Photonics & High-energy Physics -...

Regione Toscana Photonics & High-energy Physics Pier Andrea Mandò Department of Research Coordination Regione Toscana Bruxelles, May 24, 2012

Transcript of Photonics & High-energy Physics -...

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Regione Toscana

Photonics & High-energy Physics

Pier Andrea Mandò

Department of Research Coordination

Regione Toscana

Bruxelles, May 24, 2012

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What do we mean by these terms?

• Photonics is a relatively young discipline, born with the

invention of lasers (≈ 1960). It is a modern branch of Optics,

and deals with the way to generate light and “control” its

propagation to create new functionalities. It experienced

an impetuous development in the past decades and is now

one of the leading sectors of modern Physics

• High-energy Physics is a way to indicate the Physics

of the nucleus, of elementary particles, and astroparticle

Physics. The name derives from using high-energy beams of

particles as probes to reach its scope, i.e. understanding

the intimate nature of matter in the world around us, and

discovering its elementary constituents

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A great tradition in Tuscany

Photonics and High-energy Physics have different histories, but

both can take pride from illustrious traditions

The University formation of the young

Enrico Fermi took place at the Scuola

Normale Superiore in Pisa…

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A great tradition in Tuscany

…and his first professorship was, in 1925, as a chair at the Florence

University, where he worked at the Institute of Physics, just on the

hill of Galileo, founding the “school of Arcetri”,..

…which produced prominent scientists

for the progress of Nuclear Physics,

like Bruno Rossi, Franco Rasetti, Beppo

Occhialini, Gilberto Bernardini.

Among Fermi’s colleagues in Florence

we find Nello Carrara, who later

founded and directed the “Research

Institute on Electromagnetic Waves”

In 1926 in Arcetri, the “National Institute of Optics” was

founded by Vasco Ronchi, another former student of the

Scuola Normale

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Today’s Tuscan excellence

The great tradition of theoretical Physics started by Fermi ideally

continues nowadays thanks e.g. to the Galileo Galilei Institute

(GGI), established in 2005 by the National Institute of Nuclear

Physics (INFN) and by the University of Florence, just in Arcetri.

The GGI organizes and hosts workshops of 6÷10 weeks in

theoretical physics at the forefront of all fields of current research,

fostering discussions, confrontation of ideas, and the birth of

collaborations among participants.

High energy Physics

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High-energy Physics - Theory

• over 250 participants per year

• 75% from outside Italy

• large fraction of young


In a few years, the GGI has become

a world reference structure for the development of

theoretical physics, favouring in particular the

encounter of young researchers with the top

scientists in the fields covered by the workshops

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Experimental High-energy Physics

This tradition also continues with a top-level experimental activity:

over a hundred physicists from all the Tuscan Universities and from the

Florence and Pisa divisions of INFN are leading actors in the great

challenges of modern nuclear, subnuclear and astroparticle Physics.

Physicists from Pisa, Florence and Siena participate e.g. in almost all

the main experiments at the Large Hadron Collider of CERN, with roles

of absolute leadership

(a colleague from Pisa has been e.g. the head of the great experiment

CMS, Compact Muon Solenoid, 3000 physicists from 40 Countries

worldwide, ~450 Million Euros)

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CMS at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN

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High-energy Astroparticle Physics




2170th day in orbit!


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Hunting for gravitational waves in Tuscany

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EGO - European Gravitational Observatory

Joint French – Italian enterprise (CNRS - INFN) based in

Cascina, near Pisa

A huge antenna for gravitational waves (VIRGO) with extraordinary

sensitivity, based on a Michelson laser interferometer (two

orthogonal arms, each 3 kilometers long)

One of the three largest centres in the world for the detection of

these elusive waves, expected from Einstein’s general relativity

Impressive fundamental and technological

developments, e.g. non classical optical

measurements, ultra-high vacuum, ultra-high

precision mechanics, ultra-high reflectivity

mirrors. About two hundreds millions Euros of

investments in the past ten years (including

personnel), orders for a few tens of million

Euros placed to Tuscan SME

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Tuscany is traditionally a seat of a value chain in the fields

of Optics, Photonics and Optoelectronics technologies.

Today, this is possible since this area offers a unique concentration of

scientific know-how in these fields, represented by University Depts,

Research Centres of the CNR, and others like LENS and NEST.

