Physics-Based Modeling Ming C. Lin Department of Computer Science University of North Carolina lin...

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Transcript of Physics-Based Modeling Ming C. Lin Department of Computer Science University of North Carolina lin...

Page 1: Physics-Based Modeling Ming C. Lin Department of Computer Science University of North Carolina lin geom

Physics-Based Modeling

Ming C. Lin Department of Computer Science

University of North Carolina[email protected]

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New Needs

Add more realistic and higher fidelity simulations, especially for urban simulations/scenarios.

Physics-based computations: weather effects, explosions, entity simulation, spatialized sound effects, shadows, environmental effects, etc.

Require modeling/simulation of civilians: “heterogeneous crowds”

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Some Issues

Performance vs. FidelityValidation and VerificationAssessment & Evaluation

– “Correct training”– Performance enhancement– Cost saving

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Speed vs. Fidelity/Accuracy

Multiresolution framework Perception-basedData driven + Physics + New Math

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High Energy Fluid-Elastic Interaction

Fluid phenomena everywhere in real worldSource of interesting phenomena – from

interaction and fluid itself

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Fluid notoriously difficult to simulate– Mathematically:

• Nonlinear• Characteristics travel with high or infinite


– Computationally:• Volume discretization• Stability problems• Resists paralleization

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Fluid-solid interaction difficult:– Fluid typically Eulerian– Solid objects typically Lagrangian

Interaction introduces severe meshing problems

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Our Approach

We want to simulate interaction of fluids & solids– Do it at high fluid energy levels– “Solid” bodies enter elastic regime

We want a method that is fast and capable of handling high-energy fluids

We need to handle meshing issues

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Our Approach

Fast -> parallel– Parallel means local operators

Residual distribution schemes (RDS)– A technique developed in aeronautical

community for simulating the Euler equations. [Roe '81]

Very simple, local stencils based on wave models of problem equation.

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Residual Distribution Schemes

Consider simple 1D passive advection:





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Residual Distribution Schemes

Each discrete cell moves along a characteristic

Think of the characteristic as a “signal” that is

sent to the next cell

At each timestep, each cell sends a portion of

its value to the next cell

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Residual Distribution SchemesIn RDS, each signal is derived from the residual

(or fluctuation) of the equation over each cell.

This example is very simple – we have

constant-speed advection

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Burger's Equation

Nonlinear extension to linear advection– Characteristics depend on unknowns



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RDS Procedure

For each cell:– Compute fluctuation, decompose into

waves– Distribute waves to incident nodes

• Accumulate updates

For each node:– Time-integrate updates

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RDS Procedure

Lends itself to parallelization:– Perform cell computation in parallel

• Atomic node accumulation

– Barrier– Perform node integration in parallel– Barrier

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We use a standard FEM model of linear elasticity for solid objects.

Iterative solve (conjugate gradient) for new displacements– Parts of CG amenable to parallelization

RDS-based elasticity (in progress)

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Mesh Wrangling

Elastic solve does not take fluid domain mesh into account– Elastic deformations likely to invert fluid

tetrahedra. We use a weakly stiff elasticity on the

fluid tetrahedra to enforce postive volumes

Practical and cheap

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Mesh Refinement

Semi-regular refinement splits tets into 8 children– 4 similar– 4 others

Currently only static in use – Suitable for multigrid, etc.

Dynamic in progress

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Results - Timing

Interactive fluid solution speeds.Finite element method elasticity


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Results - Scaling

RDS very scalable - residuals can be computed and distributed independently.

Multi-core scaling

of RDS solve for

skyscraper scene

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Ongoing/Future Efforts

RDS for elasticity solves – clean solution, parallelizable.

GPU implementation of RDS.More advanced mesh management

for topological changes in domain.

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Modeling of Soft Articulated Bodies in Contact Using Dynamic Deformation Textures

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Global deformations Detailed deformations

Müller et al. ‘05Barbič & James ‘05 Ours

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Dynamic simulation of deformable solids Highly detailed surface geometry Large contact area: objects bounce, roll, slide,…

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Layered Models Motivation

Detailed, small-scale deformationsGlobal (skeletal) deformationsDynamic interplay between skeletal

motion and surface deformation during contact

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Layered Models

Overview– Dynamic Deformation Textures

Fast Coupled Layered DynamicsFast Condensed Skeleton Dynamics

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Layered Models

Overview– Dynamic Deformation Textures

Fast Coupled Layered DynamicsFast Condensed Skeleton Dynamics

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Layered Models





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Layered ModelsDynamic Deformation Textures

Dynamic DeformationTexture



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Layered Models

Overview– Dynamic Deformation Textures

Fast Coupled Layered DynamicsFast Condensed Skeleton Dynamics

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Fast Coupled Layered Dynamics

Generalized Lagrangian frameworkLinear elasticity in moving frame of

reference [Terzopoulos&Witkin’88]

FEM discretizationImplicit integrationPhysically based approximations

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Dynamic FormulationDecoupled Solution

1. Project surface forces to update core velocity

2. Distribute core velocity to update surface velocities

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Motion interaction Heterogeneous material

