Pintig Vol 2014 Issue 1

Struggle for a Pro-Student and Pro-People Society! At present, the puppet regime US-Aquino is showcasing its true face: anti-people, pro-imperialist and pro-few. The contradiction between the 1% and the margin- alized 99% is reaching its peak, and the objective conditions are ripe for the revolution. Through ousting Aquino and the establish- ment of a provitionary govern- ment, we could achieve the genu- ine nationalist democracy. Stemming from the roots of the 1896 Revolution lead by the Katipunan, the ND movement was reestablished in the 1960s as economic depressions loom the Philippines. It swell in the ranks of youth and students, farmers, workers, women, fisherfolk, in- digenous peoples, professionals, sectors of the society who are marginalized by the few and by the imperialist United States. National Democracy is a po- litical thought stemming from two words: nationalist and dem- ocratic. Nationalist because the foreign oppressors still thrive in the Philippines lead by the impe- rialist United States; Democratic because it strives to attain genu- ine democracy against feudalism and the oppressors who run the government as a business. As it mobilized hundreds of thousand Filipinos, the fascist re- gime of Marcos declared martial Law in order to quell the people. Backed by the US government, several regimes in Asia-Pacif- ic, Africa and Latin America also declared martial law at the time. These countries include Iran, Pa- kistan, Turkey, Egypt, Taiwan and others. Most of the organizations in the movement and its members went underground or joined the armed struggle waged at the countryside to continue the fight against the iron grip of Marcos. These organizations include the Kabataang Makabayan and Mak- abayang Kilusan ng Bagong Ka- babaihan. At present, these orga- nizations are now affiliated to the National Democratic front of the Philippines which represents the People’s Revolutionary Govern- ment established by members of the Communist Party of the Phil- ippines and its armed wing, New People’s Army. Legal organizations also con- tinued to struggle during these times, especially after the lifting of Martial Law in the early 1980s. Our organization, the Center for Nationalist Studies, is one of these organizations, established by the then-recently reestablished Uni- versity Student Council of UP Dili- man. These legal organizations differed from underground orga- nizations in means of struggle but are one in principle: to attain a so- ciety where the people is no lon- ger marginalized by the few. Up to present, the legal ND Movement continues its goal. However, the movement was infiltrated by the bourgeoise during the time it was struggling for a united front against Marcos. This peaked in the 1990s when these bourgeoises, believing that democracy were restored af- ter the fall of Marcos, sought to change the militant orientation of the movement. They established right-winged social-democratic organizations, such as Akbayan, that resorted to mere reformism, or ultra-left movements, such as Sanlakas, that resorted to insur- rection without first attaining its pre-requisites. The ND movement maintained its genuine, militant or four decades to present, the National Democratic (ND) move- ment in the Philippines has continued to fight for genuine so- cial change against aggressive foreign intervention, landlessness F and fascism. As Iskolars ng Bayan, we shall inherit these principles and fight for the people and for our rights. EDITORIAL Jan 18, 2014 Vol 2014 Issue 1 Official newsletter of the Center for Nationalist Studies (CNS) in UP-Diliman intig P 1


Pintig (lit. Pulse) is the official newsletter of the Center for Nationalist Studies - UP Diliman.

Transcript of Pintig Vol 2014 Issue 1

Page 1: Pintig Vol 2014 Issue 1

Struggle for a Pro-Student and Pro-People Society!

At present, the puppet regime US-Aquino is showcasing its true face: anti-people, pro-imperialist and pro-few. The contradiction between the 1% and the margin-alized 99% is reaching its peak, and the objective conditions are ripe for the revolution. Through ousting Aquino and the establish-ment of a provitionary govern-ment, we could achieve the genu-ine nationalist democracy.

Stemming from the roots of the 1896 Revolution lead by the Katipunan, the ND movement was reestablished in the 1960s as economic depressions loom the Philippines. It swell in the ranks of youth and students, farmers, workers, women, fisherfolk, in-digenous peoples, professionals, sectors of the society who are marginalized by the few and by the imperialist United States.

