PHILOSOPHY - Mitras IAS · the same necessity for Hume? Give reasons in favour of your...

Mitra’s IAS : 8826469839, 9560928172, 45505509 • E-mail: [email protected] • Visit us: 1 PHILOSOPHY Syllabus PAPER - I History and Problems of Philosophy : 1. Plato and Aristotle: Ideas; Substance; Form and Maer; Causaon; Actuality and Potenality. 2. Raonalism (Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz): Cartesian Method and Certain Knowledge; Substance; God; Mind-Body Dualism; Determinism and Freedom. 3. Empiricism (Locke, Berkeley, Hume): Theory of Knowledge; Substance and Qualies; Self and God; Scepcism. 4. Kant: Possibility of Synthec a priori Judgments; Space and Time; Categories; Ideas of Reason; Annomies; Crique of Proofs for the Existence of God Hegel: Dialeccal Method; Absolute Idealism 5. Moore, Russell and Early Wigenstein: Defence of Commonsense; Refutaon of Idealism; Logical Atomism; Logical Construcons; Incomplete Symbols; Picture Theory of Meaning; Saying and Showing. 6. Logical Posivism: Verificaon Theory of Meaning; Rejecon of Metaphysics; Linguisc Theory of Necessary Proposions. 7. Later Wigenstein: Meaning and Use; Language-games; Crique of Private Language. 8. Phenomenology (Husserl): Method; Theory of Essences; Avoidance of Psychologism. 9. Existenalism (Kierkegaard, Sartre, Heidegger): Existence and Essence; Choice, Responsibility and Authenc Existence; Being-in-the –world and Temporality.

Transcript of PHILOSOPHY - Mitras IAS · the same necessity for Hume? Give reasons in favour of your...

Page 1: PHILOSOPHY - Mitras IAS · the same necessity for Hume? Give reasons in favour of your answer.(2018/10) 2. How does Berkeley establish that Mind and its ideas alone are real? How

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History and Problems of Philosophy :

1. Plato and Aristotle: Ideas; Substance; Form and Matter;Causation;ActualityandPotentiality.

2. Rationalism (Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz): Cartesian MethodandCertainKnowledge;Substance;God;Mind-BodyDualism;DeterminismandFreedom.

3. Empiricism (Locke, Berkeley, Hume): Theory of Knowledge;SubstanceandQualities;SelfandGod;Scepticism.

4. Kant: Possibility of Synthetic a priori Judgments; Space andTime; Categories; Ideas of Reason; Antinomies; Critique ofProofs for the Existence of God Hegel: Dialectical Method;Absolute Idealism

5. Moore, Russell and Early Wittgenstein: Defence ofCommonsense; Refutation of Idealism; Logical Atomism;LogicalConstructions;IncompleteSymbols;PictureTheoryofMeaning;SayingandShowing.

6. LogicalPositivism:VerificationTheoryofMeaning;RejectionofMetaphysics;LinguisticTheoryofNecessaryPropositions.

7. Later Wittgenstein: Meaning and Use; Language-games;CritiqueofPrivateLanguage.

8. Phenomenology (Husserl): Method; Theory of Essences;AvoidanceofPsychologism.

9. Existentialism (Kierkegaard, Sartre, Heidegger): ExistenceandEssence;Choice,ResponsibilityandAuthenticExistence;Being-in-the–worldandTemporality.

Page 2: PHILOSOPHY - Mitras IAS · the same necessity for Hume? Give reasons in favour of your answer.(2018/10) 2. How does Berkeley establish that Mind and its ideas alone are real? How

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10. QuineandStrawson:CritiqueofEmpiricism;TheoryofBasicParticularsandPersons.

11. Cārvāka : Theory of Knowledge; Rejection of TranscendentEntities.

12. Jainism: Theory of Reality; Saptabhaňginaya; Bondage andLiberation.

13. Schools of Buddhism; Pratītyasamutpāda; Ksanikavada,Nairātmyavāda

14. Nyāya-Vaiśesika:TheoryofCategories;TheoryofAppearance;Theory of Pramāna; Self, Liberation; God; Proofs for theExistence of God; Theory of Causation; Atomistic Theory ofCreation.

15. Sāmkhya:Prakrti;Purusa;Causation;Liberation

16. Yoga:Citta;Cittavrtti;Klesas;Samadhi;Kaivalya.

17. Mimāmsā:TheoryofKnowledge

18. SchoolsofVedānta:Brahman;Īśvara;Ātman;Jiva;Jagat;Māyā;Avidyā;Adhyāsa;Moksa;Aprthaksiddhi;Pancavidhabheda

19. Aurobindo:Evolution,Involution;IntegralYoga.

Page 3: PHILOSOPHY - Mitras IAS · the same necessity for Hume? Give reasons in favour of your answer.(2018/10) 2. How does Berkeley establish that Mind and its ideas alone are real? How

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Socio-Political Philosophy

1. SocialandPoliticalIdeals:Equality,Justice,Liberty.

2. Sovereignty:Austin,Bodin,Laski,Kautilya.

3. IndividualandState:Rights;DutiesandAccountability

4. FormsofGovernment:Monarchy;TheocracyandDemocracy.

5. PoliticalIdeologies:Anarchism;MarxismandSocialism

6. Humanism;Secularism;Multiculturalism.

7. CrimeandPunishment:Corruption,MassViolence,Genocide,CapitalPunishment.

8. DevelopmentandSocialProgress.

9. GenderDiscrimination:FemaleFoeticide,LandandPropertyRights;Empowerment.

10. CasteDiscrimination:GandhiandAmbedkar

Page 4: PHILOSOPHY - Mitras IAS · the same necessity for Hume? Give reasons in favour of your answer.(2018/10) 2. How does Berkeley establish that Mind and its ideas alone are real? How

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Philosophy of Religion:

1. Notions ofGod: Attributes; Relation toMan and theWorld.(IndianandWestern).

2. ProofsfortheExistenceofGodandtheirCritique(IndianandWestern).

3. ProblemofEvil.

4. Soul:Immortality;RebirthandLiberation.

5. Reason,RevelationandFaith.

6. ReligiousExperience:NatureandObject(IndianandWestern).

7. ReligionwithoutGod.

8. ReligionandMorality.

9. ReligiousPluralismandtheProblemofAbsoluteTruth.

10. NatureofReligiousLanguage:AnalogicalandSymbolic;

11. CognitivistandNon-cognitive.

Page 5: PHILOSOPHY - Mitras IAS · the same necessity for Hume? Give reasons in favour of your answer.(2018/10) 2. How does Berkeley establish that Mind and its ideas alone are real? How

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1. Plato and Aristotle: Ideas; Substance; Form and Matter; Causation; Actuality and Potentiality

1. IstherelationbetweentheIdeaandtheWorldasdiscussedbyPlato logically consistent?DiscussAristotle’s views regardingthisandalsogiveargumentsinfavourofyouranswer.(2018/15)

2. Inwhatsensecanideasbebothimmanentandtranscendent?Discuss in this context Plato’s theory of universal andparticulars.(2017/10)

3. Explain Aristotle’s theory of form and matter. How does ithelp him resolve the problem of change and permanence?(2017/15)

4. Does Plato’s ‘Theory of Form’ explain the ‘change’ and‘sensibility’ofmatter?Givereasonsforyouranswer.(2016/20)

5. DoesAristotletreatmatterasa‘Substance’?Givereasonsforyouranswer.(2016/20)

6. Aristotle’s distinction between ‘actuality’ and ‘potentiality’.(2015/10)

7. Explain Plato’s theory of forms? Does it entail a kind ofessentialism?Discuss.(2015/20)

8. ExplainthesignificanceofAristotle’sdoctrineofform&matterinhistheoryofcausation.(2014/15)

9. DiscussbetweenknowledgeandbeliefaccordingtoPlato.Howisitbasedonhismetaphysics?Explain.(2014/20)

10. ExplainPlato’sontologicaltheoryofForms.IsknowledgeoneoftheForms?Explain.(2013:12½)

11. Discuss how by refuting different concepts of SubstancesAristotleestablisheshisowntheoryofaSubstance?(2013/10)

12. Discuss Aristotle’s metaphysical theory as a polemic againstPlato’stheoryofideas.(2012/15)

Page 6: PHILOSOPHY - Mitras IAS · the same necessity for Hume? Give reasons in favour of your answer.(2018/10) 2. How does Berkeley establish that Mind and its ideas alone are real? How

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13. How does Plato relate the world of ideas to the empiricalworld?Discuss.(2011/15)

14. How does Aristotle’s notion of causation defer from themodernnotionofcausation.(2010/15)

15. Commenton-Plato’sanalogyofthecaveanditssignificanceinhistheoryofknowledge.(2009/20)

16. Aristotle’s teleological conception of causation. Short Notes(2008/20)

17. Plato’s recollection theory of knowledge. Short Notes.(2007/20)

18. Discuss the ‘theory of matter’ according to Aristotle. ShortNotes.(2006/20)

19. Distinction between opinion and knowledge. Short Notes.(2005/20)

20. StateanddiscussPlato’stheoryofforms.(2004/60)

21. ‘A universal exists only in the particular’. Discuss in thisconnection Aristotle’s notion of universal and the idea ofsubstancethatfollowsit.(2003/60)

22. ‘While Plato’s metaphysics is a visionary one, Aristotle’smetaphysics is a descriptive one.’ Explain fully giving theessential differences between the views of the two thinkersregardingthenatureofreality.(2002/60)

2. Rationalism (Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz): Cartesian Method and Certain Knowledge; Substance; God; Mind-Body Dualism; Determinism and Freedom.

1. What is the reason for the difference in the definitions andclassifications of substances made by Descartes, SpinozaandLeibniz in spiteof the fact that theyallbelonged to therationalistschoolofthought?Discuss.(2018/20)

2. IsthereanyplaceforfreedominLeibniz’sphilosophy,whenhespeaksof“pre-establishedharmony’?Discuss.(2018/10)

Page 7: PHILOSOPHY - Mitras IAS · the same necessity for Hume? Give reasons in favour of your answer.(2018/10) 2. How does Berkeley establish that Mind and its ideas alone are real? How

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3. WhataccordingtoDescartesisaclearanddistinctidea?whatistheepistemologicalstatusofclearanddistinctideas?DoesthisaccounthelpDescartesprovethatmaterialobjectsexist?Explain(2017/20)

4. Explain Leibnitz’s principle of ‘identity of indiscernible’.(2015/15)

5. DoesDescartescogitoprincipleentailthatheisanessentialist?Discuss.(2015/15)

6. ExplainthedoctrineofCartesianDualismandexaminecriticallyargumentsinfavourofit.(2014/15)

7. DoesLeibnitz’stheoryofpre-establishedharmonynecessarilyleadtodeterminism?Discuss.(2014/10)

8. WriteashortcriticalessayonSpinoza’sconceptionoffreedomofanindividual.(2013/12½)

9. ExplainDescarte’smethodofdoubt.CanthismethodbeusedtojustifyhisbeliefintheexistenceofGod?Argueyourcase.(2013/12½)

10. GiveacriticalaccountofLeibnitz’sprincipleoftheidentityofindiscernibles.(2013/12½)

11. DoesMonadologysufficientlyexplainthenatureofSubstance?Aremonadsindependentofeachother?Explain.(2012/15)

12. Does Leibnitz succeed in combining the mechanical withtheteleologicalviewoftheworld?ExplainhistheoryofPre-EstablishedHarmony.(2012/15)

13. If‘Everydeterminationisnegation‘thenhowcanSubstancehaveattributes?Explain.(2012/15)

14. HowdoesDescartes’‘cogitoergosum’affectHumeandKant’stranscendentalphilosophy?Explain(2012/12)

15. Is the concept of freedom consistent with the theory ofdeterminismofSpinoza?Supportyouranswerwitharguments.(2011/30)

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16. WhydoesDescartesnotdoubttheexistenceofGod?Explain.(2011/15)

17. Why does Spinoza think that God alone is absolutely real?Explain.(2010/20)

18. Interactionism in the philosophical context. Short notes(2009/20)

19. Compare theviewsof Leibnitz andHumeon the conceptofsubstance.(2009/30)

20. Compare the views of Spinoza and Sartre on Freedom.(2009/30)

21. ExplainLeibnitz’snotionofmonad.CanmonadberegardedasabasicparticularintheStrawsoniansense?(2008/60)

22. DiscussDescarte’sDualism.(2006/60)

23. ExplainSpinoza’stheoryofSubstance.(2006/60)

24. Mind and Body as two interacting substances. Short notes.(2005/20)

25. Spinoza’sconceptionoftheUltimateSubstance.ShortNotes.(2005/20)

26. ‘Ithink,thereforeIam.’ShortNotes.(2004/20)

27. StateandcriticallyexamineSpinoza’sdoctrineoftheidentityoftheSubstance,Godandnature.(2002/60)

3. Empiricism (Locke, Berkeley, Hume): Theory of Knowledge; Substance and Qualities; Self and God; Scepticism

1. Arethetwotruths-”TheSunwillrisetomorrow”and‘2+2-4’ofthesamenecessityforHume?Givereasonsinfavourofyouranswer.(2018/10)

2. HowdoesBerkeleyestablishthatMindanditsideasalonearereal?HowdoMooreandRussellreacttoBerkeley’sviewinthisregard?DoyoufindanydifferencebetweenMoore’sreactionandRussell’sone?Discuss.(2018/20)