Cylinder: 161K tetrahedra

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Fast & Responsive Contact

Hierarchical Collision Queries– Texture-based Collision Detection

Responsive Contact HandlingFast Coupled Contact Response

– Skeleton Response Anticipation

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Texture-based Collision Detection

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Texture-based Collision DetectionStage 1: Low-resolution

Fast proximity tests between proxiesContact plane D per contact region


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Surface projection onto contact plane DIdentify contacts in D from separation



Texture-based Collision DetectionStage 2: Detailed Surface Interference



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Texture-based Collision DetectionCollision Information Transfer

Contact response in dynamic deformation texture

Transfer collision information


DGPU Texture Mapping


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Hierarchical Pruning

Exploit skeletal nature of deformation– Locality

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Robust 2-stage collision detection

Gear: 173K tetrahedra Cylinder: 161K tetrahedra

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Articulated Contact Response

Snake: 3,102 surface points 16 bones

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Highly detailed, dynamic deformations

Head: 240K tetrahedra 40K vertices

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Highly detailed, dynamic deformations

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Exploiting Parallelism

All surface-related computations on GPUCommunication between core and

surface computations minimizedDynamic deformation textures for

immediate rendering

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Fast Contact Modeling for Soft Characters

Deer: 2,755 surface points 34 bones 10 FPS

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Sound in Nature

Collisions lead to surface vibrationsVibrations create pressure waves in airPressure waves are sensed by ear

Vibration Pressure Wave Perception

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Physically Based Sound Synthesis

Aim: Generate Sounds directly from physical principles

Current: Recorded SoundsProblems with recorded sounds:

– Difficult, expensive or dangerous to record (eg. Explosions)

– Repetitiveness

* Image taken from:

A typical foley studio*

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Perceptually Based Acceleration

Brute force physical simulation infeasible Use analytical solution for surface dynamics Exploit human auditory perception

– Mode Compression– Mode Truncation– Quality Scaling

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Key Characteristics

Discretized physically-based representation Simplicity of formulation and ease of

implementation; No assumptions about the input mesh topology

– Surface meshes used for physics can be used directly for sound

Capable of yielding both impact and rolling sounds Enables rich environments consisting of numerous

sounding objects, with insignificant difference in the overall audio quality

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System Demonstration


[Raghuvanshi & Lin; I3D 2006]

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Motivation: Acoustics

The acoustics of a scene contribute a lot to the immersion and realism

More generally, wave propagation has applications in diverse areas:

- Radio waves (Electromagnetic)

- Sonar

- Seismic Waves (Earthquakes)

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Problem Statement

Given: An arbitrary scene in 3D, the locations and sounds for many moving sound sources and the location of the listener (dynamic)

Evaluate the sound heard by the listener as efficiently as possible

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Need full time-domain solutionMultiple reflections (>10) are

perceptually relevantAudible sounds (20-22000 Hz) have

wavelengths ~cm: Diffraction is important

Sound is coherent: Interference is also important

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Mainly two types of approaches:– Ray/Beam-based–Wave-based

Ray-based approaches motivated from light simulation– Trace sound rays/packets of rays/beams– Compute-intensive for higher order reflections– Integrating diffraction accurately is tough

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Approaches (contd..)

Wave-based approaches directly solve the underlying physical equations

Discretize the equations using an FEM/FDM based approach

Capture reflection, interference and diffraction accurately

Computationally Intractable, especially for high frequencies– Most current methods limited to ~100 Hz

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Our approach

Wave-based approach: Solve the Wave Equation:

is the laplacian operator in 3D = 340m/s is the speed of sound is the pressure field to solve for

The RHS is the forcing term, corrsponding to sound sources in the scene

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Our approach (contd..)

We discretize the Laplacian Operator using an FDM-based approach, giving a discrete set of equations in time:

Observation: This set of equations can be solved analytically by diagonalizing the Discrete Laplacian Matrix, K

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Our approach (contd..)

Main Computational Challenge: Diagonalization has complexity O(n3)

For a typical scene in 3D:

n ~ (lvmax/c)3

l: Diameter of the scene, vmax: Maximum simulated frequency, c: speed of sound

That is, the running time:

T ~ (lvmax/c)9 !!

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Our approach (contd..)

Divide and conquer Divide the scene into many partitions Employ analytical solution within

partitions (very efficient at runtime) Apply perceptually based optimizations to

further increase performance Use a simple explicit scheme between


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Performance Benchmark

A typical training environmentRuns at near-real-time performance Simulation frequencies upto 1KHzSystem: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.33 GHz, 2

GB RAM, Nvidia 7950 GTX Graphics

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Visualization of the sound field on the same game environment

The pressure amplitude is color-codedThe input sound is a 200 Hz sine pulseNote the heavy amount of diffraction,

interference and reflection in the simulation

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Ongoing/Future Efforts

Increase efficiency to handle 3D scenes in real time– Exploit recent advances in

many-core/parallel hardwareEmploy perceptually based techniques

to make approach more scalableExtend approach to handle dynamic


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Hardware Acceleration

Programmable GPUMany-Core Architecture

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Portable Simulation in a Box

Integrate physics-based simulation and develop embedded systems– e.g. On a 30GB flash card, squeeze all

simulation technologies into it and integrated with applications.

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The End
