Photography Lesson Plan

MCOM 532 Final Project Susan Scheurer 12/12/11 Analyze Learners Age, Grade Level, Learning Styles, Different-learning abilities (This section may be the mostly same for each project). Include the following about learners: What is the age of learners, grade/learning level, learning styles and different learning abilities – including a learning disability that you can accommodate with your technology? What are the common student misconceptions about the content and/or process? What are things that the students generally do understand about the content or process? Cite a resource that supports your thinking - if appropriate. First Grade Students (6-7 years), 10 girls, 6 boys, 12 Caucasian, 1 African American, 3 Hispanic. Mixed levels (Below, On, and Above Level), 6 receive math intervention, 1 ESOL learner, 2 gifted learners and 1 student in a wheelchair. Students already learned vodcasting, basic photo techniques and writing “how to” in previous lessons. They are now demonstrating that they can write “how to” stories independently by this summative project that involves photography and vodcasting. The students struggle with writing “how to” in first person language instead of writing generic directions. Students do know how to make a snowman and the way they would make a snowman. However, students struggle with

Transcript of Photography Lesson Plan

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MCOM 532 Final ProjectSusan Scheurer


Analyze LearnersAge, Grade Level, Learning Styles, Different-learning abilities (This section may be the mostly same for each project). Include the following about learners: What is the age of learners, grade/learning level, learning styles and different

learning abilities – including a learning disability that you can accommodate with your technology?

What are the common student misconceptions about the content and/or process? What are things that the students generally do understand about the content or

process? Cite a resource that supports your thinking - if appropriate.

First Grade Students (6-7 years), 10 girls, 6 boys, 12 Caucasian, 1 African American, 3 Hispanic. Mixed levels (Below, On, and Above Level), 6 receive math intervention, 1 ESOL learner, 2 gifted learners and 1 student in a wheelchair.

Students already learned vodcasting, basic photo techniques and writing “how to” in previous lessons. They are now demonstrating that they can write “how to” stories independently by this summative project that involves photography and vodcasting.

The students struggle with writing “how to” in first person language instead of writing generic directions. Students do know how to make a snowman and the way they would make a snowman. However, students struggle with breaking down the parts of making a snowman into four parts. Students have used graphic organizers before but not one that will become a work of art. Paivio’s dual coding theory reinforces the concept that verbal knowledge and mental images are linked, and with both simultaneous verbal and visuospatial processing can be performed. In addition, students have enhanced retention when learners study pictures accompanied by verbal information (Paivio, 1986). Students will do well creating this “how to” writing piece using the snowman graphic organizer, reading and seeing their story and pictures on the vodcast.

o References mentioned above taken from Learning with Concept and Knowledge Maps; A Meta-Analysis, written by Nesbit and Adescope in 2006.

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Justification – Answer the following questions: Why bother using this technology? How does it support how we know students learn (learning theories and/or

learning styles)? What is one way that you are accommodating a learning disability with your

technology? How does it NOT support how students learn? (Because one-way of teaching

very rarely supports all kinds of learning!) Cite a resource that supports your thinking.

o The vodcast helps the students take pride in their work since they know it will be published and everyone can see it. They will do their best artwork on the snowman, best photography, best penmanship and best fluent reading. The vodcast reaches kinesthetic, auditory and visual learners, allowing them to flourish in this activity.

o The ESOL learner is being stimulated with auditory reading from the other vodcasts. The teacher will also be in the classroom floating around and will devote more time to helping this learner succeed.

o The process up to making the actual vodcast can take 3 weeks for all students to finish the artwork, photography and revised writing. Two class periods are devoted to the artwork and writing, and then students are expected to finish and take pictures on their own during center time. When they are done with their writing, they give the teacher their writing, and then it is corrected. Students then write the corrected sentences onto the snowman graphic before the vodcasting process can begin. Since the project is largely self-directed, some students will struggle with staying on task. Other students will struggle because they are not hearing direct auditory instruction. However, the final vodcasts will prove beneficial for the auditory learners.

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State Objectives Academic Standard or Goal (Broad)

Teacher NETS – Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity by modeling and supporting creative thinking and inventiveness.

Student NETS - Communication – communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of digital environments.

Objectives (specific) – Audience (individual or group), behavior, condition and degree. Students will be able to create a snowman vodcast explaining how to

make a snowman using transition words.

Time needed to complete:1 hour to instruct art1 hour to instruct “how to” transition words and writing assignment5-10 days for students to independently complete art, photography and writing during center time3 hours for students to record vodcast and put pictures in1 hour for the class to watch and discuss the vodcasts.

Select Methods, Media, and Materials URL resources used and website name, voice recorder, camera, microphone, computers, flash drive, headsets

Teacher resources/ student resourcesVoice recorder, camera, microphone, computers, flash drive, headsets, paper, paper plates, water color paints, cups, water, tape, pencils, graphic organizer papers.

Utilize Media and Materials How will it be used (Individual viewing or for the class)

Students will be instructed in art and writing process as a group and then they will finish independently during center time. Class will come together again at a later date to create the vodcast in the computer lab.

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Required Learner Participation Overview of the Lesson - Describe the lesson in detail. Include a description of

the following:o How the lesson will be introduced?o What students will do?o What the teacher will do?o What are the final outcome is – i.e., do the students create a project, report

on something, etc.? Part 1: Show students the vodcast you made of “how to make a snowman” on Explain that they are going to paint the snowman body, write the steps of how to make a snowman, take pictures, record them reading their story and finally make a vodcast.

Part 2: Explain to students how to use the watercolors and to paint one face and four bodies. Students may create arms, hats, scarves, boots, etc.

Part 3: Explain what transition words are and how they help write “how to” do something, such as make a snowman. Read your example to the students or show them the vodcast again. Give them a paper with a graphic organizer for the four parts: First, next, then and last. Students can start writing and when they are done, will give to the teacher so corrections can be made. Teacher will then return graphic organizer and students can copy sentences onto actual snowman graphic organizer. This process may take 1-2 weeks since students finish at an individual pace during center time. Students then cut out circle snowman graphic organizer and glue to appropriate snowman plates.

Part 4: Once snowmen are assembled, students can take pictures and then create the vodcast.

Part 5: Have a vodcast movie day and have discussion and positive feedback after each vodcast is shown.

Evaluation Note you should have a student evaluation on the excel project, webquest, and

vodcast. The student evaluation may be a formal test or rubric for projects. It could also be an informal “check for understanding” – a formative evaluation, but even if it is an informal check, please list or describe what you expect the students to understand, question, and not understand.

o Students have a rubric to asses if they followed the directions and included all the essential elements to making a great “how to” make a snowman vodcast. When we present the vodcasts, I will fill out a rubric, as will other students, to give positive feedback to the student. Higher learner students would be able to write a sentence or two to the student giving encouragement and positive feedback. The only rubric that will count grade wise is mine, but allowing the other students to participate in giving feedback will keep them engaged and make them critical thinkers.

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Artwork is neat, creative and shows personality of snowman.

Writing is neat, spelled correctly and uses all four transition words in order.Reading is fluent during the vodcast.

Photos of each snowman stage are present.

Photos of finished snowman are present.

Vodcast was introduced,presented and discussed.

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Reflection & Transfer: If this is in the self assessment – on the rubric- that is OK. 1.) Explain what you learned that might not be in the rubric. This may include specific tools as well as processes, concepts, or reflections about what you have learned. You may discuss how you might change what you've done, given the chance to evaluate and revise your project.

I have taught this lesson before, minus the vodcasting part and photography, and it took more than 2 weeks for some kids to finish their snowman due to being pulled out at center time for remediation. Some kids were slow workers and I think having the vodcast as a carrot dangling over their nose, so to speak, would help students stay focused and work very hard. I love the vodcasting idea – I think it is a very cool way to present a summative project and making a learning moment out of watching them as a class can be really beneficial to students. I really want to try this (photography and vodcasting) in my future classroom!

2.) Transfer: How could your idea be used in other settings? What else could you do with it if you played, or were creative about it? OR, how could the student use the knowledge gained in other settings?

What I really like about this particular lesson is that there is cross-curricular learning going on. Students are creating art, writing, reading and using technology (photography, recording voice and vodcast) to bring all those parts together. Using the vodcast as a way to bring cross-curricular learning together has sparked many ideas in my mind. I can see older kids independently creating vodcasts. I see groups of students working together to make a vodcast of a math concept, so that when we review for the test, students have resources at their fingertips. The possibilities are endless. Vodcasts and podcasts are easy to do and I look forward to using them in my future classroom.