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3. ShowhowHume’s analysis experience leaves no ground forbelief in any permanent reality either physical or mental.(2017/10)

4. How does Locke draw a distinction between primary andsecondaryqualities?Doeshealsodrawadistinctionbetweenthe Idea of primary qualities and primary qualities as wellas the Ideaof secondaryqualities and secondaryqualities ?Discuss(2017/20)

5. WhatisthelogicalnecessityforLocketointroducetheconceptofsecondaryqualities?Givereasonsforyouranswer(2016/10).

6. CriticallyexamineHume’sviewsontherelationofcauseandeffect.(2016/15)qualities?

7. esseestpercipi.(2015/10)

8. Evaluate critically Hume’s criticism of theory of causation.(2014/15)

9. Give a critical account of Hume’s theory of self. (2013/12½)

10. CriticallyexamineJohnLocke’scategorizationofprimaryandsecondaryqualitiesandexplaintheproblemitposedforlaterempiricist.(2012/15)

11. If‘tobeistobeperceived’thenhowdoesBerkeleyexplainthepermanenceofthings?(2012/15)

12. Was Hume skeptic ? If not thenwhat is his contribution tophilosophy?(2012/15)

13. JohnLockesaidthat‘Noman’sknowledgecangobeyondhisexperience’.Discusscriticallytheimplicationsofthisstatement.(2012/12)

14. What, according to Empiricists is the concept of Substance?Discuss.(2011/20)

15. WhatmetaphysicalimplicationscanbederivedfromBerkeley’sstatement“EsseEstPercipi”.(2010/30)

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16. Does Hume deny the possibility of knowledge? Discuss.(2010/15)

17. “Tobeistobeperceived”.Discuss.(2009/20)

18. Compare the view of Leibnitz and Hume on the concept ofsubstance.(2009/30)

19. HumeandKantonmetaphysics.Shortnotes.(2008/20)

20. StateanddiscussLocke’sviewsonSubstance.(2007/60)

21. Explain the theory of knowledge according to Locke. ShortNotes.(2006/20)

22. DiscussHume’sScepticism.(2006/60)

23. Hume’sviewsonInduction.ShortNotes.(2004/20)

24. Tobeistobeperceived.ShortNotes.(2003/20)

25. Hume’sPhenomenalism.ShortNotes.(2002/20)

4. Kant: Possibility of Synthetic a priori Judgments; Space and Time; Categories; Ideas of Reason; Antinomies; Critique of Proofs for the Existence of God

1. ExplainthesignificanceoftheKantiandictum,‘UnderstandingmakesNature’.HowfardoyouagreethatHegel’sAbsolutismistheculminationoftheKantianDualism?Discuss.Givereasonsinfavourofyouranswer.(2018/15)

2. How is ‘all bodies are extended’ an analytic judgement but‘allbodiesareheavy’asyntheticjudgement?Is‘everyeventhas a cause’ an analyticor a synthetic judgement ? Explain.(2017/20)

3. Elaborate Kant’s theory of space and time. How does thistheoryenablehimtoexplainhowmathematicalpropositionscanbebothsyntheticandapriori?(2017/20)

4. What,according toKant,are ‘pureconcepts’?Examine theirroleintheprocessofknowing.(2016/15)

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5. ExamineKant’scriticismonDescartes’viewofSelf.(2016/10)

6. ExplainKant’sdivisionofcategories.(2015/20).

7. How are synthetic apriori judgement justifiable according tokant?Explain.(2014/10)

8. ExplainKant’sviewofcausality.HowfarisKantabletoanswerHume’s objection that causal relation lacks logical necessity.(2013:12½)

9. WhatisAntinomy?DescribethemajorantinomiesdiscussedbyKant.(2013/10)

10. Why Kant’s philosophy known as Copernicus revolutionin metaphysics? What was revolutionary about Kantianphilosophy?Givereasonsforit.(2012/15)

11. “Hume aroused me from my dogmatic slumber”. In whatcontextKanthasmadethisstatement?Explain.(2011/20)

12. WhatisthebasicdifferencebetweenLeibnizandKantontheconceptofspaceandtime?(2010/30)

13. WhydoesKantsaythatexistenceisnotapredicate?(2010/15)

14. Comment on Kant’s objections against the ontologicalargumentfortheexistenceofGod.(2009/20)

15. HumeandKantonMetaphysics.ShortNotes.(2008/20)

16. Natureofsynthetica-prioryjudgmentaccordingtoKant.ShortNotes.(2007/20)

17. ExplainKant’scriticismoftheproofsfortheexistenceofGod.ShortNotes.(2006/20)

18. HowdoesKantrespondtoHume’sscepticism?(2005/60)

19. ThesignificanceofKant’sdistinctionbetweenphenomenaandnoumena.Notes.(2004/20)

20. How is synthetic apriori judgment possible? Short Notes.(2003/20)

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21. ‘Kant’s “Critical Philosophy” is a reconciliation betweenRationalism and Empiricism.’ Elucidate the remark fully andbring out the consequence of such a reconciliation for thepossibilityoftraditionalmetaphysics.(2002/60)

5. Hegel: Dialectical Method; Absolute Idealism

1. ElaborateHegel’sdictum“Allidentityisidentityanddifference.”(2017/10)

2. What is Hegel’s view on God ? Do you think that hisinterpretation of God was contributive to the colonial andimperialexpansionistdesigns?Explain(2016/15)

3. Comment:‘Movementiscontradictionitself’ExamineinthiscontextHegel’sdialecticalmethod.(2013/12½)

4. ExplainHegeliandialecticalmethodandshowhowitisusefulinexplainingthehistoricaldevelopmentprocess?(2012/15)

5. “The rational is real and the real is rational”. Short notes(2009/20)

6. Hegel’sDialecticalmethod.ShortNotes.(2007/20)

7. CriticallydiscusstheHegel’sDialecticalmethod.ShortNotes.(2006/20)

8. Hegel’sDialecticalMethod.Shortnotes.(2002/20)

6. Moore, Russell and Early Wittgenstein: Defence of Commonsense; Refutation of Idealism; Logical Atomism; Logical Constructions; Incomplete Symbols; Picture Theory of Meaning; Saying and Showing.

1. How is Russell’s theory of definite description related to hisLogical Atomisin? Discuss and give reasons for your answer.(2018/15)

2. HowdoesWittgensteinapplythedistinctionbetween‘saying’and ‘showing’ to point to a singleway of apprehending themost decisive problems of philosophy? Is he justified? Givereasonsforyouranswer.(2018/15)

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3. Howisthestatement‘Imetaman’,semanticallyproblematicforRussell?Howdoesheaccountforthemeaningfulnessofthisstatement?(2017/10)

4. WhatisWittgenstein’stheoryofpicturetheoryofmeaning?Whatarehisreasonsforgivinguphistheoryandsuggestingtheusetheoryofmeaning?(2017/15)

5. Explain Russell’s view that “the physical object is a logicalconstruction from sense-data”. Why does he call hismetaphysicalview‘neutralmonism’?(2016/15)

6. Why does Wittgenstein reject the possibility of privatelanguage?(2016/10)

7. G.E.Moore’srefutationofidealism.(2015/10)

8. Whatdoyouunderstandbyincompletesymbols?WhatroledotheyplayinRussell’stheoryofmeaning?(2015/15)

9. Are G.E.Moore’s arguments in defence of common sensesatisfactory.Givereasons.(2014/15)

10. Why does Wittgenstein disagree Bertrand Russell’sinterpretation of atomism in the philosophy of Tractatus ?Discuss(2014/15)

11. Distinguish between atomic and general proposition. Showhowtheyarejustifiedtrue.(2013/12½)

12. Comment: ‘Moore’sdefenceofcommonsenseessentially isdefenceofcommonlanguage’(2013/12½)

13. ExplainthetheoryofdefinitedescriptionsaccordingtoRussell.(2012/15)

14. Are the arguments given by G.E. Moore against Idealismadequate?Givereasonsforyouranswer.(2011/30)

15. WhatisRussell’sideaof‘Incompletesymbols’inhistheoryofdescription?Discuss.(2011/15)

16. What does Moore want to establish when he asserts thatpropositionslike“Earthexistsorwehaveconsciousness”aretruism?Discuss.(2010/20)

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17. Explain the theory of logical construction. Does it provide asatisfactoryaccountofknowledge?(2008/60)

18. State and discuss Russell’s analysis of Definite Descriptions.(2007/60)

19. CriticallydiscussMoore’sRefutationofIdealism.(2004/60)

20. Distinction between ‘saying’ and ‘showing’. Short Notes.(2004/20)

21. WhatisRussel’sLogicalatomism?Bringoutinthisconnectiontheconceptionormetaphysicsinvolvedinit.(2003/60)

22. Moore’sDefenseofCommon-Sense.ShortNotes.(2002/20)

7. Logical Positivism: Verification Theory of Meaning; Rejection of Metaphysics; Linguistic Theory of Necessary Propositions

1. Howdothelogicalpositivistsshowthatmetaphysicalsentencesare meaningless? Can their verification theory of meaningaccount for the meaningfulness of all scientific sentences?Discuss.(2018/15)

2. Doesthesentence‘whateveriscolouredisextended’,satisfythe criterion of meaningfulness proposed by the logicalpositivists?Explain.(2017/15)

3. Explain verification theory. Does it lead to elimination ofmetaphysics?(2016/10)

4. Areempiricalstatementsverifiable?Discussthelimitationsof‘verificationtheoryofmeaning’.(2014/20)

5. Distinguish necessary from empirical proposition. How isnecessarypropositionisjustified?Explain(2013/10)

6. ‘Logical Positivism broadly claims that metaphysics andtheologyaremeaninglessbecausetheyareneithermattersoflogicnorverifiableempirically.’Criticallyexamine.(2012/12)

7. Discussthelimitationsofverificationtheory.(2011/20)

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8. Arenecessarypropositionslinguisticbynature?Discussinthelightoflogicalpositivism.(2010/20)

9. ExaminehowAyereliminatesmetaphysics.(2009/30)

10. Elimination of metaphysics at the hands Logical Positivists.ShortNotes.(2007/20)

11. Stateanddiscussthelogicalpositivist’sattemptstoeliminatemetaphysics.(2005/60)

8. Later Wittgenstein: Meaning and Use; Language-games; Critique of Private Language.

1. Howdoesthenotionof‘familyresemblancehelpWittgensteintoupholdthat‘Languageisagame’?Discuss.(2018/10)

2. Bringouttherelationshipbetweenlanguagegamesandformsoflife.(2015/20)

3. Bringoutthesignificanceof‘LanguageGames’inWittgenstein’sUsetheoryofmeaning.(2014/10)

4. Explain Wittgenstein’s arguments against the possibility ofprivatelanguage.(2013/10)

5. According to Wittgenstein ‘Philosophy is a battle againstbewitchmentofourintelligencebymeansoflanguage’.Explainthefunctionofphilosophyintheabovecontext.(2012/12)

6. “Meaningofthewordliesinitsuse”.Explainindetail.(2011/30)

7. AretautologiesmeaningaccordingtoWittgenstein?(2010/15)

8. Wittgenstein’snotionoflanguage-game.(2008/20)

9. Phenomenology (Husserl) : Method; Theory of Essences; Avoidance of Psychologism.

1. What is Epoché?HowdoesHeidegger reject thismethodofphenomenological reduction? Explain Heidegger’s conceptof ‘being in the world’ as opposed to the concept of atranscendentalego.(2018/20)

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2. Explain Husserl’s reasons for advocating phenomenologicalreductionism.(2017/10)

3. Husserl’snotionof‘bracketing’.(2015/10)

4. Explain the significance of ‘bracketing’ in HusserlPhenomenology.(2014/10)

5. What,accordingtoHusserlisIntentionality?Discussitsroleinarrivingatthemeaningofobject.(2011/30)

6. WhatisthenotionoftranscendentalegoaccordingtoHusserl?HowisitdifferentfromSartre’snotionoftheego?(2008/60)

7. What is ‘epoche’? Bring out its significance for Husserl’sconceptionofrigorousscience.(2005/60)

8. DiscussHusserl’sconceptionofphilosophyasrigorousscience.(2003/60)

10. Existentialism (Kierkegaard, Sartre, Heidegger): Existence and Essence; Choice, Responsibility and Authentic Existence; Being-in-the-world and Temporality.