National Democracy is a po-litical thought stemming from two words: nationalist and dem-ocratic. Nationalist because the foreign oppressors still thrive in the Philippines lead by the impe-rialist United States; Democratic

because it strives to attain genu-ine democracy against feudalism and the oppressors who run the government as a business.

As it mobilized hundreds of thousand Filipinos, the fascist re-gime of Marcos declared martial Law in order to quell the people. Backed by the US government, several regimes in Asia-Pacif-ic, Africa and Latin America also declared martial law at the time. These countries include Iran, Pa-kistan, Turkey, Egypt, Taiwan and others.

Most of the organizations in the movement and its members went underground or joined the armed struggle waged at the countryside to continue the fight against the iron grip of Marcos. These organizations include the Kabataang Makabayan and Mak-abayang Kilusan ng Bagong Ka-babaihan. At present, these orga-nizations are now affiliated to the National Democratic front of the Philippines which represents the People’s Revolutionary Govern-ment established by members of the Communist Party of the Phil-

ippines and its armed wing, New People’s Army.

Legal organizations also con-tinued to struggle during these times, especially after the lifting of Martial Law in the early 1980s. Our organization, the Center for Nationalist Studies, is one of these organizations, established by the then-recently reestablished Uni-versity Student Council of UP Dili-man. These legal organizations differed from underground orga-nizations in means of struggle but are one in principle: to attain a so-ciety where the people is no lon-ger marginalized by the few. Up to present, the legal ND Movement continues its goal.

However, the movement was infiltrated by the bourgeoise during the time it was struggling for a united front against Marcos. This peaked in the 1990s when these bourgeoises, believing that democracy were restored af-ter the fall of Marcos, sought to change the militant orientation of the movement. They established right-winged social-democratic organizations, such as Akbayan, that resorted to mere reformism, or ultra-left movements, such as Sanlakas, that resorted to insur-rection without first attaining its pre-requisites. The ND movement maintained its genuine, militant

or four decades to present, the National Democratic (ND) move-ment in the Philippines has continued to fight for genuine so-cial change against aggressive foreign intervention, landlessness F

and fascism. As Iskolars ng Bayan, we shall inherit these principles and fight for the people and for our rights.


Jan 18, 2014Vol 2014 Issue 1

Official newsletter of the Center for Nationalist

Studies (CNS)in UP-Diliman intigP


Page 2: Pintig Vol 2014 Issue 1

In this Issue:

Editorial...................1Struggle for a Pro-Student and

Pro-people Society!

Ayala Henchmen shot Hacienda Dolores Farmers; Kills 1, Injures 2...................2

AFP Violates Own Ceasefire..3

Urban Poor Groups Slams QC Ordinance for Summary

Eviction; Demolition............4

Substandard Gov’t Housing Flooded by New Typhoon....4

UPCAT: Higher Education as a Commodity....................5

An Open Letter to all Future Isko and Iska..................6


and nationalist orientation, while Akbayan is now an affiliate of the Liberal Party of Noynoy Aquino.

Unlike what social-democrats believe, democracy is not yet tru-ly attained since the pre-colonial era of the Philippines. Farmers are still landless, workers are still chained to their meager wages, students experience expensive fees for education and profession-als are still jobless in our country or were forced to work for for-eigners. In UP alone, we experi-ence P60,000 to P70,000 pesos worth of fees per year, even if it is the only national university in the Philippines.

Genuine democracy could only be attained through the or-ganized strength of the people. The movement has a 12-point program for the society. It entails the advancement of (1) the fall of roots of poverty, (2) establish-ment of a people’s government, (3) establishment of a people’s army, (4) democratic rights of the people, (5) crossing out ties with imperialist regimes, (6) genuine agrarian reform, (7) national in-dustrialization, (8) a nationalist, scientific and mass-oriented cul-ture and education, (9) genuine and accessible social services, (10) women’s rights, (11) indige-

reef damages still uncompensated

A year has passed but the dam-ages sustained by the grounding of USS Guardian has yet to be compensated in the Tubbataha Reef, a world heritage site in the Philippines and a finalist in the 7 natural wonders of the world.

