Physical and Sensory Consideration for Better Formulation of Chocolate Products (Susanto Purwo)

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  • 8/19/2019 Physical and Sensory Consideration for Better Formulation of Chocolate Products (Susanto Purwo)


    Physical and Sensory

    Consideration for Better

    Formulation of ChocolateProducts

    Susanto Purwo8 September 2015

  • 8/19/2019 Physical and Sensory Consideration for Better Formulation of Chocolate Products (Susanto Purwo)


    Physical characteristic of chocolate

    • 1. Melting shown in temperature degree

    • whereby the chocolate start to melt.

    • 2. Fineness shown in % particle passed

    • thru sieve size.• 3. Texture shown by the hardness of

    • chocolate bar determine by

    • penetrometry.• 4. Viscosity of chocolate mass determined by

    • viscometer.

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    Sensory characterics of chocolate

    • 1. Taste catagorize into sweet, bitter, sour,

    • salty

    • 2. Flavor categorize astringency, milky,• nutty,burnt.

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    What is required to make good


    • 1. Raw Materials

    • 2. Formulation

    • 3 Method of processing• 4. Specifications of the chocolate

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    What is the most important raw

    materials for chocolate making?

    • Cocoa Bean and Cocoa Butter are the two

    most important raw materials in the

    making of chocolate!

    • They are the key for getting the best

    Taste ,Flavor and Characteristic of


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    Cocoa Bean

    • There are so many type of cocoa beans:

    • Forastero,Criollo and Trinitario.

    • And each category will produce different taste and flavor in eachcountry!

    • The most used cocoa beans to produce good flavor of chocolate are:

    Ghana,Ivory Coast,Ecuador!• The difficult part will be the Criollo type which constitute only 5% of

    the world crop.

    • The best Criollo comes from Venezuela and Java!

    • Criollo cocoa beans produce nutty and weak chocolate flavor!

    • Most manufacturers in Europe produce chocolate with Forastero

    cocoa beans.• Except in Indonesia,mostly used Sulawesi cocoa beans mixed with

    fermented Ghana or Ivory Coast cocoa beans!

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    Important characteristic of cocoa


    • 1.Alkalized or natural cocoa butter?

    • 2. Deodorized cocoa butter:

    • a. partial

    • b. fully• 3. Origin of cocoa beans used ?

    • 4. F.F.A of cocoa butter

    • 5. Cooling and melting curve?• 6. Triglyceride composition?

    • 7. Various crystals of cocoa butter?

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    Important characteristic of cocoa


    • 1.After using the good cocoa beans,

    • important is the preparation of

    • cocoa mass from the beans!

    • 2.The most important is the roasting

    • degree and roasting method!

    • 3. Required Batch Roaster machine.

    • 4. Different cocoa beans required different

    • temperature of roasting!

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    Other materials

    • 1. Milk powder

    • skim and or whole milk

    • enzymatic treatment of milk fat• crumb products

    • 2. Sugar

    • 3. Emulsifier• 4. Flavoring: vanilin or ethyl vanilin

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    Basic chocolate recipes

    • Milk Dark

    Cocoa mass 12- 16% 40%

    • Cocoa butter 28 – 14% 10%• Whole Milk 15 - 25%

    • Skim 5

    • Sugar 40- 45% 50%• Lecithin 0.3%

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    The making of chocolate

    • We can used many system to makechocolate.

    • But to make good chocolate,we have to

    use either conventional method and orspecial method .

    • Conventional method: using mixer,5 roller

    refiner and conche.• Special method,using Crumb method and

    Enzymatic method!

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    Schematic chocolate processing:

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    Processing of making chocolate

    • 1.Roasting of cocoa beans or cocoa nibs

    • 2. Separation of the shells

    • 3.Grinding the roasted nibs with stone

    • mills• 4. Mixing of roasted mass with cocoa butter,milk

    • and sugar.

    • 5.Feeding the mixture into 5 roller refiner• 6.Feeding the Conche

    • 7.Finished chocolate

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    Preferable Taste of Chocolate

    • 1. England• Prefer Chocolate Crumb based!

    • 2.Belgium:

    • Prefer chocolate based on cocoa mass from Africa,Venezuela.

    • Total fat content in chocolate avergae 35%

    • 3. Germany and Holland:

    • Very close to Belgium.• 4. Switzerland:

    • Chocolate mass mostly contain Hazelnut Paste in small amount!

    • Many varieties of chocolate bars!

    • 5. Japan:

    • Chocolate mostly made from Ghana beans,the conching process seems too long

    • so that the taste is very bland indeed!

    • 6. America:• Mostly they used alkalized cocoa mass or mixture with natural cocoa mass.

    • They prefer harsh chocolate!

    • .7 Asia(Indonesia)

    • The cocoa mass mostly used local cocoa beans mixed with Ghana,

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    What is Better Formulation of


    • This the most difficult question to give the

    correct answer!

    • Every one in different country will have

    their own preferance Taste and Flavor!