1. HowdoesSartreconnect inauthenticitywithbadfaith?Whydoes Sartre show that inauthenticity and bad faith lead toalienation?Discuss.(2018/10)

2. DiscussHeidegger’sconceptofauthenticityandexplainhowaninauthenticDaseinregainsthelostself?(2017/15)

3. DiscussSartre’snotionof‘Nothingness’.(2016/15)

4. DiscusswhyHeideggerintroducestheconceptofDaseininhismetaphysics.(2015/15)

5. Bring out the relationship between existence and essenceincaseofhumanbeing.Explaintheissues itgivesrisetoforhumanbeingsaccordingtoSartre.(2015/15)

6. ExplainKierkegaard’sconceptofchoice.Howdoestheconceptofchoiceinmeta-ethicsdifferfromnormativeethics?Explain.(2014/20)

Page 17: PHILOSOPHY - Mitras IAS · the same necessity for Hume? Give reasons in favour of your answer.(2018/10) 2. How does Berkeley establish that Mind and its ideas alone are real? How

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7. State andevaluateHeidegger’s claim that temporality is thehorizonagainstwhich thebeingofanyentity isunderstood.(2014/15)

8. Examine Sartre’s distinction between Being-for-itself andBeing-in-itself.(2013/12½)

9. Analyse Kierkegaard’s concept of choice. Can therebe , in his view , correct or incorrect choice ? Discuss. (2013/12½)

10. ElucidateExistentialismandindicateitsstrongandweakpointsinyourownwords.(2012/15)

11. SorenKierkegaardclarifiedthat“ThefunctionofprayersisnottoinfluenceGodbutrathertochangethenatureofonewhoprays.”Commentonthisstatement.(2012/12)

12. “I am responsible formyself and foreveryoneelse.”DiscussthisstatementinthelightofSartre’sexistentialism.(2011/15)

13. How is the empirical ego and Heidegger different from thetranscendentegoinHusserl?(2010/30)

14. Compare the views of Spinoza and Sartre on Freedom.(2009/30)

15. “Existenceprecedesessence”.Comment.(2009/20)

16. Heidegger’scontentionthatessenceof“Daseinisitsexistence”.Shortnotes.(2008/20)

17. DiscussSartre’sconceptionoffreedom.(2004/60)

18. Existenceprecedesessence.ShortNotes.(2003/20)

11. Quine and Strawson: Critique of Empiricism; Theory of Basic Particulars and Persons.

1. How does Strawson explain the concept of person in hisphilosophy?Discuss.(2018/10)

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2. HowdoesQuine showthat thenotionofapriorknowledgeasdiscussedbyKant is ametaphysical articleof faith’?Givereasonsforyouranswer.15marks

3. What are the two dogmas of empiricism thatQuine attacks?What are his arguments againstwhat he calls the seconddogma?(2017/15)

4. Discuss Quine’s attack on the analytic-synthetic distinction.(2016/10)

5. Strawson’s distinction between ‘M’ and ‘P’ predicates.(2015/10)

6. Elucidate Quine’s arguments to show that analyticity is notsynonymity.(2015/15)

7. HowfarareQuine’sargumentsin‘twodogmasofempiricism’justified?Discuss.(2014/10)

8. ExplainandevaluateStrawson’sargumentsforhisconceptionofthenatureofPerson.(2013/10)

9. Explain critically Quine’s rejection of the analytic syntheticdistinction and his subsequent philosophical arguments.(2012/15)

10. IsStrawson’sconceptofpersonarefutationofHume’sconceptofself?Discuss.(2010/30)

11. What areQuine’s objectionswith regards to the verificationtheoryofmeaning?(2009/30)

12. StateanddiscussStrawson’stheoryofPerson.(2007/60)

13. Quine’scriticismofanalytic-syntheticdistinction.ShortNotes.(2005/20)

14. Strawson’snotionofpersonasprimitive.Notes.(2003/20)

15. Quine’sattackonAnalytic-SyntheticDistinction.ShortNotes.(2002/20)

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12. Cārvāka: Theory of Knowledge; Rejection of Transcendent Entities.

1. Is Cārvāka rejection of inference acceptable to the othersystemsof Indianphilosophy? Ifnot,why?Doyou think theviewsofothersystemstobejustified?Givereasonsforyouranswer.(2018/15)

2. “Thesoulisnothingbutconsciousbody.”WhatarethereasonsforCarvakainholdingthisview?(2017/10)

3. Whatwould be Carvaka’s view on Vyapti? Can this view beacceptable to theNaiyayikas?Give reasons for your answer.(2016/15)

4. Explainthetheargumentsofcarvakatorejecttranscendentalentities.(2015/15)

5. “Limitsofknowledgeandworldaredeterminedbymysenseperception”.DiscussthisclaimofCarvaka.(2014/10)

6. WhydoCarvakadonotbelieve in thevalidityof inference?Whatlogicdotheygivefortheirbelief?(2012/15)

7. OnwhatbasisdoesCarvakarejectthecause-effectrelationship?(2012/15)

8. Why do Carvakas reject the concept of Akasa. Discuss.(2011/30)

9. JustastheskepticismofHumehelpedKanttocomeoutofhisdogmaticslumber,soalsotheCarvakaphilosophysavedIndianphilosophyfromdogmatism.Discuss.(2010/20)

10. Carvaka’sviewsonthenatureofsoul.ShortNotes.(2007/20)

11. Discuss the theory of knowledge, according to CharvakaPhilosophy.Notes.(2006/60)

12. DehatmavadaofCarvakas.ShortNotes.(2004/20)

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13. Charvak’srefutationofanumanaisitselfaprocessofanumana.Discuss.(2003/60)

14. StateandevaluatecriticallyCarvaka’sviewthatperceptionistheonlyvalidsourceofknowledge.(2002/20)

15. TheCharvaktheoryofconsciousness.ShortNotes.(2001)

13. Jainism: Theory of Reality; Saptabhanginaya; Bondage and Liberation.

1. How do the Jaina philosophers explain ‘bondage’? What,accordingtothem,isthedistinctionbetween“liberatedsoul’and‘boundsoul’?WhatdotheJainasthinkabouttheconditionofthe‘liberatedsoul’?Discuss.(2018/15)

2. “The Jainametaphysics is relativistic and realisticpluralism”.Discuss(2017/15)

3. Can the ‘Tattvartha’ theory of Jainism be acceptable forscientificexplanations?(2016/15)

4. Examine Jaina stance of ‘Naya’. How does it differ from‘Syadvada’?(2016/10)

5. Differentiatetheconceptof‘Kaivalya’asdiscussedinJainaandYogaphilosophies.(2016/10)

6. JainconceptofDravya.(2015/10)

7. Whatdosamvaraandnirjaramean?ExplaintheirsignificanceinJainatheoryofliberation.(2015/15)

8. Explain the concept of Karma and discuss various types ofaccordingtoJainaphilosophy.(2014/15)

9. AnalysetherelationbetweenthetheoryofSaptabhanginayaandAnekantvada.(2013/10)

10. Critically evaluate Jaina doctrine of relative pluralism orAnekantvada?(2012/15)

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11. Why is Saptabhangi Naya not treated as a doctrine ofScepticism?Discuss.(2011/20)

12. What according to Jainism is Path to Liberation? Discuss.(2011/15)

13. Issyadvadaaself-contradictorydoctrine?Discuss.(2010/30)

14. Anekantavada.ShortNotes.(2009/20)

15. NatureofPudgalainJainaphilosophy.ShortNotes.(2007/20)

16. Explain the theory of Substance according to Jainism. ShortNotes.(2006/20)

17. JainaDefinitionofDravya.ShortNotes.(2005/20)

18. StateanddiscusstheJainaDoctrineofjiva.(2004/60)

19. Expoundanekantvadaof Jainism. It is a consistent theoryofreality?Givereasons.(2003/60)

20. Relation between anekantvada and saptabhanginaya.Notes.(2001)

14. Schools of Buddhism; Pratītyasamutpāda; Ksanikavada, Nairātmyavāda

1. Is it consistent for the Buddhists to admit the theory ofNairātmyavāda and the doctrine of Nirvana simultaneously?Givereasonsinfavourofyouranswer.(2018/15)

2. How do the Madhyamika Buddhists apply the notion ofPratityasamutpada to establish their doctrine of Sunyata ?Discuss.(2018/10)

3. ElucidatetheroleofcatuskotiinexplainingthenatureofrealityaccordingtoMadhyamikaschoolofthought.(2017/10)?

4. What are the arguments of the Buddhists to establishKsanikvada ? Do they necessarily lead to krtanasa andakrtabhyupagam?(2017/15)

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5. HowdoMadhyamika,yogacaravadinsandsarvastivadinsdifferamongthemselves inconcerningthenatureofreality?Howdo sarvastivadins differ among themselves with regard toknowledgeofreality?(2017/20)

6. How does Ksanikavada strengthen the arguments for‘Nairatmyavada’?Explain.(2016/10)

7. Alayavijnana(2015/10)

8. What is theroleofPratityasamutpada inexplainingdukkha?Elucidatemeanstoovercomeit.(2015/15)

9. How does Nagarjuna explain the concept of sunyata ? (2014/15)

10. BringouttheepistemologicaldifferencebetweenSautrantikaandVaibhasikaschoolofBuddhism.(2104/10)

11. ExplaintheBuddhistnotionof‘Impermanence’andshowhowtheideaofImpermanenceleadstotheoryofmomentarinessofreality.(2013/10)

12. Comment : ‘AcceptingShunyavadamakesone indifferent tothepursuitofdharma’.Examine inthiscontext ,Nagarjuna’sargumentsforShunyavada.(2013/12½)

13. Do you agree with the view that in early BuddhismmoreimportancewasgiventoFourNobleTruthsthantosystematicmetaphysics?Givereasonsforyouragreementordisagreement?(2012/15)

14. Examine critically the statement that the doctrine of‘paticcasamuppada was given only to explain the problemof sorrow and not to solve the problems of metaphysics.’(2012/15)

15. Explain the theory of illusion accepted by Buddhist. Is itconsistent with their philosophy ? Give reasons for youranswer.(2012/15)

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16. WriteanoteonNagarjuna’scontributionMadhyamicaSchoolofBuddhism.(2012/15)

17. IstheconceptofNirvanaalogicalnecessityfortheBuddhists?Givereasonsforyouranswer.(2011/30)

18. WhatistheimportanceoftheBuddhistconceptof‘Nama-Rupa’in theexpositionof theDoctrineofDependentOrigination?(2011/20)

19. IsSunyavadaaphilosophicaldoctrine?Evaluate.(2011/15)

20. HowdoestheBuddhistacceptthepossibilityofrebirthintheabsenceofaneternalsoul?Discuss.(2010/20)

21. Bring out themetaphysical implication of the second nobletruthoftheBuddhism.(2010/30)

22. An examination of Buddhist Nairatmyavada. Short notes.(2008/20)

23. “TheMadhyamikaphilosophytriestoadoptthemeanbetweenextreme affirmation and extremenegation.” Comment.(2008/60)

24. FourAryaSatya(NobleTruths)accordingtoBuddhism.ShortNotes.(2007/20)

25. Discuss Pratityasamutpada in Buddhism. Short Notes.(2006/20)

26. StateanddiscusstheBuddhistnotionofSunyata.(2005/60)

27. NatureandkindsofNirvana.ShortNotes.(2004/20)

28. State and discuss the Buddhist notion of momentariness.(2004/60)

29. KsanikavadaofBuddhism.ShortNotes.(2003/20)

30. Buddhistic doctrine of Pratitya-samutpada. Short Notes.(2002/20)

31. Nagarjuna’sdefenseofSunya-vada.Notes.(2001)

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15. Nyāya-Vaiśesika: Theory of Categories; Theory of Appearance; Theory of Pramāna; Self, Liberation; God; Proofs for the Existence of God; Theory of Causation; Atomistic Theory of Creation.

1. Howdo theVaišeșika philosophers explain the difference oftherelationshipsintheIwocases-(i)thebrowncolourofthetableand(ii)thebookonthetable?Discuss.(2018/10)

2. HowdotheBuddhistsandtheNyāyaphilosophersexplainourknowledgeof‘theabsenceofthejaronthetable’?Answerindetail.(2018/10)

3. How do thc Naiyāyikas prove the existence of God? Do theYogaphilosophersproveGod in the sameway? If yes,how?Andifno,why?Givereasonsforyouranswer.(2018/20)

4. Whatarethenecessarycharacteristicsofpadarthaaccordingtovaisesikaphilosophy?(2017/10)

5. Explain theconditionsofvalidhetuaspropounded inNyayaphilosophy.(2017/10)

6. Explain the early Nyaya definition of perception. Why thisdefinition is considered inadequateby the laterNaiyayikas?(2017/20)

7. ‘Our knowledge is confined to gunas only’. Examine thisstatement in the lightofVaisesikaandBuddhistcontroversy.(2015/15)

8. Is anyathakhyativada an adequate explanation oferror?(2015/15)

9. Bring out the philosophical implications of introducingextraordinary(aluakik) perception in Nyaya philosophy.(2014/20)

10. What is Samavaya ? What are the grounds for acceptingsamavayaasdistinctpadartha?(2013/10)

11. AnalysetheNyayaconceptofvyaptiandexamineitsrelationwithtark.(2013/12½)

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12. Examine Nyaya-Vaisesika’s arguments for the existence ofjivatma(soul).(2013/12½)

