting and ability to connect with the audiencethrough her genuine stage presence. While herbackground in music training is strong, Charlenenever realized its impact, nor her calling, until hersister, Andrea, died as a result of the Olivet NazareneUniversity Orpheus Choir van accident. Her 19-year old heart became adapted to resonating withand infusing hope to bruised hearts. The Lord hasgifted her with anointed lyrics and a passion tominister. Charlene has a Bachelor’s in Education(which she now uses to home school her children),runs Journey of Faith Music Publishing and singslead, alto or second soprano. Charlene is wife toDavid and mommy to Emma Beth, John Maeson,Anna Mae and Luke Spencer.




THINK!Are challenges that can

be heard around the halls ofMarshfield High Schoolhome to Bob Keuther,principal. Bob has been ahigh school principal for 17years in EasternMassachusetts in both anurban and suburban setting.The driving principle in his

schools is a commitment to the development ofleaders who will impact of world. Bob graduatedwith a Bachelor of Arts Degree in History fromRoberts Wesleyan College and holds 2 Masters ofEducation Degrees from Eastern Nazarene College.He has held educational positions including Historyand Special Education Teacher and Director of anAlternative High School. Finally, he believes in thestrong ties between the classroom and the fieldwhere he has coached both football and basketball.

Bob grew up in Western New York theproduct of a strong middle class family. Heembraced Christ while attending Roberts WesleyanCollege and had discerned his call to teach and workwith youth while working at Eastern NazareneCollege. Bob has been a member of the NazareneChurch for 28 years. A former youth pastor at theWollaston Church of the Nazarene, he has heldnumerous leadership positions on the New EnglandDistrict. He stays active in his local church throughhis involvement in the media arts and occasionallyteaching senior high Sunday school. Bob iscurrently the Eastern Field Youth Coordinator. Bobhas spoken across the Eastern Field challengingstudents and adults to impact our world for Christ.Bob is married to Bev for 27 years and they have 4children: Alyssa (22), Robbie (20), Lucas (16) andJimmy (14).

Page 10 - Family Camp Music and Teen Evangelists

Page 11: Pittsburgh District - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com › southhillschurchofthenazarene... · 2015-05-29 · In the afternoon, there should be a wonderful time of worship with

2016 Work & Witness Trip - Page 11

Page 12: Pittsburgh District - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com › southhillschurchofthenazarene... · 2015-05-29 · In the afternoon, there should be a wonderful time of worship with

Page 12 - District Events, Family Camp Motorcycle Run and District Allocations


Thank you for your faithful giving tothe District Ministry Fund and the otherallocations. Please remember to send yourdistrict allocations into the District, SDMI,NMI and NYI. If you haven’t started giving,it’s never too late!

Payments can be made to the following:

District Ministry Fund:Henry Twentier, District Treasurer177 North Road, Butler PA 16001

Make checks payable to:Pittsburgh District

Church of the Nazarene

NMI:Debra Shutak

428 Great Belt RoadButler PA 16002

Make checks payable to:Pittsburgh District NMI

SDMI:Rev. Ronald Schaeffer

141 Tressler DriveConfluence PA 15424

Make checks payable to:Pittsburgh District SDMI

NYI:Tom Aaron

141 Supervisor DriveWest Newton PA 15089Make checks payable to:Pittsburgh District NYI

ENC:23 E Elm AvenueQuincy MA 02170


District Events, 2015*:May 30–June 13: Work & Witness


June 1–8: District Scrapbook Camp

June 15–19: Kidz Camp

June 20: NMI / NYI / SDMI Convention

June 20–June 25: NYI Teen Camp

June 26–27: District Assembly

June 26–27: Children’s Quizzing/Regional

(ENC, Quincy MA)

June 28: District Unity Worship Service


July 8–13: NYC (Louisville KY)

July 26–August 2: Family Camp 2015

September 24–27: District Scrapbook


September 25–27: District Laymen’s Retreat

October 9–11: Victims to Victors Retreat

November 12–14: District Assessment

November 21: NYI Festival of Life

December 5: Annual Snowflake Craft and

Gift Show

*Dates are subject to change.