PHP Function Reference

PHP Function Reference – April 15 2005 Page 1 Available frree from Array Functions array_change_key_case ( array input [, int case] ) Returns an array with all string keys lowercased or uppercased (array) array_chunk ( array input, int size [, bool preserve_keys] ) Split an array into chunks (array) array_count_values ( array input ) Counts all the values of an array (array) array_diff_assoc ( array array1, array array2 [, array ...] ) Computes the difference of arrays with additional index check (array) array_diff_key ( array array1, array array2 [, array ...] ) Computes the difference of arrays using keys for comparison (array) array_diff_ukey ( array array1, array array2 [, array ..., callback key_compare_func] ) Computes the difference of arrays using a callback function on the keys for comparison (array) array_diff ( array array1, array array2 [, array ...] ) Computes the difference of arrays (array) array_fill ( int start_index, int num, mixed value ) Fill an array with values (array) array_filter ( array input [, callback callback] ) Filters elements of an array using a callback function (array) array_flip ( array trans ) Exchanges all keys with their associated values in an array (array) array_intersect_assoc ( array array1, array array2 [, array ...] ) Computes the intersection of arrays with additional index check (array) array_intersect_key ( array array1, array array2 [, array ...] ) Computes the intersection of arrays using keys for comparison (array) array_intersect_ukey ( array array1, array array2 [, array ..., callback key_compare_func] ) Computes the intersection of arrays using a callback function on the keys for comparison (array) array_intersect ( array array1, array array2 [, array ...] ) Computes the intersection of arrays (array) array_key_exists ( mixed key, array search ) Checks if the given key or index exists in the array (bool) array_keys ( array input [, mixed search_value [, bool strict]] ) Return all the keys of an array (array) array_map ( callback callback, array arr1 [, array ...] ) Applies the callback to the elements of the given arrays (array) array_merge_recursive ( array array1 [, array ...] ) Merge two or more arrays recursively (array) array_merge ( array array1 [, array array2 [, array ...]] ) Merge one or more arrays (array) array_multisort ( array ar1 [, mixed arg [, mixed ... [, array ...]]] ) Sort multiple or multi-dimensional arrays (bool) array_pad ( array input, int pad_size, mixed pad_value ) Pad array to the specified length with a value (array) array_pop ( array &array ) Pop the element off the end of array (mixed) array_product ( array array ) Calculate the product of values in an array (number) array_push ( array &array, mixed var [, mixed ...] ) Push one or more elements onto the end of array (int) array_rand ( array input [, int num_req] ) Pick one or more random entries out of an array (mixed) array_reduce ( array input, callback function [, int initial] ) Iteratively reduce the array to a single value using a callback function (mixed) array_reverse ( array array [, bool preserve_keys] ) Return an array with elements in reverse order (array) array_search ( mixed needle, array haystack [, bool strict] ) Searches the array for a given value and returns the corresponding key if successful (mixed) array_shift ( array &array ) Shift an element off the beginning of array (mixed) array_slice ( array array, int offset [, int length [, bool preserve_keys]] ) Extract a slice of the array (array) array_splice ( array &input, int offset [, int length [, array replacement]] ) Remove a portion of the array and replace it with something else (array) array_sum ( array array ) Calculate the sum of values in an array (number) array_unique ( array array ) Removes duplicate values from an array (array) array_unshift ( array &array, mixed var [, mixed ...] ) Prepend one or more elements to the beginning of an array (int) array_values ( array input ) Return all the values of an array (array) array_walk ( array &array, callback funcname [, mixed userdata] ) Apply a user function to every member of an array (bool) array ( [mixed ...] ) Create an array (array)

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PHP Function Reference – April 15 2005

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Array Functions array_change_key_case ( array input [, int case] ) Returns an array with all string keys lowercased or uppercased (array) array_chunk ( array input, int size [, bool preserve_keys] ) Split an array into chunks (array) array_count_values ( array input ) Counts all the values of an array (array) array_diff_assoc ( array array1, array array2 [, array ...] ) Computes the difference of arrays with additional index check (array) array_diff_key ( array array1, array array2 [, array ...] ) Computes the difference of arrays using keys for comparison (array) array_diff_ukey ( array array1, array array2 [, array ..., callback key_compare_func] ) Computes the difference of arrays using a callback function on the keys for comparison (array) array_diff ( array array1, array array2 [, array ...] ) Computes the difference of arrays (array) array_fill ( int start_index, int num, mixed value ) Fill an array with values (array) array_filter ( array input [, callback callback] ) Filters elements of an array using a callback function (array) array_flip ( array trans ) Exchanges all keys with their associated values in an array (array) array_intersect_assoc ( array array1, array array2 [, array ...] ) Computes the intersection of arrays with additional index check (array) array_intersect_key ( array array1, array array2 [, array ...] ) Computes the intersection of arrays using keys for comparison (array) array_intersect_ukey ( array array1, array array2 [, array ..., callback key_compare_func] ) Computes the intersection of arrays using a callback function on the keys for comparison (array) array_intersect ( array array1, array array2 [, array ...] ) Computes the intersection of arrays (array) array_key_exists ( mixed key, array search ) Checks if the given key or index exists in the array (bool) array_keys ( array input [, mixed search_value [, bool strict]] ) Return all the keys of an array (array) array_map ( callback callback, array arr1 [, array ...] ) Applies the callback to the elements of the given arrays (array) array_merge_recursive ( array array1 [, array ...] ) Merge two or more arrays recursively (array) array_merge ( array array1 [, array array2 [, array ...]] ) Merge one or more arrays (array) array_multisort ( array ar1 [, mixed arg [, mixed ... [, array ...]]] ) Sort multiple or multi-dimensional arrays (bool) array_pad ( array input, int pad_size, mixed pad_value ) Pad array to the specified length with a value (array) array_pop ( array &array ) Pop the element off the end of array (mixed) array_product ( array array ) Calculate the product of values in an array (number) array_push ( array &array, mixed var [, mixed ...] ) Push one or more elements onto the end of array (int) array_rand ( array input [, int num_req] ) Pick one or more random entries out of an array (mixed) array_reduce ( array input, callback function [, int initial] ) Iteratively reduce the array to a single value using a callback function (mixed) array_reverse ( array array [, bool preserve_keys] ) Return an array with elements in reverse order (array) array_search ( mixed needle, array haystack [, bool strict] ) Searches the array for a given value and returns the corresponding key if successful (mixed) array_shift ( array &array ) Shift an element off the beginning of array (mixed) array_slice ( array array, int offset [, int length [, bool preserve_keys]] ) Extract a slice of the array (array) array_splice ( array &input, int offset [, int length [, array replacement]] ) Remove a portion of the array and replace it with something else (array) array_sum ( array array ) Calculate the sum of values in an array (number) array_unique ( array array ) Removes duplicate values from an array (array) array_unshift ( array &array, mixed var [, mixed ...] ) Prepend one or more elements to the beginning of an array (int) array_values ( array input ) Return all the values of an array (array) array_walk ( array &array, callback funcname [, mixed userdata] ) Apply a user function to every member of an array (bool) array ( [mixed ...] ) Create an array (array)

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arsort ( array &array [, int sort_flags] ) Sort an array in reverse order and maintain index association (bool) asort ( array &array [, int sort_flags] ) Sort an array and maintain index association (bool) compact ( mixed varname [, mixed ...] ) Create array containing variables and their values (array) count ( mixed var [, int mode] ) Count elements in an array, or properties in an object (int) current ( array &array ) Return the current element in an array (mixed) each ( array &array ) Return the current key and value pair from an array and advance the array cursor (array) end ( array &array ) Set the internal pointer of an array to its last element (mixed) extract ( array var_array [, int extract_type [, string prefix]] ) Import variables into the current symbol table from an array (int) in_array ( mixed needle, array haystack [, bool strict] ) Checks if a value exists in an array (bool) key ( array &array ) Fetch a key from an associative array (mixed) krsort ( array &array [, int sort_flags] ) Sort an array by key in reverse order (bool) ksort ( array &array [, int sort_flags] ) Sort an array by key (bool) list ( mixed varname, mixed ... ) Assign variables as if they were an array (void) natcasesort ( array &array ) Sort an array using a case insensitive "natural order" algorithm (bool) natsort ( array &array ) Sort an array using a "natural order" algorithm (bool) next ( array &array ) Advance the internal array pointer of an array (mixed) prev ( array &array ) Rewind the internal array pointer (mixed) range ( mixed low, mixed high [, number step] ) Create an array containing a range of elements (array) reset ( array &array ) Set the internal pointer of an array to its first element (mixed) rsort ( array &array [, int sort_flags] ) Sort an array in reverse order (bool) shuffle ( array &array ) Shuffle an array (bool) sort ( array &array [, int sort_flags] ) Sort an array (bool) uasort ( array &array, callback cmp_function ) Sort an array with a user-defined comparison function and maintain index association (bool) uksort ( array &array, callback cmp_function ) Sort an array by keys using a user-defined comparison function (bool) usort ( array &array, callback cmp_function ) Sort an array by values using a user-defined comparison function (bool)

