Phylum Mollusca_Class Cephalopoda

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Transcript of Phylum Mollusca_Class Cephalopoda

  • 7/24/2019 Phylum Mollusca_Class Cephalopoda


    Class Cephalopoda

    the squids, octopus, nautilus,and cuttlefsh

    Richard E. Young, Michael Vecchione and Katharina M.


  • 7/24/2019 Phylum Mollusca_Class Cephalopoda


    Phylum Mollusca, ClassCephalopods

    Cephalopods (Class Cepahlopoda)adalah flum moluska yang meliputicumi-cumi, nautilus, sotong dan

    octopus Kebanyakan cephalopoda adalah hewan

    yang paling berkembang dari moluska,

    dan merupakan perenang yang cepat Cephalopods have a reduction in or

    loss altogether o the shell

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    Phylum Mollusca, ClassCephalopods

    Cephalopods (which means !head-ooted")have heads surrounded by a oot modifedinto arms and tentacles, usually e#uipped

    with suckers that are used to capture prey

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    Phylum Mollusca, ClassCephalopoda

    Moluska terbesar

    Memiliki radula

    Cephalopods memiliki mata yangbesar dan penglihatan yang ta$am

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    Phylum Mollusca, ClassCephalopods

    Cephalopods pump water through thesiphon, orunnel into their mantle cavity

    %y orcing water out o the mantlecavity through the siphon, cephalopodsswim by means o !$et propulsion"

    %y changing the direction o thesiphon, cephalopods can movebackward or orward, or can remainmotionless in one place

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    &et Propulsion

    Water entersmantlecavity

    Water exitsrom unnelor siphon

    Direction o water out

    o siphon

    Direction o cephalopodmotion

  • 7/24/2019 Phylum Mollusca_Class Cephalopoda


    'ctopus 'rder 'ctopoda

    'ne o the most iconic cephalopods isthe octopus

    'ktopus memiliki lengan

    %ergerak dengan berenang dan merayap *idak memiliki cangkang dalam *ubuhnya membulat dan pendek Common bottom dwellers, they are

    e+cient hunters %ite their prey (mostly shellfsh)

    with a pair o beak-like $aws Ink sacemits a dark cloud o uid

    to deter predators

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    #uids 'rder *euthoidea

    #uids are better adapted

    or swimming thanoctopuses

    Memiliki dua sirip segitiga

    yang termodifkasi untukberenang

    *ubuhnya pan$ang danmeruncing

    Memiliki lengan dan .tenrakel pan$ang ave allwith suckers

    which circle themouth


    Long retracta!le

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    %ergerak dengan berenang

  • 7/24/2019 Phylum Mollusca_Class Cephalopoda


    #uids 'rder *euthoidea

    uckers only at broadened tips ontenacle*he shell is reduced to a sti3pen

    embedded in the upper surace o

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    Cuttlefsh 'rder epiida

    otong adalah invertebrata terpintar

    otong memiliki cangkang yangdisebut dengan cuttlebone yangmembantu dalam mengapung

    %eruang, dan terisi oleh udara

    Called !chameleons o

    the sea" or theirastonishing ability to

    change skin

    color at will

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  • 7/24/2019 Phylum Mollusca_Class Cephalopoda



    Cepalopoda mengontrol corak danwarna kulit dengan chromatophores

    Chromatophores adalah sel-sel yangmengandung pigmen dan cahayareekti untuk berkamuase

    1nside the chromatophore, pigment

    granules are enclosed in an elastic sac*o change color, the sac is distorted by way

    o muscular contraction

  • 7/24/2019 Phylum Mollusca_Class Cephalopoda


    4autilus 'rder 4autilida

    4autilus are called !living ossils"5only 6 species remain o an e7tinctsuperamily

    urvived relatively unchanged ormillions o years8as-flled chambers aid in buoyancyPaper

    nautiluses areactually pelagicoctopus5 namedor the paper-thin eggcase in

  • 7/24/2019 Phylum Mollusca_Class Cephalopoda


    9ou will neverbe as cool as acephalopod

    Mimic octopushttp//www0youtube0com/watch:v;-ul6?@A

    Vampire squid from hell!"##S$p%

    www0islandream0com/sangalakigalleryB0htm http//www0itsnature0org/sea/other/colossal-s#uid/www0ickr0com/photos/ma7cdc/26>6.@B

  • 7/24/2019 Phylum Mollusca_Class Cephalopoda


    Dor as smart:::

    'ctopuses and cuttlefshes have aremarkable capacity or learning

    8iant nerve fbers rapidly conduct impulses

    allowing cephalopods to capture prey orescape at amaEing speeds

    Most cephalopods display color changescorrelated with particular behaviors and


    'ctopus are known to use tools, and predictForld Cup championsG