Photonics today in Tuscany

To give an example of Tuscan excellence, attractive capability, and

clustering potential, LENS has been one of the very first promoters

of Laserlab. Laserlab Europe II is a large EC consortium of 26

laser research infrastructures from 16 European member states

Within these activities in FP7, 2 ERC-Advanced Grants,

2 ERC- Starting Grants and 5 Collaborative Projects have been

assigned to researchers of Tuscan Institutions

Laserlab II network

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Quantum Optics and Complex Photonics

Anderson Localization Random Lasing Levy Flights Photonic Quasi-Crystals

Quantum Interfaces Quantum Communication Quantum Measurements

Random Lasers

Complex Optical Diffusion

OSA “Best of 2009” in Optics and

Photonics News

Anderson Localization

Quantum State Generation

Quantum Interfaces

Quantum State Amplification

Transport in complex and disordered materials

Creation and manipulation of non classical states

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THz Photonics

Quantum Cascade Lasers Nanowire and graphene detectors Frequency combs Non-linear sources Waveguides and metamaterials Metrology Spectroscopy Applications

Nanowire and Graphene THz detectors

Active region design

New geometries

THz comb self-beating Beat-notes between THz comb and THz QCL

Frequency-noise of a THz QCL

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Near Field Imaging Nanomanipulation Advanced emitters New Generation solar cells Magneto-Optics Spectroscopy Applications

Nanomanipulation Advanced Emitters

Single crystal nanoparticles

Gold nanoparticles activated by laser

pulses for tumor therapy at cellular level

Network of Excellence

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Biophotonics in Tuscany

Biophotonics (i.e. Photonics for Life Sciences and Health) is significantly carried out in Tuscany by the research, industrial and health systems in order to pave the way towards innovative solutions in life sciences and health care.

The challenge is to offer new medical tools with the aim of improving the quality of life of the patients and reducing health care costs. The main topics we pursue in Tuscany are:

• Minimally invasive laser surgery (EL.EN. 1st EU medical laser company)

• Lab-on-chip biosensors (LENS, IFAC-CNR, ICCOM-CNR, …)

• Advanced microscopic, spectroscopic and ultrasound techniques

(LENS, INO-CNR, DET-UNIFI, ISC-CNR, companies like ESAOTE, C.S.O.)

• Nanobiophotonics and nanomedicine (NEST, UNIFI, LENS, IFAC-CNR,..)

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Biophotonics in Tuscany

Examples of good practices on Biophotonics in Tuscany:

• Network of Excellence P4L - Photonics 4 Life

Tuscany is one of the 12 core partners of the Network.

Since 2008, the local Biophotonic cluster “Toscana P4L” has

been set and supported by the Government of Tuscany,

including research centres (9), companies (10) and clinics (2)

• 1st prize at the Innovation Village of Photonics Europe 2012

Awarded was a low-cost and easy-to-use photohaemostatic

device based on LED technology, developed by an SME

(Light4Tech) with 2 research centres (IFAC and LENS)

• ERANET + on Biophotonics 2012-2015

The Regional Board of Tuscany is committed to support this action

with a significant effort, comparable to that of other European countries

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Pole of Innovation OPTOSCANA

The Photonic Cluster of Tuscany:

In April 2011 the Government of Tuscany launched a call for 12 Poles of Innovation as regional organizations aimed at the technological transfer from research centres to SMEs. One of them is dedicated to Photonics (the only one in Italy):

Pole of Innovation on Photonics for Industrial, Biomedical and Space Applications

100 Partners : 4 Divisions:

80 Enterprises Opto4Industry 5 Universities, Opto4Life

10 CNR Institutes Opto4Space

5 other Research org. Opto4Art 50 Public and Private Research Labs

OPTOSCANA is part of the network of the EU Photonics Clusters, under the umbrella of the EC Photonics Unit

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WDM-PON for access networks

Photonics for telecommunications

Coherent system field trial at Telefonica - 448 Gbit/s QPSK in 200 GHz with coexisting 10 Gbit/s OOK channels

Leading-edge 1 Tbit/s demo at OFC 2012

exploiting time-frequency packing

Provisioningresilience, management and control of fiber-optics networks

Fiber-optics distributed strain-temperature


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Lasers for the Cultural Heritage

IFAC-CNR in Florence plays a role of leadership in

the development of lasers for cleaning works of art

•Lot of technological research in this field, to

optimise the laser features for cleaning different

surfaces (stones and marble, metals, frescoes)

•Lot of technological transfer to industry

•Large number of important applications

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Nuclear technologies for Cultural Heritage and environmental monitoring

In Florence, INFN and University have established a dedicated

laboratory, LABEC, based on a particle accelerator for:

• nondestructive characterisation of materials used to produce works

of art, using Ion Beam Analysis (IBA)

• radiocarbon dating using Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS)

The same techniques are applied to environmental monitoring,

through compositional measurements of Particulate Matter (PM) in

atmosphere, for:

• risk assessment to the population

• identification of pollution sources

• study of atmospheric trasport phenomena

• more general studies in connection with global climate change

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Nuclear technologies for Cultural Heritage and environmental monitoring

Europhysics Prize 2009

for Applied Nuclear Science

for outstanding and seminal contributions to the

application of the Ion Beam Analysis techniques in the

field of Cultural Heritage studies, favouring the birth of a

new interdisciplinary research area that brings together

scientific and humanistic skills.

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Nuclear technologies for Cultural Heritage and environmental monitoring

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Nuclear technologies for Cultural Heritage and environmental monitoring

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Research in Tuscany

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