PHYSICS - 1 SHIELD DEFENCE ACADEMY LUCKNOW (9454551848) Page 1 Q.1. When a body is stationary: (a) There is no force acting on it (b) The forces acting on it are not in contact with it (c) The combination f forces acting on it balance each other (d) the body is in vacuum Q.2. A particle is in straight line motion with uniform velocity. A Force is not required: (a) To increase the speed (b) To decrease the speed (c) To keep the same speed (d) To change the direction Q.3. Essential characteristic of equilibrium is : (a) Momentum equals zero (b) Acceleration equals zero (c) K. E. equal zero (d) Velocity equals zero Q.4. When a constant force is applied to body, it moves with uniform: (a) Acceleration (b) Velocity (c) Speed (d) Momentum Q.5. An object will continue acceleration until : (a) Resultant force on it begins to decrease (b) Its velocity changes direction (c) The resultant force on it is zero (d) The resultant force is at right angles to its direction of motion Q.6. When a force of constant magnitude always acts perpendicular to the motion of a particle, then: (a) Velocity is constant (b) Acceleration is constant (c) K. E. is constant (d) None of these Q.7. A force of one Newton acts on a body of mass 1 kg. It will produce in the body: (a) An acceleration of 100 cm/s 2 (b) A velocity of 1 m/s (c) An acceleration of 980 cm/s 2 (d) A velocity of 980 cm/s Q.8. A 5 kg weight is accelerated from rest to 60 m/s in 1 sec. what force acts on it? (a) 5 × 60 N (b) (5/60) × 981 N (c) 60 2 × 52 N (d) (5/2) × 60 2 × 981 N Q.9. A body of mass 2 kg moving on a horizontal surface with an initial velocity of 4 m/s comes to rest after 2 sec. If one wants to keep this body moving on the same surface with a velocity of 4 m/s, the force required is: (a) 8 N (b) 4 N (c) zero (d) 2 N Q.10. Find the tension T 2 in the system shown in Fig. (a) 1 g N (b) 2 g N (c) 5 g N (d) 6 g N Q.11. In a cricket match the fielder draws his hands backward after receiving the ball in order to take a catch because: (a) His hands will be saved from getting hurt (b) He deceives the player (c) It is a fashion (d) He catches the ball firmly Q.12. Torque is the cause of : (a) Translatory motion (b) Rotatory motion (c) Oscillatory (d) Combined translator and rotator motion Q.13. A block of mass 20 kg is suspended through two light spring balances as shown in , then: (a) Both the scales show 10 kg reading (b) Both the scales show 20 kg reading (c) The upper scale will read 20 kg while the lower zero (d) Their readings are in between 0 and 20 kg with their sum equal to 20 kg Q.14. Scalar product of force with displacement is called: (a) Work (b) Power (c) Energy (d) Momentum 1 kg 2 kg 3 kg

Transcript of PHYSICS - 1



Q.1. When a body is stationary: (a) There is no force acting on it (b) The forces acting on it are not in contact with it (c) The combination f forces acting on it balance each other (d) the body is in vacuum Q.2. A particle is in straight line motion with uniform velocity. A Force is not required: (a) To increase the speed (b) To decrease the speed (c) To keep the same speed (d) To change the direction Q.3. Essential characteristic of equilibrium is : (a) Momentum equals zero (b) Acceleration equals zero (c) K. E. equal zero (d) Velocity equals zero Q.4. When a constant force is applied to body, it moves with uniform: (a) Acceleration (b) Velocity (c) Speed (d) Momentum Q.5. An object will continue acceleration until : (a) Resultant force on it begins to decrease (b) Its velocity changes direction (c) The resultant force on it is zero (d) The resultant force is at right angles to its direction of motion Q.6. When a force of constant magnitude always acts perpendicular to the motion of a particle, then: (a) Velocity is constant (b) Acceleration is constant (c) K. E. is constant (d) None of these Q.7. A force of one Newton acts on a body of mass 1 kg. It will produce in the body: (a) An acceleration of 100 cm/s2 (b) A velocity of 1 m/s (c) An acceleration of 980 cm/s2 (d) A velocity of 980 cm/s Q.8. A 5 kg weight is accelerated from rest to 60 m/s in 1 sec. what force acts on it? (a) 5 × 60 N (b) (5/60) × 981 N (c) 602 × 52 N (d) (5/2) × 602 × 981 N Q.9. A body of mass 2 kg moving on a horizontal surface with an initial velocity of 4 m/s comes to rest after 2 sec. If one wants to keep this body moving on the same surface with a velocity of 4 m/s, the force required is: (a) 8 N (b) 4 N (c) zero (d) 2 N Q.10. Find the tension T2 in the system shown in Fig. (a) 1 g N (b) 2 g N (c) 5 g N (d) 6 g N Q.11. In a cricket match the fielder draws his hands backward after receiving the ball in order to take a catch because: (a) His hands will be saved from getting hurt (b) He deceives the player (c) It is a fashion (d) He catches the ball firmly Q.12. Torque is the cause of : (a) Translatory motion (b) Rotatory motion (c) Oscillatory (d) Combined translator and rotator motion Q.13. A block of mass 20 kg is suspended through two light spring balances as shown in , then: (a) Both the scales show 10 kg reading (b) Both the scales show 20 kg reading (c) The upper scale will read 20 kg while the lower zero (d) Their readings are in between 0 and 20 kg with their sum equal to 20 kg Q.14. Scalar product of force with displacement is called: (a) Work (b) Power (c) Energy (d) Momentum

