Photocopiable activity 1A Are you a grammar buff?

ADVANCED EXPERT PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2014 Pearson Education Ltd. 123 Photocopiable activity 1A Are you a grammar buff? Sentences Right Wrong R W How certain are we? Point s lost ( – ) Points gained ( + ) 1 It’s the most exciting place he has ever been visiting and he’s making the most of every day he spends there. [ ] [ ] _____ _____ _____ 2 We are pleased to announce that a new version of the program is currently being devised. [ ] [ ] _____ _____ _____ 3 A large number of people is taking part in the fun run this year. [ ] [ ] _____ _____ _____ 4 We had been driving around for an hour looking for the place before we decided to call it a day and go home. [ ] [ ] _____ _____ _____ 5 Can you know me when you’ll have finished writing that report? [ ] [ ] _____ _____ _____ 6 They’ve been saving for quite a few years now, so are hoping they’ll be able to buy a home soon. [ ] [ ] _____ _____ _____ 7 He was always of the opinion that if it can be done, it will be done. [ ] [ ] _____ _____ _____ 8 Although it seems a bit off the beaten track, I will guarantee you’ll find all the facilities you need there. [ ] [ ] _____ _____ _____ 9 Swimming is said to being the best all-round exercise you can do. [ ] [ ] _____ _____ _____ 10 Even though he’d run most of the way, he only just managed to catch the last train. [ ] [ ] _____ _____ _____ 11 Last year the race was started by a so-called celebrity that hardly anyone recognised. [ ] [ ] _____ _____ _____ 12 I hear there has been a fantastic turnout for the match the other day. [ ] [ ] _____ _____ _____ 13 She’s been eating dinner when her cousins turned up unexpectedly. [ ] [ ] _____ _____ _____ 14 We were watching the news when the door slammed and Gina came running into the room. [ ] [ ] _____ _____ _____ 15 Details of the tour venues were made available online tomorrow morning. [ ] [ ] _____ _____ _____ Total points lost / gained: _____ _____ Overall TOTAL (gained points minus lost points) ____________ _

Transcript of Photocopiable activity 1A Are you a grammar buff?

ADVANCED EXPERT PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2014 Pearson Education Ltd. 123

Photocopiable activity 1A Are you a grammar buff?

Sentences Right Wrong


How certain

are we?

Points lost( – )

Points gained

( + )

1 It’s the most exciting place he has ever been visiting and he’s making the most of every day he spends there.

[ ] [ ] _____ _____ _____

2 We are pleased to announce that a new version of the program is currently being devised.

[ ] [ ] _____ _____ _____

3 A large number of people is taking part in the fun run this year.

[ ] [ ] _____ _____ _____

4 We had been driving around for an hour looking for the place before we decided to call it a day and go home.

[ ] [ ] _____ _____ _____

5 Can you know me when you’ll have finished writing that report?

[ ] [ ] _____ _____ _____

6 They’ve been saving for quite a few years now, so are hoping they’ll be able to buy a home soon.

[ ] [ ] _____ _____ _____

7 He was always of the opinion that if it can be done, it will be done.

[ ] [ ] _____ _____ _____

8 Although it seems a bit off the beaten track, I will guarantee you’ll find all the facilities you need there.

[ ] [ ] _____ _____ _____

9 Swimming is said to being the best all-round exercise you can do.

[ ] [ ] _____ _____ _____

10 Even though he’d run most of the way, he only just managed to catch the last train.

[ ] [ ] _____ _____ _____

11 Last year the race was started by a so-called celebrity that hardly anyone recognised.

[ ] [ ] _____ _____ _____

12 I hear there has been a fantastic turnout for the match the other day.

[ ] [ ] _____ _____ _____

13 She’s been eating dinner when her cousins turned up unexpectedly.

[ ] [ ] _____ _____ _____

14 We were watching the news when the door slammed and Gina came running into the room.

[ ] [ ] _____ _____ _____

15 Details of the tour venues were made available online tomorrow morning.

[ ] [ ] _____ _____ _____

Total points lost / gained: _____ _____Overall TOTAL (gained points minus lost points) ____________


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Photocopiable activity 1B What’s the word?

A1 He was so __________ to learn he’d got a place on the course that he quite literally jumped for joy.2 As a nurse in the local community centre, she got to meet people from all

__________ of life.3 She told me not to be upset by their comments and said I should try not to take things so __________ . 4 They realised just what a __________ community they had moved into when everyone came to help them during the floods.5 The way the tutor brought the subject to life so __________ the class that they all achieved high grades in their end-of-course exam.6 By the time they’d arrived at the game, all the best seats had been __________ up and there were only a few left at the back of the stadium.7 They wouldn’t __________ no for an answer and insisted we joined them at their table.8 Initially, they felt rather __________ when performing in front of large crowds. With experience they gained confidence.9 I didn’t want to let her down but I simply couldn’t meet for lunch with the __________ workload I had that week.10 He was very __________ on his first day and wasn’t sure what to expect.