    • We give you the good chocolate as far as

    we knew in different countries:

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    Our Presentation we take only:

    • 1. Silver Queen Chocolate (made in


    • 2. Hershey Chocolate(made in US and

    • China)

    • 3. Cadbury Chocolate(made in UK)

  • 8/19/2019 Physical and Sensory Consideration for Better Formulation of Chocolate Products (Susanto Purwo)


    Silver Queen Chocolate

    • 1. Cocoa Beans used is a mixture of

    • Indonesia and West African cocoa

    • beans.

    • 2. Roasting process is very unique and

    • starting from 1950!

    • 3. Notwithstanding is the Recipe as well as

    • the Conching process does not change

    • since 1950!

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    History of making Cadbury and

    Hershey chocolate?

    • The making of Chocolate started around

    1870-1890 by Cadbury and the by


    • At that time, milk powder has not been

    invented,so that the chocolate is made

    from liquid milk!

    • The processing further developed into

    crumb process!

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    Chocolate Crumb:

    The real strongest Crumb taste in chocolate mostly are made byCadbury U.K.

    Crumb are made in many factories by Cadbury around the world!

    But to get the same taste of crumb chocolate around the world is

    difficult,because it depends upon the equipment being used as wellas the raw materials!

    In Indonesia,the Cadbury chocolate is made in Malaysia,and theCrumb taste is not the same as original Cadburt from UK.

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    What is Chocolate Crumb?

    • Chocolate crumb is a cooked mixture ofcocoa mass(liquor),liquid milk and sugar.

    • The result is a dried mixed product.

    • Temperature for the reaction is around75-110 C, and within this temperature theMaillard reaction can be maintained!

    • And this will give a caramelized cookedflavor !

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    • Caramelized product is the result of the

    reaction between protein(in the milk and

    cocoa)and reducing sugars(exsmple is

    lactose in the milk).

    • Processing should not be too long

    • otherwise the taste of the crumb will be


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    Schematic Crumb prosess:

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    From Crumb to make chocolate?

    • The dried crumb have to be refined further

    up to 25 micron,by using 5 roll refiner!

    • We have to add cocoa butter in the

    mixer,and then passed to the roller refiner

    • Further ,the mass is put into conche for


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    Chocolate crumb recipe

    • Cocoa mass 13.5%

    • Sugar 53.5

    • Milk solids 32.0• Moisture 1.0

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    Enzyme treated Milk

    • The lipolytic reaction to butter-fat by

    lipolytic enzyme,generally as steapsin.

    • Reaction is preferable to the concentrated

    butter fat like the cream.

    • Cream with 15% butterfat are heated first

    up to 85 C for short period to reduce the

    bacterial content!

    • The the cream is cooled to 40 C.

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    • The product is treated with

    steapsin(lipolytic enzyme) and to use

    0.05% to 0.2%.

    • Innoculated at 38-45C for 24 hrs to

    generate 10-13% free fatty acid!

    • Then finally diluted with water up to 50%

    and heated up to 60C for 30 minutes to kill

    the enzyme!

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    • This product will be added to the milk

    solution to generate the crumb process!

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    Example of chocolate formula using

    enzyme treated milk

    • Chocolate liquor 12%

    • Whole milk 11

    • Enzyme dried whole milk 3

    • Sugar 52

    • Added cocoa butter 22

    • Lecithin 0.3

    • Salt 0.06

    • Vanilin 0.06

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    Taste and Flavor of Cadbury


    • Every single country produced different

    taste of Cadbury chocolate.

    • Due to difficulties in the Crumb process,as

    well as different equipment !

    • The original Crumb taste of Cadbury is

    from the UK.

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    Taste and Flavor of Hershey?

    • Hershey produced only 1 type of HersheyMilk Chocolate untill recently producedChocolate in China.

    • The Asian taste is not familiar with thetaste of “soapy”taste of the AmericanHershey Bar!

    • So,in Asia they made different type ofHershey Bar without the addition of butyricand myristic acid in the crumb process!

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    Own design manufacturers

    • Mars Chocolate :extruder Technology

    • Cadbury :for the smaller factory theyproduced batch wise method.

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    Taste of chocolate



    •   A. sweetness

    •  B. fine or coarse

    •  C. cocoa taste


    D. milky taste

    •  E. caramel taste

    •  F. flowery taste

    •  G. Nutty taste


    H. Tart taste ( “sepet”)

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     Aroma dan Flavor be

  • 8/19/2019 Physical and Sensory Consideration for Better Formulation of Chocolate Products (Susanto Purwo)


    Chocolate samples for Tasting

    • 1. Silver Queen

    • 2. Hershey from US

    • 3.Hershey from China• 4. Cadbury from UK

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    The difference of Cadbury in

    every country?

    • 1. Cadbury UK

    • 2. Cadbury Australia/New Zealand

    • 3. Cadbury Malaysia•

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    Which chocolate is the best for


    • ?????

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    Last but not least! !.

    • My greatest thanks to:

    • Mr.Wolfgang Scheidl and his Staff from HAAS

    in Austria for giving all the chocolate samples.• M/s Yeo Jean who arranges all the contacts to

    get all the samples to arrive on time here inIndonesia!

    • Mr.Ernst Sziwacz from Haas Austria who get allthe samples from UK and US,and shipped to usin Indonesia!

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    • THE END