Photoshop pixel explosion tutorial

To quickly select a subject instead of using the magnetic lasso tool I have used the quick selection tool which automaticall y selects in a more accurate way. Then I layered via copy First I selected the background layer Then I selected the rectangle marquee tool and selected the area around the model.


The process of my Photoshop pixel explosion effect.

Transcript of Photoshop pixel explosion tutorial

Page 1: Photoshop pixel explosion tutorial

Then I layered via copy

To quickly select a subject instead of using the magnetic lasso tool I have used the quick selection tool which automatically selects in a more accurate way.

Then I selected the rectangle marquee tool and selected the area around the model.

First I selected the background layer

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Duplicate layer 2

Now fill in the mask with a black fill tool.

Now select layer 2 and create a mask using this button. NOW REPEAT THIS LAST STEP AGAIN WITH YOUR LAYER 2 COPY

Use free transform to drag your layer 2 and increase the edges and sizes, this part determines the size of the effect

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Now chose the brush tool and select square brushes and adjust the size to around 18 then press the toggle tool which is the button next to the brush selection which brings up the screen on the right and then select scattering: 1000% Count: 1Count jitter 100%

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Now click on the shape dynamics boxSize jitter: 90%Minimum diameter: 0%And keep the rest as defaultThen just scatter the brush around the image using the keys “[ and ]” to increase and decrease the size of the brush. And then select layer 2 copy and scatter the brush around the outside of the image

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Select blending options and select drop shadow tool and select the level of opacity that works for you. Then just make all your layers visible again. I changed the colour of my background and went for a darker colour which I prefer.

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