Philippine History


Transcript of Philippine History

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Dates to RememberJune 12, 1898 Independence day from the Spanish.

July 4, 1946 independence from the Americans

Year 1521 The Philippines was colonized by Spain

14th – 17th Century year range of Renaissance

1760 to 1840 Industrial revolution years in Europe.

1930’s Start of increasing pollution in Pasig River

1990’s Pasig River was considered biologically dead

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Pre Historic Society System of livelihood: Hunting and gathering, Barter


Education and Writings: Use of Baybayin

Agriculture: Rich in natural resources such rice, deers wild boars honey wax etc.

Standard of Living: The Rahaj (King) Timawa (Freemen) and Alipin (The lowest among the three)

Community: Barangays which consist of 30- 100 families.

Marketing: Barter System

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Pre Historic Religion They believe to anito or diwata.

Worship deities such Bathala in Tagalog, Laon in Visayan Region and other deities.

They believe to other creatures such aswangs.

Babaylans are know to be the shaman and the healer

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Pre Historic Architecture Most likely the styles of our structures are

quite near to the design of the structures of our neighboring Asian countries

Most houses are built with the use of wood materials

To the north of the archipelago houses are built in stones.

The walled city existed already

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Spanish Era Main goals of the conquistadores is the 3 Gs

which means the God, Gold and Glory.

God: To spread Christianity to their colonies

Glory: Since Spanish are navigators if they discover something or colonized something, that will add to their glory.

Gold: Since Europe is in Development money is primary need to use as payment to workers.

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Spanish Era SocietyAdvantages

Introduced new laws such the law of indies

Use of coins “Reales” in tagalog means Salapi

We were educated

TAKE NOTE: Possible question here Are you sure that Spaniards educate the Filipinos?

• Answer here is based on your opinion.

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Spanish Era SocietyAdvantages

Introduced a more systematical agricultural living.

Introduction of Encomienda system


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Spanish Era SocietyDisadvantages

Spanish Imposed Polo y Servicio

Abuse of Spain to the power.

Standard of living for the natives became low

Excessive taxation

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Spanish Era ReligionApplication of the 3 Gs here the God


They introduced Christianity to us

They baptized us to be Catholics

Religion became partner of the government

Churches were established around the archipelago

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Spanish Era ReligionDisadvantages

Spanish used the Religion as weapon to impose fear to the Filipinos and to colonize us.

The belief to the old and original religion of the natives were forgotten.

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Spanish Era ArchitectureApplication of the 3 Gs here The Glory


Rebuilt the walled city of intramuros

Build most church structures here in the archipelago as said in the main objectives of the Spaniards is to spread the Christianity to it’s colony.

Build the districts

Improved the architecture of the Philippines based on the pre-colonial styles.

Applied the law of indies for proper land planning.

Established government buildings and universities within Intramuros making it the center of power of Spain in the country and counts as glory of Spain to the world.

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Spanish Era ArchitectureDisadvantages

Since we are an Asian country and Spain is a western country our architecture evolved more influenced by the west rather than the Asian.

Natural resources depleted due to constructions

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American PeriodAdvantages

Introduced Sanitation

Goal to civilized the Filipinos

Educated all the Filipino people

Introduced the city planning of Burnham

Build government offices which make the country Grand.

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American PeriodDisadvantages

Our architecture developed more far from the styles of our neighboring countries.

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Japanese EraDisadvantages

Main disadvantage is they made our country as a battleground meaning most structures of our country were bombarded because of the battle.