Photoshop exercise

Photoshop Exercise

Transcript of Photoshop exercise

Photoshop Exercise

Front Cover My Photoshop exercise I was challenged to create a front cover for a magazine of my choice. The magazine I chose to recreate is the fashion magazine Vogue, to create the magazine I gathered the Vogue title and a plain image of Marilyn Monroe off the internet. In Photoshop I was able to make Marilyn lips red and give her a cartoon affect by using the tools provided (the tools are brush tool, rubber and opacity). I then copied the original image of Marilyn and put it behind the cartoon version of her, therefore the dominate image looks like a before and after piece which I really like and has given me inspiration for my final image to use for my music magazine. I also added text and which tells us what will be in this issue of Vogue things like 20% off River Island and 10 most popular models. I also included conventions (barcode, date, number issue) on my magazine so my target audience can purchase this issue of this magazine.

PosterThis is my poster, the aim of the poster job is to promote this Vogue issue. To create the poster all I done was screenshot the magazine cover itself and copied to a blank page in Photoshop. I then added text using the text tool provided for me in Photoshop and wrote the text below and above of the magazine cover. I put the date of the magazine release in red because Marilyn lips are red and the colour makes the date stand out, by the date standing out more people will notice it and then buy that issue. The red and black colour of the text matches the colours of the vogue issue.