Philips Legal Solutions - What We Do

10 Philips Legal Solutions What we do

Transcript of Philips Legal Solutions - What We Do

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Philips Legal Solutions

What we do

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Our Services

Here at Philips Legal Solutions, we offer a wide range of legal services that help to ensure that you have peace of mind.

We make sure that you are able to plan for the future of yourself and those you love now, so you don’t have to worry in the future.

Read on for more information about the legal services we offer.

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One of the main services we offer is will making. This involves deciding what will happen to your money, property and possessions after you die.

You need legal advice when making your will to ensure that it is interpreted the way you want it to be, and so those that you want to benefit are able to receive exactly what you wish them to.

70% of people die without having made a will which means that the law decides what happens to any money or property, dividing it up as they see fit.

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Lasting Power of Attorney

It’s not something that people like to think about, but there may come a time in your life when you are not mentally able to make your own decisions regarding money and welfare. This is when you need a Lasting Power of Attorney.

To ensure that your everyday decisions are not made by the state, you should appoint someone you trust to make these choices for you. This means that you can discuss how you wish to be taken care of if and when this time comes.

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A trust fund enables you to ensure that your loved ones are cared for after you are gone. They also help to make sure that this money is not chipped away at by inheritance tax.

When a trust is set up, your assets are removed from your estate which means that you can set them aside for your chosen beneficiary. You can protect your wealth, as if you were made bankrupt, you can retain your assets.

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Notary Public Services

We provide expert notary public services which are taken care of by a qualified lawyer who is able to act impartially.

When you seek the services of a notary, you know that you will be guided through the complex law proceedings which can often be difficult to understand. We are able to help with a vast range of legal documents such as affidavits, Bills of Exchange and foreign wills. This can help to protect you from inaccuracy, error, forgery and fraud.

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Pre-paid Funeral Planning

Funerals are expensive, and unpleasant to think about, so you want to ensure that when your family have to deal with this difficult time, it is made as simple for them as possible. If you opt for a pre-paid funeral, you can ensure that your loved ones don’t have to worry about expensive funeral directors fees.

It also means that you are able to plan it the way you want, so if there is anything you particularly want during the service, you are able to ensure that it happens.

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Storage and Updates

Your will may be the most important document you sign in your lifetime, so you want to make sure that it is safe. That’s why we provide a storage service, giving you peace of mind that your will is safe and protected from fire or other damage.

We are also able to update your will should you decide that you wish to add or remove a beneficiary or detail. For example, many people make their wills before they have grandchildren, so it is important to keep this document up to date in order to ensure that your assets are divided up in the way that you wish.

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Probate Services

When someone you love dies, there is a lot to think about and even more to do. At this difficult time, it can be hard to make sense of the legal proceedings, so that’s why we offer our probate services.

We can help to ensure that the legal side of things is taken care of, and help you out with tasks such as registering the death, making funeral arrangements, informing all relevant organisations and individuals and selling the home.

This will take a weight off your shoulders and give you the peace of mind that everything is taken care of.

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