USS Guardian, a patrolling ship of the United States Navy, de-stroyed 2,345 square meters of the reef, equivalent to 5 and a half basketball courts Jan 17 last year. The Tubbataha Management Of-fice fined the United States P60 million pesos for the damages.

The ship is in the Philippines due to the Visiting Forces Agree-ment, allowing US military forces to conduct training for six months. However, they have not left since it was passed on 1999, merely re-placing the soldiers involved.

nous people’s right for self-deter-mination, and lastly, (12) equal, active and fair foreign relations.

Thus, we shall act now. Orga-nized force is needed to combat the systemic and organized reign of the bourgeoise. We shall link ourselves hand-in-hand with the people, especially the peasants and workers, as they compose the majority of the society and their interest for the right to till and for genuine social change is the inter-est of the people.

Be one with the people, live their lives, join the struggle.

Join us. Together, we will make history


CNS is a proud member and co-founder of the Student Alliance for the Advancement of Democratic Rights in UP (STAND UP), the

largest and broadest political party-alliance of organizations and indi-viduals in UP Diliman who believe that education is a right.

Pintig (lit. Pulse) is the official newsletter of the Center for Nationalist Studies-UPD (CNS). the political educational

and research studentorganization that

advances nationalism and democracy.

We welcome contribu-tions including photos, articles, news, research

and socially-relevant theories.

Join our team! Contact us at

[email protected]

0905-606-6288 (look for Nicco)


Page 3: Pintig Vol 2014 Issue 1

Ayala henchmen shot hacienda dolores farmers; kills 1, injures 2

mountainous borders of the ha-cienda with Noel Tumali and his 20-year old son Noel when they were blocked by armed security guards and a hired goon. Claim-ing that they own the land as they and their ancestors have tilled it for decades, Pidoña and oth-ers insisted on entering the land and called their barangay captain for help. However, conflict arose and a hired goon armed with a .45 caliber pistol gunned the farmers, killing Pidoña and crit-cally injuring the elder Tumali.

In response, Antonio Tolenti-no, their barangay captain and president of their local peas-ant organization Aniban ng mga Nagkakaisang Mamamayan ng Hacienda Dolores, went to the crime scene in order to investi-gate and arrest the goon. Howev-er, the goon hit him with his gun, injuring Tolentino in the temple.

While escaping from the scene, the goon left his motor-cycle and magazines of the pis-tol. Tolentino turned over the motorcycle to the barangay hall as evidence. Ironically, the Aya-

la-controlled companies filed a car napping suit against Tolentino.

Crops in the hacienda are com-posed of different fruit-bearing trees such as guavas and man-goess. For the last three years, the Leonardo Lachenal Leonio Hold-ings, Inc. (LHI, Formerly LLL) and FL Property Management Corp. (FL), both controlled by Ayala Land Inc., are aggressively grab-bing the land as their own for a 1,000 hectare subdivision proj-ect similar to Nuvali in Sta. Rosa, Laguna. To process the legal doc-uments, they took a picture of a small land full of perennial weeds and used it as their proof that no one lives in the area. Howev-er, houses in the hacienda made of concrete and the fruit bearing trees are hard proof that farmers have long tilled the soil in Hacien-da Dolores, with those trees taking years before starting to bear fruits.

Pidoña widowed his wife and their sons, age 12 and 10. The incident is the most recent in the series of harrassments in the area, which includes inci-dents of frustrated arson, gre-


AFP VIOLATES OWN CEASEFIRELast December, the Philippine government declared a unilateral suspension of military operations and suspension of police opera-tions, commonly known as cease-fire, lasting from Dec 20 up to Jan 15. However, the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) continued its operations and active stance in several parts of the country.

Palawan300 Marines were deployed at Brgys. Caruray at Port Barton in San Vicente, Palawan. An arbi-trary curfew was also declared in New Site and Old site in Barangay Caruray. Military helicopters and motor boats scoured the area.