1 kg

2 kg

3 kg



Q.15. A body moves a distance of 10 m along a straight line under the action of a force of 5 newton. If the work done is 25 joule, the angle which the force makes with the direction of motion of the body is: (a) 00 (b) 300 (c) 600 (d) 900 Q.16. A body of mass is moving in a circle of radius with a constant speed . The force on the body is and is directed towards the centre. What is the work done by the force in moving the body half the circumference of the circle? (a) (b) (c) (d) Q.17. An object is moving in a circle with constant speed. If be the resultant force acting on the object, then the amount of work done on the object by this force is zero: (a) Sometimes (b) Frequently (c) always (d) Never Q.18. Scalar product of force with velocity is called: (a) Work (b) Power (c) Energy (d) Momentum Q.19. Which of the following is not a unit of power? (a) watt (b) horse power (c) joule/sec (d) kilowatt hour Q.20. Heat energy is converted into electrical energy by using a: (a) Hydrometer (b) Thermocouple (c) Voltameter (d) Photo-cell Q.21. Which of the following converts light energy into electrical energy: (a) Coolidge tube (b) Cloud chamber (c) Photo-cell (d) thermocouple Q.22. Sound energy is converted into electrical energy in a: (a) Loudspeaker (b) Microphone (c) sonometer (d) Earphone Q.23. Tape-recorder records sound in the form of: (a) Electrical Energy (b) Magnetic field on the tape (c) Variable resistance on the tape (d) Sound waves held on the tape Q.24. A bent bow used for shooting an arrow possesses: (a) Potential energy (b) Kinetic energy (c) Heat energy (d) chemical energy Q.25. A moving body need not have: (a) Potential energy (b) Kinetic energy (c) momentum (d) velocity Q.26. The KE of a body moving with a speed of 10 m/s is 30J. If its speed becomes 30 m/s, its KE will be: (a) 10 Joule (b) 90 Joule (c) 180 Joule (d) 270 Joule Q.27. When a body falls from an aeroplane there is increase in its: (a) Acceleration (b) Potential energy (c) Kinetic energy (d) Rest mass Q.28. Water is falling from the tap of a high water fall. On falling: (a) It evaporates (b) It freezes (c) There is no change in its condition (d) It gets slightly warmed up Q.29. The PE of a simple pendulum s maximum when it is : (a) At the turning points of the oscillation (b) At the equilibrium (c) In between the above two cases (d) At any position it has always a fixed value Q.30. A lead ball falling freely from a height strikes the ground; as a result, its temperature rises. This is due to: (a) Friction of air (b) Conversion of mass into heat (c) Conversion of chemical energy into heat (d) Conversion of mechanical energy into heat Q.31. A particle of mass is taken along different frictionless: Paths AB as indicated by the following diagrams. In each case, the particle starts from rest at A and reaches the point B finally. All the paths are in a vertical plane and the external forces act such that the particle moves along the respective paths without restraint: Which of the following statements will be true in respect of the above motions? (a) The times of flight for all the four paths will be the same (b) The velocity of the particle n reaching the point B will be the same for all the paths (c) The work done in the motions from A to B by the external forces will be the same for all the paths. (d) The horizontal component of velocity will remain constant for all the paths



