Philosophy Statement

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This is just my personal philosophy on teaching. Hope you enjoy. Any critiques are welcome.Thanks

Transcript of Philosophy Statement

Catherine Day Western Governors University Bachelor of Arts, Social Science 5-12 66246

My Philosophy of TeachingThe technical definition of education is the act or process of imparting or

acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life (, 2010). Education involves imparting the information necessary for a student to live a productive life and become a good citizen. Education involves learning what one needs to know in order to survive.

What I believe education should be is the attainment of knowledge and the acquiring of the skills necessary to apply the knowledge. Students need to be taught to use tactics such as (but not limited to) critical thinking, selfreflection, and the ability to derive positive meaning from failure. They also must be able to use knowledge to accomplish what is necessary for them to meet their personal definition of success. To meet this goal, students need to use their knowledge creatively and without limits. Education should not only pertain to acquiring the knowledge students need in order to prepare

themselves for adulthood. Education should be about the ability to process knowledge, deciphering its meaning and discover where it fits into a persons life.

How these ideas have shaped my philosophy: In order for me to become a successful and intentional teacher, the reconciliation of these two ideas must occur. This can be accomplished by the following: First and foremost, the classroom is a place of learning. I need to ensure the classroom is organized and I am prepared. I need to able to reflect on my knowledge of the subject and my methods of delivery. The promotion of learning is the main goal and management of the classroom must support this. It will not be a place of anxiety, trepidation, or hostility. It is a place of respect. It is a non-judgmental, physically and emotionally safe haven for their ideas and questions. Secondly, I will create a learning environment where the students are learning more than facts, figures, places, etc. The students will be encouraged to think outside the box. The students will employ critical thinking skills to see beyond the written word. They will reflect on how to approach a problem from different angles. A key issue is for the students to

learn that failure is not failure. It is a method of feedback, not an inability to acquire knowledge or perform a task. They are no less of a student (or a person) because they receive a low grade. Additionally, I wish the students to have a burning desire and need to learn. I will instill a sense of motivation as much as I can. When the students leave the classroom, they are still debating/discussing the material they have just learned. It is seared in their minds and their souls as well. The students become intrinsically motivated to the point that they will wish to do additional research on the subject matter. My purpose for becoming a teacher is to arm students with the knowledge and skills for them to reach their life goals. I want to provide the tools necessary for them to make the best decisions on issues in their lives. I also want them to know there is someone in their lives that cares whether they learn and believes they can succeed. I refuse to be the naysayer who tells them their dreams are unachievable. I am sure there may be some adults who will disagree with that position and believe that, as their teacher, I need to give them a reality check. My position is to the contrary. If students have the proper skills, they can decide whether they have the ability to follow a certain path. They have options. I will be the teacher who encourages it. I also wish for them to have the knowledge and tools necessary to locate the information they need. Knowledge prevents a student from

finding themselves in a position of vulnerability and disadvantage. This is an undesirable place to be. It can even be a critical one if a student is not armed with the knowledge they need to make proper choices. When I was in the seventh grade, I watched as my math teacher taught her way through lessons. I watched her as she demonstrated, probed, and used guided questioning. What I realize now is that her skillful use of everything she had learned had built a motivation in me that has never died. It became the inspiration for me to be a part of the world of education. My purpose in life is to become a teacher, a sharer of knowledge for the betterment of society as a whole. My experiences at WGU have cemented that belief. Through every course, every task, every objective exam, and standardized exam, this purpose is reinforced. I will become the highly qualified, passionate, and more importantly, intentional teacher I am meant to be.

References:Education (2010). Unabridged. Retrieved from: