
My Philosophy of Education By: Shirley Mounts When I think of education, I think of empowerment. With the correct tools, we can provide students with the power, and drive, to change the world. Education isn't about the school. It isn't about the books or homework. It is about encouraging one's mind to think outside of the box. As teachers, we are merely the channels of that empowerment. It is our job to provide a safe and solid foundation for each child to build their future upon. Education is never ending. I believe if we can reach our youth at the primary level, we will increase their chances of growing into young thinkers and doers. Every child should believe that the sky truly is the limit. Whether born with silver spoons, or born in a gutter, our children are the future. It is our job, as educators, to make sure they have the capacity to adapt, to learn, and to grow. I chose education for my career because I want to help our youth. The area I live in is infested with drugs and broken dreams. But it's not just small town, America. It is rampant across our nation. Hopelessness. The United States places 17th in the developed world for education, according to a global report by education firm Pearson. This is a shocking and devastating fact, considering we are the supposed to be the greatest country in the world. If we continue to let our children slip in education, we have no future. I think education is key for tolerance, as well. The world is changing and evolving every day. We need to educate our children, and teach them to appreciate differences, instead of breeding blind hate and ignorance. That is what our job, as educators, is: To provide them the tools they need to think for themselves. We can open their eyes and their minds, and fill them with knowledge, hope, and love.



Transcript of Philosophyofeducation

Page 1: Philosophyofeducation

My Philosophy of Education By: Shirley Mounts

When I think of education, I think of empowerment. With the correct tools, we can provide students with the power, and drive, to change the world. Education isn't about the school. It isn't about the books or homework. It is about encouraging one's mind to think outside of the box. As teachers, we are merely the channels of that empowerment. It is our job to provide a safe and solid foundation for each child to build their future upon. Education is never ending. I believe if we can reach our youth at the primary level, we will increase their chances of growing into young thinkers and doers. Every child should believe that the sky truly is the limit. Whether born with silver spoons, or born in a gutter, our children are the future. It is our job, as educators, to make sure they have the capacity to adapt, to learn, and to grow.

I chose education for my career because I want to help our youth. The area I live in is infested with drugs and broken dreams. But it's not just small town, America. It is rampant across our nation. Hopelessness. The United States places 17th in the developed world for education, according to a global report by education firm Pearson. This is a shocking and devastating fact, considering we are the supposed to be the greatest country in the world. If we continue to let our children slip in education, we have no future. I think education is key for tolerance, as well. The world is changing and evolving every day. We need to educate our children, and teach them to appreciate differences, instead of breeding blind hate and ignorance. That is what our job, as educators, is: To provide them the tools they need to think for themselves. We can open their eyes and their minds, and fill them with knowledge, hope, and love.

Page 2: Philosophyofeducation

I believe that teachers should use the constructivist approach. Let the children build their own knowledge, off of prior experiences. We must present the information in different ways, so that each child is able to relate. There are multiple intelligences. The knowledge we wish to pass along to our students must be done so in a way to reach every kind of learner. Every child is different, with different backgrounds, home lives, cultures, socioeconomic statuses, and different views. I will reach out, and embrace, all of these differences.

Students respond to external stimuli (rewards, punishments, etc.), but I believe we must ignite in them a desire to learn. I will make each child's educational experience in my classroom as positive as I can. I will let them know that I believe in them and I hope to instill that same belief in themselves. Disciplinary actions will be stated from the first day of school. I will lay the responsibility on their shoulders. They will know what is expected of them and they will know the consequences. My classroom will be a No Negativity Zone. I will not permit bullying. I will encourage love and acceptance. I will be sure my students know that I am on their side. I will be their biggest fan and support them on their entire journey. My classroom is a place for organized chaos. It is a fallacy that quiet students are good students. Sometimes a loud classroom is learning the most. I will provide a place for openness, creativity, and mistakes. We will learn some things together, as we go, and we will never give up!