BicolForces of the military remained active in three provinces. In Cama-rines Sur, forces are reported in Brgys. Antolon, Patag and Poloan. In Albay, active military forces are in Brgys. Villapaz and Sinaga-ran in Jovellar; Mamlad, Pio Du-ran and Lumacao in Guinobatan. Meanwhile, in Sorsogon, they are in Brgys. Marinas and Cabiguhan, Gubat and in Manhumlad and Ba-locaw in Matnog.

Eastern VisayasA mock firefight was held in Brgys. Libertad and Mahayag, Las Navas, Northern Samar while combat operations continued in the area.

Analyn Pidoña places a yellow chick at his husband’s coffin in cry for justice.

PORAC, PAMPANGA - Farmers in Hacienda Dolores was gunned by hired goons and secu-rity guards of the Aya-la-controlled compa-nies last Jan 11, leaving 1 dead and 1 critically injured because of dis-pute in land ownership.

Arman Pidoña, 33 years old, is about to harvest his fruit-bear-ing trees located at the recently fenced-off


nade bombing and illegal arrests.The Ayala family is one of the

richest families in the Philippines, according to Forbes.

...Continued in 4


Page 4: Pintig Vol 2014 Issue 1

Urban Poor Groups Slams QC Ordinance for Summary Eviction; Demolition

WEST KAMIAS, QC - Militant urban poor groups slammed the Quezon City (QC) govern-ment’s ordinance passed Decem-ber last year to summarily evict urban poor communities and ordered local barangay govern-ments to lead the demolitions.

Alyansa Kontra Demolition (AKD; Alliance against Demoli-tions) and Anakpawis Partylist held picket protests in front of QC City hall and in Brgy. West Kamias where demolition looms as per the order of their local barangay coun-cil backed by the QC government.

In a written press release, Inday Bagasbas, AKD spokes-person, said that “the order is arbitrary meant to justify the displacement of urban poor families to pave way for govern-ment and private business proj-ects”, citing the Quezon City Cen-tral Business District (QCCBD).

The QCCBD project aims to build a new business district nearby Quezon Memorial Circle. To give way for private buildings, the project will affect families resid-ing in nearby barangays such as North Triangle and West Kamias.

Rey Eva, Anakpawis Partylist West Kamias chairperson, said that “ (QC) Mayor (Herbert) Bau-tista is pushing for the zero infor-mal settler campaign to get on his hands the annual P5 billion pesos informal settler fund given by the national government,”. “Bautista will only use the said funds to capi-talize his Bistekville housing proj-ect in which urban poor families cannot afford the rent,” ended Eva.

During the last typhoon season, the national declared ordered that all urban poor communities locat-ed near waterways to be relocat-ed, because allegedly these com-munities were the cause of severe flooding in the metro. However, research shows that mining com-panies as far as North Luzon were the cause as their destructive practice rechanneled natural wa-terways to the cities instead of the ocean where it originally ended.

Anakpawis, which represents the Filipino peasant and workers or the toiling masses, currently has one seat in the House of Rep-resentatives with Fernando Hicap as their representative.

North-East MindanoCheckpoints was set-up in sev-eral parts of Mindanao. A check-point at Talacogon, Agusan del Sur blocked a bus full of media practitioners and others covering the celebration of the 45th anni-versary of the re-establishment of the Communist Party of the Phil-ippines. Active combat operations also continued in San Luis, Agu-san del Sur.

North-Central MindanaoForces remained active in Clave-ria, Binuangan and Gingoog City, all in Misamis Oriental.

Southern Mindanao Three 6x6 trucks full of armed soliders occupied the health cen-ter and day care of Sitio Ulayanon and 25 soldiers occupied the day care and elementary school of Si-tio Pilot, both in Calabugao Bukid-non. Meanwhile, six 6x6 trucks re-mained active operations in Brgy Jagpa, Impasug-ong; 25 soldiers in Brgy Bulonay; 2 columns in Sitio Namnam, San Fernando; in Quezon and Malabalay City, all in Bukidnon.

AFP violates......Continued from 3

substandard Gov’t housing flooded by new typhoonTyphoon Agaton, the first ty-

phoon to enter the Philippine Area of Responsibility, is current-ly flooding Leyte and North-East Mindanao Region (NEMR), areas that were devastated by the su-pertyphoons Yolanda and Pablo in the past.