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Calendar Functions cal_days_in_month ( int calendar, int month, int year ) Return the number of days in a month for a given year and calendar (int) cal_from_jd ( int jd, int calendar ) Converts from Julian Day Count to a supported calendar (array) cal_info ( [int calendar] ) Returns information about a particular calendar (array) cal_to_jd ( int calendar, int month, int day, int year ) Converts from a supported calendar to Julian Day Count (int) easter_date ( [int year] ) Get Unix timestamp for midnight on Easter of a given year (int) easter_days ( [int year [, int method]] ) Get number of days after March 21 on which Easter falls for a given year (int) frenchtojd ( int month, int day, int year ) Converts a date from the French Republican Calendar to a Julian Day Count (int) gregoriantojd ( int month, int day, int year ) Converts a Gregorian date to Julian Day Count (int) jddayofweek ( int julianday [, int mode] ) Returns the day of the week (mixed) jdmonthname ( int julianday, int mode ) Returns a month name (string) jdtofrench ( int juliandaycount ) Converts a Julian Day Count to the French Republican Calendar (string) jdtogregorian ( int julianday ) Converts Julian Day Count to Gregorian date (string) jdtojewish ( int juliandaycount [, bool hebrew [, int fl]] ) Converts a Julian day count to a Jewish calendar date (string) jdtojulian ( int julianday ) Converts a Julian Day Count to a Julian Calendar Date (string) jdtounix ( int jday ) Convert Julian Day to Unix timestamp (int) jewishtojd ( int month, int day, int year ) Converts a date in the Jewish Calendar to Julian Day Count (int) juliantojd ( int month, int day, int year ) Converts a Julian Calendar date to Julian Day Count (int) unixtojd ( [int timestamp] ) Convert Unix timestamp to Julian Day (int) Character Type Functions ctype_alnum ( string text ) Check for alphanumeric character(s) (bool) ctype_alpha ( string text ) Check for alphabetic character(s) (bool) ctype_cntrl ( string text ) Check for control character(s) (bool) ctype_digit ( string text ) Check for numeric character(s) (bool) ctype_graph ( string text ) Check for any printable character(s) except space (bool) ctype_lower ( string text ) Check for lowercase character(s) (bool) ctype_print ( string text ) Check for printable character(s) (bool) ctype_punct ( string text ) Check for any printable character which is not whitespace or an alphanumeric character (bool) ctype_space ( string text ) Check for whitespace character(s) (bool) ctype_upper ( string text ) Check for uppercase character(s) (bool) ctype_xdigit ( string text ) Check for character(s) representing a hexadecimal digit (bool)

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Date and Time Functions checkdate ( int month, int day, int year ) Validate a Gregorian date (bool) date_default_timezone_get ( void ) Gets the default timezone used by all date/time functions in a script (string) date_default_timezone_set ( string timezone_identifier ) Sets the default timezone used by all date/time functions in a script (bool) date ( string format [, int timestamp] ) Format a local time/date (string) getdate ( [int timestamp] ) Get date/time information (array) gettimeofday ( [bool return_float] ) Get current time (mixed) gmdate ( string format [, int timestamp] ) Format a GMT/UTC date/time (string) gmmktime ( [int hour [, int minute [, int second [, int month [, int day [, int year [, int is_dst]]]]]]] ) Get Unix timestamp for a GMT date (int) gmstrftime ( string format [, int timestamp] ) Format a GMT/UTC time/date according to locale settings (string) localtime ( [int timestamp [, bool is_associative]] ) Get the local time (array) microtime ( [bool get_as_float] ) Return current Unix timestamp with microseconds (mixed) mktime ( [int hour [, int minute [, int second [, int month [, int day [, int year [, int is_dst]]]]]]] ) Get Unix timestamp for a date (int) strftime ( string format [, int timestamp] ) Format a local time/date according to locale settings (string) strptime ( string date, string format ) Parse a time/date generated with strftime() (array) strtotime ( string time [, int now] ) Parse about any English textual datetime description into a Unix timestamp (int) time ( void ) Return current Unix timestamp (int) Database (dbm-style) Abstraction Layer Functions dba_close ( resource handle ) Close a DBA database (void) dba_delete ( string key, resource handle ) Delete DBA entry specified by key (bool) dba_exists ( string key, resource handle ) Check whether key exists (bool) dba_fetch ( string key, resource handle ) Fetch data specified by key (string) dba_firstkey ( resource handle ) Fetch first key (string) dba_handlers ( [bool full_info] ) List all the handlers available (array) dba_insert ( string key, string value, resource handle ) Insert entry (bool) dba_list ( void ) List all open database files (array) dba_nextkey ( resource handle ) Fetch next key (string) dba_open ( string path, string mode [, string handler [, mixed ...]] ) Open database (resource) dba_optimize ( resource handle ) Optimize database (bool) dba_popen ( string path, string mode [, string handler [, mixed ...]] ) Open database persistently (resource) dba_replace ( string key, string value, resource handle ) Replace or insert entry (bool) dba_sync ( resource handle ) Synchronize database (bool)

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Direct IO Functions dio_close ( resource fd ) Closes the file descriptor given by fd (void) dio_fcntl ( resource fd, int cmd [, mixed args] ) Performs a c library fcntl on fd (mixed) dio_open ( string filename, int flags [, int mode] ) Opens a new filename with specified permissions of flags and creation permissions of mode (resource) dio_read ( resource fd [, int len] ) Reads bytes from a file descriptor (string) dio_seek ( resource fd, int pos [, int whence] ) Seeks to pos on fd from whence (int) dio_stat ( resource fd ) Gets stat information about the file descriptor fd (array) dio_tcsetattr ( resource fd, array options ) Sets terminal attributes and baud rate for a serial port (bool) dio_truncate ( resource fd, int offset ) Truncates file descriptor fd to offset bytes (bool) dio_write ( resource fd, string data [, int len] ) Writes data to fd with optional truncation at length (int) Directory Functions chdir ( string directory ) Change directory (bool) chroot ( string directory ) Change the root directory (bool) closedir ( resource dir_handle ) Close directory handle (void) getcwd ( void ) Gets the current working directory (string) opendir ( string path [, resource context] ) Open directory handle (resource) readdir ( resource dir_handle ) Read entry from directory handle (string) rewinddir ( resource dir_handle ) Rewind directory handle (void) Filesystem Functions basename ( string path [, string suffix] ) Returns filename component of path (string) chgrp ( string filename, mixed group ) Changes file group (bool) chmod ( string filename, int mode ) Changes file mode (bool) chown ( string filename, mixed user ) Changes file owner (bool) clearstatcache ( void ) Clears file status cache (void) copy ( string source, string dest ) Copies file (bool) dirname ( string path ) Returns directory name component of path (string) disk_free_space ( string directory ) Returns available space in directory (float) disk_total_space ( string directory ) Returns the total size of a directory (float) fclose ( resource handle ) Closes an open file pointer (bool) feof ( resource handle ) Tests for end-of-file on a file pointer (bool) fflush ( resource handle ) Flushes the output to a file (bool) fgetc ( resource handle ) Gets character from file pointer (string) fgetcsv ( resource handle [, int length [, string delimiter [, string enclosure]]] ) Gets line from file pointer and parse for CSV fields (array) fgets ( resource handle [, int length] ) Gets line from file pointer (string) fgetss ( resource handle [, int length [, string allowable_tags]] ) Gets line from file pointer and strip HTML tags (string) file_exists ( string filename ) Checks whether a file or directory exists (bool) file_get_contents ( string filename [, bool use_include_path [, resource context [, int offset [, int maxlen]]]] ) Reads entire file into a string (string) file ( string filename [, int use_include_path [, resource context]] ) Reads entire file into an array (array)

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fileatime ( string filename ) Gets last access time of file (int) filectime ( string filename ) Gets inode change time of file (int) filegroup ( string filename ) Gets file group (int) fileinode ( string filename ) Gets file inode (int) filemtime ( string filename ) Gets file modification time (int) fileowner ( string filename ) Gets file owner (int) fileperms ( string filename ) Gets file permissions (int) filesize ( string filename ) Gets file size (int) filetype ( string filename ) Gets file type (string) flock ( resource handle, int operation [, int &wouldblock] ) Portable advisory file locking (bool) fnmatch ( string pattern, string string [, int flags] ) Match filename against a pattern (bool) fopen ( string filename, string mode [, bool use_include_path [, resource zcontext]] ) Opens file or URL (resource) fpassthru ( resource handle ) Output all remaining data on a file pointer (int) fputcsv ( resource handle [, array fields [, string delimiter [, string enclosure]]] ) Format line as CSV and write to file pointer (int) fread ( resource handle, int length ) Binary-safe file read (string) fscanf ( resource handle, string format [, mixed &...] ) Parses input from a file according to a format (mixed) fseek ( resource handle, int offset [, int whence] ) Seeks on a file pointer (int) fstat ( resource handle ) Gets information about a file using an open file pointer (array) ftell ( resource handle ) Tells file pointer read/write position (int) ftruncate ( resource handle, int size ) Truncates a file to a given length (bool) fwrite ( resource handle, string string [, int length] ) Binary-safe file write (int) glob ( string pattern [, int flags] ) Find pathnames matching a pattern (array) is_dir ( string filename ) Tells whether the filename is a directory (bool) is_executable ( string filename ) Tells whether the filename is executable (bool) is_file ( string filename ) Tells whether the filename is a regular file (bool) is_link ( string filename ) Tells whether the filename is a symbolic link (bool) is_readable ( string filename ) Tells whether the filename is readable (bool) is_uploaded_file ( string filename ) Tells whether the file was uploaded via HTTP POST (bool) is_writable ( string filename ) Tells whether the filename is writable (bool) link ( string target, string link ) Create a hard link (bool) linkinfo ( string path ) Gets information about a link (int) lstat ( string filename ) Gives information about a file or symbolic link (array) mkdir ( string pathname [, int mode [, bool recursive [, resource context]]] ) Makes directory (bool) move_uploaded_file ( string filename, string destination ) Moves an uploaded file to a new location (bool) parse_ini_file ( string filename [, bool process_sections] ) Parse a configuration file (array) pathinfo ( string path [, int options] ) Returns information about a file path (mixed) pclose ( resource handle ) Closes process file pointer (int) popen ( string command, string mode ) Opens process file pointer (resource)

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readfile ( string filename [, bool use_include_path [, resource context]] ) Outputs a file (int) readlink ( string path ) Returns the target of a symbolic link (string) realpath ( string path ) Returns canonicalized absolute pathname (string) rename ( string oldname, string newname [, resource context] ) Renames a file or directory (bool) rewind ( resource handle ) Rewind the position of a file pointer (bool) rmdir ( string dirname [, resource context] ) Removes directory (bool) stat ( string filename ) Gives information about a file (array) symlink ( string target, string link ) Creates a symbolic link (bool) tempnam ( string dir, string prefix ) Create file with unique file name (string) tmpfile ( void ) Creates a temporary file (resource) touch ( string filename [, int time [, int atime]] ) Sets access and modification time of file (bool) umask ( [int mask] ) Changes the current umask (int) unlink ( string filename [, resource context] ) Deletes a file (bool)