13. DoyoufindanyinadequacyintheproofsfortheexistenceofGodasgivenbyNaiyayikas?Givereasons insupportofyouranswer.(2011/15)

14. Why do the Vaisesikas treat Abhava as an independentcategory?Explain.(2011/15)

15. Explainthereasonforintroducingthenotionofextraordinaryperceptioninnyaya-epistemology.(2010/30)

16. Canqualitiesexistwithoutsubstance?SubstantiateyourviewsinthelightofNyaya-Buddhismcontroversy?(2010/20)

17. HetvabhasaaccordingtoNyaya.(2009/20)

18. Compare theviewpointsofNyaya ,Vaisesika ,MimansaandBuddhismontheissueofknowledgeofabhava.(2009/60)

19. SamanyainVaisesika.Shortnotes.(2008/20)

20. DiscusscriticallyNyayanotionofVyapti.(2008/60)

21. ExplainfullyNyaya’sAsatkaryavada.(2007/60)

22. ExplainNyayatheoryofPramanas.(2006/60)

23. Nature and kinds of Pratyaksha according to Nyaya. ShortNotes.(2005/20)

24. StateanddiscussthenatureandkindsofDravyasaccordingtoVaisesikas.(2005/60)

25. NatureandkindofanumanasaccordingtoNyaya.ShortNotes.(2004/20)

26. TheNyaya-vaisesikaviewofSamanya.ShortNotes.(2003/20)

27. NyayaviewofSelf.ShortNotes.(2002/20)

28. Evaluate theNyaya-Vaisesika theoryof thenatureofVyapti.(2001)

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16. Sāmkhya: Prakrti; Purusa; Causation; Liberation

1. IsPurusaoneormany?Explain theSámkhyaposition inthisregardandgiveargumentsinsupportofyouranswer.(2018/10)

2. Given the theoryof causation , is itpossible forSamkhya toexplainthepresenceofconsciousnessintheworld?Discuss.(2017/15)

3. Critically examine the role of ‘Prakriti’ in the process ofevolution.(2016/10)

4. Satkaryavada(2015/10)

5. StateandexamineSamkhyaproofsfortheexistenceofPurusa.(2015/15)

6. Examine the Samkhya view about liberation that “ self isneitherboundnorliberates,nortransmigrate.”(2014/15)

7. Howistheoryofcausationcentraltothetheoryofreality inclassicalIndiantradition.?Discuss.(2014/20)

8. Are the arguments given in favour of existence of PrakritiadequateinSamkhya’sphilosophy?Discuss.(2014/10)

9. Evaluate relation ‘if any’ between prakriti and purusha.(2013/12½)

10. Explainthepossibilityofjivanmukti.CriticallycompareitwiththeYogaaccountofkaivelya.(2013/10)

11. How Samkhya theory of causation is different from that ofNyayatheoryofcausation?Explain.(2012/15)

12. ExamineSankhya’sargumentsforBahupurusavada(PluralityofPurusa).(2011/30)

13. Doestheeffectpre-existinthecause?Discuss.(2010/15)

14. CompareAristotle’sviewregardingcausationwiththatoftheSamkhyaSchool’sviewofCausation.(2009/60)

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15. ExplaintheSamkhyadoctrineofthreegunas.(2007/60)

16. CriticallydiscusstheSamkhyatheoryofCausation.(2006/60)

17. SamkhyaconceptionofPurusha.Shortnotes.(2005/20)

18. TheSamkhyadoctrineofliberation.ShortNotes.(2003/20)

19. SamkhyatheoryofEvolutionofPrakriti.ShortNotes.(2002/20)

20. EvaluatetheSamkhyajustificationfortheirtheoryofPurusa.(2001)

17. Yoga: Citta; Cittavrtti; Klesas; Samadhi; Kaivalya.

1. What ismeant by ‘yogacittavrittinirodha’ ? Explain cittavrittianditseffectsaccordingtoyogaphilosophy.(2017/10)

2. What is bondage according to Yoga philosophy? Explain themethodofattainingKaivelyainPatanjali’sYogasutra.(2015/20)

3. Explain the nature and levels of samprajnata Samadhi. HowdoeseachlevelleadmoretowardstoasamprajnataSamadhi?(2014/15)

4. Give a critical account of the accept of cittavritti in Yogaphilosophy.(2013/12½)

5. Critically evaluate the statement that ‘ Yoga sutra emphasismoreonpraxis(action)thanontheory(reflection).(2012/15)

6. GiveyourcriticalcommentsontheassertionthatYogaschoolbroadlyacceptsSamkhyaontology.(2012/15)

7. “Yoga ismore than a psycho-physical exercise”. Analyse thisstatement and support your conclusion with arguments.(2011/30)

8. Compare Patanjali’s Yoga with integral Yoga expoundedby Aurobindo, bringing out clearly points of similarity anddissimilarity.(2009/60)

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18. Mimāmsā: Theory of Knowledge

1. Explain the theory of validity of knowledge (pramanyavada)accordingtomimamsa.HowdotheycriticizetheNyayatheoryofvalidity?(2017/15)

2. What is the logical necessity for the Mimamsas to treat‘Arthapatti’asanindependentPramana?Discuss.(2016/15)

3. Elaborate Nyaya-Mimamsa debate on Pramanyavada.(2015/20)

4. HowisanabsenceofanobjectknownaccordingtoNaiyayikasandMimamsakas?Discuss.(2014/15)

5. CanArthapatti(postulation)bereducedtoAnumana(inference)?DiscussitfromMimamsapointofview.(2014/10)

6. Evaluate Prabhakar Mimamsaka’s arguments for acceptingsrutiaspramana.(2013/12½)

7. Howisthepramanya(validity/truth)ofastatementdetermined?Examineinthiscontextthetheoryofparatahpramanyavada.(2013/10)

8. Why does Mimamsa give utmost importance to SHABDA-PRAMANA the verbal testimony ? Is it anything to do withVedas?Giveyourcomments.(2012/15)

9. Discuss the views ofMimamsa and Nyaya on the theory ofPramanyavada.Whichofthemdofindadequate?Givereasonsforyouranswer.(2012/15)

10. How do Mimamsakas defend Svatah Pramanyavada againsttheNaiyayikacriticism?Discuss.(2011/20)

11. Anupalabdhiasapramana.ShortNotes.(2008/20)

12. WhatisSvatahprmanyavadaaccordinginMimansakas?Istheirexplanationoferrorconsistentwithit?Discussfully.(2002/60)

13. Kumarila Bhatta’s explanation of perceptual error. Notes.(2001)

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19. Schools of Vedānta: Brahman; Īśvara; Ātman; Jiva; Jagat; Māyā; Avidyā; Adhyāsa; Moksa; Aprthaksiddhi; Pancavidhabheda

1. What is the difference between the indescribability(Anirvacaniyatā) of Brahman and the indescribability(Anirvacaniyata) of Māya in the Advaita Vedānta system?Discuss(2018/10)

2. Give a comparative cxposition of the concept of Moksa asfoundinthesystemsofVišistādvaita,Dvaita,SuddhadvaitaandAcintyabhedābheda.(2018/20)

3. HowdotheAdvaitaVedāntinsreacttothePrakrtiparināmavādaof the Samkhya philosophy? How do the Särhkhyas defendtheirownpositioninthisregard?Discuss.(2018/15)

4. HowdoesRāmānujarefutethedoctrineofMayaaspropoundedby Sankara? Whyis Māyā needed by both Råmånuja andSankaraloestablishtheirdoctrincs?Discuss.(2018/15)

5. Does the admission of Svayamprakaśavada necessarily leadto the admission of Svatahprāmānyavāda? Discuss after theNaiyayikas, the Mimāmsakas and the Advaita Vedantins.(2018/20)

6. Distinguish between vivartavada and parinamvada withreference to causationandexplainhow in the lightof thesetheories Sankara and Ramanuja differ on the status of theworld.(2017/15)

7. Explain Ramanuja’s conception of God and examine thedifficultieshefacedinexplainingtherelationofGodtomatterandspirits.(2017/15)

8. EvaluateSankara’spositiononIsvara.(2016/10)

9. Pancavidhbheda.(2015/10)

10. Compareand contrast thenotionofBrahman in SankarandRamanuja.(2015/20)

11. How does nature of Brahman differ in the philosophy ofShankar,RamanujaandMadhva?Discusscritically.(2014/20)

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12. BringoutthesignificanceoftheconceptofadhyasainSankara’sphilosophytodevelophismetaphysics.(2014/10)

13. Describethefivetypesofdifferences(Panchvidbheda).Bringout their philosophical significance for Madhva’s theory.(2013/12½)

14. How can Isvara (God) be distinguished from Brahman(Absolute) ? Which of the two concepts are philosophicallybetter?(2013/12½)

15. Distinguish between svarup lakshan and tatastha lakshan ofBrahmanafterSankara.(2013/12½)

16. Evaluate Ramanuja’s critique of Sankara’s theory of maya.(2013/12½)

17. DoyouagreewithRamanuja’sviewthatthenatureofBrahmanisqualified?Givereasons.(2012/15)

18. Write a note on Shankara’s Vivartavada and discuss itsimplications.(2012/15)

19. Explain why avidya andmaya are considered anirvachniya(indescribable)inadvaitvada?(2012/15)

20. Explain the notion of ego or ahankara and its role in thedoctrineofVedanta.(2012/15)

21. “BothShamkarandRamanujaarerightintheiraffirmation,butwrongintheirdenial.”Criticallyevaluate.(2010/30)

22. Is Shamkar’s concept of adhyasa logical or psychological?Discuss.(2010/15)

23. How is Ramanuja’s concept of dharmabhutajnana differentfromShamkar’sconceptofswarupajnana?Explain.(2010/15)

24. ExplainSankara’sviewonthestatusofJagatandRamanuja’sresponsetoit.(2008/60)

25. StateandexplainthedifferencebetweenSagunaandNirgunaBrahman.(2007/60)

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26. ExamineShankara’sMayavada.ShortNotes.(2006/20)

27. DiscusstheMetaphysicsofAcharyaRamanuja.(2006/60)

28. The nature of Brahman, Jiva and Jagat according Madhava.ShortNotes.(2005/20)

29. ElucidateShankara’sconceptionofAdhyasa.(2005/60)

30. Why is Ramanuja’s philosophy called Visistadvaita? Discussfully.(2004/60)

31. Madhava’sconceptionofmoksha.Notes.(2004/20)

32. RamanujacriticismofAdvaitaconceptofmaya.ShortNotes.(2003/20)

33. Describe Sankara’s explanation of jiva. Is the justificationofferedrational?Explain.(2003/60)

34. Ramanuja’srefutationofMayavada.ShortNotes.(2002/20)

35. EvaluateSankara’sanalysisofmokshainthelightofRamanuja’sarguments.(2001)

20. Aurobindo: Evolution, Involution; Integral Yoga.

1. What is Evolution according to Sri Aurobindo? Describe theprocess of triple transformation and the nature of gnosticbeinginhisphilosophy.(2018/15)

2. HowdoesSriAurobindo’sintegralyogahelpintherealizationofsupramentalconsciousness?Discuss(2017/15)

3. DiscussAurobindo’sviewson‘Evolution’and‘Involution’.HowdotheydifferfromtraditionalYogaphilosophy?(2016/20)

4. SriAurobindo’sIntegralYoga(2015/10)

5. HowisSriAurobindo’s integralyoga isanadvancementoverPatajala’syoga?Discuss.(2014/15)

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6. ExplainSriAurobindo’sconceptionofcosmicsalvationthroughspiritualsalvationofindividual.(2013/10)

7. ‘InvolutionisthepreconditionofEvolution’.Explaintheroleofinvolutionintheworldprocess.(2012/15)

8. How are evolution and involution related in Sri Aurobindo’sphilosophy?(2010/15)

9. Sri Aurobindo’s conception of evolution and involution.(2008/20)

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1. Social and Political Ideals: Equality, Justice, Liberty

1. Howfarcan libertyandequalitybeconsideredasdistinctivefeaturesofdemocracy?Discuss.(2018/20)

2. Discuss the different aspects of the fundamental distinctionbetween democratic equality and the Marxian notion ofequality.(2017/10)

3. HowfardoMarx,GandhiandAmartyaSenagreeanddisagreeon the concept of justice in the Indian democracy ?Discuss(2017/15)

4. “Equality does not mean treating everyone equal”. Discuss.(2015/10)

5. “Equalitywill be of no valuewithout fraternity and liberty.”Discuss.(2015/15)

6. Discuss Amartya Sen’s principle of Niti as critique of Nyaya.(2014/15)

7. ExplainevaluateAristotle’sconceptofjustice.(2013/15)

8. Whatismeantby‘justice’asfairness?ExplainthebasictenetsofRawls’theoryofjustice.(2013/15)

9. HowisAmartyaSen’sapproachtojusticeisdifferentfromthatofRawls?(2013/20)

10. TheFundamentalideaoftheconceptionofjusticeisfairness.Discuss.2011–20marks

11. Can issue relating to gender discrimination be me by theconceptionofjusticeasfairness?Discuss.2011–20marks

12. Whichprincipleofjusticecan,inyourview,bemosthelpfulinaddressingtheissuesrelatedtocastediscriminationandwhy?2011–20marks

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13. Discussthenatureofrelationshipbetweenlibertyandequality.2010-15marks.

14. Commentontherelationshipbetweenequalityandfreedom.2009–30marks.

15. “Justiceistreatingequalsasequalsandunequalsasunequals.”2008–20marks.

16. Freemarketeconomyistheonlywaytoattainsocial justice.2007–20marks.

17. Negativefreedomcanperhapsensurefreedomtochoose,butwithoutanycredibleassuranceforitsactualfulfillment.2007–20marks.

18. Accordingtosomeliberalpoliticalthinkers,socialandeconomicinequalitiescanbejustifiedonlyiftheyworktotheadvantageof the leastadvantagedmembersof thesociety. Is thisviewconsistentwiththeliberalism’scardinaladvocacyofindividualfreedom?Discuss.2007–60marks.

19. Criticallyexamine-“Unlesstheidealofequalityisembeddedwithinabroadertheoryofpoliticsandsociety,itcanbegivennospecificcontent.”2004–20marks.

20. Despite their self-proclaimed commitment to the ideal ofindividualoffreedom,thisidealisoneofthemostcontentiousissuesbetweensocialismandliberalism.Why?Discuss.2004–60marks.

21. Critically examine – “Freedom from” and “Freedom to” aremutuallyexclusive.2003–20marks.

22. Critically examine – “Freedom as liberation from samsara.”2003–20marks.

23. Critically examine – “The concept of equality as a politicalideal.”2002–20marks.

24. Whatismeantbyjustice?Whatarethenecessaryandsufficientconditionsforitsavailability?Discuss.2002–60marks.

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25. Consider the following argument – “Justice means gettingwhat one deserves. A person who contributes more tosocietydeservesmorethanapersonwhocontributeslesstosociety. Theonly fairway to determinehowmuch a personhascontributedtosociety isto letpeopleasawholedecidethrough freemarket. Therefore, freemarket is theonlywaytoattainjustice.”Wouldyouagreewithabovepointofview?Defendyouranswer.2001–60marks.

26. Some thinkers distinguish between twomutually irreduciblesenses of freedom, namely negative freedom and positivefreedom.Explainandcriticallyconsiderthedistinction.2001–60marks.

2. Sovereignty: Austin, Bodin, Laski, Kautilya.

1. CriticallyevaluateLaski’sviewonsovereigntyasasatisfactorypositioninpoliticaltheory.(2018/15)

2. DiscussKautilya’sconceptofsovereigntyinthelightofDanda-neeti’.(2018/10)

3. Discusswhether Kautilya’s concept of sovereignty turns intoadespoticrule.HowfarisitcomparabletoBodin’sconcept?Discuss(2017/15)

4. ExplainHaroldLaski’scritiqueofsovereignty.(2015/10)

5. ExplainthesignificanceofJohnAustin’stheoryofsovereignty.HowdoesitdifferfromthatofHobbes?(2014/10)

6. WhoamongstAustin,BodinandLaskiisthemostconsistentinhisanalysisoftheconceptofsovereignty?(2012/12)

7. Compare and contrast Kautilya’s Saptanga Theory of theSovereignStatewithBodin’stheoryofSovereignty.2011–15marks

8. WhydidKautilyathinkthatsovereigntyishierarchical?Explain.2010–15marks.

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9. DoesBodin’s theoryof sovereigntyfloat in theair?Criticallyexamine.2010–20marks.

10. CompareBodin’sandAustin’sviewsonsovereignty.2009–20marks.

11. CriticallyexamineKautilya’ssaptangtheoryofsovereignstate.2008–20marks.

12. Explain the notion of sovereignty. Critically consider in thiscontext the claim that sovereignty is illimitable and logicallyindivisible.2006–60marks.

3. Individual and State: Rights; Duties and Accountability

1. “Human rights and human dignity would no longer be theproduct of a particular culture, rather a common humanaspirationforanidealworld.”Discuss.(2018/20)

2. Out of rights and duties which one is prior to the other ?Discussinthecontextofaccountability.(2017/10)

3. Howareindividualandgrouprightsreconciledindemocracy?Explain.(2015/10)

4. “Allhumanrightsarecenteredon individual rights.”Discuss.(2014/20)

5. What is thesignificanceof includingdutiesofcitizens in theIndianconstitution?(2013/10)

6. Canwedissociaterightsofcitizensfromtheirduties.(2012/12)

7. Cancitizenshaverightswithoutduties?Discusswithexamples.2011–20marks

8. Discuss Kant’s distinction between duties of perfect andimperfectobligation.2011–20marks

9. Can the conception of ‘rights’ of citizens be sustained in asocietycharacterizedbycastediscrimination?Discuss.2011–20marks

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10. Doesaccountabilitynecessarilycontributetomoralperfection?Offeryourviews.2010–15marks.

11. Whichtypeofindividualaccordingtoyoucancontributemoretostrengthenthestate–aliberalistorasocialist?2010–20marks.

12. “Rights and duties are complementary.” Explain. 2009 – 20marks.

13. Do rights necessarily imply corresponding obligations? Towhom does one primarily own obligations – individuals orstate?Discuss.2008–60marks.

14. Criticallyexamine–“Theconceptionofagoodpoliticalorderrestsuponanobjectivelytrueaccountofhumannature.”2006–20marks.

15. Criticallyexamine–“Stateistheactualityofconcretefreedom”.2005–20marks.

4. Forms of Government: Monarchy; Theocracy and Democracy.

1. Whatismeantbyliberaldemocracy?Doesitrequiredeeperprinciples for social cohesion to balance its own strongaffirmationofindividualrights?GivereasonsfromtheIndiancontext.(2018/10)

2. Discusswhether a blending ofmonarchywith democracy isconceivabletoavoidtheirundesirabledefectsformakingthegovernancebetterforcitizensandstate.(2017/10)

3. Iscivildisobedienceinademocraticstatejustifiable?Discuss.(2015/10)

4. Evaluate the nature o and functions of parliamentarydemocracy.(2015/20)

5. Inwhatsense isdemocracybetter formofgovernmentthantheocracy?(2014/15)

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6. What is meant by democracy ? What are various forms ofdemocraticgovernments?(2013/15)

7. Isademocraticgovernmentabletorepresenttheinterestofminoritygroups?(2013/15)

8. Is a democratic government better than a benevolentdictatorship?Givereasonsforyouranswer.(2013/20)

9. Does the combinationofdemocracyand socialism lead to amoreequitablesociety?(2013/10)

10. Democracy ,committed to treating everybody equally , isineffectiveasasystemofgovernment.(2012/12)

11. In a Democracy does a citizen ever have themoral right tobreakalaw?Discusscitizensrighttocivildisobedience.2011–15marks

12. Is majority rule meaningfully reflected in present-daydemocratic governments? Substantiate your answer withsuitableexamples?2010–20marks.

13. Definemonarchy.Isitethicallyjustified?2009–20marks.

14. Istheocracyanoutdatedideology?Discuss.2009–30marks.

15. Democraticgovernmentclaimstobepromotingtheprinciplesofpoliticalphilosophyofdemocracy.2008–20marks.

16. Critically examine - democracy that gives equal weight toeveryone’s opinion is inefficient in determining the right orwrongthingtodo.2007–20marks.

17. Critically examine – democracy which treats everybody’sopinionequallyisinefficientindeterminingtherightthingtodo.2006–20marks.

18. Politicaldemocracyishollowunlessaccompaniedwithpowerintheareaofeconomics.2005–20marks.

19. Criticallyexamine-Theconceptofdemocracyisanessentiallycontestedconcept.2004-20marks.

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20. Doyouthinkthatdemocracyisthebestformofgovernment?Is there any scope of “beyond democracy”? In this context,analyzethenotionofmeritocracy.2002–60marks.

21. Critically examine - “The idea of democracy is paradoxical.”2001-20marks.

5. Political Ideologies: Anarchism; Marxism and Socialism

1. Are Marxian Socialism and individual freedom consistent ?Discusscritically.(2018/15)

2. DoyousubscribetothepoliticalideologyofAnarchists?Justifyyouranswer.(2018/15)

3. Discuss in the context of Anarchy whether the freedom ofanindividualisconsistentwiththesovereigntyofthestate?(2017/10)

4. Does Marxism curb individual freedom in the name ofprotectingsocialjustice?Discuss(2017/20)

5. PoliticalideologyofAnarchism.(2012/12)

6. What are the basic differences between Marxism andSocialism?2011–20marks

7. CanitbesaidthatSocialismisaweakerversionofMarxism?Discuss.2011–20marks

8. IsDemocraticSocialismacontradictioninterms?Discuss.2011–20marks

9. Whichtypeofsocialism,accordingtoyou,issuperior–utopianordemocratic?Why?2010–20marks.

10. Criticallyexamine-‘Acceptanceoftheauthorityofthestateisinconsistentwiththehighestdutyofmankind,“thedutytoactautonomously”’(RobertPaulWolff).2007–20marks.

11. Describeyourunderstandingofsocialism.Mustitbedefinedinnormativetermsofasetofvaluesandidealswhichsocialists

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seektorealize,orindescriptivetermsofthespecificeconomicandpolitical institutionsof socialist society?Can the tensionbetweenthetwobeadequatelyresolved?Discuss.2007–60marks.

12. Criticallyexamine-‘Acceptanceoftheauthorityofthestateisinconsistentwiththehighestdutyofmankind,“thedutytoactautonomously”’(RobertPaulWolff).2006–20marks.

13. Describeyourunderstandingofsocialism.Mustitbedefinedinnormativetermsofasetofvaluesandidealswhichsocialistsseektorealize,orindescriptivetermsofthespecificeconomicandpolitical institutionsof socialist society?Can the tensionbetweenthetwobeadequatelyresolved?Discuss.2006–60marks.

6. Humanism; Secularism; Multiculturalism.

1. What form of humanism do you approve as relevant in thepresentdaycontext?Discussindetail.(2018/15)

2. What do you understand by multi-culturalism ? How areglobalization andmulti-culturalism related ?Howdoes theirrelationshipaffectculturalchanges?(2018/20)

3. DoyousubscribetotheviewthatIndianculturalidentityneedstointegratetheprinciplesofmulticulturalismandrespectforthedignityofeachperson?Justifyyouranswer.(2018/10)

4. DoyouagreewiththeviewthatsecularismasawesternidealisredundantintheIndiancontext?DiscussinthecontextofthemulticulturalIndiansociety.(2017/20)

5. Ismulticulturalismaneedofglobalsociety?Discuss.(2015/15)

6. How is religious nationalism a threat to secular society?Explain.(2015/20)

7. Explain descriptive and normative perspectives onmulticulturalism.(2014/15)

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8. How does multiculturalism redefine liberal notions likeidentity,freedomandequalityandreformulateitsassumptions?(2014/10)

9. HowdowedistinguishliberalhumanismandMarxisthumanism?(2014/10)

10. Doestheideaofequalrespecttoallreligionprovideaviableandconsistentstatepolicy?(2013/10)

11. “SecularisminIndiancontextisnotarejectionofreligionbutfellowshipofreligions.”Discuss.(2012/20)

12. In what ways is humanism different Marxism ? Discuss .(2012/20)

13. What is multiculturalism ? Can it be impediment fordevelopmentandprogress?Discuss.(2012/20)

14. TheTerm‘multi-culturalism’hasbeenusedinbothadescriptiveandanormativesense.Discuss.2011–15marks

15. Issecularismanalogoustoatheism?ExamineinIndiancontext.2009–30marks.

16. Ismulticulturalismaboonorabane?Discuss.2008–60marks.

17. Criticallyexamine-“Christianhumanismisacontradictioninterms.”2006–20marks.

18. Whatishumanism?Whatareitsdifferentkinds?InwhatwayifanyisM.N.Roy’sradicalhumanismdifferentfromMarxism?Discuss.2005–60marks.

7. Crime and Punishment: Corruption, Mass Violence, Genocide, Capital Punishment.

1. What measures do you suggest to eradicate corruption inIndiandemocracy?(2018/10)

2. Canyoujustifycapitalpunishmentforcrimeslikerape,murderandcorruption?Discuss(2017/15)

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3. “Theaimofpunishmentistodefendthemorallawandtodojusticetocriminal.”Discuss.(2015/15)

4. Analyse the statement with reasons that “Power corrupts ,absolutepowercorruptsabsolutely”.(2014/20)

5. Whichtheoryofpunishmentretributiveorrestorative,doyourecommendandwhy?(2014/20)

6. Can we say that racial supremacy is the main reason forgenocide?Givereasonsforyouranswer.(2014/10)

7. Doescorruptionhavenotonlyamoraldimensionbutalsoaneconomicdimension?(2013/10)

8. Whatcanbethecausesofmassviolence?canmassviolencebejustifiedonmoralground?Discuss(2012/30)

9. Cancapitalpunishmentbejustified?Answerwithreferencetothetheoriesofpunishment.2011–15marks

10. If capital punishment is legally awarded, then no ethico-politicoconsiderationshouldsubvertit.Expressyouropinionfororagainst.2010–20marks.

11. List the various sanctions permitting genocide and clearlybring out the ethical counter-arguments against it. 2010–20marks.

12. “You are not punished for stealing the sheep, but you arepunishedsothatnosheepisstolen.”Discussastowhichtheoryofpunishmentthisstatementbelongs.2009–20marks.

13. Iscapitalpunishmentinyourviewethicallyjustified?2009–30marks.

14. “Punishmentrulesall creatures,punishmentpreserves themall.”2008–20marks.

15. Consider why punishment is generally thought to requirejustification.Inthiscontext,giveyourcriticalandcomparativeaccountofthemaintheoriesofpunishment.2007–60marks.

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16. Describethetensionbetweenconsequentialistandretributivisttheory of punishments. Discuss critically in this context theviewthatarguesthatsincenoexistingpenalsystemforcrime-preventionhasadequatejustification,statepunishmentcannotbejustified;andtherefore,itshouldbecompletelyabolished.2006–60marks.

17. Discussthenotionofpunishment.Considerinthiscontexttheimportanceandimplicationsoftheprincipleofproportionalityof punishment which requires that severity of punishmentbeproportionate to theseriousnessof thecrime.2004–60marks.

18. Critically examine - “Retributive and deterrent theories ofpunishmentaremutuallycomplementary.”2003–20marks.

8. Development and Social Progress

1. Critically evaluatewhether the ideal of social progress givesa secondary significance to an individual’s freedom over hisduties.(2017/15)

2. Evaluatetheconceptofsocialdevelopmentasrootedinethicalprinciplesagainsttheconceptofsocialprogressbeingbasedoneconomicandpoliticalideals.(2017/20)

3. “Inequitabledevelopmentleadstosocialconflictsratherthansocialprogress.”Explain.(2015/10)

4. By eliminating alienation can we bring social progress ?(2014/15)

5. Issocialprogresspossiblewithouthumanism?Examine.2010–15marks.

6. What do you understand by progress? Have human beingsmade progress in all fields of their activity? Discuss. 2005–60marks.

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9. Gender Discrimination: Female Foeticide, Land and Property Rights; Empowerment

1. Is feminism an ideology for empowerment or for equality ?Discuss.(2018/15)

2. Howdoyouevaluategenderdiscriminationinthecontextoffemalefoeticide?(2018/15)

3. Isempowermentofwomenasufficientmeanstotheirequalrightstoland,propertyanddivorce?Discussinthecontextofreligioussanction.(2017/15)

4. Will a severe punishment for crimes againstwomen changethemindsetofsociety?Justifyyourposition.(2017/15)

5. Whatdoesgenderdiscriminationmean?Isnotaviolationofequalityandsocialjustice?Discuss.(2015/15)

6. Does economic empowerment of women eliminate genderdiscrimination?Discuss.(2015/15)

7. “Oneisnotbornwoman,butshebecomesawoman.Criticallycommentonit.(2014/15)

8. What do you understand by ‘gender equality’ andwhy is itimportant?(2013/15)

9. Iseconomicindependenceessentialforequalitybetweenmenandwomen?(2013/15)

10. Why is adequate representation of women in politicalinstitutionimportantinthiscontext?(2013/20)

11. Womanempowermentandsocialjustice.(2012/12)

12. Isthereanynecessaryconnectionbetweensocialprogressandprotectionagainstfemalefoeticide?Discuss.(2012/20)

13. “Denial of access and inheritance of land and property towomen is denial of their fundamental as human.” Discuss(2012/20)

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14. Doestherighttopropertybringeconomicdisparityandthreathumanfraternity?Discuss.2010–20marks.

15. Can only the political empowerment of women wipe outgender discrimination in a male-dominated Indian society?2010–20marks.

16. ExaminethelandandpropertyrightsofwomeninIndia.Howfardotheycontributetoempowerwomen?2009–60marks.

17. Critically examine – “sex is the biological category whereasgenderisaculturallyshapedexpressionofsexualdifference.”2005-20marks.

18. Critically examine – “Gender equality can be realized onlywithinasocialistregime.”

19. What,inyourview,isthesource(s)ofgenderinequality?Isitprimarilyrootedinhumanbiology?Inwhatway,ifatall?Canthisinequalitybebridged?Explainanddefendyourpositionontheseissues.

20. Criticallyexamine-“Genderequality:meaningandneed.”

21. Criticallyexamine-“Thecauseofgenderinequalityisentirelybiological.”

10. Caste Discrimination: Gandhi and Ambedkar

1. It is said that the traditional hold of caste-based groups onIndian social behaviour has survived all attempts to buildalternate identities. Discuss in the light of M.K. Gandhi.(2018/10)

2. Iscastediscriminationaresultofthesuperioritycomplexofaprivilegedclassofthesocietyorofreligiousrituals?DiscusswithreferencetotheviewsofpropoundedbyDrB.R.Amebkar.(2017/10)

3. EvaluateAmbedkar’scritiqueofcastesystem.(2015/20)

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4. “Manmustgrowmateriallyaswellasspiritually.”EvaluatethisstatementofAmbedkar.(2015/15)

5. WhatarethebasicdifferencesbetweenGandhiandAmbedkarregardingcastediscrimination?(2014/15)

6. Ifcastediscriminationhasanycontinuityandhierarchywhichprincipleofjusticecandissolvethisproblem?(2014/10)

7. Is there any impact of castediscriminationondemocracy inIndiancontext?(2013/10)

8. WhatwereGandhi’sviewsonvarnaandjati?CriticallydiscussAmbedkar’sdisagreementwithGandhi’s treatmentofvarna.(2012/30)

9. “Casteisnotasin,butcaste-discriminationis.”Asaconcernedcitizen,commentcriticallyonthisstatement.2010–20marks.

10. Discuss the impact of caste-discrimination – affirmative orotherwiseontheharmonyofthesocietyasawhole.2008–60marks.

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1. Notions of God: Attributes; Relation to Man and the World (Indian and Western).

1. Is Hinduism polytheistic ? Give reasons for your answer.(2018/10)

2. Theterms“Sacred’and‘Holy’havecometoserveasgenericnames for theobjectof religion.Doyouagree thatonecanhaveGodastheobjectofreligion?Discuss.(2018/20)

3. CriticallydiscusstherelationshipofmanwithGodintheYogasystemofphilosophy.(2017/10)

4. Whatisanon-theologicalconceptofGod?Howisitdifferentfrom theological concept of God ? Discuss with arguments.(2017/15)

5. WriteacriticalnoteontheattributesofGod.(2015/10)

6. Elucidatethestatusofmanintherealmofbetweenimmanenceandtranscendence.(2014/20)

7. Isgodindispensableforreligion?(2013/10)

8. Explainthedistinctionbetweendeismandtheism.(2012/20)

9. Discuss the salient features of traditional orthodox religion.2011–15marks

10. “Religion is not just false, it is harmful.” Discuss. 2011/ 15marks

11. “TobemanistostrivetobeGod.”Discuss.09/30

12. Comment on the statement – “Religion only promised, butneverfulfilledthepromise.”08/30

13. CandeismbesatisfactorytheoryinthecontextofGodofgraceanddevotion?Discuss.08/20

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14. Godisnotthesubjecttothelawoflogic.Criticalnotes.07/20.

15. Traditionally omnipotence has been seen as one of theattributesofGod.But,accordingtosomecritic,thenotionofomnipotentbeingisparadoxical.Inresponsesometheisthastriedtoresolvetheallegedparadox.Describetheparadoxandexplaintheattempttoresolveit.07/60.

16. Traditionally omnipotence has been seen as one of theattributesofGod.But,accordingtosomecritic,thenotionofomnipotentbeingisparadoxical.Inresponsesometheisthastriedtoresolvetheallegedparadox.Describetheparadoxandexplaintheattempttoresolveit.06/60.

17. The difference between impersonalistic and naturalisticconceptionofGod.Criticalnotes.06/20.

18. “IfGodisomniscient,thenhumansarenotfree.”

19. IsGoddead(Nietzsche)orliving(faithfulpeople)?

20. Whatdothe immanenceandtranscendencemeanintalkingaboutGod?IsGodreallyimmanentortranscendent?

21. ImpersonalisticconceptionofGod.

2. Proofs for the Existence of God and their Critique (Indian and Western).

1. DoestheconceptofGodentailtheexistenceofGod?Examinefromtheperspectiveofontologicalargument.(2018/15)

2. CompareSt.ThomasAquinas’fivewaysofknowingGodwiththeargumentsoftheNyāyaSchoolofIndianPhilosophyfortheexistenceofGod.(2018/20)

3. Compare and contrast the different forms of cosmologicalargumentsfortheexistenceofGod.(2017/15)

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4. Is existenceofGodanecessary condition for the survival ofreligion?Explain.(2015/10)

5. Examine the Nyaya arguments in favour of the existence ofGod.(2015/20)

6. ExaminetheontologicalandcosmologicalargumentsinfavourofexistenceofGod.(2015/15)

7. DiscusstheontologicalargumentfortheexistenceofGod,andshowitsmeritsanddemerits.(2014/15)

8. Canitself-contradictorytoaccepttheideaofGodbutdenytheexistenceofGod?(2014/15)

9. StateandelucidatecosmologicalargumentfortheexistenceofgodinWesternandIndianphilosophy.(2013/15)

10. Discusstwomainobjectionsagainstthisargument.Aretheistabletoanswerthesesatisfactorily.(2013/15)

11. Criticallyevaluatethreemainobjectionsagainsttheargumentfromdesignfortheexistenceofgod.(2013/20)

12. Can God’s existence be proved with cogent and convincingrationalarguments?(2012/12)

13. Why is a proof for the existence of God necessary for thegrowthofareligion?Discuss.2011/15marks

14. IscontingentargumentfortheexistenceofGodanythingmorethanalogicalexercise?Discuss.10/20

15. Ifeachandeveryargumenthastotakethat itspremisesaretrue,wouldthecausalargumentfortheexistenceofGodasthefirstcausebedifferentfromassumingthatitistrue?Argueinfavourofyourposition.10/20

16. Humanmindissuchthatitnaturallyobservesorderinnature.GiventhiscanoneuseargumentsfromdesignfortheexistenceofGod?Discuss.10/20.

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17. Critically examine the causal argument as a proof for theexistenceofGod.09/20.

18. AnalysetheteleologicalargumentasaprooffortheexistenceofGod.09/30

19. DifferentversionsofontologicalargumentsandKant’scritiqueofthesearguments.Criticalnote.08/20

20. Stateandevaluatethecosmologicalargumentfortheexistenceof God. What are its two forms? What is the differencebetween a dependent being and self-existent being?Why istheself-existentbeing theo-centric?Can thenature itselfbeconceivedasself-existentbeing?Discuss.07/60

21. Stateandevaluatethecosmologicalargumentfortheexistenceof God. What are its two forms? What is the differencebetween a dependent being and self-existent being?Why istheself-existentbeing theo-centric?Can thenature itselfbeconceivedasself-existentbeing?Discuss.06/60.

22. “Godisthefirstreasonofthings.”Criticalnotes.05/20

23. “IfGodexistsonlyinsomeone’smind,thegreatestconceivablebeing isnotafterall thegreatestconceivablebeing.”Criticalnotes.05/20.

24. Sometheistsquestiontherelevancyofproofsandargumentsfortheisticbeliefs.BelieversintheirviewarenotirrationalforwantofprooffortheirbeliefinGodbecauseproofsareneithernecessarynorsufficientforreligiouslife.Wouldyouagreewithsuchaview?Discuss.

25. Is the ontological argument for the existence of God reallyinvalid?Criticalnotes.

26. Do any of these received proofs for the existence of Godsucceed in provingGod’s existence?Discuss. In this context,criticallyconsiderespeciallythecosmologicalargument.

27. OntologicalprooffortheexistenceofGod.Criticalnotes.

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3. Problem of Evil

1. Howdoyoudefineanon-theologicalconceptofevil?Explain(2017/10)

2. IsGodthecauseofnaturalevil?Explain.(2015/10)

3. Do you think that evil is a bitter pill which no theist canswallow?Discuss.(2015/15)

4. IsevilreconcilablewiththebenevolentGod?(2014/20)

5. Dotheistsucceedinexplainingthenaturalevilintheworldasanecessarycounterparttogood?(2013/10)

6. “God permitted suffering to discipline the human being.”(2012/12)

7. “The problem of evil arises when we attribute infiniteknowledge, power and goodness toGod acknowledging thefact of innocent persons’ suffering.One cannot bemistakenabout one’s own experience and suffering is an experience.Hence,Godcannothaveat leastoneofthethreeattributes;infinite knowledge, power and goodness.” Evaluate thisargument.10/15

8. Ifevilandsufferingsaretherealexperiencesofindividualself,whatroledotheyplayinrealisingself-transcendence?09/20.

9. How can a theist resolve theproblemof evil?Does evil nottelluponomnipotenceandomniscienceofGod?CanGodbethoughtofasimperfectandpowerlessinthisregard?Discusscriticallyforandagainstthetwopossibleoppositeviewsandjustifyyourownposition.08/60

10. “God permitted evil to exist in order to bring about greatergood,Adam’sfallwasfelixculpa(happysin).”–Leibnitz.Criticalnotes.07/20.

11. “TheproblemofevilistheproblemofreconcilingtheimperfectworldwiththegoodnessofGod.”Criticalnotes.05/20

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12. Describe the problemof evil. Some theologicians utilise thefree-willargumenttoresolvethisproblem.How?Discuss.

