Pink and Light Blue Bordered Email Newsletter€¦ · Title: Pink and Light Blue Bordered Email...

EUROZ CHARITABLE FOUNDATION NEWSLETTER OCTOBER 2019 Euroz is proudly Western Australian focused and we believe that we have an obligation to give back to Western Australian charities in need. In 2006, the Euroz Charitable Foundation (the Foundation ) was formed in a Private Ancillary Fund structure which would allow Euroz to make distributions to worthy charities and contribute to our broader community. The businesses within Euroz and many of our staff members have made consistent donations to the Foundation. The funds of the Foundation continue to contribute and make a difference to Western Australian charities. During the past 13 years, the Foundation has donated over $1.6 million to a broad range of charities. In addition to financial support, employees of the Euroz Group are encouraged to volunteer their time to charities in our communities. YAY OR NAY? > COMMISSION FOR A CAUSE Commission For A Cause is a new charitiable event Euroz initiated in February 2019 whereby 100% of all brokerage generated on a day by Euroz Securities is then donated to charity. At its inaugural event in February, Euroz raised $195,881. This was a fantastic outcome which resulted in three equal donations of over $65,000 being made to each of the following charities: Homeless Healthcare will utilise the funds donated towards providing mobile primary health care to homeless people on the streets of Perth. The donation will also assist with the establishment of a new clinic in Fremantle. Teach For Australia have been providing special skills to their highly motivated and talented teaching associates since 2015. They have now placed 124 associates in Western Australia across metropolitan, regional and rural regions. Funds donated were used to specifically place talented teachers into communities that need them most. Perth Children's Hospital Foundation will put the funds raised towards the establishment of a Centre of Excellence for Childhood Burns at Perth Children’s Hospital (PCH). This is a unique opportunity to improve the long-term health and well-being of Western Australian children living with the physical and hidden scars of childhood burns.

Transcript of Pink and Light Blue Bordered Email Newsletter€¦ · Title: Pink and Light Blue Bordered Email...

Page 1: Pink and Light Blue Bordered Email Newsletter€¦ · Title: Pink and Light Blue Bordered Email Newsletter Author: Bridget Watkins Keywords: DADn9UoJp6o,BADn3iBOwZA Created Date:


Euroz is proudly Western Austra l ian focused and we bel ieve that we have an obl igat ion to g iveback to Western Austra l ian char i t ies in need . In 2006, the Euroz Char i table Foundat ion ( the

Foundat ion ) was formed in a Pr ivate Anc i l lary Fund st ructure which would a l low Euroz to makedist r ibut ions to worthy char i t ies and contr ibute to our broader community .

The bus inesses wi th in Euroz and many of our s taf f members have made cons istent donat ionsto the Foundat ion . The funds of the Foundat ion cont inue to contr ibute and make a d i f ference

to Western Austra l ian char i t ies .

Dur ing the past 13 years , the Foundat ion has donated over $1 .6 mi l l ion to a broad range ofchar i t ies . In addi t ion to f inanc ia l support , employees of the Euroz Group are encouraged to

volunteer the i r t ime to char i t ies in our communit ies .



Commiss ion For A Cause is a new char i t iab le event  Euroz in i t ia ted in February 2019 whereby100% of a l l brokerage generated on a day by Euroz Secur i t ies is then donated to char i ty . At i ts inaugura l event in February , Euroz ra ised $195 ,881 . Th is was a fantast ic outcome whichresul ted in three equal donat ions of over $65 ,000 being made to each of the fo l lowing char i t ies : Homeless Healthcare w i l l ut i l i se the funds donated towards prov id ing mobi le pr imary heal thcare to homeless people on the st reets of Perth . The donat ion wi l l a lso ass is t w i th theestabl ishment of a new c l in ic in Fremant le . Teach For Austra l ia have been prov id ing spec ia l sk i l l s to the i r h ighly mot ivated and ta lentedteaching assoc iates s ince 2015 . They have now placed 124 assoc iates in Western Austra l ia acrossmetropol i tan , reg ional and rura l reg ions . Funds donated were used to spec i f ica l ly p lace ta lentedteachers into communit ies that need them most . Perth Chi ldren 's Hospita l Foundat ion w i l l put the funds ra ised towards the establ ishment of aCentre of Excel lence for Chi ldhood Burns at Perth Chi ldren ’s Hospi ta l (PCH) . Th is is a un iqueopportuni ty to improve the long-term heal th and wel l -be ing of Western Austra l ian ch i ldren l iv ingwith the phys ica l and h idden scars of ch i ldhood burns .

Page 2: Pink and Light Blue Bordered Email Newsletter€¦ · Title: Pink and Light Blue Bordered Email Newsletter Author: Bridget Watkins Keywords: DADn9UoJp6o,BADn3iBOwZA Created Date:


The Father ing Project i s a not- for-prof i torganisat ion that a ims to spread through thecommunity the importance of fathers and fatherf igures . The support of the Euroz Char i tableFoundat ion wi l l fund severa l schools ’ programsin lower soc io-economic areas that otherwisemay have not had the opportuni ty . The object iveof the schools ’ program, in addi t ion toeducat ion , i s to develop a ‘champion dads ’group , which wi l l run act iv i t ies involv ing fathersand the i r ch i ldren . Amongst other th ings , one overarch ing miss ionof The Father ing Project i s to put in p laceprograms and mechanisms to prov ide anef fect ive father f igure in the l ives of every ch i ldin Austra l ia .


The Euroz Cold Water C lass ic event is aboutra is ing awareness and funds for the LeukaemiaFoundat ion through a ser ies of beach andocean sport ing events . The event was created in 2014 by dynamoswimmer Ce inwen Roberts and JamesAnderson . James Anderson 's 3 year o lddaughter Mimi was d iagnosed wi th AcuteLymphoblast ic Leukaemia in May 2014 . Thanksto the help of the Leukaemia Foundat ion andPCH Mimi is now in remiss ion . The Euroz Char i table Foundat ion is proud toreport that we have helped North Cottes loeSurf L i fe Sav ing C lub ra ise over $70 ,000 forthe Leukaemia Foundat ion s ince 2014 .

Page 3: Pink and Light Blue Bordered Email Newsletter€¦ · Title: Pink and Light Blue Bordered Email Newsletter Author: Bridget Watkins Keywords: DADn9UoJp6o,BADn3iBOwZA Created Date:

Euroz is p leased to announce that appl icat ionsare now open for a new Scholarsh ip ( inaugura lEmerg ing Leaders Scholarsh ip) w i th theFundra is ing Inst i tute Austra l ia WA. Thisscholarsh ip is an outstanding ear ly-careeropportuni ty for part ic ipants to improve the i rknowledge of fundra is ing pract ice ; prov ideencouragement to pursue a career in the f ie ld ;and del iver benef i ts to the i r non-prof i torganisat ion and to the wider community . Thescholarsh ip is des igned to prov ide educat ionalopportuni t ies for part ic ipants wi th less thanf ive years in the industry . The Scholarsh ip wi l la l low the rec ip ient to at tend FIA ’s nat ionalconference in 2020. For more informat ionplease v is i t www. f ia .org .au/states/wa/



Euroz is current ly work ing wi th Make A WishAustra l ia to prov ide ser ious ly- i l l WA chi ldrenan opportuni ty to escape the i r rea l i ty and justfocus on be ing a k id . “Wishes” can a l low WAchi ldren to rega in some contro l and open up awor ld of hope and poss ib i l i ty for the future .Euroz a lso part ic ipated in the “Bake-A-Wish”day which is a great and fun way to get a l ls taf f involved in ra is ing more funds .


Euroz Secur i t ies have col laborated wi th Curt inUnivers i ty and the WA School of Mines in ascholarsh ip program to prov ide f inanc ia l ass is tanceto outstanding students who otherwise would nothave the opportuni ty to fur ther the i r s tud ies in theMin ing & Engineer ing industr ies . Euroz Secur i t ies isof fer ing equi ty and mer i t -based scholarsh ips toass is t s tudents in f inanc ia l hardship achieveacademic success . Euroz Secur i t ies has nowgranted 6 Scholarsh ips s ince 2017 wi th a fur ther 3new part ic ipants to be announced in 2020.

Page 4: Pink and Light Blue Bordered Email Newsletter€¦ · Title: Pink and Light Blue Bordered Email Newsletter Author: Bridget Watkins Keywords: DADn9UoJp6o,BADn3iBOwZA Created Date:


Euroz prov ides f inanc ia l support to The WestAust ra l ian Symphony Orchest ra ’s (WASO)Crescendo program based in Kwinana . The program provides free, open and accessiblemusic tuit ion to recipients that would otherwisenot have the means to undertake musical lessons.The program is group based, inclusive and f lex ible . Kwinana , desp i te the recent redeve lopment ofthe area and long- term ef for ts to address soc ia li ssues in the communi ty , s t i l l s i t s a t the top ofthe nat iona l d isadvantage index . WASO ispass ionate about mak ing a d i f fe rence to the l i vesof young people and i t i s for th is reason that i thas chosen to work w i th the Kwinana communi ty .Over 50% of Crescendo par t ic ipants arec lass i f ied as ‘a t r i sk ’ resu l t ing f rom fami lybreakdowns and homelessness . Poor educat iona loutcomes , h igh leve ls o f t ruancy and fami lyconf l i c t a re not uncommon. WASO has launcheda g iv ing c i rc le to connect a group of pat rons tounderwr i te the Kwinana program. Euroz i sde l ighted to be a found ing member of th is c i rc le .


Homeless Heal thcare is a not- for-prof i t char i tyestabl ished in 2008 to advance and promote theheal th of homeless and marg ina l ised people .Improved heal th and wel l -be ing is essent ia l i fthere is to be a rea l chance of a person break ingthe cyc le of homelessness . Homeless Heal thcarerecognises that heal th problems do not occurindependent ly of soc ia l problems. HomelessHeal thcare has the dual a im of improv ing theheal th and wel fare of people whi le they arehomeless . The funds donated by Euroz has helped HomelessHeal thcare open a new c l in ic in the heart ofFremant le WA. Funds have a lso contr ibuted toal lowing two st reet heal th c l in ics to operate onthe same mornings as the mobi le c l in ics in orderto prov ide compl imentary heal thcare by a GP, tohomeless people on the same day .

Page 5: Pink and Light Blue Bordered Email Newsletter€¦ · Title: Pink and Light Blue Bordered Email Newsletter Author: Bridget Watkins Keywords: DADn9UoJp6o,BADn3iBOwZA Created Date:


As part of our ongoing commitment tocommunity involvement , s taf f areencouraged to part ic ipate in vo lunteerprograms where Euroz staf f vo lunteer the i rt ime to ass is t char i t ies in need . Staf f have part ic ipated enthus iast ica l ly inthese in i t ia t ives and have found them veryreward ing .


The Euroz Char i table Foundat ion has beendel ighted to donate to the fo l lowing char i t ies :

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