Pidato BIG Aksioma Menghormati Ortu Guru

Respect For Parents And Teachers Assalamualaikum wr.wb 1. Your Excellency all of the jury 2. Respectable...... 3. Honorable......... 4. Unforgettable all my friends whom i love. Firstly, let’s thanks to Allah SWT who has been giving us some mercies and blessings so we can attend and gather in this place in good condition and happy situation. Secondly, may peace and salutation always be given to the noble of islam, prophet Muhammad peace be upon him (PBUH) who has been guided us from the darkness to the lightness, from the stupidity to the cleverness, from jahiliyyah era to the islamic era namely islam, our true religion. Thirdly, i don’t forget to say thanks to the MC, who has been giving me the valuable opportunity. Ladies and gentlemen, I’m standing in front of you all, i’d like to deliver my speech under the title respect for parents and teachers I'm sure we all agree that the most meritorious and most loved us are parents . No parents who do not love their children . Moreover , the parents are willing to give anything including their life for us. Therefore, it is not excessive if there is a proverb that says " the love of the mother is all the time , while the love of child is as long as penggala" even at the peroid of the Prophet Muhammad Saw , One day someone asked Nabi Muhammad Saw , " Who is the best proper to get my admiration , Prophet ? " " Your mother , " replied the Prophet briefly . " and then ? " he asked.



Transcript of Pidato BIG Aksioma Menghormati Ortu Guru

Page 1: Pidato BIG Aksioma Menghormati Ortu Guru

Respect For Parents And Teachers

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

1. Your Excellency all of the jury

2. Respectable......

3. Honorable.........

4. Unforgettable all my friends whom i love.

Firstly, let’s thanks to Allah SWT  who has been giving us some mercies and blessings so

we can attend and gather  in this place in good condition and happy situation.

Secondly, may peace and salutation always be given to the noble of islam, prophet

Muhammad peace be upon him (PBUH) who has been guided us from the darkness to the

lightness, from the stupidity to the cleverness, from jahiliyyah era to the islamic era namely

islam, our true religion.

Thirdly, i don’t  forget to say thanks to the MC, who has been giving me the valuable


Ladies and gentlemen,

I’m standing in front of you all, i’d like to deliver my speech under the title respect for

parents and teachers

I'm sure we all agree that the most meritorious and most loved us are parents . No parents who do not love their children . Moreover , the parents are willing to give anything including their life for us. Therefore, it is not excessive if there is a proverb that says " the love of the mother is all the time , while the love of child is as long as penggala" even at the peroid of the Prophet Muhammad Saw , One day someone asked Nabi Muhammad Saw , " Who is the best proper to get my admiration , Prophet ? "" Your mother , " replied the Prophet briefly ." and then ? " he asked." Your mother , " the Prophet still give the same answer ." and then ? " he kept asking ." Your mother , " the Prophet gave the same answer three times ."and then? Prophet ? "" Your father . "reply the prophet Therefore, let us give our respect to our parents and always pray for them .

صغيرا ربياني كما وارحمهما لوالدي و لي اغفر اللهم

Allah , forgive me and my parents , and love them like they love me when I was young.

Beside our parents, there are figure that we must be respected should the parents , they are the teachers. Teachers are our parents while we are in the school . Because the teachers teach us science , morals , attitude , and many other things.

Page 2: Pidato BIG Aksioma Menghormati Ortu Guru

Our Prophet Muhammad Saw said : Who glorifies a religious person or teacher, That is same with glorify Allah.. 

A teacher of course have many obstacles and trobles in educate and share their knowledge to us . Start from our naughtiness , our bad attitude , until our disrespect and unappreciate. Therefore the audience , we as a student should give our respect to the parents and the teachers . Because both of them figures have a lot of merit to us.

Brothers and sisters who are blessed of God , That’s all my speech. I hope it will be useful for all of us. Thank you very much for your attention.

Wabillahittaufiq walhidayah

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Page 3: Pidato BIG Aksioma Menghormati Ortu Guru

Arti pidato

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

1. Yang saya mulyakan ..

2. Yang saya hormati

3. Yang saya hormati

4. Yang tidak terlupakan teman – teman yang saya cintai

Pertama, mari kita terima kasih kepada Allah SWT yang telah memberikan kita rahmat dan

hidayah sehingga kita dapat hadir dan berkumpul di tempat ini dalam kondisi baik dan situasi

yang bahagia. 

Kedua, sholawat dan salam selalu diberikan kepada mulia islam, Nabi Muhammad saw (saw)

yang telah menuntun kita dari kegelapan menuju keterangan, dari kebodohan menuju

kecerdasan, dari era jahiliah ke era islamik yaitu islam, agama kita yang sebenarnya. 

Ketiga, saya tidak lupa mengucapkan terima kasih kepada MC, yang telah memberi saya

kesempatan berharga. 

para hadirin,

Saya berdiri di depan Anda semua, saya ingin menyampaikan pidato saya dengan judul

menghormati orang tua dan guru.

Saya yakin kita semua setuju bahwa orang yang paling berjasa sekaligus yang paling

menyayangi kita adalah orang tua. Tidak ada orang tua yang tidak menyayangi anaknya.

Bahkan orang tua rela mengorbankan apapun termasuk nyawanya demi kita, seorang anak.

Oleh karena itu tidak berlebihan jika ada peribahasa yang mengatakan “kasih ibu sepanjang

masa, kasih anak sepanjang penggala” bahkan pada zaman Nabi Muhammad Saw, Suatu hari

ada seorang sahabat bertanya kepada Nabi SAW, “Siapakah yang patut memperoleh

penghormatan terbaik dariku, wahai Nabi?”

“Ibumu,” jawab Nabi singkat.

”Lalu siapa lagi?” sahabat kembali bertanya.

“Ibumu,” Nabi tetap memberi jawaban yang sama.

“Lalu siapa?” sahabat itu terus bertanya.

“Ibumu,” lagi-lagi Nabi memberi jawaban yang sama hingga tiga kali.

Page 4: Pidato BIG Aksioma Menghormati Ortu Guru

“Lalu siapa, wahai Nabi?”


Oleh karena itu marilah kita berbakti kepada kedua orangtua dan senantiasa berdoa

untuk mereka.

�ه�م� �لل ا  ا ��ر ص�غ�ي ��ي �ان �ي ب ر� �م�ا ك ح�م�ه�م�ا �و�ار �د�ي� �و�ال ل و� ��ي ل �اغ�ف�ر

Ya Allah, ampunilah aku dan kedua orangtuaku, dan sayangilah mereka sebagaimana

mereka telah menyayangiku di waktu aku masih kecil.

Selain orang tua, ada sosok yang juga harus dihormati selayaknya orang tua, yakni

guru kita. Guru adalah orang tua kita selama kita berada di sekolah. Karena para guru lah

yang mengajarkan kita ilmu, akhlak, sopan santun, dan banyak hal lainnya.

Rasulallah bersabda : Siapa yang memuliakan orang alim atau guru sesungguhnya dia

memuliakan Allah..

Seorang guru tentunya memiliki rintangan dan cobaan dalam mendidik dan

menyalurkan ilmu kepada kita. Mulai dari kenakalan kita, sikap tidak sopan kita, sampai

sikap tidak menghormati dan tidak menghargai kita. Oleh karena itu para hadirin, kita sebagai

seorang murid hendaknya menghormati orang tua dan guru kita. Karena kedua sosok tersebut

memiliki jasa yang sangat bear kepada kita.

Saudara-saudaraku yang dirahmati Allah, demikian yang dapat saya sampaikan.

Mohon maaf atas segala kekurangan. Billahit-taufiq wal hidayah..

�ُه� �اُت ك �ر� ب و� ��ُه الل ح�م�ُة� ر� و� ��م �ُك �ي َع�ل �ُم� َال �لَّس� وا