Picture Interpretation

Picture interpretation Hi everyone! Here we a have many different ideas to work with interpretation and to fill in those five minutes we have left in class in a very funny way. Every class, you can choose one cartoon and respective questions and show to your students in order to make a picture interpretation. They won´t get tired, because it will be only one cartoon at time, and also they will be able to exercise they communication in a different context. First, print the image of a A4 size paper. If you have 10 students in class, the maximum number, you should print two pictures and give one for every five students. Once you have handled the pictures, you can start asking questions to your students, and this kind of activity is very important, because there´s not right or wrong answer and your students will use their imagination. For each of the pictures, I´ll give you some suggestions on what to ask, but you can also make your own questions. Take a look at the cutouts!

Transcript of Picture Interpretation

Page 1: Picture Interpretation

Picture interpretation

Hi everyone!

Here we a have many different ideas to work with interpretation and to fill in those five

minutes we have left in class in a very funny way.

Every class, you can choose one cartoon and respective questions and show to your

students in order to make a picture interpretation. They won´t get tired, because it will

be only one cartoon at time, and also they will be able to exercise they communication

in a different context.

First, print the image of a A4 size paper. If you have 10 students in class, the maximum

number, you should print two pictures and give one for every five students. Once you

have handled the pictures, you can start asking questions to your students, and this

kind of activity is very important, because there´s not right or wrong answer and your

students will use their imagination.

For each of the pictures, I´ll give you some suggestions on what to ask, but you can

also make your own questions.

Take a look at the cutouts!

Page 2: Picture Interpretation

ANEXO 01 – picture 1


Page 3: Picture Interpretation

ANEXO 02 – picture 2


Page 4: Picture Interpretation

ANEXO 03 – picture 3


Page 5: Picture Interpretation

ANEXO 04 – picture 4


Page 6: Picture Interpretation

ANEXO 05 – picture 5


Page 7: Picture Interpretation

ANEXO 06 – picture 6


Page 8: Picture Interpretation

ANEXO 07 – picture 7


Page 9: Picture Interpretation

ANEXO 08 – picture 8


Page 10: Picture Interpretation

ANEXO 09 – picture 9


Page 11: Picture Interpretation

Suggested Questions and answers

ANEXO 01 – picture 1

Questions suggestion:

1. Who is Susan?

2. What did the woman and Susan talk about?

3. Why is Mary interested in what they talked about?

4. What are they talking about?

5. What are they wearing?

Students´ possible answers:

1. She's their coworker.

2. They swapped many recipes.

3. Because Mary wants Susan's pot roast recipe. (Pot roast = baked meat)

4. They are talking about each other´s clothes and making compliments.

5. The woman on the left is wearing a dress with triangles stamped on,

high heel shoes, a belt and a bracelet. The woman on the right is

wearing a skirt and a blazer with a scarf on her neck and high heel


Questions suggestion:

ANEXO 02 – picture 2

1. Who are these two?

2. Why are the Mayers coming to visit them?

3. What are they going to talk about?

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Students´ possible answers:

1. They're siblings: Mary (Tyler) Moore and Tony Tyler.

2. Because they're interested in buying a house that belongs to the Tylers.

3. They're going to talk about money.

ANEXO 03 – picture 3

Questions suggestion:

1. Why are they having a picture taken?

2. Where are they?

3. What are they going to do now?

Students´ possible answers:

1. Because they love to hang family pictures up on the walls of their house.

2. They're at an amusement park.

3. They're gonna go on a boat ride.

ANEXO 04 – picture 4

Questions suggestion:

1. Who are these girls?

2. What is the woman saying?

3. What are they going to do now?

Students´ possible answers:

1. They're classmates and now they're having their PE (Physical

Education) class.

2. "Girls, one more series of pushups and we're done.

Page 13: Picture Interpretation

3. Some of them are going to faint!

ANEXO 05 – picture 5

Questions suggestion:

1. Who are these people?

2. What are they going to watch?

3. Do you think the kids are really going to enjoy the movie?

Students´ possible answers:

1. The couple is Sara and John Bell. The kids are the Bell kids, and the

other guy is someone they met at the theater.

ANEXO 06 – picture 6

Questions suggestion:

1. Where was Jennie’s mother?

2. Who is Teresa?

3. What did Jennie do while her mother was away?

Students´ possible answers:

1. She was at a Hair and Beauty Convention.

2. Teresa is a little girl who lives next door to Jennie and her parents.

3. Jennie played with Teresa. She also went to the swimming pool with

Teresa and her mother.

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ANEXO 07 – picture 7

Questions suggestion:

1. Why is Mrs. Geller having a dinner party?

2. Why did she hire a cook?

3. Who is coming to dinner?

Students´ possible answers:

1. Just because she loves to have people over.

2. Because she wants this to be a Spanish dinner, and the cook is from


3. A few of her neighbors and her sisters.

ANEXO 08 – picture 8

Questions suggestion:

1. Who is this woman?

2. Why does she need Mindy’s help?

3. What is Mindy going to do?

Students´ possible answers:

1. She’s Mrs. Jonas, the principal at Mindy’s school.

2. Because she needs to show new students around the school, and she

wants Mindy to do that for her.

3. Mindy is going to take the new students on a tour and show them where

the canteen and the playground are.

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ANEXO 09 – picture 9

Questions suggestion:

1. Why does that man have so many cats and dogs?

2. Why does Rick want a pet?

3. What does Rick’s mother think about getting a pet?

Students´ possible answers:

1. Because he lives in a huge house and he loves animals.

2. Because his sister has one, and now Rick wants to have his own pet.

3. She doesn´t like them and think they´re dirty.

Marilys Pinheiro

Pedagógico Inglês

(17) 3216-8700
