/********PIC16F887******* HI-Tech C compiler Programmer : http://vto22012.blogspot.com/ *********************************** */ #include <htc.h> #define _XTAL_FREQ 20000000 //crystal speed 20Mhz __CONFIG(0X3F32); //set configuration bits. Refer to PIC datasheet. #include <stdio.h> // standard I/O c language /********LCD Driver start ************************************************/ /* LCD controller // (max characters is 40) // Initialization: lcd_init(); // To print a string: printf("Hello World"); // A few more formatting subroutines are available. // See towards the end of this page. // macros to isolate interface dependencies // LCD is connected to PORTD */ #define LCDPort PORTD #define LCDTris TRISD #define Epin 6 #define RWpin 5 #define RSpin 4 #define BUSYpin 3 #define DATA0pin 0 #define DATA1pin 1 #define DATA2pin 2 #define DATA3pin 3 #define EHIGH bitset(LCDPort, Epin) #define ELOW bitclr(LCDPort, Epin) #define E_OUTPUT bitclr(LCDTris, Epin) #define RSHIGH bitset(LCDPort, RSpin) #define RSLOW bitclr(LCDPort, RSpin) #define RS_OUTPUT bitclr(LCDTris, RSpin) #define RWHIGH bitset(LCDPort, RWpin) #define RWLOW bitclr(LCDPort, RWpin) #define RW_OUTPUT bitclr(LCDTris, RWpin) #define BUSY_FLAG bittst(LCDPort, BUSYpin) #define DATA_DIR_RD {bitset(LCDTris,DATA3pin);bitset(LCDTris,DATA2pin);bitset(LCDTris,DATA1pin);bits et(LCDTris,DATA0pin);} #define DATA_DIR_WR {bitclr(LCDTris,DATA3pin);bitclr(LCDTris,DATA2pin);bitclr(LCDTris,DATA1pin);bitc lr(LCDTris,DATA0pin);} #define OUTPUT_DATA(x) {int aval=LCDPort&0xF0; x = x & 0x0F; LCDPort=aval+x;} // some common defines #define bitset(var,bitno) ((var) |= (1 << (bitno))) #define bitclr(var,bitno) ((var) &= ~(1 << (bitno))) #define bittst(var,bitno) (var & (1 << (bitno))) void epulse(void){ __delay_us(1);

Transcript of PIC and LCD

/********PIC16F887******* HI-Tech C compiler Programmer : http://vto22012.blogspot.com/************************************/

#include <htc.h>#define _XTAL_FREQ 20000000 //crystal speed 20Mhz__CONFIG(0X3F32); //set configuration bits. Refer to PIC datasheet.#include <stdio.h> // standard I/O c language

/********LCD Driver start ************************************************/

/* LCD controller// (max characters is 40)// Initialization: lcd_init();// To print a string: printf("Hello World");// A few more formatting subroutines are available. // See towards the end of this page.

// macros to isolate interface dependencies// LCD is connected to PORTD */

#define LCDPort PORTD#define LCDTris TRISD#define Epin 6#define RWpin 5#define RSpin 4#define BUSYpin 3#define DATA0pin 0#define DATA1pin 1#define DATA2pin 2#define DATA3pin 3

#define EHIGH bitset(LCDPort, Epin)#define ELOW bitclr(LCDPort, Epin)#define E_OUTPUT bitclr(LCDTris, Epin)#define RSHIGH bitset(LCDPort, RSpin)#define RSLOW bitclr(LCDPort, RSpin)#define RS_OUTPUT bitclr(LCDTris, RSpin)#define RWHIGH bitset(LCDPort, RWpin)#define RWLOW bitclr(LCDPort, RWpin)#define RW_OUTPUT bitclr(LCDTris, RWpin)#define BUSY_FLAG bittst(LCDPort, BUSYpin)#define DATA_DIR_RD {bitset(LCDTris,DATA3pin);bitset(LCDTris,DATA2pin);bitset(LCDTris,DATA1pin);bitset(LCDTris,DATA0pin);}#define DATA_DIR_WR {bitclr(LCDTris,DATA3pin);bitclr(LCDTris,DATA2pin);bitclr(LCDTris,DATA1pin);bitclr(LCDTris,DATA0pin);}#define OUTPUT_DATA(x) {int aval=LCDPort&0xF0; x = x & 0x0F; LCDPort=aval+x;}

// some common defines

#define bitset(var,bitno) ((var) |= (1 << (bitno)))#define bitclr(var,bitno) ((var) &= ~(1 << (bitno)))#define bittst(var,bitno) (var & (1 << (bitno)))

void epulse(void){ __delay_us(1);

EHIGH; __delay_us(1); ELOW; __delay_us(1);}

void lcd_write( unsigned char cmd, unsigned char data_flag, unsigned char chk_busy, unsigned char dflag){ char bflag,c; if (chk_busy) { RSLOW; //RS = 0 to check busy // check busy DATA_DIR_RD; //set data pins all inputs RWHIGH; // R/W = 1, for read do { EHIGH; __delay_us(1); // upper 4 bits bflag = BUSY_FLAG; ELOW; __delay_us(1); epulse(); } while(bflag); } else { __delay_ms(10); // don't use busy, just delay } DATA_DIR_WR; if (data_flag) RSHIGH; // RS=1, data byte else RSLOW; // RS=0, command byte // device is not busy RWLOW; // R/W = 0, for write c = cmd >> 4; // send upper 4 bits OUTPUT_DATA(c); epulse(); if (dflag) { c = cmd & 0x0F; //send lower 4 bits OUTPUT_DATA(c); epulse(); }}

void lcd_init(void) { // configure, see control pins as outputs // initialize as low E_OUTPUT; RS_OUTPUT; RW_OUTPUT; ELOW; RSLOW; RWLOW; __delay_ms(25); //wait for device to settle __delay_ms(25); lcd_write(0x20,0,0,0); // 4 bit interface lcd_write(0x28,0,0,1); // 2 line display, 5x7 font lcd_write(0x28,0,0,1); // repeat lcd_write(0x06,0,0,1); // enable display lcd_write(0x0C,0,0,1); // turn display on; cursor, blink is off lcd_write(0x01,0,0,1); // clear display, move cursor to home __delay_ms(3); // wait for busy flag to be ready}

// send 8 bit char to LCD

void putch (char c) { lcd_write(c,1,1,1);}

void lcd_clear(void){ lcd_write(0x01,0,0,1); // clear display, move cursor to home}

/* go to the specified position */void lcd_goto(unsigned char row, unsigned char pos){switch(row){case 1:{lcd_write(0x80+pos,0,1,1);break;}case 2:{lcd_write(0xC0+pos,0,1,1);break;}case 3:{lcd_write(0x94+pos,0,1,1);break;}case 4:{lcd_write(0xD4+pos,0,1,1);break;} }}

void lcd_shiftleft(void){ lcd_write(0x18,0,1,1); // shift left} void lcd_shiftright(void){ lcd_write(0x1C,0,1,1); // shift right}

void lcd_blinkcursor(void){ lcd_write(0x0F,0,1,1); // displays and blink a cursor}

void lcd_printbar(int bar){ for(int i=0; i<bar; i++){ lcd_write(0xFF,1,1,1); // print bars on the LCD }}

void lcd_string(const char *s) //send a string to display in the lcd{ unsigned char i=0; while (s && *s)lcd_write(*s++,1,1,1);


/********************LCD Driver End****************************************************/

/*******************start main program *************************************/void main(void){

TRISD = 0b00000000; // configure all RD pin as outputPORTD = 0b00000000; // reset all RD pin to 0 or off

conditionANSEL = 0; // Configure AN pins as digital

ANSELH = 0; C1ON = 0; // Disable comparators C2ON = 0;

lcd_init(); // initialise LCD

while(1){ // loop forever lcd_goto(1,0); //Display start at line 1 and position 0

printf("Tutorial PIC"); //displaylcd_goto(2,0); //Display start at line 2 position 0printf("visit:vto22012");

//can use normal printf function like printf("Convert number %d",temp);}}/***********************main program end****************************************/