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FTP Functions ftp_cdup ( resource ftp_stream ) Changes to the parent directory (bool) ftp_chdir ( resource ftp_stream, string directory ) Changes the current directory on a FTP server (bool) ftp_close ( resource ftp_stream ) Closes an FTP connection (bool) ftp_connect ( string host [, int port [, int timeout]] ) Opens an FTP connection (resource) ftp_delete ( resource ftp_stream, string path ) Deletes a file on the FTP server (bool) ftp_exec ( resource ftp_stream, string command ) Requests execution of a program on the FTP server (bool) ftp_fget ( resource ftp_stream, resource handle, string remote_file, int mode [, int resumepos] ) Downloads a file from the FTP server and saves to an open file (bool) ftp_fput ( resource ftp_stream, string remote_file, resource handle, int mode [, int startpos] ) Uploads from an open file to the FTP server (bool) ftp_get_option ( resource ftp_stream, int option ) Retrieves various runtime behaviours of the current FTP stream (mixed) ftp_get ( resource ftp_stream, string local_file, string remote_file, int mode [, int resumepos] ) Downloads a file from the FTP server (bool) ftp_login ( resource ftp_stream, string username, string password ) Logs in to an FTP connection (bool) ftp_mdtm ( resource ftp_stream, string remote_file ) Returns the last modified time of the given file (int) ftp_mkdir ( resource ftp_stream, string directory ) Creates a directory (string) ftp_nb_continue ( resource ftp_stream ) Continues retrieving/sending a file (non-blocking) (int) ftp_nb_fget ( resource ftp_stream, resource handle, string remote_file, int mode [, int resumepos] ) Retrieves a file from the FTP server and writes it to an open file (non-blocking) (int) ftp_nb_fput ( resource ftp_stream, string remote_file, resource handle, int mode [, int startpos] ) Stores a file from an open file to the FTP server (non-blocking) (int) ftp_nb_get ( resource ftp_stream, string local_file, string remote_file, int mode [, int resumepos] ) Retrieves a file from the FTP server and writes it to a local file (non-blocking) (int) ftp_nb_put ( resource ftp_stream, string remote_file, string local_file, int mode [, int startpos] ) Stores a file on the FTP server (non-blocking) (int) ftp_nlist ( resource ftp_stream, string directory ) Returns a list of files in the given directory (array) ftp_pasv ( resource ftp_stream, bool pasv ) Turns passive mode on or off (bool) ftp_put ( resource ftp_stream, string remote_file, string local_file, int mode [, int startpos] ) Uploads a file to the FTP server (bool) ftp_pwd ( resource ftp_stream ) Returns the current directory name (string) ftp_rawlist ( resource ftp_stream, string directory [, bool recursive] ) Returns a detailed list of files in the given directory (array) ftp_rename ( resource ftp_stream, string oldname, string newname ) Renames a file or a directory on the FTP server (bool) ftp_rmdir ( resource ftp_stream, string directory ) Removes a directory (bool) ftp_set_option ( resource ftp_stream, int option, mixed value ) Set miscellaneous runtime FTP options (bool) ftp_site ( resource ftp_stream, string command ) Sends a SITE command to the server (bool) ftp_size ( resource ftp_stream, string remote_file ) Returns the size of the given file (int) ftp_ssl_connect ( string host [, int port [, int timeout]] ) Opens an Secure SSL-FTP connection (resource) ftp_systype ( resource ftp_stream ) Returns the system type identifier of the remote FTP server (string)

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Function Handling Functions call_user_func_array ( callback function, array param_arr ) Call a user function given with an array of parameters (mixed) call_user_func ( callback function [, mixed parameter [, mixed ...]] ) Call a user function given by the first parameter (mixed) create_function ( string args, string code ) Create an anonymous (lambda-style) function (string) func_get_arg ( int arg_num ) Return an item from the argument list (mixed) func_get_args ( void ) Returns an array comprising a function's argument list (array) func_num_args ( void ) Returns the number of arguments passed to the function (int) function_exists ( string function_name ) Return TRUE if the given function has been defined (bool) get_defined_functions ( void ) Returns an array of all defined functions (array) register_shutdown_function ( callback function [, mixed parameter [, mixed ...]] ) Register a function for execution on shutdown (void) register_tick_function ( callback function [, mixed arg [, mixed ...]] ) Register a function for execution on each tick (bool) unregister_tick_function ( string function_name ) De-register a function for execution on each tick (void) HTTP Functions header ( string string [, bool replace [, int http_response_code]] ) Send a raw HTTP header (void) headers_sent ( [string &file [, int &line]] ) Checks if or where headers have been sent (bool) setcookie ( string name [, string value [, int expire [, string path [, string domain [, bool secure]]]]] ) Send a cookie (bool)

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Image Functions gd_info ( void ) Retrieve information about the currently installed GD library (array) getimagesize ( string filename [, array &imageinfo] ) Get the size of an image (array) image_type_to_mime_type ( int imagetype ) Get Mime-Type for image-type returned by getimagesize, exif_read_data, exif_thumbnail, exif_imagetype (string) image2wbmp ( resource image [, string filename [, int threshold]] ) Output image to browser or file (int) imagealphablending ( resource image, bool blendmode ) Set the blending mode for an image (bool) imageantialias ( resource im, bool on ) Should antialias functions be used or not (bool) imagearc ( resource image, int cx, int cy, int w, int h, int s, int e, int color ) Draw a partial ellipse (bool) imagechar ( resource image, int font, int x, int y, string c, int color ) Draw a character horizontally (bool) imagecharup ( resource image, int font, int x, int y, string c, int color ) Draw a character vertically (bool) imagecolorallocate ( resource image, int red, int green, int blue ) Allocate a color for an image (int) imagecolorallocatealpha ( resource image, int red, int green, int blue, int alpha ) Allocate a color for an image (int) imagecolorat ( resource image, int x, int y ) Get the index of the color of a pixel (int) imagecolorclosest ( resource image, int red, int green, int blue ) Get the index of the closest color to the specified color (int) imagecolorclosestalpha ( resource image, int red, int green, int blue, int alpha ) Get the index of the closest color to the specified color + alpha (int) imagecolorclosesthwb ( resource image, int red, int green, int blue ) Get the index of the color which has the hue, white and blackness nearest to the given color (int) imagecolordeallocate ( resource image, int color ) De-allocate a color for an image (bool) imagecolorexact ( resource image, int red, int green, int blue ) Get the index of the specified color (int) imagecolorexactalpha ( resource image, int red, int green, int blue, int alpha ) Get the index of the specified color + alpha (int) imagecolormatch ( resource image1, resource image2 ) Makes the colors of the palette version of an image more closely match the true color version (bool) imagecolorresolve ( resource image, int red, int green, int blue ) Get the index of the specified color or its closest possible alternative (int) imagecolorresolvealpha ( resource image, int red, int green, int blue, int alpha ) Get the index of the specified color + alpha or its closest possible alternative (int) imagecolorset ( resource image, int index, int red, int green, int blue ) Set the color for the specified palette index (void) imagecolorsforindex ( resource image, int index ) Get the colors for an index (array) imagecolorstotal ( resource image ) Find out the number of colors in an image's palette (int) imagecolortransparent ( resource image [, int color] ) Define a color as transparent (int) imageconvolution ( resource image, array matrix3x3, float div, float offset ) Apply a 3x3 convolution matrix, using coefficient div and offset (bool) imagecopy ( resource dst_im, resource src_im, int dst_x, int dst_y, int src_x, int src_y, int src_w, int src_h ) Copy part of an image (bool) imagecopymerge ( resource dst_im, resource src_im, int dst_x, int dst_y, int src_x, int src_y, int src_w, int src_h, int pct ) Copy and merge part of an image (bool) imagecopymergegray ( resource dst_im, resource src_im, int dst_x, int dst_y, int src_x, int src_y, int src_w, int src_h, int pct ) Copy and merge part of an image with gray scale (bool) imagecopyresampled ( resource dst_image, resource src_image, int dst_x, int dst_y, int src_x, int src_y, int dst_w, int dst_h, int src_w, int src_h ) Copy and resize part of an image with resampling (bool) imagecopyresized ( resource dst_image, resource src_image, int dst_x, int dst_y, int src_x, int src_y, int dst_w, int dst_h, int src_w, int src_h ) Copy and resize part of an image (bool) imagecreate ( int x_size, int y_size ) Create a new palette based image (resource) imagecreatefromgd2 ( string filename ) Create a new image from GD2 file or URL (resource) imagecreatefromgd2part ( string filename, int srcX, int srcY, int width, int height ) Create a new image from a given part of GD2 file or URL (resource) imagecreatefromgd ( string filename ) Create a new image from GD file or URL (resource) imagecreatefromgif ( string filename ) Create a new image from file or URL (resource) imagecreatefromjpeg ( string filename ) Create a new image from file or URL (resource)

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imagecreatefrompng ( string filename ) Create a new image from file or URL (resource) imagecreatefromstring ( string image ) Create a new image from the image stream in the string (resource) imagecreatefromwbmp ( string filename ) Create a new image from file or URL (resource) imagecreatefromxbm ( string filename ) Create a new image from file or URL (resource) imagecreatefromxpm ( string filename ) Create a new image from file or URL (resource) imagecreatetruecolor ( int x_size, int y_size ) Create a new true color image (resource) imagedashedline ( resource image, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color ) Draw a dashed line (bool) imagedestroy ( resource image ) Destroy an image (bool) imageellipse ( resource image, int cx, int cy, int w, int h, int color ) Draw an ellipse (bool) imagefill ( resource image, int x, int y, int color ) Flood fill (bool) imagefilledarc ( resource image, int cx, int cy, int w, int h, int s, int e, int color, int style ) Draw a partial ellipse and fill it (bool) imagefilledellipse ( resource image, int cx, int cy, int w, int h, int color ) Draw a filled ellipse (bool) imagefilledpolygon ( resource image, array points, int num_points, int color ) Draw a filled polygon (bool) imagefilledrectangle ( resource image, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color ) Draw a filled rectangle (bool) imagefilltoborder ( resource image, int x, int y, int border, int color ) Flood fill to specific color (bool) imagefontheight ( int font ) Get font height (int) imagefontwidth ( int font ) Get font width (int) imageftbbox ( float size, float angle, string font_file, string text [, array extrainfo] ) Give the bounding box of a text using fonts via freetype2 (array) imagefttext ( resource image, float size, float angle, int x, int y, int col, string font_file, string text [, array extrainfo] ) Write text to the image using fonts using FreeType 2 (array) imagegammacorrect ( resource image, float inputgamma, float outputgamma ) Apply a gamma correction to a GD image (bool) imagegd2 ( resource image [, string filename [, int chunk_size [, int type]]] ) Output GD2 image to browser or file (bool) imagegd ( resource image [, string filename] ) Output GD image to browser or file (bool) imagegif ( resource image [, string filename] ) Output image to browser or file (bool) imageinterlace ( resource image [, int interlace] ) Enable or disable interlace (int) imageistruecolor ( resource image ) Finds whether an image is a truecolor image (bool) imagejpeg ( resource image [, string filename [, int quality]] ) Output image to browser or file (bool) imagelayereffect ( resource image, int effect ) Set the alpha blending flag to use the bundled libgd layering effects (bool) imageline ( resource image, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color ) Draw a line (bool) imageloadfont ( string file ) Load a new font (int) imagepalettecopy ( resource destination, resource source ) Copy the palette from one image to another (void) imagepng ( resource image [, string filename] ) Output a PNG image to either the browser or a file (bool) imagepolygon ( resource image, array points, int num_points, int color ) Draw a polygon (bool) imagepsbbox ( string text, int font, int size [, int space, int tightness, float angle] ) Give the bounding box of a text rectangle using PostScript Type1 fonts (array) imagepscopyfont ( resource fontindex ) Make a copy of an already loaded font for further modification (int) imagepsencodefont ( resource font_index, string encodingfile ) Change the character encoding vector of a font (bool) imagepsextendfont ( int font_index, float extend ) Extend or condense a font (bool) imagepsfreefont ( resource fontindex ) Free memory used by a PostScript Type 1 font (bool) imagepsloadfont ( string filename ) Load a PostScript Type 1 font from file (resource)

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imagepsslantfont ( resource font_index, float slant ) Slant a font (bool) imagepstext ( resource image, string text, resource font, int size, int foreground, int background, int x, int y [, int space, int tightness, float angle, int antialias_steps]) To draw a text string over an image using PostScript Type1 fonts (array) imagerectangle ( resource image, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int col ) Draw a rectangle (bool) imagerotate ( resource src_im, float angle, int bgd_color [, int ignore_transparent] ) Rotate an image with a given angle (resource) imagesavealpha ( resource image, bool saveflag ) Set the flag to save full alpha channel information (as opposed to single-color transparency) when saving PNG images (bool) imagesetbrush ( resource image, resource brush ) Set the brush image for line drawing (bool) imagesetpixel ( resource image, int x, int y, int color ) Set a single pixel (bool) imagesetstyle ( resource image, array style ) Set the style for line drawing (bool) imagesetthickness ( resource image, int thickness ) Set the thickness for line drawing (bool) imagesettile ( resource image, resource tile ) Set the tile image for filling (bool) imagestring ( resource image, int font, int x, int y, string s, int col ) Draw a string horizontally (bool) imagestringup ( resource image, int font, int x, int y, string s, int col ) Draw a string vertically (bool) imagesx ( resource image ) Get image width (int) imagesy ( resource image ) Get image height (int) imagetruecolortopalette ( resource image, bool dither, int ncolors ) Convert a true color image to a palette image (bool) imagettfbbox ( float size, float angle, string fontfile, string text ) Give the bounding box of a text using TrueType fonts (array) imagettftext ( resource image, float size, float angle, int x, int y, int color, string fontfile, string text ) Write text to the image using TrueType fonts (array) imagetypes ( void ) Return the image types supported by this PHP build (int) imagewbmp ( resource image [, string filename [, int foreground]] ) Output image to browser or file (bool) iptcembed ( string iptcdata, string jpeg_file_name [, int spool] ) Embed binary IPTC data into a JPEG image (mixed) iptcparse ( string iptcblock ) Parse a binary IPTC block into single tags. (array) jpeg2wbmp ( string jpegname, string wbmpname, int d_height, int d_width, int threshold ) Convert JPEG image file to WBMP image file (int) png2wbmp ( string pngname, string wbmpname, int d_height, int d_width, int threshold ) Convert PNG image file to WBMP image file (int)

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IMAP, POP3 and NNTP Functions imap_8bit ( string string ) Convert an 8bit string to a quoted-printable string (string) imap_alerts ( void ) This function returns all IMAP alert messages (if any) that have occurred during this page request or since the alert stack was reset (array) imap_append ( resource imap_stream, string mbox, string message [, string options] ) Append a string message to a specified mailbox (bool) imap_base64 ( string text ) Decode BASE64 encoded text (string) imap_binary ( string string ) Convert an 8bit string to a base64 string (string) imap_body ( resource imap_stream, int msg_number [, int options] ) Read the message body (string) imap_bodystruct ( resource stream_id, int msg_no, string section ) Read the structure of a specified body section of a specific message (object) imap_check ( resource imap_stream ) Check current mailbox (object) imap_clearflag_full ( resource stream, string sequence, string flag [, string options] ) Clears flags on messages (bool) imap_close ( resource imap_stream [, int flag] ) Close an IMAP stream (bool) imap_createmailbox ( resource imap_stream, string mbox ) Create a new mailbox (bool) imap_delete ( int imap_stream, int msg_number [, int options] ) Mark a message for deletion from current mailbox (bool) imap_deletemailbox ( resource imap_stream, string mbox ) Delete a mailbox (bool) imap_errors ( void ) This function returns all of the IMAP errors (if any) that have occurred during this page request or since the error stack was reset (array) imap_expunge ( resource imap_stream ) Delete all messages marked for deletion (bool) imap_fetch_overview ( resource imap_stream, string sequence [, int options] ) Read an overview of the information in the headers of the given message (array) imap_fetchbody ( resource imap_stream, int msg_number, string part_number [, int options] ) Fetch a particular section of the body of the message (string) imap_fetchheader ( resource imap_stream, int msgno [, int options] ) Returns header for a message (string) imap_fetchstructure ( resource imap_stream, int msg_number [, int options] ) Read the structure of a particular message (object) imap_get_quota ( resource imap_stream, string quota_root ) Retrieve the quota level settings, and usage statics per mailbox (array) imap_get_quotaroot ( resource imap_stream, string quota_root ) Retrieve the quota settings per user (array) imap_getmailboxes ( resource imap_stream, string ref, string pattern ) Read the list of mailboxes, returning detailed information on each one (array) imap_getsubscribed ( resource imap_stream, string ref, string pattern ) List all the subscribed mailboxes (array) imap_headerinfo ( resource imap_stream, int msg_number [, int fromlength [, int subjectlength [, string defaulthost]]] ) Read the header of the message (object) imap_headers ( resource imap_stream ) Returns headers for all messages in a mailbox (array) imap_last_error ( void ) This function returns the last IMAP error (if any) that occurred during this page request (string) imap_list ( resource imap_stream, string ref, string pattern ) Read the list of mailboxes (array) imap_lsub ( resource imap_stream, string ref, string pattern ) List all the subscribed mailboxes (array) imap_mail_compose ( array envelope, array body ) Create a MIME message based on given envelope and body sections (string) imap_mail_copy ( resource imap_stream, string msglist, string mbox [, int options] ) Copy specified messages to a mailbox (bool) imap_mail_move ( resource imap_stream, string msglist, string mbox [, int options] ) Move specified messages to a mailbox (bool) imap_mail ( string to, string subject, string message [, string additional_headers [, string cc [, string bcc [, string rpath]]]] ) Send an email message (bool) imap_mailboxmsginfo ( resource imap_stream ) Get information about the current mailbox (object) imap_mime_header_decode ( string text ) Decode MIME header elements (array) imap_msgno ( resource imap_stream, int uid ) This function returns the message sequence number for the given UID (int) imap_num_msg ( resource imap_stream ) Gives the number of messages in the current mailbox (int) imap_num_recent ( resource imap_stream ) Gives the number of recent messages in current mailbox (int)

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imap_open ( string mailbox, string username, string password [, int options] ) Open an IMAP stream to a mailbox (resource) imap_ping ( resource imap_stream ) Check if the IMAP stream is still active (bool) imap_qprint ( string string ) Convert a quoted-printable string to an 8 bit string (string) imap_renamemailbox ( resource imap_stream, string old_mbox, string new_mbox ) Rename an old mailbox to new mailbox (bool) imap_reopen ( resource imap_stream, string mailbox [, int options] ) Reopen IMAP stream to new mailbox (bool) imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist ( string address, string default_host ) Parses an address string (array) imap_rfc822_parse_headers ( string headers [, string defaulthost] ) Parse mail headers from a string (object) imap_rfc822_write_address ( string mailbox, string host, string personal ) Returns a properly formatted email address given the mailbox, host, and personal info (string) imap_search ( resource imap_stream, string criteria [, int options [, string charset]] ) This function returns an array of messages matching the given search criteria (array) imap_set_quota ( resource imap_stream, string quota_root, int quota_limit ) Sets a quota for a given mailbox (bool) imap_setacl ( resource stream_id, string mailbox, string id, string rights ) Sets the ACL for a giving mailbox (bool) imap_setflag_full ( resource stream, string sequence, string flag [, string options] ) Sets flags on messages (bool) imap_sort ( resource stream, int criteria, int reverse [, int options [, string search_criteria [, string charset]]] ) Sort an array of message headers (array) imap_status ( resource imap_stream, string mailbox, int options ) This function returns status information on a mailbox other than the current one (object) imap_subscribe ( resource imap_stream, string mbox ) Subscribe to a mailbox (bool) imap_thread ( resource stream_id [, int options] ) Returns a tree of threaded message (array) imap_timeout ( int timeout_type [, int timeout] ) Set or fetch imap timeout (mixed) imap_uid ( resource imap_stream, int msgno ) This function returns the UID for the given message sequence number (int) imap_undelete ( resource imap_stream, int msg_number [, int flags] ) Unmark the message which is marked deleted (bool) imap_unsubscribe ( string imap_stream, string mbox ) Unsubscribe from a mailbox (bool) imap_utf7_decode ( string text ) Decodes a modified UTF-7 encoded string (string) imap_utf7_encode ( string data ) Converts ISO-8859-1 string to modified UTF-7 text (string) imap_utf8 ( string mime_encoded_text ) Converts MIME-encoded text to UTF-8 (string) Mail Functions ezmlm_hash ( string addr ) Calculate the hash value needed by EZMLM (int) mail ( string to, string subject, string message [, string additional_headers [, string additional_parameters]] ) Send mail (bool)

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Mathematical Functions abs ( mixed number ) Absolute value (number) acos ( float arg ) Arc cosine (float) acosh ( float arg ) Inverse hyperbolic cosine (float) asin ( float arg ) Arc sine (float) asinh ( float arg ) Inverse hyperbolic sine (float) atan2 ( float y, float x ) Arc tangent of two variables (float) atan ( float arg ) Arc tangent (float) atanh ( float arg ) Inverse hyperbolic tangent (float) base_convert ( string number, int frombase, int tobase ) Convert a number between arbitrary bases (string) bindec ( string binary_string ) Binary to decimal (number) ceil ( float value ) Round fractions up (float) cos ( float arg ) Cosine (float) cosh ( float arg ) Hyperbolic cosine (float) decbin ( int number ) Decimal to binary (string) dechex ( int number ) Decimal to hexadecimal (string) decoct ( int number ) Decimal to octal (string) deg2rad ( float number ) Converts the number in degrees to the radian equivalent (float) exp ( float arg ) Calculates the exponent of e (float) expm1 ( float number ) Returns exp(number) - 1, computed in a way that is accurate even when the value of number is close to zero (float) floor ( float value ) Round fractions down (float) fmod ( float x, float y ) Returns the floating point remainder (modulo) of the division of the arguments (float) getrandmax ( void ) Show largest possible random value (int) hexdec ( string hex_string ) Hexadecimal to decimal (number) hypot ( float x, float y ) Calculate the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angle triangle (float) is_finite ( float val ) Finds whether a value is a legal finite number (bool) is_infinite ( float val ) Finds whether a value is infinite (bool) is_nan ( float val ) Finds whether a value is not a number (bool) lcg_value ( void ) Combined linear congruential generator (float) log10 ( float arg ) Base-10 logarithm (float) log1p ( float number ) Returns log(1 + number), computed in a way that is accurate even when the value of number is close to zero (float) log ( float arg [, float base] ) Natural logarithm (float) max ( number arg1, number arg2 [, number ...] ) Find highest value (mixed) min ( number arg1, number arg2 [, number ...] ) Find lowest value (mixed) mt_getrandmax ( void ) Show largest possible random value (int) mt_rand ( [int min, int max] ) Generate a better random value (int) mt_srand ( [int seed] ) Seed the better random number generator (void) octdec ( string octal_string ) Octal to decimal (number)

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pi ( void ) Get value of pi (float) pow ( number base, number exp ) Exponential expression (number) rad2deg ( float number ) Converts the radian number to the equivalent number in degrees (float) rand ( [int min, int max] ) Generate a random integer (int) round ( float val [, int precision] ) Rounds a float (float) sin ( float arg ) Sine (float) sinh ( float arg ) Hyperbolic sine (float) sqrt ( float arg ) Square root (float) srand ( [int seed] ) Seed the random number generator (void) tan ( float arg ) Tangent (float) tanh ( float arg ) Hyperbolic tangent (float) Mhash Functions mhash_count ( void ) Get the highest available hash id (int) mhash_get_block_size ( int hash ) Get the block size of the specified hash (int) mhash_get_hash_name ( int hash ) Get the name of the specified hash (string) mhash_keygen_s2k ( int hash, string password, string salt, int bytes ) Generates a key (string) mhash ( int hash, string data [, string key] ) Compute hash (string) Miscellaneous Functions connection_aborted ( void ) Returns TRUE if client disconnected (int) connection_status ( void ) Returns connection status bitfield (int) connection_timeout ( void ) Return TRUE if script timed out (bool) constant ( string name ) Returns the value of a constant (mixed) define ( string name, mixed value [, bool case_insensitive] ) Defines a named constant (bool) defined ( string name ) Checks whether a given named constant exists (bool) eval ( string code_str ) Evaluate a string as PHP code (mixed) exit ( [string status] ) Output a message and terminate the current script (void) get_browser ( [string user_agent [, bool return_array]] ) Tells what the user's browser is capable of (mixed) highlight_file ( string filename [, bool return] ) Syntax highlighting of a file (mixed) highlight_string ( string str [, bool return] ) Syntax highlighting of a string (mixed) ignore_user_abort ( [bool setting] ) Set whether a client disconnect should abort script execution (int) pack ( string format [, mixed args [, mixed ...]] ) Pack data into binary string (string) php_check_syntax ( string file_name [, string &error_message] ) Check the PHP syntax of (and execute) the specified file (bool) sleep ( int seconds ) Delay execution (int) time_sleep_until ( float timestamp ) Make the script sleep until the specified time (bool) uniqid ( [string prefix [, bool more_entropy]] ) Generate a unique ID (string) unpack ( string format, string data ) Unpack data from binary string (array) usleep ( int micro_seconds ) Delay execution in microseconds (void)

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Microsoft SQL Server Functions mssql_bind ( resource stmt, string param_name, mixed &var, int type [, int is_output [, int is_null [, int maxlen]]] ) Adds a parameter to a stored procedure or a remote stored procedure (bool) mssql_close ( [resource link_identifier] ) Close MS SQL Server connection (bool) mssql_connect ( [string servername [, string username [, string password [, bool new_link]]]] ) Open MS SQL server connection (resource) mssql_data_seek ( resource result_identifier, int row_number ) Moves internal row pointer (bool) mssql_execute ( resource stmt [, bool skip_results] ) Executes a stored procedure on a MS SQL server database (mixed) mssql_fetch_array ( resource result [, int result_type] ) Fetch a result row as an associative array, a numeric array, or both (array) mssql_fetch_assoc ( resource result_id ) Returns an associative array of the current row in the result set specified by result_id (array) mssql_fetch_batch ( resource result_index ) Returns the next batch of records (int) mssql_fetch_field ( resource result [, int field_offset] ) Get field information (object) mssql_fetch_object ( resource result ) Fetch row as object (object) mssql_fetch_row ( resource result ) Get row as enumerated array (array) mssql_field_length ( resource result [, int offset] ) Get the length of a field (int) mssql_field_name ( resource result [, int offset] ) Get the name of a field (string) mssql_field_seek ( resource result, int field_offset ) Seeks to the specified field offset (bool) mssql_field_type ( resource result [, int offset] ) Gets the type of a field (string) mssql_free_result ( resource result ) Free result memory (bool) mssql_free_statement ( resource statement ) Free statement memory (bool) mssql_get_last_message ( void ) Returns the last message from the server (string) mssql_guid_string ( string binary [, int short_format] ) Converts a 16 byte binary GUID to a string (string) mssql_init ( string sp_name [, resource conn_id] ) Initializes a stored procedure or a remote stored procedure (resource) mssql_min_error_severity ( int severity ) Sets the lower error severity (void) mssql_min_message_severity ( int severity ) Sets the lower message severity (void) mssql_next_result ( resource result_id ) Move the internal result pointer to the next result (bool) mssql_num_fields ( resource result ) Gets the number of fields in result (int) mssql_num_rows ( resource result ) Gets the number of rows in result (int) mssql_pconnect ( [string servername [, string username [, string password [, bool new_link]]]] ) Open persistent MS SQL connection (resource) mssql_query ( string query [, resource link_identifier [, int batch_size]] ) Send MS SQL query (mixed) mssql_result ( resource result, int row, mixed field ) Get result data (string) mssql_rows_affected ( resource conn_id ) Returns the number of records affected by the query (int) mssql_select_db ( string database_name [, resource link_identifier] ) Select MS SQL database (bool)

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MySQL Functions mysql_affected_rows ( [resource link_identifier] ) Get number of affected rows in previous MySQL operation (int) mysql_change_user ( string user, string password [, string database [, resource link_identifier]] ) Change logged in user of the active connection (int) mysql_client_encoding ( [resource link_identifier] ) Returns the name of the character set (string) mysql_close ( [resource link_identifier] ) Close MySQL connection (bool) mysql_connect ( [string server [, string username [, string password [, bool new_link [, int client_flags]]]]] ) Open a connection to a MySQL Server (resource) mysql_create_db ( string database_name [, resource link_identifier] ) Create a MySQL database (bool) mysql_data_seek ( resource result, int row_number ) Move internal result pointer (bool) mysql_db_name ( resource result, int row [, mixed field] ) Get result data (string) mysql_db_query ( string database, string query [, resource link_identifier] ) Send a MySQL query (resource) mysql_drop_db ( string database_name [, resource link_identifier] ) Drop (delete) a MySQL database (bool) mysql_errno ( [resource link_identifier] ) Returns the numerical value of the error message from previous MySQL operation (int) mysql_error ( [resource link_identifier] ) Returns the text of the error message from previous MySQL operation (string) mysql_escape_string ( string unescaped_string ) Escapes a string for use in a mysql_query (string) mysql_fetch_array ( resource result [, int result_type] ) Fetch a result row as an associative array, a numeric array, or both (array) mysql_fetch_assoc ( resource result ) Fetch a result row as an associative array (array) mysql_fetch_field ( resource result [, int field_offset] ) Get column information from a result and return as an object (object) mysql_fetch_lengths ( resource result ) Get the length of each output in a result (array) mysql_fetch_object ( resource result ) Fetch a result row as an object (object) mysql_fetch_row ( resource result ) Get a result row as an enumerated array (array) mysql_field_flags ( resource result, int field_offset ) Get the flags associated with the specified field in a result (string) mysql_field_len ( resource result, int field_offset ) Returns the length of the specified field (int) mysql_field_name ( resource result, int field_offset ) Get the name of the specified field in a result (string) mysql_field_seek ( resource result, int field_offset ) Set result pointer to a specified field offset (bool) mysql_field_table ( resource result, int field_offset ) Get name of the table the specified field is in (string) mysql_field_type ( resource result, int field_offset ) Get the type of the specified field in a result (string) mysql_free_result ( resource result ) Free result memory (bool) mysql_get_client_info ( void ) Get MySQL client info (string) mysql_get_host_info ( [resource link_identifier] ) Get MySQL host info (string) mysql_get_proto_info ( [resource link_identifier] ) Get MySQL protocol info (int) mysql_get_server_info ( [resource link_identifier] ) Get MySQL server info (string) mysql_info ( [resource link_identifier] ) Get information about the most recent query (string) mysql_insert_id ( [resource link_identifier] ) Get the ID generated from the previous INSERT operation (int) mysql_list_dbs ( [resource link_identifier] ) List databases available on a MySQL server (resource) mysql_list_fields ( string database_name, string table_name [, resource link_identifier] ) List MySQL table fields (resource) mysql_list_processes ( [resource link_identifier] ) List MySQL processes (resource) mysql_list_tables ( string database [, resource link_identifier] ) List tables in a MySQL database (resource) mysql_num_fields ( resource result ) Get number of fields in result (int)

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mysql_num_rows ( resource result ) Get number of rows in result (int) mysql_pconnect ( [string server [, string username [, string password [, int client_flags]]]] ) Open a persistent connection to a MySQL server (resource) mysql_ping ( [resource link_identifier] ) Ping a server connection or reconnect if there is no connection (bool) mysql_query ( string query [, resource link_identifier] ) Send a MySQL query (resource) mysql_real_escape_string ( string unescaped_string [, resource link_identifier] ) Escapes special characters in a string for use in a SQL statement (string) mysql_result ( resource result, int row [, mixed field] ) Get result data (string) mysql_select_db ( string database_name [, resource link_identifier] ) Select a MySQL database (bool) mysql_stat ( [resource link_identifier] ) Get current system status (string) mysql_tablename ( resource result, int i ) Get table name of field (string) mysql_thread_id ( [resource link_identifier] ) Return the current thread ID (int) mysql_unbuffered_query ( string query [, resource link_identifier] ) Send an SQL query to MySQL, without fetching and buffering the result rows (resource) MySQL Improved Extension mysqli_embedded_connect ( [string dbname] ) Open a connection to an embedded mysql server (mysqli) mysqli_server_end ( void ) Shut down the embedded server (void) mysqli_server_init ( [array server [, array groups]] ) Initialize embedded server (bool) Network Functions checkdnsrr ( string host [, string type] ) Check DNS records corresponding to a given Internet host name or IP address (int) closelog ( void ) Close connection to system logger (bool) debugger_off ( void ) Disable internal PHP debugger (PHP 3) (int) debugger_on ( string address ) Enable internal PHP debugger (PHP 3) (int) define_syslog_variables ( void ) Initializes all syslog related constants (void) fsockopen ( string target [, int port [, int &errno [, string &errstr [, float timeout]]]] ) Open Internet or Unix domain socket connection (resource) gethostbyaddr ( string ip_address ) Get the Internet host name corresponding to a given IP address (string) gethostbyname ( string hostname ) Get the IP address corresponding to a given Internet host name (string) gethostbynamel ( string hostname ) Get a list of IP addresses corresponding to a given Internet host name (array) getmxrr ( string hostname, array &mxhosts [, array &weight] ) Get MX records corresponding to a given Internet host name (bool) getprotobyname ( string name ) Get protocol number associated with protocol name (int) getprotobynumber ( int number ) Get protocol name associated with protocol number (string) getservbyname ( string service, string protocol ) Get port number associated with an Internet service and protocol (int) getservbyport ( int port, string protocol ) Get Internet service which corresponds to port and protocol (string) inet_ntop ( string in_addr ) Converts a packed internet address to a human readable representation (string) inet_pton ( string address ) Converts a human readable IP address to its packed in_addr representation (string) ip2long ( string ip_address ) Converts a string containing an (IPv4) Internet Protocol dotted address into a proper address (int) long2ip ( int proper_address ) Converts an (IPv4) Internet network address into a string in Internet standard dotted format (string) openlog ( string ident, int option, int facility ) Open connection to system logger (bool) pfsockopen ( string hostname [, int port [, int &errno [, string &errstr [, float timeout]]]] ) Open persistent Internet or Unix domain socket connection (resource) syslog ( int priority, string message ) Generate a system log message (bool)

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ODBC Functions (Unified) odbc_autocommit ( resource connection_id [, bool OnOff] ) Toggle autocommit behaviour (mixed) odbc_binmode ( resource result_id, int mode ) Handling of binary column data (bool) odbc_close_all ( void ) Close all ODBC connections (void) odbc_close ( resource connection_id ) Close an ODBC connection (void) odbc_columnprivileges ( resource connection_id, string qualifier, string owner, string table_name, string column_name ) Returns a result identifier that can be used to fetch a list of columns and associated privileges (resource) odbc_columns ( resource connection_id [, string qualifier [, string schema [, string table_name [, string column_name]]]] ) Lists the column names in specified tables (resource) odbc_commit ( resource connection_id ) Commit an ODBC transaction (bool) odbc_connect ( string dsn, string user, string password [, int cursor_type] ) Connect to a datasource (resource) odbc_cursor ( resource result_id ) Get cursorname (string) odbc_data_source ( resource connection_id, int fetch_type ) Returns information about a current connection (array) odbc_do ( resource conn_id, string query ) Synonym for odbc_exec() (resource) odbc_error ( [resource connection_id] ) Get the last error code (string) odbc_errormsg ( [resource connection_id] ) Get the last error message (string) odbc_exec ( resource connection_id, string query_string [, int flags] ) Prepare and execute a SQL statement (resource) odbc_execute ( resource result_id [, array parameters_array] ) Execute a prepared statement (bool) odbc_fetch_array ( resource result [, int rownumber] ) Fetch a result row as an associative array (array) odbc_fetch_into ( resource result_id, array &result_array [, int rownumber] ) Fetch one result row into array (int) odbc_fetch_object ( resource result [, int rownumber] ) Fetch a result row as an object (object) odbc_fetch_row ( resource result_id [, int row_number] ) Fetch a row (bool) odbc_field_len ( resource result_id, int field_number ) Get the length (precision) of a field (int) odbc_field_name ( resource result_id, int field_number ) Get the columnname (string) odbc_field_num ( resource result_id, string field_name ) Return column number (int) odbc_field_precision ( resource result_id, int field_number ) Synonym for odbc_field_len() (int) odbc_field_scale ( resource result_id, int field_number ) Get the scale of a field (int) odbc_field_type ( resource result_id, int field_number ) Datatype of a field (string) odbc_foreignkeys ( resource connection_id, string pk_qualifier, string pk_owner, string pk_table, string fk_qualifier, string fk_owner, string fk_table ) Returns a list of foreign keys in the specified table or a list of foreign keys in other tables that refer to the primary key in the specified table (resource) odbc_free_result ( resource result_id ) Free resources associated with a result (bool) odbc_gettypeinfo ( resource connection_id [, int data_type] ) Returns a result identifier containing information about data types supported by the data source (resource) odbc_longreadlen ( resource result_id, int length ) Handling of LONG columns (bool) odbc_next_result ( resource result_id ) Checks if multiple results are available (bool) odbc_num_fields ( resource result_id ) Number of columns in a result (int) odbc_num_rows ( resource result_id ) Number of rows in a result (int) odbc_pconnect ( string dsn, string user, string password [, int cursor_type] ) Open a persistent database connection (resource) odbc_prepare ( resource connection_id, string query_string ) Prepares a statement for execution (resource) odbc_primarykeys ( resource connection_id, string qualifier, string owner, string table ) Returns a result identifier that can be used to fetch the column names that comprise the primary key for a table (resource) odbc_procedurecolumns ( resource connection_id [, string qualifier, string owner, string proc, string column] ) Retrieve information about parameters to procedures (resource) odbc_procedures ( resource connection_id [, string qualifier, string owner, string name] ) Get the list of procedures stored in a specific data source (resource)

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odbc_result_all ( resource result_id [, string format] ) Print result as HTML table (int) odbc_result ( resource result_id, mixed field ) Get result data (mixed) odbc_rollback ( resource connection_id ) Rollback a transaction (bool) odbc_setoption ( resource id, int function, int option, int param ) Adjust ODBC settings (bool) odbc_specialcolumns ( resource connection_id, int type, string qualifier, string owner, string table, int scope, int nullable ) Returns either the optimal set of columns that uniquely identifies a row in the table or columns that are automatically updated when any value in the row is updated by a transaction (resource) odbc_statistics ( resource connection_id, string qualifier, string owner, string table_name, int unique, int accuracy ) Retrieve statistics about a table (resource) odbc_tableprivileges ( resource connection_id, string qualifier, string owner, string name ) Lists tables and the privileges associated with each table (resource) odbc_tables ( resource connection_id [, string qualifier [, string owner [, string name [, string types]]]] ) Get the list of table names stored in a specific data source (resource) Output Control Functions flush ( void ) Flush the output buffer (void) ob_clean ( void ) Clean (erase) the output buffer (void) ob_end_clean ( void ) Clean (erase) the output buffer and turn off output buffering (bool) ob_end_flush ( void ) Flush (send) the output buffer and turn off output buffering (bool) ob_flush ( void ) Flush (send) the output buffer (void) ob_get_clean ( void ) Get current buffer contents and delete current output buffer (string) ob_get_contents ( void ) Return the contents of the output buffer (string) ob_get_flush ( void ) Flush the output buffer, return it as a string and turn off output buffering (string) ob_get_length ( void ) Return the length of the output buffer (int) ob_get_level ( void ) Return the nesting level of the output buffering mechanism (int) ob_get_status ( [bool full_status=FALSE] ) Get status of output buffers (array) ob_gzhandler ( string buffer, int mode ) ob_start callback function to gzip output buffer (string) ob_implicit_flush ( [int flag] ) Turn implicit flush on/off (void) ob_list_handlers ( void ) List all output handlers in use (array) ob_start ( [callback output_callback [, int chunk_size [, bool erase]]] ) Turn on output buffering (bool) output_add_rewrite_var ( string name, string value ) Add URL rewriter values (bool) output_reset_rewrite_vars ( void ) Reset URL rewriter values (bool)

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Process Control Functions pcntl_alarm ( int seconds ) Set an alarm clock for delivery of a signal (int) pcntl_exec ( string path [, array args [, array envs]] ) Executes specified program in current process space (void) pcntl_fork ( void ) Forks the currently running process (int) pcntl_signal ( int signo, callback handle [, bool restart_syscalls] ) Installs a signal handler (bool) pcntl_waitpid ( int pid, int &status [, int options] ) Waits on or returns the status of a forked child (int) pcntl_wexitstatus ( int status ) Returns the return code of a terminated child (int) pcntl_wifexited ( int status ) Returns TRUE if status code represents a successful exit (bool) pcntl_wifsignaled ( int status ) Returns TRUE if status code represents a termination due to a signal (bool) pcntl_wifstopped ( int status ) Returns TRUE if child process is currently stopped (bool) pcntl_wstopsig ( int status ) Returns the signal which caused the child to stop (int) pcntl_wtermsig ( int status ) Returns the signal which caused the child to terminate (int)

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POSIX Functions posix_access ( string file [, int mode] ) Determine accessibility of a file (bool) posix_ctermid ( void ) Get path name of controlling terminal (string) posix_get_last_error ( void ) Retrieve the error number set by the last posix function that failed (int) posix_getcwd ( void ) Pathname of current directory (string) posix_getegid ( void ) Return the effective group ID of the current process (int) posix_geteuid ( void ) Return the effective user ID of the current process (int) posix_getgid ( void ) Return the real group ID of the current process (int) posix_getgrgid ( int gid ) Return info about a group by group id (array) posix_getgrnam ( string name ) Return info about a group by name (array) posix_getgroups ( void ) Return the group set of the current process (array) posix_getlogin ( void ) Return login name (string) posix_getpgid ( int pid ) Get process group id for job control (int) posix_getpgrp ( void ) Return the current process group identifier (int) posix_getpid ( void ) Return the current process identifier (int) posix_getppid ( void ) Return the parent process identifier (int) posix_getpwnam ( string username ) Return info about a user by username (array) posix_getpwuid ( int uid ) Return info about a user by user id (array) posix_getrlimit ( void ) Return info about system resource limits (array) posix_getsid ( int pid ) Get the current sid of the process (int) posix_getuid ( void ) Return the real user ID of the current process (int) posix_isatty ( int fd ) Determine if a file descriptor is an interactive terminal (bool) posix_kill ( int pid, int sig ) Send a signal to a process (bool) posix_mkfifo ( string pathname, int mode ) Create a fifo special file (a named pipe) (bool) posix_mknod ( string pathname, int mode [, int major [, int minor]] ) Create a special or ordinary file (POSIX.1) (bool) posix_setegid ( int gid ) Set the effective GID of the current process (bool) posix_seteuid ( int uid ) Set the effective UID of the current process (bool) posix_setgid ( int gid ) Set the GID of the current process (bool) posix_setpgid ( int pid, int pgid ) Set process group id for job control (bool) posix_setsid ( void ) Make the current process a session leader (int) posix_setuid ( int uid ) Set the UID of the current process (bool) posix_strerror ( int errno ) Retrieve the system error message associated with the given errno (string) posix_times ( void ) Get process times (array) posix_ttyname ( int fd ) Determine terminal device name (string) posix_uname ( void ) Get system name (array)

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Program Execution Functions escapeshellarg ( string arg ) Escape a string to be used as a shell argument (string) escapeshellcmd ( string command ) Escape shell metacharacters (string) exec ( string command [, array &output [, int &return_var]] ) Execute an external program (string) passthru ( string command [, int &return_var] ) Execute an external program and display raw output (void) proc_close ( resource process ) Close a process opened by proc_open() and return the exit code of that process. (int) proc_open ( string cmd, array descriptorspec, array &pipes [, string cwd [, array env [, array other_options]]] ) Execute a command and open file pointers for input/output (resource) shell_exec ( string cmd ) Execute command via shell and return the complete output as a string (string) system ( string command [, int &return_var] ) Execute an external program and display the output (string) Regular Expression Functions (POSIX Extended) ereg_replace ( string pattern, string replacement, string string ) Replace regular expression (string) ereg ( string pattern, string string [, array &regs] ) Regular expression match (int) eregi_replace ( string pattern, string replacement, string string ) Replace regular expression case insensitive (string) eregi ( string pattern, string string [, array &regs] ) Case insensitive regular expression match (int) split ( string pattern, string string [, int limit] ) Split string into array by regular expression (array) spliti ( string pattern, string string [, int limit] ) Split string into array by regular expression case insensitive (array) sql_regcase ( string string ) Make regular expression for case insensitive match (string) Session Handling Functions session_cache_expire ( [int new_cache_expire] ) Return current cache expire (int) session_cache_limiter ( [string cache_limiter] ) Get and/or set the current cache limiter (string) session_decode ( string data ) Decodes session data from a string (bool) session_destroy ( void ) Destroys all data registered to a session (bool) session_encode ( void ) Encodes the current session data as a string (string) session_get_cookie_params ( void ) Get the session cookie parameters (array) session_id ( [string id] ) Get and/or set the current session id (string) session_is_registered ( string name ) Find out whether a global variable is registered in a session (bool) session_module_name ( [string module] ) Get and/or set the current session module (string) session_name ( [string name] ) Get and/or set the current session name (string) session_regenerate_id ( [bool delete_old_session] ) Update the current session id with a newly generated one (bool) session_register ( mixed name [, mixed ...] ) Register one or more global variables with the current session (bool) session_save_path ( [string path] ) Get and/or set the current session save path (string) session_set_cookie_params ( int lifetime [, string path [, string domain [, bool secure]]] ) Set the session cookie parameters (void) session_set_save_handler ( callback open, callback close, callback read, callback write, callback destroy, callback gc ) Sets user-level session storage functions (bool) session_start ( void ) Initialize session data (bool) session_unregister ( string name ) Unregister a global variable from the current session (bool) session_unset ( void ) Free all session variables (void) session_write_close ( void ) Write session data and end session (void)

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String Functions addcslashes ( string str, string charlist ) Quote string with slashes in a C style (string) addslashes ( string str ) Quote string with slashes (string) bin2hex ( string str ) Convert binary data into hexadecimal representation (string) chr ( int ascii ) Return a specific character (string) chunk_split ( string body [, int chunklen [, string end]] ) Split a string into smaller chunks (string) convert_cyr_string ( string str, string from, string to ) Convert from one Cyrillic character set to another (string) count_chars ( string string [, int mode] ) Return information about characters used in a string (mixed) crc32 ( string str ) Calculates the crc32 polynomial of a string (int) crypt ( string str [, string salt] ) One-way string encryption (hashing) (string) echo ( string arg1 [, string ...] ) Output one or more strings (void) explode ( string separator, string string [, int limit] ) Split a string by string (array) get_html_translation_table ( [int table [, int quote_style]] ) Returns the translation table used by htmlspecialchars() and htmlentities() (array) hebrev ( string hebrew_text [, int max_chars_per_line] ) Convert logical Hebrew text to visual text (string) hebrevc ( string hebrew_text [, int max_chars_per_line] ) Convert logical Hebrew text to visual text with newline conversion (string) html_entity_decode ( string string [, int quote_style [, string charset]] ) Convert all HTML entities to their applicable characters (string) htmlentities ( string string [, int quote_style [, string charset]] ) Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities (string) htmlspecialchars_decode ( string string [, int quote_style] ) Convert special HTML entities back to characters (string) htmlspecialchars ( string string [, int quote_style [, string charset]] ) Convert special characters to HTML entities (string) implode ( string glue, array pieces ) Join array elements with a string (string) levenshtein ( string str1, string str2 [, int cost_ins, int cost_rep, int cost_del] ) Calculate Levenshtein distance between two strings (int) localeconv ( void ) Get numeric formatting information (array) ltrim ( string str [, string charlist] ) Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning of a string (string) md5_file ( string filename [, bool raw_output] ) Calculates the md5 hash of a given file (string) md5 ( string str [, bool raw_output] ) Calculate the md5 hash of a string (string) metaphone ( string str [, int phones] ) Calculate the metaphone key of a string (string) money_format ( string format, float number ) Formats a number as a currency string (string) nl_langinfo ( int item ) Query language and locale information (string) nl2br ( string string ) Inserts HTML line breaks before all newlines in a string (string) number_format ( float number [, int decimals [, string dec_point, string thousands_sep]] ) Format a number with grouped thousands (string) ord ( string string ) Return ASCII value of character (int) parse_str ( string str [, array &arr] ) Parses the string into variables (void) print ( string arg ) Output a string (int) printf ( string format [, mixed args [, mixed ...]] ) Output a formatted string (int) quoted_printable_decode ( string str ) Convert a quoted-printable string to an 8 bit string (string) quotemeta ( string str ) Quote meta characters (string) rtrim ( string str [, string charlist] ) Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the end of a string (string) setlocale ( int category, string locale [, string ...] ) Set locale information (string)

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sha1_file ( string filename [, bool raw_output] ) Calculate the sha1 hash of a file (string) sha1 ( string str [, bool raw_output] ) Calculate the sha1 hash of a string (string) similar_text ( string first, string second [, float &percent] ) Calculate the similarity between two strings (int) soundex ( string str ) Calculate the soundex key of a string (string) sprintf ( string format [, mixed args [, mixed ...]] ) Return a formatted string (string) sscanf ( string str, string format [, mixed &...] ) Parses input from a string according to a format (mixed) str_pad ( string input, int pad_length [, string pad_string [, int pad_type]] ) Pad a string to a certain length with another string (string) str_repeat ( string input, int multiplier ) Repeat a string (string) str_replace ( mixed search, mixed replace, mixed subject [, int &count] ) Replace all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string (mixed) str_rot13 ( string str ) Perform the rot13 transform on a string (string) str_shuffle ( string str ) Randomly shuffles a string (string) str_word_count ( string string [, int format [, string charlist]] ) Return information about words used in a string (mixed) strcasecmp ( string str1, string str2 ) Binary safe case-insensitive string comparison (int) strcmp ( string str1, string str2 ) Binary safe string comparison (int) strcoll ( string str1, string str2 ) Locale based string comparison (int) strcspn ( string str1, string str2 [, int start [, int length]] ) Find length of initial segment not matching mask (int) strip_tags ( string str [, string allowable_tags] ) Strip HTML and PHP tags from a string (string) stripcslashes ( string str ) Un-quote string quoted with addcslashes() (string) stripslashes ( string str ) Un-quote string quoted with addslashes() (string) stristr ( string haystack, string needle ) Case-insensitive strstr() (string) strlen ( string string ) Get string length (int) strnatcasecmp ( string str1, string str2 ) Case insensitive string comparisons using a "natural order" algorithm (int) strnatcmp ( string str1, string str2 ) String comparisons using a "natural order" algorithm (int) strncasecmp ( string str1, string str2, int len ) Binary safe case-insensitive string comparison of the first n characters (int) strncmp ( string str1, string str2, int len ) Binary safe string comparison of the first n characters (int) strpos ( string haystack, mixed needle [, int offset] ) Find position of first occurrence of a string (int) strrchr ( string haystack, string needle ) Find the last occurrence of a character in a string (string) strrev ( string string ) Reverse a string (string) strrpos ( string haystack, string needle [, int offset] ) Find position of last occurrence of a char in a string (int) strspn ( string str1, string str2 [, int start [, int length]] ) Find length of initial segment matching mask (int) strstr ( string haystack, string needle ) Find first occurrence of a string (string) strtok ( string str, string token ) Tokenize string (string) strtolower ( string str ) Make a string lowercase (string) strtoupper ( string string ) Make a string uppercase (string) strtr ( string str, string from, string to ) Translate certain characters (string) substr_count ( string haystack, string needle [, int offset [, int length]] ) Count the number of substring occurrences (int) substr_replace ( mixed string, string replacement, int start [, int length] ) Replace text within a portion of a string (mixed) substr ( string string, int start [, int length] ) Return part of a string (string)