4. Soul: Immortality; Rebirth and Liberation.

1. Evaluate the concept of Bhakti (Devotion) as a pathway toattainliberation.(2018/15)

2. Howfarisitplausibletoarguethattheanti-theisticreligions’standontheconceptofrebirthisphilosophicallysignificant?(2018/10)

3. Discuss whether the doctrine of immortality of soul isindispensableforareligion.(2017/10)

4. Is there an essential difference between the concept ofliberationintheologicalandnon-theologicalapproachesoflife?Discuss(2017/20)

5. Doesthe‘DoctrineofDependentOrigination’reconcilethetwoextremeviewsonthelawofcausation,namelySatkaryavadaandAsatkaryavada?Givereasonsforyouranswer.(2016/20)

6. “Immortalitymeans absenceof karmaand rebirth.”Discuss.(2015/15)

7. What is liberation? Briefly discuss the ways to attain it asoutlinedinthesystemofVedanta.(2015/20)

8. Howdoyoujustifyrebirthwithorwithoutthesoul?(2014/10)

9. Whataretheargumentsgiveninfavourofimmortalityofsoul?(2014/10)

10. Compareandcontrasttheconceptof liberationaccordingto‘Advait’and‘Visishtadvait’.(2014/15)

11. Isthereanythingelseotherthanhumaneffortswhichmaybeconducivetoattainmentofliberation?(2013/10)

12. Are rebirth and liberation analogous concepts ? Explain(2012/12)

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13. Is the ideaof immortalityofsoulutopianor it is realizable?Discuss(2012/20)

14. Isabeliefintheimmortalityofthesoulanecessarypreconditionforreligion?Discuss.2011–20marks

15. Isabeliefinrebirthandreincarnationpossiblewithoutabeliefintheimmortalityofthesoul?Discuss.2011–20marks

16. CanBuddhism,becauseofitsdoctrineof‘anatta’,beregardedasareligionornot?Discuss.2011–20marks

17. Whatsortofcriteriacanoneprovideforidentifyingrebirthasopposedtobirth?Discuss.10/15

18. Why is grace of God needed for liberation?Discusswith anexample.10/20

19. Distinguish between Indian concept of jivatma and Plato’sconceptofsoul.10/20

20. Ifignoranceisthecauseofsuffering,knowledgeshouldremovesuffering.Whatisthenotionofknowledgewhichaliberatedpersonacquires?Discuss.10/20

21. Explainwhymanhasadesireforimmortality.09/30

22. Possibility of rational understanding of immortality andliberation.Criticalnotes.08/20.

23. Without some conception of immortality, religion has nomeaning.Criticallyexamine.07/20.

24. Explainthedoctrineofthelawofkarma.Isitcompatiblewiththefreedomofwill?Discuss.07/60.

25. Without some conception of immortality, religion has nomeaning.Criticallyexamine.06/20.

26. Explainthedoctrineofthelawofkarma.Isitcompatiblewiththefreedomofwill?Discuss.06/60.

27. Without some conception of immortality, religion has nomeaning.Criticallyexamine.05/20.

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28. IsChristiandoctrineoftheimmortalityofsoulcompatiblewiththeGita’sdoctrineofatman?Discuss.05/60.

29. Whatdoyouunderstandbyliberation?Isitpossibleforonetobeliberatedinthisverylife?Ifitis,whatarethecharacteristicsofaliberatedperson?Discuss.05/60.

30. Relationbetweenreligionandsalvation.Criticalnotes.

31. Can the results of a finite action of an individual (karma)determine thenatureof the immortal soul (atman)? Criticalnotes.

32. AdvaitaVedantatheoryofjivanmukti.Criticalnotes.02/20.

33. Whatismeantbyimmortalityofsoul?AnalysetheargumentoftheBhagvadGitainthisregard.

5. Reason, Revelation and Faith

1. Discuss whether the voluntarist’s theories of faith areadequate.(2017/15)

2. Doreasonandfaithgotogether?Discuss.(2015/10)

3. Canrevelationbejustifiedbyreason?Discuss(2015/15)

4. Canreasonbeusedtojustifyfaith?(2014/15)

5. Isreligiousfaithopposedtoreason?(2013/10)

6. The concept of revelation is essentially opposed to religiouspluralism. Do you agree ? Give reasons for your answer.(2012/30)

7. Discusstheroleofreason,revelationandfaith inthesphereofreligion.Aretheycompatible? Ifnot,howtoresolvetheirapparentinconsistency?08/60

8. “Religious faith consists of a set of profoundly unfalsifiableassumptionsthatgovernallofaperson’sotherbeliefs.”(R.M.Hare).Criticalnotes.06/20

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9. Explainthenotionofrevelation.Doesrevelationstandinneedof confirmation? Discuss and also explain the difference orsimilaritybetweenrevelationandshruti.06/60

10. Pointouttherelativeimportanceofreasonandrevelationinreligion.Arethetwocompatible?Discuss.

6. Religious Experience: Nature and Object (Indian and Western)

1. In order to make expressions of religious experiencescommunicable,whatkindoflanguageneedstobeconsideredandused?Explain.(2017/15)

2. ExplainthenatureofmysticismHinduismandIslam.(2015/15)

3. Discuss the conflicting nature of religious experience withspecialreferencetoBuddhismandJainism.(2014/15)

4. Whatisthenatureofmysticalexperience?(2013/15)

5. Is mystical experience open to different interpretations?(2013/15)

6. Can mystical experience be regarded as valid source ofknowledge?(2013/20)

7. What istheobjectofreligiousexperience? Is itempiricalortrans-empirical?Explainindetail.(2012/30)

8. Ifreligiousexperienceisunique,whatmakesitanexperience?Howisthisexperiencelogicallydifferentfromtheexperienceofloneliness,happiness,etc.?10/20

9. Explainthenatureofreligiousexperience.Canthisexperiencebevalidated?09/20

10. The difference between numinous and mystical experience.Criticalnotes.07/20.

11. The difference between numinous and mystical experience.Criticalnotes.06/20.

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12. “Mysticism is the power of spiritual access to domains ofknowledge closed off to ordinary thought.” Critical notes.05/20.

7. Religion without God

1. Can you justify religionwithoutGod? Support your answer.(2018/10)

2. Critically evaluate the Buddhistic arguments against theexistenceofGodasthecreatoroftheworld.(2018/15)

3. IsGodnecessaryforreligion?Justifyyouranswer.(2017/10)

4. WhatisthecentralconceptinareligionwithoutGod?Discuss.(2010/15)

5. Canatheismbeareligion?Discuss.(2005/60).

6. Whenareligionisdefinedasreligare,isBuddhismorJainismareligion?Whatarethecriteriaforanorganisationtobecalledareligion?Shouldtherebeatranscendentalrealityinareligion?Discuss.

7. ReligionwithoutGod.Criticalnotes.

8. Religion and Morality

1. Can one claim that there is an inter-relatedness between‘religiosityand‘immorality’?Discuss.(2018/10)

2. Doesacommittedreligiouspersongoagainstsocialmorality?Discussfrommoralperspective.(2017/10)

3. What will be the authority and acceptance of the absoluteethicalvaluesinthenon-theologicalsystemofsocialpractices?Discuss(2017/15)

4. Can a religious person take an elastic view about religiousideals,principlesandpractices,etc.whicharesupposedtobeeternal?Willitmakereligionprogressiveorwillitdemolishitsauthority?Discusscritically.(2017/15)

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5. Ismoralitynecessarilybasedonreligion?Discuss.(2015/10)

6. “Anatheistmaybebettermanthanareligiouspersonbereftofmoralvalues.”Discuss.(2015/15)

7. Howfarcanreligiousmoralityincorporateindividualfreedom?(2014/20)

8. Isreligiousconsistentwithindividualfreedom?(2013/10)

9. “IfGoddoesnotexistthenwhyoneshouldonebemoralallthetime?”Discuss(2012/20)

10. “I can be moral without being religious, but I cannot bereligiouswithoutbeingmoral.”Doyouagree?Givereasonsforyouranswer.(2012/20)

11. Examinetheviewthatthefoundationofmorality ispossibleonlyinareligiousframework.2011–15marks

12. If morality has to follow from religion, can there a rationaljustificationformoralactions?Discuss.10/15

13. Proprietaryofreligionwithoutmorality.Criticalnotes.08/20.

14. Distinguishbetweenreligiousandsecularethics.Discussinthiscontexttheviewthatholdsthatsecularethicsaresuperiortoreligiousethicsbecausereligiousethicsareessentiallybasedon rules without decisive regard for consequences whereassecularethicsastheirbestaimatproducingthebestover-allconsequences.06/60.

15. Secular ethics cannot satisfactorily answer the question –“WhyshouldIbemoralallthetime?”

16. AreGodand religionnecessarypresuppositionsofmorality?ElucidateyouranswerfollowingKant.Alsoconsidercriticallyinthiscontextthepossiblegroundsofmoralityfollowingatheists.

17. Religion without morality is empty and morality withoutreligion is blind. Do you agree with this contention? Givereasonsinsupportofyourview.

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9. Religious Pluralism and the Problem of Absolute Truth

1. “Truth is one, yet people perceive differently.” CriticallyevaluatebyconsideringthepresentIndiancontext.(2018/15)

2. Distinguish between Exclusivism, Inclusivism and Pluralismwithregardtotheconflictingtruth-claimsofdifferentreligions.(2018/20)

3. Does religion guarantee the absolute truth ? Discuss in thecontextofreligiouspluralism.(2017/15)

4. CanpluralistperspectivevindicateAbsoluteTruth?(2014/10)

5. IfGodisregardedas‘one’,willitgiverisetoreligiousconflicts?(2014/10)

6. On what grounds , dichotomy between ‘is’ and ‘ought’ caneitherbejustifiedorrejected?(2014/10)

7. Can the notion of absolute truth be justified on rationalgrounds?(2012/12)

8. DotheconceptofIshvaraandBrahmansignifythesamerealityinAdvaitVedanta?(2012/12)

9. Explain the notion of truth as “Ekam Sat Viprah BahudhaVadanti” (Truth is one, the learned interpret it differently.)2011–20marks

10. Doesthenotionofabsolutetruthgiverisetointoleranceandreligiousconflicts?Discuss.2011–20marks

11. Howcanreligiousconflictsabouttruthberesolved?Discuss.2011–20marks

12. IsWilliamJamesrightinholdingthatreligiousdisputesarelikeconflictsinaestheticappreciation?Discuss.2011–20marks

13. Arereligiousdoctrinesanddebatesverifiable?Discuss.2011–20marks

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14. Examine the view that, religious doctrines are not ‘quasi-scientific’ doctrines but represent a form of life. 2011 – 20marks

15. Thefact thatdifferentreligionsoriginatedatdifferentplacesand in different centuries prove that plurality of religion isa fact. How correct would it be to say that all religions areessentiallythesame?Discuss.10/20

16. “Therearenowholetruths,alltruthsarehalf-truths.Itistryingto treat them as whole truth that plays the devil.” Discuss.09/30.

17. Can the God of religion be identified with the absolute ofphilosophy?09/30.

18. Inapluralisticsociety,howcanreligiouspluralismbepractised?Point out distinction among (a) sarvadharmasamanvaya (b)sarvadharmasambhava(c)sarvadharmasadbhava.08/60

19. What is the central issue in the debate between religiouspluralist and religious exclusivist?Discuss in this context theargumentstheyadvanceinsupportoftheirviews.

10. Nature of Religious Language: Analogical and Symbolic; Cognitivist and Non- cognitive

1. Critically examine Braithwaite’s non-cognitive theory ofreligiouslanguage.(2018/15)

2. Inwhatsenseisthesecularuseoflanguagedifferentfromthereligioususeoflanguage?Discuss.(2018/10)

3. Explain the significanceof religious symbols as transcendentreferentthatmediatesintothecultural,spatialandtemporalworld.(2018/15)

4. Is not the language of analogies more confusing and thelanguageofsymbolsmoreunintelligible?Evaluateinthecaseofreligiouslanguage.(2017/20)

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5. Howcanreligiouslanguagebeverified?Isitcorrecttosaythatreligious language is verifiedbecause it cannotbe falsified?Discuss.(2015/20)

6. Howdo you formulate religious languageasnon-cognitive ?(2014/15)

7. What is meant by saying that religious is non-cognitive ?(2013/15)

8. Canreligiouslanguagecansaidtobeverifiable?(2013/15)

9. Docognitivistprovidecogentanswertotheobjectionbasedonfalsifiablity?(2013/20)

10. AnalysePaulTillich’sstatementthat“symboliclanguagealoneisabletoexpresstheultimate.”(2012/20)

11. Discuss the cognitivist account of the nature of religiouslanguage.(2012/20)

12. Religious language is dependent on natural language for ananalogyandasymbolofwork.Whynottreatreligiouslanguageas a specialized language like telegraphic language?Discuss.10/20

13. Isreligiouslanguagesymbolic?Discuss.09/20.

14. “Man’s ultimate concern must be expressed symbolicallybecause symbolic language alone is able to express theultimate.”–PaulTillich.Criticalnotes.04/20

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v Perception:theonlypramanav Rejects:

Inferencen Novyapti

i. Perception ii. Inference iii. Shabda iv. Samanyalakshan v. Uniformityofexperience vi. Causalrelation

2.upamana3.Vedas 4. Sabda

v CriticalCommentv Metaphysics

n Materialismn Worldn God

• Soul• Dehatmavada

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• TheoryofDependentorigination

• SecondandThirdNobleTruth

• Bodhi;Dharma

• CausalWheelofDependentOrigination(TwelveLinks):

1 Ignorance(avidya)

2 ImpressionsofKarmicforces(Samskara)

3 Initialconsciounsnessoftheembryo(Vijnana)

4 Psycho-physicalorganism(Nama-rupa)

5 Sixsense-organsincludingmind(Sadayatana)

6 Sense-object-contact(Sparsha)

7 Sense-experience(Vedana)

8 Thirstforsense-enjoyment(Trsna)

9 Clingingtothisenjoyment(Upadana)

10 Willtoreborn(Bhava)

11 Birthofrebirth(Jati)

12 Oldageanddeath(Jara-Marana)



• Foundation of all teachings

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1 Ksanikvadao TheoryofMomentarinesso Santanvada,Sanghatvadao Everythingismomentaryo Illusionofunityo Applicabletophenomenaonlyo Criticalcomment