B1 Take no __________ of Frank; he’s only pulling your leg. 2 She has a very demanding job and always seems to be working to incredibly __________ deadlines.3 Our boss reminded us that making a good first __________ was crucial when meeting new clients. 4 He said it felt rather strange __________ in his resignation after working for the company for so many years.5 When we were told we had three assignments due in within a week of one another, I felt totally __________ by what was expected of me.6 I’m sorry I didn’t make it yesterday, something __________ up right at the last minute. 7 He remained __________ in class for the first few weeks but once his confidence grew, he started participating.8 She always took pleasure __________ organising the annual works do. 9 It’s perfectly normal to feel __________ when you attend an interview and are faced by a panel of interviewers.10 Helping out at my dad’s shop when I was young really stood me in good __________ later in my life when I started my own business.

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Photocopiable activity 1C Change it to the passive

1The police have arrested two men in connection with last week’s robbery.

Two men …

2Someone called in the middle of the night and woke me up.

I …

3We clean all our rooms to a very high standard every day.

All rooms …

4They gave Gino a company car when he got promoted.

Gino …

5Everyone knows that this piece of music was composed by Saint-Saëns.

This piece of music is …

6The mechanic is going to take a look at my car tomorrow morning.

I’m having my car …

7 Everyone thought all the evidence had been destroyed by the fire.

All the evidence …

8 My uncle is building a house for us.

Our house …

9Having children will completely change your life.

Your life …

10Many people in West Africa speak French.

French …

11My husband is going to take me to Vienna for my birthday.

I’m …

12 I’ve done all the household chores you asked me to.

All the household chores …

13Someone had already told my brother about my engagement.

My brother …

14I hope that the repairs to the house will be finished by tomorrow.

I hope …

15Someone will tell you what you should bring on your first day.

You will …

16Witnesses saw the boy run out of the shop holding a black bag.

The boy …

17The phone message seemed to really worry Melissa.

Melissa …

18We have agreed to postpone the match until next season.

It …

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Photocopiable activity 2A Complete the phrase crossword

1 2

3 4



7 8 9

10 11



ACROSS1 He often came _____ as over-confident when in difficult situations, but I knew it was because

he was trying to compensate for his shyness.3 She has always been very spontaneous and it’s not unusual for her to go off travelling on a

_____ .6 She was so used to getting her own _____ that when he refused to comply with her wishes,

she was lost for words.10 His parents always had such high _____ of him and I think he must’ve felt under a lot of

pressure.12 Although she never meant to, she often _____ people up the wrong way, causing them to

become irritated or angry.13 They’ve always been good _____ to be around and I guess that’s why they’re so popular.

DOWN2 They were polar opposites and never _____ eye to eye on anything.4 He had his _____ set on travelling to New Zealand to visit his cousins and after working hard to

put the money aside for the trip, he had enough to pay for the ticket.5 After the accident, they became very _____ and often spent their weekends together.7 He has always been quite reclusive and likes very much to _____ himself to himself.8 Until that point they had looked _____ to him and held him in very high regard.9 When I said she _____ after her mother, it was clear from her expression that she didn’t see it

as the compliment I intended it to be.11 He was a very well-behaved child and always did exactly as he was _____ .12 Good looks and a great sense of humour seem to _____ in his family.

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Photocopiable activity 2B Relative clause dominoes

… were the first men to fly in a hot air balloon.

The train they took was a slow one …

… which stopped at all stations en route.

They invited lots of guests to the reception, …

… many of whom would simply not make it.

The letter was from an old school friend …

… whom I hadn’t heard from for years.

He was asked to relocate to Canada, …

… at which point he decided to propose to Beth.

He’s still wearing that coat …

… that he bought in Paris last year.

John Rae, born in 1813 on the Orkneys, …

… was a Scottish explorer and unsung hero.

Sebastian, my younger brother, …

… has just gained a scholarship to study abroad.

The only one to stand up to him was his son, …

… called Sven. No-one else was brave enough.

She said she hadn’t seen the film …

… that I’d recommended but would like to.

Unfortunately, the ship, …

… said to be unsinkable, capsized.

Have you been to that new sports centre …

… that has opened up outside town?

She always boasted that she had a friend …

… who was a famous Hollywood actor.

She has a lot of family members …

… who live in Western Australia.

Talib and his wife, …

… whom you met last year, are visiting us soon.

It was a crime mystery …

… in which most of the characters were implicated.

Are you looking to stay on an island …

… where there are white sandy beaches?

They went to thank their teacher, …

… without whose help they’d never have passed.

The Montgolfier brothers, born in France, …

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Photocopiable activity 2C Tell me …

Question Response

How long have you been studying English?

Well, as a matter of fact, I started learning it when I was 7 years old. At the time we were living in Canada as my dad was working there as an engineer. We only lived there for a few years but well, I’ve been studying English ever since then.

What do you most enjoy about learning English?

Believe it or not, I really love the grammar. Personally speaking, I think that understanding how a language fits together and working out how it relates to my own language is really interesting. I guess I really like the challenge too!

Why are you preparing for the Advanced exam?

First, because I think that having proof of my English level is going to help me find a good job. I mean, with the economic situation as it is, it will really give me an edge. I also wanted something to keep me motivated and occupied while I’m looking for work.

How important is it for you to have a routine when you’re studying, and why?

Well, as I work full-time, it’s crucial. To be honest, the only way I can study and work at the same time is to really manage my time effectively. If I don’t set time aside for each, I find that before I know it the week has gone and I’ve not done what I wanted to.

What time of day do you prefer to study and why?

It depends, but mainly I find it easier to study in the morning when everyone else is still asleep. What I tend to do is wake up an hour or so earlier than usual, have a coffee and study for an hour, then have breakfast. It’s easier to concentrate when the house is quiet.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live and why?

Mmm … well I guess it’d have to be somewhere hot and sunny where you can spend a lot of the day outdoors. I like being near the water as well, so perhaps somewhere in the Caribbean would be good. To be honest, I’ve never really given it much thought.

Tell us a little about the place where you were born.

Well, I suppose at the time I was born it was only a village. Since then, though, it’s been developed quite considerably so it’s more of a town now. I’m pretty certain you’ll have heard of it, it’s called Santa Fé and is on the northern coast of Brazil.

If you had to choose between being rich or famous, which would you choose and why?

If I’m honest, I’d choose wealth over fame. I know I’d hate having my privacy invaded and I really wouldn’t like the publicity you get when you’re famous, nor being hounded by the press. I think if you have wealth, you can enjoy it more and do some good too.

What would you say is the best way of keeping in contact with your friends and family?

I think there’s no one way, to be honest. I like using different mediums – it really depends on time. I mean, when I can, I speak to my parents and close friends through Skype but the time difference can make it hard so I also email and use Facebook.

Who would you say has had the most influence on your life?

That’s a tricky question. I think I’d probably have to say my dad, although to be fair my mum brought me up almost single-handedly as he mostly worked abroad. Why my dad? Well, I guess it’s the way he introduced me to other cultures and gave me itchy feet.

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Photocopiable activity 3A What’s the word?












CLUES1 If you _____ up just after the school entrance, I’ll get out there. Thanks for the lift!2 Over 3,000 tonnes of _____ were used to repair the main road into town.3 His body language and facial expressions _____ his impatience far more successfully than

words could ever have done. 4 It took no time at all to _____ the mistake once the new accounting software had been set up.5 Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion. I just wish she’d stop _____ hers down our throat each

time we meet up.6 When we spotted him _____ down the corridor, we knew he’d got the job.7 Although not easily frightened, we both found ourselves _____ to the spot when we heard the

high-pitched scream. 8 Sean is the kind of friend you can always depend on when it comes to the _____ and you need

some help fast.9 The film company provided a _____ for the director, explaining exactly what they wanted in the

film.10 The film _____ in a final shoot out between the principal characters, who are bitter enemies.11 Even when the cupboards appear completely bare, she always _____ up a delicious meal.

Extra word: ____________________

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Photocopiable activity 3B Phrasal verb dominoes

… into a totally different character.

You always seem to pack …

… in a lot during your holidays.

I always get nervous before I perform …

… on stage. Joel loves nothing more than singing …

… in the shower. To project your voice, sing …

… directly into the microphone.

We felt a bit worried about sitting …

… in the front row at a stand-up comedy gig.

When they asked for someone to take part …

… in their act, I volunteered right away.

We were totally blown …

… away by his new album. It was incredible.

The play really took …

… off and in no time, it became a sell-out.

The stadium was completely packed …

… out for the cup final match.

After putting everything they had …

… into the dance routine, they were exhausted.

We went to Ronnie’s jazz club to soak …

… up its legendary atmosphere.

The film was so engaging that it really took me …

… out of myself and removed me from reality.

Karaoke gives you the chance to belt …

… out your favourite songs and have fun.

I’m too tired to dance any more. I need to chill …

… out for a bit. It wasn’t until the last chapter that I came …

… up with the perfect ending for the story.

The moment he started singing, he turned …

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Photocopiable activity 3C What are you going to say?


Technology has opened up the world to us but at the same time made it smaller.

I think students are under a lot more pressure these days than in the past.

In ten years’ time no school child will have face-to-face lessons with a teacher, will they?

Given the choice, I’d rather gain personal satisfaction from my job than money. How about you?

Would you say that being a doctor is more stressful than being a teacher?

I prefer the idea of working with nature to working in an office. It’s so much healthier, isn’t it?

Team sports are more useful than individual ones but they’re not as fun, are they?

In the future, I reckon all university students will study from home.

Participating in actual sports is much healthier than playing computer games.

If people had more free time they would be able to exercise more and be healthier.

If I could have a pet, I would rather have a cat than a dog. What about you?

For long-distance journeys, I think flying is the most comfortable way to travel by far.

Do young people in your country tend to have more indoor hobbies than outdoor ones these days?

If teenagers have a part-time job, they learn the value of money early on in life.

Would you say that people communicate more or less effectively these days?

Do you think most jobs rely on computers these days?


State your opinion.

Qualify something someone else has

just said.

Give yourself thinking time.

Involve your partner.

Add something.Introduce

disagreement.Change the

subject.Reach a


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Photocopiable activity 4A What word is missing?

The label on the medication advised anyone taking it not to drive, as the medication could make you feel _____ .


When one of our promoters pulled out at the last minute, I insisted it was only a minor _____ and the show would still go on.


Stringent controls were implemented so as to limit the likelihood of another _____ of the virus occurring.


When the crowd began to get restless, the policeman rang the station to request _____ .


The moment I heard the loud bang, I was _____ awake. I didn’t get to sleep much that night.


If you feel that tired, you really should have a bit of a _____ before we go to the party.


Dealing with difficult customers is part and _____ of working in customer services. You just get used to it.


If we miss the last bus home, there’s no need to worry. We can always _____ out at Laura’s.


No-one could understand why the _____ had been delayed, and both players and spectators began to get frustrated.


It’s not been an easy relationship but she’s stuck with him through thick and _____ .


He took a deep _____ of breath and then strode onto the stage to make his key speech.


They looked so realistic that I didn’t realise for some time that all the flowers in the hotel were _____ .


By and _____ , people were very satisfied with the way that the evening had gone and said they had had fun.


The moment she woke up, she realised she had _____ and would be late for work.


My mum is such a _____ sleeper, she wakes up at the slightest sound.


You could say their relationship is rather _____ and on; we never know whether they’re together or on a break.


The weather forecast predicted a heavy _____ that evening so I took my raincoat and umbrella with me when I went out.


Apparently there was a _____ at the local post office last night but, fortunately, nothing much was stolen.


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Photocopiable activity 4B Prefix dominoes

-prove under- -paid non- -conformist en-

-rich under- -develop co- -exist un-

-willing dis- -appear re- -arrange over-

-populated ir- -reversible im- -print in-

-secure un- -enviable en- -danger re-

-print pre- -school over- -tired mis-

-interpret en- -large co- -worker un-

-cooked dis- -organised pre- -occupied ir-

-responsible in- -accessible un- -convincing in-

-accurate under- -staffed in- -different over-

-estimate non- -profit un- -emotional in-

-sensitive pre- -nuptial mis- -pronounce im-

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Photocopiable activity 4C Sentences into noun clauses

1I’ve had indigestion ever since eating dinner.

What I had for dinner has …

2We were all surprised by Jane’s news.

What Jane said …

3If you want to meet people, why not take evening classes?

Taking evening classes is a great way …

4Her main worry was failing her driving test again.

She feared that she’d …

5I’m pretty sure most people would like to have more free time.Don’t most people wish they …

6I felt so encouraged by my friends’ comments.

What my friends said was …

7What would stop her from taking the job?

We will never understand why she …

8Pets do make for great companions.

The wonderful thing about pets is that they keep …

9When our team lost we were so disappointed.

Everybody is really disappointed …

10He suddenly realised there was no point in staying on.

It suddenly struck him that …

11John was spotted trying to leave the party.

John’s plan to leave the party unnoticed …

12It’s uncertain whether they will arrive on time.

Whether or not they’ll arrive …

13I’m afraid I can’t take tomorrow off.

It’s impossible for me to take the …

14That last soloist has real talent.

Whoever played that last …

15If there’s one thing my aunt loves, it’s being taken out for dinner.My aunt loves …

16It’s fantastic to hear you succeeding in getting that job.That you managed to get …

17Which route should I take to get to the airport?

I wonder which route …

18 What is the name of the new head of department?

I don’t know what the …

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Photocopiable activity 5A What’s the word again? 1











CLUES1 The report makes comparisons between male and female access to health provision and

encourages wider discussion on the issue of gender _____ in healthcare. 2 Exhaust _____ have been found to have a significant impact on human health. 3 Research showed that having a lack of control over difficult situations often _____ stress in

individuals. 4 To minimise the risk of _____ , new policies were implemented to ensure that in times of severe

drought, sufficient food supplies would be made available. 5 People _____ a lot more sugar these days and, as a consequence, obesity is on the increase.6 At the end of every season, all _____ stock is sold off cheaply to make space for new products

coming in.7 In the dry season, when water is _____ , you will often find animals congregating around the

few remaining water holes. 8 Whilst power plants are known to _____ large quantities of greenhouse gases, other industries

are responsible for similar emissions. 9 The students at the college organised a week of community events to celebrate cultural _____

and bring people from the area together. 10 Strong winds have led to widespread wind _____ in many agricultural areas and dramatically

reduced the productivity of the land. 11 The judge decided that _____ would be awarded and ordered the company to pay £50,000 to

the claimant.

Extra word: ____________________

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Photocopiable activity 5B Odd one out



unspoilt *disappointed


relievedfreezing *



excitedeffectiveimportantdifferent *


unspoiltpopular *believable




hard *


relieved *full



perfectexpensive *necessaryfabulous



scorching *quiet


terrifyingenormous *




hardunbearable *


unpopular *useless



importantangry *




delighted *tasty


vital *different




damagedresentful *


boringimpossible *




adequate *busy


sorry *upsethard




unchangedquiet *



sleepy *ridiculous


disappointed *usefulperfectabsurd



energetic *sure


importantfurious *excited



adequatefascinated *reasonableacceptable

ADVANCED EXPERT PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2014 Pearson Education Ltd. 137

Photocopiable activity 5C Match the mixed conditionals Student A cards Student B cards

If their flight hadn’t been delayed, … … they would have been here by now.

If I had remembered to take an umbrella, … … I wouldn’t be so soaking wet.

If I hadn’t arrived so late at the cinema, … … I would know how the film begins.

If you had asked for directions, … … we wouldn’t still be lost.

If we’d caught an earlier bus, … … we would be in town by now.

If their prices were more reasonable, … ... they would’ve sold more stock.

If they hadn’t gone against their word, … … people would still be voting for them.

If he hadn’t drunk so much coffee, … … he wouldn’t have such a bad headache now.

Student B cards Student A cards

If I’d known they were visiting the area tomorrow, …

… we could have arranged to meet up.

If I asked Sam for a lift home, … … I’m sure he’d say yes.

If she hadn’t lost her job, … … she’d still be living in her old house.

A best man’s speech has to include a few jokes, … … otherwise it wouldn’t be interesting.

Unless he scores a goal, … … they won’t get through to the next round.

Provided that it follows a steady growth plan, … … the company can build itself up again.

Had I known how easy it was to find work, ... … I would’ve trained as an engineer.

Were it not for her help and study advice, … … he would never have completed the course.

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Photocopiable activity 6A What’s the phrase?

Although she kept yawning and looking at her watch, he didn’t get …

… the message that she was tired and wanted to leave.

She is often in a world of her own and sometimes it can be impossible to get …

… through to her when you want to have a chat.

There are certain subjects it is best not to bring …

… up if you want a quiet life when at my parents’.

No matter how hard he tried, he simply couldn’t talk her …

… out of travelling around Europe by herself.

Oh come on you lot, we’re not here to talk … … business, we’re here to celebrate Anne’s promotion!

After telling me the good news, she made me promise not to say …

… a word to anyone until the formal announcement was made.

You always know where you stand with Mike. He’s never afraid to speak …

… his mind and say what he thinks.

I’ve been asked to speak to you on … … behalf of the faculty head, who is currently off sick.

Why are they not on speaking … … terms? They’ve been friends for years and never fallen out.

There’s no use trying to talk any … … sense into her. She’ll never listen. She never does.

It was a boost to her confidence to learn that her boss had spoken so …

… highly of her at the management meeting.

I don’t know about you, but I really don’t like making small …

… talk to people at functions. I find it hard to know what to say in these situations.

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Photocopiable activity 6B Spell that

medicine potatoes recommend exaggerate

apartment embarrassed necessary disappointed

occurred professionalism accommodation beginner

chiefs enquiries heroes assistance

separate niece receive informal

opportunity definitely extraordinary accidentally

psychiatrist truly rhythm manoeuvre

fluorescent commemorate questionnaire conscientious

impossible privilege liaison millennium

allege lying accomplish possess

collectible misspelling desperate withhold

apparent inoculate supersede breathe

irresistible controversy harass accessible

absence twelfth influential cancelled

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Photocopiable activity 6C Which form follows?

Have you ever really struggled … … to fulfil a personal goal?

Would you ever attempt … … to cheat in an exam you needed to pass?

What kind of things were you warned … … not to do when you were a child?

Did you ever consider … … becoming a teacher when you were at school?

If you could choose … … to go on a beach or adventure holiday, which would you go for and why?

Have you ever forgotten … … to take your passport when going abroad?

Can you imagine … … being rich and famous? Do you think you’d enjoy all the attention?

When was the last time you volunteered … … to help someone? And what help did you provide?

Is there any type of music you can’t bear … … listening to? Why?

What do you hope … … to achieve in the next year?

How often do you practise … … speaking in English outside the classroom, for example every day?

Have you ever denied … … doing something you had actually done?

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Photocopiable activity 7A Crossword 1

2 3



6 7


9 10

11 12






ACROSS2 Whilst the police believe that it was an isolated _____ , they urge residents to remain vigilant.3 Is it customary to have _____ rather than carpets on the floor in your country? 4 They decided that it would be more practical to pay for a loft ______ than move home to gain an

extra bedroom.5 The most impressive part of the grounds is the Victorian _____ garden where the orchards and

vegetable plots are located.6 It was a _____ property and the previous owners had gone to great lengths to retain many of its

original features.8 I couldn’t help but _____ in on their conversation on hearing my name mentioned.10 You can keep asking me that question until the _____ come home but the answer remains ‘no’.11 If you opt for an _____ training programme, you’re far more likely to lose weight and get fit.13 We had chosen this hotel over all others in the area due to the incredible _____ views it

boasted.15 Although we are incredibly close friends and have a lot in common, our political beliefs _____

greatly.16 Unfortunately, tickets for their world tour will only be on sale for a _____ period of time. 17 The astronauts finally managed to _____ the broken satellite after many attempts.

DOWN1 She and her twin sister were so alike that the majority of people found it impossible to _____

them on looks alone.3 The sign said that parking in this area was _____ to local residents only. 7 He had such an _____ look of concentration on his face that I didn’t dare disturb him.9 She had always had a rather _____ innocence about her and would believe anything people

told her.12 It was rather ______ of you to respond to his rudeness by poking your tongue out. You’re too

old for that!14 Only after the crash did the full impact of what could have happened really _____ home.

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Photocopiable activity 7B The travel game


1 How often do you travel by train? What is the best train journey you have made?

2 Which do you prefer: taking one long holiday or a few shorter ones each year? Why?


4 Have you ever been on a long boat trip? Tell your group more about the experience.

9 What are some of the most popular tourist destinations in your country?

8 Which countries have you visited? Which would you most like to return to?



6 Talk about a tricky situation you have experienced whilst in another country.

5 Tell your group about the best trip abroad you have had and why it was so much fun.

10 Have you ever got lost when travelling? If so, tell your group about it.


12 Have you ever hitchhiked? If so, where?If not, why not?

13 What ten things do you always take with you when you travel?

14 What do you think are some of the benefits of travelling? What are some of the risks?


18 Tell your group about a holiday you remember going on as a child.

17 Have you ever lost your luggage when travelling? What happened?

16 What are common travel scams and have you ever been victim to any?

15 If you could spend a month away, where would you go and how would you get there?

20 When travelling, do you prefer hot or cool climates? Why?

21 How do you tend to spend your time when you are abroad if the weather is bad?

22 What types of souvenir do you usually bring back from trips abroad?


24 Have you ever had to travel for work? Tell your group about the experience.


27 Do you agree with the notion of ‘When in Rome, do as the Romans do’?

26 How do you usually go about choosing where to stay when going abroad?

25 What are some of the main benefits of travelling to other countries?

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Photocopiable activity 7C Hypothetically speaking …

1 I wish you hadn’t told me the price of a season ticket!

I’d rather you …

2 Why don’t you take a holiday and unwind for a bit? It’s time you …

3 Instead of travelling by car, shall we do the journey by train?

Would you prefer it …

4 Do you think we should have invited them to join us?

What if we …

5 He did steal that money, but you pretend he didn’t. You talk as though …

6 I’d like to have gone to the party but imagine what would have happened if I’d bumped into my ex.

Supposing I had gone …

7 Supposing his train has been delayed? His train may …

8 I’d sooner you didn’t tell anyone about what happened last night.

You shouldn’t tell …

9 It’s time he moved out and found his own place. He should …

10 They talk as though they’re something special. They aren’t …

11 I’d rather we had stayed in for the evening. We should …

12 If only she would stop complaining about the weather.

I wish she …

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Photocopiable activity 8A Negative beginnings

1Employees should not use social media sites at work on any account.

On no account …

2I have never encountered such friendly and hospitable people in all my life.

Never have …

3You cannot go back to work until the doctor says you’re ready to.

Not until …

4We don’t often have the opportunity to enjoy a day out without the kids.

Rarely …

5The moment we sat down to eat, the door bell rang.

No sooner …

6They haven’t been camping together since they were children.

Not since …

7 It is only now that the true impact of the accident is becoming clear.

Only now …

8 You should not arrive at work in jeans under any circumstances.

Under no circumstances …

9A good English-to-English dictionary gives not only definitions but also examples.

Not only …

10Her sister hardly ever phones her during the week.

Seldom …

11She tried repeatedly to start the car but without any success.

Try as she might …

12 I heard the phone ringing inside the house the moment the door shut behind me.

Hardly …

13Texting only became popular after technology improved.

Not until …

14The children went quiet the moment he started telling them the story.

No sooner …

15My boss made it absolutely clear that I had to finish the report before going home.

On no account …

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Photocopiable activity 8B Complete the gaps

1 2

3 4 5


7 8

9 10


12 13 14 15





ACROSS1 The cost of the meal was pretty s_____ considering we’d not eaten a dessert or had coffees.3 If you got rid of some of the furniture you never use, the room wouldn’t be so c_____ . 6 He must’ve got out of bed the wrong side, he’s been abrupt and o_____ with everyone this morning. 7 The performance was nothing special at all. In fact, I’d say it was m_____ .11 I decided to wear n_____ clothing so I could relax and blend into the background.13 The sea is just a stone’s t_____ from the apartment we’re staying in this summer. 16 It’s going to be hard to find him an unusual and q_____ present for his birthday, but I’ll do my best.17 She said her secret to staying slim was to n_____ food rather than take large bites of it. 18 He was a very c_____ man and everyone considered him to be a true gentleman. 19 I had no idea this band were so popular! The place is completely p_____ out!

DOWN1 He was never going to become a famous guitarist, by any s_____ of the imagination. He simply wasn’t

musical.2 The e_____ priced room had left us with unrealistically high expectations of what the hotel would offer. 4 The music was so d_____ that neither of us could make out what the other was trying to say. 5 The cottage we went to view was t_____ away down a quiet country lane.8 This city boasts a most i_____ mix of architectural styles; combining the very traditional with the ultra

modern. 9 In case of an emergency, please call us. There’s always someone o_____ hand to help.10 Restaurant 33 is located in the very h_____ of the city. Just head to the centre and you’ll find it. 12 I f_____ about in the dark, trying to find the light switch. 14 It was only when she s_____ into a chair and didn’t make a sound that we realised she was sleep

walking. 15 The Waikiki Spa Resort, set on a quiet stretch of the coast, is famous for its relaxing and friendly

a_____ .

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Photocopiable activity 8C Vocabulary for reviews

Student A 1 M O V I N G 1

2 W E A K 2

3 I M P R E S S I V E 3

4 A B S O R B I N G 4

5 F A R F E T C H E D 5

6 E N G A G I N G 6

7 U P B E A T 7

8 L I V E L Y 8

9 P R E D I C T A B L E 9

Student B1 S P I N E C H I L L I N G 1

2 W I T T Y 2

3 F L A T 3

4 I M P L A U S I B L E 4

5 H E A R T W A R M I N G 5

6 T E D I O U S 6

7 C O M P E L L I N G 7

8 C O N F U S I N G 8

9 I N S P I R I N G 9

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Photocopiable activity 9A Report that

Sentence cards

1 ‘I’m sorry for forgetting your birthday.’ 10 ‘If I were you, I wouldn’t drive anywhere alone.’

2 ‘I reckon it was Tim who stole the money.’ 11 ‘OK, I admit it. I broke the window.’

3 ‘Don’t forget to call me as soon as you get your results.’

12 ‘You must come to ours. I won’t take no for an answer.’

4 ‘I wish I hadn’t shouted at Kim.’ 13 ‘There’s a great new Spanish restaurant in town. You should try it.’

5 ‘It’s true. I’ve failed my driving test three times.’

14 ‘Thank you, but I couldn’t possibly accept your offer.’

6 ‘The reason why I started swimming was to get fit.’

15 ‘Of course, I’d love to go on holiday with you.’

7 ‘This steak is overcooked and far too chewy.’

16 ‘Would you like some help with your bags?’

8 ‘I see that Belmon’s summer sale starts next week.’

17 ‘Do you know where the Post Office is, please?’

9 ‘I didn’t break the remote control.’ 18 ‘Well done on passing your exams.’

Reporting verbs

admit agree advise apologise ask blame complain

confess congratulate deny explain insist notice offer

recommend refuse regret remind

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Photocopiable activity 9B Let’s talk about memory

How do you tend to remember phone numbers? Do you have a system?

Tell me about a day that you’ll always remember and why it is so important to you.

Why do you think some people are better at remembering faces than names?

Have you ever forgotten something really important? What happened?

Do sounds or particular songs ever bring back memories when you hear them?

Have you ever gone somewhere and felt as if you’ve already been there before?

What do you remember about the first school you attended as a child?

Which is more important to you, your long-term or short-term memory? Why?

If you had a perfect memory, how might this have changed your life, or change it in the future?

How do you go about remembering new vocabulary in English?

Do you think computers can help us improve our memory?

What would be the worst thing about losing your memory through, for example, old age?

Why might having a photographic memory be a useful thing?

Have you ever tried to improve your memory through training or exercises?

What would you say are the most important functions of having memory?

Are you good at remembering the lyrics to songs? How do you best learn them?

How do you tend to remember important dates?

What memories from your childhood make you laugh or feel happy?

If you forget where you’ve left something, for example your keys, how do you try to recall where they are?

Do photos tend to bring back strong memories of places or past events to you?

Are there some things that you wish you didn’t remember?

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Photocopiable activity 9C Word plus preposition dominoes

for escape[VERB]

from advise[VERB]

to shout[VERB]

at apologise [VERB]

for complain [VERB]

to throw[VERB]

to good [ADJ]

at accustomed[ADJ]

to nervous[ADJ]

about given[ADJ]

to sorry [ADJ]

for resort[VERB]

to quarrel[VERB]

about anxious[ADJ]

for discouraged[ADJ]

by care[VERB]

about present[VERB]

to keen[ADJ]

on shocked[ADJ]

by point[NOUN]

of insist[VERB]

on laugh[VERB]

at throw[VERB]

at aim[VERB]

at complain[VERB]

about interested[ADJ]

in hear[VERB]

about shocked[ADJ]

by shout [VERB]

to hope[NOUN]

of hear[VERB]

of laugh[VERB]

about annoyed[ADJ]

with apologise[VERB]

to quarrel [VERB]

with terrified[ADJ]

of anxious[ADJ]

about care[VERB]

for blamed[ADJ]

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Photocopiable activity 10A Across and down1

2 3

4 5

6 7

8 9 10 11



14 15




ACROSS2 If you want to burn calories and lose weight, regular c_____ exercise, such as running or swimming, is what

you need. 6 In preparation for the Ironman challenge, James undertook a strict and rigorous training r_____ .7 The a_____ rush he had felt on completing the race was suddenly replaced by intense fatigue. 8 On joining the gym, I decided to seek the advice of one of their fitness instructors so that they could design

a p_____ training programme for me.13 My coach always m______ the goalposts the moment I achieve the aims originally set out.15 We were always curious how she kept her weight i_____ check.16 Good health is not just about fitness, it’s also about n_____ and the amount that you eat and how often.17 His negative comment before the race really took the w_____ out of her sails. 18 The moment he ran across the finishing l_____ , the crowd went wild with excitement.

DOWN1 The consumption of high p_____ foods, such as meat, beans and eggs, along with regular exercise, helps

reduce weight whilst suppressing the appetite.3 His trainer suggested some effective c_____ strength exercises to help him prepare for the long run ahead.4 The team’s new manager is really on the b_____ and always seems to have an instinct for choosing the

winning strategy each game. 5 On under 1,000 calories a day, the jockey d_____ enables jockeys to maintain specific weights for races

whilst staying healthy. 9 He felt uncomfortable talking about who would be selected for the event and s_____ around the topic each

time it was raised.10 In the extreme heat, many of the athletes were s_____ profusely and prevented dehydration by regularly

drinking the free water on offer throughout the course. 11 Building up the s_____ required to run a marathon can take time for a novice runner who may only be used

to running shorter distances.12 In the months running up to the competition, Alice decided to r_____ in her coffee consumption and drink

more water instead.14 Our college football team s_____ through the qualifying rounds with ease.

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Photocopiable activity 10B Change it from the modal

1You should have checked when the last train left.


2All visitors must obtain a visa to enter the country.


3I think you should ask whether you get a student discount. HAD BETTER [INFORMAL]

4Remember, you don’t have to pay back the loan immediately. NO OBLIGATION [Quite FORMAL]

5All outstanding reports must be completed by the end of the week. BE COMPLETE [Very FORMAL]

6I thought we had to wear formal clothing to the meal. FEEL OBLIGED [NEUTRAL]

7 Fire doors must not be left open at any time.


8 If you want to get a parking space, you should arrive early. ADVISABLE [FORMAL]

9You should have sent that email first thing this morning. SUPPOSE [INFORMAL]

10Hard hats must be worn by all visitors to the construction site. REQUIRE [FORMAL]

11I think you should ask Jo for some help.


12 Remember, you don’t have to accept the offer.


13All pay claims must be completed by the 23rd of the month. BE COMPLETE [Very FORMAL]

14I thought I had to invite Markus and his wife to the reception. FEEL OBLIGED [NEUTRAL]

15Jeans or flip-flops must not be worn at work.


16If you really want the job, you should read up on the company and show you’re interested. ADVISABLE [FORMAL]

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Photocopiable activity 10C Complete and reorder the proposal PHRASES

the library could also … many students have said they would … if the university is to maintain its status, it is vital that … a constant complaint has been … obviously, all developments … there have been many requests for … I would suggest we … it is clear that … one low-cost option would be … students have commented that … they have said they would be …


ProposalThe aim of this proposal is to suggest how facilities on campus may be improved, bearing in mind financial constraints.

Having considered all feedback received from students, a clear picture emerges.

Suggestions and recommendations 1 The libraryWhilst the library is generally well stocked, ________________________________________ additional copies of key textbooks and articles to be available so all students can access them when needed.

________________________________________ to reduce the loan period from a week to three days, thus increasing availability. ________________________________________ purchase extra copies.

2 The IT facilities________________________________________ welcome extended opening hours at the IT rooms, which currently close at 8 p.m. ________________________________________ if 24/7 access were available, they would be better able to complete assignments without undue stress.

________________________________________ set up a security system for after-hours opening, where students swipe in using their student cards.

3 Student union________________________________________ that the union offers little variety in terms of the entertainment available. ________________________________________ our students would like to hold events such as international film nights, open mike and comedy nights.

________________________________________ prepared to organise events and have suggested establishing specific societies to do that.

ConclusionWithout excessive spending, the facilities on campus could be improved. ________________________________________ the above points be addressed. ________________________________________ would be best discussed with the students’ association so as to encourage their involvement.