PIL cases in General

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  • 7/25/2019 PIL cases in General


    Chapter 1: Introduction

    Context of the study

    Web based inventory management system is used in managing, monitoring andmaintaining the Business inventory operations. This system removes errors and

    lessens issues when it comes to the traditional methods of measuring stock levels.

    Web based management system keep tracks of the in and out process of products.

    Sales management System helps business in managing customer relationships.

    It simplifies business processes that help in forming strategic plans to stay organized.

    It entitles all management of activities related to customer sales such as sales

    reporting, orders and invoicing.

    The team will develop a web technology system for managing the inventory and

    sales of Cuna Hardware that will automate the activities in managing and monitoring

    sales and inventory information.

    BackgroundCuna hardware is a family business owned and managed by Julian Go Cuna,

    the late father of Adamson G. Cuna. The business originated from Dagupan City. Its

    original name is Megasco, due to the success of the business they have decided to

    expand their business in Baguio City in the year 1993.

    Cuna hardware has three branches, which are located at Naguilian Road, Pico

    La Trinidad Benguet and wangal benguet which is their main branch. The business

    offers selling of different construction materials. They also provide construction

    supplies to other Hardwares. 88L

    Each branch deals with 50-70 transactions per day, this includes delivery

    transactions to other hardware establishments. Items sold vary from 500 to 800 each

    day. Each branch has a computer and an internet connection. The use of telephone is

    the only way for the three branches to communicate.

    Sales Management

    Cuna Hardwares main business is to sell construction supplies and machines.

    Each branch makes use of a paper based spreadsheet in recording their daily sales

    inventory which is collected by the owner at the end of the day. When a customer

    wants to buy a certain item the secretary will check that certain item on their stock


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    record which is on a paper based spreadsheet that is placed in a clear book. If the item

    is available and the customer would like to buy it, the secretary will issue a cash

    invoice receipt for direct payments. For big orders like construction sites, the mode of

    payment could be in a down payment basis where the customer first would pay the

    half of the total amount in this transaction the secretary would issue a charge invoice

    receipt there the down payment is listed same as the remaining balance, a duplicate

    receipt will be given to the customer. Once the customer paid for the remaining

    balance the secretary will now give the official charge invoice receipt and marks it as

    paid followed by the date. For the main branch they dont make use of the daily sales

    inventory since the owner stays there.

    Inventory Management

    Each branch makes use of a paper based spreadsheet in recording their sales

    inventory. Every item sold is deducted in the inventory list. The main branch doesnt

    make use of their inventory list

    Re ordering of Products

    If a product is unavailable. Every branch could automatically order from the

    supplier, but the owner needs to verify the list of orders to be ordered. The owner is

    responsible for the go signal.

    Receiving delivered products

    If the products arrived, the secretary will double check the list of the items and

    update the inventory list. The owner is responsible for the go signal of the delivery

    coming from the supplier.

    1.1Statement of the Problem

    The project focuses in the development of Cuna Hardwares inventory and sales

    management system. It specifically answers the following questions:

    How will the system be implemented and deployed?

    What are the functional requirements for Cuna Hardwares Sales

    and Inventory Management System?What technologies will be used in developing the inventory and

    sales management system of Cuna Hardware

    1.2Scope of the Project


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    The project will primarily focus on creating a system specifically for the Cua

    Hardware. The project will cover the inventory and transaction process of the

    company. The system will be a web based application that will provide the

    company employees efficiency in their work. The web app will have the ability to let

    the owner view the updates in the different business operations of the company

    branches. It will also be used by the secretaries as well as the managers to view

    and entertain incoming orders. It will also provide the customers a hassle-free

    experience on buying their desired product.

    1.3Statement of Objectives

    The main goal of the project is to develop a web based inventory and sales

    management system of Cuna Hardware that would help improve its business


    To implement and deploy a web based application for the inventory and sales

    management system of Cuna Hardware using the selected technologies and

    system architecture.

    To determine features that could be implemented in the development of the

    system and functional requirements of the proposed system.

    1.4Significance of Study

    The proposed project would help the company in making their system organized

    with this way the company would be able to keep track of their different stocks on

    a daily basis as well as their sales. The system would help the owner check its

    different branches. This would make the daily business operations of the business

    establishment faster at the same time accurate.

    Chapter 2: Methodology

    The model that the team will be using in this methodology is the scrum model.

    This development model was chosen due to its incremental and iterative nature. The

    advantage of using scrum development model is the direction of the project is

    adjustable or changeable since the basis of the progress of the project is the results or

    the assessment of every sprint.

    There are five phases in the scrum development model, this phases are the

    initiate, plan and estimate, implement, review and retrospect, and release. In the

    Initiate phase, the processes that are included are the processes that are related to the


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    initiation of a project. The initiate phase is where the vision for the project is being

    created, also this phase is where a scrum master and stakeholders will be identified,

    another is that this phase is where the forming of the scrum team will occur, and last

    is the conducting release is being planned and the prioritized product backlog is being

    created. Therefore this phase is the first phase on creating a project. The plan and

    estimate phase is where the used stories is being create, approve, estimate and

    commit, this is also where a task is being estimated and a sprint backlog is being

    created. The implement phase is where a task is being executed and a project product

    is being created. The Review and retrospect phases is where the accomplish work and

    the deliverable is being review, also in this phase the developer can improve the

    method that was been used in to the project. And the last is the release phase, this iswhere a complete deliverable or a project is being delivered to a customer and also this

    is where the lessons learned will be identified, documented and internalize.

    Chapter 3: Outcomes and Results




    - Update stocks (real time)- Track location of stocks and their quantity within the ompany!- "aises a si#nal whether a product has reached the minimum

    quantity of a$aila%ility!- & ustomer may cancel his'her order wherein the products in the

    cancelled order will %e counted %ack to the in$entory!- The need to produce a report that shows the list of sales transaction

    and their correspondin# details- The need to automatically calculate the due date of the last

    payment for the installments'down payments-


    - *uantity of stocks and their location!- "ecord of customers from the day they a$ailed the product!- +aily records of total sales!- ate#ori,e types of hardware throu#h the use of Ta#s!- "ecords of items returned (i!e! +efected items) %y the ustomer

    %ased upon warranty!

    - "ecommended orders and new items are displayed!- "ecords the information such as item name item description and

    cate#ory- how the return transaction that took place in the company- how items that are frequently returned %y the customers- how the total num%er of orders for a particular item!- how all heque information that the company recei$ed


  • 7/25/2019 PIL cases in General


    - The need to capture information re#ardin# the suppliers- The need to capture information a%out the cate#ories of their

    products- The need to produce a report that shows the list of product models

    in the in$entory and the correspondin# details

    - The need to produce a report that shows the list of suppliers and

    their correspondin# details- The need to produce a report that shows information a%out the

    a$aila%le stocks of a product-

    Design Specification

    Activity Diagram


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    Data Flow Diagram


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    Data Dictionary


    Accountant = Employee_ID + Employee_Name + Employee_Address


    Approved_Invoice = {Invoice} + Confirm_Approval + Proval_Date



    Customer_AddressNo = {digit}

    Customer_City = {character}

    Customer_fName = {character}

    Customer_lName = {character}

    Customer_M.I = {character}

    Customer_Street = {character}

    Category = {character}

    Check_Availability = [Yes/No]

    Confirm_Approval = [Manager_Approval | Manager_Dissaproval]

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    Customer = Customer_ID + Customer_Name + Customer_Address

    + Customer_ContactNo

    Customer_Address = Customer_AddressNo+ Customer_Street +


    Customer_ContactNo = {digit}

    Customer_ID = {digit}

    Customer_Name = Customer_lName + Customer_fName + Customer_M.I


    Date_Ordered = [MM/DD/YYYY]

    Date_Issued = [MM/DD/YYYY]

    Date_Purchased = [MM/DD/YYYY]

    Date_Supplied = [MM/DD/YYYY]


    Employee_AddressNo = {digit}

    Employee_City = {character}

    Employee_fName = {character}

    Employee_lName = {character}

    Employee_M.I = {character}

    Employee_Street = {character}

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    Employee_Address = Employee_AddressNo + Employee_Street +


    Employee_ContactNo = {digit}

    Employee_ID = {digit}

    Employee_Name = Employee_lName + Employee_fName +Employee_M.I


    Foot = {digit} + {character}


    Gallon = {digit} + {character}



    Inventory_Details = [Total_Sales |Returns]

    Invoice = Invoice_No + Supplier_ID + Supplier_Name+

    Product_ID +

    Product_Name + Supplier_Amount +

    Supplier_Quantity+ Unit + Date_Supplied

    Invoice Store = {Invoice} + Invoice_Date

    Invoice_Date = [MM/DD/YYYY]

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    Invoice_No = {digit}



    Kilogram = {digit} + {character}


    Length = {digit} + {character}

    Liter = {digit} + {character}


    Manager_fName = {character}

    Manager_lName = {character}

    Manager_M.I = {character}

    Manager = Manager_ID + Manager_Name + Manager_ContactNo

    Manager_ContactNo = {digit}

    Manager_ID = {digit}

    Manager_Name = Manager_lName +Manager_fName +Manager_M.I



    = Product_ID +Product_Name + Purchase_Quantity +

    Unit + Purchase_Date + Supplier_ID

    Measurement = [Foot|Gallon|Kilogram|Length|Liter|Meter|Pc|


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    Meter = {digit} + {character}


    No = (New)Purchase_Request


    Order = Order_ID + Product_Name +Product_Quantity + Unit


    Product_Amount + Date_Ordered

    Order_ID = {digit}

    Ordered_Products = Product_ID + Product_Name + Supplier_Quantity +

    Unit + Supplier_Amount + Date_Supplied


    Pc = {digit} + {character}

    Product = Product_ID + Product_Name + Date_Purchased

    + Category + Product_Quantity + Unit +Warranty +

    Product_Amount + Supplier_ID

    Product_Amount = {character} + {digit}

    Product_ID = {digit}

    Product_Name = {character}


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    Product_Quantity = {digit}

    Product_Request = Product_Name + Product_Quantity + Unit

    Product_State = [Invalid/Replacement]

    Proval_Date = [MM/DD/YYYY]

    Purchase_Date = [MM/DD/YYYY]

    Purchase_Details = Product_ID + Product_Name + Unit +


    Purchase_Quantity = {digit}



    = Invoice + Invoice_Date

    Purchase_Request = Product_ID +Product_Name + Purchase_Quantity +

    Unit + Purchase_Date + Supplier_ID

    Purchase_Store = [Manager_Purchase_Request | Purchase_Request]



    Receipt = Receipt_No + Product_ID + Product_Name +

    Sold_Quantity +

    Unit + Product_Amount + Warranty_Date

    Receipt_No = {digit}


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    Reports = [Sales_Record_Details | Purchase_Record_Details |

    Inventory_Details ]

    Returns = Receipt_No + Return_Quantity + Unit


    Return_Quantity = {digit}


    Sales = Order_ID

    Sales_Details = Sales_ID + {Order}

    Sales_ID = {digit}

    Sales_Record = [Manager_Purchase_Request | Purchase_Request]

    Sales_Record_Details = [Sales | Returns]

    Sold_Quantity = {digit}

    Sq._Foot = {digit} + {character}

    Sq._Meter = {digit} + {character}

    Supplier = Supplier_ID + Supplier_Name

    Supplier_Amount = {character} + {digit}

    Supplier_ID = {character}

    Supplier_Name = {character}

    Supplier_Quantity = {digit}


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    True = Measurement


    Unit = [True/False]



    Warranty_Date = [MM/DD/YYYY]

    Warranty_Information = Receipt_No + Date_Issued + Warranty_Date



    Yard = {digit} + {character}

    Yes = (New) Order



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    Entity Relationship Diagram


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    Data Schema

    CASH (Payment_ID, Amount)

    FK Payment_ID References PAYMENT Nulls Not Allowed

    CHEQUE (Cheque_No, Payment_ID, Amount, Cheque_Date_Issued, Cheque_Expired,


    FK Payment_ID References PAYMENT Nulls Not Allowed

    CUSTOMER (Customer_ID, Customer_Name, Customer_Address,


    ONLINE (Order_ID, Order_Date)

    FK Order_ID References ORDER Nulls Not Allowed

    ORDER(Order_ID, Product_Name, Product_Quantity, Unit, Product_Amount,

    Date_Ordered, Customer_ID, Product_ID)

    FK Customer_ID References CUSTOMER Nulls Not Allowed

    Product_ID References PRODUCT Nulls Not Allowed

    PAYMENT (Payment_ID, Payment_Date, Payment_Time, Payment_amount,


    FK Customer_ID References Customer Nulls Not Allowed

    PRODUCT(Product_ID, Product_Name, Date Purchased, Category, Product_Quantity,

    Unit, Warranty, Product_Amount, Supplier_ID)

    FK Supplier_ID References SUPPLIER Nulls Not Allowed

    RECEIPT(Receipt_No, Product Name, Quantity, Amount, Sales_ID)

    FK Sales_ID References SALES Nulls Not Allowed, Delete Restrict, Update


    RETURNS (Return_No, Product_Name, Quantity, Product_Status, Sales_ID,


    FK Supplier_ID References SUPPLIER Nulls Not Allowed

    Sales_ID References SALES Nulls Not Allowed


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    SALES (Sales_ID, Product_ID, Product_Name, Product_Quantity, Unit,

    Product_Amount, Date_Ordered, Receitp_No)

    FK Product_ID References PRODUCT Nulls Not Allowed

    Receipt_No References RECEIPT Nulls Not Allowed

    SUPPLIER (Supplier_ID , Supplier_Name, Supplier_Address, Contact_number,


    FK Product_ID References PRODUCT Nulls Not Allowed

    WALKIN (Order_ID, Order_Date)

    FK Order_ID References ORDER Nulls Not Allowed


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    Home page of the system when accessed by the user.


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    Products tab that provides different categories of products that are sold in Cua


    This page consists of general information about Cua Hardware.

    This page consists of contact information of Cua Hardware that can be used by the

    user for comments and suggestion.


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    Organized Data


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    Chapter 4: Conclusions and Recommendation

    The main problem of the business process is paper-based sales record, wherein,

    they have to keep valuable data in tangible form. Because of data being tangible,

    certain issues arise such as, inaccuracy and inconsistency of data caused by human

    error, permanent loss of data caused by events. Another problem is that each branch

    have their own independent inventory in which the Manager needs to go to monitor or

    collect daily transaction of the business process. This paper-based record helps them

    to keep track of their business transaction, however, sometimes it leads to inaccuracy

    because of changing prices in the paper records when balancing the inventory and in

    statement of assets and liabilities.

    Having a centralized inventory which will help the Manager to monitor the

    inventory of each branches to main branch, at the same time, it reduces the cost and

    time travelling each branches to collect business transactions. This main branch can

    access the inventory of the other branches while the branches can only access their

    own inventory. For every transaction made, the inventory is being updated to keep

    track of the number of supplies. The main branch will check the inventory of the other

    branches for the availability of the item.