Q.32. A particle of mass is moving in a horizontal circle of radius with uniform speed . When it moves from one point to a diametrically opposite point its: (a) Momentum does not change (b) Momentum changes by (c) change by (d) changes by Q.33. of a body of mass and momentum , is given by: (a) (b) (c) (d) Q.34. A light and heavy body have equal . Which one has a greater momentum? (a) The light body (b) The heavy body (c) Both have equal momenta (d) It is no possible to say anything without additional information Q.35. A light and a heavy body have equal momenta. Which one has greater kinetic energy? (a) The light body (b) the heavy body (c) Both have equal KE (d) Nothing can be said Q.36. Two bodies of masses and have equal KE. The ratio of their momenta is: (a) (b) (c) √ √ (d)

Q.37. Two masses of 1 g and 4 g are moving with KE in the ratio of 4 : 1 . What is the ratio of their linear momenta? (a) (b) (c) (d) Q.38. When the velocity of a body is doubled : (a) Its momentum is doubled (b) Its KE is doubled (c) Its PE is doubled (d) Its acceleration is doubled Q.39. If the KE of a body becomes four times of its intitial value, then the new momentum will be: (a) Three times its intital value (b) Four times its initial value (c) Twice its initial value (d) Unchanged Q.40. In case of rifle shooting the kick will be minimum when: (a) A light right rifle is held loosely against shoulder (b) A light rifle is held tightly against shoulder (c) A heavy rifle is held loosely against shoulder (d) A heavy rifle is held tightly against shoulder Q.41. If a ball is thrown upwards from the surface of earth: (a) The earth remains stationary while the ball moves downwards (b) The ball remains stationary while the earth moves downwards (c) The ball and earth both move towards each other (d) The ball and earth both air is blown from a fan attached Q.42. On a stationary sail boat air is blown from a fan attached to the boat. The boat will: (a) Not move (b) Spin around (c) Moves in the direction in which air is blown (d) moves in a direction opposite to that in which air is blown Q.43. A bird resting on the floor of an air-tight box which is being carried by a boy, starts flying. The boy feel that the box is now: (a) Heavier (b) Lighter (c) Shows no change in weight (d) Lighter in the beginning and heavier later Q.44. A particle at rest suddenly disintegrates into two particles of equal masses which start moving. The two fragments will: (a) Move in the same direction with equal speeds (b) Move in any directions with any speed (c) Move in opposite directions with equal speeds (d) Move in opposite directions with unequal speeds Q.45. A shell explodes and many pieces fly off in different directions. The following is conserved: (a) Kinetic energy (b) Momentum (c) Neither momentum nor KE (d) Momentum and KE Q.46.Two balls at the same temperature collide which is conserved? (a) Temperature (b) Velocity (c) Kinetic energy (d) Momentum Q.47. A bullet in motion hits and gets embedded in a solid block resting on a frictionless table. What is conserved? (a) Momentum and KE (b) Kinetic energy alone (c) Neither KE nor momentum (d) Momentum alone Q.48. The centre of mass of a body: (a) Lies always at the geometrical centre (b) Lies always inside the body (c) Lies always outside the body (d) May lie within or outside the body Q.49. A system consists of mass and The centre of mass of the system is: (a) At the middle (b) Nearer to (c) Nearer to (d) At the positon of large mass



Q.50. A person travels along a straight road for the first half length with a constant speed . The average speed is:

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Q.51. A motorist travels from to at a speed of 40 km/hr and returns back at a speed of 60 km/hr. His average speed will be: (a) 40 km/hr (b)48 km/hr (c) 50 km/hr (d) 60 km/hr Q.52. A 150 m long train is moving to north at a speed of 10 m/s. A parrot flying towards south with a speed of 5 m/s crosses the train. The time taken by the parrot to cross the train would be: (a) 30 s (b) 15 s (c) 8 s (d) 10s Q.53. If a particle is moving with uniform velocity, its acceleration is: (a) Infinite (b) Finite (c) Negative (d) Zero Q.54. A truck and a car moving with the same KE are brought to rest by the application of brakes which provide equal retarding force. Which of them will come to rest in a shorter distance? (a) The truck (b) The car (c) Both will travel same distance before coming to rest (d) The distance of travel will depend on the horse power of the vehicle Q.55. Check up the only correct statement in the following: (a) A body has a constant velocity and still it can have a varying speed (b) A body has a constant speed but it can have a varying velocity (c) A body having constant speed cannot have any acceleration (d) A body in motion under a force acting upon it must always have work done upon it Q.56. The velocity of wind is determined by: (a) Speedometer (b) Anemometer (c) Dynamometer (d) Accelerometer Q.57. A body falling under gravity moves with uniform: (a) Speed (b) Velocity (c) Momentum (d) Acceleration Q.58. Two bodies of different masses say 1 kg and 5 kg are dropped simultaneously from a tower. They will reach the ground: (a) Simultaneously (b) The heavier on e arriving earlier (c) The lighter one arriving earlier (d) Cannot say, the information is insufficient Q.59. If a light and a heavy body are released from same height: (a) Heavier body hits the ground with greater velocity (b) Lighter body hits the ground with greater velocity (c) Both hits the ground with same velocity (d) Which one will hit the ground with greater velocity depends on their shape Q.60. Galileo’s experiment showed that if two bodies of unequal masses are dropped from the same height, the times required thrown vertically upwards with the same initial velocity, the ratio of the times required to reach the ground is equal to: (a) The ratio of their masses (b) Product of their (c) One (d) The inverse ratio of their masses Q.61. A stone is thrown vertically upwards with a velocity of 98 m/s. Its velocity will be zero after (g = 9.8 m/s2): (a) 14 s (b) 10 s (c) 20 s (d) 5 s Q.62. A stone is dropped into a lake from a tower 500 m high. The sound of the splash will be heard by a man on the tower after: (a) 21 s (b) 10 s (c) 11.5 s (d) 14 s Q.63. The property of a body due to which it resists any change in its state of rest or of uniform translator motion is called its: (a) Mass (b) weight (c) Inertia (d) Moment of inertia Q.64. When a mango tree is shaken mangoes are detached from the tree (branches) because: (a) There is no option to them except to fall down (b) mangoes experience a net downward pull towards ground (c) Mangoes tend to continue in the state of rest and branches to into motion (d)Branches tend to continue in the state of rest and the mangoes go in motion Q.65. Newton’s II law of motion connects:



(a) Momentum and acceleration (b) Change of momentum and velocity (c) Rate of change of momentum and external force (d) rate of change of force and momentum Q.66. If in a hydrogen atom at rest the momentum of the electron at any given time be ⃗⃗ , the momentum of the proton at that time is: (a) (b) (c) Zero (d) Q.67. The revolver recoils after a bullet is fired because: (a) The man draws it backwards out of fear (b) The trigger of the revolver moves backwards (c) The forward motion of the bullet imparts to the revolver (d) The question is irrelevant Q.68. Working of rocket or jet is based on: (a) Newton’s I law (b) Newton’s II law (c) Newton’s III law (d) All the three laws Q.69. When a horse pulls a wagon, the force that causes the horse to move forward is the force: (a) He exerts on the wagon (b) The wagon exerts on him (c) The ground exerts on him (d) He exerts on the ground Q.70. A man is at rest in the middle of a pond on perfectly smooth ice. He can get himself to the shore by making use of Newton’s: (a) First law (b) Second law (c) Third law (d) Law of gravitation Q.71. Conservation of linear momentum is equivalent to: (a) Newton’s I law of motion (b) Newton’s II law of motion (c) Newton’s III law of motion (d) None of the above Q.72.There are three Newton’s laws of motion namely I, Ii and III; we can derive: (a) II and II laws from the I law (b) III and I laws from the II law (c) I and II laws from the III law (d) all the laws are independent of each other Q.73. Mass is given by: (a) | | | | (b) | | | | (c) | | | | (d) | | | | Q.74. Which is the correct statement? (a) The mass of a body can be changed without changing its weight (b) The weight of a body can be changed without changing its mass (c) The weight of a body cannot be changed without changing the mass (d) One cannot be changed without changing the other Q.75. If the force of gravity suddenly disappears: (a) The mass of all bodies will become zero (b) The weight of all bodies will become zero (c) Both mass and weight of all bodies will become zero (d) Neither mass nor weight of all bodies will become zero Q.76. When a body is taken from the equator to the poles its weight: (a) Remains constant (b) Increases (c) Decreases (d) Becomes indeterminate Q.77.The weight of an object in a coal mine, at sea level and on the top of a mountain are and respectively ; then (a) (b) (c) (d) Q.78. The weight of a body at the centre of earth is: (a) Zero (b) Infinite (c) Slightly more than that at the surface (d) Slightly less than that at the surface Q.79. A thief stole a box full of valuable articles of weight and while carrying it on his head, jumped down from a wall of height to the ground. Before he reached ground he experience a load of: (a) (b) (c) (d) zero Q.80. A weight is suspended from the roof of a lift by a spring balance. When the lift is stationary the spring balance reads . If the spring balance will be: (a) g (b) g (c) g (d) Zero Q.81. The tension in the rope of a lift is 1000 kg weight when at rest. When it is in motion the tension remains unaltered; from this we conclude that: (a) Lift is accelerated upwards (b) Lift is accelerated downwards (c) Left is moving with uniform velocity (d) Lift is moving with uniform velocity or is at rest Q.82. Consider an elevator moving vertically up with an acceleration . The force exerted by a passenger of mass on the floor of the elevator is:



(a) (b) (c) (d) Q.83. A parachutist of weight strikes the ground with his legs fixed and comes to rest with an upward acceleration of 3 g. The force exerted by him on the ground during landing is: (a) (b) (c) (d) Q.84. A lift is moving upward with an acceleration of 3 m/s2 and g = 9.8 m/s2. To carry a bag of mass 5 kg in his hands a man in the lift has to exert a force of: (a) 15 N (b) 49 N (c) 34 N (d) 64 N Q.85. A 60 kg man stands on a spring scale of a lift. At some instant he finds the scale reading has changed from 60 kg to 50 kg for a while and then comes back to the original mark. What should he conclude? (a) The lift was in uniform motion upwards (b) The lift was in uniform motion downwards (c) The lift while in accelerated motion upwards suddenly stopped (d) The lift while in accelerated motion downward suddenly stopped Q.86. A vehicle is moving on a track as shown in. the weight of the vehicle is: (a) Maximum at (b) Maximum at (c) Maximum at (d) Same at Q.87. If earth stands still what will be its effect on man’s weight? (a) Increase (b) Decrease (c) Remains the same (d) None of these Q.88. Which of the following graphs represents motion with uniform velocity?

Q.89. The graph between the displacement and time for a particle moving in a straight line is shown in the diagram. During the intervals and the acceleration of the particle is:

OA AB BC CD (a) + 0 + + (b) - 0 - 0 (c) + 0 - + (d) - 0 - 0



Q.90. Fig. Shows some velocity versus time graphs:

Only some of these can be realized in practice. These are: (a) (A), (B) and (D) (b) (A), (B) and (C) (c) (B), (D) (d) All Q.91. Which of the following figures represents the motion of a body moving in a straight line under constant acceleration?

Q.92. A particle is thrown vertically upwards with a velocity . It returns to the ground in time Which of the following graphs correctly represents the motion?

Q.93. The velocity versus time curve of a moving point is shown in fig. The retardation is:

(a) 1 cm/sec2 (b) 2 cm/sec2 (c) 3 cm/sec2 (d) 4 cm/sec2



Q.94.The area of the shaded portion of the graph represents:

(a) The average acceleration (b) The maximum KE (c)The momentum (d) The displacement Q.95. An object is dropped from rest. Its velocity versus displacement graph is:

Q.96. The period of vibration of a simple pendulum is:

(a) (b) √ (c) (d) √ Q.97. A girl is swinging on a swing in the sitting position. If another girl comes and sits, the period of its swing will: (a) Decrease (b) Increase (c) Remain unchanged (d) first increase and then decrease Q.98. A simple pendulum is made of a bob which is a hollow sphere full of sand suspended by means of a wire. If all the sand is drained out, the period of the pendulum will: (a)Increase (b) Decrease (c) Remain constant (d) Become erratic Q.99. For a simple pendulum the graph between and will be a: (a) Hyperbola (b) Parabola (c) Straight line (d) Curved line Q.100. The period of a simple pendulum is doubled when: (a) Its length is doubled (b) Its length is halved (c) The length is made four times (d) The mass of the bob is doubled Q.101. A simple pendulum is made of a bob which is a hollow sphere full of mercury suspended by means of a wire. If a little mercury is drained off, the period of the pendulum will: (a) Increase (b) Decrease (c) Remain the same (d) Become erratic Q.102. A hollow metal sphere is filled with water through a small hole in it. It is hanging by a long thread and is made to oscillate. Water slowly flows out of the hole at the bottom. How will the period of oscillation be affected? (a) The period will go on increasing till the sphere is empty (b) The period will go on decreasing till the sphere is empty (c) The period will not be affected at all (d)The period will first increase then decrease till the sphere is empty Q.103. The period of oscillation of a simple pendulum of constant length at a place inside a mine is: (a) More than it is on the surface of the earth (b) Less than it is on the surface of the earth (c) The same as it is on the surface of the earth (d) The same as it is on the surface of the moon Q.104. If there is a planet on which the value of the acceleration due to its gravity is one-ninth of that at the earth, the frequency of oscillation of a simple pendulum on the planet will be: (a) One-ninth (b) Nine times (c) One- third (d) The frequency of the same pendulum of length at a place Q.105. How will the period of oscillation of a pendulum hanging in an ascending lift change if the lift moves with uniform acceleration?



(a) the period will increase (b) The period will decrease (c) The period will not change (d) The period will first increase and then decrease Q.106. The time period of a simple pendulum in a freely falling lift is: (a) Zero (b) Infinite (c) Finite (d) None of these Q.107. A pendulum suspended from the ceiling of a train has a period when the train is at rest. When the train is accelerating with a uniform acceleration , the period of oscillation will: (a) Increase (b) Decrease (c) Remain unaffected (d) Become infinite Q.108. The period of a spring pendulum is:

(a) √ (b) √ (c) √ (d) √

Q.109. If a hole is bored along the diameter of the earth and a stone is dropped into the hole: (a) The stone reaches the centre of the earth and stops there (b) The stone reaches the other side of the earth and stops there (c) The stone executes simple harmonic motion about the centre of the earth (d) The stone reaches the other side of the earth and escapes into space Q.110. The gravitational force with which the earth attracts the moon: (a) Is less than the force with which the moon attracts the earth (b) Is equal to the force with which the moon attracts the earth (c) Is greater than the force with which the moon attracts the earth (d) Varies with the phases of the moon Q.111. The dimensional formula for gravitational constant is: (a) [M –1 L3T–2] (b) [M3L–1T–2] (c) [m–1L2T3] (d) [M–2L3T–1] Q.112. The value of gravitational constant in CGS system is 6.67 × 10–8. Its value in MKS system will be: (a) 6.67 × 10–5 (b) 6.67 × 10–7 (c) 6.67 × 10–9 (d) 6.67 × 10–11 Q.113. If somehow the distance between the sun and the earth is doubled, the gravitational force between them will become: (a) Double (b) Half (c) Four times (d) One-fourth Q.114. The force between a hollow sphere and a point mass at inside it as shown in fig. (a) is attractive and constant (b) is attractive and depends on the position of the point with respect to centre C (c) is zero (d) is repulsive and constant Q.115. Consider the earth to be a homogeneous sphere. Scientist ‘A’ goes deep down is a mine and scientist ‘B’ goes high up in a balloon. The gravitational field measured by: (a) A goes on decreasing and that by B goes on increasing (b) B goes on decreasing and that by A goes on increasing (c) Each remains unchanged (d) Each goes on decreasing Q.116. When the body is moving up, the acceleration due to gravity will be: (a) Downward (b) Upward (c) Sideways (d) Nil Q.117. A sea level the value of g is minimum at: (a) The equator (b) 450 north latitude (c) 450 south latitude (d) The pole Q.118. As we go from the equator to the poles, the value of g: (a) Remains the same (b) Decreases (c) Increases (d) Decreases up to a latitude of 450 and then increases Q.119. A plant has twice the values of mass and radius of earth. Acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the planet is: (a) 9.8 m/s2 (b) 4.9 m/s2 (c) 980 m/s2 (d) 19.6 m/s2 Q.120. If the acceleration due to gravity at earth is ‘g’ and mass of earth is 80 times that of moon and radius of earth is 4 times that of moon, the value f ‘g’ at the surface of moon will be:



(a) g (b) g/20 (c) g/5 (d) 320 g Q.121. Acc. Due to gravity decreases as we go up from the surface of the earth. Then in going below the surface of the earth it: (a) Increases (b) Decreases (c) Remains constant (d) Decreases then increases Q.122. If the angular speed of the earth is doubled, the value of acc. Due to gravity at the north-pole: (a) Is doubled (b) Is halved (c) Remains same (d) Becomes zero Q.123. A body weighing 20 kg on the surface of the earth is taken to a place 6000 km below the earth’s surface. Assuming the earth’s radius to be 6000 km, the weight of the body at that depth is: (a) 40 kg (b) 5 kg (c) Infinite (d) Zero Q.124. The atmosphere is held to earth by: (a) Gravity (b) Rotation of earth (c) Magnetic field of earth (d) winds and clouds Q.125. Ball pen functions on the principle of: (a) Viscosity (b) Capillarity (c) Gravity (d) Atmospheric pressure Q.126. The escape velocity of a particle of mass varies as: (a) (b) (c) (d) Q.127.The escape velocity of a body projected vertically upwards from the earth’s surface is 11.2 km/sec. If the body is projected in a direction making 300 angle to the vertical, its escape velocity is this case will be:

(a) 11.2 km/s (b) 11.2 × (1/2) km/s (c) √ km/s (d) 11.2 × (1/3) km/s Q.128. Escape velocity of a projectile from the surface of earth is about: (a) 3 × 1010 cm/s (b)18600 m/s (c) 11.2 km/s (d) 8 km/s Q.129.The ratio of the radius of earth to that of the moon is 10. The ratio of acc. Due to gravity on the earth and on the moon is 6. The ratio of the escape velocity from the earth’s surface to that from the moon is: (a) 10 (b)6 (c) Nearly 8 (d) 1.66 Q.130. The fig shows the motion of a planet around the sun in an elliptical orbit with sun at the focus. The shaded areas A and B are also shown in the figure which can be assumed to be equal. If and represent the time taken for the planet to move from to and to respectively, then:

(a) (b) (c) (d) from the given information the relation between and cannot be determined Q.131.When a planet moves around the sun, its: (a) Areal velocity is constant (b) Liner velocity is constant (c) Angular velocity is constant (d) All the velocities are constant Q.132. Kepler’s II law is a consequence of: (a) Conservation of energy (b) Conservation of linear momentum (c) Conservation of angular momentum (d) None of the above Q.133. Which of the following graphs represents the motion of a planet moving about the sun?



Q.134. An artificial satellite orbiting the earth does not fall down because the earth’s attraction: (a) Is balanced by the attraction of the moon (b) Produces the necessary acceleration for its motion in a curved path (c) Vanishes at such distances (d) Is balanced by the viscous drag produced by the atmosphere Q.135. An earth satellite is moving around the earth in a circular orbit. For such a satellite which of the following statements is wrong? (a) It is a freely falling body (b) It is moving with a constant speed (c) It suffers no acceleration (d) Its angular momentum remains constant Q.136. If an orbiting satellite comes to stand still suddenly: (a) The satellite will move along the tangent (b) The satellite will move radially towards the centre of the orbit (c) The satellite will go to outer space and will be lost (d) The satellite will continue to move in the same orbit Q.137. The orbital velocity of a body close to the surface of earth is: (a) 8 km/s (b) 11.2 km/s (c) 3 × 108 m/s (d) 2.2 × 103 km/s Q.138. An astronaut orbiting the earth in a circular orbit 120 km above the surface of earth gently drops a spoon out of the space-ship. It will: (a) Fall vertically down to the earth (b) Move towards the moon (c) Move in an irregular way and then fall down to earth (d) Move along with the space-ship Q.139. The period of a satellite in a circular orbit around a planet is independent of: (a) The mass of the planet (b) The radius of the planet (c) The mass of the satellite (d) All the three parameters Q.140. Motion of artificial earth satellites around the earth is powered by: (a) Liquid fuel (b) Solar energy (c) Atomic energy (d) None of these Q.141. A man inside an artificial satellite feels weightlessness because the force of attraction due to earth is: (a) Zero at the place (b) Is balanced by the force of attraction due to moon (c) Equal to the centripetal force (d) Not effective due to the particular design of the satellite Q.142. The time period of a second’s pendulum inside a satellite will be: (a) zero (b) 1 sec (c) 2 sec (d) Infinite Q.143. In order to find time the astronauts orbiting in an earth satellite should use: (a) A pendulum clock (b) A watch having main spring to keep it going (c) Either a watch or a pendulum clock (d) Neither a watch nor a pendulum clock



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