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trim ( string str [, string charlist] ) Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and end of a string (string) ucfirst ( string str ) Make a string's first character uppercase (string) ucwords ( string str ) Uppercase the first character of each word in a string (string) vprintf ( string format, array args ) Output a formatted string (int) vsprintf ( string format, array args ) Return a formatted string (string) wordwrap ( string str [, int width [, string break [, bool cut]]] ) Wraps a string to a given number of characters using a string break character (string) URL Functions base64_decode ( string encoded_data ) Decodes data encoded with MIME base64 (string) base64_encode ( string data ) Encodes data with MIME base64 (string) get_meta_tags ( string filename [, bool use_include_path] ) Extracts all meta tag content attributes from a file and returns an array (array) parse_url ( string url ) Parse a URL and return its components (array) rawurldecode ( string str ) Decode URL-encoded strings (string) rawurlencode ( string str ) URL-encode according to RFC 1738 (string) urldecode ( string str ) Decodes URL-encoded string (string) urlencode ( string str ) URL-encodes string (string)

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Variable Handling Functions debug_zval_dump ( mixed variable ) Dumps a string representation of an internal zend value to output (void) empty ( mixed var ) Determine whether a variable is empty (bool) floatval ( mixed var ) Get float value of a variable (float) get_defined_vars ( void ) Returns an array of all defined variables (array) get_resource_type ( resource handle ) Returns the resource type (string) gettype ( mixed var ) Get the type of a variable (string) import_request_variables ( string types [, string prefix] ) Import GET/POST/Cookie variables into the global scope (bool) intval ( mixed var [, int base] ) Get the integer value of a variable (int) is_array ( mixed var ) Finds whether a variable is an array (bool) is_bool ( mixed var ) Finds out whether a variable is a boolean (bool) is_callable ( mixed var [, bool syntax_only [, string &callable_name]] ) Verify that the contents of a variable can be called as a function (bool) is_float ( mixed var ) Finds whether a variable is a float (bool) is_int ( mixed var ) Find whether a variable is an integer (bool) is_null ( mixed var ) Finds whether a variable is NULL (bool) is_numeric ( mixed var ) Finds whether a variable is a number or a numeric string (bool) is_object ( mixed var ) Finds whether a variable is an object (bool) is_resource ( mixed var ) Finds whether a variable is a resource (bool) is_scalar ( mixed var ) Finds whether a variable is a scalar (bool) is_string ( mixed var ) Finds whether a variable is a string (bool) isset ( mixed var [, mixed var [, ...]] ) Determine whether a variable is set (bool) print_r ( mixed expression [, bool return] ) Prints human-readable information about a variable (bool) serialize ( mixed value ) Generates a storable representation of a value (string) settype ( mixed &var, string type ) Set the type of a variable (bool) strval ( mixed var ) Get string value of a variable (string) unserialize ( string str ) Creates a PHP value from a stored representation (mixed) unset ( mixed var [, mixed var [, mixed ...]] ) Unset a given variable (void) var_dump ( mixed expression [, mixed expression [, ...]] ) Dumps information about a variable (void) var_export ( mixed expression [, bool return] ) Outputs or returns a parsable string representation of a variable (mixed)

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Server Variables: $_SERVER[‘server_variable’] 'PHP_SELF' The filename of the currently executing script, relative to the document root (sting) 'argv' Array of arguments passed to the script 'argc' Contains the number of command line parameters passed to the script GATEWAY_INTERFACE What revision of the CGI specification the server is using 'SERVER_ADDR' The IP address of the server under which the current script is executing 'SERVER_NAME' The name of the server host under which the current script is executing 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' Server identification string, given in the headers when responding to requests. 'SERVER_PROTOCOL' Name and revision of the information protocol via which the page was requested 'REQUEST_METHOD' Which request method was used to access the page 'REQUEST_TIME' The timestamp of the start of the request 'QUERY_STRING' The query string, if any, via which the page was accessed 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' The document root directory under which the current script is executing 'HTTP_ACCEPT' Contents of the Accept: header from the current request 'HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET' Contents of the Accept-Charset: header from the current request 'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING' Contents of the Accept-Encoding: header from the current request 'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE' Contents of the Accept-Language: header from the current request 'HTTP_CONNECTION' Contents of the Connection: header from the current request 'HTTP_HOST' Contents of the Host: header from the current request 'HTTP_REFERER' The address of the page (if any) which referred the user agent to the current page 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' Contents of the User-Agent: header from the current request 'HTTPS' Set to a non-empty value if the script was queried through the HTTPS protocol 'REMOTE_ADDR' The IP address from which the user is viewing the current page 'REMOTE_HOST' The Host name from which the user is viewing the current page 'REMOTE_PORT' The port being used on the user's machine to communicate with the web server 'SCRIPT_FILENAME' The absolute pathname of the currently executing script 'SERVER_ADMIN' The value given to the SERVER_ADMIN (for Apache) directive in the web server configuration file 'SERVER_PORT' The port on the server machine being used by the web server for communication 'SERVER_SIGNATURE' String containing the server version and virtual host name which are added to server-generated pages 'PATH_TRANSLATED' Filesystem- (not document root-) based path to the current script 'SCRIPT_NAME' Contains the current script's path 'REQUEST_URI' The URI which was given in order to access this page 'PHP_AUTH_DIGEST' When running under Apache as module doing Digest HTTP authentication this variable is set to the 'Authorization' header sent by the client 'PHP_AUTH_USER' When running under Apache or IIS (ISAPI on PHP 5) as module doing HTTP authentication this variable is set to the username provided by the user 'PHP_AUTH_PW' When running under Apache or IIS (ISAPI on PHP 5) as module doing HTTP authentication this variable is set to the password provided by the user 'AUTH_TYPE' When running under Apache as module doing HTTP authenticated this variable is set to the authentication type

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Predefined Variables $Predefined_Variable[‘variable_name’] $_SERVER An array containing information such as headers, paths, and script locations $_ENV These variables are imported into PHP's global namespace from the environment under which the PHP parser is running $_COOKIE An associative array of variables passed to the current script via HTTP cookies $_GET An associative array of variables passed to the current script via the HTTP GET method $_POST An associative array of variables passed to the current script via the HTTP POST method $_FILES An associative array of items uploaded to the current script via the HTTP POST method $_REQUEST An associative array consisting of the contents of $_GET, $_POST, and $_COOKIE $_SESSION An associative array containing session variables available to the current script $GLOBALS An associative array containing references to all variables which are currently defined in the global scope of the script $php_errormsg A variable containing the text of the last error message generated by PHP Date Format

Format character Description Example returned values Day --- --- d Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros 01 to 31 D A textual representation of a day, three letters Mon through Sun j Day of the month without leading zeros 1 to 31 l (lowercase 'L') A full textual representation of the day of the week Sunday through Saturday N ISO-8601 numeric representation of the day of the week (added in PHP 5.1.0) 1 (for Monday) through 7 (for Sunday) S English ordinal suffix for the day of the month, 2 characters st, nd, rd or th. Works well with j w Numeric representation of the day of the week 0 (for Sunday) through 6 (for Saturday) z The day of the year (starting from 0) 0 through 365 Week --- --- W ISO-8601 week number of year, weeks starting on Monday (added in PHP 4.1.0) Example: 42 (the 42nd week in the year) Month --- --- F A full textual representation of a month, such as January or March January through December m Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros 01 through 12 M A short textual representation of a month, three letters Jan through Dec n Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros 1 through 12 t Number of days in the given month 28 through 31 Year --- --- L Whether it's a leap year 1 if it is a leap year, 0 otherwise. o ISO-8601 year number. This has the same value as Y, except that if the ISO week

number (W) belongs to the previous or next year, that year is used instead. (added in PHP 5.1.0)

Examples: 1999 or 2003

Y A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits Examples: 1999 or 2003 y A two digit representation of a year Examples: 99 or 03 Time --- --- a Lowercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem am or pm A Uppercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem AM or PM B Swatch Internet time 000 through 999 g 12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros 1 through 12 G 24-hour format of an hour without leading zeros 0 through 23 h 12-hour format of an hour with leading zeros 01 through 12 H 24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros 00 through 23 i Minutes with leading zeros 00 to 59 s Seconds, with leading zeros 00 through 59 Timezone --- --- e Timezone identifier (added in PHP 5.1.0) Examples: UTC, GMT, Atlantic/Azores I (capital i) Whether or not the date is in daylights savings time 1 if Daylight Savings Time, 0 otherwise. O Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) in hours Example: +0200 P Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) with colon between hours and minutes (added in

PHP 5.1.3) Example: +02:00

T Timezone setting of this machine Examples: EST, MDT ... Z Timezone offset in seconds. The offset for timezones west of UTC is always negative,

and for those east of UTC is always positive. -43200 through 43200

Full Date/Time --- --- c ISO 8601 date (added in PHP 5) 2004-02-12T15:19:21+00:00 r RFC 2822 formatted date Example: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 16:01:07 +0200 U Seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT) See also time()

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PHP Function Reference – April 15 2005

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Information Thank you for downloading and using my PHP Reference. This document was created from the downloadable HTML manual from I used PHP to parse the HTML files and create this as document. I offer it to everyone for free. If you find it very useful all I ask is for a link to my home page ( ) from your site, so that others may download their own copy. If you have any questions or comments about this document, feel free to stop by and contact me. Thanks, Jules Gravinese