Philippa Maddern

ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions Europe 1100-1800 “THE PAST IS NOT WHAT IT USED TO BE” A REFLECTION ON THE FUTURE OF THE HISTORY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA Philippa Maddern


“ The past is not what it used to be” A reflection on the future of the history of western australia. Philippa Maddern. The most recent Australian Historical Association Conference. Index entries for Western Australia and Tasmania in Clark’s A History of Australia , vol II. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Philippa Maddern

Page 1: Philippa Maddern

ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of EmotionsEurope 1100-1800




Philippa Maddern

Page 2: Philippa Maddern

The most recent Australian Historical Association Conference

Page 3: Philippa Maddern

Index entries for Western Australia and Tasmania in Clark’s A History of Australia, vol II

Page 4: Philippa Maddern

Examples of Western Australian history ‘localising’ national histories.

Vera Whittington Gold And Typhoid: Two Fevers: A Social History Of Western Australia, 1891-1900 (1988)

J.S.H. Le Page’s, Building A State: The Story Of The Public Works Department Of Western Australia, 1829-1985 (1986).

Page 5: Philippa Maddern

What is a history of emotions?

• the history of how peole have felt/expressed familiar emotions (anger, love, fear) in the past? (Eg. Barbara Rosenwein, Robin Corey, Jean Delumeau)

• a history of what emotions have been taken to be-how they have been understood and analysed in the past? (Eg. Thomas Dixon, From Passions to Emotions (2003))

• cultural history of how emotions have been regulated or governed by social norms in the past (Peter Stearns and ‘emotionology’)

• an investigation of the ‘emotion work’ of the past—in politics, society, culture, even economics (cf.. Joanna Bourke, ‘Fear And Anxiety: Writing About Emotion In Modern History’, History Workshop Journal, 55 (2003), 111-133 .)

Page 6: Philippa Maddern

What sort of social and political ‘work’ can emotions do?

• divide a population into categories that may cross class, gender and ethnicity

• instigate and inscribe power-relationships

• cope with widespread social anxieties by replacing them with more directed fear or anger

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Sharon Crozier-de Rosa, ‘Shame, Feminine Sacrifice And The Great War In British And Australian Anti-feminist Discourse’ (an AHA 2012 paper)

Page 8: Philippa Maddern

What sort work could histories of emotions do for Western Australian history?

• open up possibilities for WA to become not a local version, but an exciting and integral part, of Australian and world histories

• enable us to reach back to earlier eras than the formation of the Western Australian state

• enable us to make distinctive contributes to studies of how emotion inflects contact histories between first peoples and settler-colonists worldwide

• open up questions of emotion ‘work’ iimpacted on Australian Asian relationships through to the 21st century

• put Western Australian history in its true, and vital place in the great narratives of world history.