The typhoon also flooded the tent city in Tacloban where survi-vors of the supertyphoon Yolanda reside. Billions of pesos from in-

ternational organizations, foun-dations and government was gathered for its rehabilitation yet only the subpar housing projects, including the tent city and inhu-mane bunkhouses, were built.

Each unit of the bunkhouse that will house a family of five mea-sures 8.64 square meters. The kitchen and bathroom are com-munal for each bunkhouse. It is substandardly made of roofing of

houses destroyed by Yolanda. At present, two bunkhouses are al-ready built consisting of 24 units each while 203 more will be built.

Each bunkhouse costs P838,000, sparking controversy for marked up prices.

NEMR consists of the Agusan and Surigao provinces. Surigao became famous worldwide for its Siargao Island, a top destination site for surfers.



Page 5: Pintig Vol 2014 Issue 1



Higher education as a commodityLast Dec 23, results of the Uni-

versity of the Philippines College Admission Test (UPCAT) was released. Around 80,000 high school students took the exam last August and 13,000 passed the exams. However, predicting from the trend since the implementa-tion of the tuition and other fee increase (TOFI) way back in 2006, only about 1/3rd of the passers will enter UP, while the others will go to the several private Higher Education Institutions (HEI) that offer scholarships and other ben-efits or will stop going to school altogether due to high fees im-posed on education.

ever, in essence, both are noth-ing but smokescreens to TOFI. In practice, more than half of the studentry in UP belong to Bracket A, the highest bracket in both sys-tems, and pays P1,500 pesos per unit or about P60,000 - P70,000 pesos per year, including those who come from lower economic status, which STFAP/STS wishes to serve. Due to these systems, thousand of students regular-ly line for student loan, with the lines starting at Vinzons Hall’s 3rd floor to its lobby.

We shall be reminded that UP is the only national university in

This only proves that higher ed-ucation in the Philippines is noth-ing but a commodity. In order to gain superprofit, private financial institutions prevent the society from generation professionals and intellectuals that will further develop the society. Instead, these institutions promote increasing the number of semi-skilled manu-al and labor workers, where these institutions generate the most superprofit. The working class is tied to the minimum wage system which barely supports the daily living of their families, living only enough for the next day where they will enslave their labor force to the capitalists.

Aside from the generation of workers, capitalists had invaded education in order to support its failing system. In order to gener-ate additional superprofit amidst the decreasing average rate of profit, these capitalist-educators invade the educational system and turn it into a for-profit indus-try.

Thus, we call on to all of our fellow Iskolar ng Bayan. We shall collectively act against commer-cialization of education. We shall not only limit this to ourselves, but rise up in masses and bring our issue to the street, where the real parliament belongs.

Iskolar ng Bayan, stand up and fight for our rights.

Several HEIs had already of-fered free tuition fees to selected scholars who pass their entrance exams in flying colors. However, they are only able to do this as they amass millions of profit from high tuition and other fees, with some HEIs reaching up to more than P100,000 pesos per year.

Meanwhile, UP implements the Socialized Tuition Fee Assistance Fee (STFAP) system where, in pa-per, students of high economic status will be imposed with high-er tuition fee while those who came from lower status will have lower tuition fee. This system was revised and will be replaced with the Socialized Tuition System (STS). With STS, the bracketing system is slightly changed; how-

the Philippines. However, instead of providing accessible education to the students of UP and other State Universities and Colleges (SUC), President Benigno “Noy-noy” Aquino III and the Philippine government pushes SUCs to be self-sustaining. Self-sustenance of SUCs can only be achieved through privatization or com-mercialization of education and its assets, leading to high fees and the lease or selling their own assets, which is what happened to UP in the case of the UP-Ayala Technohub and UP Town Center, both owned by the Ayalas, a fi-nancial mogul in the Philippines, and both located in the premises of UP; These lands could instead had been used for research and development of science and tech-nology.

Page 6: Pintig Vol 2014 Issue 1

Center for Nationalist Studies (CNS) is a political educational and research organization, with chapters in UP Diliman, UP Taclo-ban, UP Los Baños and PUP Sta.


Established in 1982 as the Education and Research arm of the USC, CNS established itself as an independent organization in 1985 and as a National-Demo-cratic Mass Organization in 1991.

JOIN US! Contact NICCO @ 0905-606-6288 or message us at our online accounts at located

at page 2.




Hindi buwang angMagasam ng tapang

Animo’y bugaw salumilipad na langaw

Singbigat ng buwig O karagatan ng tubig

Yakagin ang buhayNg tuyong palay

Epal man ang bughawAt dilaw na bataw

Niyayanig ng uhawIsip ay pinupukaw

Damdamdamin ng bayanSinibak ang halaman

At ang ating buhayLalayang tuluyan




Dear Future Isko/Iska:

We, your ates and kuyas in the Center for Nationalist Studies, proudly congratulates you, new Iskolars ng Bayan , who passed the University of the Philip-pines College Admission Test (UPCAT). Amidst high tuition costs and the worsening crisis of a semi-feudal and semi-colo-nial society, you have reached your next step in life as college students.

However, proud as you might be, always bow down and be humble to others, as conceit only do harm. Keep in mind that your fellow students are one with you, just like us: victims of a society driven by wealth and prestige, where only a few rise to the top. In order to go up-wards, we inevitably step down on others.

Others, who we do not real-ize, are one with us.

These are the farmers, who toil the land. Waking up before the break of dawn in order to produce the food we eat, and continues to do so until the sun sets in their life . The workers, who sell their force to manufacture what we use in our daily lives.

As future students of the university, we challenge you to keep an open mind and heart to the truths of society. Fulfill our duties as students of the people: Honor those toil , and Excel in service to the people .

Hope is not lost for everyone, as the best education could not be found in UP, but within our so-ciety. Only through social practice can we genuinely analyze and criticize . As a famous alumnus of UP has said, “Only through genuine militant strugglemcan the best of the youth emerge .”

We would like to end this letter in our favorite quote: “Ang tunay na libro ng isang mag-aaral ay ang lipunang kanyang kinabibilangan , guro niya ang mamamayan , at ang kanyang pagsusulit ay ang pagsasagawa ng mapagpalayang pagkilos.”

Padayon Iskolar ng Bayan! Relearn society, Serve the People!Proudly,

Your Kuyas and Ates in Center for Nationalist StudiesUniversity of the Philippines-Diliman

Dear Future Isko/Iska:

We, your ates and kuyas in the Center for Nationalist Studies, proudly congratulates you, new Iskolars ng Bayan , who passed the University of the Philip-pines College Admission Test (UPCAT). Amidst high tuition costs and the worsening crisis of a semi-feudal and semi-colo-nial society, you have reached your next step in life as college students.

However, proud as you might be, always bow down and be humble to others, as conceit only do harm. Keep in mind that your fellow students are one with you, just like us: victims of a society driven by wealth and prestige, where only a few rise to the top. In order to go up-wards, we inevitably step down on others.

Others, who we do not real-ize, are one with us.

These are the farmers, who toil the land. Waking up before the break of dawn in order to produce the food we eat, and continues to do so until the sun sets in their life . The workers, who sell their force to manufacture what we use in our daily lives.

As future students of the university, we challenge you to keep an open mind and heart to the truths of society. Fulfill our duties as students of the people: Honor those toil , and Excel in service to the people .

Hope is not lost for everyone, as the best education could not be found in UP, but within our so-ciety. Only through social practice can we genuinely analyze and criticize . As a famous alumnus of UP has said, “Only through genuine militant strugglemcan the best of the youth emerge .”

We would like to end this letter in our favorite quote: “Ang tunay na libro ng isang mag-aaral ay ang lipunang kanyang kinabibilangan , guro niya ang mamamayan , at ang kanyang pagsusulit ay ang pagsasagawa ng mapagpalayang pagkilos.”

Padayon Iskolar ng Bayan! Relearn society, Serve the People!Proudly,

Your Kuyas and Ates in Center for Nationalist StudiesUniversity of the Philippines-Diliman