2 Nairatmyavadao TheoryofNo-egoo Bodhi/Prajna:theonlyrealityo Upanishads-Buddha:Misunderstandingo Ideaofre–birth?

3. Theory of karma

4. Sanghatvada

5. Arthkriya- karitva


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• Realistic and Relativistic Pluralism

• Anekantavada : Metaphysical side

• Syadvada : Logical & Epistemological side

1 TheoryofRelativityofknowledge2 Useofsyat3 Saptabhanginaya

–Theoryofsevenfoldedjudgement4 Justification

• No skepticism –

• Catholic and Tolerant

• Critical comment

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• What





• Bondage


• Liberation


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• What

• Characters

• Application of Jaina philosophy

• Dravya is sat

• Classification







• Astikaya: jiva& ajiva

• Anastikaya:Time

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• Description

Root Cause Independent,Absolute,One,EternalUnintelligent,unconscious,everactive

• Unity of three gunas

1 sattva2 Rajas3 Tamas


• Proofs

1 Bhedanamparimanat2 Samanvyat3 Karyatahpravrttescha4 Karankaryavibhagat5 AvibhagatVishvarupyasya

• Significance

• Critical Comments

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• DescriptionSoul,Self,spiritConsciousness is its essenceComparativestudyIntelligent,eternal,inactive,nitya-muktaBondage,liberationSopadhikaPurusa

• Proof1 Teleological2 Logical3 Ontological4 Ethical5 Mystical

• Plurality of PurusaArguments

• Significance

• Critical Comments

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SARGA : Theory of Creation

• Two ultimate Principles

• Teleological1 Darshanartham2 Kaivalyartham

• Pralaya AwasthaVisham Awastha

• EvolutesPrakrti:Mahat(firstevolute)







Total 23 evolutes + Prakriti + Purusa = philosophy of 25 principles

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• Not new Creation – satkaryavada form of causation - Prakritipari-


• Evolution is cyclic

• Critical comment


(i) RealContact?

(ii) Proximity

(iii) Theoryofsemblanceofcontact


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v Bondagev Sufferings/Pain

1. Ahdyatmaika2. Adhibhautika3. Adhidaivika

• Guna, pleasure, heaven

v Liberationv Jivenmuktiv Videhamukti

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Samkhya – YogaEnd & meansFirst evoluteChitta vritti

1. Pramana2. Viparaya3. Vikalpa4. Nidra5. smriti

Klesa1. avidya2. asmita3. raga4. dvesha5. abhinivesh

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Chitta Bhumi1. Ksipta2. Muddha3. Viksipta4. Ekagra5. Niruddha

Astanga Yoga

1. Yama

2. Niyama

3. Asan

4. Pranayama

5. Pratyahara

6. Dharana

7. Dhyana

8. Samadhi – 1. Conscious

2. Supraconscious


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1. Pratyaksha(Perception)2. Anumana(Inference)3. Upamana(Comparison)4. Sabda(Testimony)


v Whatv Processv Stages

1. Nirvikalpa2. Savikalpa


v Kinds

1. Laukika perception

i Internal ii External

1. Alaukika perception

i. Samanyalakshana ii. Jnanalakshan iii. Yogaja

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• What


• Classification

1 SwarthPararthanumana-panchavyavas

2 (i)puravat(ii) sheshvat(iii) samanytadrsta

3 Onthebasisofvyapti(i) kevalanvayi(ii) kevalvyatireki(iii) Anvayavyatireki

• Fallacy

• Critical Comment

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v What• 3Pada• Significance

v Kinds1) Asamvyapti2) Samvyapti

v Methods of establishing1) Anvaya2) Vyatireki3) Vyabhicaragraha4) Upadhinirasa5) Trak6) Samanyalakshanpratyakshapramana

v Critical comments

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v What

v Characteristic of valid Hetu

v Kinds


i. Ashrayasiddha

ii. Svarupasiddha

iii. Vyapyatvasiddha


i. Sadharan

ii. Asadharan

iii. Anupasamhari

2. Satpratipaksha

3. Badhita

4. Virudha

v Fomal / Material Fallacy ?

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v What

v Characteristic of valid Hetu

v Kinds


i. Ashrayasiddha

ii. Svarupasiddha

iii. Vyapyatvasiddha


i. Sadharan

ii. Asadharan

iii. Anupasamhari

2. Satpratipaksha

3. Badhita

4. Virudha

v Fomal / Material Fallacy ?

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v What

v Two Classes

A. Bhava/BeingB. Abhava/non-being

Bhava / Being1. Dravya2. Guna3. Karma4. Vishesha5. Samanya

a. Classconcept,classessence,universalb. Subsists inc. Samanyalakshanalaukikaperceptiond. BuddhistconceptofApoha

6. Samavaya

a. Eternalrelationb. Samyogaandvibhag

v Abhava /Non-Being

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7. Abhava

(i) Negativecategory(ii) Non-existenceofanything(iii) Types

A) AnyonyabhavaB) Samsargabhava

1. Pragabhava2. Pradhavamsabhava3. Atyantabhav

v Critical Comment

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v God

n One,infinite,eternal,efficientcausen Sadaisvaryan Karmaphaldata

v Proofs for God’s existence

1. Causal arguments2. Adrsta arguments3. Authoritativenessofthescriptures4. Testimonyofshruti5. Dynamismtoatoms6. Numericalconcept7. Supportoftheworld8. Word-meaning

v Critical comment

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Theory of Knowledge

1. Perception

2. Inference

3. Upamana

4. Shabda

5. Arthaptti(Implications/Postulation)

6. Anupalabdhi

Validity of Knowledge : Pramanyavada

1. Svatahpramanyavada

2. Paratahpramanyavada

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v “Brahmansatyamjagatmithya


v Brahman








v Brahmanconditionedbymaya

n Jagat

n Isvara

n DualismbetweenBrahman&Atma

v Characteristics of Maya

1. Material and unconscious2.MayaandBrahman:Tadatmya3.Dualaspects 4. Indescribable

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v Ramanuja

n Mayan Avidyan Refutation(Anupapatti)

1. Ashrayanupapatti2. Tirodhananupapatti3. Svarupanupapatti4. Anirvachaniyatvanupapatti5. Pramananupapatti6. Nivartakanupapatti7. Nivrtyanupapatti

v Evaluation

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• Ideas,Forms,Being

• Explanationthroughmetaphors

- Copytheory

- Participationtheory

• Analogy/Allegoryofthecave


• Perceptualv/sTranscendentalworld

• Dichotomyofexistence

• Rationalinsight

• Validity/Justification


I. Substance

II. Universal

III. Eternal

IV. Simple,pure

V. Supersensible

VI. One,unique,indivisible

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VII. Invariable,constant

VIII. Essence

IX. Beyondspaceandtime

X. Hierarchical:Idea of Good

• To know is to be

• Comparative study

• Critical comment

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teleology and the mechanistic explanation given science through his



Four causes

• Material

• Efficient

• Formal

• Final

Form & matter : Actuality & Potentiality

• Form:universalasoect

• Matter:particularaspect

• Inseparable,Relative

• Matter:potentiality

• Form:auctualisation

• UnmovedMover

• Doctrineofunfoldment

• Comparativestudy

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v CARTESIANMETHOD• Purpose• MathematicalMethod• FourRules

v CARTESIANMETHODOFDOUBT• Deliberate&Universal• Cogitoergosum

n I think, therefore, I amn First self evidenttruth

v Deductions• DualismMind&Body• Externalworld• GodExist:OntologicalproofCosmologicalproof


Epistemological approach

Critical comment

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1) Substanceisone.2) Infinite&unlimited.3) Self-determined&selfcontained4) Everydeterminationisnegation5) Causasui,selfexplanatory6) Eternal

Implicationsv ATTRIBUTES



v Descarte & Spinoza

v Spinoza & Leibnitz

v Implications of Geoometrical Method


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v Monads

• Monadsaretheultimatesubstance• PluralismasopposedtomonismofSpinoza• Spiritualatoms


1. Eternal2. Individual3. Onlycogitoistheattribute4. Allmonadsareactive5. Selfcontained&selfdetermined6. Infinite7. Windowless : world in miniature

v Kinds of Monads

1. Sleeping2. Dreaming3. Walking

v Principal of continuityv Activities : Perception Appetition

v Pre-Established Harmony

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v Empiricist

v Theoryof“TabulaRasa”

v Rejectionoftheoryofinnateideas

v Knowledge:Consistsofideas


v Substance

• Complexidea• Supposedsupportofqualities• I-Know-Not-What

v Primary&Secondaryqualities

v Knowledge:Types

v Limitationtoourknowledge

v Is Locke a consistent Philosopher ?

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v ‘Tobetoperceived’v Existenceimpliesbeingperceived

1. Percipiisnotpersonal2. Perceptionisnotlimitedtothe

present3. UltimateperceptionisinGod4. Theory of Notion5. Objects confirm knowledge and


v DevelopmentfromLockev DoubtsansweredbyBerkeleyv Implications

1. Refutationofmaterialism2. subjectiveidealism3. Establishingtheism

v Criticalcomment

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v Climaxofempiricism

v Analysesthenatureofhumanknowledge&man’scapacitytoachieveit

v Subjectsinthemind

1.Impressions:(a)simple(b)complex 2. idea

v Refutationofself/notionofpersonalidentity

• Logicaldevelopmentofempiricistthought• Noself• ‘Self’accordingtoHume• Comparative study• Arguments

1. Selfisnotthesubjectofperception2. Selfisnotabsolute3. Thoughtexperiencesitself

• Criticism

1. Merelyconcretizespsychologicalfeelings2. Confusesbetweentheknower&the

known3. Failstoexplainmemory4. Failtoexplaintheprocesso0fknowing

v Causality

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• Refutationofthephilosophicalconceptions• Analysesthebasisofcausality

1. A-priorireasoning2. Demonstration3. sensoryexperiencedoesnotestablishthe

invariability4. Notprovedbyinternalexperience5. Relationofantecedent&consequent6. Thebasisofcausalityishabit&custom7. lawofAssociation

Was Hume skeptic ?

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v RealproblemofKantv FailureofEmpiricism&Rationalism


v Reconciliation1. Bydefiningknowledge2. knowledgeformation

v Synthetic a- priori judgment • Knowledgeisjudgmental&judgementsareof

twotypes:a. Syntheticjudgmentb. Analyticjudgment

• Syntheticjudgmentmaybe:a. A-posteriorib. A-priori



• Implications• Comment

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• “Allourknowledgebeginswithsenses,pro-


Threelevels– i. Levelofsensibility

1. Discreetsensations2. Space&Time

ii. Levelofunderstanding1. 12 categories2. Knowledgeproper

iii. Levelofreason1. 3ideasofreason2. Pseudoknowledge/illusions


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v Reason v ThreeideasofReasonv Regulativebutnotconstitutiveofknowledgev Paralogismsv Antinomies

• World:theultimateReality• Phenomena-Noumena• 4antinomies–thesis&antithesis• Function/Significance

v Idealofpurereasonv Significance/functionsoftheideasofReason

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v What

v Absolute idea• TheUltimatereality• Dynamic• Dialecticalevolution

v PrincipalofNegation

v Characteristic1. Triad2. Rational3. Automatic4. continuous5. Nothingislost6. Universal

v Absolute idealism

v Objectiveidealism

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v Realist v Defenceofcommonsensephiloso-

pherv RefutationofIdealism1. Analytic or logical method

• Percipi• Est• Esseestpercipi:

1. Thatexistenceofathingisitssenseperception

2. Thatexistenceisoneofthebasicqualityofperception

3. Thatexistenceisaninferenceformthefactofperception

2. Metaphysical arguments

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• What

- Philosophical method to discoverfunda-mental elements

- Logicalanalysis• Logical atom

• Comparative study

• Facts

- Negative&Positive- Particular&Universal- Simple&Universal

• Propositions

- Atomic- Molecular- Truthful functions of molecular

proposition• Symbols

- Complex- Incomplete symbols

• Logical Construction

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v Linguisticphilosopherv BasicParticularv Rejects

1. No-ownershipTheory2. OwnershipTheory

v Rejectsv Theory

• Conceptofperson• Basicparticular• UnionofBody&Mind

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v Recent trend

v TwoAspects1. Positive2. Negative

v Aims1. Nospeculation2. Nometaphysics3. Evaluatingscientificassertion

v EliminationofMetaphysics,verificationprinciple

v Wittgenstein• Pseudo-proposition• Devoidofobjectivereference• Notbaseduponinternalexperience

v Rudolf Carnap• Notbasedup• Devoidofanymeaningorsense• Pseudoconcepts• Notbasedonexperienceofhighly

spiritualpersonsv A.J.Ayer

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v What• Aprioriinvestigation• Primitiveoutlook• Phenomenologicalreduction

v ChiefCharacteristic

v Method

• Rigorousscience• Twobasicinternalmoments

i. Epoche ii. Reductionproper

- PsychologicalReduction- EideticRedution- TranscendentalReduction

v Phenomena

v Doctrineofintentionality