
By Ellie Dickens & Marianna Gould PITCH

Transcript of Pitch

By Ellie Dickens & Marianna Gould



What genre of films do you enjoy and


Action: We enjoy action films mainly because of the thrill and excitement you get from them. There is a rush of adrenalin that pumps through you as you watch the movie and its simply exhilarating. Most action movies are unique to the idea that they're not your everyday, ordinary circumstances, and it is that which makes them all the more intriguing to watch and follow.

Comedy: We enjoy watching comedy films because of the humorous impact some of the films have on us. They make us feel spiffing and simply cheerful due to the dialogue and actions of the characters, unlike action films, comedy films could relate to everyday life.

Horror:We enjoy watching horror films because the tension whilst watching some of them creates a nervous feeling so then becomes intriguing to watch.

HORRORThere’s something about horror that speaks directly and instinctively to the human animal. Millions of years of evolutionary psychology have ingrained in our minds certain fear triggers. And with this we have grown to enjoy indulging in the tension and fright that horror films provide us with.

FOUR TYPES OF ‘HORROR WATCHING’ Gore watching – characterized

by low empathy, high sensation seeking, and in males a strong identification with the killer

Thrill watching – high empathy and high sensation seeking – motivated by the suspense of the film and more identification with the victims.

Independent Watching – high empathy for the victim with a high positive effect of overcoming fear

Problem Watching – high empathy for the victim but characterized by negative effect – sense of helplessness.

Why do people like horror?Because of-:

• The relevance. In order for a horror film to be seen, it has to be relevant to potential viewers. This then means people watch the film because it could mean something to them.

• The unrealism. Audiences know that what they are about to watch is a fabricated reality. This gives viewers the chance of escapism into another reality – a gory fantasy almost.

• The thrill. Viewers gain a rush of excitement when watching the film and they hence become more eager to know what happens.


Two other men come out from Elise's

bedroom and come behind Cindy cutting the back of her neck


The family's husband/father

disappeared very suddenly when the children were only


Cindy attends a local college whilst her two younger siblings are in

lower and middle school. Elise works as

social worker.

One night the family are out for dinner when a group of men brake

into the house and hide whilst waiting for the

family to arrive home. Whilst waiting cult

signs are painted on the walls of Elise's

bedroom by the unknown men.

When the family arrive home their father is stood

waiting in the kitchen. Before he says anything he

begins to chant satanic prayers towards Elise.

Family of four; Elise (Mother) Cindy &

Nancy (Daughters) Brad (Son) living in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Screaming and shouting takes place as the family struggle for control and eventually

all are knocked out.The family wake up in the morning with their home

torn to pieces. That morning Cindy went to the police to recall the previous nights events and tell them

what happened.

The police ignore the accusations Cindy is

making and tell her to

stop fantasising.

As the days go by Elise becomes violent towards her own kids

and has been whispering words to


Cindy, being the oldest, can see the

changes in her mum is becoming worried on

what's going on.

One night Elise disappears from the

home leaving the kids alone and waking up unknown as to where

she has gone.

The children are left alone for 3 days without their mother. In this time they don’t attend school and simply stay together.

Elise returns after 3 days of being missing and come backs as if

everything is fine.

The night she has returned Elise has re-drawn cult signs all over the house and

now chanting satanic prayers.

Elise drags her kids out of their beds and into the

kitchen. Cindy overhears the screams from her

siblings and runs into the kitchen.

Elise is about to carve a cult sign onto both of her

kids stomachs, identical to the one she has drawn on

the walls of her house.

Elise is possessed and is her screams are as if morphed by the devil.

Cindy struggles and fights with her mother and ends up stabbing her with her

own pocket knife..

Cindy leaves home with her brother and sister, taking all the money she can find.


Unknown on what to do or where to go they find

shelter under a bridge just outside Ohio.

With this hostel in mind she takes her brother and sister here and they are

taken in and helped.

After nearly a week of being homeless Cindy

reminisces in one of the cases she studied in college

remembering that there was a hostel located


They currently are staying in the hostel while Cindy has found a new job and

continues to attend college. Her brother and sister also continue to go school and

get educated.

The men from the beginning strike another family,

however are caught and sent to prison for



In a gruesome killing spree the night of Aug. 8, Manson directed a group of four followers to break into the home that Roman Polanski and Sharon Tate were renting in Benedict Canyon near Beverly Hills. Amid a desperate struggle, Tate and three of her friends, celebrity hair stylist Jay Sebring, Polish actor Voytek Frykowski and coffee heiress Abigail Folger -- were stabbed repeatedly while Steven Parent, a friend of the home's caretaker, was killed by close-range gunfire. Frykowski and Sebring were also shot. Before leaving the scene, 21-year-old Susan Atkins -- who would later testify that she coldly rebuffed Tate's plea for mercy -- wrote PIG on the door in the doomed actress's blood.

Birth Date: November 12, 1934 Place of Birth: Cincinnati, Ohio Pathology: Cult Leader No. of Victims: 1 personal attempted murder9 victims by proxy

The next night, Manson rounded up the same four, plus two others, and drove with them to the home of Los Angeles supermarket magnate Leno LaBianca and his wife, Rosemary. Entering the couple's mansion under the guise of a robbery, Manson promised LaBianca that no one would be hurt while a Manson follower tied the homeowner to a chair at gunpoint. After Manson left the house, his crew took turns stabbing the LaBiancas to death. The word WAR was etched into Leno's stomach; one of the young women wrote a misspelled Healter Skelter on the wall in the man's blood.


The ConjuringThe first two minutes of this film really influenced us because of how tense it was in such short amount of time and it kept us intrigued into what the storyline would be and what would happen next

Insidious We thought that Insidious was a good influence for our film opening because it has a very uneasy feeling throughout the first 2 minutes of the film. With this it prepares you for the edgy narrative ahead

The Woman in black

We were also influenced by The woman in black, purely because of how uneasy the opening is. The opening also intrigued us more into finding out the storyline because the first two minutes does not really tell the audience much.

CHARACTER PROFILESEliseAge: 39Nationality: AmericanOccupation: Social WorkerPhysical Appearance: Black hair, brown eyes, tall.

Had a husband who disappeared suddenly and became part of a cult. She has only recently gotten over the disappearance of her husband and now is trying to move on with her life and make things better for her family. She loves her job.

CindyAge: 17Nationality: AmericanOccupation: Part time job- waitressPhysical

Appearance: Brown hair, hazel eyes, small.

Cindy is a quiet girl and does not have that many friends. She studies law at college and is rather fascinated by it. She indulges herself in current news that involves killings and disappearances , this is because of what happened to her father. She always keeps a pocket knife on her, just in case.

NancyAge: 11Nationality: AmericanPhysical Appearance: brown hair, brown eyes, small.

Nancy is a bubbly, loud character. She often gets on Cindy's nerves but overall is liked by everyone. She has a large group of friends. Nancy vaguely remembers her father who disappeared when she was very young.

BradAge: 6Nationality: AmericanPhysical Appearance: brown hair, blue eyes, very small.

Brad has only just joined first grade. He is very much unaware of his father and the fact that he is not part of the family anymore.


Primary Target audience: • Young adults/teenagers, 15+The usual age for someone watching a horror movie is between 15 and 25. During young adulthood they are in the key stages of developing themselves and learning about the world, they want to try new things and experiment with different emotions and feelings. They want to rush into life without being guided and therefore seek all thrill they can get. Horror movies give this thrill and can excite the young audience easier than an older one. The young audiences are also less susceptible to being put off the film by violence or unnatural images which may make older audience feel negative towards the film. • Both female and male. Stereotypically it is predominantly young males who enjoy the violent conventions of horror movies.• People that understand the narratives fiction.• People who aren't offended or stricken back by the films gore and

violence.• Fans of the ‘horror’ genre.• People who are interested in crime/murder etc.• Possibly people who have followed the